Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1939, p. 3

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t 1 y h unsoayjaniavjtti8mi jjjfijjuljml rifi lar-rrrrt- la -l- paob rann u sujr ifrre jhrraa linrt gtury air appeal ilajut2liuu190n iioll elwood dawson vu ai j your suit orlng that uw main idee as anyone when lh you dope it up to cult yourself i mean tho words and music ijut keep in uio ldoo finish up with that yodle of yours wovo beenllstening to you boys around uie drug storo here have been eating you ur you cot country follaa appeal if you know what x mean i thoy rose mighty dad you came elwood and morris sullivan went back to the atudlos elwood wont on tho air the next morning ho was excited in spite of himself on his first two nones his voice haw mux lnancubkmlr off me and my knedlcjno like uibi and you re undi the next- morning- fclwood went to tile arm ohalr ertcityo send forth studio feeling low wlien he wont on article to the effect that trow muk i tho air hu voice wracked with emotion jno blfiitn tlie article would havo he knew hint invisible audience was been of greater value if it had contained laughing or groaning or howling scorn nemo miotico and leas armcluilr it at him he could not help u at the might have been written possibly it it surprl twouoolfsqathejgmmlng joy hour at kdii demonktratod thatlunad microphone presence and air appeal but none oould liave been to delighted u he time is ffolnb to put you over daw nan aald lowe announcer of uie earlj morning programs wish wo luid -como- ihing here at kdll for you wish so too said elwood half wist fully maybe something mlu break for you ygtr owe soothed hlmv you never can toll but don t expect anything tlio break came cjuicldy and unex pectedly tiw morning of tho last broad cast and just before onterlpb the studio elwood ran tlirough his mall his licart began to pound ho was bo excited through the fifteen minutes thtttior one his voice cracked and lie realized uuvt ho had rathbr made a mass of his fam ous yodle number when the mountains turn from blue to qold 3ay wliat l you jdauson loue wanted to know take a look at thlsl elwood tianddd uie announcer a jotter lowe oad uie communication and whistlod wch bo buttion kqa has been listening lu on youl tliau4s a break ill say h lil nodded ljuood proud lj look ut unit fifty a month they offer i pretty lod 1 11 cay i far a ft how uiat nevir made more than a dollar u duy on the form iti enough to tuin lib head aiuioutl lowe uippcd uie letter uioughtfullj oo ahead and ace wlmt they havq lor j ou dawlion but til uaveto give you the low doun on xa its one or thorn unau town stations wlui a very local appeal just fifteen hundred watt 2 hear uie radio oonunlsslon has u leather eye on uicm bocauso of quas- uonable advertising thoy may be all right but go ahead and nee what tliey have watch them uiats all 111 dotihat agreod elwoody but lowes warning sort of took the cuyy end of the period old doctor claybank clattered up uie stairs into the corridor outside uie studios where lie reproached elwood in anger pvir two more day his voice went on like this at that time lie made a dis covery- that added to his hurt ho was looking up flonic program material for doctor cldybahk when ho accidentally found a letter in the fllai from lowe at kdu suggeaung to station xda uii t llwobd be released as uie larger station might be able to use llwood on a tarn machinery program so that was uil reason morris sullivan had been in such a hurry to have that permanent pro gram contract signed this letter luid been wiuihtldl worci yet anofher letter sent directly to elwood in care of the station had been tiled ulthout delivery niuood hod already dlrovcred he cracked badly ho settled down never theless and hnlshed uie program with coukl not cont ct volc ilo4iffashouasundordeepcmouonal slrxvia on the ruxt iwugrom ho madt no lifort to control it all his old time beauty of voice and clarity of yodle when ho left uie studio and went down on the street lie ran into doctor claybaiik at uie drug store claybank mada a wry face