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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1940, p. 6

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jsiks3rit the acton pr6b mwbss t of interest to women menu hints far nw n dfakea hmbu jmi ui hfaitfl twins nhfao and miiu by nsnty nfnolav that good oldfashioned supper dish a bowl of bread and mlilc in coming into favor attaint its simple to prepare a grand tcntn for flavor and practically a complete fond for buoyant good lit alth to day leading nutritionists have token up its rralw whore our grandparents- left ot for they ve discovered thnt n bowl of i bread tind milk supplies nearly ewrj thing tin human body needs vitamin rich pun milk tluy t xplnln in 11 prour tlv fond it i rlrh in vitamins und mint nils tlmt protect by helping you u but d u resistance milk might be tilled a beauty food too because its food factors nn ncci unary for lustrous hair und u htulthy cnmpu xlou orown tips us wi ii at youngtitt ru in ed thi vitamins und mini ruin in a bowl of hn iwl und milk br ad for pnlroy the modern while bread you net f r mi tin grocer or the baker is mado with ml k too it contains snnu vltamlns i und mlneralb uh well jjt valuable i m liens for musete und tissue repair dut bread u chlifly important uh our bme and cheupeiit energy food sln bfi of all tlu food wi eal is used by the body for creating norgy 11 s cosy u nee why bread n been mtr htaft of life for conturfefl f not fattentno a supper tlmt bowl nf bread and milk make a satisfying and a nourishing meul but it a not a fattening food one pint of paiiteurlmd or certified milk provide 341 calories three silt is of bread tlu usual roady sliced type each add approximately 70 calories more a generous bowl of bread and milk therefore suppllim upproxtmuu ly m calorlen you oould uctually 11 vi on hv such bowls of bread und milk a duy without getting otu bit fatter for tin uvorugi adult nctds 2 500 to 3 000 culorlis dally ways to serve bread and milk according to dr jaint s a 1 obiy prominent lualth authority bread und ml lit combine to maki an ld ul uttli mial for children so u hen you re in a hurry niakt it bnud and milk for brtukfast lunch or fourth meal at four or for aupimr and then are dostt n of ways you ton dress it up rome like it hat for a warming dish imply heat up ttu milk but don t boll in for a certul dish tlr bread in hot milk till it h soft then udd tuut and but tur or porch tin bread in your ovih and pour browned butter and hot milk over the orlnp bold slices home like it cold try rfch slices of bakers bread cut into squares and cm nred with ice cold milk served in a deep dish and sprinkled with sugar flavor the milk anyway you like j with sugar and vanilla raspberry jam j nutmea and sugar cinnamon and sugar chocolate nance beaten raw ess and a little sugar or spread the bread u 1th molasses or i com syrup with butter and brown sugar with honey jelly or jam let the young- tern discover new bread and milk tastes for themselves they 11 love the fun of i xpertmnnting and enjoy these twin foods fur sturdy health all tlu num hints on fashions ijlfahji important trifle more smart t rifles are sketched to day aocranorlca ui the fact of being well dressed the picture hat la especially becoming while cotton pique makes the high crown which in silt in front the bumper type brim is of starched ycli t culo it t mhroldery black gran grain bund with it u worn a umall mutchlng inhot 1 hi bag of punched ulf has a pinch pit ated top caught by i lulu rulf nngs and huiidlt of pain calf finlslttd ulth i lion tlu shot in of i iinched chiffon nuerti in rhamnlh yellow n very ixipulur shadi ojw n toi and hnl t chronicles ot ginger farm l r ihl i wrlllon rmlllr rr t th aflun fru frm qwekmune p clakkk vmm its pohsibu to control momqutots studleh bj oftlun of tlu diu1 m l dntomolog svli m i sirvue domint hi detmrtment of agriculture have shown wlsuril cunud i alth tin atlantic th tlmt only about hi of tlu mm m in n itlur iiinuls in this treit i iwfl mile specie or iiuuuiultiwh that