Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1940, p. 4

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v thursday afrptkmnktt 13ul 1m0 the acton free press paqjs turk hwmi 1 1 i i iiim iia i ia h tiiai t itw iii mii uaittttaitamttii inn wwi idii i i mi will u iiuiaii irwiu lawuiugui minium im iihtusdwilmtluii i ate eijjb looked jealously at icato nhrugged and returned to her bto- her cousin jioncttc how i cult cutting envy youl she alghcd you wlien the flvo farm hands came in work in an office you llvo in the centre from the field dinner- wan ready a of a busy city an for me im a a frlcawce with potato onattcc and a hick ill never bet much more than great banin of vegetables a hunt bowl five atone froth the farm of lettuce with oldfrmhioned boiled i dok t etc why youd ever have the driving biscuit with jam n layer leant dcelrc to bet ave steps from a cakl avowed from the pantry and the farm like thin jimmtu carey echoed 1 tint jl nnctte hud pn pared com- tht sigh whtlt her tyen followed the line ili tl the mial thi mm al with mie of tin dlsunt hillfl apimll to and illtti convtrwitlon was in- tu all rtnhl for jou lo you f durun l 11 talking i art heri lor only two wkn i very fall mi avucntlon any farm t pntty in wl nt of kituun hi uld tlil full fpeclu11y to city ten 111 jt lu lu whin wl win plowlim ont gram u that but for a steady diet rr th bum caln mippunt and vi day in nnd day out y ar in year out huw bh j b almost a a hawk and tin wound it in such good condi what wrong with it jtantttt k un that im nil mthuried 1 ri will liiurruptrd or a fun year nothing from tlie a land point or u i kaw niild ugh i dliuvt tilth and farmir i tuppow lite lands fertile im tired or heurlng about hikki ground llu cron arc good and the tilr is in n vluorotlnt- but from the ntandpolnt of l iuvtr wiw ni wttcn in my younir fir its did i nofhlng ever hap llf jimtt wild noftly friit you sec hfl you re nirrounded i you poor litttlt frtsh nir kid i wont uy peopm ihtrin excitement every walk down to tlu lot with mi alter aocond in the city i ennt toll you how hintii 111 nhow the kittles to you several form of inspiration the up- licr uiui enticing tho men nto their all nnd related upon the porch to dlscuiu the morrow s worfc janett and kate dragged bur ton into the kitchen trussed him into an apron and net him over the diih pan ho wan splanhing noisily when hii brother walked into the houiw jwidlna a won oiirlo well wen homcjjnln ald ned and all in one plecr how la my baby anked carrie jcanetui naid he s anteep hli ej cs are tiht an biutmu youd better get to bod too cjjrrlr naid- i m completely cund now but t murtt have had a touch of ptomaine i went tn a plenlc ytstcrdny worne luck but i ii fee a hundred j r cnt by mornlnr you tiirln have 1m n wonders but i won t need you lonflrr huge expansion seen in canada in first war year t lvi njo canada went to nr during these montluj a peace loviiin people forwot about its peace time puriulu to concentrate on the uar tok at hind a t ink that was nccelrr- atrd li mil ndouily ai shocking events ovirniti brought home to canadians tho atark n nll7ntlnin nf modern warfare tills expansion in canada i flbhtlnff foreis and in her industrial life wni striklnffly brouitht out by col the hon j l ralston whilst r or national i fenre scakink rocently at a hmchenn mtttliik of the canadian club in von any tn nl i adopting a tihjn nnd ky3w th nu kate said affrctlonntc ly you re an col rain ton described in detail the ri it old