Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1940, p. 1

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tymki rkfi izht jvttiw jtttt ish5 sixtyfifth year no 37 acton ontario thursday march 14th 1 040 fight homeprint pages rive cents liberal and national candidates contest halton canadiens won midget hockey league title htiffhee cleaver burilnffton and george c atldtu of oflkvute aw nominated for dominion election meeting in milton ww addrcwd by both candi dates and returtilnff officer j k malum presided only two mdwats were nominated for ililton on monday with upturning officer x k uahon when the hour had lapd for nilnff nomination hushes cleaver of burlington win oonteat the riding as a xjtoerol and oeorge o aucin of oakvula 1 th national candidate both candidate oddred the meeting in milton on monday after nomination were closed and otwhlch mr mahon waa chosen chairman mr cleaver in hi address save an aooount of hi atewardahlp since elec uon he reviewed the trade treaties that had been made the benefit secured he had nothing twit friendly feeling for mr xuclna buthe wi opposed id hi leader and hu policies mr cleaver told of the blow against canadian unity that had been struck by duplessli and uttft- ttand taken by mackenile king and lhtxbralitomalntalnoanbdliin unity the miccea of the red crow drive and the war loan were example of canadian unity under the leadership of hon mac keniie king mr cleaver aald there was no dlirer enc between national and union ffov- emment appointment had in the pre sent war been made on merit and not by patronaftfe figure presented showed that canadas present war effort waa threte time that of the last war he an swered charee made by dr manlon and olalmed them unfounded ne also drew attention to the charge made in halton county and asked if such work wo fur thering canada war effort during hi term of office mr cleaver aald he had served liberals and conservative s alike and had fflven attention to all matters in the county mr aulns in hu address was very critical of the dcniul by mr mackenzie king to give an accounting to parlla ment of hu policy and conduct of the war he cited cose of delayed allow once to dependtnts ond lark or equip ment for soldier he said at prism it wa jint like kids manlon makes a charge and reger av- oure u llnrl quoting from the financial post an one of the most re putable joilmnla in canada mr atkins told of the purchtmr of larjd at vancouver at a big price fto said in the absence of the right to que tlon tho government we are thrown on our own experience to decide the unties and charges mr icing had refused to assist dr manlon if the national gov rrnment were returned this refusal to assut canada would be similar to qrn era menaughton refusing ui lead the canadian army mr atkln maintained that the ciil servant were the real government of canada rather than the polltlcaihted government he gave name of officials uhom he considered were making a real contribution to canada the national candidate aald men cannot get jobs mak ing munitions and wo me loilng millions of hour of productive labor which is being iubaiduwd by relief he maintain ed that in this election democracy innr nally and externally were at stoke ttn hu time allotted for reply mr oaniwted on pag plv came fhom calgary by plane to visit father mr j c uj11 of calgary alta u here visiting his father mr oeorge leslie who has been critically 111 mr leslie flew by transcanada plane leav ing calgary at 8 45 pm and arriving in malton this following day at 00 p m in conversation with mr lealle ha showed us a progr report which 1 furnished passenger on the plane from time to lime this one wo when the plane wa passing aver broadview 6ak the altitude waa given a 0 0o0 feet arid the machine wo at that time 0 070 feet above the ground the air speed was 107 mile per hour and the ground speed 173 miles per hour the temperature at thi height wo five above zero and the temperature at winnipeg at that time was 33 above the report wo most interesting and ahowed the contact these since going to press lost week five 1 game have been played in the midget hockey league thanks to the weather j man who ha very kindly given us ome cold weather on friday march 8th the red wings undertook to give both the leafs and 1 ranger a beating to the tunes of 4 to 3 and 0 to 3 respectively pa mbnday march nth all four teams played the red