Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1940, p. 2

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m a jfunoi trophy van best otiont ht jvjtfjorjf srtt bft winner award of merit third macf tor debt edjtoimat pa ok sixtysixth ycni no 5 acton ontario thursday august 1st i mo firm home print piircs tivc cents recruiting lor n p am to be discontinued aug 15ih 30000 men per month hill be trained starting october iri no discrimination between iroupfl flint group will bo single men 21 nnd 22 ycnra of ae called for 30 day period of training details of the new military training plan were revealed in the house or com mon on monday thin plan in one of the mnnt important development of canada war effort to date it affect every man toetwt en 11 and 4ft yearn of aye and in designed to provide for the defence of canada prrwent army ijrtabluhmrnt 1 the cast comprlslnb on at to day i tl ft72 men from 10 to 4i yi am of aye who nre m rvlrtg itl home and nhnind pny 91 10 wr day plus allowances 2 thr veteran ilmne ounrd com pnnlcti comprlslno vi t rans of lite orcnl wnr fio yenrn and undi r who are doing fitll time m vict di ft ndlnk ki v points there nn iiithorlvtd 22 tompnnhs or 20 men eoi h pn is tht same on cabp 1 the nnn pi rmnm itl atttvi mllltln inpam comprising nun in to 41 yuirs of k uho have vohinufred for nt rvlci in un mllitiu nnd wtm do part tlitir trolnliir inv 1 20 pt r day with ni nlliwuiuts tlnv nre paid nnlv foi lhi unit ii nl in iralnlnr 4 the vi l ran hnnu guard iltstrvi cnmprlnliir wai vettrnns of so yenrn of nue and under who are doing part time trulnlnr flnmt pay iuinp a m the men ptillrv volunturv retruilliir for llu npam ns dlnllnrl from ih cas will ix mi pi nded on august lnih for tin unit tn inn linvittluu uill li iniiili ii in inn m prktty ukdiunc at kt aiiiank church saturday afternoon a vt iy prt tty wedding took plane on hulurdny at st alfoan n church by the itv e a nroolui whin annie melissa only daughter of mr and mrs john liar in church street become the bride of mr george albert blernea to the nlrilnn of the weddtnff march played by mm samuel snow the bride entered uu rhurrh on uie arm of tier father w i unnr a white duchi ns nntln nown i nd long brlrtnl veil she carried nn arm bouqut t ol pink nines and baby i briath ilw bride nh attended oy mls kilhlftn wnidrc wenrtnp n gown of pink infti t trimmed with blue nnd iai r lmt she earned a colonial bouqut l of roses m d cornflowers the tiruum wna supported by mr edward fnltlt or cluclph tlie ushers wtrc mr a harris brother of lhi bride and mr norman bionics brother of the broom inillowlnr the cert muiy a reception wan 1 rid nt tin iwime of the brldt ollcils from a distance were mr tonrman ihi rni inne billy and russell of i 1 mi mi nnd mm norman menus or oin iph clrnndmn harris or whit in mr hnrrln f whllb mrn pted mi dniudd of toronto mr nmi mrs wm loppm ond mm i f toronto pm ti m plug h hrlde niitt n nnvv blui i ri tut with uhlli nrrthhorlik mr nnd mrt nil rni s will ntitde in arton rouialc group kaii 175 for hrd oos purports anothi r i xampli of how am lhi lil dren tan hi lp in linn unf effort vnfi hhou n v ik n u rroup of i hlldreii from the youiik nnd wellliihton strit m t lion nils d on saturday 11 ti and turnro llu n mount ovtr ti the local itel crnvi roeli ty iii eld tn tally the had a lot of fun in