v u the acton fpee press thursday january llul 10o uartdffrfrb rbllilj kvo tburuy t atloo 0uiu tsf rtaii will not b rrw ivm ssss jlu wlhu ih rvic elliul advertising batbson application and aa ll in varlnua column headings aiihh avarv nncautlon will b iluen lo avoid swuk xtsk w3 ucli r c ahlop dills editor telephorjcs- ejimrltl nl nu raaldanca 74 ftcuna that show improvmrent indication of the improvement of local conditions is reflected in the figures for the last three months at the acton customs office total collections for the period are 3080181 a nine months pctipd shows an increase of 070485 it is very probable that total revenue from the gjnccherevwllfamount to about 120000 during the year ending jin march in view of the fact that collections are largely made from actons industries the- import ance ofa customs office in acton to these industries as well as the importance of actons industries can readily he perceived the figures also indicate the improvement in industrial and business conditions in acton generally in the past three months continued benefit once again the season has come around when acton arena is a popular place for young and old it is now starting its eleventh season and the las half of its debenture payments and interest is steadi ly maintained good hockey has of course been the biggest attraction and having a championship last year of course gives on added impetus to the sport here this year not every year has it as the first two years been possible to meet out of revenue the current interest and bond poyment but few there ore who make any complaint about the amount required by taxa tion to make up the difference last years audit ors report shows that oyer hajl of the amountre- quired was raised nbovc the current expenditures when this amount is spread over the entire tax rote of the community it amounts to o very small surn tssbenat tugjcaujfi amount necessary to be contributed by each citizen in tax levy what or 1m0 as the new year opens acton has every reason to view its beginning with optimism with the big majority of its citizens dependent on the success of the industricajiuthin its borders the year opens brightly practically nil of the industrial establish ments are working at capacity nnd some of them extra hours to meet the demand employment of citizens is better than at any time within the post eight years the problem of the relief board has been reduced to procticolly nothing since all who ore able and conduct themselves properly arc now employed in view of the foct that many acton factories supply materials which ore needed now ond will be required for the duration of the war it can reasonably be expected that these better conditions will continue no one of course would be so rash ns to make predictions of the future but as the year opens there is every renson for optimism ontario news flhcwcck my mtuale mettttm toronto voter et up more thaw oty record of aeneraj lntret to ontario wliin they trooped u tha poll week for one thlna they repudiated oommun- ut candidate tor office h hl rved on the council durinff1030 they al- mofitdurcanrded the advlco of the three dally nwppn to elect day a mayor and uwy nhooli a very vigorous though fupirauve fut at premier hephum on the question of cancelling municipal ructions for the duration of the war an predicted in tliu column a few week aao the nwrelvc move asatnat finland by the soviet evidently hod a arrat influence on a number of toron- ionlonn whose sympathy had gone lo the communlrt of thu country for the decrease in the vote for alderman sduberg was 4 neavy one he came nowhere clone to belnu elected aa for stewart smith candidate for the doard or control and an active member of the- ontario communut party he wa very much an auo ran the election aeemed also to serve a an indication that canadian yrtthwni are mil doing their own thinking in aplte of lhelr wllllnffnem to submit to certain regimentation for the sake of a better prasouuonofui -war- jut consider thu fact with the three toronto dally newspapers vigorously supporting ralph day as the man to be elected mayor and at the same time blasting at lewi vigor duncan almost beat day in one of the heaviest poll in the citys hutory what torontos rxprpjuilnn of opinion on the election ban by hepburn may do reproduction slowjy killing small towns ten peoples nre thrown out of work another ten or n dozen citizens nre dependent on the first group thus the buying power of a score of people has been lost to the town of bowmnnvillc thnt is just one of many angles nffecting the closing this week of the oldest bakery in this community this calamity if it may be termed such brings close home the undesirable conditions which exist in many small towns and which we have discussed in these colums before that of outside bakers being allowed to peddle their goods in town without paying a cent of taxes think of it fifteen outoftown brands of bread being sold in a town of less than tour thousand population this is in addition to our two local bakers what is the outcome the survival of the fittest you sny and what n penalty citizens arc uncon sciously paying for this modern trend of elimination of the smnll town bnker hy the allpowerful mill- owned and chain store bakers whose chief interest i dividends certainly not the welfare of the