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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1940, p. 8

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thtmkday jtcbrtjarv th lmo the acton free press padm btven rtakukowfl n winter neth the appl trn i jnauy axmurows dally mm a 0nop of greedy chirping thlngi w mauietwd friend who do not brtntf the jtjbta aprlnetlma kneasage wet who with vy eonsb the moaott ktmu theyre nondescript in hue and motiff they tpuurel and awld the whole day and pounce upon a crumb or ertut am thotufh twere cake upon the dut that ilea upon our wondrou earth ahl ud in all they bring me mirth i ftakfl upon the anowawept ffraaa and view their footprint umall that paa around the corner by the hedge and all atop the krayauum jede that form the wall about the well and through bare land i can not aetl tent fcparrowfolkl ye homely wrdt ar better voice have i heardl pwr betetr plutiinge have i aen in forelcn landa that x have been but your nuceaty little voice spell home to me and i rejoice salvatore marnljrlla from u iu the free ivm o tftmaay february lh ma sergtj wlciertnln mm received the 161415 long xcnlce aur thu is a medal awarded by hu majesty the kind init week uw quite a spurt in loonl unortln circlet three hockey teamo were oruanlwd and a nchrdulr drawn up covering a dosen awnei monarcha oarden kennedy ptorbcn laicaa bm ton orahnm llyndn lnllbort kilty and whitney tlgera a o t beard more gordon beordmore a andermon gibbon maim c anderson wheotley ewackhuner benum splelvogel wan derer bhorey holmes leuhman mc- p uuw serine xt the monarch are leading ha vine the three they played mv malcolm mlchle of nasmgoweyn has purchased mr william lrlahman n rfwibtreet mr ttutledgr uw rxpert who la drill ing the tmt well for the waterworks system has drilled to a depth of 1g0 fret a ffreat portion of this hi through rock and then is no indication of a flow inn well noiim gajiden in arton or ruary ftth 1030 i thunwluy pub- mr unci mrr n bum h garden a son nnst stranoe at itnrkwood on tursduj rwiniary 3rd 10j0 fllrabeth ann matins widow of thr lut henry strantrr in her d7th year actons family album r f turning over the paff vwk by week and looking bvi the faces of tfuwe who were familbu- to matty here in other ymw iw you know who this is 2f mklxvons rturiners at no mtout y afcou from augiut 1014 to december 3iat 1d21 the war work of ui canadian y moa involved a money receipt of 20 482 850 the detailed account of receipt and duibursemenu audited by two nrnrfi of chartered acoountanta hows that the contributions jrom the public were in round numbers 4 600 000 while revenue from the sale of good and the operation of hostel and dormi tories lrought in 115 416 000 the balance being from miscellaneous income and postwar salvaoe of equipment material and suppllm aoods rents insurance wages and lojwe took 114 700 000 huts tents and cqulpment required 11240 000 and soods distributed free including stationery drinks and foods as well as cost of free concerts a the second largest item at 2 023 000 other costs were for work among prisoners of wtir administration louses in exchange percentage of enn tern sales paid to military units in terest and lofuiea in exchange and the khaki university at the end of 1022 the balance re maining in the war work fund was so 010 83 which uoa assigned tor work with returned soldiers and loner since has been expended in military hospitals such as christie street and ste anne dr bellcvue where there still ore hundreds of men tor whom the wear of battlr did not end on november 11th 1010 ulst wfeks tfctukb the family album last week showed church street looking rast the photograph was taken twenty five years ago but several of the butldlnrs at present on the street ran still be readily recognlzrd indians uajt to assist hait fitout can nd inn patrtotlam has again