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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1940, p. 4

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nwiwdav tny imh lou the acton free press the canadian war effort alan the iimm front wk ft jfuly sututb coast defence chief among the principal event of tho pub wmic have been various change and appointment to the cabinet thce- and other facta are summaruted aa fbl low i two new deportments ware created those of national defence for naval affairs and national war service a hon angus macdonald former premier of nova boolla was appointed minister of national defence for navat affair tlon colin gibson was appointed minister of national revenue and won w p uulockt postmasteroeneral 3 other cabinet change involved lion j o gardiner wlo talces over the ministry or national war service while retaining temiiorarlly ms portfolio as minister of agriculture hon o d howe minister of munitions and supply retains also part of the reponalbulum of the ministry of transport and elan p j a cardln takes over the remain ing port while also administering the department of public works hon j jl isley became minister of finance succeeding hon j i ralston on the transfer of the latter to the dofcnri department 4 the treachery act in the form of bill number 73 was placed before lhc house or commons by the minister of justice this act provides ror the im position or the death penalty ror treach ery ahd for drastic penalties for leaner offences against the safety of the state 6 mobilization or a canadian porer try corps for overseas service was an nounccd by the min inter of national defence mr ralston named brlgadlt r general j n white aa commander at the outset six companlrs ore to be organ liebd and fourteen others are to follow 0 plan drafted for a complete mi tlonal registration with vr j cajttnnguaj an officer in charge under thn new do partmenl of national war sen ices 7 minister of dcfenre ralston iind associate minister power combined in notlfylnc un country that 40 000 moti i men wire required for the ca active service rorcc i 1 the houne of commons dintinued deliberation ol the budget in commit tee after having rrjecud amendment and nub amendment to the proposal lo g 1 1 into commlttpe moved by mr m j coldwrll of the co operative common wealth federation and mr victor quelch or the new democracy party respective ly 0 allied suppliei unfilled a componj oonccmed with thr administration ol munitions and explosives program on behalf or uie british government and nnd joint british canadian developments was formed by the government 10 in order to constrvc the nati n holdings of united aialeji lunjf r irlr live mi anuria on the issue of this bj baiiklo itrruiroi 1fuhtug to travi i in tli united states for pleasure were imported ii further large ordrrs for munitions placed in canada b great britain the ministry of muntluus and supplies an nounred contracts to canadian firms on canadian account of a total of 1 300 thr u tal vilite of them was fit jbl 12g nttans administration d a iv allocation of some portfolios mid bj the nrtttilb up of additional di partnuntk prime minisur macki title king re arranged his govt rnniental forcii during tlu we l hon j 1 ttnl lilon fornurly minister of flnnnct aa riinud tlu unttt at minuter or nulioiml defmcc ht ttas succeeded in tlie 1 in anct portfolio by hon j l ilslej form orl minister of nation l rtienue in pliiri ol mr ilsuj coloiul colin clibson member for lliuiiillon west aim ap pointed mtnbtter of national revenue ahd tlu vacant position or posuiuimtr aamntl wu takm over bj coloni1 wm pate muloek number for north york tlu two mu lt partnu titi created win thori of national defend ror nuvul attaint hi tin rto udmlntsti red bv a de putj minister under the minister for national defence and the department for national war struies to the first named ikjsi hun angus macdonald i hi fortuir pttmler or nova scotia was up pointed mid to tin ntcond hon j o gardiner mr aardtner for thr preernt is continuing ulwt