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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1940, p. 7

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ttnnteoay uxmm nth im niwuimiorniikiii without the warrolli of mend i could nqt uwl y wlbmpt mm joyoua interehawfe 61 o tram or dead or pmt uuit thajr lv uttn othar iltta doht matt vary much the dead voeeeaeloiu or una world treat ator have meaning only m they coma and vom friend to friend in unit eym- boue flow ol gtvbm and recalvliuf nothlmr more iun can uv without tho greater part of aubbeniuk or happlneae or power bat awaat communication or tho heart tha mind nd aoiu u ilfeblood to tha rlowar mo areata nlft did aod lo humana hive without tho varmth ot manila i could not uval batty tcnowlea twenty years ago vnm tha baua al th free rraea or tfcu4ay march llth lilt mr and ura j e mcmillan and lwhlen war nintd wlui mementoa by tha nalahhora prior to their removal to aotott tfa hoakay aaaaon la over tha vraaa u vattlnii iiraan aualn mr nlool mjirble outtar of ouelph has vamovad to acton w j mcdonald took hlgheat tamllna and stuart lowrft eeoond hlgheat in the county at the county stock judglna conteata haldt milton altar eluhtwn yeare ol aorvlce aa en linear at tho otr pumpuu elation hare ur airrad bauer haa realigned thu position tho railway company li very m hassard wm nominated to nil the vacancy caused by thto retirement of w j ritchie u councillor mr huurd u the ntw oounolllor by acclamation e the acton free press pads batvkm actons family album tnttataff ovr the pa week by week and lootdna on the fact of thoee who were fwwllur to many here in ottar van oo you recognize these ijvht wkfk h mcttfy8 picture no i last week was mr nnd mrn jon holmes which wan tnkrn on the occasion or thrlr golden wedding anniversary no 2 wns jacob owackhamer a ploner of tho district who settled at churchill nnd was swaekhamer a pioneer of the district who settled nt churchill nnd wan one of th first deacom of churchill church nv 1 wm mr jo l one or the flint peacons of churchill church i 3 wan mr jame u warren a 11 fo long resident of this district all of the photographs lait week were of pbranns who have panned on hut will be remembered uell by many reader hffauuel rloirandonakum in toronto on wednesday march 10th 1030 by rev george baker father of tho bride pearl x bakar to fetherege 0vllje luoharda of bonn albert diked oandnbrr at sneyaufc on wednesday march 1 0th 1030 ruth flimpaon widow or thi ate john qardner aged t year mtfir marion walwyn vmoa ofhcgr in bnoland canadian women aa well aa tholr eng llah ilitera are in the war in ennland and aomo of them like ml mb r ion walwyn ymca officer at the btmvi i hut in london england ahe veteninh or the laat oonfllot war dnyn arc like old time to mua walwyn wlutnc home city u toronto for ahe win a y workit in the old beaver hut dnrlno the ailcnt war and f ee ip is now bnclt at l he tame ok aland thnn an now hhe mm in oharffe of entertainment for the onn ad inn froona on leave pyir the paat few yenm mus wnlwyil hwi travelled throimhout europt uutl summer hi wa conductlnu a tour thromrh oerniany and anatrln wlun rumor of war counht up to ht r qlilcltly and efficiently and without ntarmlnu her canadian tour party ahr mannned to cut her trip ahort and pack them all off on boata for canada two or three dayn baforto the outbreak mimbern of thi tour urged her to come with them but mui walwyn had already offered her aervlces to the canadian v and wan headed for london to set in on tills aecond conflict while waltlna for a reply from the y ml walwyn wont ahead on her own determined that nothing could atop her from doing her bit tor the boy over aeaa the day the first division arrlvid ahe landed alone in alderahot to see if there was anythhis he could do when ahe arrived there wa no place for hrr to atay but a canadian offloer gave her hi room and ahe began her own aux hlary service by helping organlae enter talnment for the freshly arrived troops meanwhile major j w beaton of the canadian y had arrived with the first contingent and he immediately appoint ed mua walwyn to the beaver club m london ml walwyn found a now beaver club resembling tho great wars beaver hut only in that its operation had been turned over once more to the y m ca from the olub ahe conduct soldier tours uirough the city nnd to nearby centres and ahe alio u in charge of the clubs aoclal activities the boys she has found are just like those of 1014 peruana a little grimmer and a little m ire determined but juat as eager for run and relaxation when they go to london on leave in the meantime mlu walwyn has organised her family and rclatlesbaok in canada into a miniature supplj board at regulir tnu rvali supnhea of canadian butter peanut butter and other food atufla are shipped dtreotto miss walttjn from toronto to dole out to thi boj afer the canteen elates or when soldiers arrive late at night this service is an other hold over from the laat wor when mlu walwyn dlaeovered jthene u noth