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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 6, 1940, p. 8

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n paoskioht the acton pree press thursday junk tith imo katf0m uaniaa and deaths ctwive in mwnnrtam mettoaa i 10a 2mt ttm additional ft gnatr minutes are not approved by the school board continued from pag one average 1i170 134 or4a b two- uacher schools average 1491 m arade a thralehy aohoou average salary ilhoa 10 grade 4 four teachers or mow achoolc average ftljms 15 tin average ofiu grade a schools waa 1806 4a th chairman taid ha hd worked th averages out from figures given in the official bhie book thy were not presenud in thla form in the book but secured by breaking down the figures given in the official book mr boyd aald lie had quoted tha figures exactly aa they are given in the summary in uw official blue book and gave the page on which they war to be found tha chairman said ha waa quite will ing for an increase in salary for mr mckanala of o00 provided an increase of 100 was granted to ur itch trustee boyd did not think it good builneaa to consider the two salaries to gether and pointed out that as yet the salary of none of tha continuation school staff had come up for discussion the opinion seemed that the dead look oould only be broken ix an- election ua made while the legal aide had teeg given tt was agreed by both mr boyd and dr buchanan that the in tertats of the school should be considered first the chairman asked that a motion ll made accepting his resignation as chair man of the board trustee wow made the motion accepting the resignation ulth regret other member refused to sirond the motion trustees boyd and buchanan offered to resign and haw an election to char up the situation trusteo dills slated he had been elected to office for a two jear term and he intended to stay in fflce for that period it was then suggested by messrs buch anan and baya ihot they resign to clear up lhe situation and mr boyd mode the sporting gesture that the loser pay the second instalment of taxes in q mnde it c ne wns acton come due on june 16th itj on j the event of their being the annual church parade of bom an election on the issue scot j wathem in ookvlhe last sunday trustee bio urged that the two tnia broia wn i urs mttkf tt compromise bet a aeulp indication point to a great bather ment or the point and aotd a needier inff or expwtu at ijorne school on july rxpenne 1t feowt at th aulph0taral 1iod1u1 on tuakky kay slat iftio to mr and mm murray bjwr a daughter fcowkbyjm th ouejph qoiwal hft- pltal on thuraday may mth 1m0 to mr and ura brt lawary a dauh- wr lourat bt joatph hoaplul oudph on sunday jim and 1m0 to mr and mr dannla mil umahoua nw odraaa wmw u ut of aon arthur blake jlaw at har hoin itnatehfciul naa- aacaway townahlji on saturday jon lat imo ann oault widow of th 1u joaeph haw rrwatmoook at hr lau raaldanm dower avow acton on monday jun jrd imo annl colli widow of th fate jama kratbroofc job ouddanly at ouelph oanaral ilotplul on wednaaday jun th imo bobt alaxandw lovd mini mvld usolady jo agd is month m funaia win t j j at uw horn of al joe 11 1 wiatan 3 sum toamuilp on pri- 517 at twotilodt standard tim ui- trrment at falrvtrw omrtry aton wiuollt suddenly m may 35th imo at lloyal oak mlohlean baloved hua- band of plorano loving u betty marjory and john jr helod isiif js john wright bden muu onurlo and brother of ol toronto mr turner and mr boulh- ncr 8t thomaa oeonre dert eden mill and mr locker oeprtnae funeral took place tueaday mhy mill in jloyal oak bntombment whit chapel memorlol rark cemetery od and enns buy war savings stamps get war savings cervlncates acton tanners haw entered a club in the rural softball league at the request of trustee boyd the ouui of office token by a trustee was lend a motion was written by the sccre tary accepting the rcsljjnatloiui of trus tees buchanan and doyd and asking the secrelory to interview the municipal clerk regarding an election to nil the two vacancies or gefn ruling on the pro ta inmau- of guelpr btorma cedure tlie tuo irustlps lmohed velt urj rcaped on saturday and enjoyed u i t could not make this resolution and 1 t ther memiben of the board nfuwd to nponnar the motion the matter w lis left finally tor the beware of the stranger who attempt to pass mexican bills they are tn this district fathers da come on june lflth this year a chance to remember dear old dad iiair hours liberty there is every evidence that mas oultoes will be plenuful this year they faccr m lhr munlclial ch rk and were in evidence early too lea amputated prince charles of belgium brother to king lopold is reported to have been fcerloiuly wounded in the nerce fighting in belgium before tlio ling gave orders for the belgian troops to lay down their nrms the prince is itported to have had his letj amputated the column thot who hae ncgwctcd u puy pt 11 tax who are eligible are to be l moned to court we arc