Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1940, p. 3

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tthohbdiyv jotst mlh 1m0 the acton free press ati kmtmonroo neurcd uic river- dock or ilupali ft small inland chinese uwn his pace quicken ml if he were too late lie waa not among the many boat bis and little killed mlkourtajned or rough planked loaded with farm produce and with pas- ttmgeni he uw the one whose flan like his ticket bore the picture of a black and gold serpi lit trailing its length over a crimson background a coolie who itad a few words of pidgin english came to meet him prom thu bridges to tlte home of poll neal nodded mumt delivering his tic ket rhc man led him n crass the lower deck utrough a crowd of uilrdcuun pan sengcrs with their rolls of bedding and baskets or food they ascended n flight of stairs u a place where on a small upper deck separated from any other part of the boat and shaded by a silken canopy three persons were sitting the coolie painted to a mat and a heap of cushions that had been reserved for neitl and hurried away tito young man turned to look at the others two were girls ono wan neatly dressvd apparently self reliant unmis takably on american the other was chinese amall dainty her oval face of palest bronbo tnuclded at cheeks and unci with vivid red site wore a robe and trousers of green and silver brocade the third person wan a chinese u man of forty wearing the clothes of an aninric an tfrntlcman lie had evidently accom nan led tile white girl but he crossed to fjcai t nldc ufung hu hat and saying in english pardon luinnred sir i am kan pt mt me of ute icans long of ifupuh y m are you bo neal monroe of san irunctsco i um first assistant to uio chief or tin nxlsnii 4c tunc company you know they an up in tlie lulla building bridges and in stalling electrical upiarutus for your people the chief ls sending nit to fihannhai on an errand fan pern knew all about tin building hi introduced his companion in a wuy putting her in neal s charge for th river trip tlu lntroductloh was to miss luclle strong it n even as meal bowed lit rcieated the initials to himself the girls pink and whiu face ttmplod into a smile ileglstcred nurse mr munnx i too am from san tyan cisco wlicn tht icuus liuvi twtii for three months she went on to tell of mrs kun having been brought to tlw hospital for an orutloii luetic had been her nunu when tin mupu wen compelled to return home before the patient hud fully recovered thi ulrl was asked to accom jxufy them we landed in shanghai and cunu up by boat arriving yesterday i oximjcuii to stav a few days but thin morning mr lean sold i must so back u shaiigltal on this boat neal frowned as lie faced the man is it true kan peng uu rumor that there is an uprttlnu among tlu pcopli a little way inland from cuko which we will post uiu afternoon even if t wat so it was best for mo to take tills bout i must be in shanghai by a certain ttmt- but id say it was lurdly the trip for n bin kan peng attempted to sliruu l shoulder without success always upru lugs came what the americans called tempests in a teacup no n teapot everything was nil right no danger wlille tl two men talked tli chlutst tilrl approached luetic u say in excel lent english i too 10 tu sltinglm tl my home ulutough we come to ute lioiuu up hen for tin hot days word came u nil last nliiht to uvki this boat all is well then is uo duiikt r on a ioh boat kan ping had to h irry his furewols but uiey were polite iuui reassuring when neal returned from accompanying ult chinese to the lower deck luclle greeted him with n smile lie joined tuid ran companion tohtnv chtnese girl was introduced its ming yes i speak englult as uulns m native tongue while my family 1 a high class chinese om mudh of m education was obtained in a mission school then i wont to england for a year in a girls school whtu we are american mission peoplt it was easier for my after to mala ute amnkenunts r me in enfltand tlw trio talked for a utile time thwi each went to tht- luxurious cushions that according to chlnest aj did dut us d chair each had books but the younjr americans fonjot all else in wutchinn the to them stronue panorama of ttw river trip when neon came each one of the three was served an excellent nuul tliase uere placedrt mittltow tablrs- inil mine l ordered them to be moved close toeetlwr a party wte iluul call it alto declared it 1 chlncie fnxl but the dlshe are all those of which our man american frlendi tre fond while thev were lln- eerlntr ovex the decaert of cakwi mul aweetmeats the convcrxatl6n touched on ming 1 devotion to american thing te girl ahook her gloasv