hsvt- 3r i man two the acton free press tmmsdav november 17th ism hftlt artnn ttt pibb pgklua mh thru m att ttaurto advertising batiso apuatlos in mruu colum bdli allheulh error th pr eolnaw inch tdtartlxaim ablop dills mitar teeefhonis- edltorial wl dmlbml oftc bldne nomination time approaches in acton and other municipaities in which early election dates are in vogue nominations for muni cipal office are just a week distant locally there seems to be little municipal talk such is often the case when success has been attained by the various bodies and no contentious matter is up at election time such is the case in acton this year the council has a record which is quite satisfa tory roadways and streets have been quite notice ably improved empty factory buildings are now in operation a reduction was made in the tan rate attd there might be other things that are all very satisfactory to the electorate the same might be said of the work in school matters and affairs of the utilities commission that they are running along quite smoothh and viewed from the electors angle would not need a change alwas however is the desire of the individual as to whether he desires to continue to serve further it is therefore wise if you appreciate the work of a member of an public bod to ull him so and urgt that he ontinut to give of his talent in municipal affairs vcr ofttn tin sctmlls of tr capable men arc lost through failure to express the appreciation one feels constructive criticism is alwas needed too but there is no need to urge its presentation nomination da approaches if vou would have a well conducted municipality make sure that men uho hac shown capabilities in the conduct of other affairs ure placed m office take an interest in wir own affairs continuous to be effective john wannamalcer founder of the john wanna- maker store philadelphia was the first advertising henjus in the retail advertising field in addition to the novelty of his advertising he kept persistently at it he once said continuous advertising like continuous work is most effective if there is any enterprise in the world that a quitter should leave alone it is advertising advertising does not jefk it pulls it begins very gently at first but the pull is steady it increases day by day year by year until it exerts an irresistible power to discontinue your advertising is the same as taking flown ones sign if you want to do business you must let the public know it i would as soon think of doing business without clerks as without advertising the sunday school lesson sunday november 4h financial responsibility the argument most frequently heard against compulsory automobile insurance is that tt is an en couragement to careless driving from the number of smashes in which uninsured cars are involved it is apparent that the argument has little validity since insurance against public liability and property damage is one of the maintenance expepscs that the ordinary prudent driver assumes as a matter of course it follows that the mnn who is careless enough not to insure himself is likely to he equally careless about the rights of others in ontario and some other places there is a finan cial responsibility provision whereby a driver who is responsible for an accident must pay the cost of it and provide financial guarantees against future damage claims before he is permitted to drive again while this law may remove a few unsafe drivers from the highways it does not afford muen protec tion from the weaknesses of the car itself the un insured owner can sell the car and the new owner is likely to be just as reckless vtewing the mounting figures of motor accidents one is inclined to question whether the present sjstcm of kiting cver dog ha one bite is m the public interest on the other harld compulsory n surance if accompanied by close co operation be tween highway authorities and the insurance com pames might do much to encourage safe driving at present virtually anyone can get insurance on a car by paying the premium and answering a few routine questions unquestionably it is within the power of the insurance companes to refuse un safe risks but such action is rare a compulsory insurance law would tend to encourage more per tinent examinations of the car to be insured it would be to the advantage of the companies them selves to see that a car was in safe mechancial condi tion before they wrote the insurance ultimately it would work to the advantage of prudent drivers a man uho could not get insurance on his car would not be permitted to dnc n and the automatic re moval of unsafe cars from tht roads uoutd do aua with one dming hazard and should thus permit ihe lowering of insurance rates the printed word editorial notes exports i f gold bullion other than monetary from t unndu dvnng september last had it value of s4 shotx evipartd uith fcl i lis mm in september im the mumin t tht nx inter fuirs was tr ippi nutek ushertdvn with the hrst touch of winter incidentally the rter u inter