Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1940, p. 3

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the acton free pbess tiruttbday airaubt it 1m sty ariatt jrtri iprpbh pnbllilied every tburaday at acton oni ltu sunscbiption ratestoo pci wl i ion ml slnafe nw addraaaaa should b aivcr n advance dotli aid nana ol united suiaa jac additional ml nw ddraaa adtlrrte requtalad cancfluations w and thl mod ol our aab- acribari prater not to liava their ubicrlptiona interrupted id rata ilia ail to ram it before expiration while aub acriptiona will not be carried in arrears over an extended perm rat unteaa we are notified to cancel we aaaume the aubacrlber wiihea the aervlce continued appli allot and aa alien r will he taken to avoid error the free praia accept a ailvertiilna in lla column on lha under atamuag that it will not he liable for any error in any advartlaemant publlahed hereunder unleei a proof nl audi advertiaemeat la requested in writ in a by the advertiier end relumed to th iree preaa buaineaa office ily limed by the advertlaer and with audi error or correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that caae if any error ao noted ia not corrected by the pree preei lla liability ahall not exceed auch a proportion ol the entire coat of audi advertiaament the apace occupied by the noted errnr bear to the whole apace occupied by auch advertisement tltlfl iionis editorial an i i residence g alt of dills kdltt young lad with a blow the fnce two of them admitted guilt of being drunk one of the pleaded guilty on nn nssnult chnrgc they were bound over to keep the pence for n yenr one of them wnt already out on suspended sentence on another charge its nbout time decent folks were given some pro tcction on tht- streets nnd in public places- we could rq on on snturdny we were in hnmilton in n rnilt way station a drunken mnn reeled about tht wait mg rfcom making n nuisimfce of himself and nccost mg travellers asking for monev similar cxplrilncct could bt givtn in nn community this is n provincial mntttr and premier htpburn nnd his cabinet minis ttrs might do wtll to give a little attention to provin tin mutttrs for n ihungt surel public places ort tq be kept so they ciin bt enjoyed by thl public and our strttts so that boys and girls con walk them with put being molested the plan work perhaps tht item was not noticed by many in the proceedings of acton council perhaps those who did notice it passed it over as a routine expenditure reference is to 3 000 paid on the county rate at inst council meeting poymcnt of that sum mndt pos sibile a saving of interest on that amount enlculated as 4 per cent per annum i his is the first year this was possible it is also revealed that the municipality bus mi money borrowed to meet current expenditure this change has nil eomc nhout by tht arrangements made last yenr for the collection of taxes on four instal mentb in other words we are closer to a pay as we go policy in acton now the four instalment plan is nut only a convenience to i he taxpayer but the tax payers money is being used to finance the town in stead of borrowed money it is estimated that there will be a saving each year by this means of about 500 in addition ratepayers come into september when taxes usually come due with three quarters of their taxes already paid the plan seems to he work mg very favorably in this community w x 3 tv you too can serve this present woe offers means in which tveryont can serve nnd national registration which takes place this month opens a variety of means the work ts being done voluntarily you tan contribute by offering your services for the three days or purts ot them leave you name with clerk loatherland iryouean t help in this way you can at least register early you can make the hour one that is not a rush hour tn the yening perhaps