the acton free press v tiiurhdw juiw iaui imo sty artdm 3frppirpbb rublimtioj every thuriita m acin ontario sunscbiption uatesw ir jtr a united staica ytc additional slnqu copira jc iloth old ami n ltlraaa ahoultl ba alveh when vtin l addrcw ia rauaatrd cancfl uvtitmoswe fiirtl that moat ol our auh crrittra prefer not to hava thrlr jithacrintiona inurruiild at caaa they all to rmit hlora eapiration whjla awh acriptitn will not b carried in arrrara over an attended period jet unlraa wa ara notified to ranir we miumi tha auliicrilicr wlahca tha tereka c ntimietl in alio given ar i error ilia fra lrcaa arrrpta oa the tindrraiandina that it he taltn to avolil rliinir in ita rolumtj nol tie liahlc lor any any advertiermeiit puhliahrd hereunder unleia a proof nl auch aikerllarment ia rrqiifated in writing by the aincttiarr and returned to tha free ircea buaineaa oft i cjly aiuned h the advcrtiaer and with auch error at correction plainly noted in writing thrrron and in thai caae i any error ma noted ia not cqrrrctnl by tha free trraa ita liability ahall not aaceed audi a proportion ol of auch advertisement aa the in e omipird to tie wlmlc apa e on up in hy rtiaement r entire cat ol tii ulrd an aiu op nil i s utoi tl1 erilonr edit rial an i llu luaidtnrc sale advertising a m cent item fur 2 cents will save seven cents frying the cost of the newspaper and uiviiik profit of th c yon pny more than three cents a day to rent n book the home newspaper costs half a tent n duy ninl did you ever sec anyhody reading a hook wlia ilidn t iny it aside promptly whtn the newspaper came tvcry mem be i of the family from nine yenrs of ne iis- children pnreim rrandpnrenf lind stinicthini f krcnt fn tercet in the homi newspaper thats can t he truth i til ly snid nhout any hook or my other periodical it costs more per uttk for in of the following than it dots for your home newspaper four liarcttes vine package of gum u hnr of tiuiily a tup of entice vc ikii on etintshed iading onr newspaper every oilier member of tin household enn still use it you lim l miy thai nboui gum candy or tohncco ntnrtrrn uuirhn uf rout fur is not god in the height of heoven nnd behold the height of the stars how high they nre job 22 12 j away on a hiorer took there were several items of local news inst week that bore relation to each other and impress upon actomans and those in the district that great britain and canada arc at war perhaps you read of rhe sixty young men listed who are serving in vnnoi s branches of the army that hns had a marked effect not only in the homes from which they left but on community life there was a garden party in acton inst week the acton band could not accept the engagement and a neighboring band had to secured to provide the band music acton has had a band since 1872 but enlist ments have drawn from the organization to such an xtent that the band is not able to fulfil engagements this year some of those remaining are playing with the lome scots band there is only juvenile baseball in acton this year although acton has in the past had intermediate baseball as long as the present editor can remember theguclph team came to acton last friday evening to give fans here a game and allow them to sec some acton boys in the lineup it is problematic what hockey will be played in acton this winter if enlistments continue to make inroads at the snmerote that is now being maintain ed there is na complaint from anyone regarding the situation there is other work to be done and ihc young men havegone to do the task they will be welcomed back again when the ob is over and peacetime recreation can again take its place in the community another lull tor lliw hoco loci ton tin at ion pin i lm ss somewhat wistfully re ports that the old steam lire engine of that town is to be scrappld hnuchridge rightly preserves as no historic obitct the old hand pumped fire engine kcscuc no l unith uns onte the pride of hince- bndge and note dates stmm lire engines brace- bndge never hud a steamer uent dirtcily to high pressure untlr miitns but gratcnhurst had a good one and for all i know may yet lime it tucked away as a relic of tiuld diuiiicv no sight in hre fighting u is so spectacular ns the steom engine while a law tudeiit in toronto i lived near a