1 i ht jvtion stn ttss slxtyflfth year no 41 acton ontakio thursday april ilth mho i iriii homlrtnt pages tlvo centi fire pumper equipment investigated by council planning now for acton fair inlhrfall t mervice of intercession in acton tonkiht in view of the continued serlouaneas of the internatlnnol situation parttcuv- larly on the wattle front of jjurope til proliant numster of acton urgently invite thelrpoplr o join them in an united nervier of intercession to be held in the united church at 7 m pm on tin i mil ay april ulth tonight i mrs m lritrh addrrssrcl tin fiivsilc groii mm malcolm llteh unvi thi ilrrnldi chat on bunduy evening at the y m c a a cmhnge k v people urging diem lo first of all deter mine foi utemselvea what vocation in life thoy winn to follow and then set out to attain their anal by conscientious ef fort only in thl way eun real happl- nesn he experienced j ohnrlivi isuuboroiagh and doug maples den played a eomet duett which wan very well received and which railed fur i nn encore j tlie group of sixty younir people en tered into uie singing particularly well representatives from the presbyterian young people h society hod chow of the serving of lunch two travel fllrmi wilt be shown next sunday evenlno which should prove very interesting doit bylaw to be chnitfcd and dal motto earlier town hall to be uttmilred and ketmlnted 120 are liable for poll tax in acton dog tax revenue ka- umated at 440 oouncjllora j 7 davison w j o 0km j ii cfcwlghton ware present on tuesday evening when acton council met in regular fortnightly aemlnn and reeve j n chalmers presided th committee on finance presented the following report which wan adopted canadian public health assorla elation manual for sanitary inspector 3 m the roofers supply oo parkins altrru lino actoh pukz prkkb printing aud itnrs report ring tax notices eu 11317 c p leatherland part salaries supplies portage etc ibb 03 acton welfare board relief for march 149 w acton public utilities commis sion street hants town hall arena pump house etc mlvloes 333 ib w r b dlalr work at town hall 1 00 b e llarrop postage 3 s3 waves oeonfe uuita d mhott n lambert b prtca bl perrynun n ryer a buchanan d cnnurke j wlnlan ft wm otalksr wood 1 1 00 o mobaln trucking wood 9 po it wallace cutting wood 1 m 767 so the tax collector gave a report that 130 persons were liable for poll tax in acton and notice had been sent to these persons there wen 13h dogs for which licenses should be secured a total of ap proximately v440 letters from the county clerk ami the duetph aeneral hospital regunilng an indigent patient were read by the cirri inm ructions were issued for leal action tn fee taken a letter was read from mr ii n fumifr regblerlng profesl against tlu bylaw requiring dogs to be tied up from may 15th until eeptember the matter did not nnd favor wltli the council who preferred to extend to the period to april 15th or may 1st nithnr tluut on may mill the clerk was instructed u rhana thr bylaw requiring tht ditti bo may 1st a letter from the duke uf devonshire chnptrr iodjc expressed appreciation of uie action of council in grunting une of tile town hall for the showing or tlu- royal tour pictures a letter from the count clerk gave a list of pupils from acton whn wen attending collegiate in ouelph then mere six pupils attending uie vocational institute and seven attending the col legiate tlu clerk wui instructed to refer tlu letter to tlie acton school board tlw clerk reported an application from itugh oltourkt to purchase an unused street known as une street hi desired ut fenci- the property that won on m street and had been purchased by him if tlu street could not be hold he asked to haw tlu prtvllrn r rent luff the street lint ooiuictl decldetl no action could be token a letter wan read from thi pnnpklul deparunent of healui drew attention of 1 k inwtllllf