6aob six the acton pree press tirunbday abpncnoiicn lath 1040 of interest to women menu hints kmfpw for nfrw and nvl dkhm houuhau luu rbj suffmtuv canadian tomato s tomatom art full of rcfrenhlnr flavor simple u m rve and economical por coitlnu raw or for putting aw ny for canadian peaches ow on the matkct crop of 754000 bus a preliminary intimate places the 1040 rrop of pinch n al 714 000 biuilicls of which ontario will account for 5011 000 biuuwk about 100 000 b unlit la itw than 1030 anil british columbia orchard art rxpt cted to yield u000 bunht 1a about fl joflutnheli morl than inst yi ar i he arly 1 ari uvn uutlf rn nri lum niurkpt and nornu4h1jf avallnbli at rtominabu trfci 1 until lab flnihnibi r or early oc- ntxeam of urn iraatllc food the m icy fnj uoodnnut of ton alo nlmhes ls a i minder unit autumn in mar and lint toljrr whlli this jiarii t ni is about frrxh tomato 1 merit a plnte on en ry 000 bnshifs less than in 1030 it li menu lflj 100 bushls nlwivi hi llu yof bllred bmutoh art tubn b many i jlx in4 xfl3fl in tni trtm 0 jwihorw ewrv day in tin wtk i r 3000 blunt l wim ill mvoiui lnmcnl variety tr them wlui thin onion nlkta mk p canada i hi lari slw v or with u lilt 1 chopped onion in tin t 07 000 biuhi bi in itlm if tthji oii milud drirrliifc l ncounhd for tim non i dunked rush tomnttms an un a i nrlllsb columbia irrnrjotjucui of a imnitar o mippt r diahut ht ljs viurs ru f taimdiiin mimil nn lw ust i as will to cju tlli in ul mtus lh of lx qiuilllv of all aiitftt in 1 urlpt nillliik tor runiuil u fn kr non is mon lualth oiiinux s in ishtrolts or baked r in a fl us f u tabu just as tliij mmip u111 art dill lous pl k1 mm i fjom tin lrn if ou live ui a tomato kiwihk t ux j fml ln ua mam olhi r wuvh trlct jtm 111 a 1 want to ran jour n simd fnsh or pi reived bmuitot 1 inf bmmto juicl wlunvcr ciuim u1 in minimi b xnllrdroi jou maj inr however you maj want j b have omr tomato r ilahtvi to provide p lu ht s mi tod b knide tin tirade ui apptllzum note for wtnur minus m r rtf mm ti bi lii foilwt htrt or neural recipes mimiciitcd by un n j no 0f 1inil aml m 3 confiiinur sictlon mnrlteun service j h blh mur must atcordliir to llu dominion dtpartnipllt of aiirlcultuic rf tindt r the i nilt ve and du ii lxd tomatols 1 lomaidi 1 11 m thick llttd dippd hi nrononed tl ir and frhd in bulb r or oh on fat baudia 4 labli poons butfer i bius ooni hufiar 1 u isjmkin niustur 1 1 ihr llbhmy biuli 11 hipon hall tnyi nnc utbli spooiih v tin it ir cmuii buitt r add dry uirredjcnta k and iiutrur oook our boillim uabr till tliuktiud ihtur ovi r uiinu intit trib mx baked stun cd tomatoes at lnct tm taxed ilrin umiulolh stoop tnlruh out of tomauma luid hprlnklc in md wltli hit t invert and let tand in rt rim ruu oni half hour stulf and imki ut jt deurti a v for 1 ui 0 lninulih itul ilnofa in j i up mksl bpaithtttl add 4 cup uiatecl hiiht m0utt11 with chill fan 1 ill or uilnip iuki musoii to uuite or 1 tup si rt bit ad trunibs rup ngiu eel ham vt al or ohlckt n 1 tup hwiii r 11 jm ppt i- mliiciil 1 latili sp tit nit lb tl 1 1 tit 1 vason u bub iuio itul lill h in lliiin ltd 1 tn tlo s x hi 1 klit d i c4l 1 piu t 1 ihtpiitl 1 ll ipjksl id flotit j art bi plalnlj iiuirki d on llu ba ki t 01 ronbilnit in width tin fnilt is oltnthl for sali eigilythrr cahb of from raw ivi ilk ilu nw nork llliits of aubuai 10th 11 porl uiat law milk supplied to cus toiui rs in htxstih bulluun couutj ntw york inm tuiimd mauj tasm of yiustro tnbrllui lutorduw to liil salt dtptirt men l of health 1 ho dtparuiutit said txjduy llu diahitch rvuds thai ii j pcreonu hud lx t n ullfclid wiln l of hum t onttiifd to lilt lmsltal none howlvcr bi ik hi vtid to bt in a atiioiih londltion dr rredtrlck w clriutj of ui th mirtmtnt rt porttxt to dr jamti e pt rklnti of lht tommuiilcabk tiiattxac dlvlmlon lhu tin troublt had undoubt- txl j imiiuiiuski b raw milk i ht up lilj has bun si pd und piustt irlzed milk submltitud j iiuidintlj a bunk ottuind ui tin i w mi svswni of lb sun about tin unit i lht tllui ss4s bul 1 tint k up howttl tiuil l host alftrtitl vtilh 1 nttrius hu 1 i 1111 um tl tin wabi