as minister of agriliil ture but lu ulll shortl acute uiut ment owned and controlled organisation it will coordinate and direct tha busi- neim of obtaining munitions and jjjp- pile hon c a dunning is clialrman harold crabtrec montreal prealdent and the board la made up of prominent business and industrial leaders in can ada with the forces increased camp accommodation and a step up in the output of uniforms by canadian factorlea is receiving the at tentlon of the government in prepara tion for the trallnlng of many thousands of young canadian this summer these wilt be recruited for the nonpermanent active militia or draftees under the national resource moibllxatlon act tlie canadian active service rorce irel nrst call on training facilities while the mllltla is given preererence bver the men called up for compulsory training for home defence recruiting for the c asp which is proceeding at the rate or about 1 000 men a week nmi given added impetus briggeneral sanderford jarman j bj hon j u ralston s announcement commander of the panama canal jzones than 40 000 more recruits were needed separate coast artillery brigade who has a large proportion of these will be re rushed big railroad gunwtalhe at i crultcd by infantry battalions of the iantlc side aa the ufl army prepared ror tlon for the training of many thousands what is described by observers as sud c asf now serving outside canada den trouble this entire tone has been which have beeo authorized to raise an placed on a war rooting with so 000 men other battalion for home or overseas under arms both entrances of the ncrvloe canal arc mined and aircrart are on in addition the 00 units of the un steady patrol flights military author mobilized non permanent active mllltla ties call the manoeuvres an emergens have been authorised to recruit to full weekly gardengraph written fey dkan iiailiday for cttttral pru ctnmjfmu rehearsal tlonal defence would be hereufti r three departments aeh presided over by separate mlnliler of the crown all how ever co opcrntink in rms t relationship with each other thrbp nre the depart ment of nationu di f un department or national d fi nci lor air and de purtmi nt or nalloi il di r nc ror njcwil si rvlcen ah ut tlie d partnu nl o ittonal war services it iu instituted for mort than the co ordination of v iluntarv war r ganlsatlom and mtvicih the prime mln lsur intimated it would ik i ntrumed fonln ui with tlu duty of mobilizing and guiding tg and victoria wartime strength this entails only pcrvlce at home unlets the recruit flub fequcntly valunteni ror service ovcrsnaj with the casf announcement of the mobilisation or a canadian porentry corps tor service overseas has been announced by hon j u ralflton brigadier oenrral john b whluppbo ed who commanded 1 le canadian forestry corps in prarcc during the lost unr and was deputy director of timber oje ration with the british armies will command the corp twrnty cnmunlen will be raised in varl i ilh parls of canada rix or hum inline dlaltlj with niadquvrterh nt kingston qui ihc ihiint john wlmil tlu acuvltlis of thousands of cluttv w ho wen act iciiik prartlcal nutleln for tin lr ejilhufliisni and ptitrlollsm tin minister in charite would in i xp clod to hlablihti a uttliinw id orkunl4ition lor voluntary mrvlci immedluttly in uddi hon uu d imrtnu n i w on id undi rtaki problems dealing with r fugi t s ivncu uted childn n inunud ulii in and t titmy prtsoru r tlie direction and aiipt rv islnn of thi nalloilul n glatratli n would iino tx among thi undcrta ings of tlu depart merit in addition the m ordination of xihtlng govt mmcut information and publlcllv services connected with llie wur oi m rally pmking said tin primt mliilsur in biimmarlxlng tlie unit b ton it uit dejwirumiil will imvt uit f uiu tlon of helping canadians u hi ity ouuulu in thi i ffectlvt prtisccutlou of ltu national tflort war cabotet proposau3 in informing the ii nim of ciftninoi il hu inunti ii nit ui vt ii un advi orj committtt to liu cutuuii the primi mlnisu r found u nuinlx r of bjcctiuni