occui m wutir rouu an tht ijiehlm corminll art his jxirtu of tin ftinld are presmt ruiriui- point rapldt plat galops in cttimdu it 1- tin ft muu mosquito wi hand md buult stt maru from canada commcmorates canajls tin omnln of nnilgutton on the st uiu n nee rlvi r again dlrei t attention to cunndus sysimi of inland uuterwuys u hlch i xtcudr into tin lit art if tlu continent und is umoiik tin m vil n markobtt in uu u orld nuv ikiiilon if hits avht in of uuttrwiiys han bttn made posstoli by lht constritcljon of canuls and brcniiki of their rich historical as koclatlont and tht ir contributions to the economic and industrial progress of canada tlu si runnls are being commom orated b the erection of suitable mem orials thlh work is being carried out by tht nntlonnl parks bureau of the department of mines and resources tn cnopcratlon u ith the historic slua and monuments board of canada ixing before the period of extensive railu ay conntructlon hich commenced ror canada in the 1850 s the water routes more esjieclally the st lawrence the oreo i lakes and the ottawa were the chief avenues of transportation the first lock canal in canada was built on the st lawrence river by royal en- glnei nt under governor hnkumand b taeen 1770 and 17b3 to overcome the cascades cedar and coteau rapids tht canal was used for the transport of military stores und tor commercial ptir pokes fi was t nlarged in lflol and agabn tn inn and finally rt plured bj the pnntnt soulungt s canal built 1092 out of lui eight canuli which ovt rcol nulural olistnictlnns in the st launni und on at uiki s watt rwus connecting tluit bites tht male nuites otih pluni jl itxti slu may drink taiei hi i owi weight of bluht and ii hvkes her about ninet teconds to becouu full imuorgkl txmiestlt and wild aulmabi and birds an attacked as wall at man but me sjwhles prefer animals to man smite niaqutuie mu llw for nevt rnl iu or men months under faioruhle toiidi tlims all mosqultois pass their iark lift stage in water and beeause this is so it 1 possible to control them by elimin attng uie breeding places by drainage o builders llhlng or b applying an oil fllm to the surface of uie intested water details of this procedure are included in a cir cular op mosquito control ainlluble oo application to publicity and extension dulslon dominion deiwrtment of agrl culture ottaw a munj preparatloiw far personal pro tiction against mosquito bites have been recommended from time to time among the most commonly used are oil ttf jwdar and alt of layender a mixture of ou of thyme one part concentrated pyr- thrum extract two parts and castor ou or olive ou flw part has be found to give satisfaction a pamphlet dealing with this subject entitled method of protection from mosquito l nlaele flies iand similar peats in the porest is also available free of charge from the publtc- lty and batenalon tvvuloo lakt irnpt rl r 1 1 mnntrt il rcome u drop uf inni i tin htmd oi tht it ninal than sw feet katun uas ki m nm to canada in mipiluiw nalribte rivers and jakes mom of u tilth were first usenl as aetiuen of ininsport h the historic fur trndi miuh of thtvii water route would imve had little commtrclal value wire it not for tht uidusm and lugmultj of t arl cauadiun engineers und in commemor ating iwr canals canada pars national trlbutt ui theuprk of thoe intrepid tliere has been no mm h lo do ltiejie day seeding houst cleaning gnrdt n ing si wing caring for baby chicks ind nil tht hundred and one olher john thrtt we farm poopli tnkr in with our days work yi t howevtr busy we an back of our consclausm ss is that unforget table knowledge of nftnlrn in furoi evi n if wi would wt can no 1 ingt r shut our tyts to the si rlntism ns of the stnigglt that men hi fore us the dla bolu nl i uniting f hitler and his nivl rcklme is almost unbt hi vabl fi iyoni knows what look plan f ist unk at li list wi know as much us tin in un built tins an u ii tin mr ntvlll oh imlm rluln resigned mr wlmt u chun hill uus jnadi prlmt mlnlhtt r i hi rrltlnh p oplt wanted a mon an gri sslvi prion mlnliter