black head xw wt things x love i think our ways and custom bt for us it is how do i sy it it u the aplmt you and your blcued mlaaloiuurlw brousht weekly gdrdengraph wrulmtby dkan itaixtday for ctbtral pti cauajum us my poor untaught countrymen call it tht jftiim way you who live in a land win re the christ aplrlt in the inherit once of all you do not understand what that spirit means to china l4icile looked at keal questioning helplessly thinking she understood uitlr bewilderment ming lc went on i grew up in u ham rultfd by that spirit to accept it cost my father oi tracfiini from his honored family a ruling om later though hi won them to the christ you do not know havi it in to sec all nakout yap those of your own race who can know of the one ood only through thu lives and the teachings of the few christians they meet tiuil is to bt my nay our work- tlujmm- i iovl is hi your land finishing tils medlcul course when he comes home we art to be married and work in a charity lios pltal establish by our himlllrft again tin lyea of tlte two young cull fornlans met in some strange wuy each sensed that tlu other did not know by experience the joy und tint assuruncc that the poanesslnn of what ming li culled uu christ spirit guvl before either could speak the middle ugod chinese woman who wim ming lou per ftonnl attendant appeared to speak to her young mistress as thi two tulkcd lluclle und heal walktod to the deck nil i wliat that girl wild took my breath thu young man confessed i was brought up hi u chrlstlun luinie utlended church regularly oven through my college duys but i well i haven t it and i huvi not ulthough i um u member of our home church always i kiinu my parents had soiuethnlg 1 did not posses i quit i thought the passing yiuru would bring it to nn i um sorry nay ushumed whin ming ia oiiul uu ni li hull luellin mhurrussiuciil nlhi tt iui what pectillur ttouts uiom urt thnl un itmided with hay bee rhen it un other djsplu uielr eluiusliu vi then is u jiecullur grace tn uu ii ui snl in handled llu liouts win little niun uiuii rift hut long out i nd sharp pointed unj ijmct nun railed oil for hi workliik of tin sail und for the iv men who in lviry cus niudi up tin at tin rett of un immii was piled high ulth fr thl cut huy tin loud lashtd m iiuvli b a feu strands of line mm- mlng le who siemed dlsturbtd sultl gruvll yin tin river t full f them mm bonn tire ioh boats mid llie n htrulght on down to bhuughul tlw day woro away thu othurt notic ed that ming le wus 111 ut case once again the servhig woman cume and twice ming le summoned her by ringing u bull when the day was almost done it cume when neul first heard the angry shouts the llrlng of gum he sold to himself here it lu the somotliulg for which ming le lias been waiting even as uic girl caught u hand of oueh of her companions and drew them to the back of the dock over tin rail a chlnu man came ming le run to meet him it is ready the boat yes excellent ono that conversation was in chlnetie but both amerieiuis undurstood that the man liud conu to tllclr rbscue an muljf ly explained tlu noise below increased it is an uttaok by the rebels the know tuo atnertatiis are on board und tlu j think on of tlttm la currying some thing valuable of my prestuci they do not know shi turntil to the niun omu on this is wiuiff llu long lit itved und siried in lather looking loan oer tin ntll neal au elust up to tlnlr bout om if the jufta loaded with uw 111 tu feu nunilkh 11 took or them till to iiudentuud tin sluiutloii tlu ut tuckert luul mndi their ttaj on detlc mlutt u hail barrthi the stair door luclle wus thi llrst over not waiting to climb ntm jumped louu on tin ek and liewltlutut waiting u rwu-ttruuiblod-oiex- on the hay the oilier eume quickly i veil wont ho on the hoy they were told to lie down their fitcas cosoto the edge of the stack wang ha deftly cllmbvd up on the mast and pulled the rack in and down over them our servant luclle aued ming le alio belongs to the clan that nuidt the attack they will not harm her and site will not speak of me if i had been captured i would not have been harmed jutf held for ransom you too i pre sume luclle dut you turning her heart to start in the gloom at neal 1 lutve a certified check for a big sum of money eighty thousand dollars it u made out to foh chlng tlw owner of till line of boats he took all our stuff up tlte river and wo bought lumber a whplpf oreat md wa rights from him but if your clieck came from san francisco why was it not sent dlroot to my to fob china it had to bear the signature of john oreen that foh chlng stipulated he luul bean hoporltself in dealing with u thui must reach