the acton fftee press nnrituruiv jumi utii lo published every tburtdty at acton ontario subscription hates im pr yr 1b advc unltl slaub 50c tmitioal slnotr copies jc both old ail new ailflreaia should b liven when chttt oi iddreas requaithl cancellations we find that moat of our tub acrlbcra prefer not to hove their tubacriptlom interrupted in re they fail to remit before explratloa while lub criptlooe will not be carried in arrcare over an extended period yet unleae we are notified to cancel we aaauane the eubacribcr wlahea the aervice continued adveutisinc rates on application and aa liven fnmarlaiifcoluttn headings although every precaution will be taken to avoid error tli prea freaa accepta advertwlnjj in lie column on the understanding that it will not be liabte for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a prool ol such advertisement la requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free tress business office ajly sinned by the advertiser and witb such error or corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case 11 any error so noted is not corrected by the free tress its liability ahall not exceed such a proportion ol the entire cost of such advertisement s the sj ace occupied by the noted error heurs to the whole spare occupied by mil advertisement 0 aklof dili s kdiiijr thji iionfca fcdlttrui aid ii 1 milton coiinotlhos decided to submit the question at the election this year and no doubt many councils wilt let the ratepayers decide on whatever plan may be desired if council does not submit a bytaw the twoyear term automatically becomes effective and the municipal bodies elected for 1041 carry on tor n twoyear term if n vacancy occurs during the tenure of office the remaining members of the coun cil or board choose the person for the position f off the fence after watching trom tht ft net top hkt a vulture to sit which wa in his opinion the most is to bt gtiintd mussolini has hopped off and decided to give hitler some practical aid just how much remains to he seen but true to italian principles il will likely be is little as possible and the hope for a good share of what the both have aspirations to divide of course his agreement with hitler made last ear provided that if eontrarv to the wishes and hopes of the eoniraumg parties it should happen that either of them should become involved in mill tarv entanglements uith one other power or with other powers the other contracting part vill mime diuteh rall to his side as all and support him with all his nulitar resources on land al sea and in the air that is article 111 of the italian german treatv ii is apparent then that hitler has seen the need ol support from itnl it t evident that his oh in france is proving one that he cannot handle alone and he has called on mussolini to comu to his aid bjut the allies have been expecting this clause of the irtatv to be invoked and made preparation ac ordingl true rhesc art davs in v inch the silvei lining mav he difficult lo see but other v ars have had dark davs too and faith has been maintained efioit redoubled and the task has been gloriously completed with victory such will he the case again for when the cause is just and right we cannot fail sliver kullrlh mr lloyd george in the great war spoke of silver bullets he wns thinking of the savings of the people of tht money they could give ro provide food and guns and shells for the allied armies canndinns to day in all ranks and walks of ufe and of nil ages get the opportunity to provide silver bullets it comes through war savings certificates under this war savings certificates plan des cnbed in government advertising a five dollar cer tificate may be purchased for four dollars a ten dollar certificate for eight dollars a twenty five dol lor certihcote for twentydollars a fifty dollar eertifi cate for forty dollars a one hundred dollnr certihcote for eighty dollors a giltedge security and with provisions for redemption before