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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1940, p. 1

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sttt ift sixtyfifth year no 47 acton ontario thursday may 23rd 1040 eight homeprint pages five centa glimpses of parliament by ntijrbm clsaver haltatta ntettber the keynote of the opening speeches of the- house on friday last was a crltlc- um of the alleged complacency of the canadian public toward canadas war effort hon mr haniion the newly- appointed opposition lender in hin open inn remark stated we shall expect from the odmlnbitru- tlon a full accounting of ltn stcward- uhlp during- the past seven or eight months thecanadian people are ask ing for thai i friii that they have been too cnmplocrnl during uu- parly period of the war however now that the shock of thin tremendous conflict in being borne upon thrm and through them to ua they desire to know thr measure of effort canada in putting forth at thi time mr sinclair member for vancouver korth struck uie wirni notr w hen hi ald in seconding thr nddrrm this is no time for complacency ii is time for united effort for ccasele endeavor above nil for action for fenr- iran action thin ik the time to sub- ordlnate nil nthrr efforts lit ordrr to smash away the political btrknrlnith am the dapartmentnl red tape which in the past have impeded democratic action this is thr time to mobilize with ruth less speed every resource of this vast country it is of course easy to criticise but for the life of me i do not know where these gentlemen got the idea that canadians aa a whole are complacent about the war unless it might be that they have mlslindnnitood confidence tor mm- plaoency while t share with othrr canadians an abounding confldener in the final result of the war i do not and anyone who does not appreciate thr full seriousness of thr struggle in ad dition to a wltllngnean to make nnv necessary sacrifice i find everywhere ti very determined insistence that this tirnr there shall be no excess profits and that this time thr re shall be equulltj of sacrifice insofar as it is humunlv poi nlblr to attain it on mnnriav afternonn hon r b hanson spolce for two hours in n critical vein on cnnudnn war erfort covering again a great deal if the criticism which nh voiced during- the general elections he stated that in- understood the recent mandate of the elector to be that w should line all our power and nil our reimirres to win the war he stated that hi- was opposed to any time i now belmi inkrn to consider uncmplo ment insurance or anv other pom unr problem he also expressed rimr doubt ns to whether the consent of thr pro vinces could be obtained in regard o ihr amendment of the constitution to permit thr federal government to enact unemployment insurance on monday rvrnlnb mr king hum- n romplrtr synopsis of canadas war effort and war plana to date i regret that 1 am unable to give- verbatim reports of thue speeches of our two leaders but as my copy must go to the county press tonight ir it is to be published tht week this is impossible mr king stat ed that the most accurate meons of ar riving at a correct impression of thr magnitude of our effort wo to give com- paratlveoosls in the ant eight month of the war canada haj spent over twice thr sum which was expended in the same period or the great war our estim ated war expendlutre tor he coming fiscal year are seven hundred millions asccmparcd with one hundred and slxtv- six millions spent hiring the corres ponding period of the last war an in- ctease of s30 since the return of the defence minister from england it has been deckled to further increase this n mount a to the canadian naw we are kpendlng thirty limes more than we spent in the same period of the lst war in addition to the following ship now in active seruce 7 destroyer 1ft mine sweepers 11 antlmibmarmc shins m auxiliary ahlrw r have ninety new- ships now under const ruction we now have an active natal personnel of mil officer and ratings which win be in- crease by ims by march 31st 1041 on the air puree we are spending 100 millions as compared to 3 millions during the same period lnthe last war on may loin wr had 13315 or all- ranks in the air pore in addition to these figures we are spending 3m millions over a period- of three vears as our share of the british commonwealth ap training schemr we haw bult blid building 110 separate air training schools and depots for use in the empire air train ing scheme this scheme will require an instructional staff and ground forcr of over forty thousand officers and men as to