Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1940, p. 7

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j- nnmooay may oui ioo the acton free press paom jwvxn motiiebg day every day u mother day for mother ha a task to do prom monday mom till sunday nln t her work or ui u never thraiinh every day u mother day her love for till from tone to find u alwnyn prnaent in uie home a happy ml1e for ias and lad every day is mother n day as oar creepm on her foouup mown her hnndji are frnl rr thin of yore but ku11 her ion or us she hhows every day in mothers day on thai ul id lilmrr beyond the lld for umrc tin mothers w hnm w e lov ed await tu on the other hide c fatrevt it twenty years ago i mm thr iiwur of the irre prewn ttiurwlay may lllli 1d20 runcy prlci arc he mt linked fir st i i potatoen jmt now dr coxti fliu niw inrui m muin street in now bt inn pushed foiwurd lo nm romp etlon the hydro fcjet trw dt purl mint of the corpora tl n ha jurrhiiaed u nw tor truck to fatllitnt th work f llu i purl nu ni in tow n ulue doukiha ciiawfll 2 mr old tin of oeorfti chaw 11 wiia m tuntlv ill i by lhi 11 in o i it iniin in halur forenoon ilk x r htllt til im h til wandered on lo lh tiutk trim tht h r n sn tu st reel thi unveil i nit of thi mn iiinn ni ui ilu memory of their comrmhh who re 1 ir action by mi inherit of tin acton ci real war veterans association mu hi id n sunday afternoon thr lawn of un floldlera memorial horm wiw lnxed to accommodate the lurtte iialhcrmk lhh luuicmblpd rev j johnston aim ik a returned aoldier di liven 1 an imireiuilve address j i cooruy dcm mid thr imnwi of the acton soldli rn i n tin monument and then unvdled it d1fi mr isaac at 1 birch avenue llamil ton on tuceday vfay 4th 100 alex moisoac eldest ron of thr late john mc isaac in hi 03rd year s actons family allium turning over the pages vcelc by week nnd looking on the fnccfl of those vho were familiar to mnny here in other years do you know who this is the sunday school lesson kir sunday may 12lli 11auaickuk fig lira ninouoii doubt to paini chi ill n ttxl tin rluhuoiik shall hvi h fillh hub 2 4 umiii tod habakkuk u 4 lit iid uk i 1 1 id about lioo bc jt illsllll 111 pxpnaitmi 1 1 4 p 1 11m irophi lh pruvt i uisl lllkv 1 l fiin hi i it v vi c uh 1 1 1 m a i i 1111 tlf tlj1 iavt whks ricti rf l in is i umiv rt c numtd i count us unit ot llu luti will in it numb nd iptxiulh r lib rift to aden of t midline m ai ti n i n in itlj nnd known in th lh was t i mar acti n mid spe il ida inllrt lift in the canadian war effort l urrlilv ltetew of development 4irni thr home i ront heck of april 26tli to may iri 1ortst fir ixssfs niniii i purtwt fire jrwtertk n uu nrleh in cim ad a did nood uork in 1030 mrnrduin lo aureti compiled by the dominion porejil service of thi dipurtnunt of minis and rrwiumi whlth rimuj tluit tin m j hiirahle dnmam and iom from oi h flren for i hi jc ur iiniouiiud to nni i2 720 3j1 thh rouiptur kith iui uvit bi likm of altiihlh lth hull llv mil lion dol uih ii iur loi th tin mhi perhhl 1010 u ihtw n in uh uim d upon tin mone k nt in ii tiiul lh i rtbhunu and uhhi uh htiimpok v ui of the limber whlth would hr un rnwl to thi iiiuinirkiiis hud uh tinil i r bi n iltmwd s ifumun uitints t irtnl nt u r c nl of ciuiaduh lnrl tnt duiiiu the itn tar pirlod ending itr3 niutti i i eampflrei iuiimhi 0 ir tint of thr fumi curelehji smoker is in r mi i tiers churlnit hriii irltmk ut of it n trol n m r nt mid imindmrv ilis amounted to d pi i tint nttitn in rent of thi fori si ins mi- simiid l lluhuilnu while rtindll ions um sonn hu l in the dlfti n nt pnntnria in cunu1 i ii u w hnli mhv bi ufluullj thi nnil im nth of the i ar frutn thi mutit t f lew ot uie number of nres and an a burned ocr in the period tiefore nr rui a lion comea up and bpforr tjie limit conn out on thi deildw us tnrs uie e ih an abundant mipph of diad muteriul n the tiroiind in thi ahhi n e of rrc