flamed with rharncteiiiitlc ftrvor and irrespec- 14 vc of met or creed people in all vv rtlie dominion twar effort with trn b twitawent 1joionk hujcation sfttvlcfs filvf canaiafl fioirring mfn c iiancf to continwf htuimfs procfss nevikfd f0h ofvfxormfnt of canadian nm itk prom the rankft of canada s new army which is just tut new in spirit as it is in traiulntt methods comni the steady dr round for oparetlme study facilities which nre eagerly souffht by men who want lo win a war and then comr back prepared for civil life because of modm wur training canada s independence of fnrrlqn aourcru of hlahgnido refractory matrr- in in mi ensentlal for use in the fctcci nnd other metallurgical industries b now forreen as n result or the success of resmrch worl conducted bj the dr partmint or mines and rejourns ot- r ndrtd mlha north of wlnnf nntlj held a council of war and sent thilr native embmtrlti chief anirus trndi tional loyalty to the british crdwn can ndo i indian population haa rallied to the nations cause and an unusual ex ample of their real in brought to lujht by the indian attaint branch of the- expartmem of mlnei and besources ot ijwa as a patriotic gesture n tribe of crec indians llviny nt nelson house manl u ba a remou tradlns post more than the sunday schooj lesson fofc runday fehruauy 11th tire vtmxib op mcjbotina cibwflt aolden teitl t am the way and the truth and the life no one cometh unto the father but by mo john 14 0 lesson text matthew 31 2843 time monday april 3rd a d 20 place jerusalem in the temple exposition x 1 longsuffer lno ooodness 3830 in the old testament jhc vineyard is israel here the vineyard u tlfcc jtlna- dom of ogd whldi is no longer identified wjth israel but taken away from israel and el vrn to the oontues v 43 the householder represents cod by his d lu ll inn the winepress eta is set forth the truth that he had done for his vineyard everything that needed to be done or could be dope isa 5 4 eueh detail is stiinincant the fence about his vine jnrd was the nw kph 2 14 when god had fully equipped ills vineyard he put it in the hands of men first of all israel and left the care of it to them the husbandmen were the eope of israel v 43 to them first of all god committed the charge of ills king dom today he commits tho charge of it to believers in chrlu il peter 4 10 these husbandmen did not own the vine- jord neither do we thoush wc act some times as though we thought wo did having put the vineyard into the hands of the husbandmen the proprietor with drew from- it and so ood withdraws in a seme from direct activity in ills king- flotu nnd iinrks through men uta tv 41 they declare their own doom as an historic fact ood hid miserably des troy these miserable men this waa executed in ihe destruction of jerusalem luke 0 4144 cf matt 33 7 23 35- 31 34 31 33 the most appalling sleac in tho worlds history a similar doom awaits tltase who now reject christ hob 13 2a4jhel having been des troyed the kingdom is transferred to the cjmrch chosen out from the qentllos cf acts 1 14 1 peter 3 0 itev 5 0 jesus confirmed ins teachings by an ap peal to the old testament v 43 cf p 118 33 jesus 1 tlw atone whom uie builders rejected isa 38 14 1 peter 3 0 7 acts 4 11 pph 3 a6 1 oar 3 11 mother tommy don t you think you ve eaten enough chocolates no mummy tliere ore two left that jesus chrit has withdrawn from uie administration of his kingdom and committed it to us matt 25 14 15 mk 13 34 luke id 13 the absence of ht pnprlct d n in any woy lea n iw i on the recently discovered de which rvery canadian in thr active poslbi of bruclte in ontario and quebec britain h 550 000 rail ormhts within flvi weiks british i nulnt i rltis firms have received orders to make j3fi0 000 worth of rallwuj equipment for the south afrlcun railway and harbor authorities the roods include loromo uvp boilers ctanes sterl tires and