paobkiobt the acton free press thursday april 18th 1m0 ytfihn nf m lnaartadln thai oofcmra vtoadt aane la wamorlain motleaa boa and loo par line a tor mete aonnvra on iviaaday april lath ims to ur and uk asrlena roberta ibm neule stawart of h r k acton tha lift of a mm albert stewart mu caupttcll at htt lata maldanu moffat ontario on friday arxil isth ibm dunaan campbell beloved hua- band of ruth dndte and father of grant in mnwthm suitn in lovta- memory of k dear mouier ura albert smith rio paaud away april 14th ims not dead u mother but aleeptnc in her muier home above newarded for her buffering rewarded for her love ever remembered by don dim sunn marflbtaix in lovlna memory of a dear husband frank marshall who paued away april lilt 1051 tu aweet to know well meet acaln where troublea are no more and that the one i loved ao well hal juit gone on before ffver remembered by wipe the window frames at the town hall are being repaired dayllht savins comei into effect in acton a vtil from next bunday these relapse that winter ha are almost ax serious a the real thins the song of the froga theae nights u another indication that aprlnff la here the road maintainer la to be put to work thia week on gtuno the unpaved roadways about town in condition fire caused etenslve damage to a balneas block on upper wynaham street in auilph on monday afternoon mr archie m mcdonald has leased the farm of mrs delia castaldi on the eighth line ut and has taken pos- sesslon quite a number enjoyed the pot iajck slipiwr aerved by the women s a soclouon at the united church on mon- dav evening clarence while 38 escaped liom durtcrln counlj jail at oran ville on tursdaj it was hla second ccaie fre m ihis wimr jail inquiries for houses lo rent in acti a conlmue lo be unanswerable there it mil a small house avalta2je in the town and onlj one of lht larger type vacant m con mark ii down for this tur uuil u good fa 1 of snow came in auril lllh and several oilier akin an cool weatiier follow td on latter dateh that hlkhwuj between acton and milton continues to be unworthy t i bear the signs or kinjj highway sprtnu finds ll in even more deplorable condi uon mr joseph connors ha turchased the chopping mill on mill street just belou main the building was purchas ed from mrs rose borovoj and the business lalel conducted bj mr d j milellan swedish commanders with denmark already prone beneath the heel of the german iproteotor and norway fighting invasion with her coastal clue under bonibardment sweden la feverishly preparing for what la to be whatever cornea here la veteran gen eral o o thornell chief of staff of the swedish army on whoae shoulders rests the responsibility of defending sweden 21 lodges at walker lodge big meeting conuaaed trora pas on but nlvea time to good reading the 3ufirf whvplaiu nttpwrjlf outlined will find hli influence greater there will be no need for him to seek unearned poaluon but the positions win aeek him out if each would aay to himself he would do something more than he baa in the past if he would make an effort to be a better husband father churchman bust- ness man it would be surprising how much more happy he would be in these days ft hen at times the outlook may be dark it la well to remember said bro dunlop that over all is a providence that la not going to see wrong triumph that will see that in the end right is victorious bach can do a duty in our own little sphere and assist the great architect of the universe lo fulfil a world plan the toast to the vtslllnu brethren ft a proposed by wor bro frank mcintosh and responded to by tl wor bros tnllby and mcnivcn the junior wurden f toast happy to mii l scirrj o part happy to meet again iihi b junior warden h macaruiur lrouht uls r aiuplrioui cveninu to a clone pnhroms und menus which carried tht pictures of lle dutrict deputy grand mnsirr and ihe master of th ijodcn vvi rt rnttrrl souttht and retained as miuvcnlrs of the occasion b the vbltora head and mrs f mcniven 3rd mrs wck neeordlns secretary mrs a pic kard oorreafjondlrib setetarymra charlea jeer treacurrun j a modlarmld secretariea of departments christian stewardship and plnance mrs a o bbswell mission cirelea mrs j 1l clianmari cqjt mrs a k leonard mualon nands mrs a spelaht fiaby nands mlxs e mckay helpers mr w gunty supply mrs w n nrownrldte community friendship mrs nuowat literature mrs w a shane temper- anee and christian clliaenshlp mm xl cadwell missionary monthly mrs g w tunu preas mbu a marhall mm- ber wluiout portiollo mrs t c dales jack kingshott opon rawleighs quality bnci ana extracts parkeijp a specialty main etseet at 8cbooi lank free golden bantam corn 1xu opening of itsevli sevson kinirnl niirllnt if uosc bull funs to i