com munity rowmanville statesman at queen prk thl wek 1 not oaf- tain the ipremler ha always been somewhat defiant where traditional tocy toronto ha been concerned and uus toronto vote in itself might not mean much but when ltmmeavelunak to similar expressions of opinion for voter in oilier municipal i tie of tlie province it is just possible that the mberal leader may find some loophole at thir lost minute through which he may crawl with ox much grace m noa- lble it i intonating to note though that even if hepburn foroc tills legislation through the house the new toronto city council ha determined to resign a a body av the end of this year thus forcing a new election legislation or no legislation organisation for canadas air effort ls well under way and ontario t to share in the site and building for the 07 air school to be established it 1 onnounred close to 50000 volunteers will be asked for when the recruiting cam paign begin in the early spring in the meantime recruiting bi to bo rcopmed for men to act u reserve for the can adian battalion already oversfos the canadian uroadcastlng corpora tion announces a new north america agreement which it 1 hoped will give new cleared channel to canadian radio ataltnn from vnrtou section in on tario complaints have been pouring in respecting interruptions and poor recep tion and it is almost too much to hope till ncvjlagrocmflntjlll jetufl- ihfl trouble some years ago canada secured a clear channel only to have a powerful outlaw station in mexico btak in and completely moll the setup with its 24- tout- pp da m to show that its to be business a umial the canadlnn national exhibi tion unnounces that tlie big fair will be- held till year from august osrd tct september 1ui and that mora po hv been remrved fay exhibitor for 1m0 than at ute mmo lime lt year it will be a wartime effort and the pageant to be prented will depict tlie growth of imtalni ea might from the days of kuttabeth up to tlie recant victory of the ajax tlie kx titer and the achilles dro i christie president of the ontario agricultural college in outlining the war task confrontlnglje canadian farmer aoys it will constat of producing feed for the alllm grawlng product to replaco thoao that no longer can be im ported and keeping down the cost of liv ing at home tlie cost of food wit not increaso to anything like the extent it did in juo hut wrtlie pro feasor stated the farmer is a much more efficient producer than he was not so many yeari ago wheat pmk product andchneae will be supplied to the allien in qilpiiuty vol ivomn roiunimpllnn the farnler whj pro- dutm fibre flax unseed oil sugar beets cnni and wool once imimirlwi hugar iksm prrmtmctlm u one commodity that is to im mnlftlally suimmmi up this year wintkr iiaarhh the liliijd but lnrvltajlo aproath of winter rather leads tlis indutrbl ac cident prevention asaoclatlons to point out the incrraaed haeards and polblll tleji of iirrldetit during the darker winter days as the thermometer goe down tlie daiigcriilocetfcntgqfajinjarruith current bullntln of tlie organlutlbfi hhortnens of daylight slippery condi tions under foot and a certain dulling of the senses from cold all contribute to nfbnrtnnnti ligmrds employers are urged to check up thalr planl li eiinure that all possible pre cautions are tuken to minimise winter harardit business direeory mcdtcaxi dr j a mcniven htysuuu mud hurgwh office and n4ldnca corrur bowr avenue and ttlgln slret dr e j helson physlelan and rurgmh klactro therapy pliotu 14v dr wm g cullen l m g c miyttelah afcu korgaah office ilnur 14 and 70 irjn flundaye by appolntmhit mill street near frederick fltraet telephone 131 drs freed and stevenson oamrasllvixme phone milton 33flr3 after 10 pm ulltou 3w office j tours 00 am 13 pm 7q on sunday by appointment only ijcoal c f leatherland b a lurrufer anj eululter nelary ipaule issuer of uarruga license iteglstrar of dlrth marriage death acton office tl fkn rmldsae 111 kenneth m langdon flarrisur ilelur natary rubiu office georgetown gregory tlieatre hulldlna acton over t flcynuck cafe jttltflkijrtplptlhhfart oeorgetowii hi office hours acton tuesday and thursday 130 pm to 4 00 pm kn- ings on request dknta17 carrolls oit to a good stnrt editorial notes municipal bodies in acton rot into the stride inst week nnd promptly went to work on their problems reeve chalmers nnd the council of iu40 nre hieing mnny problems but it wns commcndible the way they were tackled at the first meeting the problem ofcarrying on municipal duties the change in tax collection nnd several other matters nre facing council this yenr thnt nre not often met with by new councils there was a quite evident desire to settle these matters in the best interests there was evidence too of some careful thought by the reeve and mem hers of council on the questions thnt are bound to come up ah nro betnp given careful consideration and even if it should require four meetings in the first month to get actons business attended to thero appears a willingness to give the job the atten tion needed council got away last week to a splen did start under the direction of reeve j b chal mers canadas production of automobiles for the eleven months ended november mih ms318 units itlvt amounted tu revenue and a correction canadians are without a doubt due to have heavier