wl v r tttttittfuy ifflmsafflir 90th 10m the acton free press vxammmm ar qvuwoef and answer i it voter mtfuborf mo qomtlon and answer nothing rnore c heard unld th petty ehat of fcflen in uw vlllaffe store jona praised the wlftnew of his mars brawn lauded homemad pompldn pies smith tried to prove hu politics were mmethins sire to nuke one wise yourur carmor oray atul waiting itood ila pleoiiant face was ffood to m daunting hi parcel one by one cracker and flannel rice and tea the mile about the bearded llpa the dark eyes tender lovtnfr light betrayed the truth a stronger small game to his home but yesternight smith loved to poise and send a shaft that might perchance strike home and ittny 0o asked his question with a sneer at hands that ne er a vote could bring the happy father checked a sigh and answered somewhat roughly no yet murmured softly to himself i wish in truth it had been so kay when he laid hts bearded face upon his daughters velvet cheek there echoed still a voter ko though far too wise the words to speak he kissed it as lie would ntonc for his disloyal item t thought thrice for its mother n howl eyes thrice for the low its coming brought but nil tbcjuwie the truth remains as times recruit come marching by there s glndncfm whin a mnn child comer and for the uomtinchl1ri a sttfh the rib ood fashioned carries yet its drooplntc curve unbent for aye and hiimuu hi rltaffp llct still tho ljind of sorrow vers nigh from un old scrap book twenty years ago the bane of the free thursday october 3rd 1018 tii1ncs work oit ii will rathi storm last unique for there ans quiu thursday afternoon september mcn mr isiuic benin tt harf purchased the robert cole furm on the sevmtli llrjc mr john watson 1a excavating for a neu house to tx erected on his lot at the corner of church and john si recti canada and the united states will resumt the standard time at 2 a m on sunday october 27th mr henrj marlatt who left acton and went to melbo ime about thlrt flvi years ago was in uiwn last week mr marlatt was a brlcker layer and made the bricks lth which the methodist ohurch and the factor of the canada o love works were erected the pair night concert the usuul climax to acton 5 bin pall fair wo wi il patronised and a rood program wo pro vlded tle concert committer has a nice surplus to add to the pull pair furda of 1018 s it ruin not i ni n d not bt rnust c ops fall and snnu of us irumhe tl but mimi how to s doubt it iteinih lit last that things work out vln i c wish it would uhat lh often should plans to wtoiis th sympmthlre and give any necessay assistance when the reports came from manitoba of the great success of some of the men who went from this community m their farming operations mr anderson i thoughts turned to the west his long ing grew especially after a visit of the mcorego- boys who seemed to be pros perous from the time of reaping their first crop and he decided to give up plastering and go west this he flnally put into effect one aprlngrabout forty- five j ears ago he went out to hartney bought a farm there and like his old nelghbos he prospered in the course of time he became a uenlthy mnn and took the world easier but as is the inevitable experience of all men his time came vtlay down the things of this life and about eighteen years ago he died j when mr and mrs anderson went west mr r b jermyn who was in the goods business in the store w hi re dad s hamburger now is lo atcd got married and secured this house for his new home his wife was mis ooodrnow daughter of postmaster ooodcnow of georgetown they lived there until their rcnnal to niagara frills mr jtrmvii died there u number of years ago i nnumthr an ineldtnt n latcd in those das at the xpciu of mr jormji one winter nitrut thiro wiu tin unusuatlv brilliant dlpu of auro a bon nils 1 hi who or the hiv ns ih tin nortln in latltudts ui re uii bickgiound of i mnnl ir and m i btuutliul phi nonu lion eonsl lot of u pit umni or im how 1 rhus variouslv lorrd ami darting from all parts if tin horlon ule bumwotidrtnrls of llfht of divers col irs lliruwn into i sol i r pnlpltut ng nutss tin mnlit was niiv1 unusual tin ni ijest f it was nlarmlttk mr ji rmjii had wed tin plmi mi non f r souu him i li fns tna dim and smi ilnrin lit k u i xcited and at lust rumied ovir to a in iglibo s d hir and lalnunh tlie i nd of tin world b romliim i in mm hum ar tin mkns i ii but i in did i lit world i did noi tin n nnr luu- it mine since tin aur ru llinilh fiubhlded the because we lost hiict wr h p d u gain berautc wt sultt r a lit u pain berutuh w musi work whin at d lite lo some of us whimpr alonj lift r wav btu mimhow as da will follow un night m st of our troubles work out all rtkht bi nium we cannot forever iunl becausi we mtlm trudge in the dust aw hile brrnuai we think llial tlic wnv i lon some complain thai lire nil wrong bin worm how ui iu mid our skj trows brtuhl