the acton free press nnnujday tmrwami aji tm xt wstless ef blrtlia uvrlifm ea ivtsls- m teas u tale eelma vltltmi ekim llmmruai hellms sad mm tlaa atmileasl far pomvy bobn haiumna on wedtiesday saptaubmf uth 10m at ibauliiafad to mr and lira john lumlng a ion jmdbrson in acton ontario on tuesday fiepdember 3lth 10m to sir and mra roterlaxuteraon the lft ol a daughter cbnatance bdlth bauok on tuesday ftrpfcimbw 30th 10m at the home 4 victoria lane owtnh to ur and urn p j hauox iim beatrice kelly the fftft oc a daughter sharon shtricia married burmuoorc on saturday sep tember 24th 1038 in jdnutlne united o u r ph hoto- alleen daughter of ur and mra albert h monro to mr edward thompaon burnt eon of mrs burns and the late or william t bum died elub at the general hospital ouelph on saturday september 34th ibm william rails late of rooitwood in his 3rd year heads tlanb builders raul p 8i8e pmu f slse montreal industrialist u expected to head the oraanlsauotref oanadlan manufacturers which will handle oonitrucuon of bombing aero planes for the british war office in can ada it la expected that the organisation will build at least two assembly plants and mjfltjxul made in factories across 23rd 10msarahclhertno uckeown canada will be shipped to the stations wife of the late ww c plank in her for nn aasembly ur slse u president ftoth year of nort electric company uoor1s at her late residence main street acton ontario on friday sep tember 33rd 1038 agnes lne bc- flwrrafflr in brampton on friday september 33rd 1038 ellia jane mason widow of the late francis swltanr in her 86th year pliank at the home willow street acton ontario on friday september loved wife of nelson f moore in her 00th year wtlils on monday septembexsflth 1038 at the residence of hervmffhtcr mrs alf loverldge 06 bathursc street toronto margaret robertson in her 74th year widow of the late william wills formerly of acton darrieux mayerling star in american film debut with an all star cast in support under under the baton of one of hollywood a ablest directors and in a story by the authors of deanna durbtns latest hit uilltar suddenly at his late resid ence speedvale avenue ouelph town ship on wednesday september 38th 1038 william miliar in his tund year danielle darrteux sensational french the funeral service will be held atreen star makes her expectantly the above address on friday september awaited american film debut in the 30th at two o clock interment at wood- p ot poj universal comedy ro- lawn cemetery ouelph mms mmm qnm in mcmoriam i rtre on frtda thompson lii loving nwmory of my i xjum of both the french stage and screen this twentyoneyear old dear iiusband oeorge w thompson wlm passed away september 38th 1037 beauty has appeared in some of the most successful exiropean films in recent seasons she is perhaps best known for john wiiiliam harr the end came rather suddenly for an esteemed resident of acton on thurs day who had made acton his home for over forty years john william barr paased away that afternoon at his home on park avenue after only a cmipte of daya of illness on tuesday he wan about but suffered a heart attack and was ordered to bed y his physician on thursday morning he suffered an other attack and in the early afternoon passed peacefully away john barr was a native of england but came to canada when a lad ot ten yean he wits in his eightyfirst year following his marriage to miss emma rouse the couple lived for a time at orewson comers and later at eden mills but forty years ago came to acton where they have been respected residents ever since a stonemason by train mr barr has had a part in laying ffod foundations in many buildings in this district and he was a workman wtio laid truly and well his last work that we recall was assisting on the ymoa building in acton ne was a man of quiet disposition who loved his home life and commanded the respect of all a ho knew him besides hi wife he leaves to mourn his loss and revere his memory one son ernest e of acton and five daughters mrs wm johnston of new uakeard mrs robt orwln of ouelph mrs e savllle mlnnlnltlki kenora district mrs l snyder and mrs wm ouynet of london to all or these sympathy ol many friends gnm out one brother joseph barr of toronto and two sis ters mrs jane soper cedarvale and mrs collins of toronto also remain the funrra was held on saturday afumoon lth a private service at he home conducted b his minister rev h l bonnie of knox church inter minl was at fulryiew cemetery acton that during her utnes every member of the family with one exception fred who resides in alberta was able to visit her the funeral was held on sunday a private service at the home was followed by a service in the baptist church con ducted by her pastor rev e o baxter many friends not only from acton but from a wide district gathered to pay tribute to her life interment was in fslrvlew cemetery acton beside the be loved partner who had gone on before the pallbearr were nephews ohas mckeown oeorge elliott wesley mur ray acton percy wilson truoman plank arthur plank ot hamilton flowerbrareni were velma murray laura held jessie coins albert mills frank vanwyck and mervln held there is a link death cannot sever love and remembrance last forever ever remembered by his wipe mrs n f moore on tuesday morning of lost wetlt roberts in loving qiemorj our mother agnes robert who passed him of the past year away september 30th 1037 two dear blight eyes a tender smile deep trust in ood that till wait right her joy to make mime other bright if sick or suffering one she knew some genue art of love shed do lovingly remembered by duughtcra her role opposite chariot boyer in frit nds were indied grieved u irum that mayerllng which won the new york mra n p moon had suffered a porn- clnctna critics prisr as the beat foreign 1 stroke she neer rnlllrd rrtun tht stlrure and on friday peacefull uua lu watt in htr sixty ninth year until tulsduy mrs moore had been m ht r uhui1 health und about the home praisfc ih kttock of her kuddtii miztire und the ilihloricat class at acton fair a big feature in the exhibit or pioneer articles at acton fair last week no prise awards were given the department is one in which only honorable mention is awarded to exhibitors who contribute to the feature which is commanding so much attention last week the follow ing exhibitors at acton fair were award ed honorable mention for their exhibits wm stalker john mcdonald peter mctsaac a t mann oraham bros miss ciipps oeorge bayne w a lasby fred denny john mcgregor n f lindsay p mcintosh mrs armstrong miss oraham h denny mtrs a b taylor miss masales mrs a e nick lin miss b speight w oowdy j wat son s h webster and others while it was regretted by all that mr n p moore who has had charge of tills work and done so much to further it was detained at home owing to the t r tical illness of mtrs moore it was appreciated the wholehearted and ready response at others ho assumed hu work and made such a splendid ar- mnfrementa and showing of the articles we are sure that mr moore appreciated o this cooperation in making the de partment so successful 1 xcrinur father iiu muh upset over your wtstfa lopeimnt rathe r wt thought il v as never kilu to rom oft tin hook op common 1038 rt vis ion ol- the church dinlll has indeed imci u heavy blou ui ol- fcngland in canada her husband family and friends mary mrs mux milne reviewed by red e a brooks mjl vivty wn wars ago akiua lane a ethel mrs wm craig i duughut of oergi and sarah lain sfc r in 1008 uu first ajwlocanodiun hymn lid u natm l erin township and bouk was publlshtd pruir to that dau nlsm v mtnirt rt joined in hil une ur othtr of uu hynm btiaks in use wdlk muni of their lift has been england ahert ue hoe no one mt in acum ulwre boui ore hgh ufllrlal biwik was used nou just thirty l est med an onlj win john years luu r u rtled btnik ol conunon ltis tiid uu upn mc huerlfv e ui uu attended has come from uu press and tirtal war and sletpa in a soldkr s wua on sali on seiiumber lui it is of bn at blow to both mum ui nou uuu tin churmuii or uie lj mouur and fattwr iud for ru committr resphislule is our own ulshup an mrs moore ha not enjoyed tht llrotighall as ute prt rare points out ll sl i hialth quiu a number from acton tuded lhcrp n b ln clntu tt a miuum h0m aggik aaany from this district milton fair on saturday nrrv iteatlng equipment in being in stalled in uw baptist cliurch the fair at cookjnllu yesterday rmal of inuttst ui tiymnoluy and huh lift uii htr tmutcsl inur thtn uiis a great wealui of maurrial 3t when health was mjoyed shi wus the last week of september and its iul callable in 10o8 tlie bxsult is u l elm th work and tor many had a fair short- of beautiful autumn uukobly one book that should gnauj has been a life membt r of tl day i enliann ue musical poruons ot our aer- w s missionary faci t to lh ioes i il safe in predicung that it r and daughter mrs ed lam a bruhant display of northern rm a g nttal iwial of ink rest hlllsburg and her family heartfelt ughu was witnessed by many ht re m publi aural tip tltrre are many glurl last evening tnu hymns iui iords und music of a atrung happy tnoocultnr appeal that rugby equipment valued at 880 was alumld be purlkularly popular lth uu stolen from mllum hih school during yomit 0ngruuonal singirui cannot the aeekend help but be improved one feature that m ill aid in uua direction is the nev tile jewish new car ruahuno chant section at liie buck of the bouk w as celebrated on monday and tues tin responses cuntltuca etc are poui led day of this wee us they are to be sung and this will be a great help u tlie people in the pews 3 on ouarantd trust cerhfi cartas a itgal investment for trust funds unconditionally gumranttmd thc sterling trusts corporation stcruno fowa toaomto delegation hopeful mill st pavement will be completed continued from page onsj for 130 75 for indigent twttlrtitfi in the ouelph oeneral hospital was received a letter from j k qnrdlnnr was re ceived regarding tlie arrears of business tax and payments tut this were to com mence on october let the reduction of an assessment of the young fnrm on main street had been requested but council decided thai they could make no ruling on thn ques tion by resolution the 1038 taxes on the warehousff cardniore at co were ordered refunded ln accordance with tlie understanding ttiat such will be the cose as loiqrtw tlifl tnilldtiuj rtmnlned vacant request was made for tuo addltlannl lights on church street tine between elgin and frederick and wilbur street on recommendation or the light com mittee council decided u maki these installations tha reeve and councillor mason re ported tliat as n result or llielr visit to the department of hlghwnys uiey wen very hofwrui uiat uie mill street lave ment would be completed this year a litter from uu number 7 lllghwujs association notlhed the ctmnril umt a meeung of uils fusoelatlon was tulnn held ln toronto on o um r 4lh ana bth and requested uiat anion m nd reprt sen tat i vis to uux meitlnir re vc mecut cheon was a4hlted as a dt legau to this eonvi ntum to nprtmnt arum the matur of trlnunliih tnrs on streets was ft for tin attention ol chief mcpht rson tlie clerk miktrtiyt ncel of ajits nors aiipptleh for 1030 ijst of fall fairs for the district slkkouniin tlie agricultural socletlen branch of the ontario department of agriculture has just issued a complete list of dates for fairs and exhibitions uibi year the following are dntrs ln which many frkk psrss renders v ill be inu rest d i the winners wc wish to announce the winners of the lucky number draw which we hnve lonductcd since the opening of school tho numbers were in tht tcxt hooks nnd the lucky numbers drawn were rirst 264 second 516 thikd 82 if nny or nil the prizes nre not churned by tucsdny evcmni october 4th new nuinhcrs will he drnwn nnd announced in next weeks paper check your iiumhirs rirht away nnd if you hnve n winning number he sure to clnun it riulit awny hintons 5c to 1 store sallys sallies brampton sept 20 30oct 1 markham sept 20 30 oct 1 aberfnyl october 4ui 6th aruiur october fltll 7ui erin october bth 10th no tw lie l t r th nk illk she ail but just wait until iu at our weddlt k jiitsntft a head waiter gets more than a professor fdmply becaiim hlfl coursca ore much more popular sympuimy or many frienda w ho upprc- iliiutl the it muiienum of her f rit ndshlp ktm out in uielr bereuvement of a family of tlvcn to brothers and four slsurs remain tin y are dr it t lane of sault fau marli john linn of qarafraxa township mrs n r tinart and miss ella lane of toronto mra e pulky of edmonton alta and mrs john maqwwbou hulsburg two b ouiere and two slstera predeceased her get free estimate on f qur roofing new pavement u jc ng lum u b aboe all utey will be easier to sing l bl williams henry of replace the worn out ajdewaik on willow u u are set u speet h rhythm btreet near mill street that erin mrs la uie emphasis will u on ue sy habits on gtm and in eah word uiat are stxenled ui ordln btnalui alia tj1 t bu t ar wii rruuw b prrt nlur1 uess in suwbia ute words tihsit mrr 8m hymns in tlie new book aa agauist tv5 in uu old one and of uiese 1w are new with 323 new tunes uddell mrs bumurl milwaukre muk write now bsmdrldaa sshi rsftar sasaare- z mtiell open hiusr tia proven ah enjoy able feature ui w hhli many partook the exterior ol ue fvwce electric iruducu buildup u bmg npauiuxl and a one new algu adorns the sast side of the building tlie turn ral w as hrld on monday ufunuxm wlui a pnau mtmiy at the home n main btreet conducted by lur listor re dr t m miutow biu munt wus mudr ui pulrvlt w from this it will be seen ttmt on 14 cemetery tlie pull lvurrr were messrs hymns liaw been dnipped uie best loved and uie most used in uie 1908 book have j 