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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 25, 1940, p. 8

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tbhbbdat jactwunr sash imllm two m mteoaued md the acton free press sffll wfcjsmrto bu haa aeld that leap er some heman rh pm jlnd there thla wrd it enaylae ot and what make hkm teu sttch raon- iii tart the ooiqr of hb ejes hodlnvs from blondaebe loam ramdhllnanlwa and wmahtoaxd ehtrte a e0 aa apala why tike cat ha wanden roonot whee amenl oik in bed an md when x et that wrd all apart ml take a picture of ma heart rn and het taakes it o so urge when he wx out with flapper uanja ctmn shrinks until it eanube seen when wttey mentions the jon rem what put that viae look to hb eye when una new brl oel tripping- by what makes jblm order quail on toast then eall on oaeearv wellknown short and the her a toed ealunc down became the inset u done too brown lliia when he dlnea with aome blonde dame who doemt even know his name then or s week tela lust plain beau and says hell live within his means ill and what makes him bet his dough on aome old akate that a always slow whst makes him swagger when ha walks whst makes him boastful when he talks i u find all this then let him go became you s i love him sol iventy years ago pram the law ef the free pre o thursday january zihh 1028 hon iruizh ouuirio ouelph solicitor general since the formation of uic union government has been worn in w minister of militia the soldiers who went oversea and ny i i ent thla week of decorations from the wench military authorities the report at the annual meeting or acton fall fair ahowed encouraslna rsuh from uie year a operations the folltvvlnjzwlccra were lecleiitottho year president w j fc hampshire 1st vlcepwidnt a fa mclean the secretorytreasurer u oeoree ilynda the member and memberselected of the board of mutation met for organ isation on wednesday evening mr acargc mann waa the choice of the board for chairman the atandlns committee were appointed the members of acton lodge iooj held a social function in honor of the member who had served their king and country during the war and presented them with cold locket bearing the em blem of the order as well aa aullably lruoribed premier dniry ha not yet been op posed by grit or tory execuuves of both partlea have met but up to date no opposition hak been decided upon born waostapf in acton on sunday january iftth 1030 to mr and mis fved wagataft formerly of oearge- town son iiei mcdortaxid in acton on friday jan uary 33rd 1020 jennie harding wife of molculm mcdonald 1cbei rfeoductlon cost noos down the importance of keeping the coat of productlnu hogs on low as possible was tressed by a w peterson chief live block and poultry production services dominion department of agrtcultun in a recent address to the eastern ontario yorkshire breeders association the canadian government line now modi a definite undirtnklng to provide regular weekly shipments up to i mo d00 pounds of bacon and ther pork pro duots to oroat britain at nn assured price mrj peterson pointed out that uu coal of production mtrlu le it fictar determining uluther canudlan hog pro diicers con continue to supply tin unii rd kingdom with bacon at tlu untie time it is necessary to continue improv ing quality in hogs and lit bacon mr peterson compared the present situation in the canadian hog industry with conditions at the outbreak of tin war of 101411 at that time feed prices advanced sharply but lion prices did not the relationship between the price of feed and the price of lings was not favorable to swine production during the period of the lait war great britain doubled her import of bacon while exports from canada were increased this export did not come about entirely through an increase in canadian swine production it was done partly through import of bacon from uve united stat although great britain doubled imports of bacon in the last war it doe not naomsaruy follow that thu will happen in the present situation at the outbreak of uie present aar the ware tremendously increased areas in crap production in canada feed supplies were plentiful in all sections feed price were la while- hog prices wwre at s satisfactory lei el the rela tionship between feed and hog prices was and still la favora tothog pro dueuoti which has prevailed for some time as a result weakly marketing of hogs in uve last feu weeks have been the largest eer known ex parts of pork product to areat britain have also been heavy mr peterson said that breeder of purebred hogs would benefit jtorn- the development of the hog induato if they produced breeding stock of a quality which would- help commercial hog pro ducers to make satisfactory profit sweet caporl aetoiis famil allium ttswrnh ont um ahgw week hy wa wa l6ofci on the fo of tlmkm wfc were fulfaur to mny ut fat oilier