Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1940, p. 4

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imohdmr mmmkt mullme thb acton prbb press qhje jlrrr flrb0 hnrt turu the empty building ottottov ktiububjcrt walsh n chs rnheriwno trow uncle ul a ator ott satin had turned tuttdwi white aw- phanl tt wu a distinct and atplv liability hnalwnl f an ft it had been without ft uaut tor year and un- lea until ae plofced up resftarfcahr it promised to remate an unpraatabu fa- lisrtfcenrf ttthr yjt m fctor hd ft amall mortgage on 1u th tarter of which vtnbaot ydun had ata m d to aoran t and pay but h we behind to ok tuawv a us th aoprty bg tb iowa the- d uk honftand c other pi mtnaouth n4dd th la to pay iu own uua mr draw th real nuu agent met hast wtth a amlle on thuredey nornlng and i tw found a nod tenant for your star vincent on hundred and tuty t mocuh1 thai th ant bit of food new rv had a aaonth of sunday mr drew vaftmtt riahid happily la about at the and ol my resource i dtdnt a my way clear to carry th ator another main ta picking up ajowly in ovtr wu th amtunf comment we ll soon be on th road to proapartty ag thctwatobrnriartowdtaaunk but ao tar um wen lantely hop i auppoa aomabody ftls will b pleased by th nwa winked th atftnt an old friend or th family tv heard there wddlna tn th offing vincent laughed goodma turadly ll had mad no secret of hu engagement to jculan lladwy on of th prettiest girls tn tomouth vlncant considered htm- tfu lucky in winning hr love but thr jtcatnonement of their wadding on mc count of th prolonged depression had iratad him 11 had been willing to take th chance of sharing lu with her whm low in a oaltag would hai been translated love in a tenement but carlenr had been sensible no vlnoant we must wait until the outlook u brtghter i haw amall job and 111 cling to it i dont ni to handicap you whn bucinou improve wu haw a quirt wvdding and bftn living in m almpl wwy it was thr rommonirnw uaj to look i it wlth many families aithout the nwwnx of- ujiporf niwl yonnff- thaugbtkw rouplra arparalrd ahorllx miter thrtr vedcuns to ruli utto matrl many armrd ukr inviunc trouble hie plan iad not brcn ra to tollon sonit umn thr eager utful knik in carlrne eyv hen the two uerv threther ndr him mtmoat daanerate koa hit first thought a we ran et maxrlrd with ue torr rrnird utej ould hse plau toiling ahead his mind was already making plans for the immediate futur who u the prospeome lennth ak ed vincent ahaahuy a newcomer to stormoutli rrivlied mr ctow a mr plrroe dut he n kponsible i x r looked up hu record no ned to orn about the rent 1 u make nut the lease and bring u up to the house lor wu to man tomorrow hai- p- th ua holding tt 6law for ft mommal by th way h aaksd what do ur ihaeo want to u th ator fort i main what buslnaaa la ha int f of ooura ur drw claamd has ttom what kind of mawhandli why trhi plana to wak it ft arau elaas haadquajrtar for boulad atuff vuwnt lookod up auaplotoualy tlot- tud atutfl not llouotf no nothhw uk that juat br baarl vtnoant aehoad why thai now dont ut any- allty id gat into youi mind vincent ilr u lagal to day hothing unlawrul la aalung it ur pisir intanda to make ll a flrst- cuvaa anxportum for th distribution of botued br vlncant frowned he was silent deep in thougnt for a king time it may be legal a you say but it go against my vonaelenc ur ivew he aald anally in a aaase m tn i alleni partner konaanel youre too old fashioned in your id- bear has beat declared of noon m had urn to tnt oarw again at mnehon thia um h rret- ad her with a fawd mu and lugubrloua shake of th head it la lurt a worthy aa anothar who sells food or clothing viihantdlckedue th leas this is for ave years he said aftepinspeetttis it yea i tried to make a ten year con tract no that th prohibition amendment u repeated vlncant added alowli couklnt ur pure aril liquor aa well as beer why rvye i suppose so then that would put me in the liquor busineasl vtnoant shot back quickly as owner of th store i would he larted to tear up the lease but mr drew matched it dont be ao hasty 1 he aald ou nrtrdnl sign the lease now think ll over and talk with carlene about it ou want to get married dont ou so dvu carlrne well heres your chance ou may not have another opportunitj to rent that alore for a year are you jxu going to throw awav a chance like this for a whim ou call it a whim mr drear t uniting wryb well er it doeant matter what you call itl was