him o promised there was n dolaj in iu coining oreen had oxpocum to leaver huimtiwlth it onthe 0m azpahagus ti l 13 g in certain localities asparagus is seri ously injured by the asparagus bettles there ore two ipocles of the leetliii both ajiout inch long it is bdlewd that these beetles feed only upon asp in gus tht common asparagus be tit li ulus tratod in nbirgod form in today oardi n orapli it has n dark mi uilllr btiin undortxtdy und luod und it vingr are marked with yi how and red thi beetli loya its eggs on the tender a narogus shoots us shown in the dram hih tin only control at thi time is to keep tilt shoots cut every day thus n moving tlu eggs bi for thty can hutch still another occtli which attacks asparagus in tlte twelve spotted beetle it ls orange colored und has six black upotu on each wing once the cutting period for aaniraui is iwst both of these tteetlei can lie controlled by spraying or dusting ulth arsenate of lead use three pounds of urnunute of lead to so gallons of water for upraytng wlien dusting mix tlu ajbonato of loud with four times as much hydrated limn in a gruvn voice could thohi robin rs cash tht eh v i uclli asked doth ming 1j and n il ldnil umi if llu i heck niiclied shanghui promptly tin niun uh priuntid il t mild luu n uoiith on li ui tuuki i 1 1 hl lr mlilt i liu ann rlran llrm this ounu uil conllnu ni ii u days und om night in in 1 hi y tuued or imwks plays musu tin uilktsd ji ideuls plans for tht futim tin u americans leu nut j tif christ s pluct tuid pouir in lift from uu 11 f u chlnts girl in thin hard duyn luclli und n i euini vi rv lost togt ult r iml l im training of pilots speeded to cojiif orm with allies needs immediate contribution in airmen and aircraft from canada british commonwealth training plan proceeds cunndu will go the limit to kin her full contribution in thi ilr to help the allli in tht present crlhlh according ui information mudi known by jomes b duncnu acting deputy mlnlsn r uf nn uoinri di fenti for air tlu carefully laid plans of the em pre training m hi un though t to in the most h illublt by oreul ilnutln in at rordiint o with tin long rangi vltu tf the war takm by tlvo allies at the time the sgreement was signed will be adhered to 4iid pushed forward wherev rr feosiblc out cnnada entin ly on in r own ulll go nil out to gue immedlau hi tp l h r alllh instnicton and pilots nlrmin aircraft and equipment destined for the british corrrmmm tilth air truhitng plan an being sent ovi rseas immediately the lulvanct irty of canada a second rca r arpodrnn no iu city or winnipeg is ulnady in fngland ori pilots will follow plum alnuxiy on tin lr way to cunudn us a purl of great britain h con trlbiitlon to tlu gimuitu trnlnliir plan w re turntyi alout by order of tin can udlun government so uiut they might be used immedlutely in fighting ovi r the brltlih isles and prance ftghter and bombing planei lioflldrs those uln udy deiatched overseas are awaiting mil tabu transportation wlvt thnusand young canadians hovi iwvn culled up to sell the ranks of the royul cunodlan air force while main talnlng the framework of the original ttainltir plan and proceeding with its dev lopment so that it cun in geared to capacity ut tin earllisl jmisslble moment i vi n i ffort is being directed towards the maximum output of pilots air gun iters and air ohservt r in the nlurtefil posftlhlf time for renin okrteas soon a steady flow of tlieu airmen ulll pro ci ed at short wgular intervals to joh thi opi rational squndram f the royal air force imniedluu hu pr hae bi en tukni u j int reust tht aircraft industry not only i4i rt l tca v xti rt posmhli thi miirlilrw n i huh the united kilikdom uies to lui mt cunndu for tlu knipin plan bit ilso to pnnidt brlluln miui un ivir li t n using numlm r if uln raft f r artiii w rlii 1 t reituri imays in ordi ring and in h i ting of contracts spis tal pout han hi in tivin thi di parlmt nls tf trunspnri ind if muniilons and supply no umi will in 1 isl in tlu qmtldtng ol at rodromt s und llu munufucuin und pun h is nf im uti tl quipnit nt and suppli lome scots officers plan for summertraining full complement of officers of tlte lome scots p d ac ii regiment at tended a special meeting tuesday june 4th in the ijrumpuin armories to hear col r v conover v d commanding officer detail plsns for summer train ing and announce dates for officers training schools more than twenty officers from tlu region ut v ill atti nd schools ot nlngora on tht ijike diung july disappointment uns expnssed at thu fact that tlte regiment had not been included in the third or rourth dlvl slons a announced by uu di partmenl of nvitkma