rvuntn tor ihi coiuiuk miuain will tc hi id in ilic coimil cli imbt r next thun dn april lh l boo p m it la im xrtanl that faiui and plavcr turn out u thbs mietliu it baieball b lo bt irvunlrtst in a ilrm basb- lor 1m all prepared horace if you loved me why did you n fuse me at first maudlne just to see hat ou would do horace but 1 mlcht have ruahrd ofr without ftaitiruj fbr an explanation maudlna llardly i had the door locked oats responded to fertilizer treatments mr ivan tav lor of moffat proved the abovi fict lo his own satisfaction last oummtr uhen he conducted a test of fer tilizer on out under the direction of the department of clwmlmrj ontario hrlcultural collnc co otwrntlnu 1u the local departmtm if aurlcullurc the p acliui of tht fertltixcrs on mr tuvlor mill ft as not mere- puivs uork but still had tmin cunfull tested and it uius round to tksuihtly acid vtrv um in minikn and phosphorus and medium t uv m poluth the fit id hud kroftn red clover the previous ear mr lavlor it u- of his hit as follottt i nuusurel one sidt of the field oil into three half acre plots tbe were siwn with erban oats at the nu of bushel 1 peck ht acre and the re r tit liter at the rate of 50 lbs per acre on ma mil tin pkl with tin 16 6 fertilizer was i alwuvs ii lmli ahead of the 212fl on june 2bth n couple of tnt treated in men noucins the sicn at the jrate pame in to xee the plots and much to oi r surprise thev were put in head tjte t ftitii no lrulikrr fttu just lriiiniuic it tuud out eie in v on jul were annualmeetiiig halton wms presbyterial 543190 wafl aummtni kuiflad by pfebytrul oflsceraiare elected one hundred and twentynvalesatea attended the eleventh annual meeting of the ilallon preatoytertal of the wmj3 of the united church which met in waterdown church on tuesday april 8th the theme of the sessions was christian stewardship the mornlnff devotions were conducted by the president mrs earl wilson who presided for that aeaslon the story of the year as prepared by the presbyterial correspondlnbt secretary mrs j p kirk- wood was read followed by a poster parade by the presbyterial secretariea all of which were original a livlruj poster a little rirl from waterdown was displayed by the temperance secretary mrs h caldaall as on emblem of purity stralffht from the hands of ood 3fc asked tliat more thoufihl and prajer given to this department and entreated them to join hands in this matter and stop bickering as dramatics are very popular now mrs caldwell advised the use of dramatic talent to place temper ance plays leiare the public literature news was given by mrs w a shone the treasurer mrs j a mtcdlarmld reported the total amount raised by the presbyterial for hmo as 5 431 tw the allocation and the dedication service was vfr3jbrxij minute open forum was conducted by mrs o c gilford members of mill- fjrove auxiliary under leadership of mrs k cummins took part in the quiet hour with solo by mrs r trask at the dinner hour the president of waterdown wjjjb mrs o a sherwm in extending creeunes from the local auxiliary ciiose an acrostic to form the word welcome made up of wlllirurncju kftlclency love cooperation oportun- ity meqiod and exoru mrs r b gal bralth milton replied mrs charles readhead first vce prefildent presided at the afternoon see stun members of wesley auxiliary look charge of the worship service the tlicmc of which was peace be still with solo by mrs h s lovering rev dr duncan mcleod for ihtrt two vrars a missionary in formosa ho hod to leave that countrj outng to the antl bri lsi movement by the japanese and who la now conducting tvongellsii t rvitt n cross canada cited man ci ru- tin n bulls f hls wtirk aniong uit chi i of iormofia whom he called his or tl is and sisters mrs h intelunl condutttd a nw in iirtol for uilrtctii mrnibtri v i hid liossed uwn since the last an id n 1 1 ing mrs ingvhart chose tlit words of jesus wlun leaking of man he sail she hnth wrouthi n tooi work on i fahe hath done ft she could ft hat is true of marv ls true of our sis ters whom wp are now remcmbtrn will quirwii to stnd particulars and proofs thtie flowers which wt dedicate to umn thereof to the undesignid sehlctor before as u svmbol of the love and esutm whl h the ioiirlh da of ma 1040 when tht 1 asktts will be distributed among the still flourishes and blossoms us a nsult lwrts wlllw lh having of uulr lives as vach name was called reg on t he claims which shall a pink tulip was placed in this week we arc giving away abso lutely free one can of golden bantam com with every cosh pur chase of 1 00 or more of meat or merchandise get your free oen of corn early before the supply is ex hausted aauher allll street cuudafl govtmorgentrmi a ttention farmers wo now have