Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1940, p. 4

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p i laijmma i i i 7 thb acton 9mm ipsb88 iumudav anuti nth im a neighborhood news intonating iucn concerting otto cnrni and coraraunltla lit which many of our tteadcn art inttnaud rockwood aj mention in hut week iwwn ltnm rftaardlwr mr malcolm smith leavlwr jtookwood shortly hn u trolno lo superintend a farm near aflwirfnylo fnr mr a daymoikt of ouelph who pur chnsed the form work on the main fltrfwt rwor u oolng ahead and in soma places noma nf the big drain tllw have been full of and jlut tetnw the pout off loo mr melvln hums and mn qordon swanstono are recuneratlna t their name followlna their reeent illnesses mr stewart 6 uoyce returned homo hut weefc from toronto my and mm douglas patterson of toronto wre up for the weekend mr and mm ban hoslclns of klrk- ln ml lake were here over the wotfe- ind mr and mm prod day of hamilton were up for the weekend mr and mm tlnbert croft and family off toronto were weekend visitors miss lovena richardson of kitch ener woj home for the weekend mm walker u ipondlnc few day with mr b nlokell until mr and mrs malcolm smith get nettled in their new home near aberfoyla osprlnglt j mr and mrs harold bell of oaladon have rented mm ushorwoods farm on the pint linn recently vacated by mi and mrs h vannorman mr and mrs burn mbklnnon and mlu blanche visited on sunday with mm mokinnons mother mri mc laughlin above rulsbura mm tart mead and baby ion who have been staying with her parents mr and mm george ooak returned on thursday to her own home on the eighth une her sister mlu edna cook is staying with her fnr a few days ftir and mrs harold moeaohsm or erarddaa galled on mr and mrs d stewart on friday night mr and mrs wm webb of webb wood farm ouelph township were sunday visitors at the homes of their parents on sunday misses ruth and doris smith have obtained positions at georgetown mr and mrs p brydon visited on sunday evening with mr mid mrs n t moklnnon hwsburff a social evening was held on man day night at the church under uw auspices ot the ladles aid rev p w murray noted as chairman for the fol lowing program solo miss lorona lock er reading miss jean mann selection by the male quartette messrs wm mckenile dan mclean oordon altken ted anderson violin selection ted an derson vocal solo mrs p w murray reading mrs d o robertson piano duett mrs bl sunter and mrs q alt- ken at the close contests and games were enjoyed and a delightful lunch was served nassagaweya the ijiwvllle vounu peoples union presented their pty entitled tn tllvers in the township hall brook- vlllft under the auspices of the ttben- ewir young people union there wan a fairly good onwrt nut to enjoy tin program mm harold kltohlng end son nt win nliieg are holidaying with mr jmri mm j p kltohlng or oorwhln at present miss jean llolterman or walkervllle is vultlng with her grandmother mvs draoe bahher ot nassagaweya at pre sent mr bert nightingale or orangevllle relumed to his position there last sun- day after holidaying with hu parents btjftnatohbull slnoe new year a the sugar making aeasnn is almost over for another year the heather mission band or ute bbenexer united church held their monthly meeting last sunday morning with mtsa ada olark as their leader in charge congratulations and best wishes are extended to mr and mrs logle robert son on their recent marriage retorted shot campbellville everton mr and mrs bert paltraman ouelph road apent sunday at the home of mr and mrs w ii hortop mr- and mrs lambert and family of malton have moved to the farm recently owned by mr john maude townllne mr and mrs w vannorman and daughter wiila duelph spent biindny with mrs j p bonhnm nnd family mr and mrs d h purkor and mr harvey jeattn spent suudny in oalt with mr and mrs david parker axr and mrs josso moenery ball in afad and mr ro hindi ey oaprlngt vlsltod mrs r dumpier on sunday mrs w usltecwuod has returned to liar home hnvlug aptnt tlu winter in ouelph with her daughter mrs b m awrej wwkendiftnd sunday visitors nt tlu homo of mrs m blaok won mrs olarn lllaikloek tvmmlo mrs l tnvttll vln meenchctn mlsso marunnt nnd agnes black quntph mrs albert robertson london mr and mrs witt webb and babv pulsli block mr and mrs w alexander fifth line apuit sunriiw at tin home of mr mid mm i hamilton rt v j p molihki will hive ithture and lantern shdtt an india on bun dav eeiung nt the church ot christ mm miller tr and mt los flinch m t and daiurhttr rnialnh and mr and a largo number of frfends and re a- tlvcs gathered at the home of mr william early sr on tuesday after noon ui nay their tospeots to the late mrs early who passed away so suddenly after a few hours illness early on sun day morning tho deceased was a high ly respapted resident of this oommunlty