sc j tuobsokv jakojlrv 12th lup thb aton tree prxss pack prv jmgnah mrs o a dllujdklud in toronto over the weekend miss bessie kaw linen is vultlntf with friends atnport bydiiuy mr oeoreortirray wu liomn from toronto for tho week and mlsa etta dills of tordnto is vitelline nl the hameji of her sinter and brotlver here mr james mackm and mr stanloy mackto of toronto wore home for tho ueekcnd j mr charles tyler br or afltncourt called on friends in acton and vicinity yesterday miss helen lamb returned to the tor onto normal schools thin week after her holidays at her home hero mr and mrs w j vonkvirman mm jon fletcher ouelph and mr and mra o ii uinta visited friends- at kenmoro n y on sunday george wallace clothes shop 123yongfcst toronto opposite ryrieblrln wt patterson rq bpeelajut in vy jtiamliiati orihapuai 103 wynoxxam st ctlcljtj completely equipped office below mailer shoo store uul of thanks mr and mrs dreen and rurally wish to thank tholr friends and nclgh- ttirtlr bora for their kindness mcavofi lllnoss during llttla caxu of thankh mr and mm aiou joe and family wjih in convey their sincere ailptuclafian and thanks to neighbors and friends for tho kindly act shown during uio tad bereavement in the loss of a lovlntf daughter and sister caod of thajnkb mrs win hall and family wish to thank all their klndrclonds neighbors relatives pallhearers flower bearers tlie loyal orange lodge und tluuc who no kindly provided cars for tholr many aau or kindness expressions of sympathy and for their beautiful floral tributes during ou lasii of our dearly bolovud hiuhind and fathcv interesting meeting of the acton womens institute tlu january met linn of the acton wiimtrui institute was huld at tlu homo or mrs diu unu with mm wlldi r- spln the president in charm in place of tlu reiiular motto miss oracc ijint read u hitter from a new 3ealand pen pal huvl you heard of the maori nict in our country they are the most civlllrd and cultured of all dark races in parliament there are maori mps representing the eastern wifltt rn northerif and southern maoris riiejii four men rank among the leading oru torn in the house one of tliem was knighted toy king george v ills name is sir afirana nuala she also road the languagt of these people is said t bt one of tlu most beautiful in tho world or course wl english have mur- di red it in thr way we try to pronounce sonu of the names of the towns some t r our towns hnvl english names and r nut maori i can imugine the dlffl- euliy jou have in trying to say ntratco llau plains this in the towji where tin young lady who wrote the utttr live anotlicr part of thi letter referred to njoying overseas radio programs morn ing is tlu best timifor these at xactly ak n clock in the morning i lovt to hear big ben striking lipm in london the letter wiui very interesting mrs franclu wilds reviewed curniit events tmemnrlcfi or arundmntrtor was flit resimuist t the roll call and some- very interesting mciyorles of the community tmindmothera were glvm alnnirrffwtutnlno enjoyed- mrs w j re id ravi it very interest hib paper oir silk stockings making ind mnnuficturliik it was decided to nuikc n quilt ulsp to replenish tlu lav ttt tlu women h in dilute kteps on hand for neidv mothers tlie meat cooker project thai tle seniors are takliw up will havi the llrst meeting at mrs a ll liantzs mrs wilderspinjic the last half of tlu report ottiu loronli convuttion tlu institute will caler to the beard- more companj employees aasoclntloit tin wednesday ovunlnit after a hearu vote of thanks to th iitls and all who look part tho nua t- nik cltwedbj ainbiiib when voti and i were vouiiff maggti and all enjojiri u social turn when tin committee sred daiut lunch client pleaded an owen bomnd dootor wrote tut on deoember bth 1d3ii in pari on fol lows t am very ploasod with the systematic and thorough way in wlileh you are going afjer my account what about your unpaid aooounts send them in today kelly aiki5n collection srouhu ouanorviiji ontaiuo est 1s00 torrrui no collection no oliargo gregory theatre friday january 13th thc crowd uoars with robert taylor in a two- fisted role supported by maureen osullivan comedy side shour paktr pojeyo ooonlund cliaptcr u of wild mil rlckok saturday january mtb gmt night prairie moon adventure with the singing cowboy dene autry musical cleaning up comedy three missing links oartoon don alds better self