rather busy hre hull many a tunc and oft hue 1 seen the stcutn lire engine sally foi th with the big powerful steeds at the gallop and the sparks coming from the smoke stack it was a splendid sight especially after dark when the sparks flickered like n flock of lightning hugs no more do steamers rush to the rescue in toronto or acton but they leave an aching void brneehndge gazette home town thougjibt i hey say people nre judged by the clothes they wear our homes home grounds public places are a form of clothing which the town wears the town is judged to a large extent by the appearance of these exterior things the fact that an article is purchased at some place away from home does not make it any better and frequently under the conditions under which it is sold it costs more if you do not ask for anything in this world you don t usually get it so if people do not ask for en urged business through advertising their chances of getting it are not good those bnck sent tidere the story is told of an acton lndy driving home the other evening by way of highway no 25 acton to milton and this bit of conversation was overheard trom the back seat and they call this the queen elizabeth way more rather healthy bumps were experienced with a regularity that was monotonous and then came this remark and it s so rough and she s so smooth we pnss the story on as one that might or ought not be used in the next political campaign wt are sure it will bring a laugh from an audience in this district grouiw may purchase certiflcatch answenngithe request of u number of potnotic groups in canada the war savings committee has announced the broadening of regulations covering the issue of war savings certificates certificates havehcteuffon beet7sstudolytrf individuals but these will be issuable in future to specific groups of individuals who wish to act in concert limitnrmns its to t amount off ssoo uhich may editorial notes fortune is said to knock but once at any man s door but misfortune has more patience plenty of opportunitv is offered right here in acton to get into the war savings stamp plan re member every stamp helps tick hitler rccruilb called to k i a f utvjnlrrmml or llw lloynl canadian xlr rirco fur rornilu wore cxuloliumt in miiuo lrtnll by hon o o power mln- ulcr of national deft urn for air to lhi miman of common uil wwk ila milntcl out thttt rncmlls were dlvldmt itthi two rlniuuvi nrnt air crown thonn who mi hi id nrtunlly fly alut nrrond iimiiunimri prrifonnrt ixali tralnotl and not ruined in uu lltt uroiip were in i ltntrtt plinth iil tfunncri and oliwrvt n in llii mm mid tlmw wliww little wm iitxiwmur to the operation of nithr iw r- vlu mjimilrons or trulnlntf calnbllnh mi nt tlolli of thee rotipn rirjulnd train liu limn tin problem of rccnilllnu ft iiiot in lirt a liiilnlnu problem nntt l ho rah ut u itu h rt ci ultlntt iouul pro tuxi wun ioiidllliinn umm uu- ruu of xlrimtnii of rxlnunu lrnlnltm furl iii a enltiitnu n tn lutd liron pnxiixllnit ut n riitt of nlmiit 1 nk per wi t k whult until r the r i rcunm toners uie mlnlnu r rtminlrd uu sn tin factory hlnre heplnt lm r 15tlt innl oer i1muui nirn lind rt mi su d u nd olualnthl informnuon rctn liw o riillkltmnt in uie hoyitl canadi an air irre many lind rompli ittl ihtlr ulmtint nt papers nnd ovi r 211100 i id puvfd tin nicdh nl if nt nnd lud txt n trudi usttd of hum or i i mm cillutrt and nuii hud im i h cnllntid and lhi bal ai hi mi rt lit i ok railed tip an ra ul1 as t irt umtdiimttt ptrmituhl of l u j 0h v ho lutd nol h- n nluit tl i 11 dmlred lo im lruliutl ns en w mil 7 ixu wished u hi train ct tnidi mih h ai l 4 000 utn iiiikllld at far at individual n i rulu vci it con i nied uu mlnlstt r ild uu ir m it t hon nut dt it rilnel bj priority of n plication t xct pt to uu extent unit there 4iilhl be a amclnl need for uuut ulu sm i lal fiunltftrntloni ivt ry appllrnnt for inlutniuit wan inhrvltwid u rson tillj if ht miamsset uie ntti iwury edu- iillon il or ouilt qiiitlltkliitloiih hi wics timtliitt d in luuuu out tin nmll atlon form nnd ad v hied im to how he tdumld otilalii proof of line and edueulloti aft r hint came uie medlnil ixamlnutlim iuhi win n all requlrum nu wt r tnut the recruit had to unit until tin it c a w re in n jmltion to hike him on tr iikui