Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1938, p. 1

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v v v jmwj2iisisajie t j uitrt rsr -t-t- ehoe jufam jfae lhrirss sixtyfourth yetr no 25 acton ontario thursday december 22nd i1m eight homeprint paget plve cent provincial officials visit halton county council acvtrtt by mr j p cooanbe at flsftl mcctlnc of 1998 body ajafand no danger of abolition fjoomfl tfcanla warden hew- bn a conduct of the meetinsa county council held 1u oral for ims in milton but friday wttn wanton and all membera pre- cn to meetuuj waa without axoepun ow moat interesting uul hat txan held for aoma uma ifrj p coombs from uu department or municipal affairs addraased the council with regard to the work of bla office tula my ttrat official rlalt to hal- tan county aakl mr ooombe and while i tuft rlilted almoat every county in tha pmrtnoa you must not think 1 have neglec italtoiv it la rathai that oounuaa in tha baft nravtlllnn have been latt to tha last and whan you oan taaue debenures at it shows teyoril a doubt that the county of ballon 1 in vary vood ahape indeed oir depart- mant la fully cognisant of your financial abuattne we know that you have oeben- turaa running out in a tew year lime 200 qiildren at cliristmas party of beardmore co two hundred acton etiudrm given a chrtsunss party on palurday afternoon that delighted ham and tha useful gift of ciothtng appnelatad by parent aa well a ohlldran tha arant was a christmas treat given by tha beardmore tb co and atajt livery child between the ages of 3 and h years zf tha household of aeajkhuora amployaaf shared m this cistma dmiriitwbi a christmas concert wa a aplandld part of the emit an orchestra under the direction of mr r spmvogel provided music children of the employee under the direction of au t f bunt gave a number of ghrlatinaa number toy- land indian enrol dont walt till the night before christmas and the holly and the ivy holy nattit was the chrstmas carol in m hich all joined in singing and five i boy sang oood king wlnceslsu the i rhythm of jingle bell brought santa r7wtr that time cc nodoult ctaub m wlt chrihtmah concerts ly the acton sunday schools friendly circle united group hold christmas party the your ladle friendly circle o tha united church held a very enjoyable christmas party at the home of la verne tucr day u as chrutma concert night amlth on monday evening oame and irrxcton fur he baptist united and contests were conducted by ruth gib- i preabiterlnn sunday school and santa aon and laverne smith doru wluon i claus had busy tunc flaking the round von the prise for the highest loure for i and puffin in an n pear an re at every tha eventng and mia bennett won tow me or uiem prist bach gtrl received a nreaent from at- uie united church the scholar pre th chrlatma tree and for thl had to rn ed a varl d pr snun whlclt included contribute a number to the impromptu lnsing of chrta ma hmii recluulon program i jack tc4xmald cehrtatrnaa sons b burbar vlnnl dont wail 1111 ihr nttf t bet n chrlalmaa to br oood a ua u u iak r 6u a ckum by kcnn h a jnj n the chruunaa tor by mrs park r s cluss and a llltltr chrtsunia dlajujut sinus assist an t i4i hn y h id tutd utoritr fcjuou as the prin cul chamtera a fpaturr that all enjoyed was ue i nuvtnx r ttrt br iight to the enter i toinm nt b mcsr chos smoit and appreciation of coonermtion of ciiurrun u turon o uiui aiuauugh the concluding meeting of the utilities comm the yew exprcmtcj by chainauui kerr ajaus nmlntnui a dcip rtst in a ton und ue will be able to paas the benefit along tn the taxpayer in lower taxation ttte county council you must realise 1 bassd on tha principle of the magna chart and the better you rur your own local government the mere you en cou democracy a a whoe i would like to go over some ot your problem with you and will toacu firet on eaarnenl the original parpir of the wma act mas to tax th- taxpagwr for local aervice received the asaaasntent act b very apecinc it dc mands that land shall be aaaeaacd at li actual value you may ask what u the actual value it ts not neceaaarlh the pukhaslng and selling price other factor should be taken into account in rrgard to farm land locallt shou d be coraudered distance from school church railroad and town type of road fexiuif of soil or wtuthcr the farm ha good pasture land many asacasmrnt trvhibhj are due to the inconipetrncy of the is teaaoib who are often poortj paid u i quahned men better results msjht be obtained by paying has suenuon to hlr tng a man at a low alar and more thought reaauxhng the abiut of the mm engaged a irruaon of the assessment act u already being contemplatad by the de paitsnent