the tnfantrv the first pulsion of 2367 men is now overseas the ftecond division of 34m5men is train ing in canada and we hate others re cruited for coastal and home defence bringing total of this branch of the scr- vice under arm of oer ioodoo men it has been deckled to recruit third division immediately a teneral needing up is to rake pltor as u an saervlcm two ji mlnlstert jtf to be appointed a mtnuter bf de- i concluded at page lght gets new post col maurice a pope named assistant to mi jo r general h d o crerur oitie- er commanding canadian headquarters iii england col pope has been dtrec i01 nf military opera mom and intelli gence t national di rente heuriniiane oversens photo lv illanksiolli r ltd fts ho till- hi hit ten veteran of ihe ilrm world war an- now surrendering lit tier ihe whole or purl ol their pensions to canada a war louse a pensioner of utndon on- toxin mtrrendered his monthly cheque of 2l 10 from march 1040 for the duration another rrom killam al- oerta authorizes n deduction of 1 1 3ft every month the other eight include beardmore co requested seasonal water supply council ivoti mnft coiwidcrn- tion ami will inspect additional spring 250 rcceivcl from liquor control hoard ar- rnngcmcnbt iloinp made for supcrvihwm of hathing at fairy ijikc coumlllort w j o oakes nnd j v dnvlnn win pnwnl on tueda even ing when at ton coum 11 met in regular npbhlonrtrnrt reivi j ii chalmers pre- bldi d 1 he clerk rcpurtcd the transfer of lh tnim fund of 2ml of ihe soldlerw m mm ml plot lo dominion of canada ihuhi hi 1 x r nt the thlrtriah report of the ilnann- cnmmliur letommendeil jmivinent of actou pjant onlv onv of its kind in thr dominion an article entitled canadian ci ramie industry orowlng preporwl by gordon c iceiqi mc kerretary of the can adian citnmic society give mime very interesting informauon of how he in- duntrv has developed lu canada oiii- pin nkiipb uls mi pit inl lo al interest it renda a new enirllile plant the onhone of ttfi kind in ciui- iitln hah been ehtnhllhel m ontario this oxiih up ii new line of miuiiptartur- i inn hlnn- mit iblcn formerly imimirte 1 nrt tied wklek in tlie mining liulitrv new appointment ool j c maurchle director at nh- lional defince hendquurlcra military 1iilmiik an bliitt duleii miceeeda col muurici a i e us director nt hend- nuarlers hh iipjhuiiumnt was nn- mnjorgenen and n prlvuti now resident in resident in on ere lt4ll fnlliimlng iircoiinth i w 4kar coal for town hall lit ii t h horn co mtmcs the caiswell co ltd supplies nnirdmore ac co mippla k rr ind conrnbh intundn co lilt h bumns e 1 hashiird biipplies it rim son wills a smith vukrs d elliott wi c sterrlt wages e pirrvman w ages n ijimbert unges m mcdonald wuges v cleave wager a corkcrlll wages torei el trie co tile sos 411 lesi i on ira ullowunre tf 50 tfl o r bniwn trucking etc iwn a elltle refirred t u in acton and is nounod b hon norman hog its cm- canadian certimlc co tw adtnit minlfitir of dilemi an- known under ihe trade ph i bv hlmiksloller ltd aa tollte 7bs t 7ft i 33 ab 30 17 20 ii no 11 50 3 7s i 7 73 0 00 1 100 30 00 2 75 37 33 20 05 21 1 71 nglu er calcium acton ymca closes good year elects officers anil itajanrl shoun xu-mlwr- mhip wau ijirjncwt since the opening h h hinton provident lv kleuti ol ki en interest w m hhow n hi monrtav nlghl when alton murrn meinnriiil v mca held it annual mee- inu i here vut ii sph ndld attendani i ol senior mem i i whin president w geo mason ojirjitxt llll uiliuti and the repnru wen mitst urntlljini llnnn e hav i ulwuvs be n n hundi- iip in thus enterprisi and tin memoir- shlj was ncreealtlv suciirlm d when the treuturei s nport presented bv chits klrknf show hi lt uish buliuui of 113 m after proidjnsm tor the cnr in a inking fund fm buildini mainten- nnee total receipts were 1 rk3as and total fxpendlltires werr 530 00 i reports from tin irrious eoinniltteeb wen- given as follows building a a du s special feuturesf e s force program h h hinton ladles auxl- inrv mvh c f leatherland in the superlsors report mr w j demon gave a summary of the use to which the bulldluu was put b the varl- cms groups in totalling up over 0000 purtle i potions were made of the building i for v purposes alone for the future a vn mens club was under considera- hon the v m ca- war services cam paign was ietng undertaken and already overvgioo had been contributed boys and airs camps were arranged and the i r tlie superintendent also roported re- camp bank had almost sufficient for the boy to meet this expense gprln8 upon wnch cot president w geo mason in his re- buoi had council and commtt- marks