ih the acton pree press tmmdkv femur any ittfa iuo puliiuliad kvry thursday acton ontario subscttiroon atksu p yr la advaaea united 1iili ao additional sinai coel jc uoth u nd nw addrasaca thou id b fclvan wlin chafitf l kriilresa rqustd cancbixationsw find that mail of our tub- icrilters nralcr not lo hv their ub script iftna lntrrapld in ctu tliy fail tn rmit before vnplratlan wblu ktb- scrlptions will not b carried in arrears over an ex tend ml parlod yel tinlaia we ere notified to cancel we una tha aubacrllier wiahaa the service continued anvkutimnc rateson application an iven tn various column headings althoiiuh every precaution will le lakrn tn avoid error the free press accepts advertising in ita columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unlaaa a proof ol such advertisement a requested in writing by the aifvertiser and returned to the free press bus mess office cily signed by the advertiser and with such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon end in that case if any error ao noted is not corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed audi a proportion ol the entire cost ol audi advertisement aa the space occupied hy the noted error brara to the whole apace occupied by uth advertisement g ariop dius editor teuepiionks editor li ami dullness other 74 nesldence iji fee comes out of the pocket of he players along with a handsome profit for the owners of the machines as long as tjjere are folks foolish enough to feed their nickles tothese machines there will be those who will take a chsnee on getting past the law in the meantime what is the law pay the touttot life premium tourist expenditures in canada make up the larg est single total in this countrys jong list of exports providing ah immensely valuable contribution to canadas balance of trade in wartime the value of this industry in terms of the foreign exchange it produces is a factor that may well produce the steadfast anchor position in an economic tuftofwar it is estimated the dollar value of tho tourist business in canada represents about thirty per cent of the total exports because of the extreme importance of foreign exchange in any wellplanned war effort on the economic front special and particular precautions arc being taken this year to sec thnt no domestic im pediment retards the free flow of tourist trnffc in and out of canada since ocean trnvel is not now attractive there will be a logical turn to north american trnvel by automobiles trains nnd aero planes the united states citizen has an advantage in his favor in the value of his currency in terms of canadian money conditions arc such that he re ceives a bonus in coming to canndn it is nn added inducement to vacation in canndn the- foreign exchange control bonrd llxes the rates daily for us dollars those rates arc widely niintfff nnri rpp he had in any of the branches of ontario news of ihc week by morale medaualtl the winttdflftr bank ttirftughouteinwrhw ns agents for the board under the provisions of the order united states citizens must be riven the licnefiforilie board vratc in fact it is illcgnltodo other than give the boards rate to the tourist at the border united states tourists will be told they are entitled by cnnndinn law to receive the foreign exchange control board rnto for their us currency for canadians there is no finer contrihu- tion to the home frpnt than to encourage the tourist trnde since the benefits of that trade play such nn important part in the cnnndinn war effort oth tuyg wre recalled hut week a the teuton ol the ontario municipal ttlmuio association wltausm the chair- man of the ontario ifydro-ueotrlooom- mbuoon during action on the st lawrence waterways project it i some years since presiure in behalf of this plan came from authorities in this province the history of netrouatlnns or tlie development lias been very unusual with ottawa ontario and the united btatia intereiu being alternately lukewarm and enthusiastic until now when all three seem tor tlie moment to bo fairly enthusiastic ottawas problem nt present netms to bo ono of nhteatlna the province of qunbre and western provinces where them is iwlna developed tha argument that nil of canada will be taxed for the ciwt nf tlie big power scheme with live direct benefits going to ontario it will not be iiirprulng it the subject takes its place in the election campaign if it ttocs we shall likely see the federal government assorting in tho first place i thnt tho development will eventually pay for futtlf in the second place that in diutrial development hi essential for this country and thnt what benefits industry in ontario iji of grout value everywhere in canada the core of drj t hftowe remarks nn thbi point in adilretulna tho 6mea la contained in thejie words thin develonhpnt can hardly be editorial notes sales of new motor vehicles in oinudu during i93ii amounted to im734 units valued nt i2sm- 205 canada mourn j flags arc at half mast canada mourns the pass- j ing of lord twccdsmuir a governorgeneral who held n warm spot in the affections of all canada a man who used his every effort not only in fulfilment of his duties of office but one who missed no oppor tunity to know the canadian people the koyal visit the war and many events during his term of office made his task a heavy one perhaps i the heaviest of any man who ever held this high office but he met every occasion with an ability that was outstanding born in broughton green pecble- shire scotland in 1875 he attended glasgow univer sity nnd infer brasenose college oxford where he maintained n high record for scholarships he was i private secretary to the high commissioner tor south africa 100103 he served on the headquarters the third official estimate places canadas 103 staff of the british army in france 