Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1940, p. 7

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i the acton free rws thuiusdav swrkmniui sth imo menu hints mutff tor kw ml h how can i help win the war chronicles ot modfrn icks cilkam ttecipkh i by betty barclay you pays your money and you takes your choice if you rejoice in an auto matic refrigerator ladle you probably will elect to make your own delicious peach icecream with a can of liquid freezing mix i you make your ice cream in a frtrzer a package of ice- cream powder will make the task very easy and very economical and now the recipe 4 fretm peach ice cream refrigerator method cup fresh peach pulp sweetenod 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 can vanlun liquid freezing mix j cup 1 uni milk 1 cup en am whipped camblni punch pulp and lemon juice empty can of freezing mix into boul fill can w 1th milk and add gradually to mix stirring until blended pold in cream thi n fold in peach pulp turn into freezing tray of automatic refrtger ntor nctung control for coldest freezing u mneraturc stir thoroughly once after first half hour of freezing preening time 2 to 3 hours makes about 1 pltitn ice cream fresh peach ice cream i fret zer method j cup sugar dash of milt rtu drops almond xtrart j cups fresh uch pulp j ruiu milk 1 packugt unfliivored a mum powdii i cup lit av en nm add sugar sail ind almond exlroot to pinch pulp and lit stand wluli lei cream mlxtun is bi mg made add milk vm griidunllv t ict mum powder stir in until dissolved tin n add en am ptihi in fretjwr until thick but not hard add swei u ned i a h pulp and cnnunui fn eying mulct s about 1 quart ice cr ani antalnupr ire nun camhlnatlan will itrase i- vrryonr i- ven lleler for u port h suppi r in the dog days ulnn un air is bniilhlts and sullry w hat w on id bt our tlrsl chnlt t for u di hm rt sun 1 nintr opt of u n of you iuim unswi red it cnam mid hit kld oih has pitbabk mi ntiniuil clthi r an lit cold tanlajoupt oi equally let told fresh pi at lus with pit ntj nf mam f 1 hi n u sh ukl ill hi pkascd with that our uomlmiti n foi vour liot port h suppi i i i ii is tanli upt a la modi lit apt d wilh hi mirt vuilllii n inn l i ustunl ii m mwl it h mori m m and nun ust with fn sh i at h md hlatkti irn s just li r mi1 nuasun ihilh n dut hid w mid bunt i 1 imath mi ii ti tin uparlniint win h ltuked a i i n miu uppt r on 1 hi rtiimt ustuid ui t n am for which ui uu i int u i ricip is mliik to these are strenuous timed for can adians ijcii doing his or her bits to assist canada in its unr effort never- theirs there are times when the quco uon is asked what more can t do an easy and effective way to solve this prob em ho been suggested by d left dolan chief of the canadian travel bureau just lit ilown and write a few lines to friend and rouulves in the united bbstis inviting thrm to spend their vacations in canada never be fore in canada s history fiave american travellers been more welcome in the dominion just let them know they can ramble about and enjoy our sports our national parks the romance of our cities and the fresh beauty of our coun tryslde as freely and fully us in the days of peace advise them of the benefits which are theirs through a situation which enhances the value of united states currency impress upon them the fact that the war has created no in w restrictions regarding entry and depar tun- from canada remind them that as in the just there is the tptxirtunily to spend happy carefrci davs in this lovely land when neighborly hands are always ready with the handclasp of friendly welcome in this strange war that is upon un it in curious that the tourist trade a peaceful happy business which is anno elated with the brightest side of lire should become an important cog tn the wheels of strife canada in tin pros cut ton of its efforts to bring peace and justice