Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 10, 1938, p. 2

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ff the jfcton free press thursday novemmbl 10th ims whft artmt stroflrebb fabluw evarr tlnn4t aatta oatatto i4 mt zar la advaaea slagu eijln k lutk u an wkaa diaaga rate u raffwted canotllationlvw fed tkai aut eft ear mb- eeriban pr4r not te tuvetfcelr mtlwtwtettaa taurntstas ta mm ktnr to retail ware evlratl wwu mav serhrnss wlu tut be earu4 to arrears awor aa eaaoskt mnm yet waless v ere soilles to null we umm st mtentw wukai the rrletfemtteuml advertising batksoo application maa aa gtooa in vsrteu colussa bmdtaff he althsugk ry sreesbtloa win a talcs to aveta arrer ths pee ftiu aeebta sdvertlalag to it estates ea tne iudntamdfaiur tfcst it will aot k lufcia far ear tmr la bay advertisement pablultcd ttorottatler als nroot of met asvtrtlsemtot u rsqaastad to weltlae y th sdvertlser mm retnraad to the free frees beukfmm otnc dulr slgaed by the advertiser end with wmm error r eerrecuoas plainly maud la writing uwree sad i that emac u any error aa aotad la act eorreoted fcy tha free press ita luhltltr shall aat exceed awe a proportion of tha catira coat a men adveruseasoat aa the epae eeoassid by th notad tmr heart to tha wbola apaca o by oca advarttsemeat g aklop bills utter telephones- edltorial and builnaib offlca rtaldaaea mir holidays on monday only one argument has yet appeared in any press comment against the financial posts proposal that all holidays except christmas and new years be made to fall on a monday it is that there is a sacredness or a sentiment associated even with national dates of secular origin that must not be violated but how true is this there has been no hesitation on the part of the country to select an arbitrary date in june to cele brate the birthday of our sovereign a birthday that actually falls in december the demand for the monday holiday is growing the press from one end of the country to the other being almost in full accord newmarket express- herald hospitals and sweepstakes widespread excitement prevailed giving encouragement in a good field it was our privilege during the week to pttend the county ptoving inarch many agencies are in deed today lending encouragement to farm activi ties after all what greater joy can there be than in the pride of work well done we oft times wqnder if players in games have nqtjjeen- idolized to the detriment of the encouragement of the youth of canada in productive work certainly plowing is productive and the ploughing matches are giving good encouragement to the youth to do well the task at hand not being well versed in the art of plowing we no doubt did not fully appreciate the work being done certainly it would require an experienced judge to make a decision on the best work done at the halton match furrows were straight aid even and plot after plot of land seemed to have been plowed perfectly there may be more exciting forms of contest than plowing matches for the onlookeiv but certainly there are none that are doing a better- work or giving encouragement and improvement where it is greater needed contestants certainly enter wholeheartedly into the contest and its no childs game an old question a perusal of court proceedings trials appeals etc gives the impression that with splendid apti tude for technicalities the matter of when a man is drunk has been well mixed up it appears to matter little whether the man can stand on his feet or has normal control of his faculties there may even be the result of a blood test a partly filled bottle of liquor may be found but drunkenness is not esatb- lished the thought in the average mans mind is that too often our courts are courts of law rather than courts of justice if we are going to maintain law and order in this land there must be impressed on the offenders mind that no matter what his station in life he is going to receive the same treatment for his crime as any other citizen he must be shown that smart legal counsel will not get him out of his dilemma our sympathy goes to the police officers who by question ing are very often purposely confused in giving a straightforward account of conditions dealing with a case legal representatives of clients are allowed altogether too many liberties and irrevelant ques tions certainly the present methods are not im proving the safety of our highways the sunday school lesson for sunday november isth the aaorbdntsb of human lote golden text whosoever lutein hu brother u a murderer and ye know that no murderer hftth eternal life abiding in him 1 john 3 12 lesson text exodus 30 13 matthew s aia 3843 exposition i human life sacred ex ao 13 under the sixth commandment ilea the principle of the sacrednesvof human life and every mans right to live until he forfeits that right mans life is par ticularly sacred because lie is made m the lmaae of ood oen 0 6 the command does not forbid the taking 0 human life legally when for feited by crime oen 0 6 many kill others by indirect methods ex 31 3a 20 maly a son kills his mother by bis wild life as truly as if he had shot her and