boy claybank had como in and airly rcrcamed you got to do good on uiesu uiose omt two aongs sounded like on old wlat about your contract you are doing this on purpose i i cunt liclp ltl x cant thinking bow with her snout caught hi a steel trap lut the flnbih was great he slnpid elwot on the oicjt you at ftbout rona p country folks on oda ktythlng b t tliahloil fiaid uia young artist by tho ond of tho week uio proam jw imln a b saturdays maltbrought a heavy response ahira- mlnta sullivan broke in stop uilnklng about i cant stop thinking about ltl ho flung on sullivan accusingly you held up myioltcrrvonncnfir nowyou otaud around here and tell mo not to think nrauon out of him he answered tht ur that day and waited imputlenuy perhaps a bit worried for the rcsponw whon it come three dajn later no word oould have been more reassuring tht alouon manager said that elwood uould be used on n thirty-minute- program rrry morning for a national advertiser who had goods for rural distribution j later concluded uie utter wllfcn you have proed yourself as 1 am sure ou will wv 11 give ou an udvunct olt sullivan mukts his annoiuicement tlio fifty wd olltr in the bttrilnti i mii uiat the cliolceut and finest dred lelters and cards ho had a good amount of leisure umo about u regulu twktt on his hands wluchbe used to read y 11 ntvlr hivi mother chv ra on bookfl on aaycctlalngthe- subject fas uil air sullivan told eiaood ilaty thihted him being of an inqulrtngl c tackling vour voice on purpose llitc turn of mind ho started a little lnvea- thl or nursing our tallugb ro it uill tlgauon by mailing cards to uie custom- urock it amounts lo the 5 itil ihinj cm wlui blnt doctor claybank ordora noy iu in uil world uill tali you ik ituiiud ux umall towns arc always n willing to gumtji and dlplay tliclr choic- an lltin cul luw unu lu curln lit urban bkllctoiui that doctor cuiy- 1 cuu at ttl honuiuy w tacli othci bank had bclii nad nut of lho sutc umoiionally unet lvery turn il bro id medical associauon for malpractice that cius tlw pill program hla volet- cracked didnot jomid particularly good llwood tjjl mail dropiwd to nothing onospro did not allow the matter to troubh him i arum was urrible sullivan lodked ua by uil end of the second wllic when if ho would like to fctnmjrlo llwood 11il doctor cluybank wmt lo the post olflct jxjung artist 1liilw ho was killing hu 1cdh would rauwr leue ccry vmw his voice that made this posalblc chance on earth n w that ho waa at lh hllped the shabby sniggering doctor hxat aurrud in his llghung bliod uiim carry uie mall around to uie gloomy j to b a crook at uio end or tho mxl brick bulldbig inhere they sat in the w sullivun flred elwood olllc and aorted uio mau a week later uu crowd in uie drug bub cmfossed cluybank uu la l in ua1 ustcnlng in on kdii when a and with u biuihcl bohkll lor his mail elwood chances of over getting back hud uie lajpreme thrill of knowing it it it be so homb tatajlinis iwosr fniqutnt in wintilt tho statuucul nulletln a life insur ance ptdjuetfcuon pwblisliedb kew york fnyn uiat more jwrpriiui ore fatally in jured lnsftjjctttflyita hi uul about the hotvu during uie winter inontftv than at my oth r iason the toll of home iccldentti c irnes with uie cooler wcauier or october and con timios to rlno until uil penk iff reached in deccmber or january ope rcutoi for this is i hut lhu homo pipulatlon u hrcatcr in winter and consequently more are exposed to home hazards in tuldl- tlon ulere oro special home liaxardn in uio white rmonuis especially uiose as- wwrlauxl with lieatlng apparatiui dcntriicunn of liomes by flro in a cotrt- iiion winter oocurrcncc about onouilrd was by a onecaw ualryman intent on the peddling of milk from bis tubercu lous ccw more likely it was written at uio instigation of ccruncd milk produc ers who are out to advertize and sell their product the article 1a full or nils statement ii is a unsue of falsehoods from begin ning uyond flojne minister of agrlcul- tyre bhtaid to luivc staled tiil human race existed long ixforo nanteurlzatlou was lieard of yea and uie human