a stock or fastmovingmnsscyhntris repair parts for farm implements and can rive prompt and efficient service on special part3 ordered let us solve your farm machinery repair troubles now showing the new 101 junior tractor ask for a demonstration acton garage chryblernymouth sales and service mumeyiiurla sales and service canada newlyapnolnbed aovemor- oeneral u pictured here ae he attended the openlns at the new natholaalcal building ot the medical school at guy a lllltl l let me show you the proof then place your order through me no writing no money orders no bother personal attention prompt delivery geo c brown norval 1b acton salttrday aftemeena and evenings only notice to creditors ad otiibrs in the maitrr of the rsut of leander kan tu win lair of the illaxr of ac ion in the county of hall in gentleman formerl oil heeler beeeasrd parties hn v liifc claims ng livst t he s1 kmau of ale indi r kannuwln late of thi village of acton in the count of and halton gtntknmii f ormi rl oil dial er decdasec who dlid em or ibout thi twentieth du of mnrrh 1040 arc r ihe column anilleii thi irws bushels per acre shi kmu weght pcrbu us vase mrs r m clcmrls atlcr choruses b the waterdown mis sum band mrs a speight atorgctown presbvlertal facrt utj awurded ston i dard of recognltl m stars to tlve bunds ballmafad bethel burlmtton ge irge t and wlterdtftn and rxplauifd u i live requisites in making liicse owuris beuit1 band wis tinkled out fur spttl i mention because 11 ls tile ilrst btuid to nteivt ihis award ufit r tin six m nl is of orgunixatlon a pa cunt on india was pre tnted bv uu wuttidwu mission cln it mrs huriwr and mrs a o foreman wt re uppot tiled dilikiit s it dninch meetings mrs w it or hum conducted tht t let uon and instaluitu n of officers an i invltauon for the pttdjj lerlal to meet in acton ui 1mv was accepted rev h s lovxruu chairman of hultun prelivten rlcised the session with praver at the supper meeluifc gmtin h wtrt extended b tht chairman oi tht pres bvurv uu president of the 1a 1 ti of uu- walt rdo lu and ptisbvt r inn churchts aijd the wa of the lnlted church tht resk nse bv lis have been filed as aforesnld pursuant to section 51 chapter 105 rso 103 dated this ekhtccnth daj of april ad hmo c f leatlierlan cton ontario solicitor for the exrcu rs jiime ant 1 1 son kannawln shell irne ont and wluiam miller kannawln 143 reipnlh ave toronto ont 42 3 ra the boys of the acton yafca feel that if the girls can put on a show they can too and so they are making plana now to hold a big carnival day n the proposed dale of saturday may 11th every bo will be working and at liusi two bojs wll be assigned to each of ii series of booths act up not only in the building but also outside at thi buck of die build in such tilings as minln lure golf turut racing uallo hob i nail druunt cemtests ring tos dir throw art herj und many otlu r le s h of skill will be si i up oh ye s fo nl lurtiini lillin und u 11 aim oi hum rs ilr n curulial would he coiiph t ftlumul a tliwn or two tillur so th mill ih in hand t t elnilssiin lo li uildint und grounds will be lne what proriios um ml tu in nt tht boot i h u 11 bt u in ti buv tcpupnt it f r eaiup spin in f camp fifteen bo s iuim drendv sittl i in mi i ru il sim in uu cnmp u ink unit u i ii s iruut tin in st vis a re nl umpiiit ho id a v iiihi ic thi tlurtv th uvund ls hi nils tlu ck tirti m uuv mr don mcljirm was tin hx aker lit a uppir in the to u h of t un t business men who mil toe uu r to tils us further thr possiblitles of forming n v mens club rifleen win in utti itanc und lo heir mr mclurtn tal oi the aspt is f boys w irk in relation in i mtns clubs mr m leitch wns in the rhair iictlni is chunmun fir the even im fill w im his tnlft mr mrljiren re moinid i talk informu iv wilh siveral mi mbt rs wall papers paints etc its easy to have a modern home modem decorations particularly colorful modern wallpapers and painting will add much to uir value of your home and to your personal pleasure and comfort your pnnent home can be renovated throughout narn j jitnunrm rnt fill i ih i pictures table lamps new lamp shaded tattle oilcloth rug mats window screens and other up to tlve minute fixtures and fittings for a surprisingly moderate outlay let us give suggestions arid an estimate for easy financing under the home improvement plan do you now that your banker in acton will loan you m repayable in 12 monthly instalments of 4 17 per month 100 repayable in 13 monthly instalments of ts 34 per month consult your banker for rates on amount required for permanent home bnprovements under the home improvement plan wallpapers and painting are permanent home im provements ilintonri 5c to 100 store in acton and dbiitict headquarters