wing trimming the canadlen 43 and the ranger defeat- lug the leafs 63 these game finished the schedule and found the red wing i the first short meeting of acton 1 council this year machine haveat all ume wlide ule trrp wa delayed two hours on aooount or bad weather conditions mr leslie aays it wo travel a very pleasant mean of head of house of refuge is acquitted in trial historical address given at meeting acton institute the regular meeting of the acton women institute was held at the home of mr francis wilds on thursday last the president mr j wudempin was tn charge one minute of silence wa observed in memory of one of our loyal members mrs a mocdonald who so suddenly passed away also for the memory of lard tweedsmulr aovemoroeneral of can ada current rvents were given by mr wlldcrspln mis k appleby of george town gave a very interesting talk an historical research and suggested n committer bv formed in the local branch mrs prune in wlldn conducted nn ad vcruaing contest thr prist winners wtn mrs o h lant7 and mm earl lambert mrs o amble n ported on the work done by the women h institute far the red ctoeb eramosa adopts budget and the township rate council to lnvcfltkntrtkhiblt of hfllabltahment of cheese factory in district the council for the township of en menu met in the town hall rockwood on monday march 11th at iso pm present were tlrfcve d d dray in the chair councillor wm j plnkney brnet h benham roy i leslie ond jostph r rutherford six tenders acre received for crushed grael the tender of john mclaren was accepted at 50c for inch and sic for j inch delivered to on part of the township after a careful check of nnpald taxes n resolution wa unanimous passed in fclructlng the treasurer to collect all arrears for 1038 and previous years by may 1st 104o and all outstanding 1030 taxes by june 1st 1040 at the request of the treasurer for a udlt the auditor were iubucted to audit the treasurer s and with 8 points and the canadlen and rangers tied with six points and the u clerk c leam with four point i mr ffi k the first playoff game took place on tuesday march 13th with the conadlrns playing ranger the canadian played a never before and proved to the other team just what lhey were capable of the score ended tn a shutout for the canadiens with a score of 0 to 0 this win entitled them to meet the red wing who finished first in tho league nnd what a game i the odds council decides fo paint town hall this year tokine sifrrw to be secured the regular meeting of council wa held on tuesday evening councillor j u crelghton j v davison w j o oakea and q m sinclair were pre sent with reeve j b chalmers in charge upon motion mis laura k rcld wa emed against cahadlktihwhin the red wings scored first but they quickly med it up at the beginning of the last period the acore was 33 for the cui n ihe matur appointed deputy clerk in the absence leatherland ban- regent of the duke of devonshire chapter tod wa present and thanked council for tho use of the arena for the carnival she also requested use of tho town hall for the showing of an educational picture at a future date reeve chalmers assured mrs barr the proposition would be con sldered by council it wa decided later to accede to mrs barrs request i mr harr ta tip pjefni5 interviewed council with regard to bjisl- nens tax reeve chalmers oasured my lawaon that ho would be given the coun- red wlnga but the canadlen put on a few powfer pjay turkoiui fryer and pearen and tallied two counter to win the championship the llnnup wa canadlen clayton goal forwards fryer turkosz ihjvans stewart eomer- vllle and pearen defence lamb john son woods holllnger red wings robson goal forward beatty haxsard kentncr adanuon mosaic davidson defence oordon tur- kose paplllon close japanese doll festival feature knox mission band the regular meeting of the victoria mission band of icnox church uas held on thursday last in the sunday school room following the devotional part of the meeting the mission band story was told by mrs h malnprlzi it uiis in the form of a utter from tin mulv ilict ed prcsidim of tin w t in canada a hhort bmlnii p riod follow ih tile most inrt r itmu part of llu pro krum uus a japath doll rtntlvul con ducud bj mrs dr a j buchanan there uert 0 mrmbern prtmtit nnd ihi mttllng jltwcd with rniytr tlie eighth report of tho finance com- mlttcc recommended that tlie following accounts be paid john