canada it in thib war beside the motherland to win it we need more equipment materials and mone as well as more men in the fighting lines the orderly wa to give canada s greatest eftort is to answer the ques lions full these questions will be found in eotnplett form on tht page adoining this one page three study tuir sheet nnd hnve vour answers ready tor registra tion day i ver malt and female oer in vears ot age must register on august 10th 2lth or 2lst penalties are provided for tailuit i attend to this duty posses sion of a cord showing registration will bt ntecssurx tot tvervone to go about freely registration pro- ides another opportunit to serve on thl home front oii can do a share in giving rklltr his answei and completing organization of all powei of this dom nion to diivt htm and his luh trom tlu tact oi the earth s county council hon the wider view it was rather inttrtsting to rend ol somt of the argument put forth by members of county council whose vision of the county has narrowed down to that spot in the centre wt congratulate those mem btrs who wert in tht majority and have tht conccp tion that halt6n reaches from wellington county on the north to luke ontario on the south tht com ment referred to whs in connection with milton tair and the usual thought of some that everything should be centred injhe county town milton has a good fair nnd good equipment it is well patronized and serves a good farming district just why it should have txiro help can never be understood by those of us who live outside tht in flutnct of tht county town parhtularly inttrtsting was the statement made hy mr robertson that in his opinion tht county was financially interested in hal ton county fair matron fair grounds situated in milton carry a mortgage and if halton county fair should shut up shop this property would immediately become a charge on the county in just whot way this would happen mr robtrt son did not explain surtly with tht county of halton now owning tht park and buildings immtdi attly in front ot the county buildings and maintain ing it out of funds raised by tht wbolt of tht county from wellington to the lnkeshore the county council would not nllow itself to become manually interested in another park in milton we ennnot conceive that milton folk would expect it we congratulate county council that the major ity have a wider view of tht confines of halton coun ty we feel that other municipalities would join us in extending a welcome to mr robertson and those who share his viewpoint to set tht btautiful pin ks in oakville burlington georgetown and acton that art maintained tit the expense solely of these muniti pahties and without county asistance surtly milton will resent this assumption thai it too cannot main lam a park without county help youk rmonuofr is bvnnrv iraowv there 1b nothing parochial nboul syd my s brown lie luut lived tn mnny place on thn i continent ninci hio birth in sydmy aintrnlln nl the moment ulieii tlu mnuvt tccne wn liowinr out eltftnntlj in favor of tht 0th ci ntury at tht ftinlh ot lijf lc 1 1 swlns mnlhir hi ennl frilhtr look him to mitnrhtnur linn wan a trip to swltw r- laml tn mi hlk rnnflpun ritt ntfort nttwii si irnd in lt ndntijil ni xt nn vt wiut u ciuhitlfi t tninkn full if tmtlantnhh 1 nrmi nt an nulo matli t tol nnd a fluti ilia tint j b nnb on ii farm in thi piare rlir din lrltt and hi first ptiy vai tninhlnlod into chiiuiiw- umntvo at 17 hi joined tin flflfh infantry reklmtnl of idmon urn and procudcd with thi canndlann to tarklr the first oreat war he wnfl scorrs scraacxx by r j scorn maoists mk wfcm kaeerfex r lohcly spoyj wtltrjl twaveiens kavc died business directory mfdicai dr j a mcniven imiytlrun and hurroft oftloit nnd niwldence corner haww avrnun and riirin sirrrt or n j nci son pliyaldnn anil hurffon rjeetrn ilu rnj j phone