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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1940, p. 2

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the acton prbb press thursday may ioui itut qllf r artdtt rtt rtm pulilliliad every thuradsy kl actim onimlu subscription batehj par year advauca unllad hlataa too adrilllansl slnilt capita o both old nil waw tlilraaaa aliould b ln wlian cutwga of euura la raquastatl cancellations- wa and that noil ol our sub acrltiara pit not la liava tltwlr auliacrlpltona latarruptad id tsaa l hay 111 to raiult tialore aaplralloa while ub acriplluaa will not b can tad tn avfara tivar ait aalamttd pariad yat nntaaa wa aia noilaadmd carnal w oaiusia i ha atiliamtiar wtaliaa ih aarvlc continual advkutihlnl itatkson i una hivo in vnl ut vulumn haattlnga allht uuti avary pracattlli n will ha takan to svaltl arror tlia prae rraaa accapla advarllalng in ita column a on tlia iniuratntllng thai t will not t llatila tar ny arrt r in any advrluml publlahad jiarwuntlar unlaaa a prool aucn aitvarluamabt la raquaaiad in writing by itia arivaitlaar and lalurnad in tlia vraa traaa buautaaa ntti ajiv ignatl by i ha atlvartlaar am with inch arrer ui citiakllona plainly houd id writing ibarton ami in that caa il any arrnr ao aulad la noi corrected by tha praa liaaa lla hal lilt y ahall not act aucb a proportion el tba antlia tt at ol audi ailvarluaraant aa tba aaia occui lad bv tha m wd ttiu iri lo tlia whi la spat oicuplad by iiih ailvarluaiaant aid of nil is fiiiui tmehunrs kdkttiui ail 11 use care perhaps it is btttttisc it ih tht hrst holidu of eummer or perhaps it ih just an old custom at an rntc il sctms ntccssnr to eelohrutc victoria day with u bang its a privilege thnt none who hiivt iccollectiorii of bohood das want to dun the youngsters of to day even if the celebration does ca it tin foi some tune in advnnce of the holiday hurt is nisi a ord of liiutiou ptrhaps nttts sjir when hrtworks im set off he vei mrelul thnt it is not in at hutldinrs or that hritrnclurs an not thrown so as to iniurc persons or propcrt if thest muttons arc obstrid b ounj and old in one u ill hut a rood tunc and tht n v ill hi no rcrrets and so as you celebrate with llreworks use care piirtnts uin do a rood deal to htlp in this respect b pointing out to children the danger of ureiriuk ers or fireworks when wrongly used the can curb dangtr loo if thc vc ill teach the children hou to set off the flrtcrnckcrs in thr wa painful accidents can he aoided and property dnnrcr-t- minimized tiy are hatbltml a week or to ago mem how of the eueoutlve of the canadian weekly nowrfpapeifi aflfloclitlon met in ottawa during the vlit the group rtiprehontu- tive of all parts of tho dominion were gimatit of graham t towers governor of the hank of canada that dinner is clebtrlhed as he highlight of the gathering as the howmaiivule stutettmiiu puts it messrs ralston aiid towers however took down their back hair talked completely off the it cord told us with astounding frankness the inside story of canada s war effort on the dollar front and gave tut so much loiilldentinl informutfon fearlessly that we were mtuta moie than ever before- coiihcioiis of the power ihc dignity and the place of the cnuntiy newspaper in a free democracy it wasa high com phment to our profession and to our organization it was a demonstration of extraordinai confidence and it will not he abused it was very interuating to peruse i a it week the account in the various weekly ntwspnpeih ot thib vim t in ottawa we know person ally most of the editors on the incentive as we served on this group only a short time ago ii is therefore encouraging to hear that now that tht know the inside stoiy hovv well satisfied they tire with c anada s war clfort this confidence was expressed by eveiy aclotint ww perustd the itrgus news keloid sas alter all we havtnt much to tell you we ic utiiiid mi might like to luai it but so would our uumics who might i nil it even in a little newspapei like this so well tell