quent rahu thu materl il bt omia t r dry and tovldes deal fuel for thr in rrption and rapid prt ud of mirfme fin on the nvrruut more than 2s per oent of the forest nrtu or ur in m aiurual prttuihh uir worst month from the vleimtnt of dnntnte to thntiti sllkhth leh than 2s per ent of the n i normally occur m this month i ut i t umiaua quite drmnuthe to t i il i x r rimlfenn forrnt in a h teinintiirr pre i it- i in hkhlk economy and p1nancl hon j 1 ilouton mlnlmtr l fm mi i di nled n hru of a landing d minion uar loan 1 hi rr uus ubst hit ni foiin tut ion fir anv miiii ri jmrts hi di t lured nu dtuninlon wus roniemi ltlllk thi issjt if l i inn t f war builmts crrufuatih as had t i n uiinouni w si mi turn im ton tin s t r lilidih wiuld b piobablv in dint nun am iih if 1u dollars and niultl lis ihiiiil ubnh hon id appiul to lh i i siious of nvfitiinittualh jhkuhk iav mlulll sii111ks 1 111 d k11 timnt ll ml inlimtihtl its pushing ftuwaid p mn r un i mil and nit i r lhi m an oini r in ct null rupilns n it hi ii 1 1 of fniiki runttu to hi 1 sim h holf liiis to aiilhoilnl dinltrh of t i hiiiuil bi hiinti tontr i ii at i i h n 1 jill t das followiiif vi i m h t i tlons hail txt n pitnldiit in um of tht intluidials nnd t r inwilli fon ikn t hnnn h r normal bustin ti nuarlions intuidid im mi ihs ar 1 1 usui ii lire ronitinles nnd non uslii i nt bi ii cl i s of canadian banks i r im cum m tiiult r th ti rms of thi rd r int hidih bank nt u s m siai m ti s nutjji ord rs t hitiui s i r i 1 1 1 r ihiquim itturs if iiitil antl ban linimii i sn ipllt in qriut britain art i xh iii i 1 aln a 1 pnhmlnarv ihiii i tin ii ns ft r m inlnrtted mipp y hai ubup with the ix5iices or it proitriui has biin mode to dutt with i he- biltlah common wtnlth air training plan jamen s dtincan acting depuiv mlnlnltr of nuttnnnl defi nee ft r ii fcertres told tin executive of thi c initdlan week newpupcrfi hi i ac r t d tht m on prlrinv may 3rd v hlli t hey w ere in otuiwa for confer 1 i nice conl rar lo much talk now in urtt mu i lhfls this i huih isll l rtrd sn- rd i n fit ts w u fli thi tt ns natl n f tortitn lor tin purport t f xpinditu from llu war hi miuri s of lhi k id and fort im i rhjuiti 1 1 stri of lit bank of cuun u nit t int tnuisft 1 1 i lo the pontn enchant cwitol boird til ui m t fleet tin pub lr and prlitil holdmus are broiihl tlhln the i t huntre fund opt rated b thi frn n ext hiuibi control board subject ti tin direct ion of lhi vfinlswr of ptmnct tins action ihim dateh b miiiiv mi mlus similar measun s udopttd in thi btitsh ooumminl in k plembi r 1bj1 trade situtthmundllni thi im itl ktnt om uicon an tt mint b win h milli is f p unds art shiivd 4kh t t t is a sunhis f pt rk pndiits in c iniidn thi nactll bouid ly cipctinin isi i with lhi pi hlun ilihiukh t s t p t i habakkuk pniplusled btfoit ih i mli hi aiis u prohit of ciimi at a lint oi i itn at national ummtus uk mt out is stpnibh lt rminal im init i dim t t in plaint to clod i out i fnlnt thi pn miiiihb wit kitlut y of lh piojtli and nwullnu im smtrn s ui ihi mopii on thtviti titudt of llod hi sptaks to lod on hi half oi 1 tin n and in sxukt to nun on ht half itud inah 1 is itotmuim 10 ll id habakkuk l mllllel vir llu hilt net f tltut m thi rmiin of mi miifh t v ll 1 in t up of inlult m i ins to bt f ill tin i null bi in rations nf spiritual di rllin w ith on an iki isioiuil hupiovi nu nt us in tin iiibils of htiklali and ioslth tudah hud nt hltadilj down tin iiioial and ftpuituul wait i hi propht t hi art is burdt in d i 1 i his iikhsiibi in a burdi n lutaiisi it is i lnhttti u ith tin jlidimnnt of clod m tin riiilhiut and ll lavs luavlh on un propht ft in trl b a n hi hi knowh it ls i ipiajlv db lasti fill to a mi nihil lod flu wordn ihut follow an a pram r i ht prti in t crltfi unit ood oncirnlub tin wxlminci of ht murh vll about whlth tht lt rd mini 1 kiip auiihi lit irk out but ood dots not hi i m ui hiur tv