u mums khwx the acton free press thursday april llttl 1m0 wouee of births uarruge and bnthi re inserted in this column without charge tn uunoritn notjoea 00 mad loo per line addlhowal for boa bobm eacxatkhhun r in nasaaw thursday april 4th 1m0 to mi and mr uka mclaughlin a dthtr joyo wottm ueomaom aowiown on sunday april itb 1m0 annie oarun dearly beloved wife of samuel w ubqlfabon aged w yearn onatlun in cte on satur day anrit mh lwo mraderlek bona- than beloved husband of the late vara jane cole aged 60 years coring houawleanbig wfll be the next upsetting thing to encounter just a couple more weeks untu-day- light bavins will eome into effect weekly newspaper publishers of on tario and quebec will hold a twoday convention at windsor on april wm timl first instalment of the 1w0 taxes will have to be paid on or before monday to avoid a penalty highway no 26 the second une from acton to milton la reported in fair ahape surely this mellon will be paved thu year spring houseeleanlng help will be found in the advertisement they are easy and the economical way for the tlauiubmpw npi i i the prlna oleanup on uie paved atreeta it certainly a job that u appreci ated by all it nice to aee the lee au removed again two transformers blown out at the plant of the beardmore co disarranged working schedule we understand for the post couple of nights a letter from jock agnew from ilartney man say he enjoyavery much tim fan pius family album and looks each week for these picturea lie wants to be remembered to hi acton friend a beautiful bouquet of flower known a poor man orchids was presented to tot pais paksa by mr and mrs a 31 tuahop this morning a splendid variety of color and the large flowers make them particularly bright and cheery they have been on view in our window and been almlred by many according to a totter to the press from hughe cleaver mp there ha been no appointment made for the office of postmaster at georgetown only the willi i of the examination have been announced and complaints have been received by many leading residents or georgetown objecting to the accuracy of the ei senior chaplain hv john uokab haa been appointed senior chaplain to the headquarter of the toronloair training command wttti uie rank of squadron leader ills duties will cover the acuvluea of the chaplain throughout uie various air training centres in trenton st thomas manning depot camp harden and other centres to be opened in the future mmyssvfat c donathan many friend here regretted to learn of the passing at his home in george going to btewarttown about twenty eight years ago he was a blacksmith in aoton and was well known in town and throughout the countryside for twentyfive years mr bonathan conducted a blacksmith business m btewarttown he was an expert trades man and a man who was liked by all three years ago he retired and made hi home in georgetown frederick o bonathan was bom at bowmanvlue sixty years ago a son of the late william donathan he spent hi boyhood and early years at newcastle his wife who was vara jane cole predeceased him nine year ago he 1 survived by his mother who resides in newcastle a son wullom of georgetown a daughter mrs james weatheraton of toronto and two sisters and a brother to all of these who have geen bereaved sympathy of many friend here goes out mr bonathan attended st john church of england in stcwarttown and in politics he was a conservative the funeral was held on monday afternoon with intermenl in qreenwood cemetery deorgotown fire pumper equipment to be investigated continued trow page on cffinmlttee were left over for the next meeting councillor oakas brought up the mat ter of having the atreeta graded the matter was left for the attention of councillor oaks and municipal officer harrop the heeve reported that a represent ative of the blokle fire xnglna company would be present some time next week there was available a rebuilt pumper lhst it was thought would meet actons needs the truck had a small mileage and would have a new equipment guar antee the clerk was instructed to secure a license for the old truck from the department the cleric was instructed to make enquiry regarding the legality of pay ing the taxes on the yjioa property obuneular davison reported that he could secure no tender for repairing the windows in the town hall and thus it would be necessary to be done by day labor the clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for painting the inside and outside of the town hall instruction and price were given the clerk for the disposal of lots owned by die municipality ustuutk no s friend- tout isnt your son sort of list less mr moneybags mr wotveybag heavens no he ha a bat of blondes a list of brunettes and a list of redhead hardly curious teacher reprovingly do you know what good clean fun is ip eicanlsnimfm haw you led the uie of hlley- hall april 04th f1rht in the service when john david ifttton donated his trim twin cnglned monoplane to the itoyal canadian air force it was the first beechcrau to enter the service the plane is powered with a 300 horsepower engine has a cruising speed of 106 mile rnr huur and hairaeatlngcapaclty for- elght persona two pilots and six passen gers rhnis the ifrtcuds will be like two ahliu who set sail at morning from the same port and evcrj nliht fall lose sight of each other and go