fox news monday january igui time out for murder battling mystery with gloria stuart and michael whale n musical nautical knights com edy jump chump jump car toon tlie now comer minia ture mlrucli or salt lake coming judge hardys children lewis stone and mickey roonej rtimlimber her junior hold second place in local group continued from page one mrs robert colcen moore heroine smiles from hi r ubli york night club t orongevihe ooal mnglll defence jcffcrs nnd woods centre hopkins wings leoeh and cttllesple alternates walker voll lang poglt hammer kiots from ail anglf1 one win a tie and a loos and all in overtime the juniors sure hrlieve in giving the- fans tlnlr moneys worth win out of orangovlllo woud 1 wc bei r nice the pop boys have jet to be beaten although acton has forced them into ovortlme twice itng was the best for orankevillc uith two goals and showing plenty of nggressiveness on the forward line ho li over nix foot and weighs plenty but neely lct former marvo dumpeel him plenty one time ptlt rcreon orangevllle lacking organiwd hockoy for a number of yiars sure an hockoy hyi terlcal now champlnnn last year jmd plans madi for repeatinb hqwtcr it t a hopi acton prove tlu iv b tumbling bkmik give frank a rest remains one of those things tlie dual managing of uie club has lljf advahtages and duadvantagaa lett hope all difficulties arc irofred out beforu scrlpus results occur new thehenderson- cleland wedling in toronto a wedding of inti n si to mam in acton and to readers of tnr rnrc pwrsi vjw tju the locarlftdadeee 1 hesuptwrt of- all loyvo hockey tfans and the jink should be packed for tho next home game mlltonrriday night a win would assure the locals of second place the trip- will also give some of the strrjilng forwards marco ooy brush a n il clinnoc to harmbnlw with the aid of such old timers aq ben rayllss sy nnd cookie from rocku ood tlie hecklers in thr reserved si iits m ir qijli t monday night probably loo in forested in the passing pluj s of acton to bather giving them tlu bird futuiu- junkor amis ividay acton al milton ornngi 11 at oakvllle monday milton at orannellu tuesday acton at oakvil e tluirrdav milton at acton r junior c1iuup standing i qoals p w l t pr agt pl oranteille 1 a o i 2 r 0 acum 4 2 i jl in ii milttn 1 1 n ib 2 tjie puzzle rliyme for pans this week oalcville 4 0 4 cookinc or meat studied by durlin instit11l dublin women s institute hi ul tlu tr first met tint on meat cook ry it th homi of mrs w d ilirbir afti r hi stud of food v aluts and mark it u o rood sc ix earcls tb u idir rvipci and hi r tikstsuint mv vaiklootn kh thret di monstrati ins u pi p irliu mi i cooking a crown roiim ol ni imih t i ll ini ii steak nnd p t imln ty diiln y hint h wiui thin rud bj mis wllffij m olmmhtln mil mis u i ihi ijurbt r to bi lit in immoi n u u on thliim but it ls iltst needful l bill vt in lift hoi ut ij utn btf ins ii by w colk3 a little niorl liumorfroin clutmbers til inrinrv landji tne unl ls defin ed bj the e miplli r a follows tlie in mi of tlu blessi d after death no scotland we havi omitted the u ird you i an tiupplj tt tf ynu solve thl puz7li- ailftht m first k in apple in pear and in plum mj s diii in l at jjiii jiot in a drum m third and mi fourth in draw not in pull mj fifth l in dummy humuver in fool mj sinth anil tm stl1i ii n u rj short virb mj lit i in wttti nnd flout r mid herb coupon si lullnn nan p 1 acton b plays iruildc the opponent a blue line have shown a decided improve- iiu nt thank to the coaching of jnck k ntner acton no have two well balanced for henderson clel and wedding in toronto wur ilncj who know how to cnecj and on saturday tlie bridegroom mr ralph hcn blt nro j to be ragged on itimdenuin is the llder iion of mj- and mrs c c henderson and was born and spent his boyhood in acton tic is a grandson- of thi late hon david hen demon prominent not only in acton but in llaltnn county as its mt mbor of parliament for many ytar 1 1mothy eaton mi mortal church tor onto was thi m ttlnr on siturdiy afti r noon for this btautlful candlelight vul ding cert mony doris margin t cli land eldr daughter of mr and mis w 11 cleland of liiroutt and 1 ro onuino bt aint tit bridi f r ilph gorton hen di ison son of mi and mra c e h n rterson of luronto hundrtds of gut hit thiontetl tin church ulu n mjiiad t audits rlbh m tied hied tut il it ml ul llitii sot glnv in the ehanctl uhui tlu brldi