whereby it may be p to appoint a comnuasion of possibly three men to go through the county and aaaai eattk vnratrrpallty aeparassty and that amount totalled up would be ttie assess- man of the county much friction might thereby be avoided we wvuld ak rou gerrurmeri to think it oer and let u toaoar your opinion of taxes m this matter i would urge you not to spend your time p tha person who hag not paid hi taxes but rather to give more- oonud- eraoon to the one who ha he la the on who has probably made nunerous an order that he may have the i money ready when tax uroe roll around he ta the man who deserve to be en- i counajed and protected aometrmea there are extenuating circinistarioss when all in comic costume to distribute the u following account the final meeting of the acton public utilities oornmlaaion was held an tuts day evening reeve f j mccutohvon comrnlasloner c m hansen were pre sent with chairman r j kcur prtstd ing the secretary was instructed to pay on lu platfoin fur oil mr living in lite t it tuv4 hllptul inurtst in a ton und the i kim church night cry a six reel feuiunc wus o plr ure story particularly in s inn to the children 0 c urn lh lslt of iainln clsus was ii grcut mom nt und mr cliaxlrs wilson in this chum icr mu u favorite of all lrra nts und cund and oranges were dtstrtbuted from uie biff decorated tree broun clip and saucer shower for bride elect mrs c u klrltnes entertained on tuesday evening for ml laura momul- len a brldrto be with a cup and buucrr rtlmarr many lovely gift were received and a very ertjoyable social lime wju spent a dainty lunch u ser d b ue hostess contest for the reeveship in eramosa twp itccve storey nnd councillor gray announce candidature at concluding meeting til qminrll tor the townahlp of era- oldest business block swept in fire on monday litist packagf of funs fell in ifomm ilantu on monday clarence dmu1s started for tiirtinto with a package of twelve mink skins the fruit of his trapping operations to sell to city fur dealers he was riding with prank holmes drover nnd lh patka4ir was outside die oab about five mllen from acton the purfcafcr wo noticed mlsnlng and dodds started to walk back searching along hut the roiul one motorist suipped said he had noticed it just at the outskirts of acton on uit edge of the road arriving at he spot the nackiure was numa met for the auuulory derembcr zt however gone dodda went to toronto gifts for everyone col a o t beardmore on behalf of the company extended hcary season greeting to all and wished for them a very merry christmas mr j m mc donald was chairman for the event the intermediate hoekey schedule drawn monday on four teams now in the roup kust dame on lecentber 28th this ear at a group meeting of intermediate b held at ouclph on monday night the schedule for the season was drawn up for group contrary to orst an nouncement there will be only four team in the group apparently one team was all that was ever expected from oruelph preston winners of last years iritermrdlale a charnpionshlp have withdrawn so a fourteam group 1 left with aclon elora fergus and ouerph to the circuit ths following ts the schedule drawn up for tha season and the arr for the plaroffa first home game is not until friday tvt 90th decesnber agth acton at bora fergus at ouelph decesuber 90th ouelph at acton elora at fergus january 4th fergus at acton ouelph ijup nut tuknt urt in cliarge of uic ben telephone co services s sutherlandvschillts co repairs hjjc of ontario power syrrran hardware suppuea c njl freight and express r j ramshsu court casta northern electric co sjppls canadian line mntt rials sup piles macdonald ele trl supptlis w r luslibm k uiiuilllnk hcattra 54 76 nutting on munaay december 15 h at i 30 in the town hall itocfewood reeve d 11 fatorcy i ti sided ovtr u fiul attend nice of merruers r it wo moved by mevrs albert laiuh und d d gray und currlid lluit mr jos suuhtland of ouelph be advised tlmt tile hervt and council liivc his ed uu road and dltctu opposite his and notified tlie department of oame and pulierltb and several ctt mw lur dealers that night lie rrcrlvrd word fnmi traffic officer bert howell thai the package had been picked up by fred v s of ouelph and left with the police there the akin were re turned to a very grateful owner mr oarllck wus not aware of the value three stares and two apartjnenu were uueoraipwtj forced out in nlirht attire luaie started in dad hajnbujtrer survd a block of frame buildings originally onnd by tlve seourd astete and eretted about seventy years ago were the acvne of a blase early monday morning uiat ihrrwuiied tfisd sertlnn of the bus ikan part of acton and kept the fijm