taxation if the payas wego policy is to be carried through we have read of many suggestions where the leyy can be placed in the printing indus try there has been a rather onesided exemption which might be ruled out we are not sure that the reyemue derived would be large but it wpuld at least i mr h w taylor has sold his injerest in the grimsby independent to mr r w glendinning nnd the new ownership became effective on jnnunry 1st uniformity in clearing sidewnlks nbout town seemsesscntinl it is the duty of ctery citizen to keep the sidewalk in front of his property clear of snow the problem 6f clearing the snow from the high way through acton is one that should be given at tention by council this year but perhaps it wont be a problem at all this year with the turn of the year the smith falls record- news started its 54th year of publication to this splendid journal and its likeable editor a e dobbie we offer congratulations on passing another mile stone on the road to success put all on an equal basis at present printing establishments thitt produce less than j000 worth of job printing in the year are not compelled to secure a license and paysales tax only on the materials purchased establishment that do over 3000 worth of printing in a year must secure a license and pay sales tax on the completed work the levy as it stands at present is therefore manifestly unfair naturally a consumer wonders why one estab- j lishrttcnt shows a sales tax charge on his account nnd another plant does not show such an item at eight per cent it is an item- thnt cannot be absorbed j frlere is one place where additional revenue can be secured and an unfair situation corrected- every j 3000 item collected brings in 240 in taxesand no additional machinery would be required to make the change us department of agriculture scientists have found thnt tobacco is of higher quality whcln grown in n field that has been permitted lo produce rag weed and horsewecd crops during the preceding season science item now it surely wouldnt be thnt sometimes they get some of the ragweed and horsewced mixed in with the tobacco that might explain soiric of the kinds we have encountered rj oilier in shelburne free tress andecottomistt an other nun apparently who has tried his christmas cigars a country editor who evidently has been n close student of human nature turned out the following editorial it is no discredit for a person to have enemies nrid opposition the world is fullof envious people some people envy a successful business man because he has prospered instend of making a failure ir he occupies n prominent place in the lif of a community there ace people who condemn him be- cause he is more outstanding than they lire the only person for whom the worttf has no animdsity is the quiet man who offends no one nor gets in anyi bodys way hii may lead morecohtcnted life but never makes much of a mark in theworld special aualralian seexfleu raisins 2- 19 carrolls pure baking powder vs- special maple leaf pure lard l imiiind tmoknfti i 10c domestic shortening 13c i lb pl special i wasitaffea peach jam with 32os 44 0 pectin jar a4sl mincemeat mpu blueberries swansdown cuk frys cocoa vanilla extract 2 2 no 2 tin r pb 4og btu 25 17 25 19 25 special lachine brand peas golden bantam corn new low price hetnz tomato ketchup levbtl tee 6 13 prunes good size heinz soup figs mr 10 ni 2 u- 23 dates tr sssa 9w codfish bonelem canadum jft 1s special lynn valley dessert pears lboi tl ic puiri sweet dixie bar biscuits z7 christies chocolate fudge cake xoc n jtylmert suuiuarl choppti 2 foodia x blue ribbon coffee uib zx4t i new low price sunlight soap cake cc lo b 49 hinolaw u 25 handy ammonia 2 9 pearl nus soap cl 4 oxydol pw 9 21 s carroll cleanser i arre navel oranges- per-diizen- mcdium nuvcl okanges pr dei red fmiieror grapes mill street fxtra iirjr head ijettuce store chaseo wednesday afternoons free delivery 2 17c crtvu- btsu unlil tloiuy nitht4wt atut vru0m slr4y niu ojy a j buchanan d t s dctlj burin on len in lllinn olnck iluuri d ni until 6 p m vanlng by appulndnrnl uu for bntrutloni xiuf i c1hmi wliirdy afurnnon 1aumu lie p w peanen dd s l d s dan 11 fluff mb offimj in tlm hymon block ihriir v0 mill slrmt amttt ilikkwckml ofltc open kvcry tlmr4y attrrnimin and evenlns vrntninabv b d young vs r vsc vrlrrlnary hurinin office ilrookvlllf onurln phona mlilon i4flr4 f c oakes vs bvsc veterinary hurfaon ofllir ami ilralilrnp kliu aumi acutu phone 140 ai iionuiih fuank pftcif aim lii nrrr anil itrprrarntallvfl commaat- rial ufc assuratir o plloni fllr 3 aiwitkcuiwri tjkoroktown i o time tables naoian nationact at acton standajid ttwe 0ln eul dally rxcept sunday 84 mxu dally exevpt sunday 040 iffl dally xccpt sunday 628 pjh sunday only b 10 pjtl flyrr t aeonretown 9 41 mb qlnc wl dally excrpi sunday b4f ajn dally rxevpt sunday 700 pjm saturday only 32fl pj saturday only i33s im sunday only 1133 pjl flyr at oeoraetown 009 pjm flyrr at ouelpn 444 pjn gray coach lines i co ac ilea leavz acton ktandard tim rafltboukd to toronto ahl am oil am 12 01 pm cj0 pm 421 pm fl31 pm i 4i pm wkhtboiml to ruun 10 23 am xll3fl am 2 23 pm ex is pm a 5 03 pir 7h pm ht is m tlx 11 23 pm ex 12 01 om a rxrrpt fitin und hoi bfiun uid hoi r- jial only d rcpt ii flun infl hoi i- sun and hi kttohrner yto stratlcid sajirs saujts w mi