all her life and mr and mrs early celebrated their golden wedding a few months ago rev prank lawson con ducted the service in the home and at the gravbhttdo the bearers were vail nephews of deceased and were as fol lows gerald bums john allen aibx burns robert early william ourrle and donald molntyre qesldes her husband mrs early leaves to mourn her loss two daughters mrs john block look and mrs peter mclean three sons william james john and twelve grand children mrs o a elsley left here on tuesday for a six weoka visit with her son wilfred in vancouver the women a missionary society of st davids presbyterian church are holding their regular meeting at the home of mrs arch mcmillan slelnrloh htmmler chief of the dread ed nasi oestano it reported to have been shot in the mouth in a copenhagen street ghortly after the naal invasion f denmark the report which originated in sweden did not state whether hlmm ler was killed or mer w nerlln denies tfie rj8c ballinafad on tuesday afternoon april lotli the regular monthly mooting of the woman s association of the united church was held at the home of mrs j snow with the vicepresident mrs snow in the chair at the conclusion of the business duuussions the ladles enjoyed a trea sure quiz nnd then a game of chinese checkers this was followed by the red cross tea the ladles would be glad if unyano who is not able to attend the women e association meetings would drop in for the tea and thus help to swell the red cross funds mr jack steon was home frum sud bury for the weekend mr and mrs roy weston of george town were visitors on thursday at the home of the latter s aunt mrs sopor mr jahji hutxluig and family expect to movoj tills week to a farm that ho has purchastld on tho eighth line erin mrs binnle and mrs woir of tor onto visited on sunday at the home of mrs sopor mrs binnle n auoliom sok here on satunlay uu n fair success 1 mr and mrs alex xrvlnjj of toronto have rented mrs binnle house here nnd art uxptcuid to take possession same tlmi thin week mrs din blacla r alt were sundaj laltorw nt tin home of mr and mrs w hi ltd all are 10m to hear that lhnd macc and lohnnli svintt an tn tlu tuutpttnl nnd all hoi the uttt sum be ubli u n turn nu much jmprovt d mr and mrs john alton spina sun dav in ktuhener mrs alton remaining for a few dm nt the holm of her cousin mrs stanley tovell mr j p bnnham spent bundnj witli ktr and mrs j maltland elora mckprn kltcliener head and colin porker are spending a few days in tor onto and attended the hookey game on monday night in maple leaf gardens mrs t d meoutoluforr is visiting a few dav in ouelph with her slaters mrs s mckay eden mills mrs a mlliu and mim lottie of ouelph sptnt sunday tn the hinu of mr ttnd mrs john milne mr and mrs will otlbtrtnon and miss wllflavlstteri with mliithes in tor onto on sunday mr und mn h battltn epinl si n das in toronto mr at d mm norman lee and family imiit sundi tth frhnds in weston mr and mrs d macdougall and crewson corner mr barry clarke and miss margaret wylle of georgetown visited mr and mrs edward cornell on sunday mr h brown of trenton vlsltod mr end mrs robert brown over the week and mr and mrs murray johnson bruce and marilyn of toronto visited mr and mrs robert brown on sunday mr and mm alex moehrle visited at mr and mrs herbt allan on sunday orton mr jfcok juyward has resumed his work la ute vtorgua bank having ettttu two week holiday with his mother and sister here mis peittuck is visiting relatives in toronto i mrs jeflse heed was a week end vl- lor to toronto mr pannan attnn nnd frlnud nt llu week hid willi lev a 1 and mrs alton mr 1 nd mrs pied hearing toronto and mr mid mis pred mooutohon and tiaok a u n vlttltd mrs tims dear lug on sunday who is progressing rav nrablv but u atlll nonflned to iwr lied mr arrh wllsnn who has twwi 111 all wltilii 1m ft hi i lo ootun ovet to tho vllliiue now maple syrup tteartori atwmit ovei with reiwirts of a good run erin mr and mrs george cooke have mov ed to rockwnod where they will reside with their daughter and son in law mr and mrs vemer t smith mr w a namnabnttnm and eon bill of toronto called on friends here on sunday w a remained for a oouple of day to attend to business matters mr walter scott suffered a badly lacerated first finger on his left hand laitt friday morning when the digit was drawn into a machine he was operating at the erin shoe company plant he will be oft the job for a few days mrs joseph turner a well known re sident of huluburg died al her home in that village on monday april 8th in hor list year before moving to hills- t th w ha w predeceased her some years ago had fnrmhd on the eleventh linn east gara fraxa ror a number of years advocate georgetown mr walter blehn visited sunday in llstowel at the home of mr and mrs lloyd hemsworth mr hemsworth is a lieutenant