ciniitp bv mtwumta malvu it fntakm a wy v1l spiblts tloop of- am arab amm patrciia mim bffftl rnomfilt fl hla1- of fde mid day uk wmgdjiirnlmcc ill ys irian anil hurran oirin ii urn 1 4 and 7 0pm hiinriuya by appointment mill blrm nrar frcdrrlrlt strut irlphnon 1311 hivs i kl i ij and st i vtnson amiiifj lviij v pin nr mllum 2jftr3 aftr 10 pjn milton jw oflltr mfmim fldam 13ptn 78 pjtt bundaya by appointment only c f leatherland b a itarrlatrr and belleltnr noury pnhlle iainier of marrtnije ijconio ruifulrar of dlrtha marrlusej dauib editorial notes to escape criticism live optnly who evtr htard any scandnl obouf a goldfish keep accumulating war savings stamps shop ping in acton offers one mtthod to add to the colltc tion snturdti night in acton restmblts a re union or iair night folks art enttnng into the spirit ot the contest with real inttrest inuififi rnd to thi mounted dnulni rn twi hh horw in i ntnet i mli d up h u dtsmiuh rldi r ulth tin arm of cktuim hon in oirinunv wa horioruldv dit harkml in mmo n tin rlp id hk 2i in tin arm hi had bi i n it mimbir of a rumour torutrl xirty a rival of hit dumb 11 atu r i mobllljitlon h umi to ni w york whi re he htudled en kltimrlrik at coopi r union product d otnmunitv kiiowk trtid to conduct a bumntw nimnrd tn hlh d voiii pannl haui it hlld into radio tn mini in mid im try hi low hlnty that broadcant ot- fldiil uipt i irt rami in canadian radio war in loift hi whin hi re ilvcd lhnuttandh i littrh in uppn latlon of hlh tonttrie m iuui inuitiiinliik job nh until jiu k i ntri i pnmur of thi ciimtal r tfirted young slur ol to morrow nixl hi umvc on i that brotlurly tank nf th cbc noiui u i mthm rim r ix ivlci and for lhi iwit four i vi urn hi has apn ad uood inter hi mh lhi lund of thi mlilnlkht him fvi y man and woman in tin an iu is his worn rrli nd anionic his mom trnuun1 klflh aiul in risi ivi cl tin m b thi baa full if a hial kkln nil from u fiiall uroup of nurw t ul 1 animirtimk and then tht rt s thi old army tunic hi won in a ciruiin dau in 101ft that hi would not wll if im wre huirvlnt i what manner of man lh thlh lilt n trotter wlw iwthr behind n control roi m window t after croiwdng half a dozn tiiiu living tn half a hundred tttlefl in europe aunlraliihla and north amenta he mtaaurtb feet 0 inches welgha 145 pounds lh tanned deep bronte w liter and summer and his blue trey eyui tell what his tontfui wluhholda about the adventured he has known he hah a way with children and beant u love of nno ultra tunc o palate for dtlt ctaole food a sound knowlrditt ot miutlc and u hand that buriib um if with adretft of mh own invention hi loves thi lijimn or hfi uiid the drama of radio when its true to llfi he ls producer of the clc feature drama vt rltk thty shall not pnfih hlh lnlenritv is personal an 11 lus proft bblnnul ht would eoom r listen than uilk hi would rather have a buj wrltun about hlh don mikt than make the htadllnih hlmsi if lhrn ministers plrdr thrinselvrs to ilitirin kflort 1i i j i halhli i mlnlste r if nn tit nul i fi u i hils m nt l hlh nn miii k tin itleith anil rnin of canada s navul mlliintj nnd air iiikis 1 him j i thi tukin mi lhi pom if vtlnlhtit of national l f i n i my 1 luikui tin mlnlmirof nillnnnl ixnnri for all and thi monorabli a 1 mar donald mli imi r d sibilate of national di fi in i foi naval si rvlrih johu with mi in minium uiin mi hsuki w an worki rh kuitlur in tin blkkht ak which canitdn hits iir undirtiikin world milll its muki ll imposslbli 1 til with um trtmlv wlnit his ahi atl ol us n man urn fori till what will in reejulnd of till nation our job i to l pn parcel for whuuvir may conn 1 hi ton ml atli n of that rt pa ru lion is physlrul fitnth ttnel dbiclpline and train ina in iln htmc print h it of tin ntthtltik scrmcth thin with lnat foundation tralnlnf in nv arm of any m d brain h i nn ix ruullh