brigade rightinu it for four lioura before it was completely subdued lass will be around 3jmm partly rtvered by insur ance the blase starud in the smaller mw slntcy building occupied by ajutln corn er and known as dads lumburgei mr and mrs jsiura musney and family s cupy the apartment over thrlr meat shop immediately adjuiiiuig and mr massey vvss awskened sbmil i 26 by tint smell of ii r snd smokr hw ninljy ws wrup- jied in blanket ind left the building while mr mrm ran a couple of blocks ut the ire hall and turned in the ulatm jivmca kennedy a brother of my mwuiey also rsitd in night sttlre snd property and the matter ulll be left over of wrn u he showed the skins 1oiinrd hl ruuh- ouudr burnln a oo 20 42 16 7 13 00 t fergus kkva january gth acton at oueaph january flth actun at guelpn fergus at elora ao january tltheton at acton ouelph at fergus january 13th acton at fergus elora tlir certlilcau uoi vjut d d tn th pubtl indemnity d inpum hich h ed uiut tli utrkiitn t r bj ituninncl tlv comniisai n urt ik t mjtn i rtlitkm- it dtbt b uu nuikina c tuit mtns amaiclflutui rr tjic tola mi n f h oo as tliia was the final niixting of tin year chalrnion kerr thaiiked the c m mission and ottinr und oil who had contributed to make this year such a succiaa it was a p eosure indeed to b aamxiauxl ith these peo e and he hop ed next years chairman mould h tht same h tarty cooperuuin 2 330 64 at kn churrh in lhr aiendid 3 18 t h lliias enu rtah iih nt u t 1m id tlie 4 03 r hclru uils in attendance and norman u l ld m in lining of christmas ir s tlu i iu ni nations bj 11 len on il r d nnii andeiron fytuik plv i bui i a mann llelt n john n ii un l f iresl ihtii v iv dnl mii bj uu primary c l mil a gr up f ihret bos billy lint his prosimm u mcklun n h lib ilrur and mi lbouru w i r it plilia and chris p h nt w i a clirktnui s t 1 lu ii llund ikikuik a mini itiivv llii- luuib 1 h sir o m i n b it it i i- in- i l ussrn if in i r ni lsv- jinn 111 nnu ind mi h j- 1 ii plaltt ljtll 1 u s i mirtlilul on utth 1 n wuts n as m h r t i kins h tin lio s ta h t ptrrtln i d n mcclit he n s i ttlt n 1 1u ann id as mr ortzzlt sj ai j 1 i masters as horace ht e t rrs 1 i l- i m v ing picture r aj o in lni s ing rart if ihu ci ri mas pr s ntutllai fc i ci u had r in mui jla i m 1 iiit i e iaj ilti ffll w aiis imjxrr reee mccutcheon and commission r i s na ej by mr w c jones he dls until jniuix 30th meeting f council lo a toronto furrier and asked if they moved by mtaara wm j pinkney and were worth anything was l d they tli s e keliy und curried hiat sc worth ll each and mr oarllok wnts amounting to s1m6 includ promptly replied if uicy re wutih uiat hut u county hau of 1420 73 be much uu owner should have them back lawd r payment nd count h adjourn and returned uu m to uie pollre on mitoii meruit oni and pnk r tli ciei k w u in iu d lo the chali f tl usiml viiledl t t sjmsivh h 1 v stt ny iiniuiiiicisil his lurp f r a fiiuth term as licc rvlng n itoad commltu for three i ilunt if n tlii itl as llc n ill r ali i ish statrt uiat he ild itxt i com pli his i wnshln m miium in uu it vnchl stlu vy armned al meet u iu r mi sun a iiuuice f r ln here ijwt iht i inah o nit it ad ciinuniiiet in w uiu in february tint iih mius uudet idcd aboit al ule in tin r utoup fl of uie juiil r c ivoitry last night in acton uie h ludult titr uu jvir was drawn up mr w maddlilon acton is cunvener of this group and aclou juniors maki ui ir first appeanuioe at the local arena next juniors open ussfhidule in lh n thi j zr firsl home gamr 1 1 ur c in hi r 1 on ui 11 l hi said unit he v b in vlntf uiui l irtmiitj would lous t m rw the hansen also expressed apt reciauon kith j ii mu i 1 i lu r r r ilv r n 1 i coun iilo wm j inkxu and thos f kill iucli anmunctd his willingness i funl as andldate for council lior add uss a were given by all the rmmbrri f countl uie clerk road superinicndeil weed inspector relief tiilldlng tlu oilier spartment was oc cup led by mr iluis morton who also hud lo make a hurried scape from he burning structure th blase spread rapidly from the building it originated in through the old frame structure and uie interior of ui tnrildlnv of massey s meat sltop and morton s barber slut were ruined 40 uou hull ins of water wtir pouxed uitu uie fl 1m lore it was subdud tlirev lines of hiae were used by uir fire ilrlgade a brlrk block i tw suiren owned o mr i hiarkman lmmdiatly adjoining un stivrtl undamaged only uie prompt und illicit nt work of uie fire uriuor utultr chli f mcdonald sad a viry serl us otmilagrauon a number of small 4miiii k tragi b and outljulklings are in ua rear f the burturd block but win not harmed ii was also fortunate uuu dun os