Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1940, p. 7

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s thursday may 23rd imo the acton free press paoh ttibvkh tmt mkn who ty x never wo a great beuever in uut thine that men call luck it tmktti hard down rich t digging era the vein of gold be struck dunf fortune may be fickle but none of us can deny that khe love to lay hrr treasures at the feci of the- men who try ive read the records closely ite watched life a battlo too theyve taught me one rood leason that i would teaehto you fate cannot build a carrier bo rugged or so hlghi but it con bjrmirmoiinted by the men who try find try i honor die man of learning i honor the genius too tin strong man nd the brave man i honor them nil don t you but when in the great proamnion of life they pass mr by i lift my hat the highest to thr men who try and try whitney montgnnu ry twenty years ago from llir indue of the free prmh of tluinwlay may 27th 1r20 in in i xlifbitlon nnmi of bascbull ut erin on twenty fourth ac kin inst ti ihf lorn luim by 1 11 bnintj tf ii has turned ill wi diivlif i i fen v in m y popular vi li mr i j mil n of it nml tr m lib huik iv hhn insfi thi nlkatt rs u i lint hniist ov r uu h llii iiiki tin arion h hctuii iluuli hiiiid ndi r uu irudt rshlp ol mr n i mi on jt ini thim ilu niillng wiii u wn tnjoyablt m 77u ouki of d vunshin c imptt i i ilu iodf irimi ted ii itiit i mptrt dny program tn thi town hull on pit day viiinj tin program was fur nlnhcd i nlln ly by tilt pupils of tin high nnil publll schools a provincial ordt r in council wan passed ii fiw duys uuo providing for tht appointment of u poller magistrate for acton tin appointment has hem mode and tin rnninilslon has bet n forwarded inosmurh h most of the magisu rial roc hm have been conducted for the pout twi nly two yeurs by h p moore who wus appointed justin of the pi act in 1000 to succeed tht late w h fitorcy it dots not seem unmittinil thut i he newly created poult ion has bei ir is sued to mr moore mauhi1 ii kinocole in toronto on wrdnrs day may inth ioao by lit v n n andrews b a retu euphemlu coli daughter of air hi nry colt toronto to himcs wihlty king n of mr and mrs j w king of burlliikton oil l ramrhaw at tlliltil um on ruisdav muv iflth 10j0 churls a itamnhaw eldtsl noil of luibl rumshuw in bin 47ui year waldil- in milton mi thursday m lh 10 jo surah ann dull widow ol tin liit i janus wiildti in iiia tluh actons family album turning over the pages week by week and looking on the fates of those who were familiar to many here in other years do you know who this is they should be doing better despite the toronto maple leafs pre nent jnlmpresslve position in the in tematlonal league standing tticre ln t a club in th league that doesn t respect them after benttng them in both endji of a double header on may 12th in but falo mnnauer sieve o nelll of tin fhons described the leafs an a nun bt t for a p ay off berth otht n who hiive voiced the opinion dint the leafs will bl in there at the finish are ace purki r star shortstop of tht syrnciipi phlefn and itoy vnn ojnflnn veil rnn umpire parkf r now in i tovonto hoijtlliil rt co vi rin from n rurloux injury de hrth lint lhr syrnciim pljirn rnu- the lufh tht bint imiri had mtt m far thth iuon whlli umplrt vvnoradln milled thnt nei er in tils career an an irhlti r hiu h m i n u iimxl bnll lub hilirfsn onslmint j from bull bn tx iun lpvi rt miuihki r of tlu li utt uhu lojiiuliiuj urtxliltcd u i1ull f ur 1lu tilt in lin lirht iniftl m ix for tit m hm n opined i htill of tin minn optn n on kiil to k t tb bn ukh win i t sa philosophiuilh mid m piii i mi i 1 i n kioiuk hit in hut it c n nut ii ii 111 up w 11 iast ulrks mctl rl i 7 tt ii k i n nili rh l tl t k fun i rim i i i t t i l i i k m i 1 hi 1 mil 111 s- i lit iii hi i s rm hni n n li kt 1 im i him piiilmr f ihl li n in um 1 li miii hn mi rs in loin i ut ihi suit hi l t h w