you a few things which we found inleiest ing and which art not seliets and ask you in take our word that we are not only completely siitttfltetl with the canadian war effort but we know how hard iuui faithfully these men are working and we dont think anyone else would do il hettei 01 as well and the brampton conservator makes this com mont after hearing what these gentlemen had to sin we are ready to aay that canadas war llnancing is in strong and safe hands col knlstou at consul trable sacrillet to himself is doing n mighty line ob in this department col ralston gave the group some idea why he is ready to make this sacrifice for canada he is an enthusiast for freedom and liberty and he is willing to do his part as the soldiers in the line arc doing theli part to see that this freedom and liberty is preserved for the canadian people these are days when we need confidence m our lenders i hose who have bet n privileged to peek behind the scenes have thin confidence that evlrv thing is being done to have tlust ansurances at this mm is verv help fur at least we found n so k0itok1al notls a wcikh feature ot lin i hi i jm ss on ingt si is headed 1 he an ad inn vflffr i dot t it iture ot 1 in i ki i uiu ss ll 1 he canadian 9mr iftoit bnetlv sumiuants the activities of nntuhi in this gigantic struggle i he production ol the vim oils items of conctll t rated milk in cnrinda during i ehrunry un ailed 270 017 pounds an increase ol s7 pe r cent over i chniar a uir ago what will we xn a letter received this week from ptt eddie jamison reminded us that we hint heard ery little about baseball actiit in acton this season a visit to the park does not rteal any great activity either kvc know full well that the game has been declining a bit in enthusiasm and that those who attempt to make it a success have many a headache before the season k oer wo imagine that just such a headache us being experienced right now by baseball ofllcials in toron to a winning team or a team capable of making a bid for the ltadtrship stems essential in tverv sport suroh in this commumu where baseball hns held w so long acton will be peprtsenttd again this eor eddie jamison and other bos ovtrstas will be waiting in the dugouts to read of what is going on in acton in spirt circles we hope we can kttp them interested lookurg ut tht growth e very where in cvidtnic after tht nun and the warm weathct on monday it is easy to understand why thrs season is very up propnateh called spring the steel tiilvtrt that enmc in the night and re mained near tin i ui i im ss omit for several days slipped nway during sunday night again and wt still have our sidtwalk drainage problem of some seventy varieties of maple trees found in ihi world only ont the famous hard or sugar maple whost beautiful leaf is canada s national em hltm yitlds sugar in eommcrical quantities tendency to small commiinitidih thomas rata who is establishing a ntw common it about his factories at frankford is another who believes that the da of centralization of all indus tr in the big cities is over in a newspaptr mttr mow reventu he said the time of mdustr pnl in the large centres is ocr i think people tn the rural parts should be given the opportunity to make mone too also t is healthier both for work and play to be in the countr that is one reascm why we tried to find a beautiful location for our factory we who live in the smalltr communities have al ways felt that the c dweller had a disadvantage little time and no expense is incurred in going to and from our work likewise it takes little time to get to and trom our plav recreation centres are all within walkjng distance and acton has most of those either in the town or very close thai are to be found even n the ettv more and more there are men in industry who are believing as thomas bata thai tho day of de centralization of industry is over as witness of this look at the largo industries that have been es tnblished and grown just outside the city and each year the radius goes further back