the riotnr of the thtnb too 1 he flroup held lhe event on the front lnnn nt ex neve mccuuheon n luuni it nnn right on the highway and an xeellent location there uon baking li monnde ntft trlnkl illnro a pnh and l ind a rruneum and what n collection that milkenm trad in a nmnll npaee there ttere bnby nhnen worn by pyi cn aon yearn rro and a par of ntlp m m hint ex reeve mecuteluihi not hln fi t l into more blank yinrn oro nnd otlur n urn too uutneroun to niill but mint tin li us lnt renthir in tin luck drawn mm c hiiiim n won lhi uiixki t of krnrt rli t mid mr i imer won ihe lna rinlllm tin nru l off t red wtn n m ii out nud tilt npli ndld mim nt 911 7i km n to hi lp tl itel i ruui i lu rhlldn n partli iputlnu in hlr spli ndld i tfort wi ri ma xu 1ttnl loy hilsr1 nirmlni liar toot lullt nnd sl llu aninc chrmlna ilohiu ired nnd hddu cnwiuin ltdd tviir lick mc ui imniii ikibln rinlnus inhn ibirr and illllli mnhli rs thr lookprrrv trilling snlunlj llu 1 lilt 111 ill n wh iiul i b lot liallilm hit uiulir tht niiuomil h wiir- n moblbjt lion 1 1 1 in tin n dig m t uili it vrrtl tx broiiiihl dltt tl inio ui- militia hm iih ntt tlu nun hout iht mnu ihtti nn ii will ilud foi id d iv- trnluliik iwhlntilui ii lntmilthl uluiiil ortotm r 1st 11140 in rroiiu ol npproxiiu aulj 10 000 nun ptr month suult m u ill ui low i am ulitoniih will u cull il first ii ih null tb that nuurnd nun will im t ulid dniltik tin ilrjit jmr in inn j i ar tin rt fore approxlmatt 1 jdddoo mm win huv n ived initial trolnlnu 1 hetie 300 000 men art to be rt curded im tht vaiiriuird of n mlqhty canadlun army which v ill u nvailublt to defend liiih countrj there an dlrrtcultlen in wlthdrawlns j no many nun from the normal lire of uie community tven for the com pars uvely j ehnrt nod or lramini but difflultuii eonnot be allow ed t obnrurr the boiu to in rctuhid llun u the btchuilnt not tht ind ol i ikilhy the plan has been worked oul ho uial it can be speeded up ol tlowtd down ok eviuth nqulrr there are dlftlrulueri abio in builduib i quarti r and mnnufacturliir the eqidi- j mint for thin cltlwn army evtry utiort is lidni mitdi to nuuid nuulnst failurt on i ither ctmnjs oiu or the dlttlculuus of tin twhtnu is thi nhortam of umptunt inntructon u truln h m nit n stvt rul tliouutid in rtrui torn u hi ix ni eli d i lit probli in hiis bet n fon mi ii mid hoiiu k iukiis iuvm ulnad bun i mabllnlitd hit liutnu turn art b lim drawn f i oin nlam unit and ix am in iun ihlh hilk imti imui tolwl to taint tht minimum dudotulfnn to lndiihir flu ruli will b thut thin tan tn no i m nip lions am lnwipoiu nu nu must bi so nrriinuihl hint iwrvoiu within tin trmipti called who l ptitiall ill numt uiwtimo tjulnhir within n tar phyrlcul ntiusn is drttned us itmom t liuvllled b mill tan mihliltil standiirdti ils b inn cl or hi tu r no dlstiiullon of am kind wilt l inndt thtwein thi in w recrutu tlnis drafusl and tin ii t tir tin mint in txipt hint tht nun uilled undtr thin plan will not bi iimiltivblt tor dull mitkidi of canudn untlki thi t ouuitti r for siuh strne it is imihiitaih thnt fiom ttvt outst i thh mm t rtuoidid us nu mix rn of tin camirilim uruiv as toinitin hu wim pass dlrcnth into tin ml i tin ttumuiu- autoniauulh thi will imonit nnnilmr of the canndiiui vitntln in thilr iun riiiht ttn will khun it irndluotw and be the euslodtaiu luuts honor