axles from ten different nrms soutl africa is only one of main cm tomers all over tin world for which j brltuh lrm n- nm mtlnn looomo- ulr vmu uvea and general railway equipment side by side with their immense output for war time needs at home which include 340 engines nnd 10 000 goods wagons for the sections of the french railways used and controlled bj the british expedi tionary iforce among recent overseas orders are ten locomotive tor the central ballwaj of brazil several thousand carriage and wagon tire and other accessaries for the bengal nagpnr hallway scores of axles and hundreds of locomotive ond wugon tires for the indian store de narlment and vartnun equipment- for oxleboues to cable and shovels for the caption aat4 railways meanwhile the construction at inwnl in hand of hvlarnmnurs for turki thr order for which won placed just befnrr the war is being spocialk hur ried forward under a recent plan to olio eat the prodiu ttvt utpoclt of tlu lu diistrs between mllltarj rnllwnv in- export orders and the munufuctun of munitions of war for which the indusirjv i ndnptable cosmmiils lit slltts aiktrrvmuj t hi uiumal coimntlon cf 1i ahmklitted orortn muuura tuns f amerinv dr u phillii lnklnt of the rntirualloiml vnnlt rati i f ihiiinos- and lyoftsalonnl wonu n asurd lu r audlrnw thaj the row ln nnuvunt ot consumer octmtv m pnxiu ts and utir timnc was not becniim- consuliuih win biubxlie but because the are drttn ltrl tntrrrxtihl in the thltu thej bin she stated that unumg tin major dutlis of an uidiutrv would be the restoration of ctmsiimer confklence slit admnalthl frank and honest ul tempt t to answer cuuunirr questions tlve prliwlual deiln- r eonsumers according u thu authortt are infor mative labelling accurate weight and cxt packaging ocuratr factual ad vertising with less motion information m rraione ui qurstiun and oportun- u to jltrctch thr purchasing power of ili dollar i tt is tmtrurtlvr lo note thut of uje diires luted tire drmrt to stretch pur chasing power conies nfth in order 1 hirvlce rorces retains n personal iden lily ond undergoes far more book in slrurtlon than ever bi fore there lun bctn created an lnccnth e to rtglfitl r with lhc education branch of the can lullun leg ton war services according to platoon sergt major e j ii njall of roynl canadian regiment and h nrt major rynfl mi n lj echoes iht sentiments of othi r men in the arm i and air bervlofr to d k kolcltr is lhiriknii nlknit mm trig ijntlt nltr thr war i n r miyb sergt mnjor ryall who enlisted in 1 onto as n private in duv h luildlc r ten t a rog in a war mm hint ii is a thinking nindying unit in a co oerauve effort and becausi lie lh a tlilnklng man to duy a t dler sees if uibi edura tlon program which the legion provides 1 11 explain what i mean sajs scrut malor rvall in the old nrmv we leam h1 to do things mcchantcallv to do i very man in a platikin warns how to fit in i vi n simt in that pin toon he also luu lo burn thi structure of tverv nnnv mill up in u dlvlslin and wmt rt le i vur mi u plnvs in inul dnlhou ii uu to li arn how ordnnnci operates biinusi lu mu n stnl back on huppl ditall it it a rdechnnlmhl urm to he li irn about meclninlrjil irumporl and u ta then ls nm mullilih un toivirv him mm so tie leanus about guns a whin lugot mti thi urniv to duv s m kl r btuimi a stuiunt wht n hi btgim jttudinr it uu logical thai lils mti rtii hould tvtend to consldna lion if his rutun thath win ihi v iim inklni up hkir time stwh if mich thtius as sttngtaph iuiimuu s muilif maths matriculation subi cb unit o n its i splmdtd thlnj thnt hum siudits tuim item md possibu anr it s mi portnnt that thtv b enrrwd il mi cm r us bexiius tud to ix rtntlv must bi on tli ued and not 1 mki n i hat wliv i in glad t4i kniu thai the inns isluialum tactlltu hav hi n t tt ut d t raitand ti mm this pioram mtmils i h t an idlun union u ir s mcis has