to it hlroniii r than tuij udvaniakia win h niitsht b obtnlmd hi did how mr hi r li uomuuitu- us nssoclali mmibiri of the war commlltee or tho cublnot hon u q hanson ladir of ilu opihksitiou hon oroti bill llni a formir muilaur of defeiux and to txund the ofli r lo mr m j cold well houpc leader or the co optrutlvi com uionvilaluijomty imd mr j h blacl more leader of tlu ni w dt mocrai y party this war committee hitherto hos bun tomponed of tlu prime mjnu ter the liadi r of lhi oovi tlu sxnute un riiiourcts thi minisur of just let lh mlnbittr of i inunct tlu minisur of national dt ft ur tlu minisur of nu ii mul diftnci for air md tlu minksur of muultiorui and supplj uur in tin tti t k tlu hon h b hanson and hon oroti stirling announced tlu lr muhiinv to ui t pt thi inv itutltm und mr cold wtll and mr bluckmnn said that in tlu lr cats uwj would not him iiicit el elltur the prlnclpil ixuuin f ri j ih lion to imolvi risponslbihtj without pouir finance tin iioiim or commons propagating black raspberries black and purple raspberries liave bl ennlal ntcnu tills means tlie sterna grow out from a perennial roots tlie flnjt year tho second year thby bear fruit after which they die these bushes are cosily propagated hmvever by tlphtycrlng as shown in the accompanying garden graph in july or august cover tho ends of now sterns with mill as illustrated and they will soon take root early spring is tlie nafeat time to net out theno up plants they should not be planted deeply tho bud nhould not be placed below the surface or the noil since thest tip plontn nre not planted di i ply it la ntccnaury tltat tlicy re ut ii firmed into the anil cut back the stems to nix incliua after planting air roncr tlie british cnmmnnwi ilth all trul i mg plan h 11 1km n apeeded up i iu h un i h nt icrordlng to han c o power minister or national defence for air thit should inimy operations n tub i full scale training impossible in great britain a good ioition of that v oik i i mid 1m carried on in canada i major pwur rivialed that 11 4 1 ii oittcirt and men an actually m irani ing an incnam of sonu 3 000 in the losl nu ith first puplls lrauud under tlu brltiah conmionw allh air training plan will graduate in sepuinbir thtrc tit no shortage of pupils air en w pr annnel in training will ahtirlly numbir 410 unrt that ipure will in inert oned rapidly unlls of varloun soru ulr adv optrat mg in liu british comnu nwiului air training plan an 1 air urnuimmt school 1 cinlral fljlng sliiooi i school of adminlstr it ion 1 equlprni nt and ac l mu linn training hcliool i tochnlcal school 1 aircraft uupeclori dlvlmon in spec lions school 3 manning d ixils initial training hchnols 4 eknunutry flj irut sxhoola 1 tu rviie llj lng scliool 1 ulr navigation uzhool 2 equipment do- pols 10 recruiting centrts 1 school of aeronautical hchool engine ring wlreles royal canadian air orce lutattlon i as dipntj mliiwurs of his nt w di parttnint mr ourdlner ho npimlnu d hon t c duils a numbir of thi bench of tin aptteul court of faaakatelu wan and major oi iu nil l laifii u lu i formt rh deputy mtntsu r ol natl uul deft nit hon c d luwi wh has ixi n min lster or tnmsporl in addition to mimt tlmis und bupph rtlmquulns part tt the dutlts of tlu formt i k imrtnu nt the rep uislblht foi tin rimumdct lm been pluwd on hon 1 j a curdm mlnlsttr h publu works 1 nfw duautmbnt6 in tuuummtiig tin i nation of tht new departments live iimu mint ur nald nferrlng to naval attiilri h the changed conditions in fcuropt inrnamd important of uie uaw not only in the defenc of our own coau and harbors but m cooperation with the naval force or the united kingdim and other parusof the brttsh efnpb has become generally appreciated as la now pretty generally knoun the jrt of halifax ho sine the beginning of war become a naval base second only in important to tha moat important faaaai of uw brluall lalea the rrime ulnuter liolnted out that what wa rglraly svalngw hapartmant of na- alr ounntrs and air ohsxrven un nt in i sung henua of tht tlrst rent war havi minthu r of mima and