ycart do you rboognizb these7 the sunday school tagoir fost nundav janvv uut last wffk 8 rictubf lost week a picture ns a itw- of fnlry lainr rnldt hie club house uf the acton acquntlc club it on erected thirty or thirty me years ago and was quite a spot for thonc who enjoyed rowing and the unttr it flourished for a number of years and than the membership became scattered and mittlly 1 tftit iii uul chjul u u ww dutfn trtsiutlie f oilt twenty yeont now it stood on tlip nest shore of inlry lake tin hats rung bowlkrs back tin hats arc creatine a new vogue for the bowler this winter in britain so many ore having to wear the lin hat on national service says an official of the wen s wear council that they do not like the told contrast of hatleasness when off duty the war is breaking the rank of the hatless brigade the weight of the tin hat is also in creasing the civilian demand for light wtolght felt the popular weight 1 now three and a half ounce a against five and a quarter ounce five year ago and today there is much increased output of fur felt made in lancashire which arc very light in weight navy bide and air force blue are both popular shades for felt quantities of them ore now being exported to scan dinavia australia south africa the west indie and latin america in many case each hat is adapted in nine different ways to suit the wearer s fea ture or the shape of his head a leading hat manufacturer states that the king a observance of formal dress during his wide range of engagements ho given a fashion lead of great help to the trade girdling hardwoods promotes growth sawdust insulation a layer of wood stuulngs or sawdust one inch in thlckmss w hi provide as much protection against heat and cold as a suine uoll ten inches to seventy inches thick depending on tin nnturc of the stone accord ingo the forest products laboratories of thr deportment of minos and resources ottaun lone b fore liu public paid much ui tt ntinn to insulntlng ila lllngs lilt hptclnl nuallti of lliese situ mill b pro durts uin ricognlhl in rural art iu ulitn ln vu rt c minioiili mid tor in mi inline irilmurto and otlu r lurm bull i intrt nutt their iux tin- uin iunlul to house liuiitlutlon labnrntoo uorkirs or lin dtpuriimut n com mi ncl that suudusl or shin lugs should im thorougligll dried bt fore uu used for tlu mini tnsulatlnu und should onl he used uhen uicj ran b kipt m a dr condition a further precaution b to mix about one part by eight of air slacked lime lo evtry un part of uu cl substance a u rciwllent nguiiiht rodtnth when judlciousl placed sawdust in sulatinn decreaacs lire hasard because it seal tlu spaces betueen the atuddingn of a house these siuces if not tilled or otherwise fire stopped greatly hasten the spread of fire through a building y prepared cvoti u you were seven yard two feet and four inches from the scene of the accident what makes you sure of that distance well i knew some fool would ask me so i measured it of conifers experiments carried out in new brims wick over the past ten years by the dominion forest service of the depart ment of mines and resources ottawa indicate that the growth of valuable young conifers can be stimulated through killing overtopping hardwood referred to by forests as wolf tree by girdling elimination of the overtopping hardwood permit light and sunshine to reach the conircrs and reduces the competition for food and moisture from the ground olrdllng is done by cutting with an axe a ring three or four inches wide around the tree through the bark so a to cut oft circulation of the sap the girdling experiment wire initiat ed in 1028 when two 60 acre areas were established in mixed wood stand with a 10 acre control pldt being set aside in each area seventy five per cent of the hardwoods present at the time of establishment were girdled healthy wellformed hardwoods of high economic value were left but these although serv ing to protect reproduction htve not yet shown any response to release at five year intervals two remcaaurc ment surveys were mode the results of the latest showing that the composition of tho stands is n owly changing towards a conlfi rous type and there are now amph conuers itwo thirds of them spruce to provide a future cut growth or the residual conifer stand has in cnumd rapidly as a result of the girdling of tin hardwoods h itng advanced from 117 f i 115 0 ruble feet per year on am in u and frt m 33 3 lo 57 7 ruble frit im r iur nn the other on n arm thin it no suftlciitit canlfirmis rtpro dn ll n to u arrant an immediate cut of fr mi it io cords per acre but njro dm lion is not jit stubllshed n tlu ml nd i i till- on orim 1 hi mamntrulf 1 voed snml it uu ii 1 li i defendant si mm kickid sour imdltrd down stiurs hi said did ou imngliu that uu within tin right or u tinunt iii brlrg mj ngrecmtnt and hh n it to vou wild tht- llttli man trow ini still