made the ploumg how far an the increane gro according to a recenth published report on trattie cases in toronto prosecutions against drunken dn crs have increased 200 per cent in nine months in comparison with last ear the number convicted of drunk driving thi ear exceeds h far iht number charged in 147 it has been estimnted that so per tint of all charged uith t rutin offenses art acquit ted in nine months city courts have disposed of io drunk driving charges in im onu ts wer dalt u ith during a like period on reckless dnv ing counts 1 467 were haled befor magistrates conipar cd uith 1 mq in 197 what is happening in citv courts is no doubt hap pening in the courts throughout tht province the more rigid enforcement and drvc h lau en force mtnt oftners to rid tht hghus tf the drunken driver is commendiblc but u ould it not be mor- morthy and serving a greater purpose if the lau to control liquor uas one to control and not merely legalize the salc drunken men and uomen are a menace not onlv uhen thev are druers of motor chicles intoxicating beverages hnh take uuav the faculties of an individual and render him or her irresponsible for their actions is not a benefit to this or am other generation an automobile in the hands of an intoxicated individual mtrclv increase the danger that can be accomplished mutches more tnji uble b etltti ris in tu7 u m h tht i nserv uf remembered that hon of the oppi s t n u as candidate ot three on mondav utrt but it must also be manion the new leader opposed b a liberal kewstd regulations of thexepartment of h eh uas m stressing tht importance of making old plates unusable sets out that ownlrs whose discarded sets get into the hands of irrespnihle person are to be held accountable canadian gold mining companies paid more than 40 listmhl n i m fir consumable stores equip nitnl tltctr power fuel freight anil insurance an increase of 41 per cent over the hgurcvor iths the latest vear n which a previous surev us made sault stc mane sons of italv lodga deposes presdtnt who gave fascist saluw before ortal on remembrance dav thest italians ate the fact that in their canadian home the tutorship salutes have no place it uoud be all neu canadians jnpluved similar common globe mail ne i tel icll if the slow driver nau that the slou dner is sharing censuic ith the speed hend it mav interest vou motorists to know exactlv uhat the highuav traffic act sn about lo rates of speed it is this no vehicle shall be driven upon a highuay at mich a low rate of speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic thereon except when such low rate of speed is necessary for safe operation having regard to all circumstances stratford beaconherald at u time uhen all the uorld is complaint uith justice of the high cost of living significant attachcstcrjpjssa found scribbled in pencil on scrap of paper between the leaves of a cauhflouc- that uas being prepared for the midday meal in a london england uorkers duelling the message uas 1 k an eighth of a penny for this uhat did you pay for it the answer the london spec tator which reports the incident says was seven pence here in a nutshcllor a cauliflower is a very important portion of the problem of dear food bringing producer and consumer together is part of its solution i the sacredkebs op the h6mb ooldcn text keep thyaelt pure i timothy 5 aa lcuon text exodus 20 14 mat thew 37 28 matk 10 216 exposition i the seventh com mandment ex- 30 14 the principle underlying the seventh commandment is the sacrcdness of the sexual relation and of married life this eofarunondment strikes at a sin of an oppauine nature and growing with frlahtrul rapidity no sin more speod- il or more thorouahl undermines eharnctcr it leads u every other sin and is a fruitful source of murder it completely destroys every moral sense wreck the body and brims a hell of remorse and misery and despair here ond hereafter there is no sin the penalty of which follows more nwlftty on the heels of sin no adulterer or adultcrcu ever escaped swift and awful punishment there is no ffrosser violation of the law of love rom 131 0 10 the adult- crvr is the meanest lowest vilest and most contemptible of men all sexual hlna are utterly debaslnff they de grade men and women below the level of the beast rom 1 21 2fcl yet there is pardon in christ and clearuuiff bj the holy spirit u cor 6 11 cf b 0 10 he who would keep froe i i tram this aful and destroying sin must shun the things that lead up to it the i growing attachmtnt to nnoil er wheni here can be ifo lauful marriage the g once of the eje and the indulgence of lanc i2 sam 11 2 4 the first step taken the rest follous quickly 2 sam 11 14 17 12 012 the sin is com mltud before there is the open act i mutt 5 27 28 divorce is legalised adultrj mail id 6 9 these subjects must netr be made the matter of ft teph 5 3 5 thej must not even be spoken of but uith the utmost care and under the hol spirits leading ii standards of observance malt 5 i 27 2s nothing could be