many a huband kills his wife by infidelity or neglect the most murda- ous weapon any man or woman possesses is the tongue p 67 4 64 3 4 much that men call the glory of war god calls murder many a statesman who has been responsible for war and many great general will stand before the bar of god a convicted murderer according to christs interpretation of this com mandment whoever has hate in his heart 1 a murderer matt 21 22 1 john 3 16 he has the root of murder in him n searchlight of jesus matt 5 21- 26 the hate that leads to murder la es sentially murder fl john 3 15 the 1 one ho wishes another dead is essen- ttally the same as the one who puts his wish into action and kills him the dii- ferevnee t accidental not essential how man murderers there are in this world by the old law murder uos forbidden 21 cl ex 20 13 dcut 5 177 b 1 t he higher law of the kingdom anger which is incipient murder ta forbidden i tprms of contempt whereb a brother fecluigb are lnjuied and his reputation endangered ore forbidden nothing mope j clearly reveals the heart whether it is full of love or full of selfishness nvy 1 and hate than the way in which we speak about others and to others i matt 12 34 35 therefore it is by our wards we shall be oondemnml exercise exercise should be regular and at middle age never strenuous the pur pose of exercise is to get the body healthily tired not overtired a stren uous game of badminton for a man or woman over thirtyfive years or age especially after a hard days work is slow potson any toovigorous exercise exhausts you nervously and physically there is not much fun in connection with doing settingup exercises every morning but they do help to keep you fit without undue strain on your system this exercise in conjunction with walk ing golf skating or other seasonal re creational activity should certainly suf fice for the average person do siot overexercise in this con nection we are reminded of chaunoey depew who when asked what kind of exercise he took answered i get my exerlcae as pallbearer to my friends who exercise dr h m harrison in health september her reason luther and the mst doo tompkins was just going out for a troll when his wife asked him tf he would post a letter for her while he was out certainly dear said tompkins and leaned over her shoulder aa she finished the letter and addressed the envelope then he looked surprised why on earth be said have you dated that letter on the 15th 7 its only the 3rd to day mrs tompkins smiled as she stuck it up because im giving it to you to post darling she said sweetly question why is the letter s like soap answer because you use it in wash ing res tat ion of the grace of ood within us there is to be manifest a superior virtue in a christian he is not to act like the unnokemrtcs of mankind he in to be a reproduction of christ in all these things and to do them cheerfully il peter 2 2025 stop the carriage said martin luther sternly the coachman obedient ly did as he was told and the great reformer sprang out and began to search among the rocks and bushes whistling and colling coaxlngly all the while he was on the way to his home in wittenberg his mind was weighed down with his great struggle for religious freedom and he had been deep in thought as the carriage bumped along over the rougltv road but above the rattling and rtimbllng of the chnnsy vehicle he had heard the piteous howl ing of a dog somewhere in the lonely night do you hear- that he called to the driver the driver laughed and answered it is just one of the village curs that has lost itself in the dark it will get home all right bu his passenger was not satisfied he listened again to the cry of distress and then ordered the driver to atop one of gods creatures is in trouble god wonts us to always help and do good to others not only to our brother men but also to his beloved animals so the two men searched in the dark ness and presently found a dog which had hurt its paw and could not put it tc the ground without pain luther picked the poor animal up in his arms carried it to the carriage and took it home with him it seemed to have no master but eagerly accepted luther and so long as it lived was a faithful mem ber of the luther household it was not u handsome dog and even after its paw healed was so awkward in ita demonstrations of affection that luther laughingly called it tolpel which means clumsy poor tolpel may have been clumsy with his long body and his big tall but his heart was hill of ioe for the family which had adopted him and he was deeply loved in return once when the childnn were eating their dinner tolpel lying n the door beside them luther aid if htavm and earth were all changed and made over the lord would mill make ntw tolpels but they would have a golden skin and hair of pearls business directory medical dr j a mcniven b ffayttolan and satfam oriee and itauaanea corner bomtt avetiud and elgin street dr e j nelson phrilelan ana 8artb electro therapy pnona lev cott book the world remembered twenty years ago tomorrow there was great re joicing it was not a planned observance of armis tice day but quite