the irritated answer ou are craaj to turn down such a chancel now steep on it talk to carlene about tt im sure shell tell you to atsn it ou ask her 1 11 ask her incent nodded but i know her answer after the tntermrw he slumped duwn in hi scat and glared at the irate he had refused to sign all of his plans to marry and nettle dow n were dashed the blttemcks of it was intensified by fnt up against a knotty probum oarletv lv aald ha the omutl of uw store fallen utrougtt alte asked quickly turning a ahad paler not quit but pretty nearly tiiey secured a ubw ut a aeoluded crir where no one eouid ovrlr them vhv cent broke th bad nw gulckly so com to you carun he finished to heqi m out of ut diffi culty what can i do about it vmosntt advta ttt t u do what you aay you uato aakad th girt uevnlng forward you want nw to deckl tor yout yea ihata it it answered eagerly her ayaa gaaed steadily into hi until h grw uttdoftuvuriabl than ah atnlud and shook her htad no its tfti you to deckle 1 wont even glv you a word of advice it your problem its yours as much aa mine i ta life vtneentt w muat fax earn teeufti alon ah aald gently if x aald anything to influano you i might llv to regret it laav you asked dlvln guklanrt no i haven j h replied hut 1 will ii paused a aecond and then smiled ri gueae ut answer u plain enough he added iv known it all along but 1 was rebellious i dktnt want to listen to my conscience well sighing its all over 111 destroy the lease tomorrow oh vincent ah ieolalmed squeez ing bis hand im proud of you i for a moment i was afraid if you had signed th leas i think our wadding would it postponed tndennitory now x i mean she stammered tn con fusion forever voud douiatl ah nodded slowly and uien looked up with htiaht and ahlny aye nut x lov you dear mar than i oan tell you suppoa now we ftnlah lunch ah added ktttfy why w have hardly touched a thing and im as hungry as a wolf and s clear conscience has given mr a bt appetite too he laughed we will make it a feast its a sort or milestone in our careers carlene nodded and looking m it fine eye vuwent knew ills decision twd deepened her love for him and broad mod the vision ol eventual happiur pial would come to them ho gutttrmlctlonft on tousuarr thavftx gsviiivkstn canada anh vnltstn fttatgm txwirut uwffki nuluttuee1il aow freely acnua the tmeniauona boundary b- tween oaiuuu atul th unltd huu aocardlng to th immigration uraitch of uw department of ulnae atml kewvircea which report that s 843 410 visitor entered oatuul from the united state during september ootober attd novem berthe rlrtt three montlu of uw far alutough oaiuuu u at war atut iwr indualrua liave been reorganised nn war baaia mi reatrlctuma of any kind liaw been imposed on ute ettlry of united atate cluaens into uw dominion a touruta while olttaeiu of etteniy oouturie are naturally aubjaot to aolal regulauoiut uw movement of buna ada tourltto from meivlly or neutral coun tries ha not been reelralned in any way the uttemauonal boundary between caruuka and th united atate is ui nvut imaceful in uw world with ivw gtiu or armanwnbi to be fojml alonu iu a soft mil ungui kaoh yer it is crossed by mlluons of visitors travelling by automobile train boat and airplane and bdlh canadian unmajrauon and custom regulation are framed to make the entry of such peeeoua just a five of red tope and restriction a posalbl automobile may be brought into can ada tinder tourists permit for purpose of healui and pleasure for a period up to six months without payment of duty or deposit nu fee are ohird for auto mobile entry permit and ute tourut may continue to drive his automobile under his atate license for ganarou period persona visiting canada may bring wlut them audi artloles dl tour ists outfits or aportameoe equipment ft ute may reqidr for thrlr pwll wi ftlvfl i kkaruauj 00l6niui atnucr tollkumtb fie blrdsnaajung on fere itook and ikmaventur island oh the ap ooaai conititued to b tt popular tourist at traction during 1630 wttsn ftpproxlmal- ly hi 6m persona visited ut region com- pared wlut about 10 000 in us aeaord- htg to ute depattment of uhia and haeouroe ottawa uor utau liooo of this years visitor took motorboat trips to gel cloeehtp view of the thrill i tig spectacle provided by th latue asablrd itoimlauon lsrce hook wlui it sheer aide rising tureouy from uw water for almost 300 feet and 11 great arelved passageway 10 feet wide through which amall boat huypawt la ft feature