thirty davs tratninr ii ma bi unuikht that dai ts too brlif a ni rttnl in whtth to train men jt is a britf ptrtod dut the w tight of oplnloints that no must lux as broad and an dwpxa foiinriatou as pwjiibu for tin canndlniv nrm to withdraw 300 000 nun from tlulr work ov mor tluin 30 lnb over n vt nr mlbhl jeovnrdiw pro duction of essential war vommodltti it in necenar to bi the lamest nunibtr of men elementary- military traintnn m the shortpit ikuslbl time kp maerlmlnrnttan it is imperative uiat no dutlncton be drawn between the men rolled for tr-aln- ihb and uie other men tn uie canadian militia they aretobe welcomed lno the canadian army and thej have tvery rlplit to feel that uivlr country honor continued on pw eight meeaeliernllall cllin in cton siluili aftrrnoon blue d tpliinluru nnd red rim s mudi a i nllrni lli ft uuk in llu k inlt n at tin brldt s linnit wlun miss luuini hat lim 1 mill dmirlihr of mr hull and tin intt mr william llall w ns muni ti it wilfred alt mindt r mi luu h rn son ol mr mu mrs ronald mcpiclu m ill tj suturda him lit ii 1 hcnnii knox ir sb it ruui chun h oftlciauhl 1 1 in in idi kli n in miirriiike b in i ihrolhtt mr itotx rl ii ill won n iom h 1 lown of ihiudtr tiliu chniilulv i- ovt r mi tin shi won a halo of bhu flowt rs mid mnthlrir net and carried ilrlnn llff t nwuvs delphinium nnd bab n hnulh miss nellie hull nlst r of thi brldi whs uw ftrfdal attendant and uorc a sown of rone pink chant 111 v lace over satin and a halo of puk flowers nnd matchlnb net and carried white klllnmey mscs and cornflowera doiirlan mceachern nephew of the uroom was best man a reception fol lowed the ceremony at which the mother of uie bride received wearlnr a white nheer flbunrd frock w i thr a corsase of roses the bridal couplt left on a trip to montreal and points east bv motor tht bride travelling in u dres of figured lint n with matching necesnorien the hotchencook wedilint satlroal iternoon in toronto a wedding nf uxi1 intt rtt wiu sohm miud last ulurdn uf it nukin in it rlh avintu untied church luronto when umra kalliletii ctiok diniiht r of mr- ptudtptt cook and uu lilu rat cook tweumt un brldt ol utslle humui i hot tlum ouiirfl son of mrs itobtft hot then nnd uu lutt hubert hotchm south ktiii uncoliuililre england ite dr uirum hull uftltluud tin bride given in marrlngi b her brotlu r mr tvank cook wore a heumit 1 lllue moas cre strett iairui dretu wiui hat to match and white uocrohorks and iirrlthl a bouquet uf tulumun nifits tmb n bn nth and heather miv carol crawfocd a bridesmaid wore mj t usemble of dusl rone with hot to in ut h and whltt ncefssorlet and tarrieit a bouqm t of queen marj ns and t irnflowi rs mr stanley hour hen broun r of tht irotim was best man mid missis how ard homsb and andrtw ibsop wtrt the ushirs following tht wedding a rtttttlonwas hi id nt hunt s t n rtmnut tlu brldt n motlur ncelxed wi irlng an taw tuple of nnv bjut sheer w 1th w hltt acot ssorh s and i coranke of whiuv ruses slit was nvslittx1 b mrs stanli heathen wear- tut a town or delphinium blue iuv whlte ictts4ortts and a comart of pink nxm s aftr a wedding trip to the thousand tsliind mr nnd mrs hotchen will restdc in aurora acton uoys enlisted thu weeks uuur a tiuiil wtditliir umiu pliox in si pauls hurt h nlcdoiiln whtli ulllnii t nijjitti of mi anil mrs h peir a ton 1m i mm hit