wfraaeat wwraumtt 10th ins the aqton free press mtmr ceip jffrrp fkrbii ftlnrt targ thtldoctor makes a cure by waifhr sujs award traynoft leaned op en the mu of the b ajoggfe mere gaatag at the fiearby tropical shore a tap upon the shoul der interrupted hi conternplstlno or hli future home it was the ships purser aocompanled by a tanned individual tn spotless white duck wearing ran classes and a pith helmet doctor traynor said the purser this u doctor tjtusey of the tropical company how do you do sir maynard greet- d his new chief his older colleague returned the greeting pleasantly after a brier delay the two landed and commenced a stroll through the quaint dominican port after breakfast with the undleya mfcynard accompanied bis superior to the company hospital where he watched the morning routine we nave only sixty beda he told maynard later uore than forty or fifty patient at one time is unusual a few are surgical cases accidents at the i ca mostly there a fairly constant aupprjof malaria and dengue fever cases various tropical disease make up the remainder u enough to keep you comfort ably busy suggested maynard oh one man can handle all thla easily returned the other bat the company has finally consented to ex tend free medical care to the families of natlvo laborer which we never did before that where you come in you can assist me when necessary but the greater port or your time will be de voted to outside call itll keep you busy these peon have large families oood said maynard tropical medicine interest me that why i came here i ought to get plenty or firsthand experience there not the slightest doubt of it replied his senior you u have to learn spanish hut you u pick that up easily during lnterneshlp si one of the big new york hospitals maynard had de- came much interested in the study of tropical diseases afterward jm oppor tunity occurred to become junior doctor fianto domlruongo as this would afford htm a wide experience with maludlc peculiar to hot climates he had deudid to accept the life was not unpleasant maynard became tncreastngly aware that 11 was also highly useful until his arrival thesi native women and children had received no medical care worthy of the name kadi village usuall hod its old wise woman whose medical lore was a curl ous mixture or practical remedy and outright superstition doctor lindley took a keen and aym pathetic interest in the work maynard found his shrewd comments and prac tlcal suggestions of immeasurable uiui particular t niet in a talkative mood the older man confided his hopes you know traynor there are half a doaen sugar companies operating in this vtclnlt all of these furnish medical care to employees if theyd pool the sums each now spend separate 1 one large hospital could be establish ed it would be far niort efficient than the present system it sounds logical said maynard most of the resident managers an interested in the project snd are can vlnced of its desirability om or two are afraid it might result in increased expense but it needn t w could treat man poor peon who no get no can tlte manager of osiibbran oanc is the real stumblingclock concerned she contended he was in a fblmd alley rm not very good at arguing my point of view said maynard one even ing after the two had been engaged in the usual dispute why not come with me tomorrow while i make my calls perhaps youll see for yourself what i find it impossible to explain 111 do it she agreed but dont be disappointed it i don t change my mind the following morning the young doctor stopped at snowdens for vir ginia and they set but upon his daily round of visits the patient resignation of these ignorant peasants their com plete confidence in the american doctor their courage in the face of pain these maynard believed would affect the most hardened cynic at the start virginia had been lively inclined to chatter facetiously and joke as the morning wore on she became quieter more thoughtful he made no comment his plan seemed to be meet ing a measure of success but he had no wish to labor the point a few days later the managers daugh ter volunteered to go with him again surprised and pleased maynard gladly oacnrnoii gossip among the american employees mas that the activities of oiu domingo rodriguez were becoming a cause of much concern to trie managers of the sugar companies rodligues was a puerto rican a more intelligent type than the dominican peons arnyg whom he labored he hod her attitude underwent a gradual but noticeable change she fell into the habit of accompanying the young doctor once or twice each week their friend ship ripened quickly