n i- i tbotsoxv alpwcti lit im6 the acton free press pagc ftstvkm miscttitrfekwino mis 11u hand am sturdy and hi little leg are stout he giving proof already that ha soon will walk about and theres something in his laughter and the twinkle in hi aye whkh betoken roguish mlehlef we must suffer by and by ive watched him eyeing strangely every opened eloeet door and 111 swear that he wu thinking there a place i ii soon explore i and iii awear that he was thinking just a aoon as i can erawl theres a dish upon the table that going to have a fall you can see k in his manner for 11 just m plain aa day theres all sorts or glorious trouble due to come his mothers way and as soon as lie is able and it wont be very lone hell come bursting from his pay pen though we built it twice ss strong now he bouncing and he sticking in a most convincing way it 1 mischief that is brewing and he wants to start today and i chuckle as i watch htm for mneh sooner than we think on her ilnest table cover he is golne to spin the ink twenty years ago- from the issue of the free f thursday april ihui ldt potatoes sold on ouelph market on saturday at 6 00 per bag thr home of mr and mrs frank brydon lot ifl first line erin was sadly bcroaved when their elder on max aged is was aocldently shot whrn he and hi brother james aiied ia were shooting with a small rftle mr and mrs harry mainprise are removing to acton from ohiua r i i yfigaaw aacahajiarifcwaiiiwnajaj organised for the season with the fol lowing officer honorary presidents h cl holmes v7 al btohey president john clarke or 1st vicepresident robert scott 2nd vicepresident percy collier 3rd vicepresident dr ii a ooxe secretary george anderson traa- sorer thomas qavage dr j b reynolds prlntcpal of mani toba college of agriculture has been appointed president of the ontario agricultural oofleoe ouelph the womans institute completed their sewing activities for the past year by a generous donation of clothing tor the milton shelter valued at ft 00 ssokn aloeo in acton an monday april 13th 1 030 to mr and mr adas algeo a eon died rtobb in acton on thursday april ttih 1030 david ross husband of minnie mcdowell aged 51 yearn actons family album turning over lite pageo week by week and looking on the fwea of inom who were fwallur to many here in other yeara do you recofgnize these the sunday school lcsbon fob sunday apul 14th jack mine celdbatcd 75ji iiwtimay yestetoay waturally every person who hu read about or visited jack miners bird sane tuary at ktngsvtlte ontario wonders what will become of the place after uncle jack ha passed on on hla 70th birthday there ha been inoorpor atcd what is known as the jack miner migratory bird foundation a pliilan throplc nonprofit taxfree organisation to admlnuter the bird sanctuary jack miner as proof of hi lncerity and as hi contribution ha given the deed of his home bird sanctuary and oommun ity park to uie foundation which means that thr place will always be held in trjist and tliat no individual can profit in any wtfy- by jack miner s famr and success his place will alwavs stand and be carried on by the philanthropic company after he is gone u murj thnt all of jack miners effort and ac complishment havr been given back to ttvr public becnust it nmlcra ills home nnd bird sanctuary more or less of a i nolle institution utvijrj kiting the place to the foun elation jack miner ho untuned the rcktwiiuubillt tturlng hi lift time of ruin lug ninintemuui monc to tare or tlu iinnual cxptiidllure howiwr an lit in i poor man fliiiimlnlh tht director of thr jotk muur migrator ulrci founda tlon art tikliautrlng to raise a mint fund b utft ujid lhinieit to tudow and ptrpeluatr thr plate it in hojed tliat all who havi followed jut k mlntrn iireer will nnumur tlu jack minor ist wfekh mcttlrk t wftltflnlcturljmiklfllamrarbfljtt jtfolrcxlhynll jt the united preaby was a photograph or four of the churches of acton the unit terlan baptist and anglican none of them except the anglican have had the outside appearance altered gtvally the photograph was taken over thirty years ago photo by hay wiishtaon hooka mifl op ooofl von- oiviko lovk oolden text if wis confess our sins he if faithful and righteous to forgive is our sins and to cleanse u from all unrighteousness l john 1 o lesaon text hosea 0 17 14 4 0 time 720 b c place jerusalem exposition i repentance after punishment 13 m the preceding chapter we read of the dire consequences of the withdrawal of jehovah a favor byihrelm was joined to his