irsbvu nitmbdav hay 1mb 140 the acton free press then somelhlnir aad about a vacant house the warmth of ffvliut thin u vane no ilower grace the windows fitclna south ilia pantry shelves look nude with nothing on th inner doors stand awkwardly ajar mute evidence of no restraining hand while windows curtalnless and empty are no bar to sunlights entering demand the stairs so used to silent tread of slippered feet emit a hallow echo an you climb ho tllver chlttles or mantle clock to greet your waiting ear and mark the passing time no picture hide the drabnens of the wall no nigs add color to tie polished floor no senile voice in patient aernt calls 3or someone to assist in family chorea no radio chants the doing of the day or records music of a distant band no lilting lauahter proven a child at dlay no soothing voice in quiet reprimand no happy call from kitchens space breaks forth at noon to grect a coming hungry spowe the air i chilled n from the froren north there s something sod about a vacant house actons family album turning ovei the pages week by week and cooking on the faceo of those who were familiar to many here in other years do you know who this is twenty years ago from the inur of tlie free pre of thunulay may 2011 1120 acton and thi carpet mil s ouelph opened the football season on tuesday ten ing ouelph won out mr edwin j banks uiwrencelown ttb announces thi engngemrnt of his daughter mlnnlt leotu of edmonton ajto to mr william elmer stewart of acton ontario from a windsor pupur jt la gleaned that dr r h holmen formerly of acton and whose sign ellll udorns the parlor of the nob roy cafe has sold his property in windsor originally xnown as the dr crulckqhank corner to thi border cities company for 1100 000 mrs thomao t moon and miss mat removed to toronto on tuesday tht disposal of the home and the removal nf these last members of this esttmabli family severs tli to acton which havi been very deur and long continued mr and mrs moore and family rumi to acton from vork county forty ont war ago blr henry drayton introduced in the i commons new direct taxation propositi rajculatcd to yield from b0 ooo noo t sj0ooo0 000 npnn ryder in acum on thurmluv muv 13th 1020 u mr and mn edward ryder purk avenut n son men jolliffe at rnckwood on rhursduy may 13th 1030 saruh almci pn more bt loved wlfi of john lolllfft in her 73rd year last weeks mcture i jiu wpkh plcturi was trial of rev c d drapr who about twinty t u hi or thirty viurs uu vtt it pamor highly tstccmed toy lht congn gallon t tht lhtn mtthodlm churth hi id tht townsfolk gtnt rally jwt whin hi ih stationed now w art not sun tht lubl plait we heard from him wu niagara pulls ptrhnps some of youwlll recall wqth that ptctun of mr druptr th churth baseball league and tht kings orderlies blbli clans with which lie wub vtry actlvt and now can you reonlulhc face in lu family album thin week f germany fut rur farming now plnh an important part in tin fur trndt of cmudu tin value of ranch bred nnlmu k rcjircscntlni approximately 43 per cent of the total value of the raw fur production of thi dominion in 10311 fur farm revlnpcs for tliat year amounted to 16 483 qic to which the sale of peltn contributed b 75j 742 or b0 per cent and the sales of live furbcarlnu anlmnja 730 074 or 11 per cent silver foxes were by for the most important revenue producers accounting for 4 0fl 7c7 of the total this modem industry has miule ureit strides durlnu tht past twenty yturs uie number of fur farms advaning from less than a thousand in 1020 to 10 4 5ft at the ohd of 1030 thest comprised 8 073 fox farms 2 223 mink farms and iflo farms of the ml cclluncous troup the number oranlmalh on these rnrms was 270431 valued at 0 020 t4 the principal kinds being 137 010 slher foxes valued at 15 727 fill and iftfi 303 minks worth i2m4s50 the principal source of fur fnrmlnii revenues is now tht salt of jwlt but in the early days of fox fnrmlne when there were comparative few fanrn