nulsanc as noon as ue ve done strldi i mnde by canada in the army your diihcn u ii an bai k to motln r i tin air torce the navy and indiwtij jeanne and i will be lnd to tf t away durliiff the flrnt year of war salient from this plan and ned n pi m of a points of the years review are luhini it brother iud n fiillonn till ltm nrd n pent of a brother said eafferly i ii drive you back y wil not so burton iki had to rnntint hln if with ualktiib ui tin kuu with hum hi ihiimhi kate into i hi mr but n fti ad of asskunb j anrlte in uft i h r in pulled the city cotesln oauli ilnw mm h loniti r will jou ix inn hi askid in a uhlnpir i ji am th whltpi nd in r plj i in 1 ittifl tuo mftkn and half o i wi i k 1 kone- much i ein youl jceuielu started to say envy mi you mustn t i d change places with you in u trice bcrorc tlto words had taken form on ber lips kate h mother had oo mi hurrvlnu on the scene her face whs ftunheit and apprehensive kate hhe exclaimed you 11 haxi to jump into the car and hurry to youi tttitu r carrie o place sties btin tnki n sick mid ned s rushing her to tho-ho- pltiil it iui appindlx nid flhj tin itiiih win in law und tin baby can t bo left alone- and dinner must be got together for the hired hands kuu siud croflsly oh botht r to jcanetu slie added you see how it 1st jiinutte asked is carrie very 111 mrs ellis said i hop not why don t you bo along jeanetto and help your cousin of courn i was going to offer in less unit than it takes m toll uu two glrb wire speedhig down the coun try road in the farm car carrli f home was but a few mll from her mothers as the girls nit end the pntt lane leading to it jeonetti thought of uu drab entrance to her illy bourdlni house this lh charmliib ohi murmured kati uithout aiuwi ring wild i run htai un btibj irlnt wi ii hui a busj la tii and i uu mrl huniiil inui tin nual whin funnlimisi tin baby sitting in u pun with hi i was indiiii crvink li an- i tti li unrd uvi r and lifted him with gi nth itrini linn in tli lamb shi corn rted ils sht klsmkt his tjiiibbj nink iir tlilnj kill now i mu l hi fond of vouiumt rs tin bubv i smilliik nlnad hi inkt s to you llkt a lui i ii iili r knti burton said jtiiuitut said doubtfully 1 1n n an lire dishes don t worry about the dishes they ii wait until jou tomt btuk kate an- swered ariel tin berries und eaki had bci n consumed jeunetlc luid llurton stro ed out or the house and toward die louer nitadow jeanitto oarev never fortfot tiiat walk undi r thi tfarm uoan sun with buruiti ijike tlw very soil wan fragrant tin trees cant restful nhadows burton ex plainid easily about his plans tho luijntnlnu farm he wa going to buy hie ntuck ho would ralsi llie ctoph hi uld gamer lurmhig hi sold may set tn dull to you mjss carey but it lsn t we farmers deal with fundamental things we raise food food for the world wc ire not men ly buying uid selling we re producuig do you understand i undersuind murmured ji unitli shu wat thinking of the flurry or the famoils ttti lit upon which he worxed l stru l that wiu dedicated to buying and helling slit was contrasting tin i il s hurry and bustli and dust w llh tlik iiilm sky anil tin gn n fit tdi and burton said that li avi s nu a tuik nnd i half will im a hist work t ii wuk nnd a half wilt- le long inough an ou doing einvhmg lo niorrow i vi nlng ji nnetl murmured certninly not n kale called from tho car in a moment the girls win oil a in in i oiling along the road that lhey had travelled th il morning tin y win hulf vwij homi hi fore