more winners of prize awards at acton fair continued tram pat qua bull oalf ur hart w isisby b s orista bait cow any age dr hrt o bnelcon j x pearen twoyearold heifer dr hart w isuby j bl peawn oneyearold heifer o x orlftln j x pearan w laoby calf hmter t stewart o braeksn w isuby herd one bull and famalea dr hart j b pearen w iany baby beef t stewart o breckon dr hart beit male animal j e pearen beit female animal t stewart akatdean arum ar any other breed other than bharlbarns buu 7 yeara o hack bull call j mcallister o meek cow any atfe o uncle j moabister twoyearold holler j mcallister o uaek j e lueklnnon oneyearold heuor i maelc j mc allister j e moklnnon oalf helferf mballlster a uaek j e mcklnnon hard one bull 4 female a uaek j pare bred ilebteln bull ib months t o dolson bobln- eon bros buut under 10 months t o dolaon robinson bros h r brown cow any age t o douon twoyearold heifer t o dolson roblnaon bros oneyearold heifer to dolson clarence dolson heirer calf c dolson t o dolson harry r brown herd 1 boll 4 females t o dolson male animal t o dolson pemalo animal clarence dolson pare bred jeney bull 18 months t a oowland n dedels w d dolson bull under 18 months t a oow land c mckcown st son n dedels cow any aire t a gawlankl n dedels w d dolson twoyearold heifer n dedels w j alexander oneyearold holler w d dolson n dedels w d barber j heifer calf t a aowlnnd w d dolson n dedels herd 1 bull 4 females t a oow land n dedels w d dolson best male animal t a oowland best female animal t a oowlantl ayrshire bull 18 months wllberl nix 4 son bull under 18 months wllbcrt nix st son oow any age w nix a son twoyear old heifer w nix a son oneyearold heifer w mx st son heifer calf w nix s son herd i bull 4 females- w nix ft son best mali auulmal w nix st son best fvmult animal w nix a son cattij spicialh group of three dairy cows n dedels beef steer or heifer a mack dairy oow iui age n dedels ram iamb w olarfcson st son 3 e uoklnnon bwe two yeara w clarlrson son nell mccsllum ffhearlbur ewe w clarlcson st bon j s mtoklnnon bwe lamb w clarlcson st ban nell mbcallum best ham w clarlcson st son best bwe w olarloon etc bon dawns any other breed ham two years and over j s wil son j e moklnnon shearling ham tfrank maelc j s wilson bam lsunb j b moklnnon prank made bwe two years andoverj b wilson frank mack shearllmr bwej s wilson j e moklnmm ewe lombj e mclilnnon j b wilson best ham j b wilson best bwe prank mack flock of pine wool sheep w clark- son ac son j s wuaon sheet sfetlals flock ol sheep w clarlcson st son j 8 wilson pair of marketable wether jjimbs prank mack hogs boar bom previous to september 1st 10s7 j k featherstone t j brown- rtdfl boar born between september and march 1st 1038 wm plnknoy bon j k featherstone boar born after march 1st 1038 wm plnlcney st son o leach j k feoth- crstono r chomplon boor win plnknoy st son sow born previous to september 1st 1037 j k featherstone o peach w plnkrey st son aon bum between september 1st and march 1st 1038 j k featherstone w plnknoy st son j k featherstone sow bom after march 1st 1038 j k fvtherstont wm plnlcney as son t j brown ridge champion sow j k featherstone pen bacon hobs t j rrownrldcfi o leach b lindsay champion bacon hog o leach hog special pair young sows o leach b ltnd beauty of tux fsabi sheep utletib- sheep ram two yearn- w clarluion a son j 1 norruli sheurllim kant w cuvrkmiu a son j l norrtsh rum uml j l n rrlih w clark soil a bon ewt lun u ur- j i norrlsh w clariuuiu a fcxm sluurltnk km w chv k- ti v sn j l norrlsh fwi uimo- j l ni rrtih w clurk un a axm ikil luiii v clark i v hoi uit ew w clarkvii t iu lonjc uoollraj shcp anv other llrrml hum tw urtv junuti ultlt 11am utmb- joiius ultlt kvi ul 1ui jlltlh 1 lllua blutirlliik fiwt- juliet utlh jqwi isiunb- jamcut utui bool itam in claiuv jnnnw uitk beat ewe in cliuu junuw uttu flock of umtf w tolleri sluv v olarksmtn a bon j l norrlsh oxford ikrmii jiom two rarn kkivwikki lury and oiru cuui fc harboui slhttrltilk itum hwkuhxl uk- ulitl olrla cluh f uarthmit ham limb kxj khi ik mrt oirls club b