tilj31u a jtfte ffisci ai3a3sr s the acton free press rmnuuiav novkmmer nth ion hell f aurtks marrtatas 14 best sm kwiw i ufa mlmm olllwrl itlml b huntltm huu sm u4 we r ibm mihhul mr setter bin mvii oajltolthajafv at hampton on- mrla an monday navambsr 14th im by uu rv mr claud kabilmu plorene jmuntwt daiwhur k mr and iravathar j nir aotan ta bunar ray im at mr and u j carton uilioti uawwaixlawrshob at tha honu of uu brld an saturday tfovmbr imi im by rev h u bawl lillian dm csvarmm faster daugbtn of mr and mra n u dawldkbi to mr robert bui marshall aaaond son of mr aan manhall acton nren motavibk at tha ham main street acton ontario on tuaaaay kovemoer imh ibm mary u moffat balomd wife of duncan n motaidah in her mui year fmbtbrootf at the duefph oeneraj hospital on rmday koamnf nth 10h jam plrsttoroolc of aeton be loved hiuband or annie collie asxd 1 yean i the royal winter pair i attraaune many folka from uila district thla week the three month flhort courses open in acton next tueaday 32nd inst mrs wm mopadden picked a lovely rose in her aarden on monday novem- 1 ber mill with the ciilrtrr weather thouirhu may turn to hockey and other winter activities ohrlsunas tn juat a little over ave weeka lln see how many eriopplna dayn ia that thr hockey utoiipuiir will aoon be i announced cold weather ui account- 1 able for auch notions tlir fsss psran haw n limited iw-lec- tlon of choir designs in prraonal clulat- maa bteetlns cards some venturesome boys have been trying the ice on the pond moat of them found it waant aafe 1 five ouelph prraona were injured last thuraday nluht when their car wen into the ditch near oeorsetown jamcb riuhthh a wed known and aataamad raaldant of acton jama plratbraok passsd away early friday mornlne tn ouelph gen eral hospital after an illness of but a weak or so on the hh lnst he had observed his seventysixth birthday bom on the farm horn on tha first una near acton james ptratbronk spent many years of his life tn acton his early ufa was spent hare but far many year he wis associated with his brothers in the mrstbrook bros uanuaoturlna co in the city of toronto and resided there he was a son of the late tjta plrstferook and kitty mcbaln sevan years aoo he and mrs flrstbmox and their only son or arthur returned to the home town to live in retirement and the frienditwho knew htm greatly appreciated his companionship a real student of world affairs he kept well posted and many of us enjoyea discus sion wltti him and the benefit or his study friend throughout the commun ity join in sympathy with mrs plrst- broofc tn the bereavements she has suffered this year the sudden death only three months aao of the only son dr arthur was a great blow io both father and mother and to mrs pnrsthroolc in hor loneliness the sympathy of many friends here and rlae- when roes out of a family of nine of tht lute- wm plratbrook one brother john of toronto and one sister mrs motean or winnipeg man only remain u n vert his memory the runeral was held on monday afternoon from uu- funeral horn or jnhruiuine flumjey with service con ducted by rev dr e m morrow in terment was tn pnlrvlew cemeti ry pall- beurers wen- messrs john kenney ft j kerr j c matthews john mccllire rntot lowru and a b mrluo an kjuuy hoah man do you benvrra in luokt friend wall i should ay too in that fat woman in the bit hat and th red dras well t once asked bar to b my wlfel aumnrb rn on m ioo fauiav 1 want you to atop kaenlnc company with sandy for two eanta x would ask him tn o daughter for two eenta hed laava of hi own aeeord f winter coal prices readme famous anthracite nut and stove per ton cah discount 75c hnmilton byprottucf coke nut coke per ton cafifl tsiscount 50c hamilton byproduct coke range coke per ton canh discount 50c prompt delivery 142 lthr 1200 1150 1150 1100 ritchie agar phone 120 h ox erin lo assist those attending short courses it appears thmt summer endad on a ii monday t kt the temperature r mccutxheon appoillud 08 now hftve nude winter very realistic aunce prmton inlertnxtlate hockey club will amk ft b muns uu yeftr low of number of plftjv u olvn u thr nuon it la reportasd that uaxlco ove iseso no tea are in clrcuutloiv in thin dlntrtct three men tiuvelllns in a roadster are named as uie