knto spoke aniclouh sire nald i m a wreckl ir this isn t n typical farm iny 111 nit my hat and i need my hal nothing ver happi ns bin limine i wh 1 mild n uim lo tin i lly w ith you nnd he i a job jiandti wihl dup in in r limit mabi i wont bi going back u i in iltj almid sue said very softly im a 1 1 trie tired too tin jcllow hnrvest moon rising alnm thi fringe of hills ne red nt uu two girls ridirur along to jiaiittli tin face n the moon was ir i li ar ind it wim ed to in smiling 1 lu ti l tn ui i had 4 i00 lnopi uwill atih for st ivlet in cnnnda and oitrreas nlu tin canadian actlm n h imt numlw ri our 1 l 000 1 1n n thi it vt n no trn p outside canada now tin casi h in i ng nnd in mituhiti i tpial lo niirly thrt e dhlilout or iilxiut 40 000 in inland ni w found j lantl and lu hit cnrlbbi mi our 100000 j nimlahli in canada for st rvlet nny uk in luldltlou 110 000 will train with tlw noil pi rmaneiit actlvi militia alton t 100000 m n will rittlvi 30 days d tiahilug iu h ytnr in 11 mill tin i mining ct litres 1 hen no jtmvlnlons had been made for home uunrd now the vi li rans gunrd of cnnniln counts 20 comiinnle i till nwy ijlhl si pit mbt r tin nn had 1 00 olflt rs and nu n now it has nboul 10 000 i luu the kin irad 11 shl n w it canada hanks second as joll producr lxtluduik russia no n uhith im in a ll uh it swii t sunshhit low iii1t i ht had n n hui ton imkt ht it io xll slkltlt ii i s lh tin in mki oh llu down ami wn lu i lv tin sill hk ui iltiium lit si p dn said i 11 uddlt null thin wauiniik hi mumcts si li ist at i llabli figure c lunula fltiond nmoiuj tin jold ploduclng- coun tuir i tin w irld in if 1 win n the pio due li ui ol old lu in dominion lotallil m4j7fl fine un s compart d with 4 nil fhu ouniis in liljh tin othi i iiduik lold piodiunih t ounlrli s wi n im m of inmilh arricn with ijhilooo in ouiwi tin unltii snitt s with 4 1 1j ls lim ount s anil iiisifa w lu i th hdd ul put is i stinuittt s mu win i 1 iwin 4010000 iiil t dihiiioo lhu has 111 with 100 mori lielng built ivmr d strdoyi rn of the canadian i nu nn in sirvln wall tin tit itusli nn i in canadian naw is ilolug most use fid anil i tt ctl 1 rl in romu cllon w ith ininoyn i u nc art organlzt d by uu canadian nnvnl si rvlct and their hhlfm form a substantial part of the i wort alxiut 2 300 stilpn have ikcii convoy d during the yi ar bringing troois food and munitions to thi ilrlttsli iltut without the loss of a man a gun or uny port of the munitions tllf air forcf ijust st pti mlwr tin re were 4 000 of- fu i rs and men in tn royal cnn idlan air i on i now hurt an about 2 000 thin no units of tin rcat wen si rvtng oerjens now three rcat squad roni an tanks fighting sldi by side with the rat tn ilow big arc you out of your car some day my 111 mannered friend you nre going too inr some day when you swerie around a street comer jou are going to clip the buttons on the wrong pcdattrlan n vist and he is going to catch up with jou haul you oft your comfy upholstery and deal you tlrr smacking down you deserve you re a veritable tltnn of selfraxsur- ance aren t you win n you re in titnd rm eight cycllndcr eiiglnt bulthow do you look on your feet an jou the name dashing imiwwdng self assertive person age for whom the rest of the world must nrikc room would you dare shove on otht r pedentrlan as de would jou jostle a six footi r you would not for you n just a grubby lltth in ft riorlly complex wlm n hun hublitnntil by n shot of gaso lint and what s the reason tor i his break nick