and thi y wi n given what they wnnted but who shall say tlmt mr chamberlain fnlled sup ly thi evtntn of the past week have gone n long way to demonstrate the ntnblllly of tin british people in the midst of the gn a tet crisis the empire has ever known the british government re organ ized its cabinet and at the same tlmt kept its national affairs going on smothly and without interruption everything has leen done to have all parties re pnnented in the cabinet what a les son in statesmanship i whit effect does all this european i i ws have upon the people of canada thxn are hi vtral answers lo that quw tlon short sighted people art inolf fen nt high strung people get jittery a lens- who can say how it affects them but la uu hope the majority of loyal canadians are wlte enough to keep thcmstlicfi well informed mid weli in hand going about their work with though i fulness and determination de termination to do whatever comes their w ay to help the allies w in this war of course we must win this war but we must ulso remember that however greut our faith in ultimate fwlctory nn war was evt r won by wishful thinking tin unit has come for work and socri flee and oh unlit wi nre working do lit us bt thankful that wi uvi in canada and not undi r the shadow of enemy planes it aving dt uih and dtstmctlon in their wake and us wi plant and later gatlu r in the good things from our gurdt ns let us be thankful for the pn duce of our gardens too ytsu rday partner had a letlt r fiom his mother and sinter in england they are living at bournemouth a residential district on the south coast of england perhaps you might be interested in what my sister in law has to say so i will quote part of her letter verbatim we are just nbout beginning to feel the wir tightening around us she writes prices are glong up and paper and string arc getting scarce coal was dear sit last winter and does not seem to be going down for the summer eggs arc 55c a doaen spring greens 10c lb onions 10c lb carrots 35c lb we get on all right with meat and nre allowed half a pound of butter each week but as we can teally get along with lews we dan t always need to take our full ration of buttt r loin of pork is 40c lb beef steak mic and breakfast bacon wc pr pound we hear the soldiers are a t ting plenty of good food and that after all is the main tiling our mtghbar mr bullock came and put nomt garden in for us peas uttuct and some slicks nady for brans hi has in en so kind i don t til ink he has ever done so mpch for us as he has done just laulv wt hud a letter from uncle tom tht sol dli r are using his furnlturti work shop as quarter master stores and the orammur school cad us hai the ust if his showroom i the canadian war effort a waakly kuvuw f iftevotepmfintb atshir ut heme krant j wm f may srd to may 9th boonomy and finanok it is anticipated that the organisation for the promotion of war ravings cer tlflcatis will be completed shortly these certificate are designed lo perrnlt can adlans who rrcognlxe the need of thrift in the war effort to loan their savings to uu government in small amounts such contribution to the wnr fhmn t will lie suppu men in i to other wurtlmt flu am ing whu li has oven ntid w 111 lie conn necessary w h sommervlllo of waterloo on tar it and de oaspe beau blen of montreal have bet n nomlnati d ns joint chairmen of tin national wnr savings commlthe nn ir task will be u orgai ij a national tommittt on a v ill intnry basis in the words of hon t i tins ton mlnlstt r of pinnnt e to maki hn sale of wnr saving uriiflcatts i whole hearted canadian effort by a fort i f il nmpnlkii througho it duiad i tneonu tax collections so far in tin in w lax yvar nn si4oo000o in udviiiut i f l inim of i he orn npon lliig l rlinl in 1910 utordlng ui hon i i i w mh lsti r if nntlonnl lltvtniii nii i al in a 110 000 0o0 if the total sum flowed in during mu day miy jul th lug m slngli days colled i n i vi p npitltil ii is fiir alu ad of hit pr i is n ord if siftnooooo munitions and huimm y during the iast wet k in nt rug of 1st comtnictn