for wnjlpancrr paints and decoration suppu 1 0 discount on our complete slock of sunorthy wallpapers in koom ijat purchases for this weekend only hin tons 5c to 1 store ap round trip bargain fares ril 2627jfrom acton to 6li lions odiown and tost to cornwall tnclutlvi uxbrldge lindsay ilerboco campbcllford niwmarkct colllngwood mtaford midland north bay parry sound sudbury copreol and wevst uy btardmore vm trains aikil 20th al trains april 27th to toronto also to branlford chatham oodetlth ouelph hamilton lindan niagara palls owen axuiid st callmrtnis st man barilla stratford strallroy woodstock mrt havihhus rdr complftr likt oi brhtinattons lor rare return limlto train information tickets etc consul nearest agent canadian national uritii ox i can trust m maid at an time i can go awa for three dav and know tbctlwhat she mil be doin ol the time mrs brown thais remariablel what do wu think she wilt br doing just new mrs jones vtothlnf j firtlluirs none 2 12 fi 9b9 30 2 lfi 6 w2 30 thee result will br of apeclal interest to mr tuvlors nelfchbors not wasttd tvrting fvuly he vow that e are married perhaps i can ijolnt out a fea oi your deiect she dont bother dear i known all about them it s those defects that kept me from getting a better man than you t c dales of ml ton stressed i u 1 1 d of christian friendship krv d w gallaght r president or hamilton ct n ferenct and a membe r of the furcign- mission board cavx- lnatonco l be e hcial results in the wt rk at home and abroad lie stated that one nu i there is war from time to time is ok ue ef when you travel by motoi coach low round trip fares orijxia 573 fionrbich 7- nn ft lie n in fnlunj i i 4th 1ivi dar ir mv br tin r niu i have bun rt elvlnt im fi i imsh for me fteits now aid it sure l met n let it it not us iooel us utin thue tut pntty near i lnti nricd to ft rite before but in n ui 1 1 mrtl it ull comes at once so it keeps is susv wuilnj lr awhle i nte doini as mhid as em ted three me is a day loin of r tling and t i h step eij hlefij run t rem plain tin b s or ir tl g ii llttl tkjrej lis us a litt t different at least vet than ui t sj etid but i kurss thots uar wt 1 i gin ss 1 rtttr rinse as i haw nit ir n t answer o wi hliut you ith lust ii and ihm s a ain fo- tht jai er i rr rain as eee s uiiii onlrr moliiliation onlh could you sw me a 1 air mor maiiacrr dul amt vou tlr irllo j a lrlna lo kl m dauchur laxt ntshl er in ir bul i dldn t uvu ouni man i donl aani n fallurra in rft lorr ckxhl mas i rttltt 1uxk rr is vou mran llaa your huaband sot otinruauon of inr brain in the accident not cnnclukion of the brain no urt ah means conclusion of de bruin lira datd i what do you anljiianol mr nawlywed braakfau or o4 bath rwliid tha tramp ur mtwj prodocad a lar fut fit hi wlh houamada braad takathat ha awlalmad k ywu have both what was tlut- tvf had no luck 1th that girl r tiaued her every day for the laat week and aha haant avuled ancef soma toman have no aenaa of humor i too hitle chrutian eftort and that the mtire we pa in mlssi uw the l-s- vc shall have of war communt n ink was conducted by mus e date sinclair courtesv commlltiv fter the clos n mrs lamb extended the thanks of thn praver att present joired in the sinking f the national anthem the following resolutions were vassd at the afternoon session 1 reaolved thu this pnisbj tensj pledge its loyaty to trmperanco fedrrati m in the task with which it is confronted 2 resolved that thu preabj tertal approach the candidates tn the next provincial election and ask them to state their stand on uie prohi bition 0 llijuor in the province and if they am in favor or prohibition to s gn paper to that effect so that later there may be no misunderstanding the officers for 140 are as folpws paat prsldnt ifta inglehart pressldsnturs karl wflie v1clraldentalit ura o raad- hitntsille sa80 tickets and imorm1tion at harold uiies phone s tiv yevl pie ivan martin tulf i man thi vo 1 lg td m r rr tuned j a f irn rr to brtii 11 a tun itatu a ra iw i kim mm f r vs t r 4 pis d t t s best k imp ss the jur it i thr rrau nl ude if e a e jut t in of i gen irmen twvht lour i lt wi 1 the number there are in tre jur box pray coach line w t pattfersom ro ffsilalul liyr4ilallb ojhkatm it wtwaail it ouejru rkaaia slti oompieuly bauldrjad olrlcaa balow uahar 8hoa stora comnlela mfctklisuon of bwedera armed fork wa ordered by klnt outatfotowtna ihrthrman ihvaaimmf derunarttrand morwayuln firmed irport hated uial oerman troopa haduo enured bdah foil u ihe ion awled naal bllttkrlea appearad to hav owia king ouaul u town her wm crown prlnc ouauf adou u lhay dreva tomuyh lha uzu ofslooiholm on the kml ujhlws urthday with than u 11111 mnoeu martaretha a tranddauthtar of lha orwait rvuuw