i rt mi nilii i bin pi rl i is mt i idi r folk wi l hii r hi i u i tint in itlinii ljit ik i mi pi ler m nub l ii in i fi 1 i ij wi n tht h ii hit i loam p i 1he sunday school lesson i or nhnay may 2fuh ii jl j7 pllll 1 ji ru ci vi n in with biriu i1kit1sii inihistrv ittlominf tlu war mwh from british tndiihtrv in jui itood tut tht uimoiiiiiimnit of bntllca uon by tea iunl air revliwh jtwt publbthisil fnim gnat british untlertoklngh whose lnterwta vlrdlr tin uorld u 11 eihiuiraulnt ntortis ol britain n lndiiatrlul treniui tuul nip ftcity luiprclally in uwintrrlnt and jthlp building tu ajmoclated electrlcul industrii group for txaipplt report thut orders on hnml exceed l 10 000 loo un uat thr number of employee tlu hlghent in tlielr hutory contlnuiss to grow order are coming in from empirt mid ton tun coutltrlra one of tlu blattrat being tht recent x 1 ftoo 000 contract for a huge power ntntlon for turkey tlu tnmoua engineering ami nmui ment firm of vlckrrn han maintained n atrong position tn nplte of immense cou of a hp and prewar expansion to meet po ifinil wh now mnferlnllnetl tlil firm it partlui larlv proud that h m bhipj aju cm wick and ursula wen mdlt in itn viutlh and i bt lleve us fbu 1 built ua thi ert finely handled said the chairman of the companj tin uvintlon section enlgnrd and produced tlu wellington and spitfire the great rtibbrr matuifiuturipg con cem of duplop shown a npectanilnr ad ance of oer l ii 310000 in profit for the vr vet go eminent unit r rep i ent onl 7 at the turnover their trading conditions continued tavombh m splti of the war rv unit for ovkratas hlbin cbcs new mobih unit no a which is betim built for strl oirniis wlurt rvrr tht canadian forces nmv be will b equipped wlut it stuudard mill tun chasjtbi four wlntl drlt i octal mill tar chosls tour whet i drive special mllltan ure and everything- required for uieratlon in the field thi unit will proceed oversell shorth in charg of a w htilnuu ule cbc fnglneertnfc dlvuion and is nwnttwl b the lrson- nel ofcbc s unit now ootoaii which in- cludeti r t bowman nr the speclnl events ikprtrtnicnt coninhjulator jerr wllniot and clernrd arthur a well us a e ahherr who will asslit mr holme m tlu technical operation of ute unit if evi r a motor cjiich was hung with lumtslukk mobile unit no t will bi tn thi shapi of uowlwtslus from all tht cbc associates on uu honu rnmt 7ec id no t tbicco just like old chum jeremjaji announces lllli niw covlnant oolili n lixt 1 will ml my law in tin ir inward puru mid in ihilr tuurth will 1 wrtti it mid i wil bt thilr ood and tin j shall b rn jwopli jnnilah ji h ldtt ii 1xt leriiniah ililii uh jilt b c iixpohlllon ihi n lluit it liuviih will muk mu ludiih m 14 riit prolu rj nf this pa win i i lias li l with tin hint of briu 1 s lonilnu rt hlonitlon mid i i o win ri iflrut i and jiiduh hiihii ih woiidroiu inert tuiid in niuiibt rh and whin ji hovuh who in thi duv of tin ir wiintti runt ironi hun hud v a tilled ovi i tht in li phuk m utid ti bnak down and lo ovt r throw and ti d mroi and u iiffllct will wuu h o t ullin to build mid ul pilkll i vb 1 tu of tnursi thosi coming days art thi tiuvh wlun ji bovaji himself onus ti thus tarth utaln in tin ptrhon of ifhoah jeiiui jtremiah and ezokkl iiloiuid in dihcrlplloiih of what wondi r ful and ijorlmirtdajs thr will bi fur rv 37 ul jl ek j7 j j m sim also 2k ph j jl isa 40 jj j3 mi 10 23 in that comi ii dnv each one shall mifltr for his own hln and not for thi tn of an out list evtn lib own parous while in thut mllknuial hi war thum huvi conu to tin end and prosperity abound and there will bt no povrrt and none ahull male im ont t lt afraid ia 2 4 mlcuh 4 j paalnih 7j 7 10 und tht eartli tilin 1 bt full of tht knowledge of uu lohx us tht wuters cover the sta iluluh 11 0 and the dev shall bt iir ml tcak 4 j j4 jtr 3 a i ji j7 20 an jj 111 li jo zech n 3 a nark chained and imprisoned in the bottom lest it not hell rev