bi kit of mr clnudt i tmik son f mrs cook and llu inlt mr i ook it sninln h philip a shwjii 1 hi nirnl dan of huldliiiiilhl coiiliu oltulntetl mlvs i ti huh ort uilst nt st allmurt whilt mr siiwir wns itttir intt prlo lo oliij lo cnltdonl i it hrldi who wus filnn in mnrrl ui t lt i it t lit i won n sirttt lttini bin s ir i n t ml li with whlli iintw i s nil eorsni1 of lnk swtitxus m nh alti ndniit mrs philip a snwt r was attiritl in n nav blui dn s iuil lmt ot llthur shad afttr a trip to hamilton nnd olht r point mr mid mrs pot k will nsl i in at ion el in acton saturday night not one absentee when ivie winners were selected fine parade and hand concert l4ihl atun1ni nlthrt saw hit blkgtl t rowd ht re slnci tin sixrlnl ftalurih ha i bt n started in this community iurklnu spurt was at a pn mlum in uu chopping centre of tht town tht lome boots bund tht local plauuin and tht honu oirinls madi a spit ndid pnrndi f tht main htrct ts shorth nftt r t ikht t lock from hit n until it n o clot k tht baud miw a rnnct rt that was much t njoytd it wns a wtll varied program spit ndld prt muted j at ten o clock the draw for wur sav ings stamps and certificate koi undtr way dr e j nelson was at the micro phone and ex councillors j a chap man had charge of time barrel churn the umekeeper was mr w h clay ton tin wtnks drnw was thi most suc cessful tt iet ry ptrson wns precnt who hud tht ir names drawn and about 1 so0 in addition tlie post office square was packed for the jo minutes 1t took to declare 11 winners hazel d kt nnedy r it 2 rockwood was winner of thi btr prlre a flvt dol lar certificate winners of tht lo out dollar prizes wire as follows mrs wcs ahtn acton mae spires acton j j stewnrt ur 3 acton mm j e gambit at ton mm d mr- donald umehouse w u rerguson r r j rockwotxl mn k mekjnnon act on mm j n adnmoon acton john mh n r r 3 acton r ssii raw lings acton th chtldrm wm mad thi draw um id n mart hmt nt and jo m white this wtik hit mi rchants participat ing ire orttniu txtri prizes thi fc will be tin big prize of a moo certifi cate two prims of 12 00 inch and 10 i rtres of l 00 ench in wnr salna stnmln you must hne coupons tn the barrel and uiu must be present to participate tn nn or the prlw awnrds tliirteen prins will be distributed this week 300 alltnl the huilimi ioillllv insliliile picnic v mn juhnmnjfhbnn wan oldeat ptrtwm proftent awnrdh made fur unc4 and novelty content 1 i lie halton county women n innti ttitt held a vt ry nucct nsfnl iii nli at lalr wtmtd iark ktlen mills with over 300 prem nt on wednesday of last week rvi r one had a very rood time in spite of tin extri me heat there wi re num- i roils novt ity mien and tin unuul racen for tin hlldren 1 hi youiirf nt child on lhi r rounds wits loytt yvonne mclauriiiiii daurli- li r or mr nnd mrs miu mcuiurhlln llu oldt st x ron nt hit picnic wan mm tolm mumhull who won b0 yiarti old inst imiruan jlnt mr and mm w i ilarlur of dublin iiiultuti imd uu i irgi s fnnilly pn sent mr nnd mrn n isnn miljiughhn win lhi longest murrliil oupu 4 vi utn mrs mc tuiiuhlin is n mi mix r of dublin iiisli lutt mm sttlla h flu nun of tin nns mimiumii btnuih wiih uu nn st n 1 1 nt bildt itiiiin w ii inn a- follow s ohls mill illicit r hi t wilds at ton ii nn proud pub mm b llovs r mn undi r kill mu rvilli itublln sniidv mi ijiuriiiiii ilubhn llils ft lo it