per day havt lei n plucetl by tlu department or munitions and supply a list of b0j new contracts for supplier to tlu valut of 2 716114 was made public for tin wtek ending may ith contracts included clothing and accessories barrack stores medical and dental suppluui mcchanlcnl trnnsurt nircrart supplies shljnillding fuel tools and median tea equipment lumber and hardware trade and commcrcl an agreement by british newspaper interests to purchase 200 000 tons of canadian newsprint during tlie next year has been reached tills is due tn part to the cutting off of scandinavian supplies by war dt v lopnu nu and will t n large tlu canadian output materially the british pood ministry also has agreed to buy canadian fresh and shir agt eggs exporters of these mipptus are rt quired to make uielr contracts din 1 1 with the food ministry through their agints tn on at britain because of the dlsniptlon of markets by war the canadian government wlh assist the lobsu r uhlng industry a bound has ikhii sit up to iurchasi ss mm cast a from tin cannerli s nt n guamn ti d price tills represen that portl n of the output which nnrmnuy find a mark t in war bound countries dngoged in uu s ilutton of s ipj ly problems and co nrdlnatlng tlu flow of essential raw materials the plant sur ey division of the department of mun 1 lions and supply lias complt tel ius 1000th survey these surveys involved i 2 300 visits to individual firms by tech nlcnl asblstants of the division tiny have enabled information respecting the potential manufacturing capacity of the dominion to be charted and defined with the forces canada will soon welcome thi first contingents of airmen from australia and new zen land who are coming hi re for advanced training in accordance with the provisions of the british com monwealth air training plan in this connection air minister j v rulrbolrn of australia announced during the past week that 2 000 australian pilots and j 1 mm air observer and gunners will be called up befere the year end the first australian air crew personnel will arrive for advanced training in canada about august the air minister announced that thereafter a fresh group would reach canada every month meanwhile the orgsn lea tlon or the empire training plan proceeds at a fast pace throughout canada even ahead of its pre arranged schedule according to j s duncan acting deputy minister of national defence for air services training operations in western can ada advanced one stage further towards the ultimate objective with tht appoint mnnt of group captain leigh fonie stevenson to the command of no 4 training command with hendqunrtcm tn regtna 8ask group captain rorben is proceeding with lite orgaii 1 7at lm fr the ndmlnln t ration of training schools and dnxmn in flouthwtstirn sankatchi wnu alln rtn nnd british columbia tin re will be 23 unien undi r his jurisdiction group apt iln fnrei s proceeds to reglna from lortmil i win n tn wns tn command of no 1 training c immand during tin ibw nci in pngland if air comniod ne a a 1 cuitt th fore that he was commanding officer if th rcai si ill in it camp b wdt n uu i partnu nl of niitimal f ne lo inn minis hi nppt mtnu ui it whig c ninii d r ut iigi rihiils itiusim m r e hi nl ir air stall oitl r i u n i 4 iiiiulim inininntt wliik c mhiii inth i lliwsim ii ih a brllllitit t t ml f s t i itli iln riyil air firre in rrnnet dur uk hn lrt it win 11 his b tn intlit il nn imil with tti it i it it varliuh ni nltlis i qulrli k ilm iniwitdkl t hyliut titulltlui- in h wist nftt r spi udlng tw i y un it th hluh rlvtr stall in mid il wlnnling wiiik command r ilownim was din t ir of training nt air porn headquarters for two yt irn and w is in rtmimniul of no 2 army co pi ration squadron p r no inn i of which went to lnulaud with no 110 thi list rcat unit t vii t proct ed oversi as on actlvi service tlie cauadinn flying clulw asst el i tlon which will piny an important ruli i in the training of pilots in cotinettl in i with tin ttrltl h c nnni mwenlth alt training plan has signified its intentl in tif