ht vinn uu n calltil up a common mlhundt rsutndhik arom from tin ixlltf unit manj of uiosi who h let lii uie roil air iirce in the lunt u nr could easily luid klmpl bt trulneil to fit rve noaln i litrt whou problt in u mlnlntcr intimated liad bet n blven the moot careful conildt ration appropriate employment in tht jicap hud been found for over 2m office r who kiiw mteh service in uie hiat war ejcccpt for tiatic ex bervlce men who were fully qualified commercial ptloln it wan necea- unry to nt ouicr veteran air onicrrn into admlnlntrauve position thbi was done scons scrap book by r j scon business directory mkihoil dh j a mcnlven lbyieum tut hurth offlo and ilaaldanco corner how avenitb uul rtsln street dr e j nelson rhyiklan mn hurfwn iclcctro thurapy ttuuu dr wm g cullen l m c a ihyilitua and srmtt offle hour 14 and 70 pm flundny by appointment mill fltreel near frederick atrmt telephone ia ht kwowm wav fortta1 how old ahaoulf bird ma if k lumf of sodium mtyau is ok nut rf uuld ut eyiwuitait ny uousniq wtn vctnottht m bur mof win warert drs rcni and stivrnson camprkixviuje phone xtllutn 338 r3 aftrr 10 pjn ulrutk 3w oftiro hours r 0 a m i 3 pm 78 pjtt bundtfya by appotntinenl only ixoal ut uu lhi i itl rati as lahllitm nit lh tiiltlnn and i iillstiiii nl win urn lurried mi its i iilil as pusmhli inn uilh ita iimxlmiilll of nur4s ninl inn sldiiauoii to lilt inn itilt ii iixliud tials who oltttid llnh m tuc hi mlliot t nil ip id tin print ipn lllit mid in atulltliili mohllt n i u itini ninth rvitl i in in m i molt uu as wt an ke nl nwart said lh mm ltd r uf lhi iw ml minlitlts our voiiiik nit n iwiiiiu it i id hni m hum partlui- larlj tti m rvt lo ndv itniau hi our nil torn s and wt art th u rmliu tl to do t va rv lliltim 111 our pnwt r in miiki hurt llht m hi i lal qua utli f it rt t mplot d tit uu fulltht ixunt wkks mu hit mil iitsiurs aceordlim ui canadian niimii ui ad tputrtt rs it ls ixkihtbli hotnt ottlier of tht itoya citiiiidlnn nuul volitiih i him rvt nou in inuland ut uu thsposi of uu jlrlllrlt ad tiu rally in i im a- iiiii lo lytmh warhhips uikt n imr li uu ltoii navy tlrtw oltlrtqi wirt rtt i litl uniulm lidetl lor ki tntw ks and lmiiriiik sim htv is oitlaum i in i ritatilzniioii known ub jt lanuh r wltnia him bet ii dt elurt tl lilt ttul 1 y ordtrln council tublt d in the lloujtt of conimoiih by hon cmeat lupolntc m in 1st r of juntlce hiim1n m mil itllln mluniltllls si- a tuavii in 1 ll om v vll us c f leatherland b a lurrluter and reiki tor nnury publto iimucr of marrlase ucn luifutrnr of birth mnrrlaau death acton om riionen re idem 111 in i li iiiwil niiilni niiidhhli rin ili- n hi imii ifcil ihmiiiith tht m in n i i tu t in mull fi rljlil dink u imii antl hlldnii undir tht iik or lailn m in- to iul from n -iin- kihin it ii iwk mludide lo trim lhimili wat on ui minumiin witli is in hi to n nl hit ii mmti hhlps trmlllni tiir uu wntini nur ki iiuluiii tl llrlllf 1 h rt or ihrouith tlaiil rniia i uropi an wad is art by lhi hut lu id in tu uljiil lo dislnictil a tlun of ii mti t in my plain s m nil lurpcdot s itiit4 mint n lluitlnhlp and joss of lift i mild i nnll arlm if tht m null 111 loiln mill itlllnltl ixipt 111 iloi i it l im i hhily lxot ptlon lh uiult loi toioin ol tin armed ion en of cu hilda r i t in unns otitii t public mi wt i i t on n i an trim 1 in ii i mtl i i i with uu m r i ulnlk lui 1 1 atiiiit i th ill n it bt irrtult d by cun- tt ins nils ol 111 hive mint nt lo soil s iiuml t iim wtuiu n md t hlldrt n lilt l m tt is llll 1 k till ii isn ii ii tilth if ihiht rikiilulltiiis by muh it r or m nt rh of tshiu 1h puiiinhnblr ion 1 1 uu cnmuiul ctkle by n flnt nol t i i ed n sj 100 uiul not itiui ulan 1 oil or to imprisonment to u irrni not otrtedliik nix mo n tint or to both uie flnt nnd uu imprt onmt nt i kfcnnlth m lancoon 1 lurrhiter hallrltar notary puhll qfllcet cltorueuiwnoreory ttieatre bulldtnaj aoixjn over r fleynurk a oafo ptr apikilntmenu phone arlon 85 ot oeoraetown tin office hour aclon tuesday and ihuhtuay i 30 p m ui 4 00 pm bren- lnn on recjueat dknta1v a j buctlanan i 0 s dental hurteon oftlcn in ueuliman lllork hours 0am until fl p m bvanlnajf by appointment qui for bxtnwtlonj xuaj clrmed wadneaday afteration ikooa 14 p w ptartn n 13 s i d s dental hhrgeea