Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1940, p. 1

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7 sixtyfifth teur no 50 acton ontario thursday june i3tlr 1940 eight homfcprint paget fivo cents school board difficulties settledsalaries adjusted mbw m r young rations from lh suit dr g p rojccre attend to ajwtat hoard to snooutout tanrle medina wan hejd on friday afternoon fialarlafi adjustments were completed and the business of acton school pro ceeded with at the adjourned meeting of the board held on imday afternoon dr o p rogers chief inspector or second ary school in ontario nnd clerk c f leatherland were prcnent an well as all members of the board to endeavor to find a solution to thi deadlock the name motions which had been made at the previous mccung wire put to this meeting with i xactly the imi results the alumina of this just gave a complete idea of the situation and dr rogers felt thi n was no jimtlflrn- tlon for the position trustee royd gavi hl specific reasons tor voting on he did an the matter h raid he had never before given tht fa in he had bothered lo the bourd and he felt the board should know his reasons during the cmiree of the discussion it was divulged that the board hod no slimed contractu with any of the teach- ins atari dr rogers pointed out that this wan contrary to the school act arid all contracts muni be in writing tie nod never before met a cone where thirt were no contract involved it was pointed out that it had not been cub tomary to have teacher contractu in acton for tome year in further discussion on the ralary a comparison of schools of similar stand iiih in this iirttion nf ontario thi salary paid the continuation school principal was on a par at the present ngnrc referring u the passing of the min utes trustee boyd pointed out that ft l tern written by the secretary wt r not in accord with th instruction of thi board til read one nf the li t u rs of ji rlni re cngugemtnt to tearht n to bear out tliln point and dnw attention lo oiii pnrarriiph that hod ni vt r txn fits cussed by the bourd it was agreed by nil tluit tin bumtiihs should im primccdtd with prtimpllv moved b i ii hovd sit undid b 1 a dills thai thi inliiutis for mnv 7ih and mth tic passed ius n nd carried movtit bv i h ilovd mionded l di i o oukis ihul tlu board nltn mi o mrktnsii it salnrv or si 100 for the in xt school year om led moved by pr 1 tl viki s tn undid b p ti blow thai thi bourd oiti r miss ii i bill a salary nf f 101 for the next s hool vt ur oarriisl a ittttr fnnn miss m h oung li n- di nnl her resignation fnnu i in mall t takt a situation tn toronto tin seirilnrv has instrui let 1 u wrttt fc ouiu accepting her n minamon with regit i viicl expressing thi boards aaipnclullon nf her sen ices and their in ni wlshrs for her minim in ihi mw hi id mined h o a dlus seconded bv 1 11 novel that tlu board nfti r mr m m utuh n eiihiikf menl for tin iu t i khool mir at a milan of si 1m car ried i- tlu hi in tun was lnmruttcd t nd crtlst tor a teacltt r to till tlu muniuv caused in tlu resignation of mlss uuiir it m ogrttd hint the hoard would me l on juut 2lsl at 00 pin to cun aider tlu appllcatlnnr for tin ponltlon it wus also agreed that iml at tli nut i lluj would iwruuial appltrutum bt n ceivefl it as till by luafrd nu nib ra ttiat tills ttok till fairest nu thod and would conservi a uod weal of tin num tiers time kiud in pgane crash ion norman rogulu mlnlrter of di fence for canada who wnh killed whin tht army plant in which lit wiui llyltik to toronto crashed near nowmunvllle on monday all canada mournr thi hum of thin worthy son glimpses of parliament by llnxhen cleaver llaltonu member ufl durinu tlu paht unkj my wtcltlj l u r has hi i n in uir form of quota llonh from jrutus in hi it commoiih a oiu wur t tort lia now be n fulh ni ru d b ihi ooiin nu nt niifl ius tull omnii nl has in 1 1 innfi ol uii iiltiiisin oi hi ihimli ii thoiitlit hit thin utik i umld ris mi inn sonu it it a i nitl impn