vtrthlfig setrns to turn out all ruh i da long i r ll units retired u bed and n xt l tin ran and niornliik r jmii was at his stoft us usual s unir sulcs and trtnghama and sptktls or thread mid as klud as evtr to se his business prosper at the old suind and thai s nl for uits wetk ziplmrcd wilmrs an tin latist mile sii iii on tin in in h l pmtri ss as ihmoilst utcd 1 this ung ladj at i1 ilmd chl t i hi in w itrraitkimliil i imlili s h i d h lrs to i nj ly tin suicuhnl hut ii r witn ul hivliglognaw throiikli skin m l m hn zlpl r whin pullis1 iin st up it l hi skui or tin wtinir n w 11 7ipp rs an onlv t ittahel lo hit n is iv r in will lx happv mm ix ikoilt tion sh our troublt mid met l our imp ati nt drivers aiu diadl drb1iis wlittln our hurr slop tht average mo tor is i on clt streets and countr highways and ask that qutstloii tr to get a aausfactorj answer but you won l the5 are just in a hurr you iu find for no partlrular reason except in are cases the must take chances with thetr own or some othc- person s lift they can t pause lo respect the right of some oilier person s ufe the can t pause to respect the rights of the other fellow they have no time to spare the chafe as traffic signals jvalt them momen tartly thev grudgtngl make s pretence at obeying stop signs ttie ve got to go and keep going all this hurr may be the modtvti tempo or it ma be just ordlnurv im patience but whatever ll is the result is the same- death and sufterhuj that could have been ii voided but for impatient drivers ontario b motor accident records show conclualwuy the horror end txmgrdi which motorist who haven t a minute to spare leave brnlnd them last year iff people were killed and 1 836 arre injured because driven simpi had to travel foster than road or traffic oondi uons warranted tturt four were killed so bend u core for tin lotids nmm breuk and tin sxj grow fair 1t tin atn ronu d un as it must and will but kt p on workliy and hoping still fir in spite of un trrumbli rs who stand aixut s im how it stints l thiiirs irr out and now ui rest oni where we left fl last w ek as jtisltui allan s wife samontha usd ui su the ut x house mi bowir avenue afur passing tiu old time methodist parsonage fnan un ruilwaj is the hutnr of mr and mrs alfnd frytr this brick house was built bj the late joseph an- 5er awdian a1tles exported to europe of the total of 1 39 000 barrels and 2 36 j 000 boxes of canadian apples ship ped dirt ot to europe during tht 1937 38 teaaon 1j75 000 barn is and boxes wtn nnt to tin untied kingdom w hlle im ooo bun ls and 1 001 boxt s wtnt ui uu conlintnt in addition u lliost dlreot stilpnit nts slates tilt im prrlal ejctfiiomic committee a certutn quantlt is usuall u lipped to the con tment via pru in the united states no details of these consurnmtnts are however avatlablt but ui most seasons uu y ore unimportant all the dim t shipments to tlie continent in 1937 38 wwit to hamburg except for 5 ooo boxm ui havre franct as in prev lous seusons london and ljvtrpool were tlie two principal porta liik a hlikhl dthlitii tin valut of pnxliktun of un uniminlal ilsht rica if cunada in 19j am nulled to 38 970 294 coitipntd wiui sj9 14s 05o in 1930 tins totals riprestnt uie valut of uit hsh lut markt ted whttlur sold for con sumption frcmi r as tnnntd smoked oi diiid tlie sn ilslu rle- contributed 3l0a4oi7 or un total lroductlon whlli the itilund rish rli s accounted or 6 99j 247 thi total quanltj of tlsh of all kinds intjudnui htnll nsh uiulu and landed 3 33fi coo b cunadlun hslu nitji duruig the year was 10 918 048 r and hit value at un point if landlru was i3 194 64- conipured with a mtch or 11 obs 279 twt will a liuidiil valut of 2 083 550 in lh preceding ur riila slims an i avrai alut at the point of landing of 2 12 pr cwt cimpund wiui 199 pr cwt in 1931 dtraon and stands in w hat was once of entry for canadian apples in the thomas c moore s garden or rather mrs moore a garden for she and ponny equivalent u did most of the work tht re mr moore btliig too busy cutun shinfclea and otlit r mill work mr andt rsoii boujfht this pniprt fioin mr moore awa back well nigh slxtv veors ur in those dv- mr ancvrson was a buj and pnwiprn us plasten ht built oils brik house and tfce and his wift christina kutli lived w r huppilj uiere tor seviral wars the had m children or uirir own but aqopud u niece kutit and gave her just such n home as if ahe had been un tr own one day mrs an draon was hanging out the clothes in the inter when she unfonunatelv sllp- lxl on the lee and fra lured her thigh tina otxldrnt kepi hey bedfast for maiu but ihe was always most patient united kingdom london s receipts were 1916 000 boxea or about 3u per cent of the total as against 9m0o0 boxes r 25 per cent in 1936 37 while liverpool took 1720 000 boxes i about 27 per cent of the total ul com jwrlson wiui 1 260 000 boxes or about 33 i r tx nl in the previous