and ttie supply of ranchbred animal wan limited fabulous prices wen paid for thi live animals that men required as bried lug stock the price of a jalr of sjuer foxes at uiat time went as htjth as 36 000 whereas to da uie enrr be ob tolncd for about 4100 now that tht fur farmlnit lndustr u firmly establish ed wltli lame numbers of farms in all ue provinces the demand for hvi animals has diminished and tht fur farmers have turned their attention to the raisins of animals prlmtirlj for their pelts for ntanjyearu fur farmlni was con- 1 cemed almost entlreh with the slher fox but dutinc the past few vrar mark ed success has been attained in the rais ing of minks other kinds of fur- bear ers red fox cross fox blue fox rac 0000 ku f marten fttch are auo found an the farms but their num- j ben are smull jncumpufijtm wlui the number of silver foxef tuid rnlnkaj recently the valuable chinchilla a nntue of south america nvs been added i to uie list of furtearlnr an mals on canadian fur farms the last census of j fur rnrms reeovdsd two farms aav in dukatchewan and one in alberta rata- i ins chlnchl fas rrom the gcrmnn vnea slowly but flundlly tht economic rquet 7 on ottrmany tluhtens as the natlvi prefln nomi tlmrs unconscious y flhows in numlx rlriu unlntcndtd wnyh in t v r rowlnn rebulatlon to ration 1 m d in hlher nxel maximum prices u htnnunuh propatrandu efforts to pr ve that tin gcrmnn houstwift hah only u i conn ml ai u llttli k nut r and all will in wtll with thi nul world tht i it 1 1 1 f tin blotkadi lf to bi seen tin ostdtuisuur biobtilhtor a nuzl oriian pibbllhlud in potien ulbi ix uluintlj how mitul strap toll ud in ot rmanorauplitl poland luu yli lilt tl tl 140 klloknims of tust iron 7 sod f iron win 1000 f 1 ud 340 of iintlmonj fllto of briwt and all tin wny down tin mitallu llfit ui 4 070 kiloj of brah ttvr trlohi cuseu thi niimi pajit r incidentally ctirrtih thi advt rilhtnu nt of a popular caft in piuven oiilj german an admitted in thi hays jiit tht nrmament rwtt tlu nulk huuvll imported nlcktl much of tht nlcktl wo issued in otrmany in nickel coins aa tht nickel rolnoke had no value outsldi oermuny it formed a sort oi nlcvt i reserve for war hitler frum circulation and unlng uie ntikt 1 is now withdrawing his nickel catafi for armaments a new decree calls in mon nlokel coins and as metals and foodhtuffs becomt scarcer propaganda nils up tht serried columns of the dall press dr goeb- bels solves the mystery of the queen elizabeth by tclllnn bow she wus dls tmvetl in flumes an alletied item from buinos aires relates with joyous rusto how a nrltislj frelchter met a french freighter 1 off the amentine coast they mistook each other tor ocrmans hud a merr old bnttle and fourteen snllorr were killed every effort 1b belnc mnde in london and paris to keer tin in cldent quiet the german reader is told but it shows how the frvnch are adup inn the piratical methodn of thi br tin b armlnu their merchant ships the lelpsig fair tried to oomfort car- ow ners who can t get nan by prod i 1 1 tlie fnmlhblcyck its u blryclt made for four a caption to the illustrating pliotograph ixpulns how tin strunge delce rtallj will rephict the automobile for famll excurhloru into tlie countrj a numbir of rmmrii cam advertlitmcnts of n preparation to mukt even auhatltuu coffee endurablt evident worriexl oer the future speclul nazi instnictom are makinb the roundr of the schools to check up on any school bo tendenc to break owu from the nasi fold but the most touching propaganda effort comes from nmong tlie fiudetan lairmons defort munich tht sudetens wtrl tht otrman minority in czecho i slnvhxlii ajmoit wl ut a sab tho story rtlatcs how hubby and wife were talking over till the good things they wtre to 1 at oni has a vision of limitless dill cuclth thin the wlft gois out to buy a llttli laitr hubby meets hi r on the m irktt htjuurt she is loaded down with parcels but sin is worried and sad and lit r coal is studied with