Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1940, p. 6

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mob bix the acton pree prfss ntorboay april it 1w of inter6sft to women menu hints tested kkcimcs aponoe cakjhb this u the urn of year when such delkmcles ft sponge cakes have a special appeal they dernot only appeal to the appetite in early spring but the hnmtmsker wlw watches food prttm and taloes pride in preporaing good roods ot moderate cost the consumer service section war lcetlng service dominion denajunent of agriculture recommends the following recipes for sponge cake and iumu that in each cose the prioe be calculated it rnov br a surprise to find that such bin cairn can be made at small coat the reasons are of course that eggs are the main ingredtmts and current price of tnbr l moderate sponoe cake i fw olk plnrh of salt 1 tablespoon cold water 1 cup fine granulated or fruit sugar lj cup coke or pastry flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon lanilla 4 egj whiten i teaspoon cream or tartar add cold water and wilt to era yolks and bral silently add hotline water and beat until mixture become very frothy beat in sifted sugar gradually add flour and baklne power sifted to gethrr several time beat well add vanlllii fold in egg whites beaten until stiff with cream of tartar added bake in unbuttered angelcake tin in slow oven 300 degrees p for one hour ohooouvte sponoe hou 4 offs white 1 cup fine granulated sugar 4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons cold water h teaspoon vanilla 4 tablespoons cocoa cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt beat egg whites until stiff add suaar gradually beatlrui constantly boat ess yolks with water and fold into egg unites add vanilla sift dry tngredl ents and fold into nog mixture line ahallow baking pn about 15xl0 with greased paper pour batter into pan bake in moderate oven 350 decrees p for 13 to 15 minutes turn out on cloth covered with powdered suaar trim off edges remove paper and roll cake cool and spread with whipped cream or be von minute frosting flsjvtcn mwutp pnostino 2 unbeaten egg whites is eutps fruit suaar cup cold water 1 teaspoon flayaruur place sugar unbeaten egg whites and cold water in top of double boiler cook over boiling water for seven minutes beating onnslantl with dover beater remove from fire and add flavor ina cream sponoe cake 4 egg whiten 4 eon yolk 1 cup fine granulated sugar 3 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon flavoring 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup pastr or cuke flour l teasiioon baking powder teaspoon salt hints on fashions geu plenty of use tin re s plenty of ufic for tho cloth coat with elftxlmmlng a coat which strikes a nice balance between the casual and the drossy such a coat can be dressed up or down according to the occasion here is a good model develop ed in cadet blue smooth wool the cmiblc collar is lined with a dashing plaid mid the plaid is also used for the flap pockets and cuftft the coat is fitted at the waist th flare u con ccntrated at back where two inverted box pro l come from the waist two large wooden buttons one at neck one at waist ore placed to ensure n snug clinlng jlniu oinkrator the oold coast has been given an electric interior by british engineers they have successful conquered a portion of equatorial jungle territory in ttu oold const colony west africa by installing what property agents refer to as all modern convenience such as refrigerators electric fans and n radio nervier- relayed to each bungalow improved living conditions made pos- sibli by the use or electricity have led ui efforts to open up the country indus trially and one result has been the dl rover or gold deposit in the shallows of the ankobra one of the chief rivers in thin colony of 3 500 in its 00 000 fcquaro miles a vast scheme to recover the gold has now been completed electrically driven dredges have been swt up ut the most promising points and a generating station built in the jungle country more than u miles from the coast after tlu di use buhh had been cleared and h vcl led the all british luttrlrnl equipment includes sewn generators each driven b a 1000 horse pnwtr dlel engine transform n dredgi motors and pumps the overhead lines which now nvu ihe jungl in all directions earn power not onlj t the dredges but to the workslioph sfflslhhm chronicles ot i ginger farm i ii 1 wrlttan bpoaully a th aetan prw ptom gwendoline r clabkk imgwhaial what a change in one week i lst saturday we could not get out because or the huge drifts of snow piled up around here and now believe it or not cars are going by on the road leaving behind them a cloud or dust yes its like summer one end of our lane but its still winter the other end you see we have a long culvert running dlagon ally across the top of the lane and this tome culvert la just about frown solid naturally the water from the field can not bt aaay bo there we are with a nice little flood between tlw hoimc tlu driving hcd and the garage how to thaw out ice that neither poirtner nor the heat of