Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1940, p. 3

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j ivri tt fj 1wm1w may 14th m4s the acton fkbb mums wie jtrrr trait jmptft fttatg an oiuttid print john aoott dotkllafi vnn toiaiaw raised liw silvary i a lumul head an a ynunb nun en- tared uia antique ure david pttrrlah was not nuatmly an ornament m tlie human speoin lull red hairod trickle- taowl and annular lin vuild have laid no claim in uuod look 111m wlda hiimnntiib mouth nevnrthetea und twlnkllna blue eye iwwpnke u wealth of ond nature and ability iynn hlue eye hiluhtmd viu vn aaved my life david the ynunu nuui uluncod up in mir prise a shadow uihiiiu luiniitiutuilly across hu wide brow km i in nlmerved hi r vwwthur pnndan lamb jaokt l to in erased ity til infectious win i in rime muni it pu kltiu u hi served iyiin drew lin pitmiiiii tuinh im k i it little rliiwr irfivnty ln i it i unl cinldn i kro daddi nun inn inu f nte i inn had u hulilf ttf ttiikluu halloa david parr lull illil nut uiutun iml it tnwn creased hbt fnmhiad linn miapealliui its cause hurrlsd an i m n ulart yti dmpiwml in duvld i wan try inn lo snteel u floral print fur daddy tndayhi hi hlrtlulav ii collect floral prints hut i dldn t real cltey were so expensive dvtd smiled ruefully i dmpicd in iiere hoping tn imt an internal inu letter niiener for my offlne afraid im not much of a judue of flora prluth itynn imlnted to a roiv of pi hit ithr had propped against uut atda of the oom i till nk ill makn my nele tlnn from utfw ulx david pliked up una ohvltinsh iwiim in execution than the other 1 like hit ope fyeiuih un l iv iivim nodded her kllvery hliuul hnsd its the twit of 4vmiriw thr pilir l wtiat worrie mo pvinuty nvn dnliui imagine a lot tliese dav that uliat i ihmiffhl and dad h told me i must eonnnmnslri thn frown anarred david fnreheatl attain i vour father- f ric thin rvnn inn i d llkr lo nee him if hi ih jlimlluwt i huplminr rn 1 tlllnx t h frvo lynn lrkhl up a pilni ntn i nuih in fertnr u the olin r 1 hunk iii ukr thlk twu tth ml two dulliim i ikr it du1 mt nun h ur vvurkmanwlui ih mil att uiwmi ilut imiitnillj thutn uhv m owl lean ii nn ordild tait t tl l timlded 1 uivn nrohuli don t dttvui hald nlul i in huvr n perrnme uinj aeom cold tlu s mntlnd me of an extreme imwuiuful woman uhn u cold and hanl and aeiruih imieath tun- iteauty ltynn wrinkled tvr amall none poetic oanpatiiuiu don t ho w ith ytuir fart david ptuwthly not but i dim t think orchid go with yur eloruoter shier yoi ve mode an nrohtd aeent an terrible i mipnae i aluiuld conxtdi r that a compliment vac i think i 11 take till orchid print juat to teach you a leaann majtoe in time you 11 come ti ehance yotir lewa while it lea beuia wrapived up hy tlie clerk david mlacted a letter opener nd paid for it lvnn drew him oer lo a beautiful inlaid cabinet inl it a beauty oh hou l uuh i cnuld lat it ft a onlj two liundred and firty ujllled tjie rlerk and it k i hiiip al tlmt price it wnn t remain liere ktnu lilin a fucc hiutnwcd that iml ini afraid of qh h dmn there hiive ui itr n muit old di prcmaliui if tiiitnt dollar prtnte n i hi vxpenaut tuo hundred undnft dttllur cabinet arc mn mnrr an dald point d out liui jiiirhihl vi i auihwe on rt rlnht ihtt it would tw mo ivenutlfulh in nu nvim wi u i eupjin i niuat foniet tt at tlm dmr of the hhop oaut oxked jo x toll uiu evenlns i xjmn deltberatm 1a1 don t um mme alotia ltl me and hae dlnnrr mrtth u yon can talk to daddj after 1 inner david hetutated a mom rut und then amuert id rcallj low to if it wont upset an or wur purm 1 najumiar youre like one of the family ytwimt parrlah put hi car into a tor off and turned to and uvnn uunj in a allnkj kaluna roadater thuibmuat toe plcktni up judtlntt by thl car dald aftld unin amlled dodd juat apwla me i tm him i cnuld et alono witiwuiat old