council to a new section of tlu act r ul lf ri gttwuiiff payment fnr inrtipent imlleiils tlie home slid pnrm improvemnil feature that proved surh a snocess last yeitr in this district l again loomlnu up it a frntun of acton agrlrullurat so ciety there in n possibility umt two umuph will rompetr in this district mr 1 i wrwiit is chairman of the com mitter in charge and reports already n number of rntrles tlie must ull he in within tlie next week appointment of judges arranging for special features w re slso dlsctiued it is prohahli tlwt another club pmject may find n plnri on thr pnigrnm tlir hpecln fentureit nrr uliui being cluus it from u vnrlet or new ideas bi ing pn m ill ri for ronnulrrntlmi iihllrntlons imliit to nnothrr big event in the fall for arton ptilr nnd directors are lenvinu nn stout iinturnrd to insurt tliu surcrvn pokck howlers illk iii some iool scores tlh vnroi tlowlliiit team in irrrnt form diesdav night u in y d fratrd tht alw tvoyli team by u 7 0 feore n miirlon 1ni i he pvtroe ream with 744 trlpli and 301 single w corrv won urrond ulth a 171 trlplo and a 347 single thi pom scores were an follows its the off season locally tills is in between lines in sports perhaps you recall that last year nl thln liitu acton wan very much still in hockiv tllist by wiiy or reinlnlmi m i it wiu on april 20th last year that dutch and mmuilier vic jtumley wl lie arton raunen tit thr inti mmlliit chumi ion ship vr hockt y itwilcil or nritrly u nnmlh i uft r lhlh hen junt n mr uuo i well tjiln ymr wlilcby o thut clmmplnii hup nun hit trim tbul alton luul to conipit on tlw wuy up in c lojiridlnu n imiiglu hciiiuuli liwt not iicdtrdliui to tin utiilliir in limply tint how limit iltr iciiiii htityn in tin mum iliniitthl nl mi mini hint witt i im mlvlil lnvi inn in hum but lluy vwnl mil nhorlly iiflt i tin y irininjihe vri itu im ll rn ilittitnt mm tn tn tin hull it ihiuihi orniilo mupli irutt itiul tlu nru yorb itiinitrri itiul wliul it nl mint l j morton 103 310 j33 11- n morton 334 2vj 303 744 11 mortoft i3fl j17 200 a4j w oorry 247 104 klft 071 j adnmsnn j32 j3i iso 00 1110 man 1004 tjoo telephone lines in eramosa lo be refionstnieted salivation anny rod shit id drivr a splmtliri suturs ctiuncil will cmptntn ptuiufm district oftlcrr for the salvation army itnnounren the hiic rensfnl romtlrtlon of tha red sltleld drlv in acuin to mr f k ilrr as chiilnnnn thr halvutlon army is greatly inhpmtt towrwhlp indebted hui leitdi pthlp nnd nruaulm kiuiiih nnd be renmicntil nl conference tin council for thi township of kru tniuuv nn t in thr town hall rorkwnnd on monday april flth 1p40 at 1 130 pm i hi memncrh weir nil pnstnt with thi ut in tltc chair pormlmion was granted to tlu cluclph ilninch of thr inntltuu lor thi blind to hold u t4iit day in itockwootl on june h rrqtlest ot recons truct untmofuietrln apjiroval vvim given in tlu ihll iviiphom co u itphoiu linen on tlu boundary tin rtmirt of uu auditors for thi inmithfi or inninio anil rtbninri win uctipteti on motion of mtnrn pinkiii mid li hilt sonu rijii r accouiiut wen ordtnd u bo lu id for unihild laxrn oil motion of mmsr uutlierford and bcnham arrongcnu nt were ntadi to lunj t i t tlu township ronds nt an early diiti anil for tlu townalitp u be represented ut uu road oonfennce t kltchnur pn april nth accounts piuuied amotmteil to f7jp 00 and coi ncll adjounieil to may 13th at un pn dimrirt offirep visii rton branth linn wen i kceptlnuiilly siioccftnrul thi fiildwlmc publli nilrlnl iltlmim assisted mr k k barr and moile up a very ef hi lint tciim mv i h boyd hiiretary lr w k onilmni rrctuuin r mv i watson chairman advancr olftn com ml lid ciinviiii rn were mr a t ilnmii mr w viuin mr v ii mtic- donnlil mr schroeder mr w nli hutlji mi m mcdonald my o iahu mr i i wright dr t c oakis mr j chapman mr d ii lindsay mr a ii rohlitmin mr alex mcdntmlc mr o wrlds mr