Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1940, p. 3

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tii acton iucb ihhss 3 illunsday ffilj artntt 3krrr rrnn rn1ualird fry thuraiuy l arton uniarl 81 ascription ratks i nr jr in awan united slilii ol i till nil sinou iiil s h tta om n t nw il lf alx uttl la given wl n v nan at ol d lrta li rquald anlhi a1ions vw fi i tl 1 mil ol nur ant ullrta pirtn nil in lave ll rir aid rl ii na intrf ti tn in tat ll ry lull li irnttl ijdi ri iratlori whlla tub vfl1l na will iil i r imilajoupi iritia vrt hi rilrn ir priutl rt wt at kjifiyi i am rl w umr tin 1 tllrr vrnlri 111 irit mil ur i atnikllst itaifs oit ulixtln i ylvn iti ni itilumn lira in fa alii uh vr aitlin will ir fahr i vol i htn i i iiff vrraa a rt a ivrillad u u ll oliimin on ur i n irolan una itial it will no i ir lit ir i r any rn f to any a ivrillarmml il uatird inriinlrr tinlrat a ix i aiuh a lvrrltrmrn ir i ajtrl in wlltlita l llr atrilr ail rl mr i i 1 wrr i iri biikintaa rd rl t llir 1 r a pi ptiitlon l i ic r i ir i i y al i ol dm i 1 iii i ii 1 i i ii ni hil i i kr- ir r mimlrtpflllfjy to whtah thjs nrrtlnu 1lirn appll the vnoancy mm 11 iwi hiiini ly ir jtrmih chonfn by vrrte of tin remnlnlna memlrn or audi liwnl boon or muntnl put ooiwll oil tlw rtisn nmi lie provided that wlfiro it immin occur in the olltn or iilctiimnij in a rl v in whlii nldrrmen are rlirtrd urncrnl vole mirii vnuuicy nimiii ho hum in the mnnnii provided by lion 170 of 111 municipal ait those clauses intuitu tluttivt in acton iiiiums tlu aton oiiikii dtudts to sithtnit a hy law nnd allow tlu ilulois in ik cult ilu issue it otiiitil dm s not pit part tlu nt ttssary h law a pt iilion sijyud in ut it nst tl pt r ttnt of the total niimlui ol ptrsons whose nanus apptat on tlu inst nittllitl ottis list iuiiuts ouiuil to submit tlu matter to ilu hums 1 h n t pttition must tu llltd willi 1 tic h i k not hit 1 1 than live wt i ks hi f cm t polling da i lust an tlu pi in isions i h t xtt nikd it un applits to yviunitipjil on ik its school llnauts utih lits onuuissions tit ilu mntlii is up to tlu mitt paiis if dun is no ik lion du lun uii trim has muii indorsation ami luit is im ns making tnss nboul 1 alti i it is tun jn 1 1 canadian wllrai laiihv ovih j up l iii hit at tin end nr hi it hmo tilt tpliil fdoika lulu i i re jill hill ihft inirdu ir i hlh utnount h nmft hill luikluln uiiui ihiin hi iiihii1 uitrv mi r nl lulv 1tt iinrr uiul tu th iimuimi miumiiii omii nu tin itiivluiit ikiimi nl lit i mo ikirulhik iltih in mill mi no mil hon inifthi in jlloikn it iihitillnn wit ii in htim in i he ulilttil hull m mill t ii i ti l iluil lill llkt fllon iiuhiii in ill miiilmm hi tllv hal mho inliillfil jl mu jii iiithiuit imiiipiiimi wiih fi at a tu i- 111 iii i iiu iiiiii hi llllll hit inlhl unit mil of cumuli in win il in l moimiii iowi ilu unlltkl llhtht nt lulv llnl iii4h un hill h ihij im hi i nln u li u mi lilt iltitt of iii ii iii jim inwitln ovi i ilu kij inn in i i thin i i i in filinllmi killiim nl lily ul miifi i in hmd mil v vi i n hlllllt it illlllllt i nl hi llllll hllirt l1 1 i i l ll 4 ikui idfl lilinl i t m ii siem iiajnicn i3ui io4o mo i a iran ft pllnw owjh mi ji won i hi my ll not i vui wony limit iti willi iiihiiuaiionh prflhiiin w ii miiolinn no i 1 i v hhil m i ll j ill ir iihly i t ni nt ilr h ihul laialnru t lul riinnk oii al u i nl oi t uhis t linn ui tan inlks pass i hi i in i im ss oltu his until it uuhli alui du ovi i tlu ho is on s mj h a i it i t iuh spi in ii with an ol i li at ln i all tlu si u wi ul jul noi mi i hunk l i i u lin ha i imuu an i lit 