idols therefore god would leave him to his own devices ho 4 17 this would inevitably bring these sinful backsliders into distress having reject ed jehovah they would seek him in vain ifoe ft 0 they would become like the godless nations of today confuncd neak trembling rearridden and un certain of their course and drirtlng into chaos i will be to ephralm an n hon i hob 14 in a severe punishment it would mean that since they had rejected the goodness of god they would fwo of 111 severity roman 11 22 what a pity that the sinful heart is su wilful an i to turn from goodness and invltt never ity it is the only way that stubborn i sinners can be brought to the end of uiemnolvos in their affliction they will seek me early hon 0 is tliat in what happened itiul that in thr reason why ue have the words in vs 1 3 the faithful remnant culls upon ffig wfl bt ntlce and cost price and cost are determined by two different processes which should be clearly understood by farm and other business managers the net income of m business is determined by the spread between price and cost ttiax is to say net income u the total number of units of the commodities produced multiplied by the price received for them less the cost of production per unit multiplied by the number of those units the ontario dairy farm study now being conducted jointly fay the econ omics division dominion department of agriculture ottawa and the ontario agricultural college guelph reveals im pressive facts relative to price and cost on the farm studied in the sudbury north hay area for the year ended june 19t1 the delivered price range for who e milk per 100 lb was from 1 18 u 2 ifl this represents a range of 30 conu be tween farm operators receiving the low est and higheat price the cost rune was from s 1 6b to 3 42 representing u spread of 1 04 while the coats on farms above the 13 figure may be due to abnormal circumstances such as heavy stock losses or name other excep tional cause the cost spread of the n melnder uis well over 1 being three times the price spread price or the general price li il is arrived at by the hlggllm of tht mar kt t it is the product or many faclors including the action and reaction of many m llccs and miuiv buj t rs in am market price is thus determined by the group and ovir it the individual bumntss mun hiu lute din cl control cost is mort a mutter under individ ual t ontrt 1 and in d termlncd largrlv b the farm nianagt mi nt mi thnda op uulxl hi product i m from tht fitcts rt vi tued b tht stud mentioned it up immrn tht rt lt ami le ncopt to nurrou the muitr bt twrn coslh with 1 1 lit nrlnl rfijtn tii tltone om niters vltl hih txuttx thr first li nd 1 mined late u tit h to bt livktn in endmivoilnk t kniirie ttir luconu or tlu induuliui arm buni nivm in tt glt consideration to fa toi i ntt rltik tnu ctwls rntlwr tliwn b tet t lug hlkher bint nil print it t b 4hi til i how to be cheerful the spirit of business as usual so promlnrnt in knglond during the lobt war is cheerfully evident again to day often in spite of the most adverse cir cumstances the people carry on whatever their appointed tasks may be they build up a tolerance to trouble like tak ing does of poison until poison can t hurt them they are like jerry plnlgmn and his automobile jerry flourished in the pre pavement days there were a good many home shoe nails in the 8i miles of the kingston road between bowmanvllle and oalurua which was jerrys regular beat his inner tubes were always patched and vulcanized all the way round and the cosing had more shoes than a dobu ante one iftemoun jerry arrived at his home buse tn onhawa dld you have a rood trip to bowmunvllle the bartender lnked him jerry dusted off his coat with one hand and the inside of his throat with the other ves it wan a good trip he sntd smiling only had five blowouts immy spies pose as war godmotiifrs aii tiidti tnnued recently b the de parlimnt of national defence brimi ouck memories of n favorite enemy spv trick of uw arent war tiu order for bids nuldli rs to insert advertisements or it tu rs in anj publication inviting stran urn to cc mmunlcate ulth them it forbids them to replj to such adertiw minb or invitations the must not in unv othtr uuj communicate with stran mrs iiuirernlng military matters a popular rm mj stratetrem to obtnln in lilt ur inform tiion ts to employ women mlii to pt as war oodmotlierb riu tn k is a simple one and gave mill tr mthorlltit iroub during tht lajt i tr tin dparlinnt tins not fortiui nu m btrs