smi n i nu ixl f re in iulk uili nu mix ri of un i n v tn lh iv iiul mi intk is if purlin imperial oil entertained h alton garage operators the rigular meetlna of the halton branch of tho ontario oarane operators association was held in the farmorn hall lit milton on thursday evening june flth the presldenc mr j l mi iclndly in charge the number or merobrs and visitors wos not as large as usual but the-en- thunlusm wiis of tht same high stand dnrd arid what was thort in quantity n made up in miallty a lurttt number of items came befon tlu mtttlng for dlscusnlon and a very ki en intercut was nhown by all the members in the manner in whit h t v r j item of buslnlns was discussed il wils wltli riifn t th nranch tu ccpled tht rt slgnatlon of two of iu milued mi mbt r olfii i rs tin k nlal 1 r asurt r oeorkc mcliod hti pprd fnuil thi rankh of ltu brum h mid olti 1 1 it hlmi u ns no 1 nf liu oik ini4itlon nnl plnred hlmst if nt liu norvlc of ourttlng and count i y tlu bi ht wlshtn f tin bovs of halton brnmli will loll m miw nnd lnci n ly uia im fori linik in w 111 iikidn bi mil of tlu nu mix r oltlurt of liu dnimli luisn m ixwi ii tin vuy piisldi ih also nu ppifl from the ranks liosh having v red his coiuilclioius ulth his oil si in sh in burlington n hikihh from lhe branch it is hoped rosa will ami in locate in the county and again join the mi mb rshlp oiu and all the boys join hands in wlshlnu him every aucciss and the very bt of luck follow ihk the rigular bunlntttt period tlu mi i tins wyis turned ovt r to repre sintatives of imptrlal oil ilmiud mi r r baker toronto dlhlrict sausmaji mr j q shand umi consumir salts man nnd mr r v ctmiiirmrinm oi thi salet promotion fatafl i hi bit fi n lure of their program was motion p t tun s on tht can and inalntenajici of thi i nglm of a modi rn automobth thi with one ol hi bint ioiraim pn iintid to tin ntntuh tilth si won a voti of lhank wwli miin to tlu impirlnl ol co ltd and a ltu li n pn m ntotlii n for tlu ir itoits in bring s i itik to lin halton nmncli sui h an in iu hpnlni nnd iflutntlonnl pnirnin i n motion ihi inn tine tlnu ml i uriud nnd tin rt tnilar nuitlnifh ulll n dl onlinuifi mil ii h pit in in i at tlu i lost of uu mi i tint lln mini i is and ft n luk i njoitsi i butli t hi n hi on in idisl llin uth lln i in u tin tmixniil oil i 1 id agreement made i on water supply s lo bcardmore co kpmmmnl meeting of council oib- cnmvd ivoblem nnd trini will iw made on supply a ftw tin i mo ting of alton council as hi id on thursday i vi ning coun cillors w j o oakfcr j r davison nnd j h crilkhton wtn pnmntwlth ritw j n chalmers prcsltung mr wert wolfe win pn m nt on behalf of ui nrdnion company itd to intcrvltu tin count ii rt kir linn tlu supplying of wulir for iiki in loolitik tlu taunt rj wiiti r supply for tjiiinlnif yurwm n siii t mli nd nt ctinrli wilson was iilho pn hi nt to dl iihs tht mihnnlial iifpiltt nu nts of tin tjiyii hsem in tnipilyiiik such wntir mi wolfi suit d that lln umlnn nhild i i t nu kiintniitts as to ihi amount of u itir iiipunil as 11 li lmtndift on uu li iitpi ratlin of tlu unur in vnir likt ilso lo ihi amount of luitlur that could iw unpolled to omit ilriluin with thi liinni r ninninn na nt irimnt approx- inutti h 40 ooo kill in in of muiur would bi iuixii d in the hot went hi r mtmtlis to bring thi umpi ratlin of uu uuur down to io digms tin twnniry wen con sldt ring tapping another spring and tills w ati r would be nvallablt hi ti n days but would not supply a suftlciint amount of cold watir for thtlr medn during tin hot weather mr wilson suppliikl ttie flgnns on tlu amount of uatr avallablr tlu umirunt of w ater that wis nvnllabli at the spring and the amount unit uu pump would hiuidlf thi wiir flow of the spring is approx imal lv 1 so gallons h r mliuit while t hi pump will hnndli b gallons per nnniiu aft r some discussion lh follow ing 1 1 solution wan passed mmwl b w j o oalti s si- oiidtfl l j i davison nnd rtslid that th conornllim of tin vlllngi of alton supph wnur il tin domestlr rnt of sc p r thotimind gallons fir lit flrsl 10 noil inl ions nnd 2i jm r thousand for tlw sin 1 1 1 ih nt inillnnuki fm tin p rlol of two uii ki fioni tint niui if satlsfiu lor lo tin iti nrdiu n con pno i ui and acton players are weixomei in ihtelpii linehp since alton hasn t nit baseball entries thin year tht boys who want to play the garni are playing in otlur ccntn s their help seems to be appreciated and keeping other tlulw in lu win column norm morton is on hip pitching stall of the ouilpl mnpli lois and ui nc claimed as nnotlit r lefty hammond hi in credited with ti win ir brant ford i in uu ourlrh juniorn don ryder and i johnny ooy are proving a battery of help ui uic alerts don lumed in a out hit no run mimt whin otielph trimmed brantford by 120 then are uthtr alton plavi rs on both teams that nn di lighting funs in tlu royal ctt it is flm that the local bo an kei ping in shnp pi rhnm next itnr acton will in imck in ihi gnmif nnnln with ii strotui intrv tn i it hi r inttnnedl t o uiiluir aclon men lliorn ilral onbrrali rirl in halton wellington district masons held church service here si eeds imane output amos mason at 4iii w iu 1 hosen pn s iduit on ittiliiy 1 lining nl tlu annual m 1 ting of ihi halton consi natlvi as mm hit ion hi 111 in milton other oltin rs rims n win hrst vl prraldent allan nliiiolson burlilikton si cond vli e pnwldint mr ornce hallt it oakvllli he ri inr uuvd dlngli nurlliirtoii tn asurtr c p ieatlirrland acton iii1 ituy iiavthl iii 1111 tllorl to furltur uioulluiili hrlinlns iinxliu tlun of niilllmv nin mf t lltierliy baxli r mp canadun bom uwspii niiiin nnd now n tin mbt r of tin british llousi ut commons has be n iintlli d control r of i 111 tor co iim ru tlou nnitink plant ngageil in manufiu lun of iilnrafl and niniitt pnrlh i iu iiphililniin1 wits miiili l lird ittnvt r liiook mlnlstir ofalrtrnft pukiiu lion three properties disposed oi in acton tax sale in tin lax nnl hi i1 in alton on mmi flay ijim of tlu propirllih win sit tlifl for u nd two inniit iltit of land hnd no bldt tir rel i hi rtrfidt nu of u11 i iti john craw font on cliurth fain it uiu ndtftiitl an i iu inurty of john r wntson out hinim nnd pro rt w iis mild u arthur mnidoiuud iisn sswl to mrs idn 1 rll lili iwo nt nut piiiis f land iusm vif 1 l w i pult rmiu mill itim pb mi dill hud tin tids itl i d nnd wm not sold llihliir 1 mt tidings will hkilysi honlciii hrccl mold i irhl day at iluoac ls mmhii 200 mnwvrw attended in the united churchsermon hy fi irict chaplin kcv ii v jittord male choir of speed lodge led in service of song masonic brethren from all over well ing ton district assembled in arum on sunday evening for one of the largest till nilifl church s rvict s of a fmternal order held hire for itome tlmn thn masnnn go tin nnl nt the lodgf imll in uu v m c a building nnd nutrehiit by wav of mill willow ctiurrh and john sueils for m rvlci in tilt united t hurch then iu a lame ronun itation vuih tlu 11 ml i tori 11 m and giuli rlrs filled lln sirvire wns in 1 hnrjie of urn rev c v cllftord district chnplnlu on uu phitfiirm ami nlst inn in tin sir mi 1 win urn ri i hi bi null r w bio i a uslli d d i m nnd r w hit initsl iullln i p d d o m hit mtv in if mihh wns lid ti iho mnlt choir nf spi id ukii w ho also 11 ulrllnititl hplindltl mitliinia pro w wlyir ionlrltiitefl 11 solo itro dr p j nt lim preslriid at the organ riv mr ollforfi hose for ids subject hhlbholt th aiifi thi text was found in ludj is j irs 1 then sild i hey unto him snv now shibboleth and he mild slbbolt th for ht could mil irame to pronoimrt it right then they took him and sit w him at the pauniges of tlu jo don and thin fell nl hint une of tlu rphnin intra forty nnd twit iho id inn uu illi a llll nn uu inllt tlu 11 in rn li il ui- lll luh kl u d pi it iiitu tin 1 nin it mil la ot pur 1 hous iiu nit routine business at the com mission in uu tuiluiu 1 ws uu d nliuosi iu i kit i iii n nn 11 ot ii 111 1 jji iu v hi