williamson eawing wood and llmba johnstone st rumlcy folding chair for town hall acton public utilities commls fllon street lights town hall pump hoiwe arena art pump t tc r m mcdonald balance of premium due on k e liar rops bond l w agar coal for town hull taxes on queen street lot taxes on victoria street lot taxes on yuca business tax of t t kblle to b paid out of traruient trad cm licinw fet whllhcr co hupplli k mecutliooh huullnit stum cleorretown lumber co ltd ice miapirn door ttc t 0 jii ollmour rt pulrs to furant i and htot nunilh i tc at ar mi tt a h fyjir unit al anna ul 00 btll tl phnnt ci sihki 11 synit n mardwun supilus 4 hj pageant and guest speaker at united w m s the woman n missionary society of the united church thank offering meet- ing wan held on tuesday nlaht in the church with mrs b mowat presiding tlie devotional period and easter lejwon were taken by mrs a c aifford a vocal duett saved by grace wan ren dered by mrs l veldhuls and mr j veldhuls mrs caldwell introduced the guest speaker for the evenlna miss sybil bennett b a of georgetown who gave a very interesung and instructive talk on current events of to doy as com pared with the past years christianity has never thonged and throughout all time will be always looked upon a the guiding star of the agfc a very hearty ote pf thanks was given miss bennett for her splendid talk a pagrnnt keepers of the cross aas very beautifully presented by mbu marjoris nelson lillian picldb mobil harris algclna oibson helen simp sen hlen coo and two tittle girls jane elliott and barbara vincent betty oibson sans very sweetly 1 th wh kgfto-utfr-bwttel-atoyy- tanners lose tp tigers in second group final of old a male quartette composed of mourn p colon c franklin a blmp on and j c matthew uataud wli to mr several numbernjtilcach ono uklng part oppeared men provide the troram at meeting rockaixncw institute rockalonk women s institute held their march meoung at b s no 8 with a good attendance of members their hus band and families the roll call was responded to by say sing play or whistle an irish number red cross material wa dis tributed among the members the meeting was in charge of the men who gave tlie following program mr c plank save a talk on the motto waterloo took tho second gome 01 oh tuesday nijkht when dunbrook in goal shed rubber off him like water off a ducks back final game tor group championhhip in kitch ener saturday acton even auit tors for game with dunbrook turning in a stellar performance in the waterloo nets on tuesday his team mate capitalised an the break to shoot six goal behind woods while the tanners were only able z i a aet five in the waterloo nut natur ally after defeating waterloo tiger change places with elevenmillion can adlan mr will black oendcred a unu after which mr wm fcnabb gave a talk on canadlanlbatlorr mr joe graham favored the meeting with a violin selection community singing wo ably conducted by mrs will niacc after which mr ingle gave a mounth aeirctiorr 2 organ i program and a 7s i social time at bloomsbury meeting 230 00 j j tho bloomsbury literary society held its regular meeung on march nth tlie roll call uaa answered with signs of 203 50 spring i mrs a wauon wa the chalrlady for the following program reading by elisabeth anderson instrumental by alma watson reading by jack von- aoaacn recitation by mrs armstrong mouth organ selecuon by cameron kit clilng a contest was conducted by riois gordon impromptu speeches were con ducted by clarenrt thi speakers wlh alma wutaon archie mauplu won drew pulton mm anaoiirin audrey wnunn and annit pultein mrs a niar ils kiil a recitation tin run linn was tt id uilh tin national antjn ni exirhre was jlujeei the 1 risrji gnlnu i mrs vongookn and archli mhrpherson lunch wis iirved 1 m cinl half hour hi nt 0 07 14 00 1 10 4 00 113 1r jo 02 10 21 3 00 euchre wo played the lady s first plummer ond the second u mrs d graham -the- gent first prlso went to mr a shultls and the second to mr o mcavany the nauonal anthem was aung and refreshment were served by the lodlen fourth shipment 7ib 711 a letter wuh recthed from mb h uell em blhall of mil corniwil commit jvitltlc v atoll tte coneiiih to council 11 heart vote of thanks for the co operation of coun- district r1 toss ell in d mating the arena for 111 cirni a a letter uus rtcehed from mu- jennie march filh tlu fourth shipment of russell protesting about