supplied hrouuh tht iiiiiun tal hjsbin t asiit tiitniiis whnh is m lulli n tn ill ui of tin si mull and bow t is l a turn m ilsull f un im t raw milk 1 hi uniiutllalt mist is an inftt lion of tin nit in 1 uiat tiitistni fxkl h ison ik ll is juuifil iiui ititliuls tlianh ta 1 un is iiul 1 s un tit iniiii j the canadian war effort a weekly itavlew pt llevelopmentii alans b horns i- rent tuftiimt 20th heptcmbrr 5th h ii mm a iiv i linn j l ralnbin mlnlabr of national dtflntt ordued a thorouiih mid complete lmitlunllon lnb the n- un orianl7jitlon and admlnulratlon of inti rumi nt unim in canada j ortlt r in counril paanm rrtatluu otuiultb 1 aiithorlytd to inllhib pi r fit t ant 1 xhnd nruntlfu invi fitikauuim into iiu t iicmii and fat llltlei dt nlunetl to inert ajti llu chronicles ol j ginger farm tlj written rpmjmllj for tim anton free pru z owfniiounp p cijvhkk hm th fcwiifjjmtiiniiil d 1 fj thin hann t been exactly a rod letter unk at olnutr karml uml week when i a an llnlnhliui thin column i think i bild you wt had junt rihelvott word that tin urrtnhrrr were com inn ten mln- uli a luti r tht iilntl t idlnti wan broken bi me that my weekly in ip could not come ntt that left me with the thrwhlnn mtali to tlo alone i irnt of nil i had to maki n flying trip ui town for pro vlaloim tin u btike atitl tluu nel tiupper for t rvt 11 men win n i am alom 1 tlo tiy hi plan aln ail ufl much nn i tan hut still plan 111 i may ll jutl si 1 inn imikwwilblo to iritiiuty of canada in nvold that bust mlnutt nmh my bluktit 1 wai dtan miuktnli i worry ii ftar fit fort uiiih bi put nomo llu nitloimt lltwanh i tnl r r h table so true llu tommllui i o form i tonkt d ii round this tlmi and pn sldrul council 1 3 war contract awarded by tin vllulftr of munition and supply mini biiitl ul and lolalletl l7 4 can win kmoiui w u i an to i 1 spoil or- tl lv a national comniilb t n mm isiiik tw fiitnu r 1 liuuu t mlnit its lit nlni ilovlnrlal inuniinrn autl ii pn m iilathi ciinntllims fnun contl 1 verythlim w pt 1 pi r wait hiibiir i touldn l m 1 111 lo hi il wiih mlfwliik o in tl to be limn rt am and pit klttt htnk of anvthlnu wab bed un mm miiii tlown wllhoul any mlskiv ingji and llun ils f unit u ke one man a st t ond up of it a hi nald to 1111 in a hoarm u ids per ifaw um not any bn ad mm clarke 5 i rank m ibww appolitbd dltttlor mirty i lookwt at thai libh and oi in 1 al of 1 t oductttm of naval iirnia tin n w asn t a nii of any hn utl and mi nls intl ctpilpmeut p i hrunntisk in vt r had lx t n i remembt ted tin n ipp4lubd din dor ot neral of nuinlllous that i hud rut il and afterwards put it for tht department of munitions anil away so 1 1 would not dry out i una supply n iut to ink lhrpiirh the floor but on fr rosa is prcnldi nt of tin halut m tiintl uroiikhti il mi mivl mon prat john drj dmk and slripbuildliik co tual lo maki a run foi tht pantry and lub inatlonal palnui canutln whit h i did and n turmtl with llu for mr llnmnlng in pitsldi nt and ot 111 nil totti 11 filalf of life maniiti of coiimiiirih ghua co mon wednesday wi wt rt thiishhik ti r a i f 1 w houni in tin fort noon bo i hnd tht fl naval stivlct ht adtpiarb rs an thnthini for bn akfast i hi 11 tin it noimo lhal canadian ports will wit wuh wiw to do and a h ral 111 mi un transfer of 50 ovtr a united tniihb nlim up and ao anotlu r day was btatts dtstroytnt lo tht iloyul navy in m n i urn dn at drltalu leajas to uhe unltetl stabs a chain of carlbbiau and alluntlt nav il and air biust s 7 canada atlantic ariuv toiunuuid will bt strtnktlunwl bv court titration of un j bird division in tht marltlnu irovlnra fl hon c d howe minister of mun itloiui and supply announced ronstruc- it wiis jiuit tin wluat and barliy that pnrtni r had in the barn rj ady to thresh ami it tinned nut vt ry well i wint up i inui tht barn afb r llu mi n inid koik i lookisd at tht blru and i aw that thty imd as much jrraln in its they could hold and yet what was it worth if wheat i were a dollar a biuhi 1 and barley klxty i or seventy anlfl wt would hnvt little lion of thru new planth for manufac- j tun of rlflf antl aircraft kiuui tuwl txