the acton free press thunbdav november srd 10m mlml at bbom uarriafm ol bamlm iumid la tkli eahwa vltkmt ekmm acwhuub houma tc tad hi ear isw luiuaul aw mtqr bcttn oaljwrkotf orta- ar mth ibm to mr and aft m oaimrruht aeton ontario a m htoot at bt joamdva tfcapttal oaalpti on wadnatday ifcwanmrand 10j8 to mr and ma jomwi t hunt of aeton nee kathleen hale a too john peter kuuosd pbbbwanandenson at the home of bride parente on saturday october mth ibm by her frank lawaon catherine mary daughter ol mr and mr helaon andaraon a b i rdokfeood to walter oaruey jree- man eon of mr and mra alcrad free man moffat ontario died boob at the home of her tonwlaw aa walmer road toronto on sauir- sy ossbatth ibm huabth edge widow of the late rev jouph bdse and mother of mia a d lapan and r p wee j acton will onld the usual remera- ljrance drty service on noveitiber 11th plan to attend the rtwietntoranc day sendee on friday november 11th poppy day on baturday be rtmdy for the canvassers when they make their rounds there will again be a lleraerobrance day service in nassagaweya arrange- jnents are completed heavy fogs haw made night driving tery qjuiserouj on several occasions during the past week division court la being held in acton today with quite a lengthy list of oases for the second manchukuo tavuclng forward to the trod of hoi- ulltlh in china tuahto flnlratorl above new japanese ambassador to italyt stated tn an interview th a oerman newspaper in berlin that japan plana to reorganlxe he conquered nation on the lines of a ascond man- choukuo while using the united states for a model shtratorl also declared that british influenoe in the par east has ended forever hallowr en pranks were not serious in acton and most of the misplaced article have been returned you can do your bit on poppy da and no mutter how small it will be ap preciated one as ou ar- able 1039 blade and white automobile license plates go on sale this week but the 1938 plates are good until march 31ai next wellington count jail is over crowded there are 38 prisoners con- fjned there and the jail was just recent- ry enlarged too archie barbour weufcnowr resld mt of bin died in ouelph oeneral hospital on tuesday he was in his jevent third year a good crofd aucnj d the junior hocfce club bingo in th town hall laiai thursdm evening a good var et ol prttea e t r by the p trs mr and mrs h mainprise and famh haie removed to the residence in the perryrnan block and mr mainptae haft flord the stun in hi ulo k for his baiber shop the ljccion will ullerm the rock vood reoiexnoranct du senior on no vember 11th allien tuki placr ul two 0 clock a uie monument and 2 15 lr toe unite church mrs e e barr and mn k h dhoti received the guests at uu- duke 01 devonshire i ox- bazaar a rcpor o which was given last week it la legxeued this was omitted axtm clusens band will furnish mm ol tnir popular sunda evening programs in the town hull on 6unda it will be held following thr evening aervkra in uie churches starting at b 15 six caste arrt on the docket in the acton police court yesterday all were for highway traffic violations con vie uons were registered m five cases and fines ran from 3 to 110 for the tnfrac- the radio broadcast car of harry red poster psasd through acton on tuesday on its good will tour ol various parts of the province far the royml win ter pmir scheduled for november loth to 3srd represenuuves called at tax pan paaas and on others tn town with an invitation from the oeneral manager to attend the fair former wardlens of halton meet at banquet former wardens of the counties of halton and peel with their wives at tended the annual exwarden a banquet held at the milton inn muton on t tsday evening- about eighty were present altogether including reeve jos u hewaon of oolcvlllc present warden of halton count the program includ ed speechea bj a number of ex wardens while tlic present warden mr hewson also spoke mr and mrs amos mason attended from acton the following liuve occupied the post tlon of warden in halton since the organisation of the county in 1b53 1853 james young ibm q ohcnt 1855 robert miller ibm james young 1867 5b506o61 robert miller 1802 gz win cai 18646566 robtrt miller 186768 archd campbell 18670 john mcnaughlon 187172 p a mcdoiigall 187374 w d lyon 1875 76 john waldlc 187778 matthew clements 1879 80 john ramsey 1881 wm cla 1882 john r barber 1883 henri rob inson 1884 wm mojycod 185 j4mes maudes 1886 rotbaxter 1887 nln lan undsa 1888 w h store 1880 maurice fy lan 1800 p d scott 1801 dr a buck 1802 dr d robertson 1803 john husband 1804 john war ren 1805 dr s webster 1896 w o pettlt 1897 david huuieon 1808 qeo andrew 1800 george havlil 1000 john wrlggleoworu 1001 john c smith 1002 h w cook 1003 j o wllun 1004 j h peacock 1005 archd mc gibbon 1006 r d warren 1007 j c furd 1908 john mcolbbon 1000 h swuckhamcr 1010 m c smith 1911 john p ford 1912 j p arifrln 1013 e f earl 1914 oebrge hynds 1015 duncan campbell 1916 u e fleck 191 chas readhead 1018 a s por- sltr 1919 j f uttk 1920 w h mordtii 19il j r elliott 102- e a harris 1923 w a irving 19j4 ovorgt barber ifca donald malntyrt 1926 junu w blasn 1027 imward agnen 1 98 thoft a hlakelock 1 029 t l leslli 1930 w h morden 1931 amos masun 193j e m rettdhead 1933 w n robinson oukvllle 1 934 oeo r hums 1035 harold cleavt 1036 oco currte 1937 john irving 1938 jamee l ht w hun tommy hobbok the intimation last week that tommy rtobson had paaaed away was indeed a shook to the community he had been 111 for a week or ao and when his con dition did not improve ho was taken to the hospital in ouelph where it was thought progress satisfactory was being made on monday his condition ngaln became serious and he paaetd awny on tuesday he was in his twenty- fourth year tommy robson was the eldest son of tom and elisabeth robann and was barn in lancashire england about ten years ago he come with ids parents to cnnada he was a lad who was a general favorite with everyone no matter what the group in the commun ity everyone has a good word for tommy rabsan for three years he has been a member of s albans choir he was a lancecorporal in the local unit of the halton rifles he played goal for the millionaires in the rural hockey league and was the ever- faithful stick boy for the intermediate hooucey team in the band he was the boss drumnnr a wllungneas and a smile to do the tad lus hand found to do ohnractcrbxd this young man and made him tot loved bj all only twentythree but he had won a place in many hearts father mother his brothers harold and jack and little nora nil have deep empathy from evcryoiu in the com munlty tn the loss of a son and brother beloved his klndluirsn and linlpfulness in the home was of the twunt wiling ness as was shown everywhere he has been an employee of the welting dc partment at the bturdmarc co plant and rds fellow workmen alsospeax high ly of him the funeral was held on prkla aftcr- 1 oon whin u service wan held at the home and a largcl attended strvlci followed in s albans church in charge or rev e a brooks and rev e m morrow the local company of the lome scots and the acton citizen band attended in a bod three irnm bers of each of thiso organlzatl tu uct ing us pallbearers fellow employees from the wilting department carried the flowtrb and two of his mates ut work carried his drum draped a multary funeral service was conducted at the graveide tn foirvtcw cemeury among tlu floral tributes that bore tefitlmon to the esteem in which he was held wen those from mr and mrs sproau and ircnt st thomas mt and mrs geo yates and family toronto mr and mrs w muddox mr and mrs geo green mr and mrs waltu ml- hugh mr and mrs geo lazcnby doroth and george mr and mrs chas lansborough lcn and gordon laveuv dlrectors and staff of bcardmore sl co fellow workers in bturdmort welting department bcardmore employees s albiin b church chair millionaire hoc kt club acton hockt club acton citizens bund no 10 platoon c com pun lonit scots and tht family prospects bright for the acton short courses tuesday november wnd u opening day for the three month short oouraea in agriculture and home boonomto to be held in acton states agrloultural re- preaentattve j r whltelook proapeou are bright according to mr whitelock for excellent attedanoe in both classes according to report itequealig bra- moaa orln and kashagaweya townships and acton will all be weq repnnutnted it is rather significant he stated when being interviewed that uinost without exception those who have al- tady expressed their intention of en rolling had sisters brothers or close fi lends attend the courses hejd here six jears ago theso former short course sludentii are such strong boosters of the picvlous courses that the younger mem bers or their respective families are keen to take advantage of the couses to be held this winter in addition to the immediate vl inlty reports indicate that carloads will drive dally from evurton rockwood oeorao- town and dublin acton too promises to have a numbeir out and inasmuch as there are no age limits several older lodes have already expressed their in ten tlon of attending regularly oiscriminatinci all those who would like to go to heaven said the sunday schoolteaoher please nuse their hands all did except one why johnnie xclnlmcd the teach er wouldn t you like to go to heaven now said johnnie not if thai bunch 1a go in a uecouuection glndys i hhuddcr whin i thin of my ihlrtlith blrthdu pamello wh dear what happened ambassador to rerun uovkrnmrnt fltfarantekn mirtnffy nincw war lifta tim ifcttnlnlfm tivetnmeni luia guiv- luihed bolli prim ll stul interest u lfwiftl0j ut luitida ismim in behalf nf thn 7niin4tlsti nit 1 111 hallways in nddlllnii ihinds lit tits amount of slb- 0 14 j have iimii ifiisrshlertl as from 1021 as ui intwiiml only oovernmenl iniarauteea of railway bonds tkith rln1ml and interest have grown from km two ooo at the lginnlng or uh war in 1 01 4 the appointment or rdbrrl coulandre as new french ambassador to oerman y has been approved by the nasi govern ment he will succeed andre francois ponset who will take over the duties of french ambassador in rome special suit liftht conts ca minn dclhscs oafc eateivs clbankrs dyers monriny vcdncftdny friday h mainirla7e ajrent what a boy ax 1ulnt wllcom sutnt time ugo un engus uk an american friend bito st paul s cathedral wlicn it was undergoing n pairs and struts supported the groined rol of the crypt those props are there he explain ed because the old place lan t any too talc you mean to tell me that the roof might fall in on us at any moment asked the american its not as bad as uiat what a pity- i wish it would yoa sec it would be ao restful and its the onl cliance gu list u bus u t of being burled in st pauls anwu lobstijts ioini in ukomotint tnikk whlu lobster fnli boiled and jn tht fo m ol iaud b a r guslar f utun if mtnits in cunadum national dining curt ikw variation curat to light tin ounrdu w hm workmen w rt inieetint tin tindir of u hicamotlm in th railwa ijioh ut mttnclon n b for g mrul ovirluiul ont of uu worknun on look ing luu thi waler onipurlnunl of uu lender after uu water hud been drulntd oil chsiovired thre of tht crustuceanii cruw ting on tht bottom otu m usured four mclit ui imgih how tht lobs tent got the rt ti u m stirj tht locomotive hud been ui ntrvlct betwein souui dtvon and ntweostit prior ut shopping ttu lobfiters were removed trom thr tinder and placed in a pull of water where the became un abject of much curlus it moved main prize baber shop is now located in ntw remise in the pcrryman block on south mill street your patronage tn the old stand was appreciated apd you will bi welcomed in the new loea tlon h mainpr1ze mill sunl eaat of vmca royal guelphs modern theatre now until friday you cant take it with you a motle qui hit with jean arthur j amen stewart lionel barn more edward arnold ii flv ut 2 25 l0 pm starting saturda for 4 day the screen k greatest heart wallop since the hump wallacf beern m1cke koonfy stablemates a movie quls feature presented suturdaj ut 2 00 6 10 b 15 10 20 whoa there say ii duee father looking at sons report do you know that george washington was at the head of his class when he was your age son aeo but he was president of the united stales when lw was your age popt instajuhtnts unpaid mrs box n our furniture is vcr uuuqu this bed fbr uistunce goc buck u louis ociv mrs knox oh well don t feel su bad our ulng room uuuit o back u colun uie 30th poppy day saturdav november 5 ipthr will be distributed b the duk dronsiupi and uuesicfc chapiers imperial d light s of tike lunptrr wear a poppv tamt wk rostacr a took comtuml nt i d me a fua tonight lm n i lug u girl for uie nrst tuiu l tihn i0114 with nu but sureiv i sia ix in a wu i no ut ul winn slu set a eu i 1 sliull luive a bttter clutn mj cohto kting xh darling look wlut luppened w qv first pancake 1 never mind dear it may not be a complete failure lets tr it op the gramopnone the man on this superb white charger is pone other than premier musscuni on the o caslon of the uth anniv rar evirw ol the mj-o- puu an police of rome 11 due u wearing the uniform of the rome metrpouuu police masstyiiannis itmmus pruih tractor price rrd or units range as high as h4 00 i toronui nove mbv r 2nd today mas se y hurrlh company tlirf uji ltd vice presldtnl and gneral manager j 6 dunein onnounced price r ductfems on its urn of fjirm equlininl the com puny is pltuhtd to annottnn states the mtwturk mbhtanlfnl llht price roduo- tions on truruirs and omt ral farm marhlner ttctle novtmber 1st 10311 t i the nducilona art ihe nwull hays mr duncan at a dctlr on tin part of the company to ruire with it eniilom or the be ne fltfi of rconomlcn eflccted lejrethe 1 with the sjiwngn rwmillltir fnm the pnsenl hhkiii dieretise- in pice of niw muu rialh redurlioiis on tractors raim a high iu 84 00 and in gi un blndi th with m clota d geiirh the rtdutiloiut rarmi up to 0 75 und on the open nar binder up to 30 00 plows hhou a reduction up to 7 00 and grain drill up to 8 00 arocrduig to stzch in his announce mi nl mr dunotn say tin compan u grulined u be ablt to inaki lriei ntdu loiui at this time and state s that from tht sub santlal tiuture of i htm they win be of material btmnl to the fannct who needs to rt place hlh machine ry wt havt a ve ry rt ul uppre tlatloit states mr duncan of uu dittlluluue whicli confront lh larnur and an un ceasing in ur ifforts ui provide him with machntr at tht very lowest jxmi slbli price more thun that our destn u make arming more irolitubu has led u u dt 1 ipnu nt i ntwi r in 1 f muchims hurh a uu piwir take oil mown tru out wij dlsc and thx ntw small pt wij- tukt oh keuper hire she r combi 11 which rtdutt s uu cwi tf ha vt sting b lrtm un u lif t 1 e nus u bushel this md uu m w hutripii aung ttt rriiruira are un inditntiun 1 tlu tilori thi uupl mi ui induslr is i utuut f irth t 111 l 1 uirn uik m n 1 rotilubli aai uais in platim m mfctals canada prtxlu ed 259 228 una i platinum mid allied mi uus in li37 more than half ttu world mtput of 470 mx ounces for thai ear tht suwxasful dt vehipimni uf the opptr nickilmlnes mar sudbur ontario hajs bet awtangu responsible for tht lncrtased canadian production of metoli of ure ptatlnuin group as uu orwi uf uie me miait con lain u notable amount f platinum metals and are the chief noureeri of the cuiiudluii output a few ounces ore also obtained trom uu- rivers of british columbia and small quantities are re cove ed as on impure residue in the re fining of gold at ttulff bc since 1934 canada has been the leader in the world s production displacing russia which country previously lield first place the otlitr principal producers ore rus sia south america colombia and south afri u during lht past fourteen years the price of pluiuium has fallen conslderabl de creasing from about six times the price of gold to appruxtmatert the stune value this reduction in price togeuier w iih rest ure h on uw possibilities of platinum us an indus rial metal has brought about u trriulti um und lnc tusrd demand l r plat mum due to its hltfh me lung puuit mid spttiric uruvlt its 1 freedom fr m oxldali ti ut high tehiperaturra und its c hi ur itlvi immunitj lu add puttiium is iliklin itu ntuiim use in uie indus rial ti d in 1 tie t v rail tnduitr it u ud txtensutlv f r eon tact points power s uhi uu nvelu s rtls ors fir hlsh umitttt urrs elictric tontr il a purutus and itu while uie hen itu ludustrhs us- palnum r uj rat r qutpuuut fir 111 kin nd us u tat ti t p du 11 f u pliari u 1 md mtr 1 id- h 1 1 n m as ui inuii f r in law tun ia r ls i i ut ir uu t in if a l a m r 1 1 ri m 1 r p u 1 1 a l l 1 11 t 1 1 u u d 1 d in ui urn 11 nt 1 t id is wht r 11 l used t r ins 1 nf 11 u refltur id m 1 s 1 i us uid ft r t 1 u t un s n r 1 uu e iiii is as a mat 1 ill si dt vr apn 1 nls hr rid uj rp tlon of pla nuiii mruajs lnerevuit rocn the low level of 5 000 oun es u lj3- to 1 200 000 txiivces in 1134 and tj proxim- i aul 450 000 ounces in 1937 i tax notice1938 municipaijty of acton second instaijwent novemi1er i6u1 an addition of four per cone will hn mode to every tax rulo or oahesnmcnt remaining unpaid f urte n dayn af u r ukr said lffltli day of november far uie sneond lruilulmcnt and it will be uie dutj f uie colleotor immediately after the suld several daya appointed firr ament to collect at oriu by dlstretj or otherwise under tlvr provisions of thn statutes in tlutt behalf all such taxr nr instulmnts of taxes pleasf tarr vol n tax notice with 01 wllr making pa ym1 t r j melmierson collector nazis succeed in interesting lindy xsaja rjm atcordltig t reorus i rum tlit soviet russian filers were unablt to interest col chu li uidbe rgli in thi lr much talked about air out during ills visit to uk soviet 6u li wil not tht com tvowever when jiijbcrijti vlaiud german lit is shown liere e iruomt great inu n t as dr wurstea- rieord oreajling german filer polnui enil hit rtstmg featuits on u nrw ueropluif at uit mesetsolimitt a 1 iplanr nka near mujik h sallys sallies nail u fw qawa tobacco teh luuch even in this speedup age nothing goes taster than money