1 1 h ilu s i u alk i in iiu j an t in nui nt i lu a iuh that u ill nt 1 1 tull of lu ur mil initfli mm k isn t ppiii into putltlks in tlu nllui dooi sh uk tor ilu do to 1 1 iiii n 1 midi ih 1 i lu i miss i 10 v ton i ii 1 1 un i ilu u ad i in ill ot ins nth i totu u it l ii iiu d mbrjal si n a don nl tu i s i mi u i i v t that pom i u its d n j tlu t i k iluinik tlu mint stason nt hast and that snu sonuthini i hank ou ki nilt im ii lctv ml atlenil the tmr ntt tucsdii nnd wtdntsdm atton ian is lu b r nttration m this distrut ndjinj from tlu aojs that ntttndtd ttlu c n i this tiu nnd tioni pencrnl inttrtst the lotnl fairs should hint a bijtr ollouinr than cur in our own conynunitv atton fair is about the onl iunl plnnntd this jtnr other than iktmln to htlp win tht war no holidays hnvl been obicrcd with publu funttion thl fair pro ides the onl mcetinr place tit the season for folks irom town and distrut and outside of war iutiit what institution inn take a more prominent plate or do n renter service to the tommunm ns n whole thnn the itrtnl fair than atton tnir 2 to ht a success it req litres the w holt htnrted support nnd nttendnnct of nil sonext week let s set aside fair dab to attend our own lotnl fair in this realm of ommunit fairs there is none better or more uorth of jour patronnrc you nttd tuesdn niht and wednesday nfternoon to tniov this ttnt in atton tht hair needs oui in itndnnct to muintnin it and so next week let s all ro to the i air and the i welcome sign is out lor visitors liom far and neai- kt hiu ii injrt this unr is mu in uhuh tei mini woman and th id can pln an impoi taut par t 1 1 iu tlu most ptctiic uliji pat t nt tlu moment is bt iiir pln t d b ht kowil an j out but whnr could these brine nun do it tlu lu tu i supplu d with tlu btst ol hints nnd tiihtinl t qui pint nt hat could tlu ia do w ithoui iimnuimtion lor the u hat can tlu intuntn di ukiuuk full lqiupnu nt it t akt s the lahwi ot mnn wojktis behind the xuks to proidt the materials for wnm a success tul war it takes tht lunds that terone can spare to bin tht supplies to maintain our hunting forces this part on the honu runt nun not be su spettacii hir bit it is just as ital this wttk canada iisks fot a lortn from its people if 300 ouo000 on tht loan cnnnda is willing to pa interest and promises to repay the amount hor rowed fer bond ou can hu is doing uuir bhare i op the home front its tour opportunm to sere and if ou cannot make an investment in canada in the denominations offered in the war loan tht war savings certificates and nx ar sin ingsjs tamps make an opportunm lor everdnt to help there s a plnct for everjone to serve needs helps on ever front right now let canada s unbwtr to hitler s raids on england be emphatic gie tht hghtmg mm all the supplies thc need to defend and thev will bnrrg ultimate ictor thoreh a onililllt alnut is he latest tnmmunil we have he in d tiom hat has appuntd n plan to nuuki nie the stittt lighting on its main thoioughfaie under the pi iiu the ie ic cording to 1 lu 1 xpitss tht pit sent poks transfoimtrs and wins will be it moved and tht ntw ssttm will he turned hy eiihks mconspitu oitsly installed above the store and shop fronts the street lights will be staggered on both sides of the street at intervals sufficient to tight the entire toad wn and sidewalk efficiently 1 he lights will be enrned on long arms extending out from the second stoiey of the buildings so that not even a standard will be erected on the street hvdro was installed in aylnur in ithh and nfttr twenty two ytnrs of service the present wires and poles havt become obsolete inst