the dnte of motur ity they mature in 71 years they arc an admirable investment simple safe profitable fitting the smnll est of budgets but tht real argument for ar savings certifi cares is the opportunity thtv afford for war service in the great war wc spoke of people doing then hit here now all of u are given the chance to do our bit people of small incomes artisans people too old for iiciivl var duties even children all can strike a blow in this struggle by investing in these securities our government needs monev needs if despcr- atelv only bymonev by what it can raise in taxes by loans nnd hv these uar savings certificates con it help win the war therefore if wc believe the things uc profess if ui arc sincerely anxious to strike a blow for freedom if ue want in short to save canada from tht night of barbarism of which mr churchill has spoken so solcmnlv we must all of us who can buy these certificates in britain thev are giving of their last farthing to help u in this war in nim german v they are giving tvervthmg arc having everything taken from them including their lihtrty to win this war are ue capable of less- art ue of weaker fibre after all a good investment good interest on and security for our savings is a small thing to be askid in this crisis small pitifully small in com panson to what we ask of those uho go to fight and dit for us at this hour thtre is a poem which should have a poignant appeal to us wtmt hint i etvin bold sailor ol tin hc on larth nr htm in ttuii mm 1 iilc da tor mt wlul inn i pin oh sulci it r ual und hruit lout as i hit to pa tht lift ion pan confirming a yoi remit mndt in thla column recently 1 news from ottawa that ehe alberta government in making application for a provincial bank char 1t the bill has bran placed in thi liancln of printer for introduction in thi home of commons aj hinted previously ajberhart and hln cabinet nn kfeklnu to nevure the prlvi pbciu accorded to canadian bnnkn with out conformity to the mnilallorui applied to othtr toanlcn with capital nloclt ol llvt hundred thmuiand dolr innued in and vested in the provincial trtasun r the povero conferred upon un minn linkli n of ihi ruw bonk by an provi ntnn of tin ilnnv acl nre l bt i xi reined by the cxtcullie council of allwitn but nt the kiimi tlmi i hi bill orich fur i mptton from ccrtnln rchponslblllluh which rhartholtkrn in othi r wmiikn hint to aceipt ftimi ihlru hi twtllonn ifl i he bunk acl an not to apply l l n ajbtrta bunk if thi bui vmtp to k thr nikh included in tin si strliiuis nn tiruiln lluhilltli h of jvhun luildi rs and i i nam oiiiikcs and natiir iispitlun i hi will and triiiutfir of mian h contrail ti ri qiilrtmi nus ptrhnih tin must inn n llnf ft iiliiri ol ihi hill h tin lul llml tin pntpisccl auxrta prommiiil bank would iu u th lh aberhill ciibnii l tin dut of llxiiii hit imminla of discount m lining whltli naj n mucli to tin clovcrnmenl of hit pi iiiti ol albula or to any i in lirni icprrs scrap bcxdk byrjsoott ol0s khowh pilct or paprrw a scaar dafftm from tl chlhest- cafrffcrm ham rcrtod iablv im twi rmri4tlah fra- k 14 aboiit jooo wah6 clp business directory medical dh j a mcniven orrlc and ilmklerwwotmr b4r avmm uul kltfn blrl cmoor fift wl crossbowc hover or m rson v ordh tin until rtaki to run ac urn 11 nuiniipi mi firm whtdi ii iltu orporallous inn nt would not onlj ihe proinit but to i hi hank an bim mialu vmtnl to tn l a loan rom the qjnnk uould hai to a pl tvrilu alnrhirt cihintt and tin firm i f xihuuk t uould ihlnk tulci bi fori inak ln wurh i nquist cf lluir politics win not mr abt rhart if brand it in intirihlink to note how tht cir runuitanns hurroundlnt tlils albert u op pmratlon parallel thojt tn nnjlurd whin thi ijibor prt wies lamorink to hai the hhnrcs of lu joint htock bankh taken iinr b thi utmminl lor lln rontnil rf 111 wlia t tithe or iwirt con i return u ther oh 4tric kt n hwii that uiou should si lire i it wind of hi alh for wilhirtth god unuil lem hath