ing like a mldnlght snack to cheer up a lonesome aomler thousands or miles from home utwbox iilujaebe tl molim a nomberh hioiith by an old swtoat am i lr tlon day approaches canadians nn concerned with one thing and one thing cm y an allout vigorous war effort nnd the ntncfui of our various vl ltloil lend or to glvpuic required leader hhip this id thta main issue consklera tlnn or which entails clear judgment trie ol artisan viewpoint to fpcure a tnlt perspective some comparisons nrc in order in 1014 sir rnp rt borden and a conservative gov mmnl was in power then as in the early weeks of the present war a political tmri wan drrliircd but this was not to liuit long und the historians havto glvm iw a true picture of the situation as it uni twenty five years ago conslderatli n of borden s position then is tntcrostlnu in ontinrlhnn u ith the task confront iiik mncki nxlf king and die llbonil kovirnmrnl hik montlis auo whut tlc hlntorlim has written of borden could b lifuvl bodily down through the yois iiiid applied to king por instance bor dtu had to deal ulth a ptoople absolutely unaccustomed to war muptclou in many ones of imperial interaction resentful of military discipline opposed before the war to rral military preparednieitb he had to conciliate these elements to iwld on even keel between extreme imperial ism and extreme nationalism to keep punch end bngllsh cast und wast in ramp form of co operation to hold in cmck the selfish and evil alms of the drafter and the grasping corporation he also had to consider how fa canada should and would go in the new altua tlon which followed the despatch of the first contingent how deep was the fed inn so splendidly ahoun in that initial response how much support the govern ment could rely upon how tnr that sui- port might got this has bttnn written of borden it might have been also written of king i at nnj lime during the past flew months jct ua examine some other conclusions canadian historians reached long after 1014 1018 i 1 in the years immediately preceding the world war however canada was practically a unit in satisfaction with its i position in the british empire it was one which brought safety without clear responsibility imperial protection with out taxation and with very little expen- dlture upon the local milttulujc ptmtlu of british cltlsenshtp abroad and af home without the vast burdens of navy i and arm and diplomacy 2 meanwhile the supplies rushed to volcortler b the militia department dur ing the first whirling months of the war had come in for opposition liberal at tack uhd criticism especially in the matter of boot the net result of enquiries b a special commission and a commltleitorthe commons was the boots might have been better and in some can were bad tout that the department did reasonably well iiruii r difficult oondl tlons and the necessity for speed scan dais were heard in other connection l hontoa drugs field glasses to and some sordid charges were provvm correct bor den compelled two members of hi own party in the commons to resign thrlr seats 3 lh ohlt f iroubfc siemcd to be with riilddlimiu necking to make and increasi profits war country business honor acre in such casejt put aside as of no ini poruinrc in the pathway of imorsonal bain one of the greatest difficultly wiis the patronnue lint which existed under 1 nth parties and was said to include flooo person or arms in all parts it canada who on l he ivcommondatlon of ihi local members of parliament had noinr nort of clnlm on ttovernment contracts 4 air robert borden on lite hi jut f thi government since war bctruu uaa uie rhli f largct of nttiuk and also the rallying point ot notion tin i llw rnl press in n hirrruslng deitrec den mncrd him as him in thoutrlit and policy lock lug in nil ini i lull vc devoid f personal and pnlltlcnl strength tile opposition c uld not or did not suggest anyone who could talrt- his place in party leadership and war artl n xci pt of course ui ir wrtlpnd r ft the conservative priss looked auk ance at thr idea or imioh or nnti inal government and ivnarded its ndvocacy with open suspicion fl tie bordeni was in fact a careful camrftl slnci re leader of his party nnd people in a most difficult period anxious to do the best for empire and country conscious of the urcatness of the task be fore all ruins in these years knowing much of the difficult und divergent tern peraments of the canadian public and the najoiial danger of going too fast as a ell a the international danger of going too slow that he wan a leader in fact as well as name his cabinet and parlla mentary nanagement ahowted that ho had lots of political courage was proven these six quotations from one of the loading histories of canada a 1014 1010 uar effort are illuminating one ques tions hi own eye aa he reads them so similar are they to the literature of the present political campaign reading i hem over one gasps with the manner in w hlch history is repeating itself with the one exception that the liberals were mrlng the shots in 