Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1940, p. 7

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tgpsmpay mm l4t the acton free pre paom 8bvm toe aavmg beloved thou art gone berorlltne veil i 5to shore uncharted and unknown by us who atay now through vision clear thou wwt th glories of jon celestial sphere to dwelt within the sunlight of that fairer ehore where he dost relan in endless dayl love mantle over all no night can ever come again to thee beloved we ahall not moum but walt in elmpj faith and trust until we too are homeward borne thy presence there a beacon hunt to lead tie on another link to bind ua closer atlll to jlm tjeathl there la no death beloved thou art juat away i twenty years ago from the lame af the free press af thursday april tlth 10 mr henry coe haa purchased a rc- aldence in toronto and will nhnrtly move to the city it la reported on ood authority that the council haa negotiated the purchase of wynne aplng for a source nf supply of water fiw the propoed wotemrorka scheme mrs jennie mcdougall haa disposed of her grocery and provlalon business and the fittings of the tore lo mr j qlbboni of georgetown it ib ald that mr lindsay the miller will open a hour and feed atoro in the premises mr it j namahaw hoi sold hla black amllhlnlt hslulnftwi r mr burnley of everett and mr numloy haa purchaaod the brick resident mr george nlus on park avenue a largo number of rclatlvea and friends attended the funeral of the jete darius warden at quelph on friday mr warden waa for many years a re- aldent of churchill and acton the lest few years he woe tile trusted foreman of the christie henderson lime and atone works at kelso the pallbearers were all nephews of the deceased al bert smith john smith fred nya william byder austin swaclchamer and joseph leslie the provincial legislature ly a vote of e6 to requested the dominion government for a vote on the importa tlon of llquqx into ontario as soon as possible mabbied ofleckkoolb on saturday april jlth 1000 at bethany church de trolt mich by the rev tr c w uowtle bthel daughter of mr henry cole aoton to mr robert oregg or brltbm mich t1if pbunino of yoitno afpti anb tbeeb young orchards of today ore the hope of the future states ii d b dllgh assistant in pomology dominion ex perimental station kentvule nb they must not bo neglected now either to pruning growth or insect and dueasc control if they are to give highest pro duction in the future pruning has a dwarfing effect on the tree and the grower should bear in mind that every pruning cut wlllundto re duce tree sum and fruit production nevertheless it must be regarded as an essential orchard practice as it is the only practicable method of developing a strong framework thot wilt support the bearing portions uu m tr future years therefore the amount of pruning given newlj planted and young trees should only be what is absolutely essential to the development of a strong framework pruning begins with the younu tree at planting lime to onset thr loss of roots ueft in the soli when uu tret is dug the practice of removing crowding branches so as to provide a modified leader type of tree with spirally arrang ed ecaltotd branchea u recommended over the old method of heading back alt branchea if this pruning is not done the greatly reduced root sjstem may not be able to supply tlie necesiury moisture lor the relatively large leaf boring sur lace and the oung im mns drying out if yearling whips are rlanled all buds to a height of 18 inches an rubbed oft all remaining buds are aliened to grow this makes for a large leaf development which results in a larger root system with a sturdier trunk it l vcar od nursery trees arc used the method of pruning la the same oh lor the whip that has been out a yrar bran h tt preeilserl hle branchea actons family ahbnm tnrnbiff over he pacts week fay week and looking on the facta of those who were familiar to many here in other yean do you know who this is last vvtfacfttlctline he picture in lust week n album