of rugg4d gran deur in llaalf lite bird oolottisa wiilrli lutv bean included in a anetuary es uabushed by th doiululou oovenunent and the province of quebec utolude about 14 000 gannetyrtwlut bird wtuhie a wljftt black wliw tins lusambung great aijbwbftnk at a die lance mulutude of ute bird nest clompaokad on tlis lofty lad whll hundred of auwra soar and wheol majaslloauy over uw aea uar x pre- rlplce uany ouwr specie of e bird form iwrt of utl remarkable assent blag tlus interesting seabird colony u ao situated uiat tt may b oltserved and photographed conveniently without harming or disturbing the feauierad in habitant beagolna motorbaat oarry itartle of visitor put uw steep rflffe where the gwnnet neat and excellent point of vantage may b gained at the top of th llft and on uie oreib of uw mainland oan onposlto peng hoak blended por quality salads ykixtaub tuevll sutvetar aob ok oow farmer use ewveral method in telling a cows age but perhaps the moat re- llaule is by tvoung uw apperance development and wear of tier perman ent teeth which are hilly developed at ave year of aw oatu liav jght incisor teeth they are ftll in the tower jaw ut centre pair aomoume beuig called uw plnoera next to the pin cers are uw flrtt intermediate tlwn ut second infaermedlatoa and anally ut corner ueui at birth a oalf ha two or mor in- cisora and after ut arst month th eight make their appearance thay are temporary and ar nepuoed graxhutlly ny uw end of two year th mlddla pair or pincers are replaced by permanent teeth kom six monuta to ft year latar tlw permuunt flrat inurmediato ar rut being fully developed a ft ml at thr year of g at su yaftm ut aaooud intenhsdlite r out tttey ftr on ft kevel with ut arat turmdlt and begin to allow wear whan uu aw la four year old at from four and ft oalf to ay year tlw comer teeth ar raptaoad by perniananu ftitd by this urn th oow lij a hill aet of iermannt teeut llelween ave and six year uw pla- r baoom lvelld th arat and second lnltmdlau r partloally level led and th eotnar teeth begin to fthow wear tit arch shaped row of tunleor now begin to lot it oftntmlr iletwean wven and tight year th ptneer w definitely wont from eight- to nln uw lntermedla and by ten year th comer teeth are llkwwia altorlr and by twelve- year ui atuh of ute teeui b come praoucally atratglit meanwlul ut teeut have itecom irungular wlui ipacea in bawteen and allow inoreasinjr wear with advancing age to custom officer at port of entry helping yiiknkwaranb foitu cknta a wfckk an ulumlnaluig answer to ui quri lion l5 a fumllj ijiend four cant a week for a auhacrtpuon to ita uv ul newspaper u furnished lit uie fullowluu editorial from the canadian statesman oniou manvllle vmit centaia week nteuiu jiut a little inorr than half a cent u dav una amall amount the average child wutt more ulan that ever da a spe la 4tlt adcrtulng a 30cent item for j3 ithu will ae sewn cerits iaylng uie txiefof thr nrwamier and ghlng a pro at if three cents you pay more uian thrrc ctllts u do to rent it book thr lu pir newstwimt costs half a cent a daj and did ou rtr see anvbodj reading a book thr thought that plrot of other store who dtdn t la it aside promptly whrn iwners would jump at the chance lo rent uie nrwspapcr cnm kcr member or their properij to mr pierve in tunina uie famll nm itltu jears of itr up surclj i was never happier ui ju life- 1 11 slglt uir leae as soon as 11 s read tlir men parted o old irlriuu and went ihetr sejirate wa mr drrw t hu ofttor and mcent to see oirlrnr it was nearh noon and he knew whrrr carlrne look hrr lunch she worked halt a day in judge pinch s office a steno grapher and then tooj tier lunch at u small restaurant near b cwuvr gouib home or to the mission school on lake btrt wlierr site taught a class of girl twice a waek ut thr aiirrooons this lunch is on me carlene laugh ed vincent as he sat down at j he tablt i fed itke a bloated millionaire o r troubloe arf all wer what ituppencd intu rnet anonr ftore from your uncle no but ute one he left me lias found t tenant a good onr too mr dn a hypnotised him into paying a hundred and aft a month for tt oh lncent carlene breathed squeezing a hand i knew things would come out ail ruiu thc elway do if we hovt faith sure but comeunwa tt hard to v twee it now tct the wedding da carlene flushed and shook her head 1t wait until uw lease u signed then you can present tt to me as a wed- oing present hi have it framed and hang it