ureck but he lnalated on nettinu me thl roadater old ttk your otlier roodjitrr vo only two ywira old e but tt had imnr twentvustwn thouaand mile xffnn alirhed deeply ut t a 1lunot to endure it for daddy xake davkl nortd oidure ic there lot tor people in thl oountn endurtng a lot more than a twojearold roadater wy lomn ahrucved harhiltm aboulder an if to may tliat othr people and their trouble did not concern her you know how daddy 1 hett he made up lit mind once he make up hla mind lii u tuimelhlitu he dona 11 vmi re hla weakueaa now eh hut you re an ttxpertalve weokneaji lynu i ynn frownad it worrlfta ma no i x know he tthniitdu t tie wo ktiuviujmiil wliere i m concerned 1 tiy u ilk ut dadity lull he juat i41iu inc not to wmry iiiv pretty liead altnut inutnaa lo imi lhlnk hl hiihluiihm in in to iuil u vn lot hr think u u hiuul wax miii til foi hnvniil iiitiuieiilm on ynurim l nuld he d inld yiu to viiiitnlvik i ynn whut ilmu thai 4 ii vou i vim ilmti lulu it lutikluu hi lutiitv u nil iii 1 1 lutkll illlllu ilti h i ihlt mm nlii hou iml hurt lit uw i i hi ii iiiu to milmutlllm hll i tllllfll ii it ittkt toi 1i4m hit i twin lhj m iiiniuimhl him tin hukin tnni imnr out uilh m niuall imtk uilllt lu i iiiiu hill mild ilillulil imlh i hilfty in my imiui i mi uti tiilnu in help tin ii l ion or i i ouu irnaoiilh they iim into uu dih uuy lit ollt iii iii illlci ikihiiim nl li liurtunilar 1iuiu ihiuiui huimii numm 4wihire uir diuu darkly a home iuii miul ui nhn jiiuiuvl tail hi in oiwnt thn dooi ullh her kev a tine limklnu uruy hulled man with uiuiioj mtlr reaturaa oivt ii a chulr in tlie llvinu room atarlnti at apui e u itti hrimmtlnu evea mlanry won in tlioar cyeit l hut i aimed anmothlnu old in acttle around tlavld piinulm heart ukt u fluhh it won uone hlddun imneiith a urvl am i ii ijiui uove ihr piurully amall cakn u a maul and flnpivm down on her fallmi a knee hhe klaaed him ami then proceed ed 1v unwrap tlir floral iirlnt hhe lu id ii up for hi tuivactloti iver face ahln itm mr tnlman alanvl ul it tor a trw iimmnnu in ntlntuc in lluue inornnnu nlitttuo cauaed dnvld ear to luirn ivir the frt time david turruh rrullaisl hoa lnil i lump lhal orchid pilnl muat necni lo it inuii uhiutc tuate in flnral pilnlft wa raatldlou it n lorh mr diliuau nuld klualliu 1 a ii n ii uiu wil of you itic older man muat hnvi thmiiuhl the immirttchit of the print wit tanoranrn on umiii h part dumd wan uliul thai hn iui think mint kmmliiu all lw 4lld oikiiil mr mimnti affair oh iiiwldv uvnn huiii tmpulhhi u her blue km brtulil lhere uua the uioat lu iiutlful inliiul 4 nlilnel in the niunn ntorr it v an jimt uir thlnu i vl f the miiithwat conn r of in iooni it unn pn uclj what i ve i wen lnoklnu for hut vou muul hnr alaiu me ulu n i found ou l uhut it t oat mr tolman nyc atindiued lhnv much iu u if in votue wit u 111 ui wearj ljin tueaked hla ear i woiildn t think of letting you iret it for ma dr- llna it wa two hundred and flft dol lara mr tolman alglied that a lot of mono theae day lynn i know daddy but the cabinet worth eaally tulce that oh i wlah vou emild aee it realty ifa a fforoeou piece mr tolman w ai allent for ae eral mtunenta and hla face ahoaed an inward ntnimrle 1 11 klve ou the money to morrow ljnn be aold in a tired olre mi d be unlxanuy 1 w one nlae umoht it oh t uouldnt think nf lettlnu you him ud mi murh money on me daddy not after you bouubt me a iwu nuul t r and thl pi m inn lamb jacket uwui forehead pucki nxl iii tell vou what i can do i can make a pavmt nt on it and mhi ciin gf it for mj birth dm tlint n n month from mm it ii nun sou the trouble of iimccllntf a pncv4 nt 11m mr tolman fund u uli a luartluemi tliat dfd not rlnn true d4ii id v ii atunti u ith plt for t he older man ho a a the victim or hi love for hla motherva dnilffhur x he hod a dealre to ahake itynn in n mid den rt vealhiii