race will probably cpnmnuo tomud6t4on otur tho cstilnl nudhmorant mlntalcr i utj of agriculture in dead add forgotten what is uio pith or this articlo- it is that vihlk pasuurljitlon destrpyn don- girotut kirma it also kills olt hartnlons and luitful gernu and at the mime time destroys some nuirltious coiiblituliitn tin lactic ncld gnriiui arc said to bo killed and in consequence milk cuniiat sour and doconidoflflwlilaurideji i nvbi o glrras multiply very quickly itasanau in hlfl preventive medlcuu rtftrrliid m lactic acid fermentation uijti it li sometimes auegcd that pis uurlrjiuan docn not destroy nature a signal souring milk pasteurized at uu temporatunw ttoommended 142 148 degrees f sours as- a result of lacuo uftocatiou in liniuur flretl oofcr durhg i w monum of december ond january the hiatfng plrfnt 111 maily homeo la de- fectlve niere art leaky chmneyii ond overheated smoke plics tlio very young and the cry old are frequent victims i t tumt of uiclr inability to save uiem- s he in mergijiclejt deiiths from burjii too are very pro- vul iil in- whiter- auima onellalf of fucli iltaths take place during the fout mouuu from december until tho ond of march oonl stove grates and gas slovi a play an important part in oil mortal ltj all ui year round butt par ticularly in the cold months jxoro acid fermentatlun just as raw milk does although somewhat more slowly nature has no diuigur signal for infected milk milk may be teeming with typhoid bacilli mid ouier dlblfise micro organisms with out its taste odor ur appeanuii changed tlic nutritloiui vnlin rhanged by muiu urlzatlon tlierl have milk is not wiur mom wxhim n uuuimen ore lcilms of fatal burns deration of tliclr household activi ties and bocaiuic of uio flowing domes thi w4ir storting flrea wlthsooal oil and gnnollnqjvns common incidents obil- diin are the principal victims of burns ml scalds for tho reason that enforced indoor play thirlihold- t hlldn u to the rtik of fire and ecalding umn onehalf the deauis from ixn lmndmds of ixiwrimuitn involving numlutiim or illuminating and other the use or pasteurized and raw milk for ueifonmu giuji in uio homo ooour dur- chlldren at nil agei for calves pigs and inr mu in mllis from december to march otlur luilmals btith in the unftod states n p- t r llm d gns lieating appll nih england in every single eaao tho hlldn n and anlniabi ihrliid about equally w 11 on raw and paateurled mlu villi tht ucnlt if at all lipped lo the sldl of tiu pusteurimd article it wasjjitw round hnwer lu wmi of tin o expert ftt nuirtti that aiilmals fttl on raw milk d elojjed tuberculosis no tuberculosis lemllted bi elullr unlmals or children tu iuk pasteurized mlik c rtalul clt an mill ui wanted su b aan lunoiyf natlons but all milkers art not dean and devoid of ducaie and all cows are not free from tuberculoids paste trlatu n is di sinned to itlent tho tlitcl of dlmoi and dirt from reaching the ustr or nulk its ilsc is analogous lo uu custom or niterhur and chlorina what i call a racketl icnow what i undtr jxdle burst rrom the loud speaker i ll of lucstlonable water supnlns and what doctor inquired elwood on farm machinery program old politely i doctor olaybank sitting nlar almost felll it cost me about a dollar a bushel to o f his chair i make them tablets i that a units uiat lowdown yod- phat all toiped uil aptonbihihl yod ler lei 1 thaloafaro talkod among uiemsclvea and trtty fetch mf fifty ecntn for two i tu r uie song in uonderful purity of duwn nothing but baking coda and tjiu was finished iulllvan said that i littlt mint i uyd never be on tho air again cold but- but elwood gulped in elwood dawbon could not turn such a uredlenis from all parts of uio earth luuui down hi fact iil oould see no u into these stomach tabk for him to think ol wet it lajur he ri ached don t the mint come and tho sody from h most of the ytt manager program huatler and part- ntuaui ftlmuur aiiyuilng 1st a mlddulowu motrls bullivan vn muuu of lilt hlutlj 1 overseop advt rtlsltu time announcer youre on doc claybank s luiif h ui sullivan told elwood 111 take yod