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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1940, p. 7

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thorfiriay joke th 1040 the acton free press kknttnebs m bo many thing will bo in vain th fume lh wealth we v tried to flaltt buoh thlnufcjwlll be or little worth when we at laat mh leave thu earth but one thins we jthall not regret nor grieme shout with eyelids wet when we behold mep slnjlnu mn- when our life work at last i done wfjl not regret the kindness shown to otters her whom we have known 3r many thine we may feel sad bat notyor making othcri glad i not for the times when on wei rood weve helped to carry someone a load not for lhe word of love and cheer passed on to 1ho in doubt and fear not for the food or help in storm nor for the good deed in any rorm ah no if happy we would be the ncrdi of ojhu a we munt mtl twenty years ago frm the issue ef the free jpress of thursday june 10th 1020 gtr workmen have been putting in n new water main from the water lank to the nation system oakvllle adopted dnyllght bovine tlmt n sunday the cummittti for iht fioldii ri mi r ment examined many dcnlgns and or ptcd the one mibmltted by mclntonh ornlte co of ronmto the monu menl u to bt rendy for armlfcilti da thf opening itamin of the halton peel hascholl leogul were hrltl on sal urday the flnit game belueen acton und georgetown resulted in a victory for georgetown with a score of 120 srampton won from glen william and mjkon from llmehome in the absence of the pastor at con fcrenoe the methodist church service conducted by local workers in the rooming mr h p moore occupied the pulpit and in the evening the epworth leacu took chard principal j m roskell gave a moat interesting talk mr boy wansfarough who has been bale iminigir of the new dominion caaltet co of ouelph hat received uia appolntwatit of oanarml aaanagiir of the newly organised sterling casket limit ed of ttoonto bomn 6tuoky in o rand valley on tues day uay 36th 1030 to mr and mrs vv s stuokty a daughter died crwiwlman at the home of w r crlppa crewaoni oomer on sunday june 4th 1030 samuel colaman aired 70 yeaja canada spurs search for war vital oil drlulns for oil vital farce of mechan ised war is under way in regions ex tending from new brunswick in the east to alberta and the mboktonue river in the northwest in the peace river dls trict of british columbia drilling is ex peeled thla summer alberta ranks first as producer of oil and gas in the dominion the turner valley field la responsible for moat of the production with a yield in 1030 or 7 4mi 400 barrels of petroleum turner wauey produces 00 per cent of all petroleum produced in canada in new brunswick the fltoney creek field has been producing oil and gas since 1000 up to 1090 the field hal produced and delivered for consumption 17 500 000 000 cubic feet of gas and produced 740 000 barrel of oil after the lapse of a quarter of a cen tury interest has again been revived in petroleum possibilities of oaspe penln- aula to test possibilities a well is now toetas drilled 3d mllea west of the town of oaape all the oommlerclally productive oil und gaa arid ao far discovered in on tarlo lie south of line drawn from barnla to hamilton bast of hamilton all wells producing gas in commercial quantity be a few mllea south of the niagara eacarpment exploratory drilling is in progress on manltoulta island no oil or gaa in commercial quantity has been found in manitoba oil and gaa production in baikatche- wan la confined to thf district of uoyd- mlnatcr on the alberta boundary ex perts however consider that the whole plains region of saskatchewan is worthy f prospecting for oil and gas in northwest territories about 0 mllea north of vtort ntarman on the mac kende two wells are producing oil exj parisian of the field is curtailed by limit ed local demand poor transportutlon facilities and distance from outside mar kets the rjroylncll government of nrlttsh columbia havrnad arrangements to teit certain areas in the peace river work during the present summer method op excbuitinc recruiting of the third division c a ep will be done broadly along the same unea as for the first and second dtvt- 4otuv the department of national defence receive from the district offic- ers commanding nominations of certain unlu these are gone over ermlly by the department to insure satisfactory regional distribution of ihow units in antr artllery engineers and so en aerate the country the unlti finally selected are given authority to recruit up to strength tfwvt id no dtfiex tobacco just like old chum actons family album- tumintr cher the pases week by week and looking on the faees of thoe who were familiar to many here in other yean do you knqw who this is utbt weeks mctuhf thrrr iu hardly n free pucks rtneirr who kl not luitiw thi man ahtuo plltun un piialuhtxl last uilc but w doubt li niuiiy nirium rradrni rrcuffnlkcd ihf plotun pttblnhid llr wax u hutldt r and to hln oru many of ihr hoiuirh in aton arr crvdltrd it wjt u- lal jolin cameron ym u tiotoaraph uutt in bin ynimtrer daya of oturin head of canadian navy sees forres now expanding while ao much that is spectacular at tech to the other forces the growth and extension or the royal canadian navy tend to be somewhat overlooked in true silent service tradition the royal canadian navy say little about itself one hears from time to time in an tibecuh way of ships building and about to be built but little of the day to day routine of tlie convoy service carried on under all kinds of adverse condition the navy however has br n truly on