robert ixwrie mr b bavllbs mr w wonlen mr ii bogi rs coiiuilllor w i o ookra mr c lelsh man mr h i rllchli mr b pargrti r mr j c miitthiws mr w coles mr i atkinson mr w mlddleton reeve j ii chul men mi m m illicit mr i air drle dr b o young nmokvlllc scoutmnsti r mlddleton and til lint troop of scouts have undi rtaken to di liver the official receipts and thus con tribute to thi f i nil for u tilth thr com n title un trulj riitrfu thi total amount raked uim 40lt 40 for which the ciuziuh of acton an nin turtlj lluniked mr burr wishes on lo- luilf of bin committee to tlinnk the cltln nn for thr rmirtem with uhlcb the caimtsni r win niched tin sttlvii lion arim cun ilou gu ahemt- with the conuuitiinci ami i xti nslon or it pnw tic nl chrlfltliuiiu tltiflik ou out and ull anil god bllfi oi t7mfft pit knt lo win but folkh nniiinil hi n an liilllnu ft hit infn and admiring uu wuv iihi imvt tlnl up thi mrlih herr n hoping tiny loini tlirough with tin m rli mid 11 woiidn i lw th itrnl nur prim lluy lllivi tmllid ellhrr hut iichluu luu k in hii own iih k yuril iigtiln it n nmrly tui wi i ktx now flitr wi hcnnl l in flrhl hiuirtiall ruinur ni vi r mind whin it rum from bill it n junl an authentic ua all rumors and an mnihir us the spring lirtuk up und tht early roblun wild geiiti mip anil iiihi i iryni yi you vi gut hsetl it in now itu rt ir u ni w ttusehull player in uwn wt vt forijotti n mtl win re he lnyn tint lit rtiirr nisia up like u nut bull plai i inul of cminie he run hit loo all nf whl li provih i hut hiklrj r imtl u ovi i lot ally inul from mw un id luinut ilt talk tin way liu gni mil in dcylim up und ulth iluvllghl huviiik junt a llliti ovt i tin uitki nwuy mil mm r uiwl otlw rn will itt nul twl iltiwi anil u ii sci wluil lm i ii n h fi in inn cl m i j hint win titer hitntii inns l i u in i n ut t vi r or foiirnt hiiilinli i i hi p i at tht y inul min i l tin i id ii i slit think tlu curd nom l i mfi i uibli iii i inki tin w inter rj ii u hu kin hi tut hit 11 iii i hill u i ii hi 1 i i set u ii i oiipli f uh k t ins tti i thi r 1 night liyliw oi 1 1 i tuns oj i hi ti r hoard i 1 hon it ipil ointh ut l i l t continued on page pivrt trout l opens tins car on april 27lli the nhkliil nut kim in whli h hon llniry nlxi u mlnlhlir of linn mid iinih dim ii nndrnlh t mil to tte one of hit tart hi onturli hlrtlmy was uilvnni cd in t r from 11 n ii mul may 1st okii in april juh may the flrwt it un n wiituifutay ami liy uihuti ini tlu nciuion in the irecidliig kumiri ay ut will tie iihlr to give anglers u ull t 1 rriik ovi i lit week nd maid hit inliiimii wt i xjmh that it will lit an ki p inuiilhy kmmi hi a on ilit rt u t- a irhiiiiulotik illnt rhuit inn ot ixl hiiii tniiil during itu lull rail i luurtti nlioithl hy i hi dcjiurlmenl shoutil tpiil during hh ii i ij4 144 hll iirlluic und ynirllnii ami iithilt rutlt utrr iriiiifirtrn tl frtin tin hull hi ry ikiiiiia to on ml riiuni 11 lilhutlm uiut tiiailt in tin pi pillion til itjotto tlntit tlliiiin uiwl ii iu 144 ytuilltiuh anil ttlull tioul lit ill llttitloii hum i n i u rih it muth niiiiiv tlniir iiml tin fiinull fi huhl mi nlnt n i htnt mnh un w 1 di ttl mid un ihli it luki an of ihtiinitvi mul nlmiilm fiirnlnli mjiii ii ii rifit inw gigantic naval battle rages in norway section mont iii micimmi kn w a at iuimi iii missci r i hi ai ii inn 1 1 nn of kiinx young wlint ii p auxiliary win in id at liu home ut mlh diiimt olt lut ivinlnu hii- ittvotinniil jmiumi uun luki n ly mrs e v thu i iiiulliuc hit ruriiiluit li kfuin and mltn itraiia mi llonuld glvluu tlie jiruyt r mw rirmt mj read a chap in of ii i ntudy bonk mln mildred ip illtui i uavt u nailltiu muv hie ukiixsa dlst uihioii a not in unit was hpi nl i vrr lhr leu iiiv ilu- mectlnu was prihiird ovt r liv uu pretulent mth it hjlthoutl hltlstian i vax ottmlir i immir iroiitam at i ni1m oin itoplirs pte iillii hurt