jo 13 rv niverthelesa it will not be an absolutely perfect da uicrt shul be bin m somt luid death mot among oiki b lit uvrnj peoplt tlu church but htrt on turth ivj j0 j0 1 tin absolute l ptrhsct fiii on tarth tonu ufur the millennium w hi n thi de ii hiu been loostd tor a brief siiuci and uilii b cast into the lake or fin flu hi and sluv then fore vtr and ivtr irev 0 7 101 tlitn conu tin ptrftct du tlu t tenia duj uttti tin tuw hiaven and in w tarth trt jl 1 li ood s new covtnani with krntl shall tn linnuosurabh bttttr than tlu tocn mil mndt thnuih mojuv when ht t ink tlwm to tht hand to bnni hum out of eivpt for that tentnant of womhrful bihsinis it bt bestovved uiwn titim was cnnriitit nod umui itihi s oiitdutui to it lnw dm n throiiih moms and uu uki hint law a ik ut iu w on iu ihij n iviti n fitirn ood v jj today jtsiu chrlht is tht bilrotlud inisbniitl or tin chiirth uph s j 3j cor ii i but bow ofttn tlu church hat roved a fnlthtirut wlft by going iiwaj from christ nfttr thi world jos 4 hi ji hovah s tt ntii r it vt for isnit 1 i is a mi brought out in hit wondt rful w rdh i took lhem by lh hand to i brint ihim out of dnyj how itri il tlnir ttikratltudt bui i ot iu greut tui imrh tt li hiu chrlht tlit lit w rovtiuuil would hi ot ran not of works ood wiulil wrlti ills law not iion ladih f tittint t ut suit nj hum but in tlulr hiurtj intdi of tin m si uu would kit p il not bv- outward r nstraint unit fmr but of inward choice und lovt i itomiui it m 111 it is by hlh in dwtlllul spirit that clod writth lib law in our hi art u cor j j r v h in m li j 4 i in tht tlavs ot tin ni w ovt nunt tin wi u d not need li ti a h out mioihir for in h should hi tmikhl ut ood 1 hihn jo 1 lohn 4i 1 ti um ol tin rn would nnw jt hi nh i foi hlmsi if b dirt 1 1 nvtlatlon inim 111m from tlu hast of uu m unti liu nuttm of iht m it was btrauw ood in that dav would hu vi formviu uu iniquity of isrm 1 cf zisrh 1 it 1 i 1 homiuih u jfi j7 unit hu would write hi law in thtlr luartt and this should all know him ii oiki t asmiriuu oruix in tin covin it j 37 tlu i lord s of natun ilti tht nsiilt of tlu handiwork of god tht iun moon stars tit dare his ium and tlu flrmanitnt showith his handiwork pkuiitu 10 1 when ood apptals u lliist as ev idi net of his low i r and gract we ought iilwajs to llsttn itnii 1 li hiked to believe one so rial n hi who governs the lights of heaven and sets tlie boundaries of the seas this in one wnj in which ood gives substanie to things hoped for and supplies evid ence concerning the things not seen heb ii 1 back of the wonders of nature la the lrd when his prorniws art confirmed by audi visible testimony t allows no other but a pun faith only tht sinfully rebellious w ill turn awuj from such tvldencc and loaaurance this is what paul means in rt miuis l 11 33 isrni 1 us a political nation has bti n destroyed bdt not as u peoplt what is meant b 3d to that tht survival of israel is u constant evidence that ood cow nun is sufl valid isnu 1 will ytt bt saved not on his merits but because of oods covtiuint promises iromnnb 11 jt jo the fact that isrut i is prt- strved as a distinct peoplt among hit nations that for ulmtttu centurlis uuj huvt letn uniuvsiml ated whllt ouur ructs umont whch uuv were dispersed hhw becomr lnconiroted into one un- ouier is a ptrpitual miraclt lids is proof uiat the tttnml god who outlasts ull kenenitlons is fcuurdinj his covin int li a bn t bill at dun i ulliiu i li m liiitluiu iti hlllt rs at tin mumi nt with i rid illinium prlkht l si f 1 1 tip hiliiui ilu lull will inn ilkhl il uu flildus mis iiiiiiiih rani lit p but impr ivi and aloiik with umii html hi klvts the leafs one of uio best doiilli pi iv combtpatluns in thi icagm n round mionil ban hi a clifton a llawlt h fit hit r tut hkhl lutttr ami mu kt ru joiikbf w ho inrks pit nt j of ihiwi r but is wn iinct rtaln fleldt r havt bit n ulttmitlnn at third carl i airly ii smart all round