hail wilds atloii lit l n lohiist n at ton itiv- i to 11 itonnltl kiiir nnssiirit w i nnuiilt m r at ton ills i to 10 piulliii llsliv niismi tm a loan somi r villi dublin llns 1 l io mult phillips at um loidon iiirii liarlpali imo ouls ii in i phyllis ruin ruon niisi vi i liulhart pali rmo lit vs lit 1 kt lib mt m inlt mio hi ss owall pult rtlio lirls ii t m mart s nu i v lilt dublin mill i v wilklit unit hoiist 11 vs 1 1 t 14 tordt n osbmn s ii hi k i 1 vd iiulibml lultrmo nuni- 1 a mis h ui ituilih t i it niinlv ml 1 1 in n in in mlli h ii si ol li j viiniooztii krcrivts message holland hrlalives 1j n rutin r i ircuituus mnitis of com munltiltloii mr c j vnntlonzj n hiu rttilvttl word uris witk of mt mbem of his hmiilv rihldint in holland lylmdn lit n will rtgnt ti it urn that his brotlu r lit nk viingtumn who wus in tht dutch nnvv ih n irutl an mlssliir fit wis riiidi nt lit rt and is well known by many 1 hi lettt r t outulnn much oilier in formation of ri nt rn inltnst mr vnn oimiv n n pari nlfi and ourer members of tin family ijm nixtl injury in the m lnnn invasion mltldli burit tht town in which uu y were renidhir hntl um build iurh it vt llitl to lin rroimd tills in t lutletl tin liwn hull nnd ollu r publh bulltllngs iiih rutin rs irount wuv nmoiir tlu bulltllngs it vi lied u thi rruid and purl of tin b illtllnu hi iwiplcd n a hraln tin rt limit wur tlislroyttl nlnn ilusliliir mi nloluliik town wus n porletl in hit htttr us li velktl hut by hit llun tnviihliu llu ir it r uixnn somt itltii or tin hun i ilhlrsmiij nnd un hiiifirliit unit his bun ixnirl ncid by llu i nuntrlf s luvutlitl whl hit last war was hoirthh tht ki m mt invt n ixiiliiiiih hint art nltnnsl hi vontl st mptli ii fkoiisseaii th in iionok or miss iaika hall in honoi if miss ijiiiii llall win mat rla t mi wlltiitl mil it lit m tixik lilui ii satiirduv mi wm llall inolhi r f llu in mlf i ik i lit ilallild u ouiiilx i r ht i fill mis in i iidav t it i lot mis hull m ssi s niuiii ind ni lilt hiiuii mis itlii tioss i orrt lowti pr sitli tl ul tin ijihli ns imtl hy miosis m iroilt and u ssi mt vsli kiiwltiks mis ian m u di iiatl ami mi ask councils cooperation in securing new industry jimnses of parliament ry llufhr halton s i clesvrr member ottawa ontario july 10th 1040 ijist t vi niiir untl to day hit cuhlnt i minis is t burned with ux rt hjxnifilbll ity uf our wnr t tori miult dt till lid it juris of miiidn s wnr work down u tlu pitmiit hint iht followhir art ix tls in tin sta i mt nt hoi toialil mt itnlsto i i ihliik it w old lp it will i unit un an r tt ifltlt i t a ilivi ntllon if w l id ist tt in hit hit ntl i 1 11 b s intt pollv i i nt t il tut main uhjh th neu plant would emplov 100 and lae pnv roll of approximnte iy s7000 iteanlmorc om pnn lo spend 200r0 lo t0000 in preparing itutlthnlr ouncil ahked lo provide i red it i rli street enlranre and ah niime nre of marin street itridue a nx i isl mn iiiir of s hi itl on hiimlny t vt i 1 rs i ii rt lrhtt n tl j i dnvlmin kj 11 linbners pn sitliiir ltxtut mim sttfl at itm council w io ouli s ii ul and ft t vi m 1 imh hi ml i ih at la pli ill a do n ih ats for i nl lift lhi pn t nl will and ihls wllh ii it unll tl kitikd 1 miu ions is turnliik u i i rt lullvi lv hul wi inust 11 lusolutt i ill ii 1 il i i w iiuustd by tht intl il industry ii itlv i xplulntd hit i hi m w