h ni iw ii ople n lln n nit in thtli moulin weekly meet 1 w i i hm uv i vt nn t ilo mi hi h t mil will hli miiik i 1 mi itihti i h sincilk olt makkiki lkuati diccidks itotii aiik iiaimy flu acton inn iota held tin ir regular nui ting in unnr hi luuil on lluirsday rvrnlnu april 4th uilh tin presidt nt in uie halt m afd r the uauiii biihltu ha discussion miuu it nt ills in led us i bahman ror the fiulowfug pnigram hclrt lions ly the vipiluur trclicslra riiltatlnns by inna watson mv infill 1t ii thin gsve it very liiltrismiig iiitdieha on hit maitufai lure of l t imik dowein ami milk slot kings lie ulno uavr ii 1i lef hnlth or dt wmt diini by plinim 1 minrra i inlm in un iilti mid a viif lllru tluihtn rr uu ini pioinmu ill ikiii tjn miliui t of wll ii wiia ittntilvid iiml it mi t miami iiiia in ut niiaou iii ik luipjiy hiiui u mmilid w iaoii liv ii vol from tin iiudii nit lilt lilhlaloil wua a lit i ii nmc r iiiiim rs ami iltr mi tlnu loncd with uu mitiklug of tht mitlunil anllkiil i in i ominlllt e in liiuvt mivitt liiui h and dimi inn fnllowihl ihultig tlu nu l luu il wiia dit litiil to iuniit ut invtlatlm from tht id i minn hit lo vlalt iiuiii i apill 17th proposes fariiht organization hen itiimrtu of hlnklnn of nnnim nnd hrhiflh vwr imhhii iortvn lire itepiirltul ijintletl in noruny nnd norweubin initiw iiplurtml hrltuh keiulh4 air llnld on stupn mow nnd hni norueulnn air port held u tlw rmnnh i hf bluuml imihic iii the hglll inmlli hliue war wus iltv hired belvei it hin ahita und imiuiiiy has taken plate not an in tlu hint win by imiil hilt on thr ntu mul in hie ah whllt ilu w nld ut huui wan ntaillml hy iht a uldeluuaa willi whli ii linnaiiy stttcni uuil tmiiipieit noi w u y lult i ill vt inpininl show that hit nn vt wim until ipiitnl hy tlie allies und thai tin miltlmh navy ii isvjulinocu vi ml i hi liiinaiia into a i mil wmlfiiii wllh tin mothditllly unit ihtlr iliywiloii if nmwiivwlll ptnvi illnualmiia l wx ii niiiiu win di tllu ita jnl iii hkllgemik hie i toy ul air i on i luftlhid heavy loflres whm ilu itiniups iitlnmplfvt un uir iiild on hmimi mow hie events if hit hilt iinviil und nli i ngagements air not ly miv un mm fully divulged bull btietly tl i an in- put thus from the heudllnes mul niimtuary illllvlltfw i l allied liimiui naval imtltt rwuts 111141 b dl vt i 1 iihi mllfs hf norway s itiosi mtlllah wvirahlui rifitid to have mined oslo i jord mul tin cud in d to tmmhurd nor weulun mptlal iinlesa lurmans surren thr ity inhalilttihu dee two ililtlsh tttwit rtiyers mink two itamaued nevi 11 narl niipply wtiljis and one destroyer mink a i lhrti mhri ttmuiyt rs tlamaged danish oulinch imnm nnd mum already i hmw mir tutoi u eek lttllin of itrlllah 1 orl su hermsn ilownetl nff northeast coast of held hevernl mchinjrh in he ounly 1 hi 11 fi 11 1 11 1 f th c 1 kim 1 in 1 it jhiitiiu i l vll m vjiu ft ii n ii ii hurut ml iii i tt r ml lln s ii liiti mi i loyd i ini 11 1 ml vi in u mm n m 11 n 11 inn m lu k vun i st 11 tl iih kui j it nr 1 m ituni ii wua hit kimftt vt 1 r 1 hi t 1 1 mil told oi hit of s 1 h 1 n tl hiiikii 1 nwtui ndliiii lu 1m lun 1 til u 1 vi 1 rn ich 1 i 1 11 i ii pn llllt 111 a th 111 lu on f hit milium uioup uu is in injovttl canadas lrv govrrnorcirnrral united choir -xakeiciuitt-ln- it providext tluit any municipality nuij itu regular meeting of tin acton service appoint anj medical pnictlmer as a worm n a lnutlute was lit id at tlu hontt hospital officer to have jurisdiction and of mrs w i reld last thursdoj tlu t r 0 c oiff prut n invosugate an case nit action wns rirat vic lrciildeiit mrs lnppln wo tn members of the choir of the acton urdt- tolten cjnlr ed church journeyed to ocortretdwft on a blalm tor damages was received from nmuo enutlml work voa gtwn tuesda eveiung where uiey led in the mr a- b mclean for danuses sustulncd bj tmrs dobblo roll cull wius answered musical section