paid tribute to the splendid wort nrranged to make a tour of inspec- mr benson had done this year he also no of property thanked the board for the cooperation a 1 f th burlington theyhad given him during his tenurr council encloalng a copy of a resolution of office and the ladin auxiliary passed b that council it was asked m recognition of the work miss helen lhul ijm jum cijuncil consider this ostnuider had done uh the junior rouiuon and if deemed advisable to girls onuip mr benson on behalf of f tt copy lu hon norman rogers tlie tkmrd of directors presented her thr mouon suggested the tormlng in wuh a camera miss ostrander replied m tamuw do not expressing the jen thai the work had of homr muto clnbul 0lp given her and her lhankthr thu up- tactic of nam germany such as have existed recognition rurirru in other countne these a vvtr of appreciation to the rearing imlta m a the supervision of executive as endorsed b eer niemu r thf district milluirj authorities the with heart v appauar juer was ftled a motion whfh caused cmtdirablr a letter from uir duke ofdevonshiie discussmm was an amendment to the chapter of the i ode extended an eomtltuuon reducing the numter on mvluilon to thr council to hear dr thc board of directorsfrom fifteen u tumiie of western univeralty delier nine the motion was carried and in br on poland in knox church the eectlon which folio edthe lol- council exprewd appreciation of this a it tti r from the count mavi u prre of 27 011 for chloridi fob milton another quota i ion was received rrom s r- uiwruson a co it wns decided i to order lhnmgh the huluin counlv i council us this prtc the best a intir from uu litpior contmi ron td lulosid a i hique for t3s0 11 unit twinlv m r ecu i ol the amount of lireiis iiit t lei led i mm luilels n acton a ii tn r w nj n nd from hturdmon- a co lid ngurding u mippi of water lmm tin miiiutliil svsiem hils water wtmul iw used triiii june ul u iiep- itmur imh i was istimated that 10 001 u 4tl km nllons would bi hmtl vi rv 1a hou i hi omptm did not ixpect to p tin usual domestic rates supi nnt ndt nt wi son was presem lo klvi detulls of llu svstem the total lost of wuler ttiu ilhi pti luoq gulluiib including debcniuic and nil otlu r rharges tlie prestnt pump at the spring would lump 000 galloi per hour the 1 pump at pnstnt was working about fl bourn per da and with uu equipment f used at prewnt the amount required l nmd not be delivered in addition to uu- regular munlaml requlremcnu the cost of an automauc pump was about 1 000 plus installation cost tins pump would deliver 100 gallons per minute and 1 water could be pumied direct from the spring into the mains operation of tlie present pump would require addl- llunal supervision the clerk was instructed to write pointing out the dtftlculues tn suppllng tills amount of water and ask for definite requirements from the company i the pli i know smofl iurlt 10 oil j a visit there onl jhls week brought out the further inlenwlng information nkksllltokly talks hat these crucibles an- now being made j note former iuisidknt on a tvpe of machine never before used for mich a purpose production is speed- i w ijahs iham ed up with this new machine and a milcndtd article produced we silent nn an acloninn listening on sunday lo intenktlng half hour in thu plant on tuesday watching tlie various machines lu operation a new storage slved was built recently at the rear of the factory another intending part of uie new industry is uie fart uwl the new power pi ess used in forming the crucibles was made by nn other acton industry it is u specially built and equipped prtbfi made by the acton mnchine shops w hone plant is adjoining uie ceramic plant acton too has its place in pioneering in new ind us tr irs and pro- toronto qlartette rontrimttek to united service neighborly talks from oi1l was in- lerestfd in lieu ring congratulations ex tended to mrs weaver of lions head on attain lug her houi birthday he cull ed it lo our uttentlon mrs weaver was the mother of mm john williams who came to acon when mr williams paus ed aw ay twenty or more years ago and k pi the home together many will recall thb nne old judy nnd will too extend congratulations and the wish uiat she mil attain uie century mark ublid lhat line congregation tha loi worship at the united chun h m sundav evening will not soon forget tin inspiration of the octuslon rh minih lers theme wns whut iims it miun t come u christ and he wiis ably sup ported bv the thoir and the evungel mule qunrlette of lomnto the quar- woman ictte rendered several numtxrs not only t tlniuii of hall in line voice but