t h i tie thought that when we commended the niot to lorm a business men s association in acton that we would be chosen us us htnd rut uppnrently mime of u never learn thai tht proper technique in a bout for the community is not- to- lead with your chin what others say nature gave us two hands so that we might gathejlwith one and dispense wjth the other goose lnkt sask herald the essential technique of government in berlin as in moscow is unlimited propaganda p un limited terrorism william henry chamberlin a manufacturer ot wooden hoops ays he is os mg money every week owing to foretgncohipetition it is a disturbing thought that it does not even pay to make ends meet nowadays saint john tele graph irwin bretz head of the vctst fairview pa munmpa1 council resigned because i didnt want the iob in the first place every night someone called about ashes dumped in the street or dogs fighting i hadn t on enemy in the world before 1 took the job now i must have at least 50 baltimore sun ontario news olllie week by murju ualxiuu oiut of uin iimitut of iwrliiiiiidh itur luu tliu ittfintu tit tho nuxt tow wftnkjt will imi in rovltiw urn lmuiimi of gaiuula luuiittiiouh inultr tlui war moauuivj att i iuth luivn u tin tutaumiicu fiiim olhiwb llmt itilfj will tui mitlmt nut willi ntif j in utility wui ihiw unfuliud tiu u uli ittitl uin tuly urn uitiu u liluturluiu 1iiii tlnut fniiu tin onul witr of kin 1uiu thbi iiiuuliy in linn with mil alllitt luin nun lu if r 1 1 im wllli tlltl itulltullldlt uutl wl 111 111 ud tllllll iiuliuiiu lii i lii lit dtli f hlh linluu x in n in ilk i ly 1 inn hi rim r imi lunirnn imiiiiii1 ly llu tniuitllnn govt hiiik ul lu mi in it thiil uin wur i ftm i lu ml hlllllm ltd llv ui1v ihlvt llllt ii tin wllllll i in ihiinliilim mil lnimilit hy llmi uc llvlllth ui rut my uumli tn llu imuiuitl mi lulk ol tllliuiu at lurtfi hut ii ht i niu wt un mllll whim llnl1 lu nml hum 0 tlrult iilihulo uf tniu liiiut hiwiinlb llu i in my whim ii win until nun x1 unit llu hi ii bill uv mint ill with lirlnuluu biwii liltlulluii prnvuiliiu fur the di nil i imlty in i mi rim iiimb ut iplimtt nr niilnihi olhiwti imluul itl mini ollli lully that cxinmlu wiu nut ii nhljlt iiiiu idlluuiuu mill hit ntw iiiiki whs rtviuliil imly lltm luhl wnk whin ufl i r u cuhlnet nieollnii hi r itniiltti r uiiikiu a iiuillloii in lit liuht uf illturii in vim tun ul llulltinil lit luliini and i urn inlwmru r klim uuniiiilu til i hut iirtuln nlrtin wiir imiiiiu litkt n by whlrli cumulu wtmlil ninth i hllll mint lu lp lo ihtt a 11 if h in niuklntl llili iinnuiiik t mini mi kluu nulit ho iinild mil h ii hiiitdluii lllvtnn wind uhlt hit ln wl rt flir lltvtlllut itllumhim cunuitu in exlitniuly viilliirubl ui ttftli i tiliiinu t if nrth til i un my uut nln luxuiuv ir litr frliiully n imikhiaiiiim willi llu oullfd hliiltji in unit mini iry it in nliul udniliilalrutlim wuinnt kotp itiimiii nyniimtlilriita under llu ohm nt i ui in y whh h would lit hi mil ltd iiiidd ui in r t in uiimlumih and ilm t wi nit diiluu our iilnuuit to rn loiiniitt louilit liuhli tn in llu dulud huilt a ll 1m miiu tt un i uy mu lit i fur i m mi ii ii i nth li in t lulu tiinndii iiiulii tin uhimi if iulltd htnu i lllwiiwlilii i hif in nut munition wlilui limy lvo likuilut us hiiiiu i mux fur i ii lice rn dinlnu ttn it mi ul itvltw n tht mtimlliii al llu in uuut hun ni4nuih i ut iw iiiirnif ti tuki un thin phiuu- uf tin imliliiii llthn w kitp imtrhll nr i iuiil in tin v un ill pn tnt ulnim ll i liitlti in llu iiih ii su of litiilhl nviillli r wt ri lullnlwtt vlnlhnti nun h mori itntly iii llu llllilirli i hllilli milt i v all thlh in ilitllutt on llu usbliinp mi ll thnt tin uulttd hlulrt will mitt liiillliil it llu nwiltly thiuiynm il tun it nu1 ituuitrvmi it in liimi t tiluiuld nuililt llu ttn il in luldmirluu lthllillr llltu tin war thin primiit tllllk ullli w nil dlvmilvi ilitn tuny lit tin i n- ut in nil inh rt it in wlmi mrrrnmt n t ommmih dt i idi m h tin iilmiui tin mhli ai llu wur hio ttt tn thus hir in iinutlii