hlnm lift all wteds in ours k lor nn flout rs vmlimh oppohini oils tht iirdtni sot lalist ixml hnoutlin said al ihi tmt tht mi nibi n f tht nt xt lutbor cit tninxnt uill apiutnntu iuim so lltlu t isi i tli t tt will uc i tus directors ol the oiu kini slot k bank and dec itli t t i a ig la lion lor t mill from tht tmall miopkttir l thi blitsi mdns trial tone rn with thi iiiuntr m w si lnii nt tn a nuutinal uartlldit m mi w of tht mart uiu t h inn s is thi j urtpt an situat i linn is inurh spent a lam at ottawa ils to hovt mut h i inn p irllurin in w 111 dt ot u oils albertjt bill bui sho ihi 11 ot achanrid to a klnt u hi n u ls dt baiablt hi tin house tin proct ecilnt uilt- likth in inliaucid h stmu sitmn irlta esm of ahtrtlarth inttntions editorial notes itmml neighbtirw june 10th will be a diitu long rtmtmbtrtd in canada in tht afternoon tame the news of ltl s tntry into tht war to be followed later with tht hash that canada s minister of defenct hon norman rogers bad died in an airplane crash then in the evening tame the message from pre 1 1 dent hoostvelt and applauded by our neighbors to tht south in it was torn aside any prttenee of neu fraltty and given a program of two fold action we will extend to the opponents of fortt the material re sources ot this nation apd nt tht same time wt will harness and speed up tht use ot those resouiees in order that we ourbelves in the amerieas niu have milton uill vote this vtar on changing municipal election dates to earlv in december tht tarly cite lion datt gains in populantv employment rtturns from 11 70 canadian estab lishmtnts show i 1 1 7 s47 ptrsons at work on ma 1st 1140 on tht same dute a vtar ago 1 1 607 firms reported i ho 7 18 workers tin arliini of un otlawti jotrmncnt m on i la wuii a iiumbi r t i subvi rshi orp 4111111 ions rhould hnvt tin dtuied tflttt tf drhlnc tin tr dimouil mtmbtis out into tin open xii tin piusl thtw rtaips bait attained tin ir tnaxlmiini t suit b borlti from uilhln now halls wluih thim tnimles of tht domlnlt n hut mil undt r mirious irulus halt bt en i ordi red rlttoed and unv atttmpt al plot tinu wllr lmarlabli it ad to intirnment ramp thi roial cunidliiii mounted pollci n un t itu ltnt clri an i a ii on unci froii now op cunndu fchould bi ublt u ton nntrutt on it trlm lamc of nihtlt t htllc r w lthout tin unnoi anct of rrnupf who would sit up in canada tin tin of gent nimt nt m imitation of hlthrb predluoiih mitdt eurlltr in tin t n ttint cinuidu h part in the war would soon take up tht unemployment slack urt coming inn in all sectiontt of th cchiii- judith tjobinson s plate in the globe and mail is now occupied b that of dorothv tliwmpson quite an improvement wc would sav page six might now comt in for somtlmprovemtnt quipment and training equal to thirni emergency and every defence i all rotuls leading to the accomplishment of these objectives must be kept ulut ot obstructions we will not slow down or de tour siglts and signnk call tor speed tull ahead lvidiilt has never been lacking ul the direction of sympathies of our neighbor mussolini s stab m the back has ended anv prtitensc ot ntutralrv and cut nn diplomtie red tape true there has been no declaration ot war bv the united states but with a good neighbor going full speed nhtnd- great re source are made a inhibit to the allies and musso lini and the italian people will regret with hitler and his hordes the move that made for tht united states the decision uttered bv president roosevelt on juric ship and tht swimming classes at fairv lake under the direction of supervisor j betibun and his as sistants are tilling a need that has been telt in acton for some utile p rtnts and children are dulv up prtciatnt canada has suffered a great loss in tht death ot hun niurman rogers his lite needs no eulogv he servcd his louarv wtll to his wife and children go tht profound svmpathv of tvtrv conndinn and the renewal ot a vow that we too will obev his porting words and carrv on tn