Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1940, p. 3

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way rtt utt the acton prltfc mtbss mom anxmv wicks tha off let luiy pnterod jtut wi tlw dnftfc talo- phone nuiii and tooted a heavy envelope of mamucrljn luifnrn nam y holder he arlnnod and raid tiinrw you anrid overtime druduet tluinlu jimmy nancy miillwl and uiihwiirtxl uie telephone hello yen thin in kuncy ah mouirr hm1tlrnl iter hnliltiml tminlntl voire turned lo a wail wlmtn thai muuim auuln ijind of llvlnif why must they fnmi and ntuj on ma all tlw tllne don l they unou hotels urc run to take are of people oh dear mel well re- jttuikhlly let ii uo ill tiring something extra fur ntipui and the iuimiii in yen yen ill not forget cloud ily hhc hiuui up and hal moiniiiturl ly rigid imfore i mm typwrlter hhe wi thonmulily angry ilrim urlnnrd ut hn lolerunuy tmigh niuh hi linked jimmy ith u rime 1 it my aunl ora from mutithinen and that mitnln of mine jftdward lie had infantile luiralyau und thin free ollnu here in matille neonu to hold aome kind of promise out to them to help him doc tor wenlbrook you know im not klrk- liui ftlwiut lhnt jlnim i out hop- he can do something for the iwiy wlut get me u that i mn muklnu only fifty a month atul out of tliat i numr hike care of mnttwr huy mwllelne ii the doctor fpmt and cintlir iih itnd rurr on the iwvtt i con with dad on a hut the other children tutiul i m t he youiiuivii daughter of tlie houne jou know nhe flnlshnmlttrly and if there ever wan u lnuuh break for a girl jimmys hue wiut nytn- pathetu hit to he ixirn the ymuiurnt daughter what cant lie cured 111u1i lw en dured i thouuhl i up ueluuu u few dot tarn nliead to tun thategjmliik dniw jtnunv the tvetiluu drew rniuit u in in tlte not to feet aunl oru and counln kdwardl llnie it t hokei urn rtttid jlnun knott what what jlmniv when votl ffel home thl rvimlllg you gral aunt ora hy the wmilt or i he neck und cmwlu ectwutti hy the ultuk ui liu punts and throu em out ulth m emu pi meuu xee while he mill uilnned j imtm atui nuint than halt in etitntel at thut ii inn t belnil dm in tne bent of famlhen llnum okeh then feed em here uu typing the ikish nald to piuin alonu lo you sa a tint h the old limn up to lolutt u tuiok or immnthlng it h a necrvl kutuv unuer had nub- aided almost ua quick an it had rlnen hnhl tlwii i know there it something ttilten in denmark i well jet it out so you ran w eanh for poor kin ntk mtloiut 1 with v huh parting whot jlmnn utthdrem an the off ire clock minted to t t mlnutcn after five nunc covered ihm t peu rltci gil her hat and coal anl made n u to leave for tlw day a moment inter ahe was golnu doan the rlexator and out on the ulndnucpl ati eel t1t innmuwrtpt wim thihth clutched under her arm nlnty imttfm fcltathr mt flftmn nu a nb thlrtiftty ma gave hr a tn and a flvs vouvw narnwl it lut grinned ftun atans he wu til runrtlna uirough tha nogb when alia went nut latar she heard llm talklntf over tha uvlaplinne to same -one- saying how tetjrperfaot uie typing and how alio luul oorracuv the analllng and blmplinod the nhuing unci tinkered up the thing in such oddx and endi in the week that nnmied the extra money was quickly devoured tn exlfa food and tiixba4 fare for kvlward if at tliiuut nancy hod difficulty kciiii her anger within itnunda at the way hhe wait impnihtt on hhe managed lo remuin ora rone she wu an upcountry unman civil to aunt ora and he wan lmmit the type kuouu in die vernacular on urahh nunpd by tin puthoji of llut hoy liurkenlnnt tlie blgtkiiinl uniouth i hud lie grown up