giving pn ft n net to canadians in st lescttng ntvtinl himdrisd civilian 1 ls inedid as instructom for the 21 t it nu n tary flying sch mis in ing t stuhllshtd first clioltt will 1m pilots holding trans lirt dt partmt ut llet tint s as tnslnu i iri second cliolct will in pll its with at least 100 bourn flying i xpcrlcnri win an pn pared to tukt n n fn slu r course of u hours hying clubs will le giitn i spt i il charter hv thi domint in t i cinlrutt with tin koi inmenl f i ih ip rail n if i it military schools pil its st it t tetl in instruct rs will n lulu their civilian stntus the dtpnrlmml of null innl d ft nc anno incid tluit ma i vf a se m nir of st oith rlius pnsiiunl if tlu ckiuidltn llyliik ciiiim avsitlitlm hid in t n n w intttl th i uuls citi ul i ir pliy ft 11 in nt hcnltim if th uilslaiuling it ath rslil lit guv t th j ilyuut t luls if canada he tuvitid tit flmiig ciiiim lo a position wlun liny mid rt mil r a giiil strvln t can id i inoians oilfnn mam i radio is i ik wm fop tin troops if tlu indian army w ho turin part of the garrison of th singapore fortress tin t men nre abl to follow events in their own country nnd the course of tin war by means of tht news bulletin brousicail by the a 1 india radio service in u ur languages hindustani punjaubi urdu and tamil tliere bj an indian io iiiln hon of ovir half a million in malaya and they lakt grentj pride in the part thunaoay may luh irm he best way to deal witji measles 7iflaohe motherfl rirnt tliouglit is vull lliu dorlijr anil llii tjuii lent way t lot ilt linn 4 ity tule plioik 1 ho l li phono it in uihlmmi nt of imiti c tttiu in cvt r home it hringfl aid quickly in any emergency such as fire accident illnesa r hurglnry i in snmll tost of a if lehoilr pays for itself many times over giving ronirtii nt prut ctnin und daily plrtuauro amlt oiiveiiteitt e nazis koutrd dt kottrnlain played in its defense by uu indian army lundid from hugi germnn transport planes in the harbor of roller dam airman soldhhs are shown in this radloihoto aslhity reached shim in a ru btr raft from the ftylnu boat thi r ii7i torces ttmik tem o ry p jsm- hlou of die rotterdum ulrpvt only to ih blustid out by it a f bonrl ers and dutch trooui ilmcs assinilxnnr ablciii capturr ol irnnan krriglitrr saurs jallik and now for a littlt m m about gingtr form wt have jlnlshed seeding and ui record time for as thanks to the help of the tractor with son to drtvt tt partim is so glad to feel he is through how iw ould ever hae got tht seeding done without tlie tractor i don t know as partner had njurttls and the old grey mare started getting lame j even though she was only worked on j the drill f ytwuh i could sa w ho 1 was donp however its coming along i guess but i find you cant get eunin rooms done in a few days last week i was working on the south side of the house in a big room which we do noi i ust ven much so i am making this room a combination of sewing room fori mynelt and a war work room for tin institute you woold ibe surprised at the amount of stuff i get around me with this war work during the winter i had ihe ehersttrrteldacross one corner of the living room and our war work supplies pi ed up behind it one of our thfgftf women s institute members came ajong and helped mo paper our new roomwc had lots of fun over our work especialv w hen t couldn t find my posting brush for a substitute we used a banister bruh and it worked fine nyo until next wwek i must run and let my setting hens off their nests j assisted by a british cruuer tlie new canadian flotilla leader loavos afire and abandoned it quick work by the crews of the aistrntbome atwrth aaslnlbainc overhauled the german freighter hannover in tlie carrifibesn sea i british cruuer quietly subdued the flams aahosn above after battling as the nazi ship tried to run tlie blockade with 0 000 tons of ore and lumber i heavy seal ror rour days tlie hannover was towed into port when c appe inevita the crew of the ifannovej set the ship i yforu copyright imp

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