and bridegroom to k heir w th mar rlage was performed by re d i v id a meunnan whiit thomas j ciaiuord at tlu organ pi nlded the music hie bride ure a town of sllvt r li i fahloiud vlh liearl shaped m eldlui tlrtull fltud bikilit and tarridgt pit a ted skirt ndlng in a squari train ils long tleivt tatrtd u mlnt ovi i tin hands her vt 11 of jilvi i nit was iujuiusi ul hie lomt passing playr hit orangcvlllc arena has bein im proved grtiatly along with the hockoy ttam we bt lieve rather mrcabo ls fii tally rtjponslble for thli i alton imit dttipetl many g wd hoc kt y plaers ovt r a p rlod ot years tills jiar looks like a banm r year juvenile junior intt rmedlute and bm ll league taklnk u tin rink s hint not fend for u toun if 2 o0 in attov h tkviili 2 a m i tii spit u idtal lo thi iy hi r tondttliiui art ii junior c ntr uhljped oakvillt r ui 2 i t n win nnu h tin better team md wu full v ilut pf the out sided ut ry kt nttu r s kids dbolatd it th fnm nt t hit flu st i xlublll mls of iiufs li k nt that in junl r li am tw f in iuls vt r dlsplaed jiu k has ll i hii itght under lns wing tluy kn u ulu i und v b n lo pass tlu pick thi in utlh snfi m monday night i ut ll dldn t stou the play too mui h lils of body rl t rks ut rt handed ou luad with a spra of white uili ns jirtii no penaltlis were given during the travel by cruiser coaches between juvenile hockey organized for aetonjjoys kno y v a monthty mebtlncr install oitickrs tlu jauuan iptt ting ofknux mng women a aulliar was held a tlu limn or mrs a k mann on wediusdin atii ing witli a good atttudaiux- tin instni lntlon of on in for the year was con- ductod bj mrs iknnle the jrwident mrs r spltlvogil had charfle of the program tlie aerlpture kvmon aosjvad bjlra ohara and prayeif iby mrs a usselle a mijutanarv reading was driven by mrs p anderson and tlw study hour was conducted by mrs bennie tills took the fonn of tonuit with quettlotu relaung to the work bf tlie missionary society of thebhurcli at home and in foreign fleku at pie c6ke bf he meeung a social half hour wai s pent over tlw teaeups kkndnkfls vou hav doj4kindiirf anouier iuu mecelvml it why aui the fooush and honker otter aotimtiiinanjqore um mdlk for th wnrtnow or the juvcnih hockey was organized for acton ttta mefttlngonpridaynightrttnd tlu local boyu will plaj in the three oun circuit of acton milton and ocnrge town officers elected at the meetlnc were honorary president ml j doyd president dr a j buchanan vice pre ijldcnls messrs w j quitty and h n litrmer secrelarj imr w c jones treasurer air w a mason manage n mesarb j l mcdonald and orenvllle masaki tlu followlnt ls tin athetlult draun up for tlu grout weditihdaj jununr i itli- ocorgeum u at milton i tluirsdaj juuuar i h mllum at georgeuiun ivldui january 1 1th milton at acou monda jauuao leith aclou at mil tun wediusda jumnirt hith aeorgeioun at mutou t ividaj januar jijh alton at gixiruelouu sauirda januarj 1st oturgeljwii at acton i tuitdaj januarj 4th acton ut mil ton tliurwlaj januarj joth milton at qeorgt town i saturtlav januarj 3bth milton at acton tuotutaj january 3lst qeorgftown at i adtoi 1 thursdaj february 2nd y acton ut georgetown i iasiatli bouquot of white a4ilbiii ill id ullli vhlte tuather sent to uie bride from fat o land bj old filtnds of the fainih rtpt utesl the ciindlt light motif i and sheu a son radiance on the face or thi bride her ji ut is ini bided a diamond and emerald wrist uatch the gift or the groom a squart diamond ring uhlch bl longed to iter mother and as a pendant a tear drop diamond from tlie crown or catherine the great helen cleland dobutante sister or the bride wus hi r maid of honor shi wore a cherry red vilvtt gown made on prln cess lilies with a very full skli t the tfodice with heart sliupod neckline and long minted sleeves a ollvbr bo was ucrciiid pretuly on the barjt of ber head ulth utreamcri dosoondlng to the waist 4tu carried ft easeado imhkiui t of full bloun uhlte roses in uhich the candle light elitct and uhlte heather of the brtdt ii bouquet ere repeated rour bridesmaids ruth paul mary law suum walsou of hamilton and monnic moncur also of hiuiilllon wore gouns of silver net like tlie brides veil ulif it t li mge a dt elded game coring tlu first ix t j mfmiirs fr mi tin orangiulle at ion opened thi 1 rlod whin jack ki mshead scored uls first oal of till sua- on goj and joins banped in two more quick acun gt