in health mid wgir breed or plney wmubi dwellers out or the i lw unuld lime imii a darkly immiitlful aildn of the conial ptultut and uumilb youth with yi nwurth uf tknn uixl wu al dlnubiwt my time jetbla k hair true 1m- wu mouthy aunt orn klsnlng nuikj with piliutuvi guto if you aln t liuiklug un nulural an pig truck i well me and loddy ui oone iiinu- to hang up nit hat in your hall ugiiln und put our name m the gi iilwtake hw urlnikvl tit nam y mother vfti mild mt holdri nuiu tould have ncroamed hho bit her ljuiknt ui houl tmck liei ii onunent who kunwn it hctlci than i hhc imiim41 an iiukly uu au inliu and ttiiit u l hi ton i it loom when tthe lml imtabluihed her typewriter fin ihb hpare lllilc work she pill the envelope nn hu dek und dropped down huiylug hei face lo her tirnm imulde the machine hh filt rtolm ixuuumn hei she had ho loiiuitt roi lhal i heap little evening drew one of the tu iihbt itiii glvlnti u jiurty a week lutnce naiuy in ard her molhei h ntep along the hall uoluif hack to the uikheiielt nancy did not htlr flho flat uiere cioiinhlng in the darkueha ouildei lug i im uorlh i the iflird way of jhypipgwit duuglitei tometnlnn of tlw timuir llerthree olde tirothem llul uere married and gone making homna iui n an i lell ulmtil ihwn j of theh nun lk j the pmhlem man a complex out thut in lh nloiple huilement or uppreciu earn unuld not nolve nancy mil up lion nam d ueo weed abruptly compcti- straight vtr u monieul ahe aleudlcd mil lou for uu lulicn dollurii in looking heraelf hy cllnylng u the dealt fjheanll her falhet and nnither uapiy heiuie lhlnklug in a quick vhilnn of young lit their md ycuii he uoke ui reallwitlon dim tor wtvttjjnkik wlutl or him cimld uuil ufut all tklug uu ttiimgitt duugh he be tre or renpoiudblltueti she n j let wiut nut o bud iimtinlwred now tuivlug heard how ln t lite lone of u llnlr wntt luitlhug for life me had nut lin ooimln lodaurd indeivl itlniiul ullierute tlim- and auuln at immu nam y found heraelf htudylng the iwiy ullji inlenlty jlhj and hunf i for lilt rulure me loll hei i in often llrrwome detail of the trem i innnlii the dm im w tu gulng lum it i wen ii vl to tall tu aunt oia lo retail llw dismal hiihlinfu ot the mln 1lu ixiy mild nolhlnu of the imil und lu frnwniil when hla niotlni innuiliit upon oh ituonllik thli nule ot tilt liiiitlii llnte in luitkctt liti4llenl pi urn- mau imsh uikmil ihiim who iiiiia to ileal iiikhii how it inul i in goimt in trt well doct4ir well k hui w thai 1a lu u almoiil nurr hi i afi tin a lol fin me and maybe fix m leg wookly gardoncraph wrltu by wean ualuday f6i mtrul jru cmjimm oau thc f soil thoqooahlv befoor plakitihci t lo m lit nl lktoi then thliiuh si it i uei thlnit el u miillii i m going u htud regulur tuiyn hut i tell whul do a anil ooiinln nai hind from now mm and llu in line my head i lot i i an hludy und m r itivhelf muytn- clod hi how me how to urn how to heaclup utluc make line if a hhudid poillon ul tin- i gi table garden ly kluwlim i itiin- in it hlmc lei pu dn nol i u lid lit al uill l will n lmllir in mutt poithn it the gittdeii whl h in al liml m ml- nhaded tianniliinunit in n flrkt nleji uiwardji lu union up ithlct tin nnll rliouki im iiuddliht tlininiihl iwrnrluunl when the plant imn imii him in the mtdilltd mill firm ih itlh iduim ii an nhown in tin ikn oiupuiivlug clradeu clruph in ordei to illnilnute nil j keu and hetviiuie itthui rooli hihw lietter win u in him niiliul wiih the noil pr two or three dayt iitter it aiuiplunlliig the l it must lie hhniled from i he hun lumtmivrr bm that in oider to head lip pen w i ly let