flaali he saw mauv thlua how uynn had induced her father to bu her tliat exjcnhe jacket hou he hud wheedled him into buvlnp her a new more expenilve rmodater when nothing wo arons ytth her old one david felt hi heart constrict u he looked at the older man hu tace apokv only to clearly of a man being cruahed unera burden the burden of lnn aelfuhneaa twti dinner waa announced and- thej went tn during the dinner hour it did not aeem onenomorlg meal for i uie to men but lynn talked egrly of noncoruequentlau when the cake comer on a amall ring or a cake david frit a i auriie ot- anger sweeping uirough hi blood a daold cake moat probabn uvnn a a wondrrful at economtilng tthere her father a a conoerned when david taated the cake hi auiplclons wre confirmed he felt a little til mr tolman looked a little hopefully at datd a thej roae from the table did sou ir to aee me about anme- thtne daid nodded nwallowlng a lump xefn go into my den id like to get to bed early tm rather tired than t can leave you with lynn when they were in the dru mr tbl- faaon uaotdv roraaud hu 4 david h aakad hu vole a irift bualcy diddid you htanat to mil that blank of bualnaa property vui to ttyuirt- davk m4 uiu nmar won eyoa tlun ahaok hia hd ur taylor wild wlsd it uirea year ago now he couldnt toueh it at any prion hard hit lumoair t think mr tolman aeemed to un limp and he rulhed a ahaklnu hand acrnmt hla fore head i want lo might oilier man who might be n a jimulini to liny david ooii tluuihl hiirrlndly tlonm of lluim aulil thry mluht lie lnlrile4l two m thrm n ion tlu from now i oo iat4l ml inlllluii 1441 111 ii41uv llv i m afraid toil dim i mean i iml oiu liimlni u no that an i lu iwumihli t mr ihnuii ttmllml with liu uiu u t in urml iiyew not imimhiuii iml i uir david i nilulil ua mill im flunk with ymi i knou i i an rtcfuiiut on yom illn rollnn i mi ihiim lo ihr wall a i t llltlt i new 1 v u riihhtoiu from ii luutv liurilmim lit ooeii ihiiylnu u mhl huvi n wi mivti mv liiwlniutn ilul i tlmi i kiiow alii in 1 4niul linn hit uiul lml i lout i in in t lliut bhwk or imuiiiiwu pro litill mmtit hrll il n itllroh inoiliimil you knou i uuh i miiiui hnl ton ah hut mt iiiotlm i iml ti haw nn h i tli n initl im lu ii piillliiu iti voiiiihi i hi ih 1 1 iiinl mijiii i i hronnti m h nil h xij i lion don i think f it timlt ouvi u iu urll to lanv i in- hiird ii ou liavn mr lilinim mmllral nlluhlv ii n mini ml ii im i of yoiirn liul ilirrca uily onn llilnu i vmht ailu uftml i iii re 4ll tin runt i hi llu lliivr tutkrsl u milt yom hoiijin otin i limit u will uiu lo iuv three ihiiuihmi and nrty tlol luot and uhkii u nix nnmllut liuu viui itnrtil runt iutlqiiale llll lit otlimti tor neveiily live tuillurn unit ul out ftxiin un1cr thn 4m nti 1 1 nlsikn p foi thl lily plucn mr loin tut i h i iml nji n hiluhu ikni lluxi liu4liwml ttuuln i t uilkivl ly ui alioul ronllnu lhu p liu ti unit tuklnu tuiialli i hiuixfi ilut ahr like ihu hoiiae for menilmitiilal riicwiiih uiul tmii4iimc hr like u plut ii ui onlrlaln hm rrltiiuu rniin kotiool when tlmy vlall liei pniliapn 4 m a llltln won whiut lyiiii a conrnrinvt lint tin a li in oulv kirtton i luir oh nahl di4vlil bin iiih lluiitriiinu i hm mir lf nun und mlimmi fill 44 inoinivll iii kifp ulllu nil t hunk vou dutut 1 lutou if ai v one mil ucll i iml pi ipni u you t ui now if you tl pn iil i in im ill im- iiinnliiu oil t immi i i lav hi felt mini u hr u initial i mir llvliui room mr pl kvl up the iiiul it the oix hid uml mland ai it rurally lor a mono nt dwtdt llkid tliat lyiu oommeiiusd lnluhllv i knru hr viuiijil iii like vou dullll fvjlll i lltlll rilulilh and thl print ahoukl remind him ui vou i ian unilnmiand yrnr foiuliuvm t ir on hlil una 1 vim fun hpronu to hrr fnet her 4jmek fiiimttm wlui t do you mean by tliaf u ninmlu t mv drm i iplion il un orchid oold hard and w innti ktmiilh