rwtdtr and 111 wagir tull agree with me that anj thing he forgot to pro hlbii in thit icobc i had a riwht to do tin trj first chance i got jksus pnocuuus hts uaosiaiiauip ooklen text behold thy king cometh unto thee malt 31 5 leoson text matthew 31 116 time saturday and sunday april 1st and 2nd ax m place beth- phage and jerusalem kxpoaiuort i jesus entering jeru salem as the son of david lll as jesus drew near jerusalem ii sent two of ills disciple on a trying errand it wa a trial of faith these disciple proved themselves to be di clple indeed by doing precisely what the master told them to do v 0 tills la the supreme test of dlsclpleahlp john 10 14 they found everything just a jesus said it would be luke 10 33 in putting thrlr own garments on the colt for jesus to sit upon they proclaim ed their own acceptance of jesus a king cf 2 kings 0 13 thus jcmn entered jerusalem in literal fulfilment of zcch arlahs prophecy zech 0 0 those who protest ngnfnrt a literal interpret a tlon of proprieties a yet unfulfilled would do well to note carefully u 1th what minute ii ti mines christ has ful filled the prophecies that have 1 ctn ful filled tiil crowd as well an lhc disciples proclaimed jesus king the enthusiasm won tremendoua john 12 13 as tiny turned tin corner of the mount and jerusalun rose before their ejjcatlh po bpgaa tortiaica and pntbe god tluv sang one of the me slanlc pnnlms ps i ill 25 21 and uttered like sliouts it seemed out of place to the pharisees for them to so j forget lhclr dignity and gel so excited ln chrlstr uirvlco luke 10 30 40 unfortunately the enthusiasm of the people for jesus was short lived but as shortlived as their enthusiasm was 3 10 hv the eye that had biased a moment befove a he looked upon those who had made hi tteiberis house aj dt of robber now beamed with a kenuenea and oompaaslon that never ahott la other eye w jeatu criticised by the celei- astlc and praised by the babe and buckling lm the chief priesut and scribe were sore displeased such are always dis pleased when anyone get any praise but themselves and they are not happy when good 1 done unle then- hand do it the offending party must be de stroyed cf luke jo 47 alas this spirit is not dead yet it is a thoroughly bad leaven it murdered clirut envy he at the root of it cf john 11 47 so 13 10 aet 4 10 ib but while the priest were are displeased at uie children praise jesus was greatly pleased with it surjls uuou into thp court thej marched the men the magistrate looked down at the surlj prisoner well he asked guilty or not guilty the prisoner scowled figure it out jourself he snarled thais what you re gettln paid for it was more thorough going and hearty and less elculutlng while it lasted than that of many modern professed chris lions it is a beautiful sight to see roople throwing uie best uiey have at jciiu feet to pave the way for uie king dam but jesus did not join in the joy luke 0 4144 all the city wa stirred as jesus en tcred no one cause such a commo tion om jesus in any city which he enters wherever he goes there is a slraking up and a questioning and a division the question tho people asked wo an important one it was asked again and again cf hike 5 31 7 40 0 0 we do well to ask it too who is this that an mlghuly stirs uie heart of men who is it that speaks as never man spoke who is thla uiat heals uie sick and raises the dead who is this that set free slaves of sin who is this that claims authority an earth to forgive sins who is this that dared to stretch out his hand to suffering thousand and say come unto me all ye that labor and are heavyladen and i wll give you rent who is uil lived more than i nineteen centuries ago and yet has such transforming power in uie lhc of men today yes who is this the multl hides replied this ts the prophet but we have n bttur answer this is indeed the son of god the saviour of ih world ii jisus clturutlng the temptt hit son of god 12 14 a s fond llnu j i mis e i hum tht umpli john 2 1 17i tht r t liiiruuit had ijot pronn permanent nor did thj but ll ixprtsmd uil mind of god und of chrlst his mind ls jum lhi am t div whin hi look at the biitidm dtdicutrd to tlu sirvici of god tiunst nud from u hi iv of pruvtr into dm it ro bir jlls ngtr wixis hot ml th i things 1u iirnd in tlu temph wtrt ctni rcttd with u rshlp tiid uin n rill lul anliu ls th tirt sill nil and biing it vvius money to list for th omnng which tluv win obtain infi for uu roman coin but uiough it woa ostenslbi in the numi of god it wb nalh for the snkc of private gain hi cleansed the whole thint out but suddenlj there is a different twene uie blind fond the lame draw nigh how swift ts the transformation from urrtllc indignation to gentle compassion we have men today who arc fearless in uielr denunciation and mighty in their overthrow of evil entrenched in high places we have also men full of genue- ncss