luce niluil haw quiuitltlen of wilier 1 lluce which gniwn nlowl li lunially tough and the fantei it mn im made to grow the more lendi i it will lie when harvested appllcallnufi uf nttrule in nod a cuu lie uncd to ntlmillle the growth of lettuce ftf tlw tkatahy mlat on tha tuhaor thnt aha duadpaarait aucvathwr tilottad out tlitt ateamlni on uw aacart vauel aaw flva men atmsiln tn uia watar ao tluww a oarlay float ovarbnard aa nhe jiaaaed then fthe righted another oltject which wail at drat takwn to ba our ulioatii ooiuilng tower ah ollocluji1 ouaul t lie ma the lutrttiearcd and tlie otiject won een lo tie n taft ulth a jargii nunjwr of nwui cllnahiu u it llmtre iuu a thick acum of all all round it ihii no iiuput of the fluhnmrtue hhe had unk nnri from the iiiunliar of men on the raft it ua olnloua she hnd lieen nlinndnncd llie men wete rwu tied und a deiitroy- e puked up tile ottieih from the carhy lloat tliey aantl eveiy man of the uimmilh i new except the u plain who hail eltlnr ele im to u iluwii wtlh in nhl bud tiet n urn liitt- in nuiklnu hui ivh nw dimillilug the ullaik i he l id maim lotil imu nue of the fhn1 dplh hargih luul i niwed i hi- ntni gland to leak and to mini 1 1 moim- tm- of wnfer while thav wi n tiylnn tt i n pan li aindher chnrge iptiuteil i hun alnngalde with a hlmttfi mil delonat inn 1 u t oiiplid with a nl one of all mnauy dine he leaklnu ii imat to ihi niufiue and tilir- fiun ami miirendi i lilt l fliin it one im flenl nut ot many ulmli nhow than uf ihe uibinailue dlei ling i li now lltttil in iiiom llrhlth m il iiwl- noil tlen iniyem hut it atno itlvtvi nome idea of the coilaot wuli hrllntrti lhal l- ll- en tur 111 tin viwiel h ui tlim alllil i ui voyn nod 1 the ll il tirlwiyn the niv nul ah lrcf nluit oil and n or unit put all lit nmiir inti deiotlnu ol lili profei it but he life it niuu mild uiulei hei i am making a liuhlmi i nllght a llilnu an reedlllk vtehwo iui my oor nharr lauxel how ullerk n 1 oinuiiiivoi hteiith here and nllr over n- and lodging th 111 the general tlnh i ami l she duxhod the teal from hei r mul went rimilutely out lo where hei mothei win pre pur i nit tupper she would nunt y piombuhl henudf at leiuil lw nui and courieniih to aunt oru and copjiln ed- w artl supiier imu w lthul a loud a flair aiiiit ora had a prodigious apiwlil und dcnpllr lhi allmeul titwuril tm kueu whai ui du with food afterword aunt ora helped mm i inkier want dlnliet und naiiei vent to her lypewrllci wlure tlu ffll u work with hublluul t otu en trillion nived und skill iir huuih uiilll ulmoht two lu uu monilng her flngan aped the ketn it unit the lire ior of 1 the twin a man ulm hud wen natt llfi i um on tlie nen on mobile hav and ut hunt i echoed nam uui head of tlu hhlpplng concern white the tximt nodded nancy uorkikl mr llollxei wiu a humnmun old chanutcr u uulque mini und u lot ol ht xmnpiiallty nianuged lo gleum lhmugh hbi til ted pluailng now and ugalu nancy dared tiint lu ntlft wording into the eanler vernuculur of the man she hopeil nome day tin book might gel pttbllhhed though nu doulitetl it icnch inige meant nrteen cenu tor her und ahi tynied out u page iery week aunt on turned ui mmt- uoniery nam y pay lug t4ie uivn ut lut e 10 the hlulloii the mitl ciwh had up- lilled ihelr hi keln a uood while paniitl nam woikd un lu l dii in tin mill run ut un i ventrul uaalin met lewuullilil hao i depattiyi agiiliijit aunl out a euro euiut miylng that lutwurdn i g tiad heal ed und now he might nuuui ou it and 11 won rail ruing like the nlju r leg and hi wiiiitd muvlke lie heuhd eiilirt ly he wiii nliidy luu