ones attemptn to posi tho buu that remembrance dwy window in the johnstone humlcy store was the combined effort ol lclannalrea e e ban- and wm middle ton it wiut ad mired by all who saw it local merchant preneni many sicc uu oilcrtiuin thti vmk in tlu adwrtiat menu tin ronifortubh wui to do shop ping 1a to terusi llu4 udet txtori you make thr lrlp down owu mr pt ter fupllltiu r acton who wua un upprcniui ut mr ollbert lut- intyrpb funrnu tiomt ouelph was auc- rrasful it huwilllk iiia eumltl vtiono lu hi- rmbulmer evrtmente a number ot oeometown cttlsena un orkluilzrtl in on ltort to atop the ratumsihmmit of beer warehouse in that town they ask that citizens be given an opportunity u vote on the question mr j e wulvejock llalton afftl- cultural representative has been in town sevem days this week completlns arrangements for uu acton short cxhirses whicli open on tuesday next ui teres t is keen and a bis enrolment 1b expected relief officer for erin township at a flpeclal meeting on october 38th thr erin township council decided to cooprmte with the townships of its queslncc nassatrawcya and enunoti and pay the uveraat cost of tuition to- the boys and nirln from erin towtuitp at- undliui thr short cournrn nt actui thr claunt rr luting to dnu of nomina tion ln byluw no 13 vtu amrndi d to rrud unit uu nomlnutlon im hi id on uu prldiiy iri- rdlng the uuit monday in novrmbrr at the rnrular merting on monday tlu trrujturir wuv uuiirut tid to pay im lumit nionrv in threi instulirentit on drcrmorr hlth i93fl murrh ml and juni lit 1939 tlir lytohiinr uiu- authorized ui n- turu tin txind uf lhi luiywarrl c in inn tlmi c o ui itvrl runtr14 1 hut lf n t unipu t d kolit b ik uti i iron uah upnoin rd ii in t pitlnr for erin townstup 11 law no 14 tnitd lhi lair tit noni inutlon ut timu hall fullahuri the ptutrrt uf thr mill uu deputy tteturu liuj oftlcrm andpoll clrrk it un circ i on li necessary tlir follow lug account w n koaa half war i prtnuim tun true t hi keep rrliet m uct llan eo ua hii onuw tl adjourned ui lllllaburv on decembrr 15th it clock a m it s here the new 1939 ford delivered pncex in acton ijcetwe included fori1 vh coupf jhfifi tudok sedan 919 fordor sedan 9s0 de luxe ford vh coupe 930 tudor sedan 985 convertible coupe 1015 fordor sedan 1045 convertible sedan 1227 ford prices are aix inclusive when you buy your ford there are no extra to pay for on delivery or later both fvtrd vs and ek- luxe pbrd v0 cars come equipprd with bumpers and bumper iruards spore tire and lock cigar llffhtcr twin honu double windshield wipers and headlight beam indicator on instrument panel at n extra charirr dr ldixe cam also hav- an extra tall llht and sun vtior de luxe hteetinff whetl glove compartment lock ciock and rustlra steel ulwrl bondft at no extra charvr norton motors complete ioraee service for all cars phone 69 mux street acton oooocxmqcockooooooooooooooc snipers cujir elects officers issues challenge laortle klftes sihpers club elrttlon ot ofllcers rmultrd as follows president m locker vhepreakieni v wlieelcr akrhftittnsujrr ucnabb jr thr group leaders were also chosen 3 atunipson w mckee and 11 v ekrun tlae club issued a cnallnnar lo the brampton mulua coupany fir a mllltar cuntcst on thursda next quest kin when are birds tuce blo- anw whm they an on trsoa question what ftk no qusttana but dmdi mmnj answvbt answer a tocrbell queaucs what i the lamest latter in the siphataatr answer it because it a ouarwr the way to save money is t 8a ta ufa tear u hand laundry means looter uf tor your washahlsa try them acton laundry acton royal guelpha modern theatre light conditioning with the new 7 way lamp the best offer we have ever been able to present trm amazing new lamp provides an degree of light ou ma desire bimple and conveniently con trolled at vour hnger tips beau iful finished in either rich bronze or antique iot and gold complete uith silk or homespun shade in a selection of colors to match our color scheme now until friday tyrone loretta power young annabella in suez a n1e qals eatnre added donald dec tn good 8coit8- snea ai t 7j dallj saturday and monda see it wtth a sesw in tsasr leart listen darling with freddie bartholomew judy garlnd marj aalor w alter pigeon a merte oals feature ctba hsl