ouipmiv w ion nmi r 1 1 r clot i ili k b iildinu nisi llkli 1 itl hulldll i hi hi vsi the llilllnh burnt f mrs in ui marshall mid mlsm lrth ijiiiiiiv mitl alln htiblts i4k hoi us io hhomi oltslttk i u it ti mli i tits ml n i s tmik mm lilt t itl 1 tlni n c cli nvt r inlt mio m itnet i i in s u nt mis jimi kiitr niis w iw mi mis s mulll hanntk kburn manlttl mt n s uac mlltonclini ii mt hnl n ivan itlt iiurdsuii t l itwt v i tl ou i woim n hurt mrn somcr villt dublin mrs mt rr homln cmindpurt nu tlnit ituci mr tu tl i r oambli acton tin person with tlu most ieckks mrs j oalbralth toelson waminn in nlitiiu mrs n andi rmin dublin women s institute clothes pin race mrs j oalbralth nelson mrs p anthony bannockbum peanut race mac mclouirhlln dub lin mrn j oalbralth nelnon necktie race mr and mrs w d barbir dublin miss dorothy and mr lltrnld barber dublin shoe race mrs darbt r and mr hnr old barbtr dublin mrn l king ond mr dd bycrman naswingwi yn kicking thi shoe presldi nt and piu1 pnldiiils miss mibil hadliv mt union mrs wm ni ar nassiiraweya throwing rtillllir pin seen uirh s and pant mrs m rry palt rmo miss lit tty rlvaz palermo t mtn outatfl 100 vnrtt ract c dav i njxmit nuvsuruwt n w bruckt n dub un tlu hickv nunibt r prlw w as w on by mrs ro mcketiwn bunnorkburn it si uiu com jo- inttrmvr donald mrtvniball who now lives in toronto has joined ihe 3nd field am- bulance r c a m c at toronto i the absentminded professor who tent his wife to the bank and kissed his j money sodby wan 1 so far or at that glove shop cutter defeat li 1310 rosettale rolie in up txiiung nlm innhir pitching dtul faiort olovt wtrt succssful tn tureaung hit roihtliilt rowdies 13 to 10 tht rowdiis from out uie rallwiiy track uhi il to 7 rohm inio tht ninth when tht n stalwart plulur ctxik blew and bt fort la was janked by manager frank- u m runs had croased tht platt j ick wuwrhouse unit tlu limit for fat on s and was in control thnnirhout tin h mn wattrhousf was backed by smart tu idhir and t rronn w ert it w while uu rowriitw committed many an trror in un tit id thev were also success ful m t omph ting four double plays wult rhoiim wits tht cnttt rs blr batur olltctlnr flu hits and tortnn fur runs on sen trips to thenlate joins mid marshall wtn runntr upjiers in twitting strtnrih c spins was the big no st for the rowdies scoritir four runs and polling out a coupltof honit rs kent ur crtpjis and b coon wire tlie other big guns working for the rowdies cnusi the lint up strrty itrhe catchir watt r house pitcher p uoks 1st bosi held 2nd vase marshall shortstop mino 3rd base oibblns tavlor and whit field- rr rowdies ii veary catcher cook pit cher mdoricy 1t bae oorvau 2nd base kentner shortstop spire 3rd base b coon skllllnb crtpps fleldeni n the chief ilulnu r out lt al i iim ri i tt hi hikhh six i tlitl nut in dt tu uli loin instnit tl n i li i is tonfionlfi wllh tin follow li nt lut kmint 1 hours in driiint nl 1 hours maps nod chat is hi hours mulhi malus j hours uir tt hon klndhir wirt it v it utr by hi houis photogruphv 0 in airs ititott nalshiiiit i is hours k11dk xtrtlsis if hours air analysis id hours mi ttsir oiorv 22 htxirs blgnuls jo hours acton juveniles win one game and lose two two home tinmen went to the visiting teamh hut jeorue- town iteaten ijwt njkhl 101 ihls wus not u i try rood wtik for uu atton