harbour b iw ir am iu hwxxxl lo9 ami ill n t lut h lurtxi i et li x ui ithku kn1 iuhh uul olru club r llarb ur sitvttrlm kst koikuiml lit d oirb club l ltikrlxur kur uunb a a ehix fc hurumr brol lian koucuihici iknt tt ol b clud bmt ew e llarbmr sajtolk ram mo vmrs w clrkn js sxn shcruil kan v curluon son j e mcklntum good shoes fo yovno and old r a rachun acton poultry rh it ialiuul iud cockw j aux imdt r hliodt imuiut r1 hen w j alex aiidtr i rhtxti iftliind u d cockirll w j alt xundir kh k1 ifjutid lied pull t w j alt xiuidtr t c whlu unhorn coclt w j ailx under fac willi iseffhorn htn w j akx and r hc whit limi rti ctcktrtl w h ltuirti w j alt xiindti puplluiii i duul fcc wllltt isffciiorn pulll iaplllon v duval w j ajtxandlr w h mc- lanli i whlu wuulotu oock w h mc- larcn w h mtxtirtii i whlti wyandotu un w h mc l4irtn urred pli oulli rock hen t j nrounrldki w j alexander barrttl ptiiiouth rtklt cockert1 w j ajixundtr w h allui t j drowni rldp bumd plmii uth itock pullett j n mirid w ii alkn w j altjc uidt wluti lt t4t w 1 milunn j al x imlir willi ktk lit it w 1 alixudtr t i lit mnruim ii u urt i wm likk cttkttxi w ii iilir vi piiptll i v i i il wo bin w uil wl i limit iulu ppil n luvd 1 t hi i rutkt w 1 alt xmuut i i h i itl k k k t rttl i i k th v ii uu i i hnwniulk w j alt unit r ii u tin t kk ta i al xindir tmi it u l lkuiuui llin w j alimuitlti turn hir is 1 l un turitlk uu i mi ithluul w 11 alhn tvixl dit ktntnt ilatitiui mill i w 11 alltn trtd dli kt ntiitr pt n whlu wimd tuti w 11 mc laren p i tc whlu ltifhonu w j all uulfi papillon a lhnal w h mi littvii kmn iiuk3 old mult w it allen w h ul4irtrn kthitt luk old fvnuut w 1 ml i w h it utn n kouti ltinit iui tidt- w h m lann h all i ktnn i dritkit iaiifc hvnuil w h l lar n 11 all n ku dinlt old muh- w ii mc lii rt i lulli li k old rmajf- w h mc lrt n ptkln lmkka uixj molt w m lr umi phtln duttj thiiiir 1vnwlr v h mt lorrti 00- molt- w m allan w h mc larrn otiw bvmalc w h ajuen v h mulrrn pirr stock pur of plffroris murray kcu plr of rhblii mfltoournr blow it animal mcrtoounir bio stan- ley moruch matched pair of kittens mfcriorlr butxm i a fine example u act but too little followed by th oyiur oomplrtaly lanored from may ttinaitth the erftlre lummer with the inevitable fote of be- in- finally captured arol devoured tub- ject to an unpleatant doae of hone raduh it merely horn lta irritation by prodnclns a beautiful ltutrotu pearl however the problem of the oyster la one that cannot easily be solved so lt la to the pearl that attention should be temporarily turned bkpeclauy impor tant rlffht now la the interest in pearls the bm which is the blrthstone for june sine- the earliest days of history the pearl has been worshipped for its rare beauty in the boole of job and in the talmud pearls are mentioned and at the helffht of homes power the ex qulslte ffems were in great denwndby the loveliest women of the empire while record concernlnff the pearl date back for more than 3 000 yeara and lt la quite certain that the pearl was known before then the first authentic record at any eem is that of the pearl various legends surround the story of the pearl and one of the oldest is the belief that the gem originates when a drop of dew falls into the shell other stories suy that the tears of the soda and of angels change into pearls aa they fall toward the earth this was prob ably the source or the legend that the pearl brings tears which is entirely wrong aa the old story meant that the tears of the gods were changed into gifts for morta men the more layers there are to apearl which is not a mineral but composed of carbonate of lime the finer the sheen or orient of the gem and it depends a good deal on the purenes of the water from which the pearl comes soil water pearls are generally called oriental and are found to be white while with a touch of yellow the tahiti which is u grade of white pearl with a slight amount of sheen venezuela very whilc or very yi how mart transparent than tht usual run of orientals and the australia a very white pearl with almost no sheen tin rarl treasury of tht one 1c war of biiroda conlalut stvcnil rurt articles loin ntlril in pearls hu ii us u sash ot 100 rows trf tht gtiru aa lht value of tcven of tin ri ws hits bttn w i ill i i must 1000 000 ou uu lmugint uluit un addition uu siush w uld be to your best gown tht ruli r also i wns a 11lit mt drrwii in md pturls ulid a rarpt i oil ptarls which nunsutia 10 lett lung b six ft it wide- tin value stl b u nrl known unuiorilj ius at t nil million dol lars pt rhapb tlu most cosu xrlv 1 1 m uu world mudiinn lillian nordlcu the world funnus tipt ra a tar smssed a neck lact i ml ired x oru on t ighu t n isltiind dog rollur and a three ird neck lac nf txqulslte ptarli piiuls nrust lt glvln lnulllnt nt ran hi at u nd jx rhplratlnn grt ase and acldh tjulckjj ruin vuluubl genu uikj should f mum bt strung with knln bxiwwn ta ji out wtll ku mil jewtlltrj housm who hundlt uiouaands of icarls con unuull udvlse that you should nevtr drop your pearb or tlirow them care- lctshlj on tlic dreastng toblt they should b rxstru n tvir tliree months i if worn frequliiu md the strlns should in ver bt allowed to bcome wtt when not wxirti pfniru should b kt pi in a t liw d jt wc bt iv id fjiould bt care fulh wiped u rinuvr dual ufitr us back to family with immigration red tape cut nineyearold gerard richardson who wns held in boston mass because of his american birth when his parents and mr m richardson were deported far illegal entry into united states was permitted to rejoin his family the rlchardsons hod resided at oardner mass until the deportation order was issued and canada refused to accept the lad due to his american birth and the fear that he would become a public charge he was expected to rejoin his family rfpestrlans watcii your step legends of longevity official statistics of the department of highways show that 40 per cent of last years highway accident victims were pedestrians there is a grim les son in these figures which every pedes trian should take to heart for his safety depends upon his carefulness pedes trians that- is the sort who run risks in traffic arc definitely gamblers they gamble with thrhyllvcs every time tlw fimb i jovihysrr the pave mi nt into the midst of n stream of auto- mobilt traffic with an utter disregard of all afct regulations they art jnimblrrs whin they step from bt hind parked car unwittingly u mptlng diuh or strlous injury every these 0 tlmi lhty do u thej are gamblers onlj oi uhtn lhr st 1 cl the middle of a city block as mmki spot u cross thi street and forjn t all about the regulations made tor tht ir own wifi ly against jaj w alktng and in thi fan of all these cry t wdi m di monslnith iih of cart iljsnuw n tht airt ol pedi strians tht blame fir uuiliu uhtn it oerurs ls usuall plitrid n lhr motorist vt ry of u n he is not u blami for if thi iedi sirlan hftd ust d tirdtnary common si nse he umild not hat utn in tlit path of lhe oiu timing car and 14m accldi nt would not have happened tralllc regulatlc lis have been cartfullj pn pared warninj llglila and other signals an installed at busj inu rstctionj m r i thi halt t of uu pedt stnan thai nnyoni i lse yt t uilv ore diiix kurded bv a very largt perrentagt of thi ihdestrian public dtpiu the grim fuct th il morv pedfatrlans are the vlctjus ur huhwa trarfic accldtnts than any othtr slnglt group the average motor 1st ls tur ful uie average pedestrian ln not some extraordinary ralaooneeptlona extat as to longevity of both ancients and modems according to dr o v martin in on interesting article ln the current number of health writing on thla bualneu of o rowing old dr mat tin says there ls ln our annals a long hat of men whose age allegedly far exceeded 100 years let me cite but one and a famous one at that thos parr was born in 1483 and died at tho age of 153 years ln 1636 it la recorded of him that he was married at gs tfhd had two children but apparently the true course of love did not run smooth he did penoce at the age ol 10a and married again a widow oge- 132 being a pathological curiosity he was brought from his