practically no kind to fan the flain n oinunt of the aparunrnts sjki the nton bullduigs were badly spoiled part of uu equipment was removed from uw i buildings trtbul d prrkiu to everyone and iiu officer and the gavel contractor ex uie hrsvrt cooperauun accorded by all vtlt a as a w r happ clirnax for uiji preaslng thsnu and approval for the co and to chairman kerr in the guidanct chris mas ira herlng mr r n broun ox ratli n n esaory fc- thr rroper per of the work ot the oornrnirslon 4s chairman fcrmanre of hlr aiious duties i t1lr building where the blase started tueada fullowlng is uie schedule mm wiird fcy its drawn uu tin vcton bhnk lttroy by fire early moiday tasaa are not paid- aometimeg when it u i at ouelph not aaapedlant to press for payment it january loth ivrgus at acton ouelph might saaan a whole family would be at dors thrown on relief as a result but let me january lath eton at elora fergus rstntaal you an abatement of aues can at ouelph ou be rnad through a court of re- january 30 h ouelph at acton elora vlaton and not by resolution passed by fergus council l january 33rd elora at acton ouelph hospitaluatlcn is anolter vrice that at fergus it may be in some ease lack of efficient i gua at by the council perhaps if cases were first and second teams play off hlgh- tnvastsiated ntore thoroughly the num- cs standing team ha preference of ice bar might be lessened you must re- best three out of five rnemtoer tor every hospital case some- 1 if finished in three gaxiva vuitlng body payaaand the countys share is team to get mueage and half of gate 1 6 per diem the only person eligible after expenses paid for hmpltartmuon la an indigent and if fth game nariesaiji same to be an indagant according to the aoc 1 playwd on neutral aittoctal lor after cm vfio cannot meet hialmaedlateyobll- ejepenaes deducted each chtb to have amavaas ho narann of course must be so r of recetpt alsaaswd w auflar ahrough lack sf care bus balbra a parson to committal to bos- tt an ptasl tt ahoukl be ascertained wtmhar ha eanpay a half eg aean a quarter of judga not gt taa ttea parnapa rifle r of tnag b thsi msmns fiisonar ever since u was a ntotol toatsaoa4 on fwt ftra tour honor hew long have you had that december 37tfvimngevule at acton peoember 28thookvllk at milton december 30th milton al orangevtlle january 3rd milton at actua or angevide at omkvtlre january 6th acton st orangevlile milton at oakrlue jsnuary 0th cafcvluc at acton or angevlue al milton january 1 1 th oakrlue at orangerlllc january 13th acton at milton or angevule at ctastvllsi january 18th oluton st orangevulr january 17th acton at oakrlue january isth milton at acton jsnuary 3hh oakvlua st orangevlile january muworangwvllle at acton milton at oakvlue januaiy 26th acton si oakviue jarasmry 27th orangerlue al milton january 30t3i acton at milton february istacton at cnangevlue ml lion at oakvllle february 3rd cafcruv at acton the rules gnvenung playofls are the same as those applying to th inter mediate group the visiting team will supply the referee so weather permit ting the boys are away next week and the junors open up the local arena c o plank rock wood the massey meat shop building ass owned by mr l staxtonan and tha barber shop property was owned by air thos morton ii la lloutl tha btaas started from an overheated stovepipe mr ccrner had left the bulkttns only a short time before the blase wa davjovcrsd snd lw and others there at that time had noticed notiung amies thieveh stole ar ioad of christmas fowl night numbers fail to confuse the puzzle fans mr w coin choae a nw lira of ptmtie for laat wrrfc uatnc flcurea to daalcnatr the words quit a law ware able k aet the correct aojuuon but tne winner of urn weakly awaijt la lira a o patteraon r r no 1 niivlenueu the word aa bt found waa aoonulona on pace ore ina waek rou win and two poama one lor ba iliialim and on for uu older beads its and tan awards win be soma time durtnf uuera entered the ntion and tole hla wu loaded with at owteya chickens pur4iaaed diartna car waa rolxhd lhat nlcnt ihr side of the road the poultry hajd al ihe oirlsunas poultry had secured from farms in the cdatrtct e monday ttttr weiw km in tne car snd the carsce locked with the intention uf bnndnc them lo tha acaon creamery pkwt here owned by air rrraon ne fbuowtnc momtnx tne lock waa brok- en and the car and poultry an atokc when isr nbam went ta tl u recortad that were entered in milton that ma bot nothtnc ramoved protlnrku pone are inrrstamuns why is a pudaevoat toovh haw thaat brrotienr it at oat of tha bawd coiing events a oiaer cvaats aasar taa r cswrs s csats par dent

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