t tin rt in uoltiuc bui thi 1ord will not mivt clod opi u thi proplw i k yen to lhi uldtaprtad i vll but tin dlvlm law in hbuk and juduim nt mir set ms to conn fortll thrtk r tin old problt m which fncrji ood h mtpie in tin inldhl of prt vull liib u it ptxlnenn wi art faced with tin ctli net of ood bv thi vi ry faplrit oi chki which tnu chrisilaiih pohsewi thty art t n ibli d to mi ln in all it dtudh i thi plan hi further declared tin in as nnd powtr mort clearly than do l rum wus bi tiih curried out entln y otht r tin viry im ult nuts of m ret i nrdani with thi prent rlhcd ani lion only tmrtust un dlffitulty whin i i re arraiibid hi hi lull tlioiiminds upon ihhk of tin silt no of clod ihroiikh ds tf mm w rt at work fwr it all w run will undi rstand tin ion n cum u wus plamtib its part dltlon of lhi pn phi l whin hi prayed id im iilhtl iiixin lo do m in a thls piavtr thinfiri ukt him ui f 1 1 1 wind hi s ui tin im atetl siinlt i mstltlfd ot r tin si i mliib mat ll n ot i nti rpi is ca inula has t it known is i clod but tin ud in not slack eon la im tied and will under way uriilim his pn inisi as sotm mi n n mil in ui pr v isii n has btin hindi said mm i in but 1a it nisull rlnj to iia vlr dum an i ir approxlniiili l 110 muni not willing that any should cilbh fi nnniltins ind unita to hi tstuhlslu 1 bill that ut should toiui to rtptntaiut fit in n mi stolia lo british columbia i ii it r i ji tin lonu ufli riiib l iro imt nt tot th t atjibllshnii nt f clod ls inl a naltr 1 1 iusini for hlnful ut it us si hiki s ii odromi s and equip nu n u tonu to ra nlnnet iulluit to nu in dtpits ntrt unnoinuid h tin hi i d mu ii biatnus patltnti milv la- s fit pa 1 1 nu nt of national d fi net a up in ston a km ati r udtnu nl nl tin sinin mmiik frdiiol will bi mi ip nl i nd i romans j llu nils was tin mart too albt i la w ith n lit f utrtxtrnnit s ium of isrin 1 kinvs 17 7 hi and until t a 0rum m aljtrla and pt urci alber a ludali j ciuoiikiia it is i7l and it b princi fdwiinl inland will tonirlbuit to trtiln to bt tin umi wltlt hardimd hit traliitm of a hint n w ith lhi cren indllti rt nt n bi ulous and unrt im iilant ll n il n rl pvliik rrilnluk s hot 1 slnntrs john 1 3it it biimmi rsldi i bnmblnu and own ii tin answt r or jtluniih s 11 ni i sih 1 nl chariot ti tvwn pt lulhin tht n pl to habakkuk s pruvi r taint tin itiatitn of tht nms ai m nihd for ultlmatt as a miuki of wurntnfe lo tin at rodronu slti 1 ht in tin in rdnmu tin nallt n lod m it thi m us ulreinh for tin summcriildt school will bt di a peoplt tllsx rbttl unioni tht nations il pi i at st pltanorh wilh n lit f n 51 and whllt undt r uilh iniit judk at ulromi s 11 1 m mnt pi asant uid wi 1 mi nt w hit h tht j hud alwavs brfort mutton i hi m as a win 11 1 nu from tht time of ihioiikh tin coopt iiillon tif llu oo mius idtut fl fh lit oiki will w u c tnu is of tin uuucrhliv of mimlubu u work whleh tht will not btllec how no t winltsa fathool will ht islnhllshed ptthtattitl and mu lllmur unbelltvirn can in wlnnlpib in lhi st idt nls rt sldmct bt as jimis lold in tin parublt if t thi unlvermly prmliloiut will be dlvts and ijijirus it out went unto niadi hr a upncltj of om thoiihund iht m from un had thi will not n airmen to bt trained is wlnlisj o t c v nt 1 luki itl j7 31 om has lh nlor miirrnui dttt conn from tin uravr unto tht in ordtr that each trnlnlnu com hurdineil hlnnt rs of our d for jtsus inand istiibished in caiindu under tin i rlstn from tht dtad and is staled til britlah commonwialth air tralnliik n ru hand of ood mu rectum for pan hould be m if miftident in reapcet those who haw n r nted and aubmlttetl t ecpiipmint nnd supplies it ha been h tt mnl futuri to hun t romans the ted tt istnbllsh an equtpnunt di pt r h but en thin wonderful work of npaiilatc people of judah it vnn uraphlc forecabt und nhould liave awak ened nuftlcicnt reverence for the right eous judgments of ood to have ted the