the sun can get at is some thing we haven t yet discovered today i paid a visit to the stables j t inn hupnojfi heat eg whiles until stiff but notj- nlw homes of the pioneers wlierr dry beat in half the sugar beat egg i tlw rtlu ra live in modern bungalows yolks add water and flavoring and con onus beating until thick beat in it mainlng sugar and fold vou mixture into egg whites then cut and fold in slfuxt dr ingivdlents bake in an un buttered tube rake tin in moderate oven 3a0 deittt p tnr vi m 35 minutes tltuxt atth the vvkii rungi fif ui to dntt uhtrlcal equipment which is the am bill m f cj hoiifleulves to ixwsiws iuntt hlltt ami h aruiuiw imt- jkuia rou id flvx crttfia rmm tlir txi ilimitt tlae recipe for crwm spongo cake urtrhun m ir second offirtal estim i uk slialtott baking panurtnut 13 x le wheat belnu placed at 1 ib 010 000 fft with buttered paper spread cake bushels a decreu if 3fl 0m oon biuliru mixture evil in pan bake u to 15 and the flax crop at 44 319 000 bush 1 minutes in moderate ovr lsm degree detrease nf 4 h43 000 busluls tht r pi tuni out on tluh or paper sprln duclhm m the vilunie of whtut is ut kled with ixiwdrred sugar betmve ulbuted rfutrltall u the aimiul unient patter and trim oh edges of cake spread murh ttacketl u in t m the northern with jam or jellv beaten sllghtlv to cereal sone because of continued 1 w sivreod easily roll color qulqklv lrlccr it is an u hr handurl aue its ku q lulltv hobjtln iihmfv pirlirll pamr n make it unprofllal k u thrr h 1 have been down to the bam more than twice this winter in the spring summer and fall my work takes mo there day in and day out but in the winter the burn knows me not but there wos a feeling of spring in the air to day and about time the robins wore singing a soft wind was blowing and a suspicion of green in the am was like a challenge to come out and look things over so i accepted the challenge and went out after wander uig round the garden and not seeing much i made tracks for the barn hero i round mackenzie king and when i looked at him i thought he was very mltahly named ht is a stocky utue fallow standing four square on his sturdy legs with good shoulders and in telligent inquiring eyes there are four calvos in all down at the barn and mac kenzlc is cirtalnly the pirk of trje bunch whats in a name ycll don t ask me there may be much or again there may be nothing i suppose while i was talking to port hit my voict carried anyway in a few minutes there was a terrible hellow of course it was mugs again but this time he was safely tethered in his stall i was taking care to keep my distance but partner said come on over hen and let him see you that s right come right up to his stall you got him scared scared that great hulking bellow ing mountain of flesh him scared the idea was laughable however x did as i was told i went right up to his stall because after all partner was right mugs has got to get used to me again tater on hens will likely ln away in the barn and eggs must be gathered- there will also be other jobs to tato me in and out of the stable so mugs will just have lo get used to seeing me yes mugs will have to i t t used to mo but never in this life will i get used to him i lost mondnv was a bnd start to the wtik i was in the house whin all at once t heard a terrific bang just like in explosion and it came from some where near tlw house i looked outside but there was absolutely nothing to hoe i thought it might have been a car or truck on the road but then wiiinl n vehicle in sight and our own cur was still in the garage i remem im red an aeroplane had gone over n rw minutes before could it have drop ld some kind of practice bomb but surrlj they wouldn t do things luce that without warning tht public altogether i was coniplctelv m stifled until son time in did you hear thai explosion ht ivtattnekb autucctato humane trkatmkny thm are worse fates germans could suffer than being interned in canada during war time for instance being free in their own patherland this on uut testimony of uiote wards ot tho can adlon government who still retain thutr german nationality extracts from their letters to their friends are the best proof of this and incidentally corroborate that in this country uio international convention relative to ihe treatment of prisoners of war is interpreted in the broadest und most humane spirit one letter from a prisoner in the in ternment camp at pclawawa epitomises the sense and feeling of numerous others however much tine words may differ he writes the treatment lsfvcry kindly and the food wry gooa and be sure many got not so good to oat as they have her another assures his relatives here in the camp we arc looked nrter all right we have enough decent rood and cyerythlng is going on smoothly we are free all day i to do what we like either go for a walk or while away the time in tho recrration hall in some respects wc i or better off than the militia as we have a oerman conk of course it li not as nice us to bi with my darlings however it is u it too tnd a all on of tin prisoners at pi tawuwu knew mtim thing of the last wur and