euoh on its own course and nt lui own pace for many days through mmi et nm and man and yet meet aguliinnct find ttumschrs llng side by uu in tht sam haven whin their vo agi u past c3uwtwptiiusle presbyterian w ms i planning for annual meetinc presbyterian women in ontario who are working for muslonn raised over 1111000 last year the treasurers re port to be given at the ontario provln clal society of the womens missionary society will show this the sum of till 000 was remitted to the dominion treasurer by mrs o h thorburn ot tawa but the women actually donated more far they devote much time to supply work tlu jobr of repalrinff and shipping clothes and also give u tlu church a general muuan fund tlu 3flth annual meeting of the iro nqji be ready for spring see the new ford tractor at norton motors phone 69 acton sys inciul w f v ill be held in knox church toronto april 10th 1 7th and i rth and the treasurers report will be ilvrn the ncond afternoon wednts du in all then nn 3 mill momberh in ontario 3 slotsohiin travel vv wheif you want io treat the children or mother and dad to a trip send them by highway cruiser lor a happy and carefree journey controlling till- saw record mintral prodi ction cumuiu nilnlnt indium uijojed u tveord breaking iur in id jo ulun thi iutmt ruuhed a uilm of 473 107 iu1 an increner or ti percent uvw 103s i and 3 s jm r cmt our 1113 tht prelous record r nt v output n turds ut u stubllrduhl ti r ih v ml minerals inch und btild pper nickel sine antimonv bli mutlt muimhim crthleitetroleunt luitunil j- measures to control sale and pur chasce of autliorued explcslvw have been irvpsum sulphur and quarts adopted by the government on the re all bmncluv of tht lndustr aluuod tlw rommendauon of the mtoutcr of mine calna metal production aggregated and reaoiircea a record of sales by i w2 064 175 an increase of 6 i per cent authorised vendor must be kept for sub- over 103 the fuels cool natural gas mission urtsn request to an inspector or crude petroleum and peat totallod 71 peace officer only one approved state- 1m 500 u gain ot 08 ptr cent ovorjait ment is required in a calendar year from lar non metallic minerals other than bona fire owners or operator of mines wis reached 25 0w704 as against or quarrle o w produou included tn the structural materials group totalled t34 374 543 an increase of one per cent oald maintained its leading position more to follow a radio hod been newly installed in a house which boasts an alert and intelli gent 4year old daughter this young wdy listened with great attention to an afternoon program before being sent off to bed bhe said her nightly prayer and afterwards added in a grave tone to morrow night at this time there will be another prayer a care s- lt ub midply your nmda from our j well aiawud block of quality work clothe work clothes overalls several qualities large makes 175 to 225 suockb to hatch pants denims and cottonade 150 to 250 shirts wv cut i no quality cjoul ipiotmf other line s to 9 1 ts siloes standlns a bhoa for every job see them leather or composition soles block drown smoked priced from every pair guaranteed to give satlsfaeuan 275 w 525 spring in the dry goods and ladies department new sprint goods are en dtapuy come in and ice the new lines lhal ore on display prints broadcloths spun rayons for momlna and aiwrnoon procka simplicity patterns latest styles puram gloves sweaters hearfs coatome jewellery hprlm hosiery in the new shades lverythlnc to uven up the hprinc lnsemble just almivfi curtains curtain nets draperies etc elliott bros hone 38 acton tickets and infoiimation at harold wiles phone 58 gray coach lines man the weakling i and set a ne record with the output totalling 5 005 17a fine ounce valued ut 1b4 144 7d the value of gold produc uon represented m 7 per cent of the total value of all metal production and up per cent of the aggregate value of the whole mineral output of the do- 1 minion i among outstanding features of the yeaxuas an agreement- by which the i large base metal producers are to supply the ferttlsh government with copper lead and tine at prices which prevailed ahort- ij before the outbreak of the war can- adattli now in position to furnish large royal guclph a most comfortable hhowplsre a ntlda to thursday april 12th to ihui wait disneys pull lxhklh tcature local health bulletin intlo yor uie week ending april 0th no new eases of communicable disease were re ported parental attention is again drawn to the illnesses of children which might be directly due to seasonal conditions with moderating temperature do not dress the elilld too warm for play with so union water around try to ohange uie eloiha as soon as possible if he child get wet at play and they will get wet regard- leas as the weather moderates make sure uiat the lisad gear ts lighter dos age of cod liver ell can be reduced some what now as the children an have more outdoor play and thus more sunshine jrten ifointa on vaccinayiom i immunisation by vaoeenatlon is sure preventive of smallpox 3 vaccination may be done in healthy infant any time sfter the first month 3 vaccination early in life is very strongly recommended ns the m actions are milder 4 tile protection afforded by success ful vaccination in infancy is adequate in the large majority of instances how ever additional protection msy be secured by