more forcible than christ n indorsement of tho divine au thority of the la of moses down lo the smallest uard lctuv and part of a letter 1 if we accept the author j 1 lly of jesus we must accept also that of the pentateuch it contains the a b c of ethics but in christ we go on to adtanccd grades the righteousness of those forming the kingdom must exited that of the scribes and pharisees pilar isalcal righteousness was all on the out side the righteousness of th- kingdom is u mu tt r ol the heart jesus did not hesltau to set his own teaching in con trust with the incomplete teaching of moms tht e is deep significance 111 his but i su unto you it uiols an implicit obedttnee nyt onlv id tl e it tit r but to tin sptru arid essence of the luvt ol rtlhwousniss until all has been otosirvrd and ull fulfilled iii our utrd s teaching regarding mnmitgi und th eils of dlvorct murk 10 ttit rt iiculc ilus u time uhtn thin vrns m in iil il lujint imphusls ujn n our lotd u a lung regarding marring t aod diwtrce umn un duj in which ui i lit nut nl have dlvorc- bt i uiih q uit tin exhm ud thin among mov i iw rs und at trtvs uid otlitr ihipli l ii il m rt bui in in tthut ts straiut ij called tht best sock tj tht j i ut btkxmie uppalluui common our datlv papers utm witji uit tmuseaung uroounls il ihe foul di lalls of dlvorct sulis rhi nun ho put auuv om ttilt und tuk un eher and u u mini ht put uvu tin husband tukl akt uju t i r are amtiri the most du tiger iu- rf oil nuniki of social a r hurt oud of ooa and mai wliut jrsus says lien utx ut mar nuge und divorce needs little cxplan uti m ti is a plain as da and dl i bfditni to hut he aas is doing nuire u w rrcit the home and to degrade and distro societ than almost anything els we lea n from the utterance of christ on this subject that if me pariy 1 1 lales tills relmuanvbi gross lnndellt uie solemn obligations of ma 1x114 v he ottier rwrt is then free and only then matt 1ft di the marriage relation u nwn sacred id c dt sight thai an oetie human rrla lot the mai or wo inun ho marr m 41 pu 1u i r husband before even la rr ir m ither he must leave ihem and cleave to tus milr tlie two are nu longer uu but one v 7 rv the atutude of our umt re yarding children 13 16 what jcmu saja about lhr children should br dtepl puoderrd children ar glrn a ver pnmil neih placr ui religious lite in the bible even in the old testmext ate deut 6 6 31 i m joel 2 16 this preciousness j uf children m ood sight u rmlhasjkd b the example and leaching of jesu he greatl pleased to have uietn c me lo him there mas terming 1 n c ass i a hocn jesus heart a em out as i did to the children and jesus christ is the same yesterday today and f r eve- he doe not sa of m u thr ingdum of ood but of such u the t of ood or as the r v put it such bclungvth the kingdom of ood is the kingdom of ood is composed of such young o- old as hijh- chid hke of humuity tat7ts- snd teachableness matt 1 35 and trustrulnan tluu it 0 he does not teach that utoe children ar in he kingdom by nature jno s 36 epto a 1 but that they have th disposition i ttuu fits and prsdtiposm m to i- 1 nvw intoftnation on astono bnu im a wealth of new information baa bean added to the ornlthologteai records of the eastern arctic as result of ob servations made by t m shortt orni thologist of the royal ontario museum ot zoology toronto when he accom panied the 1038 baste o arctic patrol on its 11 000mue cruise through the arctic archipelago and hudson strati and bay during the patrol 172 speci mens kprwaentlnff about 46 ipmaaa fll birds were taken and a considerable nmbcr of external and iit4rnal btrd- paftsltes were preserve in addition coior records ot about thirty specimens mostly of little known juvenile plumages acre painted several records establish ing oonslderablaextenslons in the sum mer range of certain birds were made notably a long eastward addition to the range of the yellowbilled loon and northern extensions in the known ranges or upland longxpur duck hawk common loon mallard mountain bluebird and greater yeuowlegs a series of horned larks was obtained with a view to throw ing light on the detailed classification ot this widely distributed species due to the foot that the time spent at each post was too brief for overland trips of any great distance mr shortt hod little opportunity to conduct inves tigations on the part played by the birds in the economic life of the natives the presence of large numbers of sleddogs which undoubtedly affect the number of nesting birds about the posts also hindered investigations however by questioning missionaries hudson s bay company officials and members of the royal canadian mounted police mr shortt gained the impression that the eskimos do not depend to any great extent on blrdtlfc during normal times but in times of stress the birds provide a reserve food supply therefore exist ing laus for the protection of bird life probably work hule or no hardship upon the natives excellent opportunities for ornllhol ogtcal studies