tiiimirhhlji hun bwn applunt in a omptirmtlvly una fuhlon aniclali have hvm aiipnliuetl lo uukl uiiartt ovnr nawpuiuim nrt other nibll- raildiut uvir radio huttluiu tneomliiff and iul4iilnu mall hut they liava wiirk- od tn a miinawlwt lantsnl manner only whin tlui irtiuwuon of oauuillnn inuiiw uiiiutit on duaklnu tlmlr iiiiivoiiun uutl in thu imldioailiui of tn hnli a in- rtirinutlon uf mllltury vuhio hun tliu nvw nniutrlnitnt ahowu mi iron hand tiuulv ihn uhivp whelhrr purlluiikiil will rtmiln tfu i lukin lu liriiudt u llielr ui llvilltu in iiiiiiiu lo ho uion wlllmiil doilltf ituin will im tonka nit u in flu hi mm who will draw ul hiillun lo llu loiwt chwlt on wur niwi in inililinlw i uiid iiruudt uut in elunudu hit n ifi v urowltuj ioliihu that llu pulilit hiih inill unduly ulurmtd on m tiihlun hindi luiwilnilslli ut lluum by un hynltihul piiatiiiullon uf kihiin iihuau- of tlui un ut wur ttltny im luu uiiluldt d- fioiu iluu41i duy liy duy and tjlumld thin jiutitliin hi hioiiuhl p t onnltl tiullun hy hitiiilmrti in tht mihim inuny mini until iu will uilhn if uit miiiiliy utttinplt i tuiri tin liidhlduul ni wt hi uiuli iinlii who pluyt mi tlu i moiiunu ul hlh llhuutih hy tin lilnyinu uu urt lilt ti uf un drumutu in tui in un ullcmpl lu inject un air f vltii i iuim rtuni i n t vti ythluii hi miyh whut hupiitiiti hi un nuwniuiur utb- luht win pluin m luiiiuliiu i m unt i limn un mi i it h duy ufhi duy nuunllim of llu it lull vi linikirluiu c of hit urwn lu b pitwi lllihk wilitl lu lu ih limit iitmiil uimlliu liiouddikfluu whlih ixuiro in riutti thr iturdt i fruin nullo nlulloiin in tilt uulltd riluhh if u rifttiuluinu hulid lt tn im lulit ill uiiudlui lit wamih nt mill utlit r p rliul ii uin 111 hiivi mint uit iiac of in wt bt r vuih iruiii tlu tlnllid fllutti whut hup prim tn tin unit- nmiiwt in wttjuipi m ulirt limuulnih whu h un nuld frtvly lliruiiuhiuil oanudu canadian coal r j- rtvkbucmon uainh i canadian rol iirnduouiai durlnuho nrtl niunili of tho querent yir umamt- 4 ui i 184 034 tuna cnmwrrd wllh ulftooh uina in jaimary 1030 mis luljml in lanuury 1040 phuimi the flvu ypr uvuraiiii priwiiuuluu for that nuinth and liicludad 1 130317 lutu of hi til ml nn nit riial 14 013 ions of utti till innlnoiih und ifl ff4 unw uf llunlh prudiidmuii from nova rlnillu iiilnm mummied tn a16 4w uiiih a uuuliibt 301 470 hum in january u ytur ouo allurlu protlumid fiflfi 180 inrui oiutit- hlu f jffo 07 j luiift f illiwiliimift ioui ihou3 hum uf mkjmdtiimlnniih n ul and j44 034 tiina of uunlui mul dnrliiu juiuiury 10 jo ui allmtrtu oidput wui jh 7 hr itnl ihiwtr al 6lfliilfl uum and ineliidud 181431 hnu of hltiiinlnuiih mul hi mm ioiih uf huh liltumliiuim nml und j78 hjft ituin of lluiilln tiuil all ailvuiit ii of 3ullr tint wum rihtinlid liy llrillfch oulumliiu um iuioim lii lunuury 1u40 whfii tw output nihil i rd 1 11 j 44 j turn otimpuriml wllh 1 1 2tll tuiih himkohhr wan mint 137 fcjl uniw ioinkurttl wllh i jh 114 loiib lu lunuury of luid your wlilh new llruiibwhk with a prudui hon of 4j4ij lolib tfulihitd un un nuni of hi 4 lit i i tnl iiiiuiiu of i ou lulu uliudu in juiiii ury 1041 lololli l 4f7 07 fi hum oul liuuli uvulluhli foi tunniuiiplli n in ihr dominion wjui ttiuipuhl at j huh a hi hitui tiiiiiiuirtd wllh i tiji 104 hint in juiiiiiuy iuiu am ati hit lntflttainmicnt iutwllrid a pirft i iu for ui i in lull inn nt hy iiiriiitutt of thtlr own nthmiiui ha hern uliuwn hy cunudluu lroout in kituluiul wllllr rofiaftlnnul riitrruilni m huvr imi li uhiii uli iilhiuduth wt luimr ilium hrt wrtl i out rui wllh cmiudlan un krforiiitrb it tu iuul populur scotts scrap book by r j scott plhltwrrtw mtet fontoiu illbumk uafll f i omly a umi paffirt a top of ti bak all rvftoaivd fobw ht 01er world imxli ram eikt fitii eeaaih wooden imau ar mclsfok au1- luhiiltttw4 rtvtufc by-tut- ba1ak fat bttit fmm ftiiy wiul caaay tmt jbuudlh fo fdt amceafttal- uamt it rri yr llt riches lrllwartlb flftli capurttj wft a iu iluj fttljnloh from hx vou nivla iw ih rtff 2 imfull lou4 ahd wtlahlp 2 24o