n qutcr mlxturt dripping from tlie pit ret u she ex p 11 inf with 11 sigh that the shopkieptr did no wrap tin thlngh up prop rly iht miiitirkrant had run into thi mar inuludi tin marimiludi hud run into tht initrgurliu und ii1uhi ther it wus not 11 1 1i nninu prospt ct for sunday but stivs liubbv n proachfnili huyin t you a bd let t m homi and ciuildn t vou huvi luki n i ir yti tht bhnpkitptr would 1 ot hiivi had it list wrapping pujur oi rman tutds pupt r and that wus tin itjni und purmvst f tin hlorj oirniim l running tilinrl o pujm r ihe sunday school lesson ott sunay may 10th fcjtman ulsts ntn 1 noin imh two iulrhalrttl young ictlundtrt havt 1 stabllshed thi mm hi s as un unofficial imbumj in u small london oltlct neai buckingham palace tuid within a week ol tin narl invasion of dt nmurk tht wi rt it work fostt ring tnidt w 1th bi i tuln at tin txpensc of gi rmuny tht ntw ambassador u pttur bent dlktsson agetl 33 and a descendant ol tht vikings hi cami to london to rt present the diplomatic interests of itt land at thi dunish legation but let r land is for the time independent as den murk is unublt to exercise htr king t pn rogutlve over tht wand tlie danish crown uas tht connecting political link between tlu two countries as my country a rtprcbcntnt ive on the anglo- icelandic joint standing committee in england my job in to in couragi trodi w th britain said mr bcnedtktskon before the war oermiui was one o iceland s most important cuntomerb but tht british blockade has cut oerrnany off completely from our supplies of ftsh products und frozen lamb britain is pow inert nslng her purchases from us as lib charge d aflalrts mr bene dlktsson has enlisted the services of a still youngir iccander mr hilmer fmss nephew of the president of icthind b comblntd parliament mr pom hap pened to bt in london completing hlfi studies when dt nmark was tmuded md icelimd becnmi indtpepdent for tin pn stnt to th dtuilsh crown quite correct smith minor tell nu what bttunn of thf eons of churlemumit they ure nil dead sir jeremiah denounces false 1 pnopiucts ooldcn tfext prove all things hold fast that which is good 1 the 21 lesson text jeremiah 23 21 32 time hmj mm bc place jtnusa lem exposition i the prophet wro spoke to the soul 4f all prophets of the old testament jeremiah was the prophet of the human heart he would havo nothing from his hearers but their hearts and thin is still th true way to preach even though tho price to be paid be similar to that exacted from jeremiah this prophet never for a moment doubted his auth entlo call he was always certain of his having been set apart of ood for the work of speaking his word to the nation and more eopeclally to the individual soul jeremiah like ovcry true strvupt of ood was hated and persecuted no one can bo true to god and declare his wholo counsel without suffering ptrw cutlon 2 tim 3 12 jeremiah received a mensagi from jehovah and like a faithful messenger of jehovah had spoken it unto all the people but when the jewish leaders heard of it thi y dt mantled jeremiah s dtath godless men and supporters of 1 rror cannot i ndurt that the truth of god should bt spoki n to the people cj acta 4 1 2 6 10 20 even today if ont sptuks out thi truth about the destructive criticism of the bible and n luted t rrorn to thi common peoph he brlngt upon hlmntlf a torrent of abuse und mlsrcprcstntutlon from those who support thest irrom the meisngt that jfthovah had given jeremiah tor tht people wns a tcrn and solemn one but it was true and it fithetter o tell the people unpli asant truth than pleasant error it nil came out hist as god said it would yet with the message of doom jehovah had declnrtd a way of escape but it was not n way thai the proud jcwb wtre willing to take ii prophets not stnt prom ood 21- 2 in contrast to tht true propht t of god we now set that the apostnthdng it ws had put themselves under the dlr 1 etion of fulthlt w shi phi rds they wi ri mi n who filled