101410 and now 1u the conservative who are on the firing lines these bits from canadian hutory are amazing if for no other reason than tjhey show no change in political tech nique where they do much to emphasize thire 4s nothing new even in canadian politics twenty ftvc years ago the con servatives claimed the country was for tunate in lm ing a cool conciliating hand at the helm it is the same counter the liberals are offering today then as now canada was not in a mood to be rushed noruere they prepared to swap horses in midstream even when the sunday school lesson fott bunday matociritth calvary triumph tiirotiail baormtoffi a olden text ho was delpued and re jected of men a man of borrows and acquainted with grief laatolil 3 lesson text matthew jt 3 r0 time wetnesday 0 am april ftth a d 30 place jerusalem exposition rx jean crucified 33 38 the four account of jem christ cruolflxh n should be rrnd aide by aide in tills irvmnn wb have the supreme mani festation of man s sinfulness and and hoi in r themrathomable diptlu of human derrnvltyghailte heights of divine love am flsctew calvary liie son of and life that wan tie lirlpht ties of iii withers glory and the ex prens imnge of his person the incnrnn tlon of infinite truth and love he in whom dwelt all the fulness or the aod laad bodily came into thin world and men crucified him tile attitude of mankind ns a whole toward jtsun is not essentially different to day ii in cruel flxlon was the literal fulfilment or old testament prophecy ps 22 10 zech 13 101 it wns necessary for our a1 vntlnn that he not only died but die in this precise way onl 3 10 13 john 3 14 dent 21 23 it is an art of well nlflh incredible ingratitude and baseness to dnny the lord who has i ndurthl such shame and suffiriiir in our stead 2 peter 2 i comes out wry clearly in th ir gambling or ills garmi ntn nt thn foot of the gross but w do not m t rvi n professed dts cipils of christ sclklng uiclr own itly inu rents at the fitot or the cross thi casting of ips iivnn his vesture wail alno n vi ry literal and ixoct fulfilment of propiiocy ph 23 10 aher cttllrm the ownership of the neamlrss garment john 10 23 24 they sat down with nppar t nt indlnvrcnri to wateh the son of oivd nuffer nnd die but even this is not w htrnnge as the indifference with which th nvernge man today gases ujkin the cnicined son of ood as he is presented lo the world in song and sermon and in the sacrament of ahe lords bupier the fact that two robbers were crucified with jflsu was also a fulnmi nt of prophecy ibn it3 0 13 tbie suirscrlptl n over the cross v 37 is alveii in four different ways in the four oonpeh ef mark ift 2fl luke j3 3a john til 10 and some take uikn uiln as an lndlrnll m f he inar curacy if the oohm 1 nnrrntpnt nnd a lro r that uu o wipe is ure not rbnlly inspired hut the explanation of th tut mlug c nlrndlllon in simp 1 he v uu quetitl n r inrvcrlpll n nul tint u clovi ninfenl rorkeil thi inuntry twenty flv yenra nuo hit majority of cunndlan mlltlral leadi rn were opimuitl to corutciiption and tin union govern merit it toox three years for tlm most of thine haders and the public to changr tlietr viewpoint and when they did they voted for non party union uovemment or national non partisan government the issue was clear then it was evident after three years of war that the volun tary system of enlistment was railing then the solidarity of party ranks was broken for the common good then the call for union government came from the party in power today the govern ment har made no such coll but the op position seeks support not for a non party union government but for a soc allied national govemmen which in reality u the conservative party or rather that section of it which u submitting to political expediency and is content wtnaiqu erode under false colors no one political party can create within it own rank a truly national govern ment for union or national government is only possible when all political faiths are represented and gathered together for one purpose the reil call for national government will come in time it will come when the decisions are too great for one political party to make when the war needs are such u to arouse the public and end all party strife and when it does come the grtat issue his tory repeating itself ulll be conscrip tlon in the meantime the issue is very clear do canadians want king to carry on or do they prer as i saltf before to swap horses in midstream and turn oer the job to manlon after ail it u imply a question or leadership in 1017 it was borden or latirlcr today it is king or manlon mipersorltlan wa in three language john 10 3d as it wa intended for three dlfffirent elaue of people rjf jesiu mocked during hi dying agonleftum 44 ihuuer by soldier luke 33 38 jewish ruler and toven the felons cruel oiuubmldrrtilm united in mocking the saviour in ilia dying agonies and he loved thrm all and that was what mode their mockery ao bitter oh ingrednt in the cup he drank for you and mi there were two felon linn