active service since the outbreak of war it has grown in 1m portanoe and unmgth soon a formld- cble fleet of over 330 vessel will be in corporeted in the command of rear ad ml ml p w nelks rcn the senior naval officer thnte vessels and shore establish menls will be manned by 0 000 to 7 000 all ranks or the royal canadian navy the main strength of the fleet will be incorporated in seven destroyers includ ing the bouua leader aa it is toiuty but the existing 7a auxiliary vessel will be increased by 04 patrol vessels and 80 minesweepers now under construction beside the work of convoy there art and there will need to be more vissela engaged in antisubmarine work mine sweeping patrolling and examination all three forces rfewpond to the direc tion of rear admiral percy walker nelles rcn a canadian officer of wide experience he joined the royal canadian navy as a cadet of ifi in 1008 although as the son of the late brigadier oeneral charles m nelles he might have been expected to favor the land forcee lkefed and tlnlty college school port hope did not change hi youthful choice with the oreat war came active service in the ships of the royal canadian navy afloat for almost three years successively senior naval officer at halifax and senior kttval officer at bequlmault after thje war his progress was topped in 1030 when he was ap pointed to the highest position in the canadian nkval service a director and chief of the naval staff the church the army and the kavy are represented in three generations of admiral nelles family his grandfather was the rev 8 s nelles dd a dls tingulfched educator- sho at the age or 27 became chancellor of victoria ttnl vertlty then located at cobourg on tarlo this institution later was afflll ated with the university of toronto thr admirals father war brlgadleraeneral e m nelwe omo wlm tlli a brilliant career by commanding the royal canadian dragoons in pvance during the last world war the chief of naval staff has been one of the busiest men in canada since the war crisis began to take shape the story of the current naval expansion has never been fully told and cannot for obvloua reason be rrwraled yet it u a brilliant story or fululment of thought fill planning and careful administration small though the rcn was at the be ginning of the war it has proved itself to be a trained nucleus capable without conflict confusion or waste of immediate expansion along its prearranged course kccord gvphum pmodugtion oypsum production in canada set an alltime tonnage record in 1030 when the output amounted to 1 408 1m tons valued si 1033 057 aa against 1 oofi 700 tons valued at i 603 3v ln 10m ax cording to the department of mlno and resource ottawa canada ranked firth among the worlds eypaum producers during 1030 contrtbut ing b per cent of the world production and 30 per cent of that of the british empire thr dominion 1 fortunate in having extensive deposit of excellent liradr gypsum favorably situated for ommcrclal exploitation nova scotia i the largntt producer and 1 folloued by ontario new brunswick manitoba and british columbia the materials pro duced etr the hydrous calcium sulphate commonly known a gypsum the partly dehydrated material known a plaster nf paris or wall plaster and the an hydrous calcium sulphate known aa an hydrite prior to 1037 the canadian production of anhydrite waa exported principally for use aa a fertiliser for the peanut crop in the atlantic seaboard states of the miuthern united slates but there has since been an increasing market for thl material in england where it 1 used for the manufacture of ulphuric acid ammonium sulphate cement and special plasters owing to the war overseas shipment haw been curtailed but it is possible that an industry will be started ln gonads in which anyhydrlte will be used in the manufacture of products similar to those being markvted ln eng land the use of gypsum products in the building trades has made rapid progress ln recent years because of their llrht- nees durability fire- resisting insulating and acoustic propertlea tttcs uall- boarda block and special insulating and acoustic plasters have been developed canadian factories busy canadian factories have delivered up to may 30 400 000blankeu 135 000 pairs of boot 270 000 shirts 775 000 pairs of socks 155 000 unkorm blouxea and jac set and 100 000 uniform troumr ac cording to hon c d houe minister of munitions and supply the sunday school lesson ior sunday junf dth ihmeh for vehitubs the canadian government is spend tng 14 000 000 on the purchase of some nlpe thousand motor vehicles about three ihousano of these hae been de livered overseas and the seven thousand chicles required b the first and second divisions all all be delhered overseas by jity ezbkhcl teaches pfrsonal responsibiut y onldyj text to then cat h om or lis shall rlvt noroiuit of hlnint h to clod romans 14 12 ufinon text fwkltl j3 7 ml time fim d c pint i in tin land of mm cluuflearis bxporition i lilt iurikiiblblllty of the one whom otxl a ixilntfi u be- a watchman 7 0 thou vi ruw should bi n ud in con nictlim with elm 3 hi il 111 2l 3j evt ry minister sunday school u arher and alno every christian is in a sennt a watchman unto iiih fi llow tjtr fl 17 act 20 21 31 htl 13 17 ji r ft 10 201 it li u tfrrat prlvlleut to have lhe word of j hovaii ulvtnt unui us but it invnlvtfi a in tnendou n nmiiuilbllty 11 nut km iu itteunrd of liu wont and r siminslblt to entry thi word to mir ft how men tmutt 2b ir jo lhe watchniun h btuuiiifu ls to k t hlx mm him ttlntih fni in clixi i htui tjie word ut my mouui and to ulvi to oui m uamltik it iht qxihlh