xlst in certain parts of the bostcm arctic according to mr shorlt ml ho also brought back interest ing information concerning the tittle known kumlicn gull i oeive it let us seek out as man children as ai can and bring them to jesus blttkb bust oontbol at vaiioabtual under the direction of uw forust ser vice of the department of mine and resources ottawa measures for th control of whlt pin buster rust ware initiated last surnmer in a one young plantation or red and white pine crow ing on a part of the extensive sand plains ot the dominion rirest experi ment station at valcartler pq white pine in the plantation which was set out 4n 10334 and 1035 number about 300000 and the young trees are growing rapidly many or them having attained a height or three feet while pine blister rust is a fungous disease probably of asiatic origin which was brought into canada from europe obout 1007 on imported white pine nurs ery stock it is caused by a fungus which passes part ot its ufa eyolg in the bark of the white pine tree and part on the leaves of the gooseberry and currant bush the fungus enters a plno tree by way of the needles and from there moves downwards into ths bark for about three years after the tree has become infected there is no conspicuous evidence of tho disease but after that time the affected port of the limb swells ond tho edges of the diseased area as sume a characteristic dull yellowish green lo orange color during may and june conspicuous orange yellow blisters break through the bark when mature the blisters burst and the spores or seeds are carried by the wind to the gooseberry and currant bushes where the second stage of their life bj passed consequently if no gooseberry and cur- runt bushes afv permitted to grow with in n milt of the ptnc lorest the apnad of th blisl r rust la prevented duo to the lock of tntcrmtdiary host plants noecsrar for the completion of its life cych in o di r ui safeguard the young white 1 liu in liu villi urttir urea a project v as s irtea lasl august to rodlcitt all cui runt und mks tx rrv bushts u lihln the iifi n hits pr kvss known as the iniliil c nl 1 1 in aim nt lias letn t und f om data bused on j tars of ix perk nit in hit unlud suites u bt praetlt tbu uttclmi and incxpcnslv wlx n tin project a huh w 11 requln uboql lhrv ytars is completed the fun st m r lei is cuiiltui nt no further loss frt in blister rust need bt feared at alcurtu r forest fcjtpt runt nt mallon business directory f jhjeoical dr j a mcniven pfeytlelsn and swiaaa office and residence corner avenue and elgin btrwt dr e j nelson physician and bargasn electro therapy phona dr wm g cullen l m c a physician and sargaba office houri 14 and 70 pm sundays by appointment wilbur btrreujust north or m1u fitraat- tewphora im leqal c f leatherlano b a rarruler saltcltor notary ramto acton estates speedily wound up court work attended to promptly office tt rbenea rcstdenea lft fiuecessor to h n farmer kennethm langdon barrister ssuelter nslary rnblls officer acton oeorgetown over t seynuck cafe main strsst b por appointments ptione acton 88 or oeorgetown u office hoyrs acton tuesdsy and thursday 1 16 p m to 430 p m lngs on request dental a j buchanan tj d s dental sargeen off lea in lelnhman block hours oam until s p m evenings bv appointment oas for extractions xrsy closed wednesda afternoon phone 149 p w pearen dd s l d s dental sorgeen ottlop in the syman block phone 20 mill sreet actos rock wood office open every thursday afternoon and evening xuilb blrap book by d j scott veterinary b d young vs bvsc veterinary bargees office brook vl lie ontario phone milton i4tr4 f g oakes v s bvsc veterinary burgees office and residence knox avsau acton phone 130 ftir design fob li srxmp of cr6ect wa5 copild from a bbohie saub of 7so b c how m btqlin ctrmany m ustum novtl flrtmahs surl- a www spra attsmtp to 6ui paotrrs ifttnrtitn pftom lmev 11 durklni build nc r i ton will find us helpful in a score of ways general insurance we spx ialize in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm ijnte dlaas iioiler fidelityhonda farm insurance annuitiea and all eiieral lines of inhurance a1j30 ocean stcamohip ticketa adino ompan1fs ixcuunt faci1itik3 f l wright oirica toojxr luoek offlca 3 rhotua rjald itu time tables na0ian nationalailways at acton clelni eas4 in i csxrut windsy uly rxrefv kilh 1 itmlly exteot hundav 4 34 djn hund nl 14 pbb her for rant flimf t p in oc rgrtown at 4i i m 4 57 am 54 ajo lac weal tll pi rt mil w ill ex e sun lv i1 y r t t ii ly h i ndhi tfme s 4 aa 3 44 pjsl 7 07 pas ullajn 1 1 33 pjn tslsk ior a tree copy of our booklet your bank and how you may use it bank of montreal sataslisaao isn acton branch w h clav ton minagrr gxfckllncgq kaniunc tutvici r ii ijnks coivchw lkave acton mandard tims i vrnoi nd to remnle j 6 9 11 nl ii 31 i r w i i 21 im 6 31pm m4 pm wintbot nd ite letitfesi i3 m tjiol pm xi sa s m 7 14 pin 2 33 pm b 14 ph ex 3 13 p m dxll73 pjn esl2 04 ajn ithruugh lo pt btux and ijol only