hard und won making two grndo in mhonl aunt ora luul taken a i111111 ne vi lnr to the nchikilhoiiac h lid al lend nam v u as ulad lo hear it hhe w as more certain than our tlu hull liuuli u gixml llielnicnl or her inonei i hen nhe let tlw tilatu t unidr in her mind h ainilni nil- i h mls llofdt i lu inn ue all jaxon 441 riint look i linn me wuhe begin io tl abruptly ahe alowetl her puce herr ti n inlnutcvi hud aln followed cni mm the weatbmok clinic it un mi exactly or liad needed not to reitie old prtnch dwvlhng crouching among apilllug and grammui ihe might haw gniit hie oakjt lu weatliered ntiicio done a imge in x minutes shi rth-ull- wulla lw covered tlie iron grutlug ut i l hetlme that mr iktaer and doo- lun portluut loomed blackh through un kempt jthrubher a man wat coming out of the front dtair weit brook were clow pervmnl friends the voiiug doctor hailim uitid mr lloltvei s mmiiik daughter fioin a hfi a a ripple minrlted iid nuiu y look tin telephone and culled tile voice al the olhel end of the win uun the doctor b mv ilotlmt and i wre icukhig u boil l you lu i night the docuir won niit ing in hit mellow voice and i recull vhldly your relatives from mont omery thus tmy odduard connet tv peclulh his nuie wiut peculiar one of thoio that no far iia ue know hayc heiei lelded hiicccuifully ui treatment hut it appear thut nometlilng akin ui a cure hus been uccnmpludiod i am huilng them mint ugalu u make min but thai l not the reason u hi i have uket yo i to cull me mr holter told me how on hit he wai tin voung phyalclun who wan giving hit life to the healing of crlppvd children he piuiwhl nunc without ee lng her got into a car and droit nwni tlie irl hurrlthl mrward again oddlv ntiukihl b the sight of tlu oung dot tor she piuukhi grtnipn of seamen in front of the sullora mlsulun on concep- u tied but mi tense turn street imall win men from ttouth hotrt if labor that s well tmi did hif tyiitng for him book you know now i imu a trieat amount of this worn to lw done mtl u i oouuik lo me it you uould do it we miuht rlly her thigein numb her tmck come to some mutual agreement would in from rigidity her eyea filmed mu stop ti thb ufienioon lo mv me nustunt focus on the paper undei i w win v u- ik tut wii brook me tiioughl a liali ol pup is arur a frw romulkn on hui exa t iimhia dlreot- lv the girl luurlinl away wuh he dalu undei hei aim hu ot lhi lonliinluli it her tlilukliig and her liapplnetm ut lhi luill ide luul ulktll nhe nil w so clearly lluil all ihln loukl liuie lift n so ulleily tlintnnt luul she yiiildixl ui her auger and wirtlv urowlng d lhi ike tor aunt ora und uir lmiy when the nine to nee hot hlu- m im iuimtimi the wnrdn of thr ket we are nlionuii und are tietlei under illallllimml n stelllrt li lull ninny wiia at itutl kiuwu iiji ihlrli lie dollain would liny a itcitiillfnl mil genuinely lovely evening dn s itie other girl in tlu utliii uu liuilng an i other puri u wiik fioin now happily slu ulpimd liuoiikii tin iiillllik koliai llliillglhe ulllllnl lililtiiw nlr if the old town in uk noli tuilighi i tt in a i im m iii 1 altiail ihln eye wiliiivw nttny ol llu i nlukuig ut a i tuiat which al tarkihl a uonv gives a i li ut pliture of the war at mu an umml wmtfl was in cotnihiut ui a cuiivoi the weather wan llury with a strtuih folloulng w nul und u heuvv vu and at duv light thrte nlilifi or the convoy had lott touch with the oiliera sium uftrr ten in ihe muni lug there won ihllk fog and ajioul ui hour lau i nm of the nteamern in tlie convoy a iieutral wim lorpodoed tlu explnnlon uu iiei u and heard fiom tin- cacorl