the nuifionc rcd c supplies wo made from acton hocxey crtatesd bj pigeon gatherlnh in that pait and district red crow headfjuarte r in s 1 apju maple lnf hotkt suir the clerk as instructtd to tlle qovernrrttnt building tlie shipment municipal world about wan maap p of the following supplier from the imitfl of tht branch acton 44 bed gowns 5 pneumonia jarkets 10r handkerchiefs 21 bed pads 2 triangular bandages 5 t binder 10 pillow slips flel hampton bed pad 30 ice william k yarranlou w as acquitted on thursday lost of manslaughter at his more frequent iw- trial in the death of james cation m inmate of the prei cemrttj house of refuge the jur deliberated t hours and 20 minute before preventing a rrdlct of not guilty to mr justice green who made no comment it had not returned to the court from he tim it retired at 1135 am until it brtmght in a verdict at 6 45 pm last jail a jur deliberated six hours returning to the court room hip rate of 31 mills in addition to the three time before it announced it coufd prounclol buhaldy of 1- mill w m s and tlie- cnllechira account at the first of the tjikllcs lt jvlttt month of jonuary march june sep- rotoll rillirih timber and november in each year in- ul umi llllll ii stead of three audita a at present a budget prepared by the treasurer inciudlni requisition from police vil lages and school section was approved on motion of messrs plnknej and ruth- rford ttfe budget provided for a town not ivach a verdict farm and home improvement featured here again this year letter from h department of high- a approvdthe appolnurtertt of percy h peavoy as road superintendent and finau in tin rural hockey gaines tonijrht finals in the acton rural jjeague have been underway this week nr the town lome scots went out to oeorgtujwn on fnd out from thi monday night bj 4 to 3 just om goal tfih ma tcr between tlwm t approval of the povlnclal board on tuesday night norval monnrchi of was received on dr ktlaon and ocorgetown pirates met in the first appointment the best two out of three series a i was received from the incur monarch won by a 52 score over the 1 onc company atntttnrthnt an account ba vem 22 bed pan covers 0 scarve pirate and got a good hold on the rum for an accident on tht street hod been 37 nftlr l uy cup the second game is scheduled i be attention of council was drawn vassogaweya ward 313 bed gown for tonight in the arena and oeorge u the defective sidewalk whtre the nr 7 pneumonia jacket 12 handkerchiefs town 1 out to even the count i cldent occurred 3 bed pads 7 triangular bondages 24 t arrangement are being made to have iet was received by council re binder 3 pillow slips 4 pair socks 3 on allstar team from the acton rural gardlng the taxes on the house occupied carves league play on exhibition game with bj mr crewson mclaughlin from mr ebeneter church unit 10 pillow sllp an allstar team from erin sertior o nelson mclaughlin council decided to h r a the dat has not yet been ar t further advice before ranged the proceeds collected will be 1 action given to the red cross the dot will i after some dlcudon it wa decided likely be early next week to unve the matter of parking signs with the streets and walks committer j mr harrop also reported there were no sign on the highwaj in the viclniu of i the school a complaint was made that thr town dump had a sign on it no trespaming it was decided this should not be there j and that a sign be placed there town the march meeting of boston church bip ptease keep oate closed held a joint meeting of the w ms and ii uft decided if the acton concert ladle aw on thursday of last wrekjm 0rcn ttn allowed used of a room in tho home of mrs archie mcolbbon t it would be creating a pre- there wa a good attendance i nt ond that no action would bo mr murray the w ms prealdent 1 t took the chair the scripture reading afwr considerable ducuasion the fol wa given by mrs john ntebxm and to resolution wa poised history s s no a given at meeting maple grove literary the maple grave literary society he id a regular meeting on friday laat doris watson vicepresident in charge x an invitation to visit bloomabury wnn accepted ond plans made for the pro gram james mcnubb convener of oroup 3 presided feir the following program com munlty singing opened tlie program mr prank day rackwoed prepared a pap t on the history of 8 s no il and mm i ingle read this paper followed by a piano due ii by mrs b rom de n unel dnrls wauem a hkit buciulurm treiidile woa put in mary tom f mirt d th muting with a vekral roto joe clrah 1111 i ilpitl 11 ntnilly dance number 1 re a iri trail egue stlcint to lie wed mif d mikabb gave an irish tiudluu nn meetliik t liwesl with thi nat inal at l he m darning followed end iervlkt j spent 11 jnlh tvinlng togi the r the naliunul candidale holds three times this year tho predictions were for the cterle to go in two straight game waterloo proved on tuesday that they are a fighting team and came from behind a three goal lead to make the contest ono of the thriller of the year wcyp ntuprpdl the final game in kitchener on saturday nihr between thene two team but tya have a story of thte tuesday game and here a ihctway we saw it acton went right out for goal and put everybody down lo scare play wa fast for a first period moloule dumped olld- ner and wa banished but the tanner still pressed the play norm morton lindsay and pipher had same cliwe shots baylbu went off for boarding lang and lang followed him a little later hersch berger drew a penalty for lntortvrenaa and dunbrook stopped plenty of rubber when the tigers were short finally at 14 20 lindsay got the first counter with norm morton and baylbm on the play twenty seconds lai r bay han bunged in onothrr and the period closed nt jyii with the tanne rn much the botttr still ein the ofti nalvi norm morton eored in tlu llidt thlity ecendo of thi second pe rlod willis got w11u rloe m flrnt nt 3 10 from coley and brill and thin tim rn went in the offensive norm morton went around the whole team nud jltinkitl hi an tlii r fir th lunnirn it 1140 willis hliimtneel iii t moium lo i lie ihi irdft unil dri w 1 we 11 i t rvrnl pen ills hun aithtnlneel a shoulder injury 1 liidiny won in and iiuiibrixik in 1 1e u hie i stop ntiel wo xl a jienl a f uple tf nlei waterloo chum is ulldne r bang id in em at 18 ju mi brill s pn out ijndhay rnlhhiel on two nlci alti inpli and norm morten u norm h nhit lui e keel ijunttrikik oul but hi gamely sttyid 011 i at hi wlllli tiroughl one from behind i tlu net u euri and waterloo wai mire putting em tin bmft e n terr and him i meiruin were both hum iviilimr in alihii tne scorc wun 3 m ul ink ill i llll ibi and waterloo hod cvctalnly made 1 nice i comeback in that twenty minute in the final period pipher had m that trickled along tlu goal line norm morton was in but was beaten on the i lay at 2 00 norm morton scored from baylbu at 2 45 cotey broke with schmolu iits ond scored for waterloo brill crashed the boards and retired with an injured wrist marco wo beaten by dunbrook and lindsay the same on what itxiked like sure counters pipher nnd marco drew penalties for mixing it up at 8 20 lang tltd the count with aildnern anilst then the tigers did put on a show and wooeln continued on pagt fire and major rclford were aiho hpenkerh taking nn 2 pairs sock 1 scarf dublin 3 bed gown 30 handlccr chiefs 3 triangular bondage 7 t bind ers fl face mask 4 pillow nil bed pan cover 5 pair sock a new shipment of wool has arrived so that who wish to do knitting con obtain wool from the red crow rooms any day from 2 to 5 sundav eciiinr rireiele hours start at the- ymc stnnuuuh crltlctsin of uic liberal biv- t rntninl h conduct or lhc mir and the itart pul forth on the part or cunada noa voiced nt the meeting here on mon day evtnlns in tht interest of mr oeo c atltlnn nntlonal candlilatf for hnluin county mr w j dcatty waa chairman for the meetlnc and in hla 0enlni remurlu outlined the aim and principle of the j nullum committee it ivaa out to ele- 1 all politic in halton and the electorate uon urscd to coruldtor canada best in urcet not only at election time but utter the election tu 1 dl ford former cunacrvatlve member of tne ontario lruutlature for northumoerland wa the flnu teakir he contended that the election must be either on by the national or put in an i awkward position he ald that hitler had dome tlie same a fockcntle king li i tea and bakjilj salelit vmca urday march iflth from 3 to ft 30 coming events tra nil oil a bulldlnir utter hey had been closed ji contended that in klnb dlmoluuon of parliament he liad taken away the rtirhu of parliament the game a hitler stalliv nnd munoollnl mackenzie klntl i want to hive hi effort nrt to hi party about sixty young people attended the and what effort i left to hi country first of a serle of