around and make you acquainted with tho gentleman lining his inset hql was soouicd by uie but i thought you wrote me it was u uilsi u u huiulred for the third wtck luiuonal advtrtljiuigrogtani md uu ctrtalnti umt hi toptnu t would all dtm claybank will bt belonjts t fir h juir wlun lie had signed over oomo on morris faullnon had made it clear uiat tho two young mon walked across uio in ruse eluowi failed in his oice appeal public square turned down a side street tin contraci would be terminated am unt brick building ocr the u now uie lust thrtl hod subsided when one now spoko up anouicr lies with one o tho highpowered suations on the ilr they ni ver knew the answer fur elwood dawson luid taken a ilylntf trip ut the big city where kdii was located and had a talk with his old frlmd lowi jtte told elwood that ho mas exacuy rjuht in hli rtfusal to scu his appeal for obviously unethical advertising the fmti marhliuri ptt mm olltr wius luid oung dawson irft a bit dazed by the xn unul uwoihi w mid be reliascd for it u busliuss lit rutin r felt ashamed i onor is honor inn th uj h u bt in i la uil a i at t tt so frank a fraud as uus of thin air opt nly onftssed racket for tho time hah i so it is in some place nut otlu r place uul what about about the ethlca liwikmi pioixiundeei uu qucsuon itikls snorted cluvbank what is thul which occurs met ii tvin n mute twut in a in mi nt but no otirt in v yx ir tlic irttcr m i likt l he latter in a process accepted by srltnoe as a solution of uie problem of dlrtyand infected milk rhe claim that luat influiiicis uie uailabllity of culcium is item rally denl ed 1 illinualh hohcd nuikului- he it muih greatir than that of pasteiu izatton is extensively used on uil con tin ut of lurojw and eisewherl witn no 111 i teeth many studlis notably uiat of uu us public jit alt h strvice c193- lliport indicate umt tho gniwui iro inotint proptrty of milk is pol injurt d by luat what w ill imdoubtably appeal to mothers uul fathers or famllks is tht t stabllsh d fact that communities wlurt tin milk is pastturiad an fnjfrom coses tknlm tub uulosls and tmhiiltnt fe md that many uu r iiimuscs have had their nuiltgn influence maurlally reducld ijy uu miiine use of milk scleiuillcally pasteurized i he province of ontario canada has set a fcood example to tho rest of uu world nnd to armchair advocates of uie hsi f raw milk in making pulleurllv lion compulsory the ugulutors or on tarlo the majorttv of them farmers and dior of whlih was a crudt rlgn v claybank medicine co wonder stomach tubuls llley entered ht doc called sul umn j a cadaverous bentleman in stained ahabbj clothes appetered through a door in the partiuon tve placwhmdfoded t and ht could reason with a detroe of ilirity hi unit to faulllvan i just d in t niu h lili mr sullivan beliui a irty to thb mektutrlnu with svda mini pilu like doc claybaiuts putting outl huh y ni dint ih tlutfiune of ur n net ni daw son jt is simit of mv tuinrrn too ele- u nded ipprid liuimki hotly if 1 have air and you say i have and i guess uu in brt irli of modnsly to admit it riom my fan mail 1m just selling my mir ti a piece of invoked work lars ami ewctor claybank seemed harbor the same imitlu his hair was orowblaok ulth streaks of gray ho lcevked odd lorhaivd a trifle slnlsur and wholly queer doc shake hands with elwood daw- hu wluils bit yi u sou mr dawwrn mint doctor clay n uiliur i pt uiat ih clay ban is bank a crook out of standing wlui his proftvi olad to meet vt glad to met t ye slon and i m a crook with linn la t in dtvior clavbink ww tlwood a thmay nuiu jlandilasp i vo i w letl morris inilluan viitli thought i a brtiui ytir young artist ui doing remember youre tied up on arounxl to hi ym two get ooqualnted v contrail and what about the ethus ts plained morrbt ttulllan of your signniurt eh fcun ure mighty iilod t mtit yv jeuvalkklaeail us old dor claybank oiuig man sit dowkl the thwsat uwle here doe tm sorry u dime to in uncomfortabu chairs now ul tell jmi with u ci mpliunt uu this but i r abaut wtuulir stomach tttblilts i ian t gxi on with uits sort of thing