season arrivals ut olasgitw lncnased from b35 000 boxes in 103637 to 066 000 boxes in 1037 j8 ttiert was also an lncreaat ui arrivals at all other main porta in eluding kewcosue manchester cardiff southampton and bristol huu mo appreciation and b4o mjured because drivera coukd not lr murmurum snd appreciated greatly ty behind the car ahead for another minute porta ht trr killed and an other 4m injured because motoruta had not time to wait until they got around a curve or over a hul before passing the ether car sixty ave more died and 126 more were injured because drive- could not malt for m train to pas the croaslng many tmas drum had tm time ui wait for trartu suruau to ohnge so hry baxged tlirvutgh red ithu and injured peocatrntiu ht tho mhl the were sale roastng on the rern ttutt tut if anftdmta imiireaslie a 11 u u mb pun if uw udkuimnt jut could be drawn up against ontailo im pauexil driver bu it is sufllcient u show he ivxni u whlih lhe rr re sponslhle ut need lew death and suffer- tog and it should be sufficient to remind motorists that life and umb are more valuable than minutest and seconds and that m these umea pauence is more than a virtue a moments thought may save a ufe so be thoughtful the tlsits ofj her neighbor who called picobac pipc tobacco for a mild cook smoke a famous artlat invited a humorist ui his studio u er a painting he was just nulshlng tlie humorist examined the canvas for some time in surncr then said i d do hi with that clovd if i were you and extended a hand careleasl toward one corner of the picture as tlunjgh to smudge out u loud effect the srut cried out nervousl oad sir b cueful don t tm ore the paint is still wt oh uiat doeod t mader said uie other i ve pit glove on british columbin b nason of its salmon llshirj is nrst among tlic pro- v uios in tirder of valut of pxiducts and is followed b nttvu scotia with its important lobsu and cod fisheries the vulu or output of uu british columbia fisheries ul 1037 was 16 155439 or 41 pt r cejil of uie uilal for canada and uie value or the nova ixotla nsherlea was i9 22d834 ot 24 per c nt of the uud new brunswick is third in order or value and ontario is not far behind the principal klnda of fish those wiui on individual value of pmduclon if one million dollar or oven are in irdir o value salmon rter cod ht r ring whitensh halibut sardine hod docjc pickerel and trtnit chief of thee is uie salnn n wiui u value ui 1937 of 12 370 219 of which sb per cent is credited u britlah columbia com par ed with oit preceding year the salmon nshery shows a decrease in quantity of catch of 3m491 cat and a decrease in marketed value of 1497 204 tho lob ster flshet held second place with a value of 4 633 429 in 1937 while third p ace went to the cod flsherv which liad a value of 3 140 230 the sea fisheries claim the lobster ood halibut sardine haddock and most of the quantities of salmon and herring caught while from uie inland waters of uie dominion come uie whit flsli pickeiel trout and smal qujiititwj ii salmon and herring on the auaiiuc coast the lobslc ind cod i fisheries are ot chief uihr snoe and on the pacific ur salrrum ha out and h rr hx uiui uinr t it i t iiii i results circulars and reader interest a war i on in nianv district- aaint advert iiiiir irrulir- iwinu ditrilnilcd in corridor and on verandah until they lc- comc a iiiiiinir indeed so much of a iiiiisant c that llicv are never looked al verv ipiicklv lliey are collected and con signed to the incinerator ii an advertiser wants lo reach the public the first lliin he nuist consider is the medium and that medium must have reader interest how many read circulars how nianv of tlie homes in which the free press enters reads thi newspaper every ineinher of tlie family they read every page and all that is on every page coiimmjueiitly the advertisements cannot escape their attention without reader interest any advertis ing medium hascoinparatively little value theres a reason why you instinctive ly turn to the merchant who advertises when vou want dependable merchandise at reasonable prices advertising huilds his sales increases his business the lower margin of profit on each sale is passed on to you when you see a local storekeepers ad in your home town paper you can be sure he has considered the buyers interest as well as his own i the acton free press phone 174 acton muggs and skeeltr a nyc dioot jim mid ultiw tnrac in uw bottom or hi um jl i pu u a uan iwltlu door tfa you haw as mm bo bui paopk win jump in tor ban 1 vban ta an a vumat kre itou oim6 witvl it i m taclmi it ovtrtd the airptt to gle t to mlaa wes a pilot v see tviiv ul tmimg tells tue weatuer ip tv cirl ctaigs xjt cf twt ilcotijr mcakls fajr vvvn w m if i the v itcaisoot sav ccclskit tvjat tiiey vfe 6ct au ktmt3b of weather instromemts at the aicr3rt intim itwuflojel by wally bishop vfe but mother jl tri it waxit walfv- j v