it undid 1111 111i10 it il miiutiiisli p uu tuli r sm inn is 1 m tilid wt 11 mi 11 on nil side liniiudiiu 1 hoiim wns tullid li idei tht pi mliiimir rnsi h m iki his sad luiiiuui i eelinjj tuesday 1 nt ml knit s shaking si iiii l n ktibl is nn snd duf t tn tin niht rs ihni mi tit ur ti nun litis hi 1 n klllcl 111 1 html hi iid mr nuiruiiu nskthl htm h ini nmn 1 uu nt in u w tortii hn md frit nd m nn nitpli ron rs had i 11 should tin id war di lip inst mtiuilt in had d lit and 111 biuk uu business slcn plan further liuuil imprommucnt nu ms at tin lltilhl lo tl t tiuftlat h in 1 r 1 1 h tn pr si nt in tin housi this aftt rihhui i hi pi inn mln istfr wild whin h and mr kugi rs ion 1 hided tin ir 1 hum rsntion pn- diu uu mlnisurs fiparturi mr iuin rs inst words win ven utll i will cum on tin prinu minist 1 udded i b in n thosi 111 uu 4ordh hi would hnvi mi nn his toueagum and the leople of this mnt ry at thin time and so passeftl from ciuiadian piuc lift and from a j canadian home one or our mint beloved stniesmuiv norman as he was known to his friends wns kindly of dtnnoaluon unassuming and a staunch frlejid at umi our hearts go out in deepest vttiuuiin vrt 1usstil and dim plaints are to 1h imehtikuted i in ntulnr iinilitik t alton 1mb itiliius t 1 nimissu 11 wis in id on lln s da luniiii ci nmiissiitni 1 m hjmoii ui piimin with t liniiiiuiii c m hnilsin pnsidini a littir is nnd ftim aitm husim s mills smxiaiiin uimikiui- tin commist siun lur co oininuni 111 ihuviiik tin iiilniifl siiwl lights in iliiiuit lyidai and aurdu i i nius uu fait n tan was inn inimion of m l inoti aiul c m hanst 11 utst rut ted to pn tlu folluuuik 11 11 unts llvtlri departmrnt b j hansard flt aid kit t j js isuptt nu powt 1 fctiipph l tl transfoi miyn 17 14 i 1111 v cabl atttsnirifs ltd lamiw 1 tc 24 aa trnnsiorls uipnss 1 iu iauilt rlor kli 1 iru frtipil ci suiipllts 1 id comnumwuillh buk trn corpora tion tratuifornu rs mltpdouuld ulettrlc ltd suppln w wilson lbtir lon virn cliilkleitniiip to m cliirtir igntiijilli s club it u ti win si 1 it imi ti 1 ilkid 11 ih ui in ami a d tunii t nlili ti mondni intiuik whin it ilntid it- imiiiil s o itu i is plans win ninth u atti nd tin op inn orimiitlon if vs mm in out ph itn imiiurdn itikht nnd ritimd tin t h nt r apixiri nth 1 tt nsiw piai s mi in m mndi b tin out irli club u wtlionu uils niwh formed at u n lub into tlu inti 1 nntloiiiu himik up and tin a ti n cluti ik pi u in uu 11 11 a lxtl llu olllti rs an iremdt in nonnnn marlowi tni n ttr w j hi nson tn asurtr j h cniihtii junior farmers veliineiiienl a held saturday kcmiiis nt ompedtion an will ners or trophies and trips vnnmimed llolsliin in nppioxuimti h 1 11 i1 dm nl ium in 1 lilial iinidllio lias run oil u mi ho p itiini 1 until r i rogram mr olftord point d out hint junl ns in uiln instance most of the things of lift hang on very insignificant lliings failure lo inuioiinct a word invoked the death m nalty llu sjxnkir also salt u pro- imtmd lo sjm nk on tht profouiitlprinclpua of lift and not nn tlu glorlis of masonry in st udvtuu uu lesson from w hit h tin i xt was i rlifl li wius uiinlt il on i mini h phi huh wns a man wi10 would nol ui oiidltlins 11 1 him down hi liiul fulfil in himself in spit f tin link j hillh in him f his tn tin rs nnd uu wirld n man has imi 1 romp hhd iiiimhliik li turning hlhr 1 1 hi l id di hul ui ol ii d uilnw if itidlmdunk pin 11 id in of ui f xllsh until ii isliandp ii hit 1 1 1 1 u 1 llu nt i 11 silt irila 111 ll till in 1 11 biit in a am m r a 1 1 sh vv idu miwi nji ut mhi f ho i nd r t i ii 1 hullon iiipl j idflii ult in mil tlu pri w unit rs in lili is wm as follow j ijidws mrs ddlmin i woodli ion miss 1 rtrudf vvuttm of org own ttss man reld brampton mrs w m cation brampti n mln ijonnrd viniir in in n ritss i uiw r iu t hriintt i hon miloiti oak wilt w 1 kobfl s n oti imt wn imlsxi jiim-nili- hall oiiinizeil llere tuethi litht id uw mil wll itwpeei ion dpar unan t- fees waterworks ltepartmrpt hjdro deportment poutr