defence but enthusiasm on the part of the officers for their anrjt wits undiminished and the keynote it the met ting was exircsned by col con oir who nald we shall carry on reports by coniianv commander in di rated that the prospects fir reeruttlnn m the7vatioils centres hnd ni icr iwmu iwtter and that hlle i rtnln trained men were being trnnsfi rrcd to tlte c a sp new ncrults were nutlntninlnu rei mental strengui nboi authorltetl estuh ushment it was imlnted out that opixirtunltlts to nerve in the mill tlu and thli obtain adequate training for uu actuo srict nnd for tin defence ol cnnada had niir jieen tn tier nnd unit full fu illtus f r mich training are nnilahw lt col i jmnurd il rtium mc s cond in command nf tht unit riiiud canada h uur i ffort in uu lost conftu t and emphaslwd the fart that in the pnwent crisis the nsponstblllty for pro vldlng uu dominion ulth trained nu n lay almost entirely nlui the mill tin regardless uhitlirr nc are mobilized or not sultl i t col ri rtrani it is our duty as soldiers nnd canadians to con tlnue training in uils area in thnt uir officers and men uln go forth to servt their country from tin countu s of pc 1 dufli rin and llnlton uhlch uc rcpnwnt hi 1m second to mint in the armed forces of our country nnd worthy sue ressors ui those ulii strved from this district in thi on al wur try it the salada way inhim 6 helping ustpooni of sstids glscb ts in a pint of frtifi boiling wiur amtr 6 minulsi ilrsln liquid inlo s tusrl conulnir whlu hoi sdd 1 jo 1 h curn of tugsr nd juice of q itmoni stnlned fehr until tugsr it dltiolvtd fill conuintr with cold wsler do not sllqw tea lo cool btfora adding cold wsur or liquid will become cloudy serve willi chipped ice the ebove mabet 7 tall glaia salada ssew tea ultst tiiincs i iiis1 i irst lniini what u mid you l if j u uou a pilt i in im biiih i rump 1 1 hut tilt hrv m nts upholsu nsl somi- truth in i- ac ii 1 m i ml t hlm till pilllll vllllt it innt as tht suy lug in is a d ingi r in uul fall i i ms kolcv kir j ihu rt mh wh it thi moplf rt ally unnt th y i in nth ml chiihs ivans hugh i h h tipli don t kiinu u hut th i mt i ft i or tin i noitns itltokin in i ntit ts l rllfo all txistiuit ui nil m p nihisiiiit ra udt utn lirokeu by thi dtpartimnt of muiutliilis uiitl huppllii w in ti huh ton- i it ts u n auanlisl tlurluu th ur t i wiik un uvt ntgt if i fit per day llu mmunti to l i 117 710 si it i- inoi 11 lh uvlnt i wif k i h n uu li nut 1 i mi t hi ut rt j il 1 1 mli it it i hiiihui 1 tl mil ni i one that ill kiitl nt mrc u lit hid di ur uuli friltidly girl f unotlu t run i i itiurned nn lesson from h mllll li im given my llfl he it shut r long mui gods ktlplng him mill i srt llm will i trust and you lucul c luit night i uhlhikrthl to ming ia ui pray for nu tills morning i prayed for myiulf neul raised lunik s hand lo his llpt ming ut yuu ua worried is lt about your gettlnn into uu city vui you know ut our lust stop wuiuf ho left uit bout und wont about the docks ht leurnid uutt nuu from utu bandit croud uon watching all the wuys into tht city they are looking for a young anurluui yuu neul olrls if vit un tukui do not idmury ulth nu ming ll i am gouig to yiu yuu uu clilck niw now frltnd of mine ou cume to tulp hi chlnu s industrial develop mcitt your huud ahull ght it to tht honored huut of uu great houtu of ih it stuill 4 plaits utpt- mudt b mliu u und th fulthrul waith ho whtn darkneas lunii thty ultl nell in uu city stop ping in the sliadou east by u unvtnni loaded bout uu threi refugeib crepl from tin lr hiding pliat tht sioh down i street crouching in tlu shudou uf u building until wung ho rltumed uith u ul mlltif u usketi tht drutr you kliott tile house of i oh of eourst exulted one tls not fur i know uu dlstann und ute uuy plvo ttnus your duy s euniingti ihull bt ymtntfyoiiirt hi suung uu cur door wide tlte girls uen liuidi uiul neul about to join tlum v hen luclk cried cure neul i ht ls a mult uihtiurtng out of ute blucxiuss uu ujmiii htm e en us the druer uus leaving tlu car neal mamtgesd lo free litnuelf before unvuiu cnild speitk neal uus at ute dnters side and they were oft oolng wiuly utey oon passed from th gloom and squalor of ute u nanus to streets hanked by fine itomcs tliej tame to a halt before an imposing gate way sev m a stone uul as uiu cr stopped ming le drcv from an inner pocket a akndir fluuv shaped silver uhls tie ltritisii iumithts re sow fquipprd with mobile oun turreu two new planes on wwlrrn front j twt ihu tys of british uandam ajid an invention which greatly ussists uu bomber w hen attacked by fighters huvi come into action since ocrrrmny i extended the war to thi low