conn 1 ito thtlr own in tint modern styli of kj lighting a rnval ciuuidlan air 1 irc enw works with all the eju i co ordination of u football uum in thi ruw war llu gunntrh md bbservers hhan tin luegts f air jom gallantry along with tlu pilots il in all for ont und one tor all sliui tin pll t of to day uiniiot carry out hl mission without un aid of his gunners for proucllon and wire lin lesn com mun lea lint und his obstruri for tlnit ii was canaldered nuvlgullon bombing photogmphy tnd observatlon v i the royal air force innovullili of a i muuued multipli gun iow ir turret mounted in during the wtk to txaiukm tlu budgi t i un at roplane haa tnablcd keen iel air proposals of tin finunit minister they nuniu r of tlu empire air force lo lukt were guidtd by hon j l ush v who di adly toll of tmmy aircraft with tduh during tlu wtik took up tin duuta if lug bmudsldes of machine gun fire like minister of finance progress was made a salvo from a battleships heavy uuns lu committtc wltli antral of tin many the four gun turn la make britain s proposals to be ixamimd lurgeet ngljtcm and bombers literally wyct o t- t j nu th r a or travelling for pltunure ihirivues in the p- vvus ilrt to arm mnglt mat flghurs i united stttiei tlu p nnnci minister i with i devostqung volume or fire from i uild during the wek ionmu nttnii on tight machine gins mounted m tlu ulni mw nuasuns to conserve untied states the power turrtta now provldt thi urger tuiids hi id tn canada thu phase of planes with a deudllt r weapon lh m tlulr tht war i ffurt was rmphusired whin an antagonists canadas nurses now in britain face tlie musie part or the group or canadian red croat nurne now i willor and ulrmen the ure trained andl ready to tnke in fngland nre shown lh tlw rest room of their mmrters their jdacrs n tne rnnki hould hitler utmrh i is oft enjoying i pkno interlude like canada s soldiers i ihnitin ri inv mun f br lain new ralaiul maoris ra lly lo drfnice of knland order was promulgated to asaure that nil applications fir such funds nee the air gunm r w of trmundois mi portaiut in thin wr bt tubing ai d for tin puritose or phosure travel in niou i iivinc aircraft curry lni the tin tin united stau s be n f t rtivl t rongn exchange control bnrd tlv pins itvijtuia on tlulr wtn nnlt form id iblt fu as trenit ndoiis tn nu n board xlic it was mtintnted will bt air 1osms in recent- maajted ngluitu ntr to pnsrlude un use of foreign exchange fnuict mdlskitably provid f r such travtl munitions and suppl non c d hbwe announced the bri tish governmtnt was placing immediately further lurgt orders in canada for tht manufacture of munttioift to dutt tin bo iljou and paul d hunt m vist two mutir mlkhti r is evstninllv an u ropl it i for thi gunner tlii plitkilliu it lift to the gunner in lowd in uu iwwtr mmt juht behind hit pllo s seit rmr mu hitu gu u ra m ciiadl great brualn iras assumed the capital of a rate or 1 00 round mlnutt cokt of plant construcuon on behalf ol some 35 canadian companies this pro gram how under way involve commit ments in excesil of tiooooooo tn connection with these orders and the further requirements of canada itself there has been sponsored by the government allied suppllea limited pokt from the turret which nholve auuv matlcally at uie touch of n cintrol he can fire forward upward downward on each side and sweep a hail of nickel jacket ted death at the rate of m bullcu a second at uny plane crossing uie tall of his own machine as the line of are crosses his own rudder and tall fins the this company will be concerned with guns ceae fire automatically- resuming the munitions and explosive program of the british government and joint brl- uah canadian flevelopments a govern thelf clatter when safely post the tall assembly defiant similar in appearance to the singh neiler spltllrea mixed with bplt fire formullona during lhc flerco air lighting over dunkirk swarms of dor man light ra dove at the spitfire rrom the nar in anticipation or eoay victory but met a stinging tiro from uro defiant four gun turrctn whilt tlu real spltllrm hcriiri aa to defenci behind opt ned up with their eight wing guns nt uhythlng uittt lay in front or uu mixed fnrmn tlon one aquodron or 13 deflanls knocked down 50 ot rmnn plant s in two dayn without h slug nt of their own numbir big brltlsh bomtx rs and flying bouts mount xw or turn ts in their none s as blisters on un lop of llie fuselage and aa a sting in tlie lall tlulr gunners battling agalnat numerical eujx rlorlty of uie enemey have made scoren easily comparablt to uie individual talllta of the fighter pilots in hurricunta and spit fins but iniuiu rs like ulr oboi rvera havt mort than one job lo do in uu modern ulr force tlie aircraft h crow must function with uie team work and pre ctslon or a star formation flying squud ron at a peacetime air display gunners are wirelt sa operators loo by their radio they kivp tn touch wlui ground control atauous imd with olher planes in the formation while war plane keep radios silent ns much as poaslble lo avoid deucuon ouco uu enemy is sighted um radio crock ordera tho voice of uie formauon com mauder tstues movcntnt ordera just as a naval commander mnnfhula his voasels into battle array on more prosaic mlshions of co oierut ing with army and navy tht wirelt s operator rtlnya to arlllhry batlcrtia and ground t ommandcrs what those in his plane can see hpottlng artillery nn imd revealing movements of enemy forcit i opt rutor relays to artillery batteries and convoy duty relay inform itlon of an irumy submarhu or other raidi r sight j i i air oust rv era become air navigators arid air bombers when their trained eyts un not sweeping uu world bt low skiuh lng maps or uikmg at rial photograph as navigators lt is their n sponalbllllv to lay uu com st through i k and ruin or blickrnv of nikht from the h m base to the 0bject4be and tincf there lo hid uu crew safely homi aiuin i ht an also skilled in using tlu mpli x ilnlrlcal i tnb lilii lylnit print with an i yi thied to the bombhlht ainiiiik through a uhvsa window in tht hoi r a llngi r touch on a button close at hand ikils tin bomb ports smdlni un mb hjt plunging tee the targll anlumis training- goes into thi mak ing of air gunm rs and obserw rs tliou sviruis oi phynrmij nt ynintg men ugnt ib to jj ulll rtclt siieh training uudtr the british commonwialth air tramiiu plan in cmada tlu pnispictlvt air unim ra and ob servers rt inrt to a manning dt pi l vt lien uuy nsrtlvi uniforms and kit h irn t saluti and drill for tv wetks or i tin in xt slip is fo ir wnks m m irm al ti lining sih 1 f r a min f rnul nun ductfl n to air nt lift they luxt io to p tlillnil s hoi is mr absent rs t roc cd lo i nt if 10 air lufttrvtrs s hixls 1 ir 1 w t xs of mti n sin study of fht inlritu lis if ur nav k ulan nsimnulsh inn wor atni photo kuipnv tlu n muwalx wttxa it b mb- ing ami gunnerv sx h 1 vf whuli tltri an 10 uiui tht n t toilrst if fo ir winks it one of uu two air nuv tuition ho is for advanced mudiis ui tint sublet the total course for an air observer take 21 wiiks shortest or all niocrewmt li tlu ruturt airgunnt rs nn posted to one of thi four wirelus schools far 24 i w celts of radio work both code and voice tho set ii ihore intimate know ledgcol air marksmanship and bomb dropping at the bombing and gunnery schools a course or four week in their case before they proceed to join the obseners aid pilots in the pool to await a draft to call them for overseas service rallying to tlu dt f t nee or ingland lhui hlrupplng pitruch itt n tlu n a aulund high comnilvsioiii r short maoris from nt w zealand muki a lllu pu hire ua they ly afti r tin lr arrival in fnuland carrolls specirl 1lb pkgs i tomato juicr 7 3 zse catarac nsxrsr 3 c mccormicks solas i 9c i sajlada tjea ctj pt 7c uwft soap wie isc ceuponi llnmfkrnhn t vmt rr 21lcatk 11 for jlc lilc lemons uorlsc home rohii no 1 j lh f rotvtoes 0 for llf c olilcn ripe i1vnanas 3r23c krjilt and vcirctnble specinlfi ontll saturday nuht onlj get your coupons for war savings stamps at this store v

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