along aide of our marriage certificate it will help to retalnd us of all si been througll th lunch was tn th nature of a preweddmg n eanaecrwted to knv and devotion ail through it they plan ned for ujfirfutur when they an- my parted thy-wr-in- gay happy diwit the proposition he wns not block liui uk- utle of liquor ui iu home town tut nirrel shifting iu distribution to another block on mam sir ft ll wxiald be different if i could atop the traffic he leasonrd dut i cant the temptation to leld was m stronit tluxiuiih the ojceo turning a druurr and got to his feet i 11 rc carlrne he muttered 1 11 lit hrr deculr it concerns iter as much a it does me 1i sktnced at iu watch ten anmut h chlldrt ii irruta greitdpan nl tlnd fcomtuiint it artut mttufct in tnr home newspaper tliat caul lr truthfulh aald about an uwik nr an otjii r peri xl leal it coflta more pi r week for n of the following than it dor for jour tutor newspaper four tigarettes on jwick u of irum u bur of cand on ciuur cup f coltee when ou r limm i i readuitl ur neasutr mn i th r mrmber of thr lioucholrt can still iim u ou tan t sa that about mini vnndv or tobacco a contemporary remarks uiat wlteu one stou to coiuldrr tlw matter it u trr plain uiat a nruipaper ran wily print iwwe items uwt somrbaly hua brought phoned or sent in or which some member of the staff may liavo wiuiassed how vert seldom a reporter jiut happens to he on the stint whan an accident happens a house takes ar a horse uor thnnigh tlw toe or a moo walks into uie front vard tltercforr ihr community pixr us well as uie dnilj munt di iwiul lo u vnry ureal extent on uu ktndneu of the gem nil publu to pa on interesting iirwii items ol thr office without ihu help the local dhlilon of the new in un por 1 srrlmuly handicapped unfurt unatrly however uwn are thlnu hn tfi tu thr proheun of many folk who fall absolutely to see any n w alui whkletrr lu ihr or tirrrnoe whin alu horse gixts thnnmh t hr lir or u nuwux appear in thr ard such lucid enta iimj iwipiten in ihrlr nulghborhood i so many- umas uiat- uuv arv no lungor new to thr m tliry forgrt that folk ip othrr plact i mil mv ntlm and olht i m mmunitles wttiild in in t4 rented i thinr tncldcnu hut that reallj it l thi tyte of in i dllft n nre lo muk of w hlci t had intended to speak w wrre thinking of uu m rnou who mii n ry lilt natlnil i mid nowl thing v 1 1 uiitr dn ami of doing to tlu flrat tt leph nu unci gh inn thi luwhpapir uu utorv or ul icuai uuiiil uportir i hiu uu it the re porlir tni ir ru not hamuli to hear it in i mrrtt coriur but if 11 lint in thi in xi isur if the paper hi hran ill ul hit ll thin eirn in uie hiu dhllu with n dorli nihrtn or intli u in u sufi 1m t that a0 m r nut or nion of un ntw pub uihixl b funilahed oj tlu publu luirr in tlu form f ri kiru mi commiuilty or vfci ii wiita i r f a tip on uu moovtc i iiuiiiu into the hackyiird oiu might add thai u luwuiuiimr u a i ibll utitlti whltlt ft r tlu himill sum i nuktl or u dime i wk ulnfl u rr itni irtunl si met kirk land l4iki nrws a victoria january idyll th following day uw real estate ejrent brought uw leas to b signed vtncent tttanoed over it the legal document alway setfoed involved and aul of -wrwrwos- ajod aforesaid ri took out hi fountain pen vancouver island u reputation ixn canadas evergreen playground la upheld by this idyluo aceno photographed lanuarv 6th at mctorla dc the lamb la a real one only days old it wua born januao 1 nn the farm of f j t woodward near letorla thotretty uttla lad la sally two sind n half yearold datiehler and uolv child of romniander it a tony wright 11 c and mrs mrlcht vqilh ill 1 u fliwirs pkkrj in ihc rardona of the fmpresa hotel canadian and amopjcaw in vlmtln- mil rln in inrcr nutuhv i thin wlnior tho id oil weather permitting them to cnj wlnti r juir ttnu i hinff rldlns ord jillij under splendid condition v sivsslal del mala corn craalil m it ol mtfc slyu x lii xx r brooms i i five roses lu8hu8 u pj 1 peaches u f- 21 grapenuts -str- iff woodbtrys p 44 i fal kik super suds concntraletl gwiil nplll soap sop pu 18 kirks 3 14 hcuix baby foods strom j y jg old dutch cleanser navel l medium 4l okamks per docn 25c urm crkp lfcttiice 2ri7c new frcuh n m m y tliue iietttsorfuihots l bunchy ldc 111 tomatoes per pound 1c v fresh rfi cranberries special per lb i7e mill street free ueuvery phon 15h frurf u4 vthu priem tbi smtmaay nht oalyl carrolls

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