iimntvd uw kecrt formula rnvntu u hev old clajbank peervd at him have own listening to yui ovrkdh i wiui evil narrow eyes told sullivan her right pt there a iii llt yvu why f new nncu i uranges i xzz z5c grapefruit 9dliilioiis rinvor f medium large ijpc m dad four or lt ear agi had a serious dispose and he gt t to prailking around with pills well lu just got worse and worse and if be hodn t pme to libi sinses in time and submitted to a sirious opera lion lied liavi died whats that got to da with me and my buine5 and yoir prograkw s ir uimmj klu-suluvaull- justuustlwrmaybniay foks- vcutsakl ttl taugheu uie announce r out there who have beginning cancers ctitmn t ou he turned book to and thtngk liki that they ar behui iuocxl make ui wmve kind of a signa- takm in witii uir ctmokvd advertising time soiic uky uil doc claybank and uwy may lose so mlvoli time they m humanity friend ito asks onhthat ll well if uvjde i ihwn ivahy-uv-u- iwi kertxl yod go on from uwr the crimei claybohk flewv into a towering rag voirre an kilotl how dr yethvow our man now if you make avl and x know ym wiuhuide of a mniui ue can make uut fifty an even hundred ah snlltvun sure doc vou just luip right in novv and niv uie customer uk bmt ye got wi 11 fill uie pill omlehil he sniggered you mttd for uta od f rleridly doctor book which tolls you all about liow to end x carrots lbs for jfc tangerines 10c delicious buect 1 hfn skin nice size per jozen parsnips 4deliuoun hs for 9e uu s and i losed windows combine to nili uu hiziird worse in winter aium- niiing is which contninji carbon mon- iii- s a majority or uieoo ratnll- s uu tlmea tlio escape of gas is i detached flexible pipe a leaky iu oi tl putting out of light gas by liuil f wind by warter boiling aver iuh r muins sioil or furnace pipes nu ills iniutcufl or thi irrafts are t s l h that hums ibni uinmtch tin motor dtivi rs lire aipliy idajthl a they uie product rs of milk had rt v leuod problem curt tut 1 bitort i nai hiik tin pasti urljit m bill of hub hy john w mccuilough md whp run uilelr motors in unlieated home gar- uiiwi wliere ulndnwn aiul doors are 4 cl more ulan vt of uiese aceldentk occur during tho four monuu of cold weauirr smouiwinp or chlulren is commoner in uuee mnnuw usually titttw aocld cintji are amnnff inrants wliq for warmlh nrc taken into uieir parentv bed among- uie groat varloty of fauu nc cldents alhlt uie home falling is uie thief one nil uie year around tlirre uto many more df tlwse occlcfcntn uie winter monthjj because or log and nnou and additional iimno of dartcruuoi vvhlrh increase uie luuardof bacftyugtti ni statrwayn aivd rooms eurnol vltfuonce is uia prloe of safety by john w s mooiillmigh wfd d pll t now what would s1iky mamma ald her little dxyearold daiialiter please button my dresc you pill have to do it yourself dear was uie reply mouier too busy oh dear exclaimed uie htuo girl z dntit know what id do- wltliout my self plenty twarm- j cu thoro e lurn irtf i jlts 4aw tltt sss urmco water hem two qto hamco icqke j 11 hoi n nv macklnzib son ritchie agar vhabwcoinow the lowest price in years biscuitsss pdr27 jutt hrriwduwlm allsorts pound 19e eau brand blueberries nstin 8c kkvh ptwdutd custard pur bulk pavuil butter irlu tin 23c 9 lb 25c aenlu bmuu codfish iib pi 15c bella city peas 3 tin 25c spuhnti m y cut macaroni ctolll cwkid spaghetti pound 5c u- tin 15c prunes 2po15 bovfil cwmd beef lotm 15c tiowtoniu catsup itoi su 10c hl rwnbtktd pwk mil beans mdtinhc vinegar 2 25c bmoi corn starch bmklwcwn syru1p iibpkf 10c slb tin 37c our frttharauitd dindm f coffee iibbj21 our ppuur dindm tea iibb 41c syrup otd colomy puatmapte ml 23 cherries 2 ifelufloih mild fiaor ijirce fniil 1 special pnc no 2 ijrw for 25c aunl juntmi ftnukt j flour ru 15c flour rrbrwdwk pepper 69c h- ioc 1 wheat rii9c ca 9c ck 7c frweh fur cmtitai soap 3 umucmi soa soap 10il1c ouwl calm tl eilll soap 315c mlsiirooal ani1 otr first rile bl tter fresh rolted trls stolie open wednesday afternoon r s free debvery phons 158 j a r v aii miai

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