11 d n heed fred clea e henry deru y mttulsji all of acton j oordler been retained if oocasionaly a hymn iu d wm lane brln tew days nu ii u ceruan uiat others equal ly attractive will be found added tlie new book w iu n it come inu use will witlkiul dtsubt be cnuiuslsstlc the inquest inquiring into uie draui received by ejiglrs if one 0 tw i uut of joseph 0rdhurtw died ol injuries iir hwnns are awd an anuicms each leact full aw a sustsuimd ui a motor car awtdcnl wlil nu and uun repeaud tix ine txm street alton work oo ute mill street paving- pro gram has been halted lor while cantractor cornell cumetes contract at mralord m3tt wm plank fiilltiuf u rri ku llliuss of ainuvl mr wm punk slei a uu lumiie on wallow i rnda burn in era grandma always was a keen shopper and quick to snap up a bargain but youll recognize these bargain offers without her years of ex perience you save real money you get a swell selection of magazines and a full year of our newspaper thats what we call a break for you readers no wonder grandma says yoitve got something there numuia be held in acton toiughl srrvatktn on uu- foihiwtim tklitdaj no mosa township on aru ut itim mra sluhild be caused by iu uvtro dinuulu atuly aitd bobby titus tain n ot duttkm air and urs oorckai titua acton wnt thiw new httm booij are now aall coin prlar wumers wlurn uiey competed in many duterent editions with and to the baby show u milium ratr aiuiout musk acton ciuarns band took part in the bulton rand jubilee there on fri day last the band ore aiso taking pari in a band oocnpruuon at aurora ua 6ati ttiirday ilank had apem all of her life ui thl d jilrlcl bile aa a daughter of uie la e dumd ajul catheruw- mckeown in 184 ctarali cauuruie mukctiwii and william ilank were joined m holy wedltkk of uie ramuy or nine t hlldren th r tow tug survive red w of bull on alta mrs w j clarke barrie mrs m church sundrlrte mra j d mrdtwrll dundalk chrsler o ptank rax kwxxxl and miss barbant herb eagles u yir- 1 wn 0 mr and air wm eles ertn had the j2 racr u hu rt r xawxaxi ana miss bardan jf mhrn uin fr0ni these n twnyr new hlchway signs haw y rael road of fnrndi u crt ta been installed uu wk on number f ctxltrtbuuon uw u of a beloved mother her hus- inghway in acton the new sign posts acuxilmn m mt moukl band predeceased her in december iw are hvavter and higher than those form erly used good shoes m todmo m ma ma a n bachlin sctaa publuti if tiic nr had umrd u mr pl nwnbrr of hrr ruclc thrlr own nunr noc for a llr sin jas wuaoii pubucmuoa but for our information tlu month nd n buncd at ocandr pralnr on flrptrmber 3th j k actcn prealdrot of 3r ptank vma a voman wboae life uw ontario palra aaaodatlon ostcuiur i a a uitns example to many for brtur opaoxl ablbur ralr on ncttmj and atllton on saturda at odakarin ttnta n pcrforawd a lnr duty thaw an buajr dajm for ur kerr aid uua altar th buay um in directing man of the aetrnuaa at axton van- thlnga her home and bar church th w w her chief tnunata mot by u or leaifcurhu eaa bar iraar- aat tnouenc eneoded but ratbarbylhat mutt manner and mendr afatu of n wae a reat coaxmt a bar royal uelphs modern theatre im i ntil r nda rred antaire tiller kosen in carefree l mor qttls pkture nlth riltii beixull u stl rdy mnd monday janri canor robert montkomct franchot tone in 3 loves has nancy a mart qab- ptrtar extka oar oaa fmlks ef 11m saturday cbntmuoua froin 3 nin comdio tvxsdat clark qaate and kfrraa lay m too hot to handup allfamily offer this newspaper 1 year and any three magazines please check three magazines desired o ftd olid gun i year all four only macuan magnus 24 luust i ysor q national horn monthly i yoar n canadian mogount i ysar q ckatsroino i yoor q pictorial roviow i yoar canadian horticuhuro and horns mogauns i yar q silvor scrn i yoar american frojt crowor i yoar q parontt mow american lor t mo q ckrlitias herald 4 mot d opsn rood for aoyj i yor 3 00 super- value offer this newspaper 1 year and three big magazines group a select i q n wi moi q tr story i yr q scrnlortd i yr g jreo i r d mccelli i yr g marjaun d 9it ft mot g poror i yr g cfcr on horald i yr g woman horn compon om i y q collar i i yr american lev i yr group b select 2 g maclaoat kaegauna 24 ilurat i 4l g notional ham monthly i y g canod on uogai no i yr d choralo no i yr od and 6on i yr 1 si scroon i yr g fetor ol i yr n amor con fro t grower i yr g canadian horticulture a h magaiino i yr o oeen load for ley i yr all four only 3 50 6ntuan nclotks f i mm ckockia bala ffc ffor drd wits 9 for 4lbf4aio to fov popmt q ahfaaily q umm val tew mmd po the acton free press