of the gospel service m b u beauty spat visited connection with ft two weeks preaching a letter received from uu canadian mbmlop in which the baptist and united tnstinite ror thebllnd requesting umtchurches of qeorffetown arejeo-operat- the acton branch hold a tag day on i the preacher for the series of their behalf a committee was appointed aervlees is the bc dr duncan mcteod ut arrange for this work recertlj returned to canada after thlrty- imlm velma murray gavo a very inter- to years of dutlnguuhed mlsktonary esung account of the agricultural con- service in rmrmoso ventlon hed in toronto in febtuarj by mrs mclean when she broke her urlst in a fall on the sidewalk tlu matter had been reported to the huur gnce company and an tnwatlgatlon liad been made a letter from the- salvation army ad drteoed to reeve ohftimfer tmpressetl apprecutlan for the success in acton of the teci shield campaign tn acton the recommendauoiu of tlie arena concluded on pagehfittno red cross rooms open only two daxsaweek beginning next week and until further notice the bed cross rooms will be closed eificept for friday and saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 eacl yeek tltere are still a good many luanluimippliestor uianlcs to mm beld for the use of her mwtntr and plenty of woo so would all those wjio with tltere or wlto lutve fin ished aruelei to return pleaae eivoperate wllh the eommlttee and do so on the above days tlie u ranch wua faored with a visit apj rdavp from the district president mrs cowan t viatnr palermo and miss murflurci brown dli- to hold one more irtct secretan acton mrs cowan gue meeting this season ft en well chosen address which was niwharnrcclated b ul on today evening last uie maple mrat aamble gnve a full account or oroveullerarvaocietjmet forn social tlw board meeting held in milton and in theolioo tt as decldea umt the halton branches progressive euchre was played prizes hold a joint picnic at eden mills this wore won as follown ihgtitad mrs a summer shu it u high gept mr a shuttu mm oambe tnoved a hearty oie or a short business meeting followed lunch bj an unanimous vote it was home and also to all who helped to make i decided to hold one more meeting before the meeting a real uocci dosing for the season all groups provld- tlve meeting closed by all repeatlpg tlie ing the program low prayer after which a very dainty tlie remainder ot tlie evening wa lunch was served japent tn dancing i light- leuvt t m i nn miim r ft r muluui is planning lo oruunl hit fium t m of this county unit uln inly nlcptt un until r way u iaiiv tint hl iiicua mr liiivtr gavi tin r jiiwiiik uiuivliw l ilu jrt mi t lilsiwet ii in a m101l ml in tii ul iii pilninn niiiitrt ul mill 11 on un 1 hiul or lit 1 li i lion und sfti r uu i t ur nn wtie m no ituiil 1 uu m li iittl t in rui i li in i i uiii nt 11i it tull mutiny 1 luiuitra in dim 11 nt tuit ol un iotnly it tiuu iwi i 1 irkuiiloliim ii ugiiiulutn aln udy one ot uu m mul lnn iiua lull in ul at itmokvlllt arul iinntlnr 011 linn 1m 1 11 illitt ior iliurntlay evi nllig of uu wtvtc at iiin mllli as i imvt n ti ived many inijuliui or wiinl i liod in mlt id i inn ijikintt uiln nfiiorumily n il iliu no 111 u giiiciul wiy pvi r mint wan wiu iltt lured i hav rill umt uii pnifnl la a pro ucul lime lo iirganlm agrt ulturi i jmrnicy n rrulutvl fnun illncusnliig tht problem dur lug uu ilictloti itinunt tmuuse nf un furl uinl jxilltlat nhould not be icrnilt 11 tt intrrrire with a problem of u1i1 uutun hul linmivllau ly uu 1 let hon wlui over i fill fret to priseed during normul umrs rwluied larinw und nninimiriillvi trade rrttxlnm in of ureal u mtuirt to ugricullurr and ivrn tiiully wmul curt most of us prolilt ms bill with a large portion of uie world llelnkeu knu uiul 1 hint dthtibliil r a i ulilnt lit id by nuyls ivunli llrltiili iifthli uduik ten nu1 u ii lupti in hvtuti 