wan that of the late thomas stotham n man who spent mo t of his life hi n ant built a successful baking business that was carried on under thi family until just n few years ago mv stathm waa a veteran of ttu civil war in the united state all tlw older readers w readily recall him only oncal till family now resides in actort tile other members btlng scattered in ontario centres and in the united state atcs the sunday school lesson i- or sunday atoil ihui isatah comf06ts an affuctkd peopuc ooldon text ood la our rcfiirc und strength u very present help in trouble psulm 41 1 lesson text inuluh 40 1 11 time about 713 d c place jer i salrm exposition i the coming daj of israel s comfort 1 1 tfho clod or the bible la the o ri if nil comfort 2 cor 1 3 ills rcveln tlnn to man the bible abounds in mes subtu of comfort to ills people tear nok ts one or thr mail constantly r currinir commandments of the word of ood jos 1 o isaiah 41 10 13 14 and manj other passages and he com mands his measenjrers and all ills peop c t comfort- other believers 1 thes 4 ib 3 cor 1 4 the particular messauc with which ood here commands isaiah tr comfort ills downtrodden and din tressed and brokenhearted people wot the declaration that messiah the lord jehovah in human form v 10 was coming to rule- on earth and be thilr de liverer and this is the very mwunoe with which ood through ills inspired apostle paul commands believers to com fort one another to day 1 then 4 w ib tor the coming of messiah here re ferred to is not his first coming to dit as uu atoning sacrifice for sin but hj second coming lo reign as kin and to deliver and shepherd ills people cf ps 7j whcn that glad daj comes the bless ed hope tit is 3 13 14 or israel as we 1 as or the church israels warfare that luu lusted through so many cen turtes shall be accomplished and sj finished forever and not until tluii then will be tlie dnj of universal and perfect peace for all nations isa 3 1- i but first of all for isratl zcdh 14 rom 1 1 25j7 1 all israel t countless utthderlugs from ood and israels sins shall be pardoned in that day and all israelites living in that day shall be saved rom 11 30 every isnulite shall repent in that daj a hen the lord jesus descends upon the mount of olives for israels deliverance from the nations that have gathered against jerusalem zech 14 l4i and thry look upon him whom ue have pierced crucified on mount caar zech 2 0 10 11 14 and eer sin of theirs sha 1 be blotted out and forgotten foreer isa 43 34 44 3124 that israel hath received double if jehovah hand dots not mean a doublf pundhmiiit but a double r nurd uau til 7 ii tin olory of jlhovah shall be revealed and all riesh shall sec it to xotlur 3 5 th voice of one that crlolh prcpor ye in tlw ulldemnu the way of jehovah wus john the baptist john 1 2 33 hi rump bcrore tht lord at his drat omlnu and elijah in whose spirit and tower john came may ulso precede him ut hii second coming not his coming for- his peopu in uir air l thos 4 u 17 but hi coming with his ualnte to the eurth for israels redemption matt 17 10131 verse 4 in to be taltcn literalv at lhut time the glory of jehovah shall be revealed it has almady been re vraled in nature ps 10 1 it has been more rully revea ed in the person oj tht lord jasus ut his flmt comlnn john 1 14 14 d but it shall be fully tevealtd when he oomes unnin col 3 4 1 john 3 1 2t what is recorded in tiitsc verses may appear very improba le but it ts absolute y sure for the miuut of jehovah hath spokrn it hi the word of our ood ahull fiiand forever 0b alt flush ull men and all mtn knowledge phi osophy science art hsl 1 in brass apparently beautiful for a fe v days but bound to wither the breail of jehovah bjowtth upon human p mr and wisdom and science and phllonnry and it ulthcrclh and tlie fair blow m of it all its beauty radeth but clods word shall stand forever cf mutt 4 1j hov tru hin has all provep to be already in history man most boasted bcltnunc and philosophical reasonings luive come und gone and tht sclentinc