in the 100th battery sta tloned at llstowel the latest report received concerning the condition of corpl thos b olvon who is with the oasj in england says that although stm seriously 111 there is a slight improvement the soldiers comforts committee ha been formed to facilitate the sending of parcels to our local soldiers overseas this committee will function apart from any other organisation but cooperating with all who may be interested the executive of the citizens com mlttee organised to raise the george town allocation ot the rod shield war and home services 1 000 000 00 fund report success in the completion of the drive georgetown s abjective was 5uo and the treasurer was able to remit a cheque for tai 02 on friday last herald milton daykghl saving time in milton will begin one week from next saturday april 37th at midnight mrs aeorge boxman and two daugh ters laumne and burdette spent the week end in windsor and detroit where lhny visited hunter maude george e elliott barrister of milton was the guest speaker at the ouolph rotary club dinner held in that city on friday april 12th the 1st milton company have won uie lady bessborough shield tor 1m0 this competition was open to all guide companies in the dominion and was awarded for the best babys layette made by the guide marlon olddlngs second in swallow patrol did the main part of the sewing but eighteen ouldes took port tn making the layette cham plan iaamutvtiiuodirrhir tft sunday mrs w mlno has returned to lu r homt nfttr spi ndlng a week with ltme- hoiise friends stverol nf the yuum p iph attended tin spring kullv or tlu qutlph preaby tibial htld in icnox church gmlph on mondav night the sympathy of this oommunlty is cxtliided to mr crastor scott in the death of his suiter mrs r wood alo to mr will earli in the- hidden passing or his mother mrs w early the regular meeting of the ladles aid of the presbyterian ohurori was held on wednesday afternoon in the home of mrs j macdonald uflth a gocd attendance rev a h and mrs wilson have goueto samla to visit mr wilsons mother who u seriously 111 burlington mrs charlea cole received a cable on saturday stating that her daughter in law mrs cliff colo had arrived safely in england mrs cole left two weeks ago fto join her huband at aldemhot england the sevore cold spell and unusual weather conditions arc causing the grow era in the district considerable alarm frcealng of plants in hot bods on frldaj and saturday nights lust arc reported it in said that tomato and pepper plants suflrcd and several growers reported losses of transplanted plants at the regular mooting of tlw town count u on friday evening last mayor blair in sneaking of uie dog nuisance in burlington aakodcounolllor grant the- chairman of the police commlttei to do something to speed up the control of dogs at thx present tlmt they were running wild in the town the dug catcher s attitude is that the eoplc should tfo out and catch tlu dog for him and hold it until ik conus for it if he rondee lids to so do the largest real estate deal on record for burilngton was completed just ill pnwtnii trttti man estate sold the brant in 1 to john murra anderhon aid clifford h ken dall an area of historical interest ur roundb this important transa tlon that is also stated to be the largest one for hamilton district during the current year involving more than f 100 000 flgure on tuesday afternoon btcjcles belong ing to sulllr planer benny rosntck and douglas syer were stolen from pishers corners school chief smith of bur lington in the absence of constable hunt picked up a clue shortly after the bicycles were reported atolen and took after the lads the first bicycle was found near bronte and continuing on to toronto thechlef t picked up the one bicycle and two boys at new toronto and two more lads and the third bicycle just outside of toronto ooaeue the public health citizens are requested to comply with the public health act notice is hereby given that all reeid- enj of acton are required forthwith to clean their collars drains yards water closets outbuildings and other premises and remove therefrom all dirt manure and other substance which may en danger the public health and to have the same completed by the twentieth day of may next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a general inspection all citlwmj are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clear and thoroughly disinfected j b chalmers reeve of the municipality acton april 23rd 1m0 s shoes when you want shoes you want the bes men wi have jiddvd lo our stock i full rant of h ht bllcfs vc feel nou ihut vt li ve ui c f the best iks- of sho- that mouv can huv hart shoes sifter shoes john ritchie sholn valjentine-nsmvi-mmiv- shoes ladies shoes special for friday and salurttajvpril jbth27lh ladies shots in straps ties and