again to the world requires vital machines and equlismcnt which must be purchased across the bordt r these must tie paid for in ujs currincy and to ob uiln thm dollars we must m 11 them mtmt thing worth tin ir money and what nion worthwhile is then than a vaea linn in canada the american tourist dollar npent tn canada n turns to thi united states for th purcham of mati rlulh and equipment it creates more jobs for more peopli m mv of tin i ncapli v ill no doubt then be able to i njoj our canadian imspllallu the prime mlnlsti r and ottur prom in i nt officials have issued cordial invlta tlons to resldenus of thi united stau s to lslt our countrj thi canadian trl bunau has inductd an mlin sim and etectle advi rtlslng canuiiign dslmd to ultrnrl tourists to thi do minion vast moving iitnu imuntr have rnaud a situation whi n nuui prospective tourists an undicidid whctli i r to ram nut or abandon un ir vacation plans fur thls year your personal note urtnie l hat all ls will in canudii lin hlkhw avs an smooth thi koh rsi trei n and thi fish tilling muv tin diluting factor in draw niti visit t i can iid i it requires 1ml small it t wrlli ho ou bit todnv ginger farm wrltca tthm a i owknim l jjl ihw wrltlmi rauut lf aalm frm pun owkndounk p cuue the canadian war ikoi i a weekly ltvlew nf developments aung tlwi ham irnnt jlugiut 2lnl uu mm maybe there is no work quite so hard as that of enforced leisure 1 i have an idea that that is what partner thinks anyway here w e are with hay nut grain out and a barn full of grain watt ing to be threshed and too wet to do anything after the first rain thev did get the tractor out nnd get name plough ing doui but now it has rain d again i rtthcr fancy it will be too wct even for ploughing we could thresh if ue threshingmachine could get here hut the thresher had a bad break on his u tractor so now we don t know when hi will come bd that s that but still we do try u get some good out of a leisure nhh sun took the op portunlty to get a day in at the exhlbl tlon and i had half a day but we cnnldn t get partner persuaded into going not but what he likes going but one day at the fair makes him no good for two days afterwards evi ry time x go to the exhibition i have thi same complaint uu re is not enough publicity givcif to events bctorb they take place you can al ways n ad about what there wan to sit and do tin day you wi re there ofti r you gtt back bit juit try and get a st mm mo 1 jnlilt hoard of defence for can- tdu md ihe untied htalis it id opining fn i ting in ottawa u means i in mou rs e iloi trine tram fated it icilnn fald mayor 1aoijardlt ir ni w yorkchur man of tin unlten srillon in a press interview decision to e itabllsh lite ii ird was reached at the ogdensburg cotifen ik betwien the prllne minister of canada anil president roosevelt of the united states functions of the board are to study plans to protect north america from attack its proposals will be sub mltted subsequently to uw governments of the united states and canada 2 during the i mist week munitions and supply contracts placed totalled i 125 and had a value of 10 157 cab 3 thomas arnold montreal apt join ted machine tool controller herbert j bym also of montn al ippolnted ifctrlc power contmller moth serve w ithout remineration canada and the united kingdom will olwierve a day of rayer on sunday si plember hth first sunday aftiir the anniversary nf tin outbreak of war 1 changes in- the defence of canada regulations requln all germans and italians naturnllred since 1022 to regis ter as enemy aliens previously only italians and oermans natural lucd afti r 1020 had to register 00 war time prices board kiucd a warning to approximately 40 ooo innnil fact ii rem importers and distributors of domestic and imported gnodii ngnhiht exploiting the ten per cent war vx chingi tax 7 mall service for priv ah and per snnnl correspondenci