jiiviullts in uu llallou uugut i tu v dni ped two kiunis but mini baik liust ultlhl lo vanquish gcorgi uiwti bj u 10 j b on list iilda night llu ltx1 to itntut town h uu lop iltd mori or 14 to 1 iht vlsl ors pllttl up a substantial it ml in tht first innuirs und it lixikisd as if uu lot ul ios would bt swanixd unil llulmts n i i ved blow ui start hit fourth inning blow w is decididl off tolor but uu pup r town tans found hit roiiir miuh nlitt rent i fler llu juyigi of pitchers addetl lo iht dtumirart mi nt of uu iut had mi mtm mj balvled the acum bnltt rs uitl illowthl but two hits hnlmis hutint b hi st on b innings r he clitrviuwn th3 001 1 1 1 j at toll 010 000 0 1 1 ibitttrlts o mcmiiumv and emir sou blow holuiis and robsoii monla nlhlit milton di ft a ted tlu j kiik by io- up until tht inst lnplnui it looked if llu ctiuntv towmrs would imu a shut out but acton batti ri got to wllson nnd scored 7 runs in tht final franu tin r inn was culltsd ut the mil of uu llfth on account of darkm s store bv innings rlle milton 3sfl 2010 11 l acton 000 07 1 1 raturlis wllsnr kt nntsl nud piit- tininn holnua powt rs nnd rohson the rnn bovs were nut fur rtvtnit for ihe bud beatinb handed them in thn 1 ivious taim with oeorbtown thtj t ov an tarly had nnd kept well tn ad lance or ihe visitors all the way throurh atorgetown did not get next to powers qfteclprs and he kept their rliirrprs down to thnsc run while acton obtained 10 score by tnnlnaa jl h e neorttetown ooa mo l 4 4 s i cum- m0 000 10 r 3 batterle momenemy and emmerson powers ami rohson minimum of mi wt i fully awn tt ordt r of prl rllv nrdii tt l i i hit hi ir shuld ih i onsitl ntl in loiim llin with ur unlit ar jiti pirntlons immrduir utrgnrv in llx immittlui i uttrorv i iluct hit follwn i trst tlu n atrinkihtnliir and uu ndtquatt ortuil7jillon ot our fixed und mobllt di ft iuis and our urnu d fore t in tht una of our imu rn smbonrd and of the approaches ot llu sl ldiwrenct as will be immediately recoffnlzed this ls our most vulnenibli areu measun n have bt t n tnkt n accord inn ly and i can announce thai a tommand headquarurn in being s t up immcdl attly in lhi murltlmea to orgnnl con trol and co ordln iu for optrntlontl pur poncn thi forces tn thin nn a rhai will includt tht ciuiadlau at tlvt st rvtct porct and tin non pi r niuntnt mllltln rorcts whlib am or will ix lotiiud hurt tin tibjtsi t is to ui hum in the lust udvantart in con june hon with hit coast define forctn whirtvtr un uttut k ma thnattn in ludi d in this omm ind w hi tu tht canadian forri s in n w foundlund i ntsrd hardlv sav that in pn smlly ttitict xitratlng hienasttl t nt rrlts on up rt qutri mentt of our enst t onsl it is litt ui ix assuinetl for an instnnl unit uu continued stn nrtht ning of our wt st coast dt fitms is ix liir in any way overlooked secondly but f pial lmrtanci und nnlv msrondarv in un mnttt r of immedl ntt urvp tu is th continued etincentru 1 1 ui of our n sourci s on tlu trulnlnr und tqulpnunt nf uu cunudlun activt st rv wi iinst now orkiiiitisil in this win hit thi itmintrv ul st rvt dt p nds of coursi dt vi loptni nis if tlu futurt tmtto nn antlme t ur llt is to ontinut hit trainfllir nnd equipping of tin se units t vt ntuallv ns diulslons mi trrut thi tuav bt ready for opt mt torts in whntvtr tht aire the mnv bt required t ithi r m canada or ovirstas