wisdom of yesterday is the laughing stock of today but the word of ood endures amid the crush of em plros and republics and phlldtophlra iv behold the lord jehovah will come as a mluhty one nnd his ami shall rult for him 0 11 the coming of the lord jesus 1u be the coming oflord jehovah those uho tell good tidings to zlan and to jerusalem when he descends upon the mount of olives for israel b dtllvcruncc will say behold your ood he ulll come as a miyhty one indeed as an almighty one stronger than all thlm a and all armies stronger than satan and all hosts his amlghty urm shall rule for him in that day he will fully reward and rieotrtp ne his people matt 16 37 ije will also be the slicpheixt of the flock in the new testament the lord jesus is uu good shepherd john 10 in in the ot is 10 11 tht lord jehtnuh is the good slien- herd who then is jesu evident j hi is oie lord jehovah hrt he appears ah the slutpherd of isril but he a so has other sheep than ltrre john 10 10 the lost prnjer in tlie bible u re klafest gvtll on kxukkutton now on mthjwuon at the queb zoo- lofflcl qarden near quebec city is a specimen of the ivory qui one of the most beautiful and rarest of the vulu ivory ctulu am inhabitant of the far north and because they are so exclu sively arctic white men seldom fa them lost winter however a number of ivory otilu arpeared along the north share or the gulf of 8t lawrence at traded by the operations of sea hunt- era specimens were obtained for the national museum of canada nnd on beautiful adult was captured alive nnd shipped by airplane and railway to tlf quecec zoological onrden w hci e it h now attracting wldcspreaj inicrtht this living specimen nos ibly the on y one of its kind in captivity in north america appear to thrive in its n w home and rots heartily of fish and aw meal but unlll the other uulla o th zoo t has so far been silent the plumage of the adult ivory n ill r of a striking snony ahitene s v in out snot or mark of color its jtu and ft el nre blnck and itn beak la chirflv riork but with a bright orange tip that inevitably attracts the eye of the be holder lernuse it is the only co or any where in this arctic birds ensemble ivory oull frequ nt the moat north erly parts of the world mating in mel vllle islnnd northern greenland and spltwrgen when autumn ct nen uu ire and know forces them to 1ml t thflr breedings grounds but thi y iih i lv no farthi r outh than they are t reed tn do up ndlng tht w inlrr uu ng th snuthnrn edge of iht pn k ice i spring lhy mov northward ha rapldl u the opjinlhg or tho northern feas im liakk t5ailottfl wagkfl in behalf of owners of oreat lakei vessels trmvera flweatman 1cc point ed out saturday that with the new wages now hi effect the pay in 1040 will be m per cent greater for deck hands and watchmen than in 10m it may be started frink y that the reason for the rapid advance since ld3t mr sweatmon added is that condition have been betting better in the orcnt lakes hipping trade while it can bo contended that the rate of py in ibm and in the yean immediately peedb e were low it also u a fact that the hip ping companies operated at heavy lauoj in those years some ownere kept tl i vessels lo operauon ma nly to povldt employment tlie statement kdded that the in creases for ratings othtr thon tie si ler icnt applying to de lhnnds m uulchmen are 411 cr cent fir wh ejt men and olvre 31 per cent rot first cooks 63 per cent fo firemen and u per wt far tweond ttfxjut the lowest pey utle year is 108 per it nth for second cooks board valued at not lea than 30 per month is in addition to tlie monthly cash pay tlie advertised rates are 103 50 for deckliands 70 ttir watch men 8 for wheelsmen ho for are- men us for oilers 117 50 for first cnolb and 05 for second cooks seaside holiday hasrcharm and appeal oitting niws oit an amerl an pn human arruine with his monthly rair to send ht n ports from oermnny in blue ink if true unl red ink if fa e the frn wrl t n i i blue ink rrtn iu follt ws no gnmhltng unity errwhrr n nvictlon