resumed to unnc cupled pynnce including corsica al geria the french zone of morot co and little inforrntini btfori hand that u difterent mntti r of cmint i know a scant outline of the day s ivogram is 1 putiltshed i acli day but w hat good is i un that if jour painr conns about tw i six new school cadcl r n author hours r mori aft r vou liavi left for mlbed by thi minister of d fence thin tin lxhibltlon o t anothi r itupi r mm wl0 r t rirw m m hooy whlu vou n thin you sav yes i across canada kn w that is pnsslbli but win vonls to j depart mem wasti ttnu wading through a pacr when vou mlttht bi g ttlng around tiding things and tin sanu think lliis to uu cxhlbluon programs that an always on sail at thi u rounds tiki my own trip 1 1st vvn it as n i xutnpli i really had littlt thought oi luling thi exhibition at all fits yur rinn i had an invttatlui last wivlm s dav nlhl lo o w 1th frit nds tin in l da ui caust of thi rain i km vv part in r mild not gt t on vi rv much with iinv thing that nillv tnutu red no i ur ctptid uu imitation i wondered in a it ut rt f wiiv whit tin frxhlliij prokram might bi but i was to buss huntnik fo nil t ik pair if stotxliin mi nil irm itn i cdlms a 11 w i kltik for i t l tilt in t dav allhhl i bb u i i tin i vlnbitlon r w i itosprjiitli i or soi 111 hit v i n k uu- to i did un ri fi nlv unrtlrwhilt i si uu i t and in si i oiumm al v i him iur tnadi nit uu rich but snn th and lull ixkllcd mad with mh nt pin n nu n thru parth milk whli h is far liss uiilj tint third to oni mxlh a mil h than m it niihs tall tor a fiittun that will dillht our lioiltit hold budkt t and piove n boon to lluwu of ur faiullv who lovi in cream but uutl it loo latunlin and uslng no eggs needinu no cooitng you can guess how slmpli it is all this becnuat it is a j ti nnetcuntartt let cream and rennet lnu u w u w lui milk as you n nnet custard iatu an adv know but w h should w i ti 11 v ou n bout it w ht n it s so tasj to tr it for youna lves vaniu1 a jce cream in canta- i lioupk i v ruiiitt tabli ts labli spihins told water i ups milk 1 up luuvj i ream 1 30 1 tup augur pint h salt 1 tablespoon vanillu dlsbolvi nnnet tablets in they water warm milk cream sugar and alt to lukewarm iloft degrees f in top uieale of dotibli bollt r remove from heat and qulckl mir in tin dissolved rennet tab lets pour into tnttir can and let stand at room u nun ruturt until firm cool pack in u nilxturr of fl ports ice no i part suit and fncm until stiff uft out can n move dashi r wnd rrplact cover tgh0 corking hole fimpt tee and uattr from tnir ixplace tan and re pack using 2 i4irts ice to 1 part salt allow to stand ii vera hours before str- tng siri tn imhts contiiloupiji w tth allctxl ptiirhts nerv rs b not think it liiimiit i pro run so n wainlind hit this huildlnt and that buiutluk md w listi iiii t tin wandering minstrels if iinv h ipp mil u crow ur lth wi visit ti lit hotiu niautiuil i xhiblt an 1 iluuiit t spin did af 1 1 that i wnlkid unit ind milt s and mill s for tin n pn ss purinwu of attiudlnt mrs aitkins c lkuu fa in i it wius thi first ttnu i hid bon th i ind i th uhl ti wis a 1 irtit ul ulv inti n stint ft itun nf tin rxhilittum not m much for tlti took tnt pirl as 1 i un human iittnst sldi tr tin pntrani tin n was in air if the national war sir vlci s lssuid regulations governing tin calling up of hlngli nn n for millt irv training 11 hon charles dunning former mlnlsh r of rfnanre mimwl chairman of national subscription oommltue for second war lo in 11 approximately l 400 children havi biin moved frnm tin ir homes in tin lulled kingdom to canada iindi r tin assisted sclienu nnnounci d hon t a i cn rur mlnlstif of minis and rt sources i iriiuiii guts to canada s caisi with i contrihuii in f s ooo for uu p n ha si of i qttlpnn nt for canadian tntipf in pnuand ottawa una count m of winuii luad this witks list of ifts t fttitad i