191617 and was wheat crop at 489623000 bushels the second invest director of information under prime minister lloyd wheat crop so far produced in the dominion george 101718 in 1933 he was nppointcd lord commissioner to the church of scotland his experience and qualifications fitted him ad- fron hc lluil canadian apple crop aboul 1000- mirably for the appointment of governorgeneral eons of apple juice are bein made compared on november 2nd 1935 he was the first commoner j wth about 60 kallons made from the 1938 crop ever so appointed not only in this office hut as an l author and historian will the memory of john voters lists are in the course of preparation for buchan long be remembered his has been a busy the dominion olections watch for notices ns to and productive lire canada has been fortunate to procedure to make sure that your name is on the lists have had nearly five years ot it spent here can- entitling you to use your franchise ndinns mourn hispnssinr and cherish the memory of the years of service be gave here wapmmosuihv forevonritlt were undertaken tomorrow it would bo nvo yearn at least before it could become of use the- wi heme now under negotiation wan selected with a view at avoiding fcaturcn which in 1034 aroused objections in the ub berate from an engineering- ktnndpalnt the plann are sound and lower in coat thnn those in tho 1032 treaty at the mime uin the plans afford full protection or all the interests in the varltiiiii wctlmw of the fit jjiwrencn ulvrr incidentally for those who are inter ested in plotting the expansion of lndus- i try in thin country here is whal or hoiui wild on thnt score we would be men of very little faith if we did nut look iiheiwl and prepare tor n more bountiful future in mich a future the demands made upon industry will be vnstly en larged and industry will make new tie- rim nts on power ii will coine iis kimmi nrwi in llirjii- duyr of wiir stnni that the ontario govemmeiit la prepartl to continue the exisung tiilsls of rrllef contributions to nuinlclimilltles the prtwnt nkrcemeut with ottawn provides for tlie payment of 40 by uie dominion 40 hy the province arid 20 by the municipalities the province re serving the right to establish monthly quotas for relief by any municipality it la announced that during 1030 ontario we need revival of board of trade the other day we enme upon u booklet entitled bylaws of acton board of trade the date was hum since that time we have had other organiza- your support tions known as chamber of commerce business mens association and perhaps other similnr bodies that wo cannot now name all of them have done splendid work in building up this community but just nt the present time we arc in one of those periods when no such organization is active in acton this is regrettable there are so many things that such an organization could be doing that would be bencliciul only ns acton grows can those within it have a bigger volume of business only ns the business men are banded together can they hope to gain n wider trading area working cooperatively much can be accomplished there is no need to enumerate the many things that could be accomplished by a board this week the canadian legion makes an appeal for their war work it is a worthy cause and none know better thnn those who served in the lasfwnr he needs of the soldier in getting back to civilian life after the war their plans are worthy and merit teixs ilot a1x avutlon u developing m langus eat its own take for example tha link trainer which puts tca pilot through municipalities have been saved about iflooooo by tlie wovlnees srrnifmnt with ottawa tlie important news in canada tliate days is onee again tlie newi that for good and mifrlclent reasons cannot have a big play in the press of the country at tlie moment but no censorship regulations are broken when we report thst right now there is being carried out an intense development or air training for young men across tlie dominion j many of the various schools announc ed at ottawa when details of tlie rmpiro air training scheme were formally nub- llclsed are now in operation and the skill of pilots in training observers gunners nnd ground men in lncranlng dally their flying paces before they go aloft at the controls of one ol the bis loekhaeds all tranwcauada pilot start their train ing with a good backlog of veal fljrbig behind them but wheat they go to tile toa they start all over again andtct through a stiff course the trainer which begins it li like a plane in nearly every respect 52ctf that it never leaves tlie ground when he climbs into its cockpit tlie pilot pulls a hood over his head snd fllei by instruments thri toas trainer at winnipeg if known to tlie boy as tlie jeep some times is it called the torture cham ber tlie sweat box or tlie fiery hoop willie the pilot takes off banks plnn climbs fleccend and goes ui rough pll the motion over a planned route an in genious little device traces hi course on a chart thu is known as tlie crab or jeepera creeper as it crawls over the chart it records everything the pilot doex right or wrong and enables him to correct his procedure on future flltfht business directory mediou dr j a mcniven miyblelsaasul surgmri off lea and nasldenee corner bor avenue and elgin street dr e j nelson ftfaytun and flurgeeu jrr g electro therapy phone i dr wm g cullen l m c c phyilchui and sttrgsen office hours 14 and 70 pm sundeys by appointment mid street near frederick street telephone 138 drs freed and stevenson c amprkmv ilijb phone milton 33sr3 after lo pro milton 3w office if mm b0 am p3 pm 7fl pro sunday by appointment only ijcoai c f leatherland b a lurruirr and relleltar noury ruhli issuer of marriage licenses rejjutrnr of illrths marriages deaths offfca tt acton rhonce residence til i kenneth m