a lug there behldi tine son of aod but neither priest nor people nor soldier hnve any jibes for thi m only for the ii ily one or ami the worlds bllterrst hatred in vial ted not upon outlaws but upon chrlnt and ills dtaclpes ifjohn ir 10 3 i ini 3 u he xaved others himself hi cannot sail was said in m qkery hut thorn whu uttcrrd the words spake tntrr thnn they knew ihe good shepherd muhl lay down ills life to saw the nheep john 10 ii tin highest conception of in rlttht use of power fntirlalned by th we tn reviled and ridiculed jesus in the hmir tif his suprtme agony wo save thyieir that tltey would not have be lieved if he hod come down from the crow la proven by uie foot that thty tin doubted lr the face of oifar greater wonder the resurrection matt 38 il ls acts 4 1r18 in jesus our fiubatltiite forsaken of ood 45 b0 jeilia had been hanging nn die cross three hill hours exposed to tha goso and ridicule of die priests soldiers and mob nnd now ami draws a sombre curtain ovi r the scene when jesus christ wa lorn the glory of the lord shining upon tin earth in radlsut splendor turned nlulit into day when hi died ami veil id the sun nnd turned day into total nlliht tills darkness was efficled auir naturally it loulil not hnve been nti llifte r r the iushover moon was nt lis full it was oiu of tu ninny llluntrn tl on or the nynimitlilf s pulsing betwei n niinm mul man rf romans 8 jo jt it v i jiniu hnd inken the sinners place ii cor ft j i peter j j4 forsnki n r cuui imliuh 3 4 und utters tin lnt oppolllntf cry lay ood my aod why hast uiou forsaken me there wait never one who wa ao forsaken but noli on account of hu own hu isaiah r3 8 it waa soon flnlimed john i0 30- the cloud passes by and faith ahuim forth triumphant and again he arias out with o loud volne lt no lonner my ood fauier into thy liands i eom- mend my spirit luke 33 48 and yielded up the glioit km man took ills life oway from him he laid it down of himself john 10 18 willingly gladly for the sake of the alvven the way into the holy place was now made manifest mieh 0 7 lit even through thn veil hint is in sny his flesh heb 10 10 30 in till hamf r4at fx mu11 irnlr why ninny n u had slot k icxchnnue neiits iv years ago in t u k at iui now limner yeah nnd many r u haft ftealn in ur pants five yearn iro but pleam dt n t lot k at un now iiinimmhi i ii pm march of time picttiire canada at war thp board of censors acting under the authority of the theatre and t incmatographg an chapter 319 of the rqvlscd statutes of ontario 1937 has prohibited the ixluhition of the film canada at war in the opinion of the hoard the picture is capable of bung used and is in fact presently being used in canada not for purposes of entertainment or education but for political propaganda in proof of this a copy of an advertisement published in vancouver h papers under the sponsorship of the vancouver liberal association is shown hereunder capitol theatre you hav hoard tho pollllclano talk on canada war cflort march of time an lmlex ohtj urrt iwi rosl now iltswlng ftvss complete picture of canadas war effort ivsry cati milan ihtum ihm and roalls iimi hm ni mpjiihmsn u th wa4 af ans asan ian mackenzie in the montreal star of march i 190 llicrc also appeared art advertise ment reading in part as follows special march of i imc anada at war sponsored by the dominion government now showing dally 10 a m to 1 p m sunday 12 noon co 2 p in moreover the film canada at war no 8 in march of 1 imc features was released for exhibition in advance of no 7 which is a picture with an american appeal the release date of canada at war was said to have been advanced three weeks apparently to permit of the display of tin film during ihe dominion election campaign the action of the hoard of censors in prohibiting the exhibition in ontario of the march of time picture canada at war follows the precedent adopted in the ontario provincial election of 1937 during which lime the liberal government of ontario refused to permit the exhibition of films and pictures u inch gave vivid accounts and displays of cio activities and scenes of violence in american industrial centres the showing of ihe pictures would hase been to the undoubted advantage of the liberal government which was opposing cio activities in ontario yet the ontario liberal cuaernment banned the exhibition of the films and pictures the hoard of censors of the province of ontario would be false to its duty if it interfered in the wartime elections campaign by placing its stamp of approsal on a film such as canada at war which in this time of grave national peril is being used and exploited for purposes of political propaganda m f hepburn fretisitrer t ontario fvtuggs and skeeter compli int oo jxiu aivc your ulfa a rasular al- lonmnca orflci you blve herbtmiry uhan aha aata tor it both- theju id no tittup tositccd just uke old chum trwk that dogs would be able to i figure th1f4qs like vi that out for rcl themselves by wally bisho

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