s war causi citlins of itin 1 inn md island ills m uiltoh i i nti s sod t ir in inibiilam i tin shrlm rs club of brant ford al o si mi s 000 f t in unbuliuu i and uu d imlnl in iln ml of lliitit rwr i intnbutioi in lavs c xr al f imil dinus hi rs iston forwards s200 u ii u tin middu to a iuls brought in w insptittv to tin laihvas und liar i irs t twin hi afrit u in a staununt isiiitl in cupttown 1 c ijturrock min isttt f kauwavs ami caiurls nviilid unit tiuriii tin first twi months oi un piisiiil lltuuit lal viar un ruilw is i id altiadv i iriuti u nit protlt of jisosdo mr isturrock tontinued hiiiiiiht tin mudltt rrantan lnu ih n iiomhi to morchanti shippnik tin cupi nnili has regained 1u fornu r glorv hm ii grrut u route ui lh pl m bui and cpefn ihc wirm ol a mv all our port uorkliw tdll um n d ritl um l full prmmir- tlu rll ac arrangimints m intriiil si n pn si nt pr n i s and pit nk s nd a d illar r ann rican w ii oth r from vim lltluk w islu i can trail mln intra tlon has modi t lock cold uhenb ships can refut i nt ports other i than capetown and durban this will i relieve the strain on these two ports i this great and smooth flow of ship ping round the coast of south africa proves trial allegations by nasi pronti gandlsts that lhc are dislocating uu trade of the commonwealth nre lllu slons as far as we can see from this ind their much vaunted blockade of the nilf h commonwealth is nothing but futile and pitiful lies tntended to bolster up oer thc othtr and i was to be then in trstpo mms an limkecptr tn polumitt w sun llstenliik in to from london all to in uu late our tvtiiing- the cwxrh bnaidiaatuig as he is dxiugitl out ol of thorouuhh chillec a garnuh of uiiarel and freali blackberries turkic bone soup jctvir tluxiw aaj the carcass of a lurkiy or chlcktn for it will make a deuerous soup bvrhpe the meat from ue bones break the bones pack in a kettle und cover with cold water adding a small onion cover closelv apu simmer erj gently for three hours strain and coal onehalf hourbefore it is to be about her next aervert return to the nre and for evr quart ol stock add one nip of the cold niasuseoa bjidkcpjvot unulded this soup may be greatly improved by adding to it three ntuiuteut before mrs- wijf ten oymtni to each quart ot soup his bed when ir had tmtloped his radii set and his head in thtci blanki is to pnvmt an um from oi rln mm a d dcum rliii him in sees visions of uu concentration camp but thi czech pundurme win uikiev1 him out u puia him at um i unn t mind t m usttntnetn to london vot idi t in itsiwls out ungrtlv i do um but vou mtiht at u avt have uu t nv o hi tin kiudti4 iki r m tin k i both niscovracinci it s mckenlng ir way m wife keepa talking abputihtr first husband tlial s nothing mine keeps talking x love to browse in a library tugh browse or low browse thought of those count k ss mllih bttwten us and in drsptrauon boarded uie aulotniln somt tiling i had n it tried befon ri allv that atitotraln is u trand tinu and foot sawr- i wish i had tried it out yi arn ago although it does mikes on i feel liki a littlt kid on a merry og round but what i spt c lalh want to sav is mils id that lust w hen i knew there was no left to go anvwherc j was just beginning to feel at home sort of get i ting acquainted a 1th the fair and gel ttnu to know just what there was to see and i came aw a feeling thi first tu o holers wire more or less wasted now if m opinion is worth u thing at all i would respect fu hi suggi st to the exhibition board of directors that tluv publish in tin dall press two pro fcrimt s n i frr tht d iv on which fie pajtr is published aid i tu for tin ol lowing i ihin it wo ild piv thin fir instance vou might not ha am notion of going und then vou kit reidlng tin program and first think u know vouvi madi up vour mind to 10 m xt da if as now thin ls onh oni dav pub llsliedtit a time then bv the time