a iteuutlful exterior nothlnu ot thr wurmlli of iterfume almiil an on hid t it ha alwny imnreaxod nin an hrartlran if a dower can tie no dnarrthed david toiui nald xharply i ii ak y4iu h nxplaln ynuraelf oladlyt hr atudled hni fhwlmvl face iirlmly for a mommit on arc like an orchid lynn beautiful mil tilt ubly utttitn i never want to aee you again 1 that a mutual iinlna you ane fit to channel dut let me rtntah for imr tather a aalm if not your on thl t no fun for me but if i con make thlnu eaaler for one of the ftiiral chrlatltui bentlemen i ve ever known i m irolng to do it you mean doddj yw i never liave fell ao im an iii mv hfe a i did to nlttht vilirti nur rather ate tliat pitiful little dayold lumtv five cent cukr artcr voudwheed livl it two hundred und flflj dollar cab inet out of him the in unwl lit rier i imn lo fcclltm thnl mi an ai u hrji vntir fuuirr om nid up tlml print i m liul f ir hu ukr mini lit ihouifhl il uut tuuoranrt ol pritilm on vijur purt ilut vmi knou tliat un t true and i lainw ll lsn t mu wi know prints i vi im trvlnil t4i economiae david laughed hltterl wliere jour fathtr in concerned vtw ectin mil rvervtihrre vxqi pt ftltli voursilf orchid qiitlnduliir your ottttaelftuhnea lo thr hilt i won l be o liihulled in mv nu home butbefore you no i aarrl ou to understand one thing i dldn t oak for that cabinet dad uwlited i knou i knon ou made u clear tha you juat couldnt live without it depending on your father uwe for you to do the nut i aupnou uu peralan lamb jaotot and the raodater muna the aome a-aj- lynn td have more respect for joli if you stood down on the street corner becglng innie be- rauac ou acre hungry lynn gripped uie table alth white hand tjavid i i your father l ipartnn vou i thirty it about time some one thnucht of him hi fondnea tor you lia prac- ttcallv ruined him your aelflihntvu i should any i ynn in three minilu alien his baainffflttlai crashed lynn gripped davlrt i arm it wn 1 1 tnje youre trylno to frighten me don t you icnon me better than that you could save your father but i doubt if you a til llow lynn iok waa barely aud- ibto let me t rent this house and move into a cheaper one until your father ho j waalcly cardangraph writtwby kan maixuav 11 ctmiu hiu cimijif fi6 x fig 2 m fungua itaaa of baana l li i hi ll h i hlllh lluxiuxti lo i4lt it k twhiin ii anllim ll 4ri ii fuiniun olm un wilt h nrrs tt hit nin tolli fi till r llli imiui plinl l wnln hihili nth tin it i li uir dlmi4r nn ahomli iu 1 lumt ilin mi ioiii itu inn iliuwlllu nin ihr tlln cum llttir ml ioiii nlmi jru hi nliilh i it i iiukhinl lo ll4tlll llritllh nrrlfl rttul lo illrw iill it ih ullbh itiv otl41 il llmoliiirit an xlliuii ill 1 1uii in j lit llhtmnr n i vi i in tm liiiiuu nin it on mm liruu itlh hliu f ihr ilutmnc ahio ullwrka ihr ulrinn and fotluuc of the planu any t nl niuhtuuu fouiitl in thn velurhihle udiii h ii hi hi in imiiietliultily mmovivl und 4iiiiiin1 litiheiiie of the dlmnc tan he i4viiiiilil tiy i in elonuidtvl niuikmi tlark red aiiknii on thr nlnn uiul luf vnlufl do not uluunpt it uiou iwann in laitil whlth ihuilalruwt infticuwl itealui uia yaar iwif nr do not iiilllvau or pli k tiauua ol uvnn ualk lhroiuh tlm imuii patt ii win ti ii bi ui i loi tnui if npri u4llii hllullt if ihti illnitimr in pttuuiol lo pirvi nl ihr tlltitiui npiuv- tha voiiuu wcdllnuh uliji itorilnauk nilaturr whrn ihr plant air uiniui nvw lu nut liluh htprnt llin nituylnu al inlrivnln ot tuo wink lllltr 44114 it pii4mhua u lit l4flllhll minil i think uir ttlnranr yhh irmkkm iva juat aaan your dauglitor going down to imiim with luu viauima ovor liar ajm i ormt thciittt is that tha talaal raalilnnf iwamno in rithiuch llotli itiuilnaiin and john in mohitil lo mis hnilth i uuiidm whh h wa lha tuoky ioiii ita too anon to irnv vel hut alie u ceil44l mohlnmin th quality t saiada tt