week the local commission received permission fiom toionio to go ahead with the new installation poles on both sides of talhot street cause the strett to appear veiy nnr low and with their removal a most fnvorahle change will be the result at ton installed h dro in im 2 1 here is a pos sibihtv that afte i twent eight unis our present wins nnd poks may have hecome obsolete at unv rati it npptjirs that the avlnur plnii might he tht logical out foi acton in solving tht mill stutt lighting nnd parking problem ljitoriai notis c i inula s ip h nop fu i 1 10 i- i st i m a ted tl i iji 010 h im is i ilu ii mi di in n 1 1 ion il i xhihition showed an n tit nst d iltnuljwui now kis inivi atton i in t t a new high nun k i and still i question iked tvti v cl a nnd most i ten unnnswtied where are tht re nn house available tor rent in acton 1 i he hopt is general hut acton hi r will be grac ed wi h hivc wtnthe tui week gnu ted tint it will h the meeting place of ii n inend- cnnnda il vp to the eloctora nov mi hen the legislation was first enacted planning or 4i two car term for municipal officers there was quite a furore nnd we heard a good denl nbout losing our freedom etc as it stands now that twoyear term becomes effective this jatiarv n all municipal tits thatdo nbtsubmit n bylaw to the oters at the municipal elections this vear hefe are the clauses extending tne tecms lit office 2 ill nfr member ot a municipal council in ofttc- on the isfdav ot prbruar 1041 and elected cir aihwtntrd to o filer for llm term of one ear or part tiirroof nhall continue lrtciftio for the further term at one year and unul hu nuocfor elected or nn- pointed and the new ctiiinclllbonrftnlked 13 bry member or n local board of a municipal- itv ta which tubbectlari 1 appllm fn office on the 15th diy erf february 104k hall upon the expiration of the term for which htv wan clctl continue in offlc tor ike rumiv tehn at ahe year and mnml ku ito- -sj- inmi kabwi la nncranlfml csstls tntered inwnrds nt cnnnduin ports fiom tht sea during the year ended march ut 1140 totalled u 048 with an aggregate tonnage of 1 s23 us tons good harvest weather contirues to be elusive much of the giam crop in thn district is still in the fields and farmers are hjindicnpped bv the showers thnt come all too frequently we can t remember when the town hall was to be freshly painted both inside and outside jthcljm provement is marked and citizens generally appreci ate the action of council in making our municipal buildings attractive exports of canadian wheat flour during the first een months of 1940 totalled 4 oos 870 birels nlued at 16 173 035 compared with 2 62oo7s bar rels worth 7 84l 120 in the cojxesponding period of 1039 for trte rurxney lerm oi one year wiu nw or u nwwftttind uie new local board in onronlced s 11 where n acancy occur durlnc llie year 1043 in m local board or the municipal cauncll of a dr george f rogers chief inspector secondary education in ontario has been appointed jdeputy minister of cucntion succeeding horr dr duncnn mcarthur who is now mauisterpf eductt m these j oermanym own worst ineniv tvr fuehrer oem w r v cccn ti challenge canadians two appointments will meet with gcnernl npproval i ns both are men who arc recognized as eminently qualified hy experience and sound judgment emergency call from tho shoroo of our motherland cornea an appeal for help which no true canadian can fail to hood while we live in comfort death drops on that orabattlod island the need for rod cross ossibtanco s urgent our sons and brothers aro over there on land at win jn tho air they face denth dally we must bo prepared