lack of work toruutuut but ir vrytjuirubtlnt umt minor problt m ajid ai u result the recent hhurp rtiluiuon in n lit f paiinuii minis 1 ii i i rrollam i r vilk in asiii mos dr e j ni uson rttraulut and flwrr kuctro ttirrapy pfum m iu wm o culirn l m c a oftu itnur 14 arnl 19 p m ttijndftjr by 4ppotntmnt mill ntrt near pr4rlrjt fllrac tboprwm 1 14 hks hlil voanh stfvtnson i aurncijvicjje phr mlltin 23ftrj afur 10 p uiitzb aw ni ipurt 0 mm 13 pm 7 p flundara t appotntoimt onlr ijoal c f leatherland b a funruur an4 fmielur naury rul iijr of uarrlasb ljreoju lustulrar of birth marrtaam dmluu acton tliliti sum kruphlral bin n t ymprlslnk a lot ind lo luit koiii tins 0fr lhnnr fuaet itl f ulwiut 170 nn n t lit 1 l ui rk thb niir i l mlnih and cletilom brant h dtpiirimini i minis and xiilin br in h it parlim nt mints and hi sourti h oil iuii dust parties most of whlth will bi liaihm ottawa m tin lmmecliun tuiurt will map and lmi s tiiditi aitah in kin mintial producli proi int t m tht dt million and h yukoi nid tin northwtst turllorlis in uw of tht witrllmt mtiuntnnni of ihe nainn particular atttmion i in uik ghin to inn hllf a lions in connec lion with such mini i ils tu ha u d rtrl tiarint on tht war i lit rt tin work is la i hi i dirt tf d louard un t xl nslt n t uu l lo mlnii k it tlut i ibith j rn idi t fortim rrtctlls in w hi isstntlal tun t ward an t valuation ol rt sourti s n pt in leu in an iprunsttl doini stir mipplv 1 pi tioli urn if net smirj for wart inn nicds a 1 uls it limit ciuiadn tltjtihl t in t on ii ri ilii si urn s in it nialu iu- ii bi m tdt alt if tltimsiij- ti mam f tht st tailed war nmnrals ui 1 a t lire rrtium manknnesi moljbdi ti nn ai il iiltikti ii w hu h an t 1 pa uin- u tie iirtxliu lit n 1 i pt i 1 ijr 1 1 trt 1 i uik ti i trt an ihi t i mil hi nk utki lul mr ikht i it li i d a ihmik at rdii it iiintni tl minis aid iij s iron tb jjosii an tin larjt m ki m n i ui mid tloiouuh prthlut tit i t a e i hi a us from tin tin if id ul i f ntt ifl ii lln nst rits f u u i nit i tk art still uonmnis q it bi r li iista si os bi aril f roct ii i tl ikiui in om ti pits antl untlt r nil htitl trsom tf un iisim mi h produt a i l in uu unniai ul i tuiul t lln i i hid mad s is tht l i si rtniniit r and canada f- pri xim it ii is inarkit is a dlsiunt adminiufi uu i onsfrv othi i ii n tins 1 ktnm th m i angdon itarrtaur hollrltar nu ry publu oftire fi- ritt wn orrytiry rhealro dulldliuj a7tt1 oirr i hrnuck omte pr a rkilntmrnti 11 w iw arton 81 fie rsetowu rs oflice un ira act n tucady and 7bunuia 130 p m to a 00 pm krn- li b on rerjucat ijrntal a j buchanan d d s dental hurgrn ofturo in ilhman block hours 0am until fl p m bvitn by anfkitntment ou ft r bxtrtutlonji xu cloted wdneacuy aftrmni iltocu p w pfak1n dos 1 d s dental rhrgraa ollltt in tht synion dlot k phfne mill street actao di itlln 111 milomi suiiilsand nil iiimi in uik ir ijiluc il in a lit in t dim i in luiturahlcal parties will bt nnpliiiti on supiilsoi w rk of uu lt lntit il imrluh ihm will lx in hiiumi c luini 1 1 mt in alix it i t i i ii waskatt in wan tw in maitiui a i i m onlan ft ur in quthtt out in nt i unitimiuk tut in i i faitia om in vuin and thru in tht ntrthivtm itr nit rii s in attditloi t m n t it tiral piitti w il opt r iu both in nt w bnmj nick and nui i siotia twt tlhir hti llts will bt tmplojtd on tin inirul m ieilla i i of t posits of war mint ra s out in in ill h columbia and n uki n and uu t i m t m uu rtst of tht dominion lln u m raplilml nuippint program f r ihil will bt ittioitd iniirt i it mir in- in uu ft i thills dlslrut t albt rui w lnc h is now of such importanrt m a pt ttntlal smirrt i f in troh um mii v it iti ltm sf iphaul j- ins out untr 1 purti and two mipt nion mrt opt mt in this dibtrlct u mipt i la t i nind klufmli in nn a nd hr i t aofcttilu und hull trt m i siil i hit hi 1 iawd li ir f m mobili brakt it us 1 i d tlit 1 11 1 v isilm sl licit iii iti nn irtlhinary tin tdiu c ik illlllt s ii usiuin ri