sunday evening plre- i helialf of hi leader dr manlon ide hour hut sunday al the y m c a i he h bt brain of the country lakeside chapter ioj3e st patrick a bot- lonte school n jyjy 10 please aend names and addresses of en- pupils lo mr oeo lanu acton or clinton swackhamer secratary aton euchre and dance on tuesday 1 t v olh town aton under the prourarn wa arranged by a group aaaemlilea to form a govevn- ousprcek of nallonai oovemment com- of young people from the four prolealant 1 n nauonal gowrnment he said ml card lunch doncln no ad- churches and consisted of group singing d0cj not mcan conservative government mission fee prayer by mm ju wilson the offer- moved by j jl crelghton seconded by tory prayer was given by mrs kmmett sinclair and resolved that we- ad- limited the iwo expenditure on road racing were given by mrs e ma and to paint the town weii as tot m rwtrtvloltoiolo urivdatityof canadinbortnd and bridge to 1sm0o mra john ehiott a t wm given i u inside and out lowest aoy by norman n onte ht never before hl canada had me junior v olru re holdln utter rrtvm th ivpiment of agr mta rub nntoft tendern otneceaarih accepted carried plan b chiru isborolih ra t pnt nlloruu atulz t uh cuuv ntntat reforetollon and the ladles aid meeting opened with moved by j r crelghton utcondrd by n gave the plrende chat it government would coordlnale ihe efforts jwtiij t t suoh pandld suecea attended the warble n powder re ordered 10 be mr e may th vtceprealdent in th a nd reaolwd that wr rtta orii iht of cle u te lyznatlt crttl zta l t project pf farm and horn unprovermmt riled choir after the roll call and the bul- pproxlmate cost of installation men rrf 1 l lutjad rf in dlftv- p lr her im wr ht acton aweultur th couector sported the collection n pa th metln ti f emea uuu tn ihe town mi i l otjutm whwhvea jere 5 uortvmen a um do s jl b boctoty u again ponvrlruj thl proiu or txe amounting 0 j since d took th chur mr w j hall lmlililhiril noeaunr partition 1 t mi s lpjmllmltl l winn t fy dd january m arjon favored the gathering with an j me1 jssl zwjtjn 7 c d paronag ad m 1 ulzvz j zszst tmjw air cha thatcher chairman of th uto harp oolo mra mecheany g a ion wd location rrln were 11 endowed in fmr ol comcripuon he vlrd -ery- sw2 y2z i mur v j n m hd i r ifrt patrick acted as chairman to wipport mr atkln in halton prise rvrelved orrounenlal sign for uilr farm which ar now adorning gte- wayi ihrouthout th uulrlct iqstrlm for thi nrojeot r now being mad and tattueuun may be aeeured from membera of th oommltte on n- rtllrv prurdicfglnth eommlum in charge of thu vent are mmbtc y u wrteht j j stewart wm oowdy dr c 6 oakea at oymon and o a mm viewed tlmcoulacittarllng th eatab- harmonica and auto harp duett wtilch wlneaday march otui luhment or a cheese roclory in th vleln- vs enjoyed by 11 after alnadrur hymn uy reeve d d aray councillor e h i mwatlng the mlzpah benediction only a 8tabt banham and ilr thatcher were appoint- the meeting losed 1 edaeommutee to explore noatuillltle in a aoetal hall hour was apent nd a nn fuus whokoal i foulul a narl the matter dainty hineh vu served by the lunch i my oyster oounou ordered payment o aeeounu oommlttee ajld fcrra alex hume moved ltr rlu youm better look for the amounting to 330 and adjourned to vote of thanks to all those who too jehera my dear the atrln tavoka april ith at 1 so pm 1 p in the meeting also to the hostess around your seek utd lr chaa rlricneu u song leader ur autin said that hi view of eon- wlili uui dorathy kltehlng at tlie nlanoj untuon wu that every nun did better a cup of coffee wu nerved to aii those w ejjowed to do it of hu own free present i will mr atkln erluclsed th war effort rev mv oirrord will give the yirealde cukad under the ad of chat next sunday nlcht and chu lands- borough wui render a eometaolo a cordial invitation is extended every one hon maokeruie king there waa shortage of elolhe and no tnf ormajlon could be secured m canadas ffort be- oonelndtd on page stlarhi everyone over si i teen 1 invited to the ahowtn on wednesday night of the feature picture oolng puteft and ut hear th address of uy hugh oataver italian liberal candidate la lou kwi rl baritone aololrt and radio wtlit will ing there it no dntkariaa ohame 10oo open at im pjn fa g owa4k program working men- and their wive peeulty tarlted 1 ll 1 1 j tv llljic vrf swvu

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