mwbmkamm niwnii iiiui m mn im i i n i i rrr r ffit a wkm sfljgjl the acton frbb mtfiss thtnudav migiffiorhoodnfws inurwunff itig coahmintf otter cmiitm and cotamunlum in which many of our rmujcm aw intcrwted rockwood th traltsd church sunday school enwruiiunent naldln the church last wsanaadaj evenlnt ni mil attannad wnan paranta and frlendi ol the young folk gatharcd to take tn the program which ni enjoasd by all mr chrle h harrla buparlntandant of the sunday school was chairman or the occasion rrwloua to the program numbsr of allow ware ahown relau to the birth of christ with the ahepherda and their mocks thrsur orer bethlehem the vtalt of the wue men and other to the babe and parent during the showing of the audaa which were chanted eaarjr few minute raustc waa played reomatlon by the young folk followed by part with older lu a well a a pan tomime by a elaaa of girls dlreoted by miss margaret miller and a pageant relatlns to the birth of christ at the eoncluslan of the program sanla clau mr ala nedtern appeared on the seen and waa ajalited by members ot the sunday school in the distribution of the presents from the tree st john church entertainment held in the basement of the presbyterian church on nuuaday evenlnt wa auo wall attended rev e a brook wa chairman along with recitation by eome of the young rolka staging ohrut- wa ont wa enjoyed with dr waller at the piano a couple of good readme were alfto appreciated a the program came tn a clou santa clau mr tltt smith un bramoaa kindly acted u the genial old fellow and delighted the youngster a well a the older one after the distribution ot presents re fresh menta were served and a social time tune enjoyed in music and game for the youngster the presbyterian sunday school en tertainment wa preceded with a con gregational supper in the basement and full juattee done to the good thing pro vided by the ladle of the church rev s johnston pastor of the church was chairman for a program of a varied nature and enjoyed by all present it included opening chorus by the sun day school recitations walter drey solo betty perrymsn wedding or jen and j1u douglas mcpherson and phyl lis oray member of primary class song trio mbtar of the aval by mem ber of a sextette from balllnafad re citation phylll oray play princess and the swineherd duett rev s and mni johnston rtlslognr an unsuooes ful advance song maonaroaraa band sextette from balllnafad school redta- tkm tana perryman christmas pag eant by members of boye and dire cuuasas at the conclusion or the pro gram sonta clsus mr elliot patter son put in ills appearance and was as sisted in the dutrlbutlon of chrlhlnnut presents services at the unlud church wen conducted by rev mr campbell of ouelph services at at jahiij church un sun dn morning were well iillcndcd pre ceding the service christmas camln were ttins holy communlun won observed and conducted b the nctor llc e a uruaks holiday visitors mr and mm hobert cr ift and dnugli tcr tyironto c mr and alt ekaujiiia pattlrmin tor unto mr and mrs w craig and son tor onto misses doris and wllnia milne ouelph and brantford mr and mrs everett fc lsvines of buffalo mr charles harris niagara falls on lsrk roy c gordon harris st oeorge ontario dr and mrs fred j husking and family hillsdale mr and mrs nell qordon and family ouelph geo same one cut and removed a blue spruce tree from mr ii o dayfoofs property on john street lest weak mr and mrs wilfred preston enter tained the member of the lome scot band at their fun and chip oafe on monday evening following band prac tice the annual chrutmaa recital of tha pupil of miss margaret dickie atxj m was held frrthe auditorium of tha public school saturday afternoon da- cember l7lh when the children had their mother a guest at the meeting of council the trea surer waa authorised to pay 1sm being mill to tha cemetery board andthe county rate of h4os30 hsreld nassagaweya a large attendance or elector of tha township of naiaasaweya were a tha nomination meeting in the brookrule kail on monday when the