countries th new aircraft hithirto on tht secret list au boulton paul defiant fighters and bristol beaufort bombers tlu new tnvi ntlop is the jiower operated gun turn t now 1m ing fitted as standard u bombers and to some light rs tlu r hunts un thi first slngl t n gtnrd two seutir fuhtirs to nruki thtir upijeuranct thty hur tht new turt tn and om rolls rovct merlin rttglm the beaiiforts four suau r monoplanes w lui two ims horsi jiowir tnines art d signed for thi trtpu punmse of bombing torjd ifombinr or reconnaissance they an i dt wjopminl of uu bli ninmin lhiiiiim r britain s schntlllc d t lopmi nl of tht kiwtr ojsraud gun turnt has eint tht r af u lout lead oi r uu i neiuy otrman bombers in designed to evudt tuhti r atuuk usliu hiked and 1 ud but uit british fuior uu boinbi r which can tltttt lt out und then euro on to ms object l onm sieid mukts it dim i ult foj tin gunni r i hold his gun against tin wind when flrttu from u window or manual turrt t und uie bomb tr ursxls mublli gutu to coiu wtui the mort niattatuvrlttblt flghu r th imtt nptrater g turn is the stiix oiutlcal liintk tun joins tht tvvt rugixl at his mild lutlt txxikkis x i your work is m ttum 1 ppii r mn li wt thu 3 it look just luci a i il l t s hli it is a s wt ii uln 1 it so tmuh likt i 1 1 iki- u timin a iniding t i mt f tin mi rit un cur n spondi i ls ln nit ist nu fi m lit i un uils wnk tht gristlnn ihil liiihrl winch nplucd tht mt tun tlr iss o ui ls i owodays iomiik h mud it rumint i htur thai u md 1 mu h th ur h uu tritk t ti xi iiui iuntl on hni mn ntibride- will strantr ut dtr im i lull loiu t tor mrs nubrldf oil ulatj spit ndld ou just conn in und illgne you as muny as you can curry vit w of uu tall iism mbly of u 0 rm in pluiio that was shot down on lr lull still durliik a i del noli un close i loiipnul il thl holts in the i tl ill nil gn iiplne tint situki will fpr tlu nuirksiiiuiishlp of the i rmch pursuit t rt w that sh it it down allli s t luliu that thty rtlioot down thru h rinun plums f r i vi ry om thty lot in tin tiutllis our north ni fruiui opt in utral obw ni r said that uu brltlnh dt ilunu can d bettor thui tlu hist german warjilanos gyproc pinespevoop wtall b oard 5tdp5 fire build your walls and catlings on a safety basis with gyproc 1 reproof wallboard whether ntw construction renovations or repairs gyproc is the ideal material for walls and ceilings just consider these features easily and quickly erectediavihmo and boat that ntdowntlirao days aaa lit u desperately ill and titer w as no one to take rt but me rt shall so through ming u said puttmjt it to her lips she drew a melo- cdout call utree short note om long tinestiort ctkrrdj the races opened as tlu uttu group ixused up the drtu through air saeetcned by countless bkissonuv and cooled by the spray of fountains the front door of cite great itoiuv opened down the steps came an nrutocruucioalung chinaman it u mi lutnored fauter foh ching i did not tell you- that i was the only daughter of the house of poll whenl s my nam was mlrur le you took ute but part- of utat name for my- famlli one it u poh ming lc welcome to our home mj brother and slsier in olirist ntiiwtr within iu prottvcuou uie british gunner can instantly deploy his batu r of guns in any direction without uu effort of having to withstand ute great wind pressure and therefon with per fectly bteadjatm ht has finger con trol the ni a turrets- on ute defiant lighters enable them to fui broadstdt instead of having to utuihold re unit they can face their target us other light vers are compiled to do stili tin iioyiuus a smock is a type of nightshirt worn by country lukiple in england during uu daytime a dolt is a grownup person 1 mosques are young mosquitoes i a vocation u when people go to work onthelr laboor permanent and durablelherfor economical will not warp crack shrink or swell invisible joints pantl ilripi ara not ncettary smooth dustfree surfaces- ay lo koep claan takes any type of decoration no monotony th lightest wejght oypium wallboard mad in canada and gyproc is fireproof reassuring gyproc it old iryutr tn canada 5 yamtjfssl dialer n 1umbtr and build trt suppllta a man whose wife was inclined to e ieiloai was sitting with her one evening when ute telephone rang hollo l utat yoa deorgt hut wife luard him say how are you george certainly oeorge when did you kay aedrgp 1lulhojj oood- bve oeorge repuclnb tire receiver he tumod to his wife and said ly dear that kas qeorvip- bukt m gmmjim oyprm lfcalfylt hum turn wy 1 look for ib nam gvproc on tha bach of every sheet 3 look for the green sthpa on both aid edge 1 1

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