at spring reiuirt on the membtrshlp of ainmi- vmpath td hu wife and hi two yotmc svmon hard wan- supplies business mens asuiclauun a miuu1n nurht howt tlmt the nui cull ulun completed mild compri a 1 r rr presenttie group of all uie business place membemhlp karris are now bring issqmt and will cam pledge that wul aulst tn combating caniawtrs from out of loan the matting dealt at length with a plan calculated to stimulate business bins neptune miters ud it ha ofttn betn said thac h true itrs nuasure of a man u th waj in which i hydro department mu tiorui 3jhj ju2 30 13 op ra- 120 sb h030 a letter was read from tvirce elactrlc prottst4ng the amount being charged on a demand meter it was decided to take hi fans adversity the same hold cqiutl true of nation and of armies while saddened and drpreticd by the itwrsc which ut- tune autalned in un lit id und by uir low which we as a countr liava sustaliwd in the death ot our defnc mlnlsfr uie canadian the matter up tth the englneeirtng d ln acon and hich iu be heljiful tn people wire never so determined a thej partment of the ontario hndro electric other ways a committee as appointed are tou to fight to a successful con- commission and lo follow out the de- cwtromtherturnritpntheplanycta jn onerauan at once iiiae4 the list of arrears was checkid and another committer was appointed u cunada s aruurr ui uie rurr whi li twrtp ump urlr fnoit drilse mrani to wcur a wilier telephontwe have sustained and to the entry of at a nutting lu id tn rutsday night t h ball c tht following oflicerfl ptenldint- jackchojiman vlctprtsldent v macdonald becretory tn asurtr o musaien commit teeyip terr e mosttrs r andt rson u mokuim h walters a white another me ting will be held riext wd- nesdai ewning june 10th when every one int rested is requested to attend with the officers as elected above it is the plan to promote midget and juvenile baseball and endeavor tobrlogfln plos- ers right hrre tn acton to give a good ball team to the community ilt ti was u mied out tnis hi i r- whiltj dilturiil hiprim iitntht ifl in tht- 1udtlih tompi til tn up f anus 111 thi intlli slurp and swim 1 hi rt suits of tht twirls project work uiuhr uu mipirvimim ol mlw bluj w iliac 1 i thi utirtnnnt of aruul tun win tshlbltd in uu town hall durum un aftt moon and tvcrilng ciaij r hi of cmirttown rimald his w ins uf last vi nr bv ciuu hlni tin w iniiint ti nin u tin tlav composed of angus it nabb 1 htrokl brow 11 and clnudi pk ken hi himsi if wns hltli num of uu dav and w as awardtd t ht nona junior clialluim trojmy as mr hud was mi llglbh for tin chmn pi unship trip uils venr becnust ht had this honor in pn moils conip tn ions it was gniu to mart ml ip slip of milton who w is high man in in stock he wurdr leprae ilnnev s sptilal 1 rlre tht second trip was 1 warded to walt r r id of milton coarh 4 f tlu second tt am in uu nru division trlt wtn givtn to charlotte wilson nnd rita fisher both of omrgeloun thr trijis which tilts winners won generally take thi thr nmuill jun pu f j form of a tour of rastern canadian mdf clm i wns held in the rltls f y mca on tuesday evening the tbb otlur nwnrils were ce shirl fqr inm the complete length of thr gym high poviif claude pickett horntn pn sen ted n real feast and uie hungr 1 bank of noia focolia trophv for inter- crowd soon did full justice to it huge ti u ih ir wii 111 tin linn id i with in jliv mi uffi rd said ih m 1 1 id 1 ask nu rr hum tin th grits wi 1 ht ii m isi nn nun ik n mi thing un orld tin rt is in tn u m yoiul lln four lit linen 1 f ii w 11 r it li ids l wt ofun iom hum wi ri n 11 n sajil that f hi if t nllsif hit ihlm ho ol un limit in mr ol 1 milium in it hi1 w armtdroni inn it wt nd junior ttirrmrh lohn hi it ttsd broun alton howard morvnl ank douxm ilramptt n fonl itnwick brampton mrs harold dolson uui eli rti u klnson txth of brampton win un nt tkj f tht two pun brill hhlstt in li ml i via lusi itiuupnnilon nnd to put to nuraelvea viiul nallt ir truth tlu gralist i inn