of iluii wort untl in unit html itlnni t 7 if j 17 in tfl i 2 cor 1 1 20 col l n l the one uhn kiiown wtiut 1k1 huvx rixiut the tlooin of the wttltcd and dotn not glvi uwm uariiinu uuiirit un a palling rtkin nihil ity the u icketl man villi iwruh but ood will rfqitlre his i lond a tht hand of hi unfaithful mr mint v b each or tis wthlld do well to ink if we an fife from the guilt of thr blood of our ft how nun cf act 20 2f 27 many w inline will not be ceded but it is our business to utter them wheuiertheywlllhear or whether they will forbear tv o cf ch 3 35 3 11 27 it is for us to warn it is for them to heed even it they do not heed we have delivered our souls men will not turn they must at last bunt v 10 cf 2 peter 3 d 10 act 18 5 fl hebrews 2 1 3 10 20 2 12 2ft ii how can we uvr 10 10 it is a most important questlun that israel in represented a asking in 10 how can one who has sinned and whnst traxugreslons und sins are there fore upon him live the itenlioii i fully answered in the bible thr an wer ulven in thr lrsuun only fiet forth what the slnnrr mubl do reptnt tcf act 2 3fl but thr dibit if full of what ood ha donv to tniikr it powublc for him to forgive nlnr when the sinner dots repent we are told that ood han taken our sin which wrrr upon ua wind put thrm upon unothcr evrn upon hi own son jrsus chrit isa 03 0 oal 3 13 2 cor 5 21 1 peter 2 24 and that therefore when we turn from our sin and b llrve tin him who bore our slm in his own body on thr en rr ood can be junt and at the name time the lustlnrr of him that bellevelh in jrsu tromane 3 33 20 the ijord jehovah ha no plramirr in thb death of the wicked if ood had his way all men would reptnt and nvr 2 peter 3 0 but ood does not have his way with the one who persists ln his sin john 5 40 matt 23 37 ood ho created u in hi own image with the noutr of self determination and each nie decide for himilf whtjher he will turn rrom his evil way and live or not byt god has done everything in hi power to lend us to repent hot even stopping at the living or his only begot ten son to die ln our place john 3 1g ood is crying to us still as he did to israel of old turn ye turn ye from your evil way and live for why will ye die why wtjx ye it is not enough to be righteous for a day it is only righteous re that i continued ln that counts with ood 4 how blessed is the privilege of warn ing men if only one of all those who are warned turn from his sin and live james 5 10 20 on the other hand if the wicked hear the warning v 14 and heed it and turn from hi sin and do that which is lawful and right etc he shall surely live he shall not die thr righteousness ood demands is not merely negative oivino up sin it is posllie doino that which is lawful and right it is not merely the tree that bear bad fruit that is htun down and cast into the fire but every tree that bringrth not forth good rrult matt 7 i or ma rest u have not done anything bod that la not enough are you doing anything good ood goe into illustrative details tv 1st and they lncludk not merely doing evu no longevbut making restitu lion for the ell already done but this a or course all under law and by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh hup1h1rt1no emmbk plan hit advance party of tlie royal air rt who will organise the empire air 11 ulning scheme in southern rhodesia liu arrived in salisbury the capital hit parly ooruuu of 100 officers pilots snd u clinician the development of lhe scheme in rhodesia and southern africa will provide a complement to the i inn whuh 1 now under way in canada 17m pluplre air armadas will have pilot trained for combat under tropica a well nnthcru climatic conditions be justified in cods sight romans 3 201 whbn n man turns from his righieoiut- ntiutto sin hln righteous deed which 111 hath done shall not be remembered 13 till primarily la on the lround rf law but even under grace 11 in required that we continue in the faith i att 13 22 hej ifl an romans 3 dt the other side or till truth u dint the one- who truly btlleves aiul is twjrn ugnln will continue tlleb 10 3d john 10 20 20 1 john 2 10 luke fl 13 i5 the don mny return to his nnilt and the sow that was ftaalied to iir wallowing in the mire o peter 3 20 22 but a sheep will know uie true sin pherd s voice and follow him but a stranger they will not follow john 10 3 ft 37 20 there u a deep significance in those words he ahall surely live lit cause he u warned kaak 9 31 fabcibl leader in custodjrat montreal ib 841 aiunh rmj1htfhm1 a itiuil of 10o43 enemy allciin nuili untl fenralr aiv registered in cunnihi with the extnrpmnn of 4 12j all mr rr quired to report sk often a their lrxal nglhlror considers necessary practically ill report in person onct n month adrien areand chief of the national unity party is shown wearing hat centre following a detective after being returned t jvfontreal under nriru charged with violating the defence of canada regulation he wo inkm into custody nt a ijiurrntlan mountain hide out dr norfl decarli nation il trraiurir of arrand fascist group also undtr arrest 1 jlrtured just tx hind arcaud gel yoifr printing in aetttn job printing flightm riulc oi irint injr only from this office we aim to atiifv our eustonier hy giving firstclass printing antl quick ser- v iee imwne us when in need of printing ton free press the good printers phone 174 acton muggs and skeeter wmv not ip i so through coucge ill mave twelve more vearc of school multiply twelve t zoo davfi a vear that means ive oct ztoo school davs to go by wally bishop i mmmifxiwmmtzwawiz e2 rjrlsiit

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