to help them when they aro sick or wounded rod cross help ia needed on bohatfof soldier and civilian alike jhospitals and hospital equipment surmcal supplies and dressinrs ambulances and xray equipment will bo needed overnight tho need may become so urgont that lives may bo sacrificed if help cannot be sent at onco never before has thero been so front a need for red cross assistance this challonro to humanity must bo answered give to tho red cross give to tho utmost now i emergency call r0tso0o0o0 commences sept 29 can adianmd cross business directory miiikjai ni j a mtnivrn rhyilrlan ahd surimh urflr and jurttlntt corlior ivwh avlniin nil inaln hlrrt ijh f j nl ison 1ltynlf irii kiui hurftuin i ll riohifijiy pllflu du wm g ih li n l m c c riiyalrun and hurgan off w it iiirii i 4 and 7 u m htindnf hy apptilntninpt mill iv i tt iirar rrmlrk mlrt irlnphon 131 lhs i kl i i and si vi nsjn c amiiiiii viiji hi ii mlllon ilfirj attr 1 pm mllou jw oltlk moirn ll u u iii i l pm i ll pjh lunttiiya by apwilittmrnl mly i fflai t i i r a i fit kl and 11 a lunuter iu1 hoi ir i hi niury fullu irn jrr t f mnriliiu i i itia uuinuiir tf ilirllm mmiiiuk a itmliim allon olflrr 22 i itkiira ifnlir til kl nni i ii m i a do i llmrrutrr hnllrltor nlmft i umui oki a it rut wit tiim iv lltitlm ijjiitlug a til ow i 11 i t k n i mtm i f aj mini a ll ik a r il 1 krtv 1 iwt fill t ii v a k a loi ii i i i 1 i lb iiimtai a j itlk ifanan d d s denial hurcron fjftltt it llihifium iii x k i four 0 a in mill 0 p fn icnln by aplhunnl lu f r hrtriutumji x umi frl wodnrwljv afvfrfjf iti na mt i w im aki n i d s i d 9 i llrnlnl kurfmn rftlir in lor hyinon 111 k ihmir jo mil atrtwt amoo i vftfhinarv b d young v s hvsc vrlrlnarjr hurgtwn tjttirr iljtkikvllle ontario phone milton lr4 i oak s v s hvsc veterinary hurgtin oftit and lthldin kn an arur pliona i 3fl ruhlislud by tht niiiltsy of tlu chicago t ihune aktionffllh f uank im rrn aiirtloiirrr unil llrprraenlatlve rial i ire aaauranr o jrtirfrtown t1mk taluhs at at ton hrandahij iimr in 1tht u x i i s 1 1 n m li i v t x s diiv 1 1 tun 11 1 x 1 r l s i h h h 10 pm 1 r 1 v r i tki al 11 pm p m ckiiii wrl hill 1 si ih a m hui inl o i h 1 j pm iivid 1 li t 4 im ximly i x i i s n il i j m h itidn i l 1 41 pm ray oa ii unfcs ccmciihh ifave actom standard tltru rastiiol ml to toronto t ill ii m tioi ii m 11 j i a in 00 p in j l i m i p in h nj p m urstihm to kitchener xu ii n ni 1 jim x 2 j p m a4 33 pm in m ihob lm dli3 p m iinj pm x thn uuh t limlufi dallv except sun an ho l tun anil h only c hal only d dally except hat bun and- it 1 e hut sun nnd hul l juiiy rxcept tiun township of nuaawra sau of ianos for arrears of taxes to wtl notice u herrdj bjvtn that e ult ot i lancu for tale for arrear of taxea in th township of nomauaueya in tha year lofo na been prepared and cople there of may be had at the office of i ie town ship trenjufer tl at uchrrii haa been 1 publuhed in tie ontario qazeticv un the i qihday of jul 1040 j iu inlet th rrearj ijxtn and coiu as ih ot luch tut ar- paid on or before 9 00 a clock in the afternoon of tuidy october but 1040 the treasurer ot th township or naxxanaweya will proceed to sell by public auction the laid land or such portion thereof ai may te necv rary at the aold hour of 2 00 octotlt in the ofternooh on the aald nth dav ol october 1040 at the council chamb in the townahlp hall at brooltvuletii n nld tonihpor knuagawe a n t tli nfflf nf yh ynrnmrur of the tawnihlp of naauvaweya thli bth diy of july 1940 james w mopfat treajurer i 313 townihlp of nauatvweyav v v

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