icrtl whkh at once went tin to full npeel and itt i nd for the i j mil ion of the sutimurlne afur a few mil un i defluilf iiiiiuii t wo obtain ed willi the asdli that wonderful lu si rumen t whu h lias tit en n rerrid lo a iniltilpabl tlugeis groping bene till the urra of tilt em countries inigi blonde men from tlw uiiruiiuids she cinild nee the hues of ahlpppig at the liav front ai she crowed side ntreets nine blocks out tn tlie imiifiuiiht tangle of narrow picture aque streeu nut latuvs sim tame to the little wind- browned cotlae win re she lived wuh jmm phrentn a bov sat on the flvp u luii of criilche in om side his evt- win block and alert hm hutr uiut dark and unketmm curlv he regarded nanrv not without a shade of suppcewed hostility 0 tf lntlnctveh aware of his sorry homr s hello cousin nancy he mild noiulv brushed the hair out uf tier ryes hi ejddy he iihtinied u 1u1 forond rorduiltv ijuiklng into jils he hghl she fin tolled collecting the hivt neatly she tucked them into the lopt she crept to her room and went i she from her as n lon w hile netting to slihp tlie net tuoruiiu nunci was up it hi r accustomed houf wu al taid aunt ora i reckon us we 11 be goitm to sie tlw dot loduv lw got t n ir thild u cent or moncv nam v eddv can t the oi walk up town and it might hurt hto iku u game lig hud if we tried to take u wmr and tl auks clk h 1ts s nmc rat her uu e eh h imsa urinn si if if un atmt ora and c utin d wuut nine t i see m atuui the im mnuev will tu might v w eh time im ut d nuiu v ml ho tv tu t am uraie me id quiet i ou di verve si mm h mi dl ii r ou see i tu uwurc thut ynurt iniett daughter im- seen li hup- score of imfes wliere the irl in union has the care of the old street cur btssuies tlw stieet tuir don t leople uprt her sjiouldem and bravelv atop wiuim a blotk of tlie pluoe it a lol o ou youmrer ttugliumsshouldtfr costs u clime lu one of those there cheap it and carry on magnificently buujtuire taxu x don t reckon oi au have a dime thon that ive alao ihaered how the lixwe tu jiir jiockets nouhurn j responsibility malcea you able depend- naiic uould have to walk to work i able persons i am fully appreciative her anger mounted initlnctuelv and of vuur value to us here at the shipping sutft yet she had promised to mark iwr office so if l may im trutngyymi csintrlbution in gmul grace i that bcimntng at the nrxt of tlie mouth there ahr sold laving tlw com vm i am rutting your salar from ttttv t aunt orua plntr lhen she fled lest slxtvflve j nuwtli itteiliu her apptarrs ti have her tapunn pathetic eager young eves himgrv for all nhe give way to her feeling jrand vttncv wmllced on air until tl- ume aflrctum she uu moved t a deep wave sav something that would hurt the old came to quit work and go to see doctor of u miath it u as tlie fee lint lc wnman west brook hh u as u alttng for her kneuv- vrnuld- itealcimv iwr she put tier through the crisp clarity of the morn- smilingly tliev shook hands ho aid land uiwn hw dark head m a potuun mg lv walked uptown the quick move- i j eel almowt a tf i knew you tlir evu gesture of pltv he reached up merit clearing her mind and soothing ho told me vi muji about vxiu how aavd caught her fingers irudde the roam her emotions she turned the flnuhid tine yvm were and al that i haw hw toancv heard aunt oru ctiaree voice j botik oer to the dojcb and lw grinned case recird here a remarkable one and even sense u ithtn tlw girl hardened afwr glanclrtg tirough the sheet one i wish to publuhln a medical jour- she pauad onuln bdwurd conner sutfi- pme mlsa holder he aald i se nal well take