of victory pood ls 1 1 ntt ful ho are raw material red i lk l the only commodity uno talnnblt 22 jo nnd it may well be our p ay r ulno and it would be leads praver too if b indues in port had not happen ed to israel until thi ful nam of lh ocnttlth bi come in rom ll but when the fulneiw of t le oen tiles if comi in then inra will tue und w ii clearly b h id jel ovah isus as their ood v i and no a i ihtiel then living n tin tar hi tha i b uved rom ll 2fli in tint day t e lord jesiik hajl come cut of zlon t e de llverer and he shall turn owav ungod llnrnn from jacob iromars ll 2ft cf la ml 20 21 ntj of tho fow rcmafninn frontiers of unspoiled vacatlonlnnd in to imj found in nova scotia and now mrutihw irk w here splendidly appointed rewirtn dot tlie ponecful inland eoun t r hide nnd the sandy inlets nnd rock hound promontonca on tlie cniuhlinc i ho maritimes nnturallv air con lili ihxi by cooling salt laden ea i rttzeh are ideal for every 1jmi of i iidn anil are rich in historic in t rent and in truly hcautilu and iftful hcenery i rom saint john tl e irincens heli no takes vmlh rn mui the hay of 1 uncly to digliy irt iiresqie gate to nova hcotia most popular way across the 1 ruvniec u the 1 vangrtine llouto of the dominion atlantic itniluus new ilruniwick b most imipulnr resort in st ndrenhy lietsia ovi r looking hlun l ha tim alarintiuiii until tin re h the scene of hiiinim r fun and njwirth aetivitiih en it year for thmimnndu from luttirn nnmlii tin i iutel states nnd 1 nglnnd lwn hpli uthd golf enunteh haty h f vi n in re tin sheltered wuti nt nf thi ilhv and tin warm tuindu cmnhinn to nmk tin ideal nwiinining h nc d iuiih court h lihhing and hunting in hi tuuin ntiil interenting eoiintry to i xplon urn the outstanding ntlrnetionn in nova scotia the historic vim with the scenic for attention ener gi tic swtrts unit tlm comfortiihln mtliargjy of a arm weather ore found side by h11i nm ni ither of tliem incongmoiih nniuallis inn nt hi nt- vllle renin of he vim im lis valley is an i h tl mj i fr in w li h i vii w the iiuiguihii nt jiplf illohruun i en- tlvnl i irly in june ur for vihiin to druil in lit nm i f 1 vuiigi line nt any time i wo pirtirulurly p ipulnr nnndlnn im ilu nnirts right ilnvvn hy tliex nmde ntt i lie iinen nt dighv opt n from ju i jh lo si pi mli r 7 and i hide inn nl arm mlh open fnim juno jh in si pti nih r 0 i hoti frrnplin mw hwiiiiiniiig and l i t tin iklivili m i vutig tin liurch nt nuid in noil ii n iini n nt ihghy i canada navy keeps supply rout to britain open r lllnb up lo their tradition of being the silent sopoloe the canadian fa ed by the mm of ills majnntya itoyal canadian navy at they i u r t lar nav ts urlml pursuing us duties in the atlantic and paclnc protecttne th ukly unromantlc frelghurs which carr ltal supplies to britain in an m cr t udlng stream throu h water a here orrman submarines in the last war pre d haoc among allied shipping submarines and mines are not the on dantier out in uu atlantu ulrcrajt u a nea danger of this war atxl canadi i failors must rrr bi ip the alrrt for an attork nim thr sky ah- urd if f thi can adian dntrotrn on conoy duty these giuini rs urr hon jthiy man if i ijirtr guns and supl the hky alth krrn eyi for any signs 11 hostllr ulrrraft hlcli cortw out at right or ule ang es llh the leader are selected mr uie frameaork the lowest branh about 38 inches from the ground and other alx to eight inchaa apart arranged system atically and spirally above this until ave or sis such aeajiold branches are tal- itohcd subsequent pruning should be light only those branches having a de trlmeroal effect on the future shape it the tree should be cut on remember that early bearing jlew and sue of ihe tree are largely determined u the pruu- lng methods practised after the frame- vork of the tree la established musgs and skeeter j sav eppie oont e 1 you think we ought to go down and wake up tttemtt ibnodtttem tofatcb jii5t tlttt old chum by wally blghop

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