re vaccination prior to en tering school everyone should bo vac cinated in event of smallpox outbreak in the community ft it is better to use uie arm rather thnn ihfl log for vaccination if carried out on tlu leg a period of rest in lied is usually necusary f ask your physician for instruction as to how to care for vaccination when plicluy 7 keep the vaccination nrra dry and clean tlic neat which forms is the best dressing ii from uie seventh to the tenth day after vaccination allow the child much rest and moderate exercise p remember smallpox is likely to leave many scars vaccination leave only one 10 vaccination or an attack of smallpox are the onl4 two ways to secure protection front the disease ot smallpox any adult or child will be vaccinated free of any charge by the medical of ficer of health on application to the moh for an appointment for such vaccination similarly toxoldlng for immunization ngolnsl diphtheria uld scarlet fever will be administered free of charge to any desiring such treatment this public health nervier in yours for tht asking no why not take advantage of it and feci content for the future tublrculin u nung is another pro cedun which will be done free of charge and it ir the aim of the board to try to have a i the school children glvm tht tit in uii future and therthy dt lect any posblble of canra of infectlf u early m rt about this inter thu wo it uu sanitary injerlot will have taken jiompliv of water for testing from thi municipal mipply and frc m all vl u and sprlngo in town also tlu various dnlries si ulng milk in town will have contributed bottles of milk for teal lng ruportn will be given uhen recclv rd from the department the attention of cltljiens is nrnin drawn to the fact that complaints of any utsniicri mum ix nmdi t the b aril of health in writlnji e j nelson mom pin0cchi0 extra ialftli ot ctml presents the vatican of pius xii this great film reveals the dally routine of the inhabitants behind the ancient wiltr stlcan city wmy suffer with your feet for men women children straighten up weak feet b d rachlin the foot comfout btobf oiihwite ttmca mill street choice 81 iottldbu iloast weep 16c 18c b piuwe rid lloabt 23c boneless pot roost beef 20c choice short rilfcr roost beef 22c blade itoabt ileep 18c 20c b choice iiump roabt 2or lean brlnket and rib doulnu beef 13c ljun hamburg 6teak 2 35c fresh shouder pork b 18c b trimmed pork butts 23c fresh pork ilooka 2 25c meaty spare him 19c b frbsh pork ljvtcr 2 b 25c hush hauhaof largn 15c lb lovell bros phone 178 prompt delivery mmv mjtiiods tin ntft army physlcul training uifiifjn bear uttlt n semblance to tht old physical jtrks of tht oreat war tlic mi uiodn uwd in canada are those re cttitly adopted by uie army gymnastic staff in ens und the new methods aim ut coordlnouon nf lyi brain und muscle md uil di velojanrnt of flexibility and endurance rather than larx muirltn and bixength still iolkh think it cam m llfcat tl hu i purliu r tin pin ablt v ere put on trial rutntlv in on txptrlmint corulucletl b v rudlo fautl n wkbv in ctnclnnutl two of thi innchlms uiro ktpt in i jx ni hon a day and rikirtfl n the nay win lln ptriodlcully tht day perttnutnrh allowed a return of only forty cents tn the player for every dollar invented on i lie basts of uie days play chatur of hitting the jack pot figures to be 1 in i 308 the experlmtnt seemed to proe i reltj iorclushc thut you cunt tn i its a fact every man would be glad to dispute but there seem po good way to defeat quanuues of these metals in uie refined it 1 form whereas in 19h no refined copper adam hadnt the courage to gather the nickel or sine and only a oomparauvely frurt i small amount of lead were produced in but teamed perfectly willing to eat it the dominion no fooun bpring la hera and its time for spring clcanup lot us ulu one one bprlne cleaning job off your mind knd wash vacuum and poluh your car all ready for the road pbices bkasonable t- suebvlce fatowtr cdokle ay wultwawft oakaob phone it sufucient ylbvl tut dav the batte raged fiercely around him i but he sat in a shellhole noklng a i cigarette oi you lasy blluhterl oh in there and fight don t you know they re three to one against us ue officer gelled nt him aboie uie tumultuous din sure i know it sir he rei lied jumplni to attention butt e kll ed mi three evidence a k n i in i piti ss acton oninnu it knxs us iihith pkllbutl to iii form you that our salt of saluda i tn in atton tor i mi howtd a minstuntml incrtust ovlt tht pre ious mr as yu unuouhttdly rufliic from tlu spnee wl hu in tin fti i imss wt ilgord nlvbpiiptrs u fl funiiiuiilthnl medium for ndvlrtis nn siiladii tea and wt an tni ill utknowkdl the contribution ot yur puptr to our success lust eiir ttense accept our thanks for your kind to operation yours very truly salada tea company of canada limited per o hodglans mvstifild the oelebraled soprano mas doing a tolo when junior said to his mother referring tb he- conductor of he or chestra junior why does that man hit at at woman ulth his stick mother lies not hltung at her keep quiet i junior well uien whats slu holler ing for r aliovr i an appreciated and mwilicited letter ue received from the salada tea companv whohauljrne free pregs colunnici renlarly wluil adveftis iiijc lias done for this companv it uill do for others who use the free press regularly