oxfords black or brown specially djl ao priced at pair jlp actob exclusive footwear store mill street acton bratda v ii ufccdonaiid start saving now hum l uia ntilk nf llu uhuoii fnr iivuirln and all uirouali uw siimmar ymi oan ma up to an rm vry galun n aaalln ii you makr tha imkltlt of ming iom htau jah lllijk htar jah 1 6rac 1 4c him ttax plug tiv iloih uie highest omde sold to you fllnwt from an indetendnt hi fi vnn bavo on every oalliiii nnd get 1ip ivirformiin why 11 htrt now hlmlur hnvliif onqimllty moler oils sud itsrowwe blue star service station 111 nr mill and vixint mtrwu ja it iiauoiuvi ltii iufflrf lreesry thrift shopping news dutch bet onionh 2 25c domestic shorting 2 h 25c frih hulk b exeter ilrnnd carried heel 2 25c m ft roll wax paper 2 wondr wash tablet 2 25c quality courtesy iurri ureosry greens for tlllf wkkk end oribkn onionh llotliouwi taniuie i bap lettuce oeljaiy iikauiw ihitc lomatokb cuoumiibil nbw iotatoeh rtiirji ntrncir oannor nkw iibbtn obeem oanhadk piwilhil hprnaoii boitd ohionh i btiiawi1biuukh iied aironaim navel oranoeh lupt jiananafl pnapepnorr nsw pinhaiipub hiy att1jm weekend specials cajiiwyra i abtaiuloufl 1 io ceieny iieaitth io spinach real uuit navel oranges down ic 38 kretth hulk cokeeb 1 h 39c cottajie iikd jam ndr hiwui cream junta l luakr llrnd natural llran 2 fm kartyl lkarino air peek krean knumkii jiibcuits ltr up u 31r cutta 225c phone it we dtljveb lurr now is the time ford tractor with ferpson system to net thftt frd tractor 10 you will be all ready to start your spring worl when the land is ready the tractor is here oune in and talk it over norton motors ford salefi and service phone 69 preparing for canadian pot the fan or athlon reevnty selected as fcownor0nrml 6f csjudtt to succeed uie iste lord tweedsmulr pictured at work t his countr home dntntrldgp park neir baloombr busiest aided by his wife princess alice countess of athlone the earl and the countess are expected to ull fnr canada shoruy to take up their new duties for bigger business- advertise ilia hv a ciiftan otffonl ma mlnlur 1 1 00 a m mr it if otiampton tor- miiui reiinsntltig dm ontario inipr- aiuo ptkleralljtn 13 i ft pjn hut fjhurrh hua 7 00 pm tlw mlnlsinr h ii lllfisii hrum will iw uui un mim1hh1 1 imr irvabtitrrtuh knox t mmm airrou hvv ii i hfcnnik w a himuu fclansa will otrast huhtta aiftl 2lt li4j lion win ihrhtiuluuurb j 30 pm ids htikv 1 mat him uju 7 00 11 m j liruslt u n i all limes sf ftmat win 14 aundam tims tiwuimy uj fcu v11 hi daylliftit vlng imh lluf ilawjimt uu must afu mi ut a m 11m tin t aj wayh wvsjyaak jujioh oukv e i ayiil fasts hlltllia alliy ikki iw ii m fcowr rj usljur ilsllifvcrs 1iisuff tvjtti it y hi -muni- miuiciuat- mm pm cburrh hrta 7 jo im kvrt tlltf frtl itytc rondjrtid y tl jaatr tumjay hsui n it v 1 t vmlnesday km j in jtuytrr mt- a wkixx1 to aij unolafillfieo small advertisements a dili tl4 unlr t la litftitlnf ur up la h worda ic ur w4 it 1 nii r t4vsr m i tu it n4 ic nal r li word wantki airl for likisewortc kfrfimrrunred pre ferrrd ijve in ijox m kflei p1ubhm for haij elkht jlu wraiied apply tony elokiiorn it 2fl cancesirlim d roassubhweyu vou saije 2 yorkshire plipi 0 wrks m apply joifn illack phone 00r2 r it i atnn wantti1 olrl or middle oiimi woman as house- wrfl c e cltbmknt phone 75 itockwood hoi hi iv a ntt l want ti purcluut four or ave room huuiif reasonably priced apply h m mcdonalo phone 71 real estatn acton fou kaxk cartler early seed oats for n oood cltjn no i seed 6c per bushal pred denny phone d0r4 acujii it it no 1 acttn for rent two or three rooms furnished or un lurtiuhed aallahlr may 18th apply tajui kannawdi 43 2 acton cow for raw 0xxl durham and jersey cw young t n tested fresh one month wiu1krt jiafw phone itockwood i art i joo garqfn anyone onlrtni a bod uoxden may jbcam lanv by rklntf h apply after ihlt week u 1 mru kannawin i 43 2 acton ror hale i roistered shorthorn bull from ac credited herd sued 20 montlis oood condition for srvlce oeoroe biudokon phone 4ij dronte bronte for kai4 qac n 21 bsr ry i in thy seed n ird a falfa tim thy and net clover j vii j itx dfifiley pa i ts irish cowirrx tr- tsi of seed 4 j ihui r a tj acujii none r app cation will b trc i lor tp tiltion f trea irtr t n tlif lywnilp of bwjuesina at a uhiry f thrre lun drrd and hft oullsri er mium ap- pllfatlonj to be in tl e hand f the clerk on or before 13 orlcrfc nxn uondl may bth 1940 lvflewnrttt towns ul 1 c ffk notice be dooh at taau3e the by law nxjublrui owners of docs to keep the animals front running at lr durlnff tde months from usy 1st throucb 10 september isui u effecuve from utaae dates owners of docs are turtbv bou- flslit th provutofti of thu bylaw r not ohservmf that promculiotis will b msijtto r c hannop cilf of poum 1 1 vu

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