following candldatee were nominated for reevr messrs oeo oordon wm vanslpue wm dredge oeo ptnney for councillors messrs w w dredge oeorge stoke j ji simpson alex near prank nine- hart john robertson duncan macdou gall wm vanslekla mrs prank rlne- hsrt the election wll be held on mon day january and bbeheser united church sunday school held a successful ohrutmaa con cert lst thursday evening which waa much enjoyed by the urge gathering present quite a number of family reunlon erc held in this district on monday to celebrate christmas festivities a happy and prosperous rw year to tlia pass psksn and nil lt readers is our wish eden mills the annual christina concert of s 8 ho 5 was held in tha aohooiheum last weak chorus solos duetts raolla- tlona and dlalogu wan enjoyed by a large audience santa clau visited th children at tha eorteluslon and dlstrlbut- ed the gift also the local church held very suc cessful entertainments in their respec tive churches wlbh vary good programs j mis mamie moore of ouelph spent tha christmas weekend in her home hen mr and mrs w e biironmbe of montreal have returned to their home after spending some time in the home of the tatters parent mr and mrs w wilson mr and mrs j d uiwrle and tamlly halted mr and mrs orover oallaghnr pusllnch on mondsy mr and mrs 8 bame and son of oahaaa pent the holiday weekend in the home or mr and mrs w minn mr and mrs s wilson spent chrht- mas with friend in llmehouse mr lindsay dyer of klrklnnd lake visited in the home or mr and mrs m dyer on sunday mr and mrs w bridle are spending the holiday season c thalr respecuve homes in burlington and freeman mr and mrs will mlno and family of acton and mr nelson mlno ouelph visited on sunday in the home or mr and mrs w mlno il ducks voice s3 mm iwh dus11t6ss hs vjstlfitl f knlttsbuirliaohafta temporary quarter have been secured nd our equipment installed in the atnre next the rapt 1st chtirili you will find hero n complete stntk of the iinem of meals we are pleased to he able 10 jet promptly reestablished followinr the recent lire wniih swept our former premliea prompt nnd cniirtcnus nttonlion tn all orders your con tinued pnlronnrc in appreciated a prohpkrouh and haliy nkw ykar to all massey meat market phone ur next luptlut ohurth a recent photo of vlrgtnln osyria editor of 11 chnrnale d italia and niriclal spokesman for tht italian paacut party vlaydas rdluirlnls are regarded by icumpean observeni ns mirroring the sentiments ot premier bi nlto musso lini milton mr and mn ptmnk llkjyguelph muw jean torrance slniooe mr and ml- alga houu ruhrrn mhab mt a mn r b rolxardion and family mr and mrs robert blchan of rd and mrs j masaon at mr nough ts messrs robert and win miliar mrs campbellville intended for im1 wrt communion aervloe was held tn si davids prcggbyterlan ohurcli on sunday last ttic funeral of uifc late barry hloslns who passed away after a lengthy illness u held on thursday from the family rmtdence and was conducted by rev frank lawaon rev allen hill and rev a slmpaon with interment in the new cemetery the deceased was a life iaruf resident of thta vicinity and was a member or si david a presbyterian church mrs a henderson mrs bert ferrter and mni o e hamilton visited in detroit a tew days thta week mus wltmu bell wll home for the uwk end from toronto tlu frjendti of jact mrmurj at tor onto but former of thin vllluffi will b rorrj to knoms hr lit in lht ocncmi hmplta1 when itc undertvrnt an oprru hon hr atpndlctll very rect nily but iiuim h mu noon be wvll apitn mr and mrs houurd lush oiiurtttwi ed u few frlentls tin frii r nlnjr in lumnr of her biruida mrs m montr left n tueda for wiixttuocfc to spent tl uiu r wiui ltr dimichur mrs frank kttls tl duvkts hijd their sundu tbctutol concirt on frtda evmliic v bin i bimxi prourum was presented mr don barnard of toronto was tuim for um wecstend i miaa annie mocurdy luts tpt tiruvt to remain far the lnti iu1 limehouse visitors tn the village over christmas tlncluded mr and mrs thos hatnes and chll dren at jos scott a mr and