rush of jours anjwaj y m ir in an nulomoblli you ii arrut nt jour dntlnnilon 10 l or jo tinu i ipilt ki r than tin piih strlan jou n ifowdlng tm k on the itirb hit inst htnu do h 11m or six mltis an hour ou an going or 30 pirhaps 40 mllri hii hour in jour husineih tin times mort urgi nt than his my mj whal an import mt u how you art i whut last di signs what momen tous proji i is must iei upy jour waking houri to ju tify such impnlit nn the ntitomnbili it neems is the dulls girt to thi i ittli mnn put him in ton trol of n motor iar nnd hi s co k o tie cross links but if jou suddenly ynnk ei unit ion or two of iron and sti i mil from imdt r htm jou it find him just n nu asly nont nitj with uu mtnliit m tup of a public srhool bully you nuij say i in in n bad frnine of mind ou re right and 111 get over it whin ft ilow n like jou begin to use n lltth mi caution court i sv nnil com monseiim when you re driving on the streets and highways of this province stratfoni nun on herald ohhoi minki si mht it afti r ji urs of i xpi rlmi nling willi moss imiils iji lt t lop uu pit ft 1 1 it ml hld dun hni domii llj vilnran gulttt nt miuakl 1mlhi n ports sun ins donnillv bait ihviloiml an t xt luslvi mlnakl stniin a rmw lntwei n an irish wolf in und ind hiuky although not mu h lo liwtk nl jim says it 1a a luilurul and m rfi et it adt r ninth and inhulgtnt witii gnat tilling mwi r quality guaranteed salada tea x escort forgracie at jasper a inuring at jaspi r palk ijmim in h r first iharlty nmiirt in the caiurdian itotklts rmiilh oraili i u uls uunti x ii nt- us of tin spare inn dining her inoiinuiiu vlsll it wiun ltd n th r in ur whin n uu i iwo ol ciuiiidah famous hoyul can ullan mounted iolui wiilu htrolllng in hit inviiiiiisol outook uhui v im k king itorgi und cj n t n i 11uim lh suiyid during their visit a yiar ago walking with ua jmipular comirdl tnin an hgt j w imilkm r nt cliai it right aiul coiwt p c it wood carrolls nu as k hi i formal and fit mill p i lh y lu tl n ih of 111 idiur i luu i n i id to 18urt9sl i 1 1 lnditit 1 in uu it tin nil iliad hj ht 1 of the sunlight that wiiimh pmk s bnbv u ant tt mm burnt tl 1 okid up a trulls mi mid ii t hum d saw a uiif ins ntnmi and ol liuihhl i was i 1 1 n nu inbi i ih it u n uiki mavhi m loi somi t hliih t i la nuii bui 1 t v niii 1 u hi i bund that on hi uu 111 hi suid niit mtopptd in ut tin imir nitadow whin r im workhu and told uu hi oskwl nu li jimu to uu houst and vviiuh tonii until kuu arrtvid kali i ami forward td sidd this l- burton lukt li aliiu hi s nut uhlli sin and ivati win tlnlshlnt l li illshts lli babv wiikintd to nth fioin lus nap undit ivutt s dittiti n ii atii id batiitd him and buudlt d htm ltd a ush omiiu mid mm him t i diiiiu i of iinal and sti until spni h fob i i in rati him out to tin lawn and luoihir what r liillon di s that muki tuiublil him on a spit ad hlankt t him to tin ha hrothtt in laws broth iluu fcumnv sht said m it anm can buiip i mil ipou uu ii ink i sort of his ir bun this oiislu jtlull lit s hhllli n an til t lu dnnv sv ml us relitisil too mi lit lousiilh csv no wi ii not cousins i nuptwvrd ti mum t biirlon said a fliush dul jeiuultts cheoks klttehud tiisih burt must hu nttu joki uurttui uiriuxl on lib lutl and walked iinm but at uu diun hi paused wi will hi foi dlmur in an hour ht said thin art thi o us uu 11 probabh gi i luush w inud kun mid hkt u sht nddid aftir tin hab was asleep uauitte laid him on un sofa put u ihntr along jilde for wifilft und joined kali in