thi front luu ts tht island fortri ha of tht brlthji i1t s nnd w i w ul shoruv hui e n rorjwi of two coinplt tt divisions nnd iiiclllrv troops in umt rront lint iht houst mav b intinitid to know thnt nn icluirs in di flultt h ttf the f li vn tl it it mid nn sine the rnmm m cause at thu tlmto hme tul i d hi oi lv exp nditiir in muni ijuliu u ild ih in k it wis iro thnt s imntil m s t tin i i mi iiiih iiiild im don bv making pn dcrl k btret t pitsaiihl f r tars nnd truks nut u tli trlann liu tlturdtrior to nlso flt that since i nil thtlr propirtv in thi nt hon wuh d ism sod of to otlur intinsui un y had no furtru r intt n st u mnlntnln tht mnrla slrett brldri ir frcdi rick strei t were opened up n road to the crescent could bt conslnicted that would t llmlnate uu nud for this maria street entrance and would be m safer and more rnnvtn lent with the expenditure being mud by thi beardmore company in securing thin new industry ii was jelt unit cn operation miaht be extended nnd the co nit ntlnus brldrt n tuetl by the mun- iclixillty taklns ovt r ihls stnjctun mr btnttv wnnusl to know if council w its bt hind thin plan thai would bring an tstlmated additional puyrnll to acton of approximately 7 000 r month all tlu council wus naked to do wns provide this iu w t ntrnnce dt putv ibtve muv und ci uiu ulmn o w muerav ami cl cliavi if csqiusliir council win pn nt nt lo confi r on thin matur and txprinnetl a wlllitirtiths to t o- i m rul in nnv mt nnn in thtlr iw r most inslsu nt ohji cllnn ind erttlrlsm tti unv plan v us miut b councillor duvbwin tht two councils adjourned to ro and vlt w uu propi rtlin in qui stlon io that a better umli rntandlnr could b secured on remimliir thi mieting al the ooiin- tjl chambi r tht ctuinclli wire iirrted on oht of the oointa lhat or tnikliir the pndtrick strtei inlrnnct u iht rn w otutlon auas troops willtwrrtu j innt the rollowtrik xissrd movetl bv w j ci oukth tt conded by j h cnirhtcn and rtsolvod thnt n sur vi vor bt employed to ntukf nut tht limits or predt rick stnet and that pnlerlck sin 1 1 bt rrnded ui hu corikirtluon limits if wool combing corporntlon of canada itd deeldt tt incut in arton vu inltv carried mi mbt rs of esq tn sing council jiristnt whilt not pn pured u commit thi coun cil tn am wnv ft it that uu township would bt alllmt to lttl ir shnrt of the work tint was involved thi mnttirof thi brhlk was then dln- ussih nnd obit t n w its a iced b ci i mil in forci i u k it must ht remembered that tl n is nt tlu monitnt no shortnre of jnmpoutr in pnsland tht rial d mand ls for equipment i im rlvlnr nwiiv no secret when i stutt thai it is impossiblt for lhi united kingdom to make irp- in two or thne w et ks tht lasses of cqulpmt nt suffered bv tht rallant british expeditionary porct during- its epic stnibbte in and subsequent withdrawal from france in addition tn this general statement which i have quoted verbatim uro min ister informed uthat wnow have mono men til all under arms and that two compute divisions with ancillary continued on p nv jrtwta ucbppnuntillor davison to thi town luwumlnff snopsibllltv in ronnictlnn with thu onm nned no pb ww coming event p t fwr i n rnt prr tiln t im cl ifut or i f t enjoy danclnb with doru nuui o chestva at edgewood bdw mtlu on tuesday august flth ojo10 dat

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