mrs ted morrow miss gladys packer mr xxwfc packer mus maror1e cross mr and mrs arthur tdknc n dorothj and norma at mrs robert lsnes mr and mrs e outhrtr mr stephen vlnetand a few who are horoc for the weeks ikolkkav mcasib james and clarence lnch or toronto mr oeorse torrance dresden cm- tarto mis iaowna rlohardson kitchener mr and mrs fred da hamlluti millar and miss laura mluer at w a lanes mr and mrs wm oowd spent sun da in toronto and monday in ouelph miss wlnntfred ivens and mr oordon orris are pendue their christmas vaca- ton in st petentburk atth mr and mrs vvuuam orets who are wtulcnn in tkfis irene hanulton chicago til nomlnaltons were held tn the town rtorttta rail on monday in the afternoon for fml artd mtai eawl an the ttjsuilp and in the v for thoni to 0 lut week where 1 the wrrr married on december 24th and spent their onrtfuruui aith mr and mrs j a smethuxsl cciitrratuiauons pred and sthelt mas nedi davtes of toronto sprm monda 1th mr and mrs rltchie ben too v christmas entertainments are owr or another dear the unite church sun day school held tsteirs in the form of a social at the home of mrs 8 wright on ttiuradoy ewnlnc the preatjytertan new thetr oonccrt in the church on friday with a rrosjram of irutoisona etc santa clau paid lus call at each to the delsjht of the children vulasje the of the conununlt is ex tended to rev father kehoe in the death of his father mr peter kfthoe detratt hast weak hr attended his lathicajmral at temwater and on sunday morning at the mnrlusiuc of the service at sacred heart church left for detroit to spend christmas with hja mother ooodw to nlnjetorenthlrt twht wvkosnr to nlneteenthlrtynlne may the spirit of whispering hope be itlrl by one and all in the new year why la a strong boy like orsat brt- a good convatuoon why u a plum oak tike the sear ben they both contain lots of cur rent curranta i i intended for umt wrek a very niieecsaful dance was held in the town hall in the village on wed neaday evening a good time was en- joyed by all dr pwhi 3rofuo kitchener was a sunday visitor in the home of his namnta mr and mrs w croft mr and mrs o oauaghcr pusllnch vtslbed in the home of mr and mrs w taowrle recently the christmas meeting of the women institute was held in the home of mrs w wilson the meeting opened with the singing of jingle bells followed bj the lords prayer in unison th roll call was answered b a favorite christmas carol which proved very en tcrtalnlng a quartette consuung of meadamea lowrlc scvrnstn wilson and bridle was very much appreciated when they sang silent night other mem bers joined in a singsong to answer other carols mentioned after the reports acre read and business inrtcludihl it utis decided to hold a social evening the first friday after new years all shut- ins are to be remembered at chrlstmaa also any needy families the program was urranoed b the executive and was very much enjoyed a snk by mrs lowrlc playing her own guitar people will talk mrs j oltttrraon save a splendid report of the institute convention held in toronto mta fitrvenson then favored with a guitar solo mm j marshall took the motto it tn more bieascd to give uuui to receive site streamed the part that jesus filled the h ingry mouth before he guve anything else the pro gram closed with the national anthem ufur which there was u chrtatrnos exchanne of man useful gift a dulnty lunch was rvtxl by the htshtcik the wnnhun mlvtlanar socjet of tltt united church in id tin ir luinuul meeting at the home of mr a w bridle tlir prt iidi nt mrs w d clari was in rjiarri and conducted uie ojn n uuj worship smiec mrs h lrsllc ruvc u plrlurt ol cuiuidliui 1 met r life past unci prrarnt rend fnini tin twfxind ttuipur ol tlu atud book a world i cuiuidu it uus agreed uiat jutumr roll cull would be u rlfircncc u a robolu lion muck to u blbk ctuiracter mn john marsluul of corahln was present and took charge of the election of officers tor 1030 which resulted as follows prt hldciil mko w bridle vice pretud enl mrs ltnlar recording and prtss secretary