ball plavi r is lhr iivlh in fit idi r mill otuy a romitlk riat is split tltik uu work bi hind the pint with the vi ti ran tommv lit nth orav has youth hned a kctat arm and hi wl hit if his ji7 ii m rajt in hit tjastt rn ixiikui on john berly and earl caldwell veterans nf the staff are betas and more in relief rotes this compietm the roster which vuin ager lauerl thinks will be good enough over hie season to land the club in a play off coot the leafs are at home prnrttrnll tin whole inst week tn may betumlng on may 2lst from a three dny stay in rochester they take on buffalo in maple lenf stadium tin may 21st 22nd and 25rd a holiday double hrndrr u acheel- ultd with rorhrsler for mny 24th the concluding game nf i hi three game m rles to bt played the following eluy montreal cornea to toronto for game on may slut and june lut th leaf then ro on the road not to return until june toth when they fipen at hom with cyrncuse afternoon games in wfay com mence nt 3 30 p m double lieadent at 2 00 p m night gome will tart early in june when the weather wrarms up hi ath hit la t minimi r is anv t rllt rlon niij4lii s tht t xm rli mi crl llpton in lift fit id l u hi jir wh is in libit tin ball at u 110 rlip buddv batts ctnlrtllt d flash has yet to strlkt hu l rui stritlt lit tlnlsl ed uu thl stason with u ll mark at mem phis irn hill who hit 01 willi 11 iu hk last mar has just 1m t n purthnstsd k patrol rlkht hi id bill has nni r inlletl tt hit ubovt j00 in double a i impnnv john tv it r rtstrvt oitlti idi r is a i nk bull hitter villi dn m in clost lo 00 runs for ilufliilo last summtr i hi lt afs ihim muidv plu innk l k wnji thai pt wi r suirtliik pltcht rn art carl pischir jim walk up phil mart hit ilon jim rtiiliurtr listir mccrabb put mcljiughlin and john pi nil in tills s out of tht bfht balanteel 1u hlrik slafls 111 uu t ntlrt ltaguc plsthtr a brillriiu it ft handt r i nned his worth bivond doubt in 10j0 and jim walkup snukilh curvt built r aflt r re covt rtni from shoulder trouble has rt tntl comt uirough with twd btautlful pitching toorls phlll marchildon 1030 s prom is fin young rooklt from pt nrtunic has tt i n itumuig things from coach sad sam joins and looks a much im proved hurler bin jim rtnlnktr hus ulrtiidy won 3 games und is a decided acquisition leatet mocrabb on option from tht philadt iphla auilt ucs has shown plenty in hts two appearances und looks us tf tie might win 15 gaml- wlthout strut nlnit hlmst if pat mc uiui hltn luid a krtut vcur in 1030 with thr trailing toledo club in the amerie un ass iciatlon hi hus been purchased outright from connie muck jolm pezzullo hit other lefty on uie stuff is a warm wtather pitcher and will become inert ashikl usiful us tht summtr wears with thi people of israel utr 33 20 psalms 140 6 laluh 54 0 10 what is tmt concerniiik otxt s prom ists tt isrut 1 is tfuall trut retiurdlng his iissuriug words in jtsus christ u uit christian the covinant god has madi with tht christian is one regarding the t ftii at of uu blood ufltrint tf chriii 1 cor 11 j3 t lit b 0 11 lbi it is uu covenant of rcsenerutlon heto fl 10 l3i it ts the covenant of sanc- tlluatlon ihib 10 10 it ls also uu covt nunt of tlu hum niv jerusulem hib 1j 4 preference for newspapers im frank llutclimon ot the ku t- ei- lluiverxitv deparlinenl of journal- i tn at new bruiiwiek nj aid a urvey ol 2116 new bruiisvviikand ifiiihiiul park housewives howcil tluit nine out of 10 be lieved newpaper advertising more help ful to them than radio advirtisinj the survey by journalism students also inih- eatetl huteliinson said tkat 93 to 94 per cent of housewives found newspaper ad- verlisin lielptul in shopping and that hi lo 1j3 per cent were aided by the adver tisements in keeping up with latest stvles use your local newspaper regularly to build and maintain your local business lillll she muggs and skeeteh ly bishop

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