eaai kit iu vox im- futlli i mi with in un r ih ortl i it i u illnh nl bin im im krtl i mil utitl uiuit nut i jun threw in i tit u m tin uinfiumi l hrr miiill 4otly luiktsl with nottn 1 urn i muil to mf him uuuln nin i ll hunt h ovi t anil ovri lyi ttinnlrbld uuotit und imivj hrurt itild lier tlinrrrlitly dm 11 un mil haiidnoinr bin hr uu muui ami hoiiivit lb wan mil like hrr a hrit hi in nut hmanlf for thr nntt tinir a he nmm net hrr arut ton mind rrnnlltvl at ihr ilttirr ihr in xl riniluu inn wba ualllug nl thr nlalnn uhrn her fathrr ualn ratlin in hhr kuaixt him and llinn walked mlui him ui tlw rmiw where n ytiui car he inquirtvl in dead to raiii daddy it tont uouuh for the upkeej til onr tar in theae itmrs and i ve decidrd thai i don t uaiit thr cabinet i in ulad aid her fathrr it itilllhl huir pinclied whrrr uir ue uoinu jlonit aald lynn and iit lira i thrlllctl at hi word mr tolman uaa nlluhtly tru llrtrrc i at thnr cour r uut lu riatrnluiit him stir from imimi nl until i inn luit parkitt tn fnmi tt a small pretty littlr oil nice aie ui uivurtt out lo dli tin i i iajci a in sunrln no nald lynn unlly an nh ifrlpjxil in r father uim und led him up ui unik ind unlocked the door mlu pro in llil hliu ovi r ui hu favorite tmr ind hi rut dowm omajwrncnt ahoutnu in liu ur lynn ivuioird hln nihvi pul i on u iir of oontfortoblr hllpprm nt i mm ills tlaae ind handrtr him the i inunu neuiaper nou i 11 imp dlnnrr into itw i m und ut 11 rut lynn aald liauii jminii lady ujuit d ws uii niriin ttils li mi favontc comfo uible chair bot it mean said lynn solemnly that neve rented our bis house martha and jamna hair itone out into the couninjfc buy that ranch thry ir alwnvi nan rd to net ulth thnr suvlniti and tm thr maid we a til be oirr five hundred d liars ahi ad monthly it means a chanffrd order of thinus m uu tolrrun iusr iwld with ljtir trvlnn to hod up hr end of thlnu davll calld later but hr did tot kmrlc he saa mr tolman asleep in the but chair thr line of hi face sift- rnrd bv u mile cxnn put hrr ijci tn hrr lili and tlpued out lvnn he ahlspervd a ith tnubed r jl rtf otdut last riiflht dai to l nn faltered lm uua about lost ntitht i hurt ternb ynftt the time dut daddy wan so happy ratios my ttterciied dinner that i wpould hae cried for happlneas you know david because i feel as if my heart is iluglng nok walls and ceilings on a gyproc ftal 04hu1m oytr iil4nillvll ikau tw way i t 1 1 mil hi ilia iiamw gyimuh mi lhu liai it uf avaiy imaul 9 ijiokfoi iliudman siitis nn htiili ild tulgat ai 4 opt no iiliaillulua fireproof wallboard in choosing a wnllhoanl whuihur for watu ami tuilinff of a new imiming or for renovations altcrutjonm ami rtpujr 1c will pay you co tonujtler lieae oiiutundjtig riutnti why dyprot 1 superior lo ordinary walllmartui fireproof lhrror tafe permanent and durable ihrf or economical will not crack warp shrink or swell invisible joints panel strips are unnecessary smooth dustfree surfaces easy lo deep clean takes any type of decoration no monotony the lightest weight gypsum wallboard made in canada tyftroc it told tttryuhtr in jitiada your tacat disur in lumhir ami lluilihrt ufftliu employees earn 227 more than in 1929 this 111 iruriisi in lirninjs per hour of dominion lixtik pi ml employed hi hi- lu mjtli l thoup 1 1 ullwfi firicts un ii2 loiter reduced rju mucriil costs ipd improved liiimikiurinl mechods have nude the lower scllini prices missihlc i he i s arul anudiii textile industries jre bracketed by the international 1 abour offiee at oencsa as paying higher wages than those ol an other countries textiles employ 21 of all canadian industrial workerv one in every fivct thty provide 13 canadas toul net industrial production matters of cotton yarns ana fabrics dominion textile company limited 9b canadian owned v-

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