t the cst m hrtt war koit mithtrs on the tontrnr ui pror- tin u endor el if done through ptrsonn f tin mldltrs fainllv r of hu f imlly tir it i throuth i tupi nil l ulfir mlirttiurv itnd now that jink mlntr hiu nen his lroiwrtv to tin fount nlum uie gunrnl public will also show tht ir uipnuatun b giving or wiling tlielr monies jituieuntu4jtlatoitjack miner prl bjriricrwtwn me mdivkniutfunir op nit or wlu reduces vv ultl giiiu wt bot h end i p to till mini tv he who has lorn them utll lira mum the very wounds caused by the severe judgment of god will be healed by his grace bin may reign unto death but grace reigns unto life eternal romans ft 31 he who has smitten will bind up the wounds again truly god hath not dealt with us after our sin pa 100 10 it is not hu will that slnnern should perish it in to save them kf possible from perishing that god dea s severely with them repontanoe accomplishes a ureal deal it place the sinner in line for the heallny of his wound and brings about r spiritual resurrection just an verse 3 declares he will revive us he will raise us up we shall live in hu sight what a trio of blessings a revival a spiritual reasurecllon bph 2 1 and n new life 2 car 5 10 thine were what we an christians may promise the sinners who repent today through the oonpel lactn 2 3141 13 38 30 thu pauage had an immediate refer ence to the return of israel from baby ion to their own land which later took plaot without doubt it also refers t the troubled times which await israt i and out of which u repentant remnant will be saved the third ert has a direct reference to inrail but it is nlwiijn true for other people those who fol low on ui know the lord that u tlict who devote lhimmlvce to tht knawtcdnt of their beliefs web 11 1 such always find the lord mlnuterlng pro vidential blessings when inrau rtpuitn the rormer and latter rains will fall upon the parched land of pnlutliit ind it will becqme verdant ami fruitful again it is also true that untold ma terlol blesnlngs follow in the wake of ti gn at religious awakening there is nothing more needed than ihln lodny 2 chron j v 14 ii jihovah n rtply 4 i thu rtjon of jehov ih runt fn in fl 4 to 13 r ttie full respomi takis on tlu uiiture of an indlttnunt how ing hnw inniel had noin umihim lh ixireiul will if otkd tli ubtnitt an i how nil of tht ex 11 sutttred hud ixtn turned rhiv hud wtwu the ft ind s thiv tuid rtiiixd u whlrdlwlnd is this not arevelatnn of tin btute kf nruiklil now tl tin iru t f god is still r i ftrcd lixn to thixe who tn njcciiiit it md tlu pt pk but kin w and wu rt tin n unui tlu lird tin rt is p innlbl nt w ti nd wonderful du fmr whi n mn itimndi tuc d wt much nion would bo compete heejlne and un stinted love such u ever oods atutude toward the baokshder of jer a 1314 u it i a wondrous privilege to have god a anger turned away and it u a nrlvll- oge open and available to every sinner and uie condition is plain vs 1 3 beauty strength growth fruitage boun- ttfully await uie penitent backslider vs 5 a the words in v 67 are very beauuful and should be deeply pondered some of the strongest ljves to be found in uie world today are those who once were faruiest from god but who now cast forth their root as lebanon and uielr branches spread too so that underneath many find shelter there u also fragranoe in these re deemed lives uve scent of which is as the wine of lebanon there is a per ennial freshness in uem like the green fir tree and fnllt from the hand of god outrwe must not forget that the primary reference of these words u to repentant israel they contain a lovely picture of what israel le to become in tliat glad cornlno day when the nauon is brought to repentance on one man zech 3 4 10 workmfnh computation 8tatpmfnt there were 5 005 accidents reported to tlie workmen n compennatlon hoard during the month of morch an com pared wlui 5 60j during february and 4 via during march n year ago riio benefits awarded amounted to 410 320 04 or wlijrh 315 002 34 wan lor comjiennallon and 1112 41100 for mill iral aid tills rings tin total number of accld iiln rcpnruhl during the first giiarti r rto40 to 1 10 io0 an against 13 300 dur the homestead y coure making big improvements john didjrou come into a legacy no sir i oi a home improvement loon from the bnnlc of montreal a simple maiur no fuss or bother tht rates art low and im paying it back by instalments tug the name period of 1030 and uie benefits awarded during uie flmt uim monthi of this year amounted to 1 040 530 