of the conditions then prevailing in hlfl homeland as tills xcerpt shows 1 ruivt to give the authorities a lot of credit for the treatment gjmliftnii 11 ftf from tlu commandant down to u private are as pleasant as possible fowl is good and for sure better than we had at home in germany during the last wur clothing also sufllclent his evidence is supplcmt ntcd by on other who thankful to bt alb to write in oerman asrfunvi his people we get 3 good meals a day and enough also if anybody should complain about hie treatment i would say that he is a big liar constantly iterated in the lottcrs is the refrain do not send me any food the food they give us here is excellent and p entiru tills varied nomc times to tjo not send me any more parcels as i do not need anything konanaskls internment camp prison ern are particularly emphatic in their assertions that the wants or tin inner m in are fully taken care of one of tin m received in reply a letter stating i am glad to know that jour huts are nice and warm and that vour otlicero are very nice to you i must say that in germany truiy would not be so nice to us you know how they are treating us at home oermany in the police station they shout at us over the knst little thing deeply imprenned by the axlll and ran given to him while he underwent an operation one appreciative prtsi t had at all times tho feeding that ivery thing was looked after well and that i personally could not have ar ringed mnturs better i am hoping to be ahle to return my thanks to you by servlco to maintain order in this camp in cxnadlan eyes these inlcrnes are mither automata nor brutes the for lines of war novo placed them whr thr ore but it is evident on their own testimony what can be done to mitigate thilr lo is done the free and genial nlr fostered muter our democratic sys tem permcaus even the confines of their prison camps and the humanttj and kindliness of their temporary jn tiers contrasts strikingly with what they i could expect under similar conditions in thrlr ow u land y at aldkksiiot camr helps trooph mokale arthur janes the typical canadian soldier suddenly finding hlnueu at war has discovered as his father did in th lost war that ttt canadian yuoau lug brouitfr to the troops overseas this week reports received in canada from y officers with the pirat dlvl ion reveal how much th yvca means to the boys away from horn in tho last war the canadian y mc a originated trained equipped and fin onced tlut famous dumbells one of the great war shows ot all time in uilu war the y m oa is again providing enter talnmenl in the form of soldier shows and y officer george porteous writes from aldershot telling of some of their activities tills week he writes in a report da tod march 13th the highlight en tertalnmcnt was tho premiere of tin salvoes the concert parity of the 3rd field regiment tlie whits bang con cert party of the qrd brigade visited lille and next week will visit lclwlc movie shows have been given once oa h week at lelpnlc and twice each week at ultc another vital contributi n to soldier morale 1a organised alhh tlrs and attain tin y officer mxrts grral activity with tht improvi mi nt in weather cquiftient has been issued to batteries of lcili and ij1u to play football nlnt him nuuiuti in each regiment an pro x md socor linltjinve ixen lsui 1 mid vu an nrniiglng inur butniy kiimi s iloekey is the dominant in term t ol the men at present and prcpnratl tns are mder wivy for local boxing eliminations iisvrjmmcctilamv ln cnmnclntlln l quality that satisfies sa1ada tea hear it of course i heard it i an nwrred wtll ou haven tgol a spare tire u iw it bleu out oh oh and so that tremendous bang mean scraping ogether an extra twelw d illarn an expense we wm not xiwctlng however x am ulad thr lire took a notion to blow out at home and not on iii arts ol- oar hearts of oak are our ships still has some truth jn modern kaval craft or h m motor minekwieper 1 has a wooden 1 ill till vssel la the first or a new type of small mlnesutencr designed for clear ina harbor entrances and coastal waters it etumy mines she was constructed by tli rnvcrofts the will known destroyer uulloers in 1037 t l oeing ofwood rtmlnisceut of warships of nelsons tlrrlt the analogv ends there for she has three 12 cjlhider petrol engines developing a total luirsrnowrr of 1 500 and giving a speed or 15 knots i three hlrafts drive tin propellers through oil operated reverse reduction gears of tin modern wheeldrive type i the displacement of this useful little heart of ak u on 33 tons and her with the help of the wica at cump borden aruj the support or com mandivt officers air force nun bap launched their own newspaper wing ovr borden this 7 page paiwr mimeographed reflect the heavj re creation program among the flvn which u being aided and abetted by vmcv oftcantruuiy l an inter s hockey league a drama club a gle clultj lasses in french cruush and german ond s new gymnastum to ackxurtmodnt j the program of boxing wrestling soft- iwll badminton ousyball and baiket ball tro inehutod in the tlst of fartlltles tor spare urns fun and recreation vxcsrpt