informed h t a ruling on procedurt tin ilourd j norvul on u nda wen to be ud vised when lhe in forma tlon uiui mnllabu imd they would as eemble nunin- thi meeting lasted ovr thrte hour mr m 8 nixon lormlr uiver of i ud tin deadlock was just a securelj acton creamerj has purchabcd the picked it the conclusion as at the be hume theatre ond business block jn gihning no mlnutib were approved no jjlj i corrpondtnr was read no business was tr unacted swimming etuons lor g rs between tlie ubis of eight und fifteen befpn on monday junt loih ni 4 15 pm and for boys of the burnt- uues on tuoay ut 4 1 p m names m ist be handed in at thi mca by coturdav noon consldrmble jr pn ha hiu let n made towards uu organlrullon of uit acton ys mmsc ub and mart will bt beard about uum laur the youik ludivn 1 tdny ennilng ojm cliufi urt lunuinti to n to cinik veniiik juni 17th for u picnic lunch mid iiwlm those who ran limine to go urt iiasured of u dt llghtful mine nd a cordial inwtation l txundtd to anjom who j urtlrl pitted in thi i class aqton council opposes county equalization l continued from pag one sale price of each property sold in each municipality during uie past five year with the local asaessment of the said property carried several matters to improve conditions in various parts of the town were dls- cussed and instructions issued ma to their disposal some discussion took place regarding tlie supervision of the swimming at tlie park tills summer upon motion arthur russell was em ployed to act aa supervisor at the bath ing beach for a month a trial at ttts 00 and if satisfactory for the balance of tlie summer instructions were issued to chief llar- rop not u let any ladders or other material out of the are hall for any purpose whatever except a local fire permission waa granted to the liuce side chapter or the i odjc to hold a raffle clerk leotherland was requested u write the blckleseagrave co enquiring when the pumper and truck would be ready for inspection j f ijaf 4fcj 59 tours llorkwood went on daliihl baying time on saturday every community for some mile in this district nou opox- nlet on this time mr f toth has n turned to acton from tllsonburg and u geluiiu hu shot repair shop re estobluhed in thi su re next wilds bakery the acton juvenile baseball club wlu meet for organization in the coun cil chamber at the town hall at b 30 nrxt tuesday evening the woman s missionary society of tiie church condu ted the service on sunday morning at the united church the addreaa was given by mrs b mowat summons are being issued this wvek to owners of dogs who nrgle t to keep the animals ud p mor bre to folltlw for further violations we are told by chief harrop masons fram wellington joutrct fll autnblc in acton on sundaj evenlnu lor tiie annual church service to bt he d m the united church at amen o clock standard time thi tntirt junior oirls class enjoyed a bicycle hike k dol j vnrdtn on wed netrda after 4 00 undtr th uadirshlp of miss htlm cfetrander i editors note it will perhaps b of intcrm to riodtni if we quote the sec uon of the school act dialing with resignations during the ear section 70 2 chap 57 bso 1037 subject to the provision of subsec tlon 3 where the office oi a trustee of an urban school board becomes vacant from an cuusx a majority of the re retaining trustees present shall at tlie nrst regular meeting after the vacancy occurs select some duly qualified person to fill the vacancy and the person so elected shall hold office for the remain der of the term for which his predece sor was elected and in the case of an equality of votes the chairman of such conductor what art ou doing with meeting shall haw a second or casting i those towels in jour suitcase vote i salesman with prtsericie of mind wc understand the clerk has been in oh they are wmr i used uu laik time communication with the provincial de- i was on this train i had them washed an aba sets example the canudian arm has undoubtedly bitter dental sirvlcts for its army than nil olhtr urmed force in the world to day the canadian dental corps has nallzed tlie idtul of one dental officer to 500 men in comparison to one officer to stven tir richt thousand dining the last wax dental fitness has achieved equal importance to physical fitness bright ff1xow partment of education who have the matter under consideration and will en deaor u untangle the situation i mechanic wanted 46th43r4ibattur4i and brought them back i seo jfctho world of tomorrow v today sincludes toxi to hotel assured hotel accommodation admission to fair grounds admission to 5 concessions jhjhtieeing tours of new york mfcwond the fair grounds includes taxi to hotel assured hotel accommodation 2 admissions to fair grounds f admission to 5 concessions sightseeing tours of new york and the fair grounds tour of n b c studios two choices of several other entertainment features ken nussell son of mr and mr 6ton hiusell oakmlle made a b for vtlta allowing in the inter culege track meet at mcoul