tin ediuuiioii dtmtor now m kin and it it nt i met i c i a t ulstandm jm adlim idti atlonist who luu uikin havi ot abm in i front his p m as nn unu ildvusoi io a big winnipeg i iblir utility hr tin dur and to si pi n this pnitrim in addllm to it ptoknim of etiurtaiiuiunt and n commerlcal deposits of bniclte magnoklumbcarinc mineral were first discovered in canada in 1037 at ruther elm ontario by un officer of the de partment and subsequent field work by him 1ms dlhclowd other deposits in die rulherglen area and in the bryfion and wake held areas in quebec all of the drpokilfi are within easy reach of trait portiitlon tlu bruclte occurs as small en stab or grains in crystalline lirne kuini and comprises about 2 to 30 ix r ci nt of tin rock a process has bt t n developed whereby pure mapnehln can be and that lb because plained apparcntlj at a cost uhluh wll c nnblp it u compeu in eosterri canada with magnesia ot present beinj import ed magnesia o obtained nivpears to be hljihlv hultablr for the manufacture of basic rcfractorlir for tin mikln of miigiusium mi tal for conversion into various ntiimicmum salus and for the cvtral other p irj ist s for which man r esia is i sed cspiclil slknitlraihi is uinched to the clsotn nf ttic djslts- nnd u un de m uipinent ol the process i w lng to ttif fact tl it magnesia ot equal purlt hits not hit it i to uniliuli from am canad an miurct but has had to b tm ported canadian requirements of the nine i il un obtained nnlnh fn m th whttni united mates e in pi and ain and toronto sinds most slimilnts ii mr aceordlni ti rures c btalns at trans canada air 11ns ofllies m montu il toronto furvv arriid mm i iir pii ss hljiuints in i hi month if diet mix r than am iti r ngtnrv iht total was almost f mi tutus treaur thin that r montreal tin lie t highest lym the standpc ml nr wmht an miur ixnedfd lintiit lirt it initio still held ih had th liio ptot msd tin most riven witli me ml s nd iuni i f irtli and wn nlpit nfth ioo i will i ml id ol dontlcx and count lllor ailberl mcdonald to the indian agent at tlu pas manl i bn with an offer to do without thi usual tnernminl nlltf for the remain dcr of the wlnttr in addition thtsi indian urt also slating a financial drive in aid of the rrd cross tlu rt an about too indians at ne lin hous lhe live b hununu and trapplnu indian loyultv n thi drltish crown pi ived an important part throughout eiirlv canadian hlstorv another rlorl us rhapitr was uddi d during tin last grtul war and uu desire of tlu indians to attain iiisiii ti lmplrei cause is u striking thiimpli f ihi unltj of canada r peo lis tlunjsi ttst ixoir i or rutfn ontfnt in consjcirrini uu possibilities for tht t iiansion t f canadian flour in llonit konn and faomh china writes the can uciuiu traclt c iiimistomr ot shannlutl it mist be hore in mind that the bulk cinaclui flour tiheil in uil south market mei us 4u demand fir u produ l o hliji uliitui tonum whlth iiimot be hauslled bj australian nort i chmii mil th ntuj nt of united fala e flurs iiinruvt into the market mh ullar rhararurutlc of the it n koni and south china mark t ts n nannir n which are mam t drteiniim the iim n content of ii i ihi is known as tlu chines ttu test uid is ihe only basis em which chmew dialers will ariipt de clmnns l nknrd lo r rn n nul w cruel and simple fit ur is mivid iu iitir in thi prnperti n of to to n nd tile limiltant mlxt in is fibjeiteel to hiindhiu uitlir a wiurdrimhui u u1 nlv fcluun n mains 1 iilit t thb rsidin whin compare with thr lonibinid weight ef ikur and the pirce ntiim t i rnr i umpjt if lo mixisrl with oun is er and tin phi ten ninainin ll j fc bi flour is conside rtn nuun 0 emt bluten 1 ci chim n iite nt i n nr pi r snt iitiij t ii v i tt v rv nl i ire it in i pitij mid l ave luuti hal h r li i itmi0it on nhwn it huts tl ss ill la inch 1th i i win tin ravttl sleipi hn i m ut work m til