with outstanding power lort1 hurth in convention urges prohibition liquor during the war let us bow in manly humility a ton onlnlo ma j3rd 1h4u to the editor an on fnrr prnsk deor sir may i appeal through your columns lor a hundred per cent observance of next sunday may 2fith which has been set aside by request of his majesty the king as a special day of humble prnyer in nil the churches throughout great britain and the whole empire it will be a rallying day for all who beueve nnd trust in ood its reveaid in christ or nil who believe that christ way of lue in the tme one- who believe in the things for which christ sto ami sulf tufndfi and aso for all those who bi- llive in the right couhiian of the allhd itusul our imrtlcipatlon this great iu1 of intertesslon will ik n w ltnes o the world of our unit we will not hunk of it us a dcimtutc reined resnrlid l in a dispeiitc flualoi or as nn nl- lempi lo x rsuude the almighty to halil1 his mind hut ralhei in the verv pr dial si use nf being a mithml if j railflng our minds strengthening our 1 urimtse and tfudying our nerves indllleniue in n crisis like the pre- sinl oni on die part of those who are not by com h lion anllchrlstlnn amounts almost to treason we know that hitler rose to power on ihe shoulders of those who had no ouier religion wiui many indifference to religious obhervance is merelj a mntter of carelessness- we so easily gel out of the habit and find other things to do unit ood in crowded out of rnr lives and uiat gives the ndversary his opmirtuntty let us see to it that none orjhe fxcuses we ordinarily make stand in our wny on sundjiy et-u- n iord tweedsmulr sold bow oursrlves in man ly humility before the unseen lord of ufe and submit our wills to ills mak ing it a wltnens before the world of our unity and earnestness about our cause sgd rev i e a brooks oont take a chance we have been requested by tlie reeve and chief harrop to draw attention to uie fact that the municipal bylaws prohibit setting off fire trackers or fireworks on he streets already two have tteen summoned in court for this offence and fined similar action will result for nil offenders and we give this frlei dly up to save all from needless trouble and ex- lie nse have fun but obey the law and go lo the park or other spot well removed fmni buildings to dui- eharge victoria pay fireworks we have been told plainly the law will be enforced nnd summons in- sued for discharge of nrcrarkcrs mi tin stnet animal meeting mivrrselcctttl the dublin womms itinutulc held thilr annual meeting on ihuraday may kith al j 30 oclock at the homo of mrs nelson anderson the president mrs homervllli in the chair the roll call was answered by pay ment of fees four members had per fect attendance mrs o bomervllle mrs bracken mrs vangooicn and mus m sotnervllle tlie report of the project of glove making was given by miss m somcrvillr for mrs kennedy the trea- murers report was given by mrs brac ken uie auditors report by mrs barber the president asked mvs a near u take thr chair for the election of officers u hlch resulted as follows prtsldentmrs n anderson isl vicepresident mrs c vonqoos- prizes rrchented in combetitionh at the hnlton county wc tll contention ijwt week 2nd vice-president- mrs w wotklns i secretarytreasurer mrs w qrac- j ken district director- mrs w watklns urnnch directors mijfa m bomervllle mrs grant mrs a near mrs webster t program committee mrs vangooken mrs barber mrs robertson miss som- l main adoninns were itrtk ularly in- ervllle j lerested in the graduation exeiclsis this j social committee- mr- brllton mrs r of the oueph general hospital grant school for nurses nnd attended the visiting committee mrs n mc- actonians iraihati as nurses and win h1ci1 awards 1h int inst thursdav evening in tlie war uuighlln mrs o robertson mrs black ol spiritual appreciation the minister expressed the hope thai the qiiartetu- might make u return lslt to uie congregation here in the not too distant future when hut iccurs the nn sunday night should be the guaraulee u large and enthusiastic hearing for this group of singers whose talenis hue been bo definitely ddlinled to the gosml of christ fi ida memorial hall at the o a c christian tminii miu huhr auluu wll n mn i m 8ttlt lnhl outstanding sm- i b winning the gold medal for sur- 1 nursing the initial was presentee i at this event by dr l h legged mb- marlon div rockwood won the gold medal tor general proficiency friends here extend congratulations on these suc- i cesses miss velma blair daughter of i ijutlv bowlcr eln forljir year lady members of acton bowling and tennis club met on monday evening for orguiuxatlon and orrungements for urn present season at uie home of mrs wm chlsholm bower avenue ofllcers for the year were chosen as follow n honorary president miss m nelson president mrs j m mcdonald first vicepresident mrs w d tal bot jlccond vicepresident mra r h lott bowling committer mrs w chlaholm uniud churrh gmrgetown ma 17th tin afternoon mission under the pre sident of mrs ii b gnlbnilh of mll- i ton ohttcd with the devolloiiul perikl led by mrs e g buxhr oeorgelown whose scripture stuby chnspll from tnp m w hook of esther who knoweth whether 1 thou art come to the kingdom for such a lime us this counselled courage and nil f- surrender in the fulfillment of the mission entrusted to us as individuals and as un organlrjitlon the report presented from the dif ferent unions showed some good work done in uie face of many difficulties but uie feeling of the meeung seemed i to be that there is much need for more energetic action in uie work to which mrs wm frank mrs p molsaac delegates ui district annual mrs anderson mrs watklnn mrs aklns mrs burner audltots mrs stony mrs aklns currenl event mrs orant pianist mrs g robertson assistant pianist mrs c ivunooosen the newlelecled president took the hair and thanked the secretary mrs we have set our hand in hal ton county after much ramest discussion those present renewed theirdedicatiqn to the task fur ood and home and canada tlie address of the gumt speaker miss c rosamund duff provincial field secretary or uie wctu furnished much of informauon and not a little encouragement to patient persevering endeavor a greater sympathy toward our work of scientific jemperance in- true uon li one of uie most encouraging blulr acton groduutcd bracken for her services and her inl and received her diploma on thumday t tiring efforts for the branch mrs 8om- the following is tlie oraduaung clas for 1 m0 miss mary isabel srwllaer acton ontario miss mary marguerite harper ouelph ontario mfss helen sloanc milton ontario mltn dorothle evelyn lamb milton ontario mbw mary isabella horsburgh oorrie ontario mlss maruia adeline ruby smith erin on tario miss emily irene mclean oen williams ontario miss jean verney clark heathcote ontario mlsajona warner ay res owen sound ontario miss vulma joan lakora blair acton ontario miss mnrjorle jean cockbum guelph ontario miss marlon emma day rock wood ontario miss anna kathleen logan blyth ontario miss edith victoria marriott ouelph on tario miss margaret leona mceschern mount porest ontarlo mus edith ann royce rociwood ontario among those from acuin attending ihe event were mr w b k blair mr features in uie present sltuauon dur inv uie past year she has had the and mrs omar parker mrs o 11 x- t pl of preenung to approximately 3a itser mr and mrs b e barr mr nfty- thousand students in different on- j nd mrs w g mlddleton miss mar- turio schools boui protestant- and garet young mrs basil johnston and roman catholic from primary lo col- mis laura johnston miss bernlce reld jegiate lesson in alcolyl education lb nd miss dorn lambert use j ihe term more commonly applied now to uiese studies may meet in j stie has given them in uirre of i tajitrn womans smith and mrs w d talbot social committee mrs s rushmere conwner mrs- j ingles mr h hel- wig miss h wallace and mr r h elumt debt is repaid ervllle presented her with a gold locket and chain und also a sum of monev mrs bracken thanked uie members one and all for their thoughtful gift mrs webster read an address and r presented mrs p kennedy with a bas ket of flowers owing to uie absence of mrs kennedy they were sent to her mrs tuck nne of the members has moved away and mrs bracken pre sented her with a lunch cloth and ser viettes mrs robertson had ihe children from no b school nassagnweya present and they gave the following numbers solo margaret robertson solo jean robertson duett margaret and jean robertson solo douglas anderson chorus by the children of bjb no tt nassagaweya mollle cutu gave a re port of uie first part of the olrls con ference held in ouelph and wild mc- aiaughlln gave uie second part there uu tn instrumental duett by uni robertson and miss prldham mra bomervllle tendered a vote of thanks to those who took part on the program and also to the hostess for tha use of her home the meeting closed with thr singing of the national an them lunch was served and a social i time spent to xivc british cbmingeventa lowing were made directors and later drvft lots tor the term of year uie will ere for one year g a dills h r el liott g mcketrar for two years w j besttv e s force h ji