uu let it hi n kuu was cutting out about a hundnd bicuits 1 hi nu n 11 bi lunihrv sht nvtd iiulkuv toodtusa i wkh wi wen tn the clt juuuit wi d be having liuuh in a nwi 1 tea room about now we tnjver tv sueli btrriti in town jettnttte sat down in a choir and nach- cd for vi bowl of berries and nturtrd to hull un m you i soon bo ured of all the tearoom food kate if you had ltas a atradjr diet tlw telephone was rlngln kate uent arurter tt slw uirned back from jt to it not cftrtletappendhc i kiiini unit stop it was an attack of cuw indigestion tedll w able tp bring her home tonight if you aalc me ah wa looking for a wt oh kate what a way to talk iol iiimiiul and huv a tut rattled up i almost in fnmt of juini tt 1 ht door opnud luid iui old man etepped from it irthiuihi of his rnsiiinu luid thi sit in i llniis of his fart tin girl could ti 11 that in was a minister i huxv vol sttuni on uu iiiuss in sild and jou wirt so pntt and pi ace fill unit i couldn t rinrist stop int in lo call im pastor smnllwood biluvi i know ou jiautttt had rlstn to lur fttt bin nald i m jeniutte ctiriv im carrjt unki s cousin and kati ellis roumn i livt in tin tits and im visiuin tun tlw minister seated himself on tlu bliuikot and tlcjcled the bnbv s ban uw sometmjts he sukl nm gits tired and needs a ri st im und to dav i m on m wa to hii a woman who is dvmt the has but a tew davs left ctn a nspoiidint a a i i 1mb in uu ljlt ulpiil milan tonlribiit d hhii t tin mints qui bit il j 177 tin unit ut n i li columbia lijg mo fine ounces and m in i ha hultt flu uu is us i tju in tit it s ui n it ovi nil in uknn ta kfiu li uiui n ii htolia tin n rth w st it n n n and alhi ilu i in iiinnliiv and vahu of gold produced in hindu u 1 ml w it uu tinitisi iui rt rdid 1 lu nmuivmsi iniitirns toniilittl l si ond u tf si id 1 hu i old pt dm 1 1 ni in 1 h to with an oulpul of u- i14 lint ount is valued nt si 117fi 4 in lmh production from uu lirritoils totallisd i mm mu ounci s valued ut s 11 110 ninth ill uu lltl nut put latin from uu con and nttus minis on 1 1 1 u knift bav on uu north arm of ount slavl luke most prospecting was il uu lu tin yillowknlft boy area in tlu adjaciiit btiuiultii klver ana und mar ra iuki 1j0 miles northwist f llott knift manj m u gold di posits ortnt britain with fourth smindron m l hi iut eoniiosel eutlretv of can idiuns i hi ucat is doing a dutieiiu j b will in iidmtnlsti hug uu biltlsh com moiiwuimh air tniinini plan at pr si nt at about t dllli n nt lo all m anoss canada initial training schools iliuuntarj trhools bombing slid gun in i si iio s w lit 1 ss si hools and aif inmiil ti uiiiiu t li m is in in tpiui n i spt imlnt up almoit uvtiuulit vah nidt mu s fo match iii stk1 1 ist si pt mix c in i la s all t if ttmi id i li a pi it ii f 1 irlion 1 4 oho md pi ii l 1 uu s l v n uu misuiff thai flkine i iv ihmsaiid turpi uu mims hivi in i n put hasitl in tlu i niti 1 st it nun cinadian linns him im i ii put in t t pioduttl i of lomixtiit nts and ism inhlv of plains willi riditul alitrafl limited oiiiutl in un gowrnnunt l o iniln ui hull work prodm hon wis sttpieti up or inliuhri on sl tviws if tialniiu j iniuvs and fiv tjpts of fthhung plan and bombers thin canada hid no tank production now this pnnluctltin has bun intlited to a lot il if ordirs of 13 1100 000 br u min produt i n his twi i j ib lid 1 plants an undi r con miction f r tin maiiuf utur of ut dnlhld rllks utnwnlnt urctaft inachlni ruuji sub muchiiit mins 2 poundi r and aircraft found in 193q narv