itxlf up at nuhl and enji mj hli owntrbhlp of the vinejard nor thr responsibility of tile husbandmen and christ s absence docs not ln any way li un our rcsponslblllt to illm when the time for fruit tairit ihe proprleor justly sent to receive the fruits of his vinfjord and so aod will demand of i nr- of us the fruits of his vineyard tlie servants who were sent to demand uu fruits of the vineyard were the old tcstamlnt prophets o chron id 1 ifi jer 25 4 itie frulls demanded wlrc repentance obcdlenct rlchleuuh i es and benevolence i2 kings 17 ij zti1i 1 a 101 the servants whom tlod sends u tic present husbandmen art ills dlvlnejy casusd and eiimmlssloneel ministers tlie fruits they demand ar the same the htisbiuidmtn mbttreati d jll iht servants of ood nils was his lorleully true of israels treatment of llidr prohttj icti i l chron id 11 24 2p 21 iii 7 10 jer jo 1 a acts 7 5 j nth 0 jfl i kings ib 4 ij 10 2 10 22 20 j7 the way ln which isme 1 treated tin ir prophets proves concluslvi ly that thisi simt prophets wire not tin product of uu semitic natural character and gen ius but ood ins iresd and ood commls sinned men it is no wonder that such a people should reject t heir onolpted king when he cime thi world hats todlj mm ln the sonit way to day 2 run 3 1m and thus reveals its hattid to ood john ir 10 17 h 7 7 romans b 7 the householders last i sou v was tht i lining of ills own son of course tills son represents ji bus christ while all the prophets even the trrtatest were simply servants jentn wius i son an onl son cf mark 12 i kb hib i 1 2 6 3 s itswms hit in ilvabu tint tht wickedness of thr husbandme n should re ach such a point lluil lh v could ivtn kill the sor and hilr tv 11 rf jtr 3d 3 ztph 3 7 1h it wish luidern did not with per fect rlearnes1 n couniw in christ tht le s iati nnd t llberuttlj j ian to g t ills klnid m from him luke jl 14 arts t 17 1 cor 2 fll nnd je t lir c w is i ti fhnl tlon more t r less char n tin part of tin leaders of who jesun u nnd i dt tt rminatldn on their part n i i vi let to him lest they ittfc their t mi pit mint nci and pmr john 11 i 4h iht jiwsaitualh rnrrlid their ip iwillini pi it into ixenitlon v in a d wi lv a nntinuanii in h lake ir i nt ii i ils tn itnunl if clods tson f i is si i tint cnitlflid christ the ra i ui him firth ui tf tin vtinviml vm i ilnlbd m his rrtictflxion wntslde thi kutt f ht 13 hi ii c d ui until fa wrllv i waiet lh s win despite lib cmmhih ss 41 4j ii wius i sarrhliik quest in tha its ut ti thi ji ws in v in it mikktsts iiitti r cpicstion that ood pis to lis in he bnws iii h 20 il the answer c dried or niuini adie want to surprise the family with a new dinner time treat serve them tt tasty dish of dripoc pickledtnndianfish no matter where you live your dealer can pet you such dried i ish as cod haddock haue cusinrnri pol lex k and sueli pickled i isli as herring mackerel and alcutves in perfect condition interesting recurs c in ik used for every one of these line lisli i ish is a wonderful health food good for every mem her of your family it is the grc it source of proteins that help inn id sturdy healthy bodies serve dued or pickled canadian i ish to your f imtly often they will enjoy it ind you will find ic economical too department of fisheries ottawa write for free booklet daplrtnmnlof fuharlm ottawa pimm wnil mc ytt lira 5 j f i1h klci lt0 tempting lull urt l ti ntam 100 del sinful sad conomical fuh reipc 104 nm anyday a fish day scohs scrap book by r j scon cespecabvt foil hihdu womtm ul vounn ol bfkto in rtliin tlj shmmhilin ukmmiijji sssibi ns muggs and skeeter weve got to think upla fl good alibvor sisterul give tme dickens ftfe give twis some thought the ia turetftr old chum r uxc at iav clothes andswll know tv werent wetilwuy evenwshoe5 abolft by wally bishop l sviulmw int wmu t4i

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