it pt t r i ltvilltm thom inthinmim t ami uu i n t ilsuii uikt i bi u i i t riinu n t to curb sulm r i canada li un iiibptniilon of ilttis io lull riinu tu camjif- i out irit antl kananasicis t u li inuiiiti wi rt ullt w b i young vs hvsc rtrrtnary surgeon oftloe drtmiklllr ontario phone mulcm lr4 f g oaki s v s hvsc veterinary sarctwn onit ami lualdenre kn asnna aeuui phono 13 a aktionrfltus i uank fttch alirtlnnrrr apd llrpmtrntatlve rial life assurance to ph ir j tleori loan fronortown v o oiili m t insikt nrnt snin omushs aiimd ii n lit 1 1c mif if rtiktrtfd to hai ft rinjr itu brnldlnb tridi s han bt i n hard pri smtl m attt mptlng to kit p up w ith uu dtmnridi not only from lnduhir fur uddltlonttl fiic ton spa t but fn m pri wmn lit4ztiu for uie conbtructlon of homis all kindt of indnstrial actlnly art fiilliib uu iltmand for war hoocb ant it will not bt mirprlmii if whtn ibt c trt in a limit miaii tt england nnd train t w n rt in st idnd al tl st r 1 hand t riinliiiliin nutluhls of tin first will cm adinn dihsitn and ilrltlsh tllibutuih major gt in nil it lor w odium c ij cmg dso cltntral otflftr com m indmu st coiut canadian du islop b conductint at prist nt an liia icllun tour of formations imcl unlt of tht second canadian division w t patterson ro specialist in tye hxamloauan orthopust 105 wyndiiam st gueum phana sim completely etnilpped office below maher shoe store udlun f armi r will hai tt tthik t nouyh inlp u round un can u rial robltm in itar airmln get rca1 va hoial ajr iorce x rwmnt i it anetl undi r proiinlons of uir drltlhh common ttiidth air trnlnliifr plan will ricelit the minn jhii ius mimbtrs of the rout can adlan air eirct from thi datt of un li irriml in canada out til allowance and noi tmtctiii btntms urt not intituled canadian airmen grimly resolute on arrlvaliujloiultiii lln hnlion concrntivi part is lo bi longratu- 1 li on chuobinr for th kc- positions two acto i the presidents- address wns n bright spot on ft drer da v w 111 th two year teirm ue adopted if citizens desire tnumcipnl elections to he held nnminlly nfter this- yenr k is neeessnn thut the intimate this to the council the council ma decide toput the deoiaton for the longer term up to thcrate- paycrs if thejrtfotot do this n petition from five per cent of the ratepayers obligates the council to pass the bylaw and submit thi question to the elec tors the matter ra in the hands of the um0 council men mr amos mason is the president and mr c flciithcrlnnd the bcsretur both are men who are nn acquisition to am orgnrtuirtion which mn have tin himlit ol their guidance i siinh ui mm nrake a note in tluse columns to remind nil and sundry that sunday is dithers duj bung of a prncticnl turn ot mind most dads arenot so fussv on flowers but hav no objection to being remembered with a little wearable or useful recog nition yes most dads appreciate special recognition at least for one day in the year time tables nadian n r at acton stanbajld ttmb flnlrtc froftt i dully ixtept sundaj i dully exrtpt surtdju dully ixript hundai sunda onlv ilir at cleorifi town hit r at clurlph tiliic ueol da hi i xt pt bumlai faaturdm i nil vlir at hith until ixtipt aundai fl m am 1140 ajn bjs pm h id pm ml p m 11 1 pm h a a m 1 0 p m t in pm suntlui ontt iuay coach links cxlaciit 1 lavk acton slant art tim i isthoi ml to tf rtni ta diml a m ho a in 11 11 tin c 00 pm m pm t pm t 4 pm utstlu1il to kluhrnrr i tj a m 1 j3 p m x i p m a4 23 i in xfllfl i m tboh p in dio m pm iini p in ihrt ijkii to 1 i id of i a dalli except tun und hoi t- uri find hoi only i tml ouli tl lail ixitpt hut bun and ii 1 i siit him uild ho v luil i xt pt sim wife preservers there is determination atnmped un the face of thrc i oinftdl in ulrmrn who are pictured n they rooently ar- rlicd in london air ml n inter pwei hait annouiired from ottown that canada i rimhinn all available alrcrnft nnd pi lot to uie oimulancc of tht mother country to wmh lltwn otm wun jule fukl d mill