stadium montreal lie rami fiurth in uie 100 yard dash carrun on the proud traditions ot i two units which achieved distinguished tulip day held by acton scout last record in the last ureal war the lflth j saturday had a real appeal to acton 43rd battery rca c a j is bting nusrns iwady sale for 200 dosen of mobillard in ourlph by major o mccon- lhetrp fhir sprin nocr was found b ky he boys who are always doing a dallj the mechanized butterj of 13 guns tood deed tor someone else when its personnel is completed ll hove a total of 300 officers and men ond mr a j murray ha let the con- major of u no ttm tract for a new modem dairy of a nik jrom weulnbton j md qtv construction to rapuce the one deetrdy- j coimtlm asing untl 1 bj nr in dacember iwt p j d mac- ft grphi cmln ln ont of nnmt kanale a son work on uie ne build- mkumm of tne p of ctarlo ina will commence at once alfred johnston 14 yearold urn and lra rlehard johns er township had his right hand severely crushed and the middle linger torn off at the nrst joint while assisting in t t 1 derating of a twoman potato planter at his fathers farm saturday on the eve of the mth anniversary of the ordination tf be r j mcbeavy into the priesthood held in the partth throughout ontario in his civil capacity hall at parts tha parishioners honored rather urflaayy by presenting him with there are openings in the i fit h 43 rd batwry tor men who ore physically fit and particuarly for men with special tied training such as motor mechanic truck and tractor drivers men with mathematical qualification stunallrra sunej specialists gunners applicants should be ave fett e ght inches in height and of good character major o mcconltey commanding ottcr of the unit u widely known as a leading agricultural s ientlst and a member of the faculty of the ontario a purae it he was for several year the erlciiuural college and he served as an oiricafln the mh cahtidlarttsaitery in the last great war and has served in the canadian null tin since the war revered priest oy at jbsepba enure acuin and friends here join in congra tulatlons on the anniversary occasion jboyvt gaah caaifamblr thaatr friday to monday jack benny in buck benny rides again with rochester elltn drew andv divine chlldrm under 4s years admitted i- ree saturday matinee with the trade marked label end of ralada tea j paond paekage or bes el tei bajp kalurday continuous from 12 wm tlksda to tfrlltrapa ftterle oberon george brfnt till we meet again with pat obrien beautiful encyclopedia sir en sale every tuewday wednasdsy and thursday weekday shaws at x is 7 ia 9 15pm bayllghl saving time liibipl ox includes taxi to hotel r aiiured hotel accommodation a 2 admiuioni to fair ground lfa ad mmion to 5 concessions sightseeing tours of new york c and the fair 0 rounds b tour of n b c studios ka cruise to west point a admission to ripley s oddi- fii tonum mmrstiontonewsreijfieotre ouvtahm und torn dundum basic may 37 ui imo dear sirs jkiat a few lines between swata mos qultoea to let you know how we all ap preciate reading tiik actoh pan psiss it lias been a great source of inspiration since x got your first issue we are now in serlnun training in camp and since i am away from home and away from my dear family your paper win be looked for with greater anticipation if you should happen to insert this in tlie paper i do hope some of my frlendn around naaaegttwapa will take ume out to drop me a few lines please note change of addreaa in this letter thanking you for pant favor of tiis actoh fhkk- psion i am thankfully yours ptk if w aodptutv pie ii w aodfrey u02fl cap 8l 1 mo co dtindurn camp saskatoon dear psxe press even tlimish i don t qnd it passible to write regularly i enjoy having my issue of tiik furs v ijs each week to fee what your part or the country does the neltthborhiumt newn is one of the features i m inu netted in ha in thnt pugi such a bin nullun in covi red i was nhorkid ut rind of mr chan mi re dlth n terrible ncrldi nt in lhe ljinehmim news tvt hvihi n kl clc r ni tuhborn iir 1 years worked umi ther j liiyi d tout i hi r and lu and i with nth rn did 11 greitt deal of planning togvthir for nimmunlty strvlce of vurloun kinds and how i do wlsl now i could be cluni nguln when he in in mich iroubli and milferlnn so i could allrvlau in nnnu way some of this tri uble but in npitc of the dls lance 1 11 in hoping for tlie very best word of hla rocoviry our boy nut with a nasty accident early in uu spring but am thankful to wy is recovering nicely wculhcr conditions in the north havi been very dinioult and became really monotonous uiln spring tlie snow wrnt away early and i thouuht when i wrote some weeks ago needing would be over by this time out it commenced to rain the first week in may and never stop ped for 24 days some of the time day and night until the whole country was almost a lak of mud but in spite of it all no ont lost faith ln that guul promlm uml tht uorld would nevtr more be visited with a flood and it fliuill