1 rah fejmrt four nasi 11 m i mul t w 11 thru lurve liana ma 1 ilk lit uuh cnjil irt of itoii 1 lin mil mtrgti nptrttil tw 1 nmj 1111 n iumiii 11 live ut maraltilid tier inn ti h ift intiliied v i ilmn f 1 tmllltahli tv 1 nilflem ijlluiih ur ilitunh dmli in 1 two uilllr t rnlners two irunsihirta biwlly i0m1 of two r ilat rn ktkwvtjt burn uiilttvj hlulce sliljjilng in in hciu tilimvian wutt r imsiu willi i ir 1 wnl of uny wiullh owned by norway or demiiurk or tlulr 1 itlwns exrept ly nint lul jn rrnlt irtinltr id yimud of iranre suyn nityl ii uil m of norway to obtain ore 1 uli iuf nnvl to full 11 re dnclans ocimiui fi 1 1 now exposed ut allied sea rorres by mid n ixtrtti 1 uimnue tt fnr in nil thi full cxuiit t lh s blggejtt tjaltli or hit present wsr wtinv t tw kntwn for a htut tlnn it is quite uijiitrfnt liowt vt r thai uu boyul nuvy and the ittiyul air force have glvip a u md itrounl uwln und brhls era havo iiv ri iuu 11 ti in 1 r 1 id nf their ability mid 1h n lam j vioviks i hatiikk at iiuh1mskijky 1 ngiuced in war times are fur rrom normul anil in my opinion agriculture in puiudo ntuiwld orgunlti in order to coj e with uu abnormal foiwilllona briiiigbt about by war i l uct uuil uie farm pmblerns tan in uie main bt rlaaslflid i liter alt v meetinft under two main headings 1 the mulng pjiten of rarm products bi not en u jmirlty wllh the iurchoat prlc n or wa tht farmrr must huy such us farming implrnunts clothing fumlturt motor oars etc 7 lit hotrriitfjury uliiary hoflety tu ut a nvellng on april oth bprucelelgh ptultry nirmn of hranlfartt prented aty ut tn hfurs of moving pictures the rums thai were shown were hiding in j the- fa is not nretrlmrhljr fair c7uiec tianft bprtng a ttlp m distributive share of uie vlllng prices of htn to hen a color plrture of 8prur- the product ie produceji one iilustra- ieh pcmltry purrrui ahowfng uie hous- lion wlfl sunice farmer in canada la ing of their 17 000 hena a very good lucky if he received 40 of the retail mlllng price of fluid mtlk pltture wo shown of he ttntr of the hercas in king and queen the progress or cater- of the plllsr tractors in northern lumber camps a comic strip and a wrestling match irre the remaining fums lunch was then served and a social tlie bui el athlon h youngest brother of queen mary has been appointed governorgeneral or canada to ft 1 the vacancy created by tlw death of covcrhoraenera tweedsmulr canada s new ooierndraeneral u alrwn aboie with hc ccuntee6ralhiohe some countries he receives 10 retail sellbig prto- of milk x believe 4hat as to every human problem a correct crura rr is available if it u enrefuily sought for m dlicuislng the hair hour ipent farm problem with different farmers i find a great difference of opinion as to the correct remedies to be applied i therefore believe that the first thing to accomplish la to encourage farmer to meet together to dtua their problems and to agree upon the correct remedies then when this u accomplished an organized agricultural group u necessary to see that the proper remedies are ap plied tne dominion chamber of agriculture lsnaw taking active stops to organize agriculture x do not believe that i am competent to judge as to whether thit is the correct way to organuur agriculture or not but i am fully convinced that the knotf players preenfthe life organization fit seme sort u urgshuy of itiley in the town wall on wcms- needed and i am prepared to uioiat the lay april 34th at 0rpin farmers ofthls county in every passible way to prganlse as they deem wise once euchre and dance ballmafad ilau they have become organued aiuf have on tutday april luh auspieee ban- expeaesied their elaeuifin then x will do noekburn women a xoailtat kwehre at myu4nwtojurthrand atilrt their luneh peovidad wta alme rjorchestra admission 35c 9 r 1- hall wednesdty- aprtl 17th auspices l4rton oeod prizes admlsston 2bc