an impromptu affair every year since there has been in acton and throughout one ho denies the reauty and actuality the empire and in many other countries an observl uuni hell motes jenua out io have ance of november 1 1 th twenty years ago it was termed armistice day now it is known as re- bh r uose uttered by jesus him- membrance day perhaps never since its obser- sell wee mati 25 41 uike 19 jij ance has it had a deeper meaning than this year ot reau tha con r tcmptuodl or lightly about hell we an the war that ended on november 1 1 th 1918 was ruflwtmb upon u character and w isdom termed the war to end wars yet just a few short weeks ugo the world was on the very verge of enter jeu plainly teaches that there is a lull of fire v 22 hv if there is no hell of fire then these words of jesus are absolute nonsense and the one who uttered lhem a tool cf also v 20 jthe been a fool the stencat and most ap- i by r j scon ing another great conflict even yet we shudder m hl ugulnsi us wc should nnt be reconul unen we recall now close wc were to war and have throughout canada last week as the winners of the irish sweep stakes were being decided a few fortunate can ndians were rcwurded with substantial prizes but there were other thousands who saw their invest ments go agliirvmenng us on so many former occa sions probably mot of them were philosophical about it believing that their money had gone in a good cause as a matter of fact onl about s per cent of the grois returns from irish sweepstukca tance goes to maintain hospitals the remaining 87 per c cent is pocketed b middlemen all along the ln e v ht ht much urittcn abou from the time the purchaser pans the money for his ktmcnbran n tucntv cars after ma st1 ticket until t reaches ts irish destination fvery scl uosc lo anolhtr perhaps community contribute its hundreds of dollars 1 his k um the natuns money would go a long way towards making up lr k us ft r ho wilt hl a ea9inh lauded ifa arflawtftc cait r hew founpiamp juuyzb ig66 ft was found hous1 1866 miles of cable had eleeh paid ouf of jesu chrsf if we haw a year- till pole tucsn 65 moats houas of surrtliqhf tvah does fue tqumbu im rt because toe mear40pcae bemdirtte sums aavs moue sharply making rf visible evem wrlth beloykhe homzort w ronged another that ht for the unit being beln saved from another slaugh ter thiil in those uho have it thai itit world w ir onh been postponed and so tht twentieth anniversarv of november llth has a new signirl- would deficits of local hospitals and the contributors could be sure that lk per cent of their money was going for hospital purposes not to enrich sweepstakes promoters sinicoe reformer i we rom going in war ust a u w w t ks ago knows that it was not that memory of the lasi slaughter who knows what part these remem brance day observ ances plaved in keeping io the forefront tht loss of that four years of struggle they have no doubt had an influence and surely it has been worthwhile g remembrance dav is tomorro its observance takes on added significance there should be no your d lo him lxl i t beck to bring un otternir io ood to have ought aiiuinsi do not rt tr lo a injdkl or oitui m lhm another muv hae in his heart but u lu- having a jum claim ukalnm ua 1 ht f crel of nmn an uiuuihwi ivd irajtr li lhm some broth r hus a just claim augaiiiai us which w luie nt t led we should not wuil fur the on that we hav wrotikd ui om to us to ix u ton led wt juuld o to him and do what is in our power u make hit wrong right having dont that thtn m should conn u clod and ollir our gift one should not allow a just claim to r muln uiisuilaned a moment a 2b jt i hi should seek ugretnunt with mrj advtru y quick iii the standards of th kingdom itegardlng enemies 3842 lxve should go out to all to friend and rncm alike the man who does terth4iig in his power to injure ua should b tiwi object uf our 4tpeclal love whtn we arrl cursed wr slwuld bless 2afz etottol used by a rt- juufiokarv krcl fhc pmlllpplmt l5lanosjuaim ibqb- jo- tli5mmai crtahhta- m boat drawn y iae- telephone talks in t fl e watson family iteve mo glad youre feeling bmttmr mothmrl the collesre cornea to the community interest in the farm life and the home will gain need for pcrsuaswm to attend the service now impetus in this district when many will take the locality it will be a day of thanksgiving as wtll as when we arefcauri wt should do good thxecmonths courses in elementary agriculture and remembrance those who gae their all did not die tthen pen nd despitcruil uaed home economics that are scheduled to start in m vain the world does remember acton on tuesday november 22nd there was a day when farm work whether it be that of the farmer editorial notes or his wife was nil drudgery little time was given to study of improved methods perhaps the labors remembrance day tomorrow it takes only just thtrtveight more shopping days until christ mas its time to consider the matter right away ekort to payer the more there are who elect to persecute us the more there are for whom we have the prtvutv i praying in this way persecution be come a means of grace a stepping to tne