from wings over borden orrtilds to mr ley and a c hsnn or heir fforta to brthtn up the duu tnoments w have in camp borden sattirs wlies t jjdipi r s trrrroad thais something to be thank total complement is 11 ofyfcers and mefl fi i f r and i suppose wt can t reollj unimbli since it u thr first tire expense i we have hijd in tile rlghtren nionthn we hive had this car i well the liockey season will soon he over and then maybe we can get to bed a little earlier we thought the first game between the ieafs and rangers was a aord one even if the leafs did lose i but the second well it sent us off to bed with a anrt of letdow fe but the third well now that was a game and speaking qf hockey the very best gams we ever heard was lastelday night you dldn t know there was a bams last friday my but you mltssd a lot tills one wasnt for the stanley or tht allan cup it was something trdtch bi th team on on aide was cjiamberliin chtutchulrn an- vot so slow granny you girls are so useless now- adas i dont believe you know even what needles are for flapper rwhat a dear owjrranny you are why they are to make the gramo phone play of course thhnyjrtden andlmohs onthsc4h side hitler rlbbentrop etsdtn ooerlnf and goebbels r the game was one grand burlesque in one p ace hitler iwd the puck aaw churchill coming and scuttled it an other time in a mlxup chamberlain lied his umbrella hooked around hitler neck i wonder how many heard the broadcast it was on the toodlwus and hawkins program i hope hitler wu wifcenrngln division chomptonshlpfi later a dlvt ton team en to box agalliht ihe british navy ut portsmouth gloves fur tniln ing have been supplied by the ymfa a third function or tho ymca ovi r ioob is personal counfltl hud rcllgi his guidance to canadians boys who are suddenly removed from all home in fluencc sunday nights there are short religious u rviies and nuig songs y oiricers rctxirt and at all times the y officers and workers are pn pared to glvi aid and oounwl u noldlcra seeking them tributes to tin work of tht y over stan have been paid by numerous officers and men and the following extract tukin from n long letun of appre tail u vrltut by ucut col h l n 6alm n f th hastings and prince lxlwurd ltirimnl is typical of uie tributes being rrcc ived out of tle ymca rt pn sentatlvoa capt t w jones of mon tnuil is out of uie officers living in our mess ht writes he lias proved him stir tbne and time agaui a true friend and counsellor of tlu mtn witlvln this und other units alwuva n ulv to ro operate in any worthy enu nrle stork visits train fn route prom kast tho stormy wcatlier conditions which prevailed uiroughout tlio iafltein section of the country during a recent weekend did not deter the stork from visiting an upper berth in a sleeping car of the canadian national railways ocean limited train operating betwen halifax und montreal and delivering a baby about half an hour before arriving at the metropolis the porter paged the train for a doctor but finding none on board a trained nurse from tlw roval victoria hospital answered the call and look charge of the case until a doctor and ambulance arrived at destination the slciplng car conductor reporunl that everything possible was done for tl e comfort and care of the woman and little pisrenger who were immediately removed to thi hospital on reaching montreal farm skins for lfatiifr the value of skins and hides used by the leatlier industry of canada in 11311 iccordtng to the latent dalalled statistics was 10 137 731 cuttu hides compose the bulk of the skins and hid uwd b the industry i 400 1 10 cattle hldt with un aii rage weight of 4 lb and an iiveragt cowl of 4 jo being w in that jmr calf and kip skln t tailed 1713 20j wlui an average wtight of p lb per ikln and an uvt rnui cost f 1 31 pickled sheep skliu numbered 123 0 iloen iivt nut wi ini j skins uvvrake ctxtt s4 11 sma btfs ol 1 tirse hides gout un 1 shu wi h wtxjl on ire alm treated deposit reduction on bottles for cocacola orangevtlle bottling works announces reduction of deposit on bottles for cocacola effective april 15i 1940 hit lnnctlvc on april lsth 191 the present pepo chsirfto of 3c on bottled for cocacom will u reduced to 2c per bottle the present deposit of 3c per bottle will be refunded on all bottles for cocncola returned to your local dealer on or before april 14th 1940 on and after april 15th imo bottles for cocncola will carry a deposit chtlrio of 2c per bottle and refund will be made for this amount only 0rangeville bottling works orangeville ontario authorized bolllen of cococoa drink delicious uiui refrebhinj govcrnorgenerars daiighler id mm helm emnui cambrldgp wife of major henry abel hmllh l i unlit i lit lrl ant c ui tt t athlmt iuuuliaii nondonw lrarn from the guards v t r 4 ft- a i 3w5 mt tr 55c 41 p a i -iwh- a leuchint ot ouujlkn noiioommlulniwd cnjin hco uiaantoln xtmlal eouw pt okwrt u tliown brim drutu by an inutuudr from ut tralntiw ineluduu iwturm en dmlnulratlon lucplln ttrisuk or ouami it miuaionbuiielu london thi i and drilb the mmo bulbw month i 4t l a

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