that nrstfriu dont jr she heard the clank of hu crutches vnu threu in a few correcuoru tat irootl mind afterward the mat oftli mater- hut dkt not turn to see if ah mltfht measure lal may be done at leisure put i have help him ve sir nancy smiled thauoht in mind eventually imhllshlng a book naneel called her mother whn j it uould not matter one must correct kwncy would have passed th frontroom the bosa ulth discretion floor heres mur aunt ora ooodnnat walled nancy under he breath ahe anterwf the room aunt i appreciate it how much do t oue m tlw res the amount on tlw first page on the supjeci or my eijnlf and investi gations im not a writer not a typtst mr bojuer says you are both now if we msy speak of terms may i offer you say about thirtyfive dollars a mqnth iierhm u immlscoh wu mktlltd fhod uhead ii was seiti or a in mienij r two hun dipped then erupt red and niuuliiid in sight tor it 1 uvt 4 w ni- tl ms mid- untl only im vanl- imeud oik can imaglni ltn suprtssmil fscite nient ui mkhlliiu hint jhmismii ilglit ulwtl i till tmius tht v boat semed tn x- f ui on u plite and us n incredibly an lev wvs mi intent upiin ins pet ting tht shli he d ttirindoed that tir was uptun ntv unawurt of the ectirt itvvyl s presenci in leir than u minute the escort ms- sel started ui let go her dp eliuges u inch exploded one after the oi her at various depth helow the surface two large airbubbles came ui the urt are t but for the time no signs of the uboat so tlw hunt continued a utile luter the hunter reguinled nui- tact ulth her asdic and dropped more deptli charge- still there were no signs of the submarine meanw hlle other shiim in the in tghborhood had oeen informed of what was going on and jlist before un o lock tw o ilntts de- trov ers arrived rthd joined tn the hunt then n prench destrowr appeared at halfiast two tlw weather havug rletind a little the escort vesscf sud denly sighted a submarine on the sur face at a rangr of about two mile she opened fire and so the did the french man a flying boat joined in the search sighting the uboat on the surface wttli several men tin deck and dropping a bomb uhlch fell within tmetliy feet of its itarget i the uboat long and low was v err difficult to see from tlw ship bacaus i arriving for opening of iqtkjparlianicnt carrolls tcia our store hours open tliunday until 10 pm closed all day friday may 24 open saturday aa usual pickles sweat mixed jr iso mustard llbttya prepared jr 8c waxed paper loc paper napkins io fish pastes far nee ti lie tuna fish 17c whit nl irish stew aylmer 2 in 23c aylmer pork and beans 3 1 25 oon own r 1 aylmer chicken boneless peanut butter velveeta cheese our new cheese potted meats libbvs sandwich biscuits 7 23c 2 ib 25c aib pk 16c pound lc 3 tin 25c b 15c helmet corned beef una saiv special our catarac dry ginger ale 30oz bill x9 depoiit ewlra angel cake chriitiea ea 20c carmel cake ea 15c mjir clinli asparagus aylmer tasty cuts cornflakes quaker aylmer cherries tted cowans cocoa five roses flour domestic shortening stuffed olives 3 j lc miracle whip ivory soap b 10c6ke ivory flakes 1 pl n hawes lemon oil mi 14c xs 3 4 ma p- 25c 25c ir lie lib tin 27 7lb ba 31c 2 pu 25c old dutch cleanser 2 bn 19c sunlight laundry soap 10 w 49c mclarea queen olives 17joi pojc sweet jlicy pineapples 2 for 3sc imneapiiesaue now at their best for jfannimj hum ripe tomatoes per lb 27c trewh ijuie hefldx 12c msut rycch green lleanu cucumlierh radioh ex ileetu carretu cabbaee celery hesru kruit nd vegetable speeia until salurday nisht only

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