virginia usually took upon herself the duties of chauffeur on such occasion sometimes she went in with maynard to lxit a patient more often she merely parked in the shade or some co palm where the car was quickly sur rounded by a gaping crowd of halfclad urchins with these the girl engaged in friendly conversation until the young doctor emerged again from the thatched hut he had entered approaching one day the most remote of the villages which maynard included in his rounds they i were startled by sounds of an unusual commotion on the main and only street of the village a mlulng crowd was visihk shouting i and cries of protest disturbed an olhtr- l s turn the car around ordered the doctor keep the motor running he instructed further you stay here i m going to set whats causing the excite men l a qui i protest sprung u lur lips bu ujrd unutured obvlosly muynard ut peeled to bt obeyed virginia munocmirtxl the car into a position from which she could watch as tilt doctor upproa sonic nnc called ti hli nanu and a moment y huih rksociulcd uloh tin crowd what goes on here demanded may- mrri bi spanish 1ui a moment no odl answered but ull eyes turned toward a gaudilydroned llgun front whose right hip was slung a pearlhandled gun encased in a leather liolster the hard block eyes of the native stared unwaveringly into the blue one of in slighter american fbr a full min ute before hi replied why should the senor trouble him self with matters which are none of his concern he questioned tht welfare of these people is my concern stated maynard by what right do ou molest them e1 latoo acts in his own right re turned tht other it la uuwlaemor jou to interfere scnor el lobo i the wolf this then was dutnlugu itodrtguea the puerto rican a dangeroua man mayuard knew bul he did natf alter w the name b famllar no asked el lobo mockingly as that of one who unwisely defies author u and wham end ma well prove unhapp whi do yuu not leave these maynard freed himself bumsntaroy and tamed towmm the ear nrirglnlairne called urgently ifjo homelddnt worry about mel- tfae girl had been watching events with a gradually mounting spprehen- ton which gave place to actual terror as she saw the doctor seised dreaded to desert him but knew she was helpless against these marauders put ting the car into gear she ceiled baefc itl send help maynard meanwhile had been rough ly subdued the outlaws cried out in anger when they saw their intended prey escaping shots were fired at the tires or the rapidly receding maohlnv butl without effect it disappeared down the dusty road maynard grinned at the discomfited bandit leader but si lobo quickly re gained his composure too bad he declared philosophic ally the society of the senorita would have been most agreeable and profit able too but it was not to be to horse 1 he commanded bis tatterdema lion follower vamanoa lei us gol muttered imprecations followed the group a they rode cut of the village with the doctor in their midst the villager were thoroughly cowed how ever and dared not protest meanwhile virginia reached home in safety and fearfully told her rather of the capture a few days later a note arrived from si lobo demanding the immediate payment of twentyfive thou sand dollars as the price of his captives release knowing that bargaining was expect ed mr qnowden felt bound to hold down the expense co his company to the lowest possible figure he countered with an offer of five thousand negotiations progressed at a snails pace true to his proresslonal instincts the young doctor labored to better the lot of the miserable women and children in he wretched camp of the bandits finding that one undernourished little boy with a clubfoot wa the only son of the chief himself maynard made bold to approach e lobo with suggestions for the child cure at first the bandit leader refused to listen hut at length the doctor broke down his hostility eventually he learned the story caribbean cane the company which had rarmctly employed rodriguez pro vided no medical cure for woaxcrs romillefi maynard knew bitter with resentment at his tnablllt to secure treatment for his crippled child and unable to finance a trip elsewhere for treatment the puerto rican had turned upon his employers and commenced the radical propaganda which resulted in his dismissal i always suspicious the rather dl trusted maynard you north toncrl cans he exclaimed are all alike you profess on interest in my baby only be cause yuu hope that i may- set you free seeing the usclessness of argument maynard desisted el lobo was becoming impatient hi was partlcularl angered at the small sum