and love toward the unfortunates i how seldom are these two oppoilte fac- torafbf moral strength found united in one man but so it wa with jesus it pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell col 2 0 and we can be made full in him col boom in chocolatf demand for chocolate has increased bj 50 per cent since uie outbreak of war and some british factories arc in production night and day to provide for fighting men and civilians tile war office luu placed exception ally big orders for a hermetically sealed slab or of chocolate is included in the iron rations of every soldier and air man in britain ever increasing armies and to ensure against any possible short age the government has bought the whole of the oold coast west africa crop more thon half the worlds output und sel up a cocoa supply only in an extremity may a soldltr open his iron rations but ordinary chocolate in bought in huge quantltlrfl 1n army enhteenu in pvanee and at home tlie troop prefer it to any other lorm of ffwoct or confectionary ana single canteen in one of live army com manda in england nlarcs a routine order for 4j 200 two penny birn of milk chnco laterind- 4400 bars of- plntn apart franr morc fancy items suitable as a gift far the girl friend civilians particularly the 2 350 030 civil defence workers arc enung more chocolate- lecausc of us nourishment value several british manufacturers now have factories in australia new zea land canada and souui africa to meet local demand in the empire supplies for india go direct from britain british nrma produced l 7100s 000 worui of chocolate in bars and blocks alone in 1035 uie latest year in which a com plete census wo taken the figure is now considerably increased erevqulyqiie masterkey to the major market its the weekly newspapers in the towns and villages of canada the only publications whose complete contents are absorbed with instinctive intimate friendly confidence and understanding by lie people who mnlce 00 of the nation s retail purchases it is that which the weekly newspapers and the millions of earnest readers have in common their purcjy local interests their essentially personal relationships and in many respects their actual interdependence in the home town scheme of things that mnkes the wetklits such an influxncl for sales right on main street when the lil of the country s retail salts nxt mode the weekly newsrnpers hang the advertiser the dealer and the consumer more closely more effectively together in the smallercommunities nnd do it more economically than nny other sat htiildiiik medium whin planning your 1040 advert ining budget he suri to have all the fact about uve dominant position of the weekly newspapers in canada fin major mnrki t write now for precise jnform a ion t v charters mnrnirlnr i ireclor rimmpton onl canadian yiikly nkwsraim- asmmiatio for bigger businessadvertise feeding overseas bound canadian troops was big job for this kitchen on wheels out of thli comrniajtaiy ear went about 1 q0 meals when aome 500 canadian soldlcra bound for overscaiixnnd now in camp somewhere in england travelled to the aeabord from montreal by a special canadian national railway troop train the car waa typical ofhoae that accompanied the tralncar- rylnff tho men of the flnt eon- ttneent to their ahlpa sixxof these cxnil commissary cars have been used in the movement of troop over the lines of the national system at one enel was a butcher shop at the other a bake shop and behind the counter stood 14 members of the railway dining car staff bakers cooks stewards chefs nnd waiters fatigue parties of eight noldlera served each of tho 12 cari collecting the rauona and taking them to the troops in special containers according to the comments of the men the food was good and it was plentiful nearly a hun dredwelgbt of rolled oats for porridge for instance for this one train 81 gallons of milk le0 doen eggs 105 pounds of bacon ibs pounds of sausages dread and butter was a big item on thlschrtp 310 loaves were uaed some 2 000 altces of brend all cut and buttered by hand for each men cutter to tailed 420 pounds a vegetable peeler rolled out 14 pounds of potatoes a minute in all 8s0 pounds of potatoes were consumed 200 pound of turnips 400 pounds of carrota 100 of onions and 200 of cabbage meat ran to more than 1 000 pounds and some of it went on the train in carcases the soldiers drank 17s gallons of coffee about 2800 cups so pounds of tea disappeared and boo pounds of sugar prunes by all means three hundred and twenty pounds of them scores of pies and cake baked on the train went the way of all pies and cakes fiftyflvt four pound tins of jams and marrnnlude vanished too muggs and skeeter uu coins no offento let he w5ck pcav ten l experts simultaneous i without peaaovtmg his iblintlpolds 9 that bock know b bishop

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