langdon furrtsbrr rlallcllor notary puhlbi offlcea- j tleorgetown gregory theatre ilulillng aoton over t seynucki caf i for appointment phone acton t ot oeorgetown as office hours acton tuesday snd whm ne comes mci ufis l be trained to carry on tha cnllan l war sarvlcaa ar unaur- tahanilth tha approval anal actlv rtara1lan f tha canadian oivimimnl rv oft canadian under a great new much needed plan thu canadian legion is providing educationnl and vocational training for our fighting forces the legions personal services will nid in tho solution of private and business problems leave hoctctsr soldifiaxnficertparties and recreational facilities will also be provided your contribution to the 500000 drive for funds wilt help to maintain morale today and train our men to achieve success in civil life after the war will you help to give our boys a leg up the ladder of success when the war is over then give generously to this great new cause now i send or take your contribution to your nearest leglon legion war services educational an0 personal 6ervice appeal othelt editors say i a walkerfdtf minister spoke on let the bells rinp out and the fire bell ranj a few sundays inter he spoke on now we are in dnrkness and the lights went out we hope he doesnt speak on noah and the ark premier hepburn is quoted as saying any member of the legislature can do just as he pleases so far as ihc federal election is concerned several of his followers have anticipated the gracious grant- of trade j ing of this freedom globe and mail just as in the past good work has been doneso can more good be accomplished in the future acton j needs u bonrd of trade now business in canada is on the upgrade acton business will share in canadian prosperity to just the extent that acton business institutions go after their share wrat is the inw just what good was done by passing of an amend- nieijt to the criminal code mukingslot machines illegal is beyond our understanding up in brace- porter dras bridge the regal anchine service has agreed to pay while it can scarcely be expected that the up- ward movement of business will continue through- out the winter at as rapid a rate as in recent months trie broad outloook tsifor further expansion says the current monthly review of the bank of nova scotia invariably tcr drafc night nttire in the report of a night- tire the re in the expression escaped in their j what do they expect people roused a license fee to the town of 414000 for the privilege out of bc to escape in we dont know but we mo of operating fifteen of these machines in that mun- sr8t that the expression be given a holiday- icipality in rarric the council decided to license peei gaiette mechanical devices for amusement and- set the tec at iw rather a peculiar situation the dominion seems likely that most of the election campaign law says the machines are illegal and the municipal- in be fought in the newspoflrs when the minister j ityoffers to let them operate on payment of a con- of transportation hon c d howe recently made sidefation known as a license i an important speech over the radio the- ottawa but you folks whprilay the machines just loqk journal checked up to ascertain how many people at the chance youtfave to win they are so profitable heard him and believes that not more thari three per j to the operators that they are wiliinfrto pay annual cent of tie people of canada listened to the broad- fees of over 4000 to have them in operation that cast hanover post i ou should not feci the slightest embarrassment in calling on the manager of our nearest branch and tcll ing him of your need to borrow making personal loans is a daily part of our regular banking assistance to thrifty citizens throughout canada such trans actions arc strictly confidential and our terms arc convenient and reasonable repay in 12 monthly instalments cost 365 per 100 no ether charge bank of montreal estadiiahedjbl7 m bude utuie uhou accouul ate uejaums acton branch w h clayton manager rtlmrwiay l liihfl on requut vwat drmtal a ifouri on r cflshl j buchanan 0 d s ilknlal rurcan onus in irishman- ulock 0 m until 0 p m evaniae by appointment r rx tractloni xuaj wadncftday attrraoon pvuitu ll iv w phakrn dd si d s ilrntal hirgma ofilr in lhr aymon ukuk ihonr 20 mill street anum flrfkwrkkl oilier iprn every trmrwtaf afutitl and kvrnlnn vktldunarv b ij young vs h vs vrlcrlnary nuriaon onire ilronltvllle ontarti prmn- milton 14r f c oakes vs b v sc vaterlnary hargaan unirc and ullrncr knox a van acton phnna 110 aixtionkkuk fank petch aurllnnrrr and iuiprrnttlve cammr i clal latti assurance co 1 phonr llr 3 oioruruiwri i ikoroctown p o john heffeknan liotiumi auntlnnrcr phone 1200 iuclph ontario arnuiumrnu muy be made for aiuca in thin dlntrlct by communlcutliitf itth e mcdowell mill fltrcrl acton robert t amos aurllanorr moffat ontario fur nrrvlcq that satuflca ut prlcoft lliat plfior vvlilii ncqunlntancc ouutph plume 1720 r3 pjione date my expru pime taples aoian n at ac standar gains dully except sunday dully ixrrpt siihday lully vxript suiyliiy sundiy only fljcr ul ci fd rite tow n ialng dilly cxcipt sunday ton d time rlaal wmi ms 4 ol 040 am hi8 pm 8 10 pm 0m pjxx u 48 tn suturrtuv ojy sjiturdny only surttliiy only fbxrjjt ooruetwn flyer ul ouclph 2j0 pjn 1238 am l j 33 pnt 809 pjn 048 pra cray coach lines coaciies leave acton standard tim kastbound to taronta udsl urn ml am 1101 pm c2w phi 41 priii 031 pnr 84fl p n- wlhtiioivd t london 10 jj um x1138 am 2 23 pm ecl is in i sm pin 7 la pm bo 11 p m tlx u j3 pm irx 13 ub am arxrpisun and l b- sun and uol v sot only dcxcipt iiat 3un aid ilrjl c bt sun nd hoi v lo klcuiirr y to atrutlcid s w t pa1teks0nr0 sprclalut in ky evbaltuubv drtbftptatt us wyndiiam rt ouklvu rha tim complhely eaulppl otjicm balov uaher aho star a