olflre- in the symon illot k phuric 30 ulu btret acioo vhtkitlnabv b d young vs b v sc veterinary hurfeea offloe brookvllle ontario phone uubn 144r to help yon pay tour income tax neit april 30th v- bbbbbbbbbbbbb f g oakes vs b v sc vatarlhary siutmb offloe and resldenpe kno avaaoa aoan phone im auctioneers frank petch auctioneer and kavreaantauv caeaam clal ufa amaranee ca phone 3ul harlee htreet geofietan w t pattbrson ro bpeclallet la kjm eiamlnauob orthaetlai iis wtndhaai bt otjaxru phone tlft completely bajulpped ottlcea below uaher shoe store timeajables nadian n head officii bt purthiiscd in inn single venr njid othtr conditions remain unchanged under the new ftulaiions incorporntid or tin incorporated bodies organized for the purpose of earning an without pecuniarv kuu- their mim bers objects of a national mumcipal patriotic reliri ous cducutionul charitable professional social or sporting characteror the like including serice clubs abor and fraternal orgamzatjons excepting those acting primarily us insurance or benefit societies will be permitted to purchase tor savings certihctws with the revised authontv approved by order- tncouncil tlfe car savings committee is authorized to determine whether anv group is eligible to pur chase war savings certificates under the provisions of the regulations last week the georgetown herald entered its sevtntv fourth venr of publication c wish it many more vctirs of community service and its new editor nintmued sullss m its dcstinv 2 k is none foo soon to begin to provide funds for paying yoju necessarily increased income tax when it falls due next april here is a practical plan an income tax savings account open immediately at the bank a special savings at acton stand aiu time ftolnx eut dally txttpl sunday 0 04 tun dnlly except sunday d40 ajn dolly exrept sundity fl ib pjn- sunday only 0 10 pm plyer ut oeoruhown 0 41 pjn plyer nt ouelph oi5 pm fiolng- uet dall exrept sunday h 48 am hulurhi oni i jo pm 4ft p nt flytr nt ouelph dally exrept sunday 7 00 pjn 8undu only n 43 pm the blunkcts lolllcttd for refuses an utiunjcd solditrs in fruntc uill not fall into german hands lht utrc diverted baek to england before the nrm istiee was signed and 00 000 of them are beinr held ifi canada and uill be used on the trairtseiirring refugee children to their neu homes fvur cents a week an llluimntmgnswer to the question why fhiily spends lour cents a week for a subscription to its own local paper is furnished in the fallowing edi torial from the bowtnattvilto canadian statesman four cents a week means just a little more than half a cent a day its a small amount the average child wastes more than tha every day a specilrfeoi trufhc through the canadian and united states locks ol thesauftkte marie canals in ma amounted to i 2 j20 tons its against 5 450242 tons in mu a eur ago the heaviest movement of wheat in ma on record olong with grcath increased ton nages of iron ore and upbound soft cotil is reporteu- veufl still hopeful that with so much evidence that the drainage on the sidewalk on mill street in front of this office is in need of attention and the s favorable time ol year to give it this attention that the matter will not be overlooked by the council of 1m0 as it has been for those of the past thirty years we extend an invitation to the reeve and uhcil do come up and see us some rainy day a account just fotlhcome laxrptrrposes amhdeposit each week each fortnight or each month enough of k your income to accumulate by next april the full amount of your tax by faithfully following this plan you will be fully prepared and will avoid embarrassment ttkc bank of montreal is glad to offer this special service fa make it somewhat easier for you to meet your tax obligation to help our country j bank of hontbeal established 1117 acton ilnuicli w h cljufton manager l s i a bank vhere small accounts xrb wucoum fimy c6acii lines nnftrihhri ifrurg kczcui- hlandard tint t stiu m to turonto kim ii m d0l urn 1131 tt in 3 08 pm 3 m m j m pm h 5 pm ulstiultm to kltchaner xfl s3 n m 1 j p m x2 33 p m a4 33 p in nil pm xftos jdi dlois pm t l s3 p m x thnukh to unidon n dully except hm and hoi t hun nnd hoi only c- wot only d dally exrept hat sun and ltd f- sot aim and hoi u dully except sun