ul whlli mrcrea notched one for oakiille tlu tame was lit id up for quite a sptll ublli oakulle drtsied their resu lar goiilit uho vtus unable in be hi rt f r the pi nlni erlod i acton lidded tbrix jnurc guals lo th ir total in -tin- second when icemsbe id i brush and bnyliaa bulged the twine the latter goal came on a mat naj rrom chuck tyler acton s scoring in the third period rtjsuiwd from shols by kemshtad wh notched tm iwo the first uas on a pass f tl ii thi latu r goat london stratford kitchener guelph toronto commencing thursday january 12th on a pass rrom saunders oakvlue notclud a well dejicrved gpal this period donaldson scoring on a pass from mecixil tlie period and gam ended uoll in acuin s rauic although the credit for tlu acton goals goes to tho tndmdual who notched the twine might t add all goals were scored on passlng fashioned with tight bodlou long sloe von t i ornv uicl nbr on the ice asslhted in etryjingi scored so if any players and bouffant skirls v oru over pale gray uifftla on their heads were cherrj tolored bous ulth ualst length stream i h tllelr flouers ucre cascade bou nuets of chieftain rusts uithjt scot tlsh white licathir and candlelight ijloot the maldof hon ir ond brldosniatds won crjftal drop ptndunu tin ulft of tlu bride i lnursoii ml hi r uas bent man and howard hunttr melyln kenny of kit ihuie arthur heutltrson and douglas clelniid wen tlu ushers mrs w b cllmid sang j lollouing tlu wedding eeremonj the rteeptlon wius held at the grinih club when ilu rooms wert dicoca d in white and slhtr tlu brld s three tier cake shots hiom aix anglt s was ditxlnited with tlu uhtu heather ac tun shows great improit ments as from scotland undjhlus of thi valley the season updu on thanks to putlent rioeivng with ihe bridal purtj utn coaching bj jock ktntnir mr and mrs cleland parents of tlu bride and mr and mrs henderson tin twovilh5- a loss a li and last but parents of the bridegroom mrs cloluud not itast no mim overtime cwl hope wore a chanel gown of black pet and afu r staying off tlie score sheet for sequins aptnk feather hat utth pink thrte tamos jdck kemshead notched carrqelias mrs hcnddrson wore a hand j four ou tuesdnj night alter jaok some black velvet gown trimmed with nmehed the first oiuj he lllerallj ran gold a silver fox cape matching asceuwiul iianuvs were nbl rrttntioned regarding assists think nothing of it as ll was not ovirlooked the following was the line up oiikuhe goal j bancroft defense d mjers and n hi an centre w drown wings c vernon and w archi bald alt mates clure j mllni w donaldson macrae j acton ooal holmes defenc saun din and bajliss centre kemshead j wings qoj and tyler alternatea jones lurjio brufih pillion l u referee h scott oakmlk a new luxury service no increase in fares aix wnonu i 3m woundad rpommy hnuwi up to and whftta wranff with youf tha ulq f wu oa yu6n ywuguo mfiudd xvunmy aim eujper hit um mm j wl ir uw nliter hit ul rum lr wht hit you art tha bloonln bitajlon nputt the vmivka aas ith t oeun 4 i r- tlie ac ton club wiowed better condi tion than the ifoavter oakvlue team much credit ftr tills ls due to trained anderson sorles and orchids after the reception tlie- bride and bridegroom left on their honeymoon trip live bride wore an oxford gray uuored suit with whitccashmen sweater black coaclutiahs hat wltli tiny plumes in 7uc1uu gren ond pinic block iiecej oakvniejrentry u nob os strong as sorim a hhnk coot ond frreett orcluds last year ond in saying this sure dorst tliey viu spend o few day ikllng at mean to take any credit away rwiuvfie the seigniory club lit quebec before local lads prooedlnjr to morttreal ond then to new j york city 6n their return io toronto fvarucle wfiimem ljiuwr aoton net hod they vol lint on aaranue road owvjy evening wluch really wu j tut itln the venln ebe matt of ui hrtdal as wnlyom vajak had on injured hand pttr dattoml at the woyal yorie uo4d whf jwwjjle toenniy waant luad to highway cruisers dro tho latest modoj motor coachosi sigrtod ond oc pod to provide maximum comfort and safoty and an amazing noa rid coaches leave acton v eflstern smndurd time eastbound to tokonxo wefttuound to union i 5 am 0 ii m ti 3ittn 4 2lpm nil p m 84rp i eiwapt 8un and llol 0 53 a m jnt38 am 2 23 pun ex 3t3 p ay 5 01 p m 7 is pm b tr 18 p m aitt 1 23 pm ex 12 08 a nv son aiisllol aat sua and hoi x to kluyirntt u btratrord gray coach lines wm c kam mb m