06 on compared with 11401 035 30 during uie correrponding ptrlod of 1030 i ktrwft patrol aids ityfn on ueavt london u a bur city and london in a black out is likely to bo a jlttlo confus ing to canadian soldiers on loave so tho canadian y m c a in london oc cording to a report received in canada this week from oapt e d otter senior y officer has organised a street patrol to help canadian soldh rs who may be lost in uie big city as a further aid to members of the ca6p uie y has had printed and distributed 00 00o copies of a soldiers uulde to london and is conducting per sonul tour ubout the empire capital accommodation for soldiers u provided tt the westminster hostel and enter tninnuntn reading unci writing rooms lire available nt the beaver qlub lib had to ik phront- lie had to explains muny of tlu great stioctsacs of history thi scot developed into such a unifty re nourccful man because he had to not only was there uttlt or uie world n iioods upon hla craggy highlands hut there wan no relief system he had to succeed or starve this week another man turned with a hucctan story based on he had to a mining engineer from west mount qq he wnn u victim of tho witmount complex of not speaking french early in july he went into uu hinterland of llie provinco to nt lect i w 1th brent curt 1 bomo grab samplt hln cook could not speak english thu was a terrible problem as the i mtlntir liked hu eggs irepared in a vi ry particular way he sirhply had to havi hu im doni in unit way so now in cun npt uk vitmh faiily wtll mi 4 sriij canih4d home improvement bi ins obtainable at w per 100 repayable in twelve monthly instalments tor borrowers with seustyial incomes repayment may be made in other l le limmmli mk in uu ioiuli bank of montreal eitadlibiicd 107 m lank ujim4 4mau acchntl au unlcarnm acton branch w h ci ay ton mina eiidlebb hain of war supplies for france fido uilb mlgraton bird poundatuui is incorpor ated vuidrr the philanthropic laws of michigan ami in canada by a special act of uie ontario legislature which guarantee thr government s ev opera tion in assuring the contributing publti of the proper administration this act bj jack miner only further proves hi sincerity on bird life conser vation and in this way he feels that all monies received from lecture tours gifts grants and tn other wan which have been put into his bird winctuary have all been glveji back to the public will vou now help carry u on hoc dog llttvi ou ern m dow niuniuu mr qutchrr seen him i shmi d think 1 havt came in here and chewed on a leg of lamb and then upset a cutoimr into tourist i should hkt vr much l set oiir miuke duntr ai d uiir h dance clilt f hole in the air no mon miakr wmp mf danct ior glioat dance them back reallj well 1 aonder if ou d mind nutnbei too tame dance boomps n putung this lot notice in your win duls now doa i tlmmud inonuuih 2q1 iii i will hcul hull btichnlldintr i will vi thim fntjy 14 4 what u unit loun enhtartiniiu prom le v 4 ronlnlii how maiiv a bin t nllrtt r hov e i hi n come back to god u msixiiim to uicne grucli us tenclei words inrurl s barkitlldlng had betu grt v uhu penjfctesit stutbom mon utroiin it jehovah cried return unto uie wird thi clod on uilone condl tlon of full and frank confession there rig are graded b a proceas whlrli uh knt wn iu candling tlio term is u i rt lie f hit duys w hen tht only hand miu ret of artificial light was tlu cam wwnttrhi n ciiitomary to place a ciuhiil in a hunepipe and by panning tin egg bt fun a small link in the pipe in front of tin light to xepnrnh the i kb which wen clenrfrom thtisi which wert daik or opuijiu today practically all cand ling in doni by mian of atitrong electric llitht suitable appliances being located in a clean somewhat darkened room wlu re skilled kraders not only separate uie good from the bad but also the d i fieri nt qualities into different grades this they do by taking into considera tion uie depth or the air cell the strength of the albumen and the density of color in uie yolk iiiv inr iv hi ur nftir hour fill an loaded in england willi v irii limi i n uu uiuuin lilies nipj lit all bound forthe battle line at till wtt wull i uhvw4jmu n 1mltng n tnielf nn a freighter in the mar it tht trip to pranrt save time save money shop through the ads aauggs and skeeter by my bishop iv a hlstkv which woum ou prerer in our future husband weal ui abllltv or p nearance asked the pretty girl appearance m dslr replied the spins but he got to appea pre soon towo just like old chum