poumbt l n historic trail to be opened as modern highway business dirccto 2l mkdioai drj a mcnivrn hiyia4ja wl b offlo uid kablno gorrur ua avemi and bugln blrt d e j nelson mtffculan omii hurtm sujcuo ihurapy ptuuu m mi wm g cullen l m c c pbyuuai aaut mwr m oflic llourav i 4 and 10 pro hundays by artpalntmmil mill aircbt near prodartut htri ttaihnna 138 dks ikefi and btivlnson oaupbcixv1ixk imiunc uuhmi 33r3 after 10 pju ulllou jw offlu hour 80am i 3 pm 78 pa ftunday by ajtpolnlmant only ijcoal c v lkatheifland d a lurrlnur and ballctur nalary ruklia uiiicr uf utrrlaga llcensa luiyutrar of illruui uarrlaiu duuu off lea acton fbsnaa umldtrm 111 major pred brwwter ovl iruetv fnmniui mountalnwr in jasper na tional park alto who once headrd smithsonian institution expedition into thr ytllowhcod pom mnd pce ritfr trrrttortea recall the early davit of jasper tut plana proareu far trw ormal opentng on july lit of uir columbia icefield hlurvway from jairr nauonal parle tn th cana dian rorltlrj the continents lareit nauonal park to banff it waa uajor brewster who ffuided tht drat american tourut over the approxim ate route of the new columbia ice field hishway in lf13 lie was samuel prescott fay of boston jnper town now a bust line neat alpine community onl three ml cs from famed jasper park lodce m ahoin cboe as it appred befur the days of the canadian nnuona hallays tranacontlnenul itne and rlh is a vtew of mount athnbanka i and thr athabftakt olocler on the new columbia umfuld highway on uf i out fyed brfwater once guided th boatnnlan the columbia leefleld highway rear es the climax of it grandeur in jasrer national park for 75 muro from jasper pork ladge to the llu where the tongue of the atha- baxka olacler flow over the moun tain irjttf the valley the scene u one of indescribable beauty and pagvan- try sonuumea the itighway be come an avenue tn a forest aotnav time it aqurries by the feet of ice- rktged crrsu and it keepa cornpan 1tn emerald rler and it li wet by cold spray of waterfau dropping from hidden heights stterywhm the white plume of unconquertd peaks pierre the sky and one startling por trait passes only to be replaced by another equally breath in beauty ki nni til m langi30n ranbur hallcltar notary puulla irricea ueorgcuiwn jrpory iliealre uuudlnsj ac7ixjn over t hey i nick oaf for aimijriuurjita ilioiia aruin 88 ot uetirflaviwn 88 officii hours at ion tuesday an4 i hitrauay i 30 p m uj 4 00 pjn ko- luu on najueat ukntal 1 a j buchanan l i s naatal surifaaa oftk in lcuhman llloclf hours 0 a m until 8 i nt bvanlnfi by apjwjntmanl las for llitnubins x8u lloaad wadnnaday aftciraoori iwilia 144 w 11 aim nods i lnui nurgaaa ifll in lit- hynion uuxk out- jo ulll uutct vrituinauv d s h h younf vs h v be vrtarlnary hurgann oft tea hroiltvlllt- ontaxli iiutnm uuumi 148r4 i flaki s v s hvsc va4rlnnry uorgaaai nii anl lukblrrn kii avanus aaumi jludiit un aimtionrruh i kam itt h aurlutnt und it preventative clui uf ak4urance t ilionr fllr 3 clmirtfcuiwii uroroituwn p o w t patterson ro npulmllil la bra bnluto- itl wvnduam 8t ouklth pkau i1m oomplruly btllppd oitlcm o0 umhcr bham blon time tables anadian national flailways at acton 8tandaju tjmz fitting kaat ijully rxtrpt bunda 04 im uully rxorpt hundu st 40 ajn dully rxrrik burwla 1 pm hundu y tjfil 8 10 am plyrr at lejrgitri u 41 pjn f3tr at ourlph v lb pm fsolng wrt dull rxcrpl bundu b 48 a m hulutt l- nl 1 20 pm yirr kl if f 40 pm ijully rxrtf rjlictt 7 oo pm kundu 1 43 pm gray coach ijnks cxjachefl i have acton j fttatularel tlas rahtboitl to toronto pifl am 0 0 m 1131 am c2 08 pm 3 i pm 5 51 pm b 4 pm kthtbolm to kluhatwr xv s3 am 1jj3 pm x 2j pm a433 p rn- xc jllm j pm ritftas p rllij im hi uuh to ixndor dally except bun and hoi tbun and 11 only cbat onl d dally eurept st bun and hoi e sat bun and llol gdallr except sun wife preservers i in a ij add a uttlo uman joke te water ut which uttaee er euwr salad gra ate tftgfviaiiaiil it wfll rvlf aad eriav

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