on stery ef nast the world is olffts with 1 stars coming titsday the citadel wlta robert drauu now we offer yol features 7wa controlled luht 3 waj indirect likhttng three inditiduall controlled candle lights nite lieht inder base fse it you pay 100 now and as little as 50c weekly while 1fi 95 complete fob it vv make yolr selection early johnstone rutnley acton ontario icnton hcammbsr nth uu dear mr bdttor i at tha annual nveunc nf urn halimn county auiujattonais assortailnn in uu- ton laat ntcht i was not able tn any adnquat way to woress my thank and appraelalloik for th vary beautiful 11- lurnlnatsd arfdraaa presimted to nw on bahalf of thit tnuteaa and ratepayers of tha county tn recnbiiltton of my twanty- avft ynanf srvloe u p fl inspertor in halton at th irteetlna were prment iwjramntauvss of both rural and urban board in fairly larv numben and i trust they veahaed how hmtolrd and trrateful i felt for this manlfeatauon of their connditnnn and retard but i tun constrained to ask you for the favor of a short rou tn your papsr to offer to th larsfpr cimstituency which ovmi man and women rrnantd indeed to thai whol county my warmast thanka fnrj thf uniform kindness i have received at their hands durlna- all thttw yean 1 1 do trust that tn the tniart eantury i have been privileged to servtj thr county i some advances have been mads in the tutus of our srhoouijr- 1 hasten to disclaim any major credit for improve ments thai hava enme stmut tearliera lyitsttem pwnu and the mrla and boys thrmjielvea in the mhool have oi-4iper- sted u thr fullest nxtrnt and to uirm thr rrdlt miwt ifii r r my proffrrsn th a has been mode i am deeply indeijrd to all lr tlir eourtrey ifnod will and operation i have pri tved on all hanni t fcjellrve there has drvrloped in the past fr years amontf thr aunfvftlets of our im hl a if prnina runcrm for the wrira r of liwjh hhooln and u itirnrr appri ntlon or ihr value and im por uuirr in fahlun- liitf thr fnuirr of mr rltlzenjihlp only through thr nympatliruc roirratl n of all ronrrrnrd can the best reaulta be arhlevrd 1 ihxsll mnunw ti havr thr drnt inu rtril in ill ymr rfforta to wards impmvemrnt u ln a jwiurrr a btaltooatliin that lb my suortssor in oftirr mr i l tikuce ba h pwd you havr k man of audi trud rxn ririu t and r isnizrel ability i am surr lhat he will havr thr uuno wullnff buppurt and aaslnfanrr in all quarters that i havr tadlly recetvwd at last night mtetlnn an iinpaftlon- able omlsbinn was made in my failure to pay tribute to the man who has for years been the secretary of our trustees and ralipayerx aaaoclauon i refer to mr mt a campbell to him more than to any other one man has been due the nicceas tif the organization made twrnty- ftve yean 170 he has interested him self in every phaa- tjf our educatumal problems und has been more lhan talth- ful in hla office as secretary thr county has reavn to be proud that ur campbell ability has bem so recaognlzed tn thr wider sphere of the province a tact truu wd to his appointment a secrrtary of the irtvinilal orgariziillon in nmcliiblon i uh to aaln than- all u in any capacity in the county has asslsud tnr during m trrm of offlcr and u iuuurr tie and all of m very beat althea tor h future suxarau jf educatuina1 rtlora in lhu gixxl ud c iurit a-iliuk- rly yfjurs lorn- kih- sllimt llul ma- two mi-l- th i- rnr kiflr isnjirs cluo n id to rui ln tra il 1 ui li r ra p n b it h4iuiiirui vumhe- t 1 tt am iniahrd hn- utz gru f r lh pr im lal martmnm s chajn poniiii niwuti n fnd idltul rtun u liii la get vrrt c mplrlrd ard uw t hallri uunu ltird tl u frf imrr t li h pi siniasum af pr ldirut tjii ai d ilp h pprr ln uir utl ut m ai a art culjislll chish m uu im 1 cb u agr jid cpl d r tird r rnjr platt sgt j inior u a third pri- atr simtvir and w mckrr rourth and pt- a buc 1 anan niii at mil tin rangrs thursdaj the f- icwing memoers of te loray rifle snip- e- completed ltirir targets for thr rol- loalng aaads j chlsholm stiver and gold pins w buchanan uimr pm e vaje anirtxr un j blo oranar pen v whtrelr slirr ipuun h dnin canrptrd tjgrt f r his secono sticr spoon all mttnte s arc ursng ia d u com r f th it targels fur six spoons so as to quallf ire for trr exet shield social eemm at bnnockbl rn uterr society thr