mrs w d clark treasurer mrs h laealie literature secretary mrs n s marshall community friend ship and supply secretary mrs wesley burrows temperance and christian cttuenshlp secretary mrs jred oar diner auditors mrs l froodand mrs n marahau reoognltton for perfect attendance during the year was bestowed on mrs h lcaue during the social time following the program christmas concerts an the order of the day s s no 1 jjtjamaaa held a very successful concert and dance in the towifhall on monday evening and the rernalnlng concerts will be held this week we lh to tmks this opportunlt in wishing the editor hfe staff and all ub- acrtbers u bright and prosperous new year tassixc plate the plate was passed in reverse one sunday recentl a the flrat methodist church walton n and re qrant roiunsan uho mauguratcd the plan termed it a great success the members of the congregs ion uvjc one dollar each from the plate instead of putting somrthin on it about iot mere at the church mr robinson who has been pastor fm 11 years explained it tttls way each person wlu invest she dollar in any way he believes may be profitable and will after six weeks return the dollar and the profit to the church women pon toebftrokler or made candy and popcorn and sell the products s a profit the men wtll use the money tn their business ce on thetr farms dp until thu mnrntnu 77 i ts or 1030 w to markers liavc hern issued in milton bywm tight issuer mr and mrs henry l sherman who has resided in mllum for many years moved to oeorgetown lut werlt mr and mrs o m mcnalr returned lost week from a visit to mr mnnnlrs brother robert mcnatr in chicago while in the windy city they attended the pat stock show when d c ifunier of campbellvtlle was hauling inns for the crawford lum ber company last thursday he had the msforuine to lose hts grip n the cant- honk he wan uslna and it slipped and lacerated his thumb very badly mrn w e mccrrad has sold iter lot on victoria avenue to w c kontner tiiuruigrr of thr oeorgetown ijimoer oo of milton who will erect a fine brick buntralow thereon in the near future cyril tost of oeorgetown pleaded iiullty ln poller- court here on december mih brrom magistrate w f woodllfte to n chnrge or drlvlna while intoxicated he wtaj given a seven day term in the county jail ordered to pay 34 26 court exists his driver n license was suspended for sixty days and his cor impounded for thret- months j a branch of the ontario juvenile hoc key association was formed in milton lust week with dr jnckson geonsstown as convener and l servos of milton nnd bud mcdonald of acton as sub- oonveners a local series will be played between the three teams as soon as ice in iwalluble with the winners to ad nnce in live ontario luydtwnh cham plon i etitttctc greetings we thank you for your valued patninnitc hue inn the past year and txlcnd to you the compliments of the seaion with our best wishes for health happiness and prosperity in ticic 19 3 9 mm b d rachlin atnttfjk firjtmtf of satiaftii aatoh raster if tlatriw kju jhsj paraonag boarar asnu hundav january 1st imt nkw ybaa bwslvjoim 1 1 oo am tn innlsters flublsat mnttoe for th year thar wluba a oommitnloii and iieceptlon narvica la 80 sunday rchool t 7 00 pm the mlnfttsrs atlbtaetl tile cemrse of the years kvsmvnouv vnaaoun lrrab1rruih knox ciiiikva aoton rkv ii i bennt if a mkbmar manse willow ulreat hunijay jarnjarv 1st 10j0 mcw vkann j1ay 1 1 00 am tim harrament of tlia isird ftuinstr 3 30 m tile hajrlmttl rvlsail 7 00 v m nsglnnlng anew moui i preiiarauiry herrlor ui nlghs thursday at m 7 watch night hervice baturday 1 1 ao m the young people oiilui flervlce ocanmjllsg ln harge 3 week of prayer tuesday wednesday thursday friday of neat week ahsrny snd prosperous new vear ta all aiwavb wxiiocrust saptlat churd aoton rkv k o baxtkk pastas hundav januaiiv 1st im0 1 1 00 am worship hervlce hubjast i wul lie with thee communion flervloe l 13 ift noun aunday sviiool tuesday prlday community week of prsytr hervlces a wsleaeas la all anadianborn aclnii gretls fiance dont