added tlu ii pitrtmi ni of national l finti m t 1 fin in i ft rt n provldi thi ptrstniul and mai p t tin tuk if roumw eeiulpini i lh n t in ini ulliwid to nu for a ni mint ilu abrupt fultlnn oil rf mitjoi suurith of mipph and tin in atl tin n a itl rtqulrt mi nlh wlm h lhi cheilitis m tin lust two months ha eallid for in maklnit ln mi ndous u mandh on pun 1 canadian pr xlut tion wi iuk iirvbu to makt the m btht usi or tin milntth wt hiivi and u uae their bnilnh and inii nutty to im provlht and kttp rolnr at full speed even when mm ii u hupplia an not avail all wt did that in tht last war and wt can do it ajtaln wi itnow that itry offlrer and man will work an he rnu n vi r worked before the enemy works sundays and holidays as well as week dayii and nlrhtfl an well as day and o shall wi because victory dependb directlj on tht untirine enenry and ef fort of ui all major power mr ma donald and i pledite you the very bent we ran itivt in th s breot undertaltlnr ho tlirv sdy l office 22 acton rhones itralttttne 111 i 1 i ui isrl that tl i lor t of a 1 1 1 i ihliik liuui liu law pf li i a mat kinn m mil f 1 1 tii nt omnn ii wi wt t n limit s a n i inn is i ins awuv fi ni soint thlttk i ii i from luimjiknit i ltd ii i mini t ii in i knulanc my duel ini mi in d in old 1 nullnh iatiie ii mi i lit il all ik m litli limn 11 w i wlsli tl fi ll ii in ifcinklrk i niu h f ui i liintlitl in uhklnnd i lit ii i i iitioultik m in nn ih ni e i nn ii it h 1ivii t ki far mo i id iiim lisl mi 1 1 ul ft tin r tin nation uiiltl it ninth liilttr withoit it tnic no d j i i tint im i f madi old ii kiiiiwi win t t l i il jiiht it ok what il is it 111 hi i rtl hhnw a vikttarlanj ii iintihb iiik mt tun his rupldlv tltirtitl rim i tltb of lux i luromi ant huh pnictn illy imn i mi thi mont pan ful f ini if u tul pitiisluniil c k t m llluirlli i villlh tilt last straw i atlii r look htn emma jtrun i don t mind our hlltlni uj late with that younn man of vours but i do tbjicl te his uiklni tin mom i nit pun r whin i itot b hi 1 1 t s flkht itw with tu ki ikkl 11 i r i ni vis lin nit u hndun ii nt s 1 r 1 i hi r hn 1 b it an hlud t i isi hk th sw t ihirth us k ntli r t nihu l 1 w 1 in n lrrtll f ni ii if i n t rn w lt rmaii nuetlon and aixmalth will im all of tlnht wlio him ild t rlumiih in curotm tht dt serteni did in thmi t itvtrt lhi titteistrophe utnlti 11ikm hn1 in nowmtiir 1014 ki nnl 111 m 1 angdon lurruur hallrltnr notary publu jttlna cletirbetown oreitory lliratm building aoton ovir i bijnucka cafe por appointments phnnr arvnn flft of leoruetown bb olllcu hours at lou husday and ihumtiny lilt pm to 4 00 pm ben- initn on requeit ihnta1 a j buchanan d u s dental burfeon oftlin in 1uihman illo k hours 0am until fl p m idvanlngi by apjhilntmpnt gaa fir hxtrot llom xumj cloaed wednesday arteramn ihoo 144 v w lfak n i i s i d s dental nvrajmiai oflbe- in tin symon ul ick phone ju mill street aoiao vi tl itlnarv b i young vs hvsc rtrrlimry huricon oftley hrtmkvtllr ontrl i phone muton i4flr4 h g oaki s v s rvsc veterinary hurgeon onii and itealdi not icn m avsn arum phi no 130 aiknonteim i hank petch auctioneer and ltprrwentaltve f nmiiiaf rial life- asa urn nee co phom jui harle strrel lrarfetown wi have be n led to wllh the htarts of rabbits a when stildler ii ams m itt ion training plan couplt u with i he hiatcnit nt that the 1 n din it n if thai ty j t tf plane is belni lnt nuwd subfitantiully tin de partmi it of munituia and supply an nounrod that mine utun 0 pt r cent if thi huh iliminlary tra ninu air raft n t ii reel for tin britlhh commonwealth air tiaiuin plan hiivi aln aely btcn dilntrid tin aietniunfl eluduli rulli rt r tin ttinpl llun f tlu i rdi r about tht i nd of thi tar w t patterson ro spclalbl lit ey examination orutsuit 101 wvndi1am bt oueupu ftioao 11s completely equipped office below manor shoe atom time tables nadian n at acton arandard temk minx fastu indilittiun ii f lstahlishtiitni ot ntw industrv in alhiii mrrild a good deal of jocal txcitltncnt dvinnr tht wclk it is to hl hoped the plans matenalizl and it will hl quttl an acquisition kcmp bimitl duili e- appreciation of n band in acton uas lvidcnt on saturilm night t his is tht hrst vtnr that adon has not had a hand sinuc main of us can ixmemblr and ul nuss thost sununtr band tomcrts we hum imwh iolui iprnnn guts imdmu hat station l tji nl tlu 1 kjuoi control au is onh a uki this stitioii ruuls no puson shall in in an mtouattd oiulittiin in a pithlil pi ul it has bi111 so ovqmook nl llmt it is mopitatim and i do not wmm am constnhli 01 polilmiian lor uinkiuk and turning his back on a drunk hluuise il thev ort tftki11 to louh the would likch be distlinrrod and tin olliun 1011ui hnvo ins trouble foi nothing we can recall two inudluts of drunks innik ar resttd iaj m l p tvl m s htia llwplls of drunks on tin strtets but let us considerflkitbxses where tlie wen hrourht to court one broke up a praer meetuik in n local chuioh- spent the night in the cells and wrns let off theaem rnqmlnr with n warninc not to come buck the moat recent ense was lust week three mjiles clime into town nd were arrested after they hud molested girls lh the street nnd knocked down 11 he careful when bathing drowning accidents me ult 100 trcquent thest da s several have been uairouh averted right in acton where it is compara lnel sate if ou can t suini don 1 enturt bevond our depth leenucs liitm inotoi ehick icgistrat ns and gasoline iesin e inada 111 ihi loulllcd 1 i 1 1 l2 ot which j mil 112 wastiojn registrations and sm 0s iiu horn gasoline taxes in ills the total loi legistianons was 2t 2x0 lh and the gasolums iaes u2us niakiug 11 total rcenue of b ssi ilu dlpartnunt ot highum has rlis tluir description ot np 2 hihunv it now ruids mil mu north for seven milts gnutl jood seven miles ui i th ot mtlton to act nn gravel rouh in places drie enrtfull it s easier appnrcntu to rc ise the description than make the rond decent i just uhy the seven tnilcs ncrirest acton is left the roughest is not ejivltiined i dally i xti pt sunday dally rxtept siindav daily i xti pt sunday sunday only 1 i r at omrui own ht r nl omiph ulna writ imilv xt i pt hiunjav siiiiiithiv i nly i i v r ti l ciin 1 h dally i xii it hiinilit auuta imlj il 04 km l 40 mm ii 8 pm bid pm ti 41 pm ii 15 pm h 4fl am ldlirn il 4fi pm obpm 11 43 pm ra oatll linls co ac mls i eave acton stmiilitrd tlmr lastiioini tn torihito k ill a in imil ini 11 j i i in 2 06 pm t m in si pn 8 t p m wistiiot m tii kltrhrnrr i at a in 1 j p in x i p in a4 33 p tn l l in xliim i mi uh sj pm i 11 sj pin ihr nih l i ntl i i tl ll extept sun anc hi l h bn hvih l 1 i i 1h ixtipi mil sun irui ii 1 t sin s in in 1 hoi t diulj rx t pt sun wife preservers m fippn bpfort poaimk ui ivmdtutpl atlantic ial n i i i n c i a 1 1 b in i ir 1 1 all irlj uf tin liol i m 1st in iti1 a r si nnjii tutfiil i licurs of t a k al nn a 1u n liil o the rcn is bhouil tub il ns it ikiird rtiikiitiiit brii rtwsiiklunb dr hu shoudcr inmd the sluppora enhin uppt r leff lnc uttlctu ull al about their vcaci when the younu examining officer ljuii nnilwd hliijol them rtll be no doubt an to ahithtrdi l nor is a trit nd r top the tprm ilti ii f i ainii 1111011 rnmptttd tht ix ttflnt i arl rolls iiu villi thi inrmilnvr fniithur ttr u ft sluwly nion toward u t hiirbnr with n a ft m oiids shore butwruh ntit atithottira and all o hits rrsrn b e tor thi dference of the imrbor 1u jcno that the l4tor iias rtcrlvrd a clean bill of healtli skpjrur pilchar of wrriympc th retriiccator to uu in mildns ieavl ununcrdfinkh ittliminttm wmumd tth dimratiy f ttfiwyinr ealwd 0mr frma th tuwtf f iium whm diib

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