rrgular inretlng of jje ba- nock- bum ljterary society was hria last pnda erenins pblloasng the optrung ouiin as dl4uetl m- r mc- keo uxjk liie cnair hje the o uig p uvanj a rresented ptuit l- t0idftj 0 mrs ula pinas rec a- tltn t erra watson rtadnp o caarere c eo and lrj ro mrk duet by u o win and hf prjal and 3 x 1 a seiccti ns tr lcd james and burt wm the eren uscd a th th najoal anthem l icr sj sered and he rn-auxie- of tle enrg spert in dancing t s 1 cheap health insurance we harnett tin followlnf resvmahly prirad ahlelm uuahly sdecud for the enld weather t 159 corrtumy lined and 169 39c plain whtttworrl bnwehsa wall jmade and warmly lined mixes to ik pr boys finn drained bnwehaa thaaa an unmnuuly well tlorad pull ran of slass pr a cleanns tjna of boya red6ol tbtfht pr boys monarcn pur wool haavy- welitht pullovim with collars and ilpners in attnartive rotor enm- ntnatlons nrular 1 ha earh for boys ltvy rmle wlndtottuotrs to elear at worth murh mom boys golf box per pair boya 1ather ifelmrts trim and warmly lined for boys warmly uned ieather mltu per pair mens lla make doeskin and hkt and pepprr work hhlra mines 1 4 j to 1 7 j for mrn rent allwool o ais nlie color romhliiail n etu h vftnli puirr wimii heavy w uht plaul iwritrr fnu made by flettrril hir li at value wr- hav citr h ul f r mriin iur wil wrk x vf ad by blrtl b f nraihjndi p hular pru it er milr cqf 139 rulhnmlfar 169 25c up willi tur 89c 25c id mb it 79c flweatrr 198 y w uht made by 2 98 to irur it lr alr vti s ni1 iirii win xun nllk 11 huf uid rtm r ftw 1 mm prit j lality hr liubljt r- mir vtm n iluti t tlijti prr leftr a irilrtnif llr f men b aspnt hubtr n in r pair 750 439 169 69c we have a 1ull hlwk m mans wlibrtsakers ami itorwhld rals with wtwsl or sheevakln lining the taowt prlru in our time 89c 135 79t wunm s leiire silk ihirfnn and b-rvi- viuht full roshlotiid i1mw hiesft ar tlw- pirxfe and plr top styles anil teiilarly sell for ii 00 we am not iiermitted ti mention uie brand name lil lal tier pair planni lri ulaiikru lrfnk or lilue ixiiden pi women plannnlette pyjamas assirted ofors a rarkfiil of child s 1 and 4 ptecil coat eu mostly iamp4n uu made to sell in the h til tier prim lirsi ku bvery rne iteducsd hillmluuiually child s ltmrfcle jersey overs linos bltea frim fl lo a hale prle womrn s rubber aousdies the tlalwn r uf a rlrfjitna un per wilr 79c 195 w have t wnptrt- ilork nt wmfiirh oobbfltri fnr tlir fsmlly thewr sre the lllgti l tluslur rumvr snrf the prli e la thr aet in lr w mii illgaos tir in 1 wtllli ii ifritnil fin l ii 198 nnrtl tvlr cl r 1 n w nut mi if it m nil in glflri ui vit i ombiariffw u w n n i flu- i iu hni r- rull ir r t r r thr ii ul inr pair alt li mi 1 lilt i or pull wr bit feiiturlnil tiia4nug uuiuhtib r r mm nd 1 ir 1 b it tyjnli en i vlth laitrx irtu 98c 25c 1sv- ifstna with 75c itir a 1 apl ti f lluif w ii r r t ovti ii rvf it it h ring w i rt rikfll fi ii ply knmu j k r rf- to lrraiuu 1 rtiljiaijir frnu ll owlnff to the latenem of the heawon and our lack of nporc we are compelled tit sacnftce mol of our stock of isodieh pur trimmed oau and kajl lubt the sjualuy of the coobi we carry k well known and we can ivwure you of excellent value no nutter what atyle u chooite new kali hulm are reduced to an low aw 9hc b d rachlin cloth1m opihisite m acton footwfcr round trip bargain fares from acton vhl st nov r 2b r s atlnns crhaa jr d iwi tr si trluslvr ildi ijr aai vt r r cmptjriirjrd qcauons srwmarkrt to north ha nrluslvc prnraj o j d meafurd midland pary sound suddury capre 1 aial rsl ai lb m rt svtl iu november 26th to toronto also to brantford chatham ooder ch oudph hamilton ld n nipira pala owen sound 5t catharines si mary sarria fatatf rd ista r n w mxuujc see handbills vou contutl ust of destiatloa re faiwa brtra undta trmto inlm tten twkrta cce- casssalt nearvss agssrt canadian national cauutlians tbiul hor- show hall youe been watchinc me for uirce hours why dool you try ashlnc your- onkxskrf i haven t goc thr pauence uhrorneral c f ckimatw bf k3bston mrs joan huj-wodd- of iondon rrglknd were amonc thoaa hone show ball at thr wjdorfasorsb hotel in jfew juncuor witii the us hayooal horar show thw jumping team alth trsemw of use ocsrr mcxary anew were guest of hoooc at th bau ll