waki iiim a utile colored ltxy rolng- ihrough a comeun read this inscription on a uimbstone not dead but sleeping scntchltm his head und rsinderlnn in final suld me tun sin t fnoltn n ild but lilniielf c lcaitlng auction salk tn rire townshu of nass oaweya iaiui faflm stcm k imiumrvi h iumts an1i hoi tuoli erttxts ttte undersigned hus received liislruc l u ns from thomas kilt1 u sell b public aucuun al lot 28 town line quesirm and nassaeuea an hldnlsday january llln 1939 ul one o clock sharp the following horses i bay mart 12 ytars old 1 bay marc 13 years old both good workers cattle roan co 4 yea a call at foot roan coa 7 years due tn march roan heifer due in march hen for j heifer due in march hereford hi fer due in april white cow milking well red oow muktne well hereford helltr years 8 spring calyea hogs 6 chunks so lbs l so poultry 10 white rook pullet 34 leshorn pullets 40 hon good cattle dog 6 aasstltiaaintb masscyharrls q foot orain binder frost st wood 6 foot mower proat wood disc seed drtu 12 apoui hoe drill drag harrows steel land roller 3 drums massey harris- cultivator odbd wagon and box paris walkmc plow uasse hams drill plow scuffler turnip drul hay rake hay rack sltxv slaigha cutting box stock rack oravel box dolaal cream c parator good as nea buggy cutter 2 000 renfrew tt uck chatham panning mill ilh bagger hay pork ha hope pulper sugar kettle pig crate chains feed box peed box lined aith un wheelbarrow barrels lantern 3 chicken houses orain bags crosscut saw new sledge hammer bag truck shovels porks hoes hmwfcs oood learn harness some odd harness driving harness horse blankets collars grain 50 dus pall wheat 200 300 bus mixed oram some buckwheat some roots and ha household purnture parlor ht aibanh church angltrati watch nroht hervipk 1130 pm new years bn hatur- ay evening prayers at the old year and the first morning prayers of 1m0 hymns and address toy the ibsctor begin the new year with an act of worship ail weixxme unclasstplad smah advertisements advatrtlmiwnt un4r tht gss4ti jn tnl parr ulsjitaum kmtm s pr rlltan fi lff u iijm ii pi4 cah isr ttmlltamsl is chsrvctl whm taiaf t bs thaknl rija ioo hiiipp1no ratukdat 10 76 and grade hogs delivered by former 0 83 frank iiolmbb yob halt rca victor console 1037 model bsig- ahort wuv lalke new 40 do apply box 13ft ptuse hlotb dcjmesuc relations justice juvenal msrchlslo trf brooklyn n y 1 pic tun d as h aas greeted on his arrival in los angeles by his nanoee film acircis rcsina luutnnoe mtss laatcncc was born in vtesttmn ontario and selected as miss cansda ji an atlantic city beauty contest w avit i coimble ti utg olrl t n h i ur work stale ex ruire apply u wx 17 pltpe wtkbis opp1ce montiiiy omlmlimtv alctiun rair at rockwoou wdneada january 4ui at 1 30 pm uvr 8uck implements ped purnlture hmull artlru ftr ojli u tlfce public bring in sny artule u wish uj sell satisfaction ipuajmntef inside accom modatunt roy hintjley fred moarthur auclkjnegars c o plank clerk phone 7 rockwood sallys sallies notice u tw- o wagon suite couch lamps small tables kitchen table j beds bath washlnc machine churn range chairs seal era dvncs etc the parm 100 acrea hardwood busl b0 acres workable new brtck house 7 roam and pantry good cellar bit bank born drtvlns house pis pan hen house subject to reaerve bid terms announced day je- terms cash as ok raorts ta qhtsf u porsalns as ui of ib baabji ntanusw i to sasini uwui the annual mketino acton fall fair criamner wul tie hetd in the council 1 tt acton on j tuesday january 10th 1939 1 at i 00 p m sharp business rejoeivmc trie annual report uf the audits and secretary election of oltkrri snd directors lor ibm trans actiun of sucri ujwr tsulncss sj mar os j a manv rrrsu r u wuciit harrsurr acton deorndcr nth 2 i a monologue is a discussion between a wife and a husband it pays the results gained in correct ing defective cei pay for the time and cipense many times over oonsult us for thorough eye elimination cost is moderate e p head c o pljuncoark for bigger business- advertise il-mniti-t-