thi prophetic office ut hin llnh but god had not setn lhrrn hi hud not spol 1 n to thi m yt t tht i until rtook to jmik for him i 21 if tht hud htnod tot fort tin eol in thi ounsel of one thi y should huvi tijrntd the peoph aw uj from tin lr evil w ay v 2- thlf ih u sun sign of national dt 1 im and upmum when uh pulpits ujv occupied b men who speak what i owl hits in vi r immsorfd und ujxin whom thi pttipli doli bocuuht tin do i not disturb tht m in their sins this is i un nil which l- o bt rharurti ristlr in tht inst duvs tim 1 1 lt wi can set t idt nee of this evil in some i purl of our land when mm dtny thi authenticity of thi blbli und fall u 1 mukt tht peoplt f ici up to thtlr sins it 1e nil n foolish courst however be canst god is ntar enough to know wturt thb peculiar evil exists iv 23 noth ing can bt hid from our lord v 24 iheb 4 12 13 he is here making plain through his faithful prophet jere miah that hi knows the foolish teach lngs of thi false prophets in order that they might be brought to recant of thtlr i rrors and acknowledge thi decep tion which lhe have practised on tlu people would that all who are busy propagating t rror regarding the word of ood und of his christ might turn from tin lr folly and become trut min isttrs of the gospel 3 tim 3 ft in m prophets of deceit 2fl 28 tht fast prophets were guilty of palm lng oft on the people counterfeit revua tlons they substituted their own fan ctes for divine revelntion v ml though they made frequent mention of the name of god titty aotuall turned the people away from him by their mlslntffrprcta tlon of him v 27 tills is always the result of fnlse preaching and in our day it produces tmpty churches only one thing will reahydruw the peapte to aod and that 1b the faithful preaching of tht word of god in v 20 we have a strong contrast god says that die false pro phet who is full of his own dnams may ketp on tilling his drtams but he thut hath m word let him speak my word faithful tht re lb n flnt scorn in the words of tlu lord whnt is the chaff to tht wheat all the dreams of the tvolullonlsts and blbli critics nn onh us so much chaff tlu winds of timt art tonstanth blowing them away but thy word of ood is as full of life as whtni and it is still suirime nourish ment for tht souls of tlu people ip 110 b0 00 106 2 tim 3 lfl 17 ood is acatnxt false prophets iv j0 qotu word is like fire v 30 can that bo said of the words of fall pro phets ood a word is like a hammer that broaketh rocks in pieces it the days of maceo ood had spoken words of warning comemufe israel n apostasy end tlie penalties he hftdjyalned them of fell llkft jock breaking hammers upon an apostate sinful people zeh 1 the uniqueness of tlie bible cannot be gainsaid its words are still the counsel of life through jesus christ to all who want to live john 6 34 only foolish men will set themselves up as greater in wisdom than the word of ood tlie penalties of the word ihcy reject will foil heavily upon thm rom 6 33 john 3 m let every one o us exam ine onraelvm as to wither or not we have attitudes toward thf huile which cause ood to set himself against ua how much better it is so to know be lieve and obey that word tlwt it shall be tl charter of our salvation in chrlrt jesus iiiiiiiiiin in miimtttf preference for newspapers irol frank hutchinson ol the rut- tcrs university department ol journal ism at new brunswick nj said a survey of 286 new brunswick and highland park housewives showed that nine out of 10 be lieved newspaper advertising more helps tul to tlieni than radio advertising the survey hy journalism students also indi cated hutchinson said that 93 to 94 per cent of housewives found newspaper ad- ertising helplul in shopping and that 81 to 83 per cent were aided by the adver tisements in keeping up with latest stvles use your local newspaper regularly to build and maintain your local business muggs and skee1er tkeaald no crtfuvt to6aco just like old chum ey wally bishop