slopped on ll jrui of may and jiml simply wondlrful wcatlicr tvtr slnci so gnmnd dryink vi ry fast and n wtli is simply furlmui thi irith nri all out in vri picuinlul flowvrtk in full bloom wild fmll in blue oni nil m u tik and ivtr no mm y on the 1 hid liiluviiund und tcdlnu wl hnvt otu nk biu luld wn iuki tin olhtr ulii ut rittdy rhtn it will b tin tinrden oruss htut umi bo last wl havi covin out in tmislun fao i rt still hopi ful for n ncnson long enough to give nn crla sulf u lent f r o ir ni eds ititil thi needs of thost unablt to product thlh icrrhile unr mkt production nil hit morl iirgtnl and necitswry and i firl tlwt tf lty criticism and mort homst ui goodnr iflort win uktd in lami 1 qtiarurn hum dus more aould be ftc 1 cornlluhed i on accouht of abundance or feed of j all kinds ntock hint wintered lhniih j well and now with ood grass niwth milk production will stay up butclur stock ulso ij in good shupc and omt wonderful mi at goes uj mnrlft t each week spring lambs are growing very fast and one man told me saturday ht would hove some ready for market in i two weeks young plga arc plentiful and sell at u 00 to 14 50 each accord ing to age and aire formers in the north huvc gone in btrong for chlcjccns this spring with hatcheries in both north and south mipplytna the demand the price of either poultry or eggf has not been the incentive but folk find a nleady demand io are going to huprly j 11 ebbs no are kilting here at 2bc 30c i and 35c potaloen art not plenuful and are selling at kl 50 per 75 lb bag we are fortunate having plenty for both j sted andjable uc but a great number of furmirs are obliged to buy thin spring and an di eiidcnt on imported stock prlnclpnlh new brunswtrks perm nally prefi r acclimatised seed of nn kind what our customer write about health spot shoes ontario may th 1040 diur sir ln regar to hiallp g fihoea uhich 1 fjrcjosed frum vtu in november i havi klvin th m a fr ir trial wearing im iery day nou i find 1 cimrt walk right with th old shoes i was wearing the ihalth spot shorn support the foot tlroigh the arch m i nevir ha l ralr suppc rt me before aud hold the foot straight with nr sign f runruig ovrr yet llav ug had my fiet hurl yrnn au i have luen very hard lo fit in bhors ever since at lram to get a pair that i had comfort with before gvitllng these titiftefi i wns walxlng with two cans now i have got down to 1 nr and ur around lhe ho me the most of uie time without one and am in hopes a 1 get stronger 1 11 be able to get all ng mthtml a curie i am nell xatuflrd with the shten sin crrly mrs w j o p6 tlie mil in ill u flnrl with thr shi rn i in r y 11 wear lit jili top t miirf 1 run t get n 1 ng ulthi 1 u em lo nolhir iiliii rut 1 rnrt n v it j r n uhtlht- 11 wia tin ii dlh spot blue tint mn helping mr wiilk i nr r uy i 1 il t n the i id i ttrf- h dr mini r gh wr rk nd i minn tt ildi t unlit tn niul ti 1 11 it 1 u oaltt hh iln un r i n h 1 n t we curr a iirc ilanuc at szfw nnd uidlhtt in health pot hntn for men and w unun omv in and see them vr tniiire for folder n obhjmtinn b d rachlin a ion pi10me 1 r breailiirr llecomis hicf f air staff air commodore uoyd s brearlner ift has bein appolnterl chlpf of the ajr stair of thi rcatf u tuccerd air vl marshal o 1 croll rliht wlu has bien nnwlnlirl to thr nrw p ft i ln rvir oiiural of thi ruvbi canadvtn ajr pi ret reported cinin to canada 26i includes taxi to hotel tcj assured hotel accommodation ia 2 admissions to fan groiwju- adrnitsion to 5 concesstont i sightieeing tours of new york j and the fair grounds ke tour of r o development db chinatowrtand hbrlem tour 3hour boat trip around j manhattan island t cruls to west point fya three choices of several other ferent from that or southern ontnrii and nouircn difterent management and the earliest vanelies of wed now fir this time 1 am j cordlalh youm r w iohnbon r r ni 1 thoniloe entertainment features atm ouortft ui canabun 9vhds and mm j m a hoojm reiervatlont rrjutl be made at f featt a wak in advance descriptive folder and complete i information at harold wiijees rhor ss gray coach lines several changes of liteo ministers 1 this district the final redprttif the settltmrit committee of hamlltorr oinfrrence- of the united church uuve changes anyct ing several churches in this district thr confireire i helrl in out iph d ir ng the week trl h klrpen comes lo eden mills church nnd n c a perliu to prn these aie in thr guclp prebjtery in thr llalton ptesbyter rn j a moon u tin hi pplj minister nt ml tin while rev mr porter is with the can adlan arm churchill and bolllni d churches will came under the ope caw with rev a o foreman as the mtn arm s 1 011 and juct are lo bt married i uumght it was only a flirta tion a- angela bo did jack i eh a and rudi dolfuw chlkreji of uie austrian cluusce lorwho was rlu n b nazis in 1b34 are rr ported to be cbmlng co canada in the near t u 1 ri ftith tlielr mother to rke pp residence here

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