oflered for the young doctors re lease i think we send another letur he rasped one morning maybe we send a finger from you with it eh then tltej know i mean business i conformng to u custom of the coun try el lobo supplemented the pearl handled nickelplated revolver which was his prldt with a broadbladed i curved machete this he carried slung from his waist unsheathed the do minloan peon is seldom without this great knife which takes the place of i half a dozen different tools in an im- ergenc it also makes a formidable weapon this implement proved the wolfs undoing t riding at bis customary gallop later that day xi dobo took a violent fan when his horse sfrirnblftn thrown against the sharp edge of his own machete as he struck the ground he received a terrible out across the thigh his followers brought the sorelystrick en leader into camp maynard was summoned prom the way blood spurted from the wound he knew an artery was severed he ripped off the mans trouser leg snd applied a hurriedly lashioned tourni quet ilodrigues maynard said bluntly if that leg doesnt get proper attention infection will set in and you will die youll have to go to the hospital so you can send me to jan eh you like to see me shot for being a bandit maynard restrained his impatience with an effort i have just prevented your death he reminded oome when you are well enough to leave the hospital i promise youll be permitted to go when and where you wish more than that well fatten up that boy of yours and cure his bad foot i believe mr snowden will give you a job at tropical if you want it further argument followed but in the end the puerto rican was convinced that maynard was not tricking him arrived at the company hospital the repentant outlaw wa made comfortable and given treatment following an explanation to dr lind- ley maynard and bis senior talked with mr snowden the resident manager agreed that the promises made to b lobo should be fulfilled provision was also made for those or his followers who desired to work when all was settled mr snowden turned to his assistant with a twinkle tn his eye there a young lady over at our house who was very glad indeed to know of your safe return i believe she would be interested in heating the story i a few days later doctor lindlcy called his assistant into his office my plan for a hospital is going through at once he said mr snow says caribbean and oil the others have agreed your little adventun waa the argument which con- i verted the skeptics i am to be dlrec- tor with authority to pick my own staff would you like to come with me itn bt a promotion i the salary doctor lindley went on with a sly smile will be entirely ode- j quote for two the young doctor blushed if thats the case i accept he said i fakmkft got west or attoument wits wotobist fad exchange i they iind decided to nur t and walked into the manse the clergyman per armed the ceremony and afterwards gave the brldegtcm a word or two of ad vie thank ye a thousand tlmea men the bridegroom returned fervmuv ni cwlu fony i cnna pay ye as muckie i wad like sir but that au light that all iu in tctupted the clergyman if yell tak me doon to y iur gas meter continued the other 111 ihow ye hoo tae fix it so it wlnna rcguter win the irncebtaivn aif ord i calling up his friend have you seen tht morning papers with the account of your automobile accident and my death jeftery yes i was sorry to read about that but where are you speaking from now a oneman war against the pest of the highways the motorist who on the slightest prenraeatlon makes bedlam with his horn was declared waged and won the other day by a farmer on the ather- r bridge near orlula the farmer seated on s manure spreader was driving his team across the bridge he was driving slowly he had to the load was heavy and his team was not built for speed the motorist driving to a datallng sport coupe of expensive make flashed into sight snd snorted to an unwilling crawl behmd nun onconuhg traffic made passing impossible the motorotf honked his horn impatiently the farmer did the only thing he could do he kept on driving neither faster nor slower but at the same even pace the motorist sounded his horn again the farmer waved his hand to indicate he would turn out as soon as possible that wasnt enough for the man tn the pretty automobile he honked again he lost his temper he kept on honkimr it was then that war was declared the rarmer lost his tmrer too he put his hand to the lever tha- li fixed to the side or all manure s it operates a geardriven series of rollers which drag the manure to the back of the wagon and into tlie maw of