hinton for three years- w h cavtor c kirkness m rcwte oftlcets electefl bv uie new bmrd at subsequent njeejjng were honorary pretdent w gexi mason imitation another letter tram uie same order asked permission of council to conduct a raffle at their basar in the fall coun cil had no objection if uie event com- tarios norma schools and this spring v was inmted to address thr rural sec uon missionary society ofuie ontario bducauonl associauop wrf ljl it m nventlon she has also spoken in the may meeting of the womans clr tvl ullj ik tt hoapitau lalls reformatories and in missionary society was held at uie par- l t one yty in the armories where she had i cnage on tuesday aitemoon m uie duruig april ninety million dollars of privilege of addressing six hundred absence of the president mrs b mbwm war credit for great britain were es- a in trulhlng t uie meeting was conducted by mrs a tabllshid in canada funds to uiat doora m to bvdpelng on all sides t nrowns group the devouonal prod amount o of uie first canadian war aw doubt irowuib reolira- as taken by mra s j reld othar loan were used last monui to py off uon b tiir public of the menace which hems wrre chapter pour of the study a canadian- government loan ouutand- alcohol has become in our book chinas millions lesson on the all those interested are cordially in- ing in great britain national life every rommuniiv where ministry of healing lp india with vlled to an open maeunv of duka of this dmii ml i i l u adlly available poseues parts taken by mrs 8 j reld mrs j h devonshire chapter todi tueadar ojzih lmml lliii evidence of thu fact and cltlsens awak- bred mrs swiuer and mrs symon 1 msy 3th a r m preabyterlan achool mnu enhig gravrlially she belwned to uie the scripture reading and prayer wer room rpaaker dr truvllla ainountmnta al ismiidbs cia crt r oihr nit unur lhi trilin ir cksfffeit to rents pr imp with nuiin iharir lor snj wnitim rled wnih the ciiminal code and the funds err used for chariiable purpo contrtlh u l necessity of definitely corutrucuve acuon taken by mrs a t brown and a ipaclal unurralty silver collection thr duke nf rmaiirech also rwjuirwj nths noucafor hymn uflt ning for our mllnn on i earlier termination a glwn lust oc- thr rou woiutitm presented by sea mrs amod gave an insrumrnuu the bprlng onwilng of cadar ort mrs f cr 0rrend georgetown head- number i golfclub 1 ui be held on frklay sy ca uf ihe committee on resolution was it a arranged uiat the balr be 24th opening event for men oaptaina greed to provide as in other years a sum of 25 00 to provide supervision at uie bttui ing beach in the park ntoer ai british investors of un arrangements were to be made to dlan oovcmmint tetintien regtstetd imanmiouslv passed b- uie convrnuon packed at mrs agsrs and the brafhb tha uses president ii h illnton first viceprritfent w ll clayton lakeside chapter iode in a letter hl ltd for them in sterling second vice president e- s force ekprerseri appreciation u council for the drituh government in turn secretary cr- as klrkne- tttr ot tnr tott- n f jr dance f securtiei f otuva to obuln canadian treasurer o mckenslr thrniattrr of securing the supply of dollars or erfdlhrin the dominion a delightful lunrlieon wai mtrd by tt for the streets wan diarussed in thlswsy canafla which has j a the ladles auxiliary and a splendid about 100 yards would be required the favorable balanceof trade with drtat social as well as bminrss meeung msde cierkatu instructed lo murc informa- britain facilitates british war purcllauea out of uie gsthrring tion in thf oomuxux lujuceoai l rriaa tnr n capulns match worth whlla y ecureil uiublr super1rtor the park th ond ui corresponding secretary wai in- atll have chsrge of uie church service on rlie foriniyerwlttv low nt aonr structed to sddres a copy to the prime conference sunday starting lime lotlo am mfarripan 100 minister of canada- thi tadr of the arj inviutlon wa accessed to join r m iadles and kans mined twoball oppoaiuon nnd our local member 1 with the- womans missionary soiety in fouraome followed by dinner at cadar we the hal ton county wctu assembled tn convenuon in georgetown unanimously rolvthat whereas our umpire la now facing concluded on pag flv rockuood onlay sothmrsthftford closed uie meeting with prayer a vote of thank was gven to ura clifford and mus willis for use of their horn crwit lrtdf at dllockrltith avenlnr uiere will bej pttchlin and puuiruj eon- test and bridge all numbers and thas intareatad ant urdui ba on hand to make uv days muvltl a mrnsii jicyjijitlijaimmaumufhima

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