people lo change their manner ot life but nln in both alluring and blinding it- leads ua certainly to death n tlie ttrnce if jcfus christ lead to eternal lift iromann 0 23 iii habakkuk a new int ion of jt ho uih 1 12 2 4 lo undt rnnind tin count 1 lion of thtne two vt rieji it ii nicirthnrv to rtnd nil tit mli ivt mm words i hi prophet be nu of the most vnluiihlt intcrprt uitlomi l jehovah it mi s 11 im as 1 leiunl antl holj bt t mist of thin hi exivrt sw a miratut that ood b pionlthth will ml fall nnd ill udmrnltt will bi eorrtc thi men may be persistently mnful bill tht j un ml j vveuliie 1 in l for tin l r own enuingli mi nt somi tlnnw i hey will be caught sin and nlilnenl cannot endure only jilmvah enmircii because jle in cverlaitlng lleb 7 24 prom the pravt r lefillmony of tin prophi we pass to n n ply from jthnvah and in tin ntati mi ht in llu tnunclntlon nf the fundamtntal prlneljilr that the jiihl ah ill 11m by faith thi is the ct nl rut tht mt iiinnl m throuj h all thi bract of otd ii in what math abrnliain llu frit nd of clod ilhimaiih 4 l it irnnhfoiuim daild as 11 tt 11 oi i ib aliit ii id ii l ih fi i uruliib in honuiii 4 iljtln t t our j11mi it pi hu ipli thr trni 1 7 rfii fires el bill id lultr 1 sh bui ids if t hi iil tt tip whin td kint h tu 111 t irh f tin four art as ton t rned knut 11 mn sinners refiue the re ptpots t t 1 similar chancttr art aj maindtr 1 f this puaaukt it 11h of tht renrt un tuninv im ie- the ifmii war miuib of un chaldtuns lo distroj tin orvanintli 1 h f tht trail nt f instnit 1 is 1 pi fi n 1 kiint c is is 11 in adiuil l4itn wurhirikis int wus 1 11 t 1 k t s tt lull dt wi pirk oliiwii nir istitl h hit di partnn nt f nallt nal u 1 1 r i 1 insiiu t rs f r dt f 11 1 his starlit 1 nati nil tiun iran it in ui i c s f mils 1 111 it 11 to cdntiitt cnntliiuis in tin dm mm tin c h 1- nd f tin kt r 1 u mp iu ut naval milium and n t n 1 11 at t mil t a nits u- f 1 iimltirs duriiu m utimi n mrii rt imnii r iriiniij n un p 1 t s it prt v nt ulli 1 u 1 1 1 n til t i ui 1 mn rurtatin mln 111111111 11 win h inirht 1 pi kid up un hi ir h 1 tm 1 si 1 i j t t m ui nt und rt laved it ot r 1 11 dr i cc llu direttitiii of in un tin pasurs prlnlxt 111 ttiuuc i 1 ir sni es iht 11 n c t i ra 11 11 till ihis iimpkiikii rend bi dire 1 iht vih 1 ion rm un knights ful io 11 it dlscu v inn il mihhiri r ct im is tin mc ui d t t cin tu i rtt mattt rh fiocn not betfin uirrc he has nowlmnt to 1 ruin ood npcaka to un throuqh iui woui rnd exptctn tu to accept it o llm ii hi 17 tlt word urn us that ootl hint hia bon to die for ft lost an i sinful race molui 3 hi romann r 7 111 ii tletlarvk llial the ono wllo dli d rout from the dead and ajtconded into humn and all who rejmiit of thotr aliih njid put althtn him will receive 1 1 uuil jiisllfhution and lift 1 11m 1 hi ail h 111 iu htv ft b 10 i ht war tatabllnhmont of the royal cnnndliu air force hoa bet n incfenaed iv niarlv 14 000 according lo igurca fu- nished by uu department of national di h ncc tlio total pcrnonntl for which provision has been made lit now 30 400 1 r u imm 3 400 nrooiyisarb and 3b 000 firs allium hi 1031 llu re win 100 nmccrn ant iui nil nu 11 in the r c a p for mother perhaps von ire looking loi miiiii tr appropridtr fiilt lor mother on mother la ii von winl sonittliiiifi unusual snmrthiiur lliit vsill tlive her pleasure lor manv da- tliroiirhoiit llu- eais lo eonie we siijriresi copv of actons early days fler all most niolhers do enjov reatlinj the stories of oilier las times vvtieii they were active in the eomnumitv es most mothers will enjov rcailiiur and rereatlinji vctons rarlv days antl von could rivt- them no more appropriate lilt on mothers dav order qniy from the acton free press price 250 postage 15c extra ja 1 jiey cscmj up md tih- weir ut evs that wcv lu have curiv hair if twev eattheir crusts nsnjfi uik6 that

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