tcvoiv big paddlelike blades which scatter the stuff in all directions the farmer pulled the lever the roller rolled the blades revolved the honkrng of the horn became a frantic wail as motorist snd motor car disappeared in a reeking cloud still the farmer dldnt look back he just kept on driving just kept on keeping the roller railing and the blades revolving the cloud kept growing the horn stopped sounding the coupe stalled a very dapper little man sprang out of the spattered mochne and raced up to the placid agriculturist on the manure spreader listen here you he began friend broke in the farmer that stuff on your car would have fertilised a whole field of corn maybe you can grow politeness in it if you can ira satisfied there s no charge otddap and lie left the little motorist silent en the brtript most peculiar a passenger on an american train looking under his bunk one morning found one black fihoe and one ton and summoned the porter the port r scatched his head in be- w lldcrmcnt wtlt ir dul dont beat all he said dni the second time dl mawnlng dat mistake happened new holder of four worlds cliampioiisliipb regasborne alice abcarta new holder of rout- world championship milk snd butterfst production records was toasted in milk by mrs harry nixon wife of the secretary of ontario when alice was paraded before 300 fanners and an impressive array or provincial logulatbrs at troy ontario champion alice is owned by osborne soger young troy farmer and graduate of oac sallys sallies opportunity knocks for every man a woman of course sets a nnit qualitr ftrstj economy always fresh oiocolate puff mj canadian biscuits 2 it 27 vlb pl 16 marmalade r 19 beehive golden corns syrupvl6e37 stuarts i and grapefruit bananas golden fellow 9lf nill size per doztt wv worked for the caribbean company until people m peace tluy have not harm the dissemination of eommunlst proua ed you andtt among tin laborers tuid been traced to him hi hud u n lumniurlk anger discharged tlien to you ijistead of goiiu else hen the brow of the bandit darkened m 1 am necrultuig what is it onions d lbs for 1uc i recruiting maynard knew meant employment however kodruruer tiod fled merely that the peons whom el lobo attraiung to htnuelf a wanted members of tils band were to ttw hill small group of caliunienta lx com offered the ddagrceoblr choice of loln- menced u sertesj of drpredatum very mg hl force or being shot the prac disturbing u tru huh no peaceful urn uoe was a common one munity j there are u n lw r who desire to join wu muynard dnlared go about till ume u mild nrnmiuou o uue them to trttir own affairs created at tropical b tht arrival of the ev of el lobo glittered the liguiu sinmhlen tu onvj dautt rr ol enar presumes but it shall be a he the ttbli and populxr managvr and iua demands release those humbre he wife aortal artnittos at once begun u ordered nodding toward several terrified boom aa one or the few availuble local youths baclvttors mavnard found himself in and ou senor continued the constant oenuind iuerto bean vou shall acompany us the vuung lodv had been attending m their stead tropical snail pay well college in america but was buck lor a for your freedom if not he shrug- ull with hrr part nu she was pretty ged expressively that would be a undeniably cleve- and modern to her matter for regret take him he com- flnger tips j roanded though she displayed no personal dls- j before maynard could move several like virginia seemed to take a mahciou fouowera leaped to obey their chief pleasure in beutuing the young doctor s the aenorita also he continued with work it was more than mere teasing an evil smile we lack feminine she insisted that maynard was wasting society aelse her he erred pomtmg his ume working among laborers several ragged henchmen sprang to as far as his prof eion wee carry out bis tnstructtona with a lunge turnips 5tbi table qualm qj waxtd for ec carrots coreless lbs for 9c cabbage firm hcadb c nice size each oranges nice size swecj 1 c and juic dozen liv swee7i potatoes 5 lbs nice size los delicious flavor aafc grapefruit heavl fr11t 7mitlium large oc- marsh bctdkss ioc emperor grapes 3rts delicious larpc oc berries snet wc bitter first grade priced to save carrolls limitid huwi lssto oil 1 bottl 14c 23c soap 4 23c now s ihtsjime to wax vourfloors buy om paste wax 53c ub 49 buckingham- ho fel mushrooms 2 25 aylmefl red columbia raspberries 2 tr 2 aylmer golden bantam corn 2il5 campbells tomato juice sr15 just awuvhd new smyrna natural figs 10 mill street store closed wednesday afternoons fre delivery v- cown cocoa v 25c aylsttf toatsto or vtsbls soup 7c x