english country side to london to meet charles i had a wonderful reception and for the first time in his life tasted wine ehortlj after which he dledl william harvey the discoverer of the icueulatlon of the blood performed a tmortem on thos parr but tells us that he failed to find anything wrong with his organs of this and so many other legendary cases of longevity one can say with as surance that the records were inaccur ate tn the last 10q years when our means of registration of births and deaths hove been proved wo find no such extreme coses as a matter of fact only about one person ln 75 000 reaches bhe age of 00 the answer to all this can best be found in the province of quebec here the census of births marriages and deaths among prench canadians is practically complete for mare than 300 years a remarkable study of charles toche and abbe tanguay of the period 16081876 reveals the truth up to 1876 421 reputed centenarians had died ln canada many of these had been immigrants or indians the date of whose birth could not be certified pur ther occurnte studj reduced ftie list to b2 names of individuals whose ages could be abnolutel proved by authrntlr document nd of iheec b0 were fnnch canadians 73 wre positively shown to toe hiss than 100 years old and only 9 have been gt nulne centenarians and of nh f lled our 100 jears tin rt mnrkobli lnstanct was thai if a man who lived it 113 and who had as a matti r of fart untlt resumauxl hi apt which was rivt n as ios at lin unit if his death ills ru n aged 82 won at the funeral franoolse ieenmple h passed as upwards of 100 ears when she danced the minuft wlui th duk of kt nt queen vl urta s falhir when h wis stationed at q lelx e is j mved to hav bein nl 4 whin she died tn 1793 tltk old story hoga i hear you bought a oar cheap how are you getting on with ltf oreen rm just realhdng how hard it la tb drive a bargain all explained two small boys at the hostel- dlnnar put their grimy hands side by aide on the tablecloth mine a dlrtlern yournl exclaimed one triumphantly huhl said the other dlsdalnrully you re two years oldern me a general tiabit who la that letter from tvhat do you want to know for there you are i what do i want to know for you re the moat inquisitive person i ever met no cucvmberb friend did you raise any cueunbf this year ln your little garden aa yem expected bride no the directions said to plant the aeeds in the hills and yon know our lot u perfectly level hamco ijfmf i mill ficnl citte mvncu hamilton tvnooucrxort ovtrfl limiud ha mil tom canada j is hoill d mackenzie son ritchie aau hamco now the lowest price in years ped strians watch your step is cer tulnu tlu btst of advice walk care- rullj and you ar mi rt likely to live to enjo your w ulkt onions 10 iirm and dr nice size lbs for 15c oranges sweet mid juit n ice sie per jocn 19c celery hhvkth 1 nrjc bundltn for 10c sweel potatoes 4 deliciutih klair nice su lbs fur 13c onions i celery 3rts bilmrbkin 7 i stal stalhh rt size crisp 5c tokw grapes 2tb delitious large 1 btrricn crisp c home rowa grapes heaping quart roves q dcikious and bttt oc flrm ripe ban4nas other frc1ts and egetujles carrolls catsup libbys a tomato v cherries 1soi btli 25 jjaiure5 best redpihed g n 27 candy toasted chiocen mf bones lb jw new honey 39 extra special no t white 4lb tn cookies vanflu snaps p tjtc 2 lbs 25 raak 0msrn fraihraajtml mb victory swfrt relish i 23 klok podid custard ml 23 fo cook fina oatmeal lb 5 oi bulk p butter lb 15 kin t tait sowp cereal r 9 ptttnon i sodas pii 15 lk bm old cheese lb 25 kallofaj i ccrajcl pep 2 23 milk t- 8 lbk pk d beans 3lv 25 siliflil lsmiovy soap c 6 sosp fuk ivory lt pi 21 c s go clu soap 4 ck 9 cleanser 3 1 3 rings 6flo swrlila mtcncs 3 b 1 9 bo to tissue 825 hlat comod beef vr 12 kffi mwcl whip f 49 wkol muss plcfcu spice p 15 salmon 215 prlnea rupert pink fancy atv camditn iilb tin blueberries no 2 tin 9 caolc brand for pics lyons tea w pki 89e 33c iqtwmmd iuck pepper 3 5 caarrmls hswxmi psa soup sfwc iimitid mux street storb closed wednesday afternoons free delivery phoni 158