nil uf uu ni n tiins uu s bnfon nnu lllrcrftfc mm j ant iircruft muis mil tank rltles and aircraft cannons twenty llvi undtr kuh go into prodiicuoii raspberry or strawberry jam stuarti with pectin 32oi jar 23c rolled oats 25 saving 5 17c mappin d bv tin oto logical faur ihvi r tnuisortnuon be twit n uu if sit 1 1 ui albi rtn and tllowknifi don t hiclllt iied b impruvt mints of rhir and inuim ls and docks tlu first utrlnnd wmtir fnuht to riuch vi 1 lowknift arrived then in uu spring of lltjo bv tractor train pier a nmui from cinuishttw alberta tiiiuti i skirrrb nun will bt 14 passingcr mivtu in i mil of tin six mw lodisuirs ordered mtulstir tloesu t nlwas know uhui to dtht lions ciuiada atr lines for de- niiv to a person who is rtvtnp whin uu lhr vt tuitn ire mt fuvmonuis tin j world ib so lovely i wilt b numbired from on to 15 inclu- i hopt oudont think im prtsump- siv aii ibh s in common with many tuous nioklng suggesuons joonette stianishlp oompanlui hotels nnd apart uld but mnvbe if jo told hvr uint meitiv iioumb skip number 13 in defer- shks going to a place as lovelj as an nu to tlu ancient nuperstltlon oteniul fall that heaven is much more beautiful than her own beloved country training to he almost at once fourtt i n plniils an producing shells nnd ordt r for rompont nts uu st munitions m bi luj fllhd sg 000 00 worth if ink rs halt hem iilnciil lor ammunitirn md s33 000 000 will be j luc id shortlj cxpendltun s totalling mure than slft000 000 art tiling ninth to construct or enlarge 100 major plants annual v due w outimt is t pes ted m run to somtj wloooooonq side she wouldn t feel so umfisome about going the old lninister said jwfuj thtmk yoi m dear youve helped me more than you con ontwy i wish that you tvrea menroet dtmy flocjit when the men came in to supir both kate and jeanette xrere say kate had napped but jeaneu had met with moorf iik1 acation tlie 30duy period spent in tralnhig camps bv canadian will have much en ncoi wn noins it ad 1 s m mul lntrf vantvmvir maintains its lead in the i air mall ctntrt of cunndi atcording to the latest statistics n leased bj the transcanada air until in julj this i city sent out j 3 002 pounds of mail bj tca planes second was toronto with 0 413 poundi wtntilpeg took third place with 0 030 pound and montreal with mu pounds rame fourth tjte standing was theftamo in may and june l u tlw 0t thg order u tlie some for receipts of ienrmng hw u be a mimie t daily ftll mnll july ro routine wulbe brighbsned with norl poundsi toronto 0 774 pounds iwww aria reoreatloivi attor aquad wtnnutea 7727 pound and afontrea drill lecjurca and target practices j n i pq salada tea p 37c 39c c s coffee zz 45c xxx vinegar ci 37c pickling spice- b 19c ground mustard 33c mustard seed 2 5c jar rubbers wh d g par o wax z 25c certo liquid pectin btl 2sc cheese v w 15c catchup lbby 2 bu 25c lushus j powd 2 15c chocograhams 19c maple layer s5ss 20c fruit loaf ch 25c yellow sugar 5 33c fine s a lt 7ib b i5c zinc rings doz 21c p g soap 3 loc soap flakes 17c bi peanut butter lbs 25c frys cocoa valb tin 19c handy powder 2 pe- 9c i 43c ammonia floor wax hw old dutch citumr 2 in 19c rinso n 9c 22c 43c lux new low prices new low price packaf zzc 2 piece qlass 5ugafwcreamer set 5 tfflpb 25c ilrsh tnlui crapes per xiund 10c sunkiut oranges er dozen 27c ontario nn 1 potatoes per peck 20c ontario nn 1 small cookini onion lc21c fruit and vegetable snecinb until saturday nleht only 1

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