rn is not whnt wt lx itcvr but in wl urn bellt vr billow ing un- sen ice the masonic bn thrin murthttl bark to the lodgt ttonor mi- murra at mtrtin tncmla omin events knox church oarden party actpn park wednesday july 10th tuesday june lblh oraiui drowlng and ki nn rt joseph s hall acton ootid prutea ulral gits rfcql ests 1 ror tradesmiv most re made to the technical township team went to esqueslng composed of craig rrld john mcnabb jac4t iiwson dr it k andmion trophy high in fcrtr cat th jnhnston neelands hornbv ilaronston trophy high in dairy cott e herb reld george town thomas blakrlock trophy high in swine clrant allan acton mason the fll alban s w are hokllng are for acton and the association will cooperate with the council in any effort to haw the pole and ire of boui telephone and hydro removed from mill street hfkular meetings of the association hold the asoorul monday ot each uonth yntrtt has been splendid but attendance of the membership haa nol been aj lame as would be expected alne the problems discussed are of vital interest to all v italy into oie war t erpressed by thr business and social wpls of ute mme minister when in pyknic hpl h itvt concluding his recent broadcauhe said uvimniwu rikiw ij i peftlt the heart and mindpf our scoltt mothers p country w hen x aa that every fort in canada will be another calais and every j on monday the regular meeting of ihtrbor anouver dunk cr que before uir i the scout mothers auxiliary aa held men and women or taar land allow the at mr v h macdonald s when routine ght and the life of their christian folln bustnewj woj cbnducled a social even- to be cxururulahed by the power of evil lrr follbwed a contest conducted by or yield their liberties to the tyranny ot 1 mrs bomervllle was won by mrs adam- naxl brutality son ami mrs johnson section of the voluntary 6erlce regl- tnitli n bureau headed b dr 1 m ton hae been for electrical and mech anical engineers and for skilled trades men to date more than 2 om names uf all classes have been submitted to government deportments and industrial bouquet of garden flowers decorated thi tabir o strawberry tfu on the rectory twn a loveh three storey pink and white jui joth from 3 o- fl bridal caki wus placed be fort miss velma murrav to cut this was senet with 1 the oarden party ttl osprlnge which pink and white let cream was juanned for this week has been after the supper miss murray was 1xtuncd unui thursday june oih presented with a basket piled high with hi in snirp cioime ptfxetrnvrjry imd btwh mtrhrri trotiytlrand a ian peiuval will he he b th packed with the good wishes of the lrraby u rlan ywa on tuesdsv june of toronto trophy for chapter after operttrg all the gift th wth t fl wl o clock 41 mrs alex manns iiovest akolt it an american film actress was apply ing for a pomport unmarrlcd he was aaked occasionally she answered tropliy hornby o iris iunk intertow nshlp team went to cwjueslng bride- 10be thanked the girls composed of charlotte wilson ruft flora saysert gave a ven humor- flsher and charlotttymccultough war- im reitntlon followed by a singsong den george finney ipeclal awird laura led bv miss bessie haw ings miss mar- johnston acton team selected for cn at irrn ut the piano t marjory mecready jean mav norma lowton all from milton oriuhtv hopjir uir rewalin pins for girls who have completed two projects were awarded to clara and my tood mnn was it you who saved helen dunn hornby wllma and glaral my husband irom drowning johnston milton and ruth wilson also j yes madam of milton n j thpn whrre is his ht i a minlstrel show and ilox boclal is announced undrr auspices of rtockwood red cross onraniiatlnn in town hall thursday and prwav june 13th and t mth admission 25c an afternoon tea wilt be hkl in actdn yjucat on tuday june llth from 3 to b p m proceed wtu be forwarded to uie red crou socuty far the refugem from war ridden undi nt a worthy rtor yr 1m be apttruited j sl

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