hie of jesua happy la he who takes thtjie things literal b loving our enemies we shall outwivts be son of ood and the heavenl father re turns blessing for cursing kindness for hate he rhakeui his sun with all lu fruilelvlng powr u rise on the evil and the guod to love them that love u is no indication of grace the stan dard of the kingdom demands a far qf the day were too strenuous but it is more probable little time to attend the service that the reason was because of lack of opportunity such is however not the case in this dav and generation farming has advanced to the state where its success rests as much on the study of the problems as the manual labor required not every production of the canadian roofing paper tndus one is permitted to attend the agricultural college try in 1937 was valued at 6884032 compared with jl tmztt az to learn of the most advanced methods this how- 1 4 108 t40 in imb i lo- those who show hated the um ever is no bar to learning the college comes to the wrsr in this chapter is ver wonderful neighborhood for three months all thn the ds- commercial salt production n canada dunng lsssl sr trtct will indeed have an obportumtv at their door the first seven months of i9j8 totalled 139376 tons u prrtctk in lovr to to rocmin u compared with i34sk2 tons in the corresponding u mxi wu fa period of 1937 i lukc e m bm to clr un piled that in all things ood s charilfr the cather of november has thus far not been of the variet to make one think about hockev or lot certain ireat principle of conduct true it will take time and effort like all forms of education in this fair province the courses are free the department of agriculture has made provision for the cost to be met from the public funds ut as our public and high schools are paid for for tunate indeed are the folks of this district in the christmas shopping opportunity provided full details are available from it just the same mr j e- whitelock halton countys agricultural i representative it has been our privilege to see the plowing matches are over and now comes the outline of the courses they cover a wide range qf time of the winter fairs truly the autumn pro- anbjecta your endorsalion will be jits as haarly 03 vides plenty of activity for the fanning community our liter you study what they offer after he busy time of summer and harvest j our aumdard ieb s 1 tnc word of the pwap remind us i but most folks have engoved it u dot a mailer of taking literally tumlnc the corek giving your coot and cloak walking two nvuea imtoad of one and giving to all and aundry tnere are underlying prtndptea our lord would have ua m tney ar p tonne wuh paraeeuuon and geoaaoauy aa ska man- that long distance habit is catching the watson youngsters are not merely a plawng telephone they are playing long durance for long distance u a habit with the wuon family an inex pensive habit that saves anniety and helpa keep the family together let the tele phone extend your horixon beyond toot immediate neighbourhood let it keen you in touch with faraway relatiyes an4 friends the coat is surprisingly small i msmrtli ims east st juse fji i i ssacr w mltmkmm aesra sa omsrvsssi i l qmmmc mf aest ens saiksn slsews years j dr wm g cullen l m c a thytleiut sm4 sarfsan office hours 14 end 70 pm sundays by appointment wilbur street just north of mil fittest tfctopbon 138 legal g f leatherland b a barrutcr ssllcltar nstary tnhhe acton estates fcpeedllr wound up court work attended to promptly olftee phones uw 111 suocesaor to h n parmer kenneth m langdon narrister ssuettar notary pahus oltioes acton qeorgetown over t seynuoks cafe main atrass ev for appointments phone acton u er osorcatewn m office hours acton tuesday ens thursdy 1 16 p m to 90 p m lnss on request dental a j buchanan d d s dental sorgeen oft ice in lelshroan block hours 0am until fl p m sthrenmis by appointment ou far isxtractlons xray closed wednesday afternoon phone 14 p w pearen dd s l d s dental surgeon oflloe n the symon block phone 20 mill srect acton rock wood on ice open every thussday afternoon and bvonlna veterinattt b d young vs bvsc veterinary barge office brook vllle ontario phone milton 14r4 f g oakes vs b vsc vssortnary bar oftloe and residence knox avsnno acton phone 130 general insurance we specialize in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glasa ituilvr fidelity bonds farm insurance annuities and all general lines of insurance filbo ocean steamship tickets ikading companies bxctjxent facilities f l wright off loo cooper block office 93 phooea rmla ifltj time tables n apian nationalsjailways at actoh going caot da h except sunday 57 ajn dlly rxcept sunday 9m ia daily except sunday m pjn sunds only l pas fler for east fla itop ui georgetown at s 41 p m gfisr wost dully except suuds fl 41 ajbt dnll except sunda 3 49 pjn dally rxcept sunday 7 07 pbl lurdas mly nm 12 3sjn sunday cnl ifla 1 1 s3 pjb standahd time gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard tims eastbocnd i to teiwam a si am 4j1 pjn 9 11am 631 pjn 11 31 am s4 pjn c 2 06 pm westbound

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