youvo kot around lo rt tiding about ti its too iti t taki uu train vou don t like to drive b canst the spare tire hasn t been j fixed and vou remember there lsn t toi much to eat in the jtouv for thnst wh might be u ft nt home so ajthmjgh vou hnit missing what vou hn e alwav s wanted to see vou have no alternative but to slav nt home and all 6ecause you did not see a program sooner it might also be a good idea if the l tors would send a brief outline of each day to wmklniksihirttrtheoppninii of the fair and now x hear the threshing machine acton fair tuesday and wednesday september 1 7 and 1 8 grand arena show tuesday fvkimhmc 00 to 1 100 pm tllltkk iimkk without a hum moment i i aiukinc toronto west end y mca tumbling and acrobatic team and clowns aclon girls y drill ami crnluitic presentation rex sicombe willi his master of eremonies eeoi li on simx iai stall mfhtinf m imilii vin svstem lliflll jjlimp calf race a new nnd niel feature potato harr in i lorselturk piumkam by acton on kltt an1 luiril lliair crkmw aiivs ii ti soim to l dt r cnitrur on man lingutkt imp i published in hegina printed nn jftilj list an editorial on un dut if ot rinan hans ui canada rollouint an tisluted i x tracts canbd i is at war ind in this grav di mantis not on thi absoluti tldtlitj or lur cltlm but also sat rifle and st if dtulnl ou mori than one occasion oermiin cunadlum havi shown thtlr loyiltv lo canadi to canada which 1ms glvtu llnm a new existence and a secured rutun it is a matttr of cuiuclmcl fur i vtry slnglt german canadian also in limes of war to do his dut as a citizen fully and complitdy evt ry man and every woman must stand firmly and faithfully j behind thi oovirnmiut in this critical tlmt and conscientiously obey all it orders and decrees whoever is not in armj service can make himself usi ful in other ways and assist the war efforts i nf un government every single cttlrcn must contribute a part towards tht pn m rvntlon of our freedom which can onl be secured and consolidated anew b winning this war handlcraflsmt n r thefl are many learned and clcvir hr tuans among tin otrnuincanadlnns can be actm tn the war industry farm ers must remain on the soil tudtfatig i ably and produce the necessary food and raw products even if they have n surpus of wheat nt the present time and so forth evprvonc enn and should bu war savings ceruflcnti s and war sav ings stamps and in this wn enrich canada s war chest af ti r n few years monevtvujted to the government ln this vn will be received back with interest even one can help irf this manner i hi tr our frien again ace so he is he s been a dear frien me me hes cast me three wedcln presents nnd bwo wreaths tumson s married i a a wlirbe so 1 gueu i might as well get on with my own work and let the exhibition work out its own salvation without my assistance second day features eilm ll septemlter ijllll m slitllt rikllll i i mi i m keive wilson of liiiiwliii dlstncl lliredor ol i iiirs will opin llif i air eeatures helore i in- rrmiktiml iiadlll miim hoksls tn i rnii i iiiiiits contlsi ke slot omi1e locordionwt maciimn v tnlrilikiuiil lntiriaifer hanana katinf im iiaiuionica t onthsts stli dim ini races 1 itl vl ol simcioi 2 flabkch ienti jsmkns ro ii kat k best kahv lompetition in tent on t hounds iahadk ol live stot k at i 00 pjvi hoyu ioal cliil nml ilnllon jcmcy and iiemxcy fair hub llultou guilty jersey cattle slum n tltletl 1910 feature itton onceitt hani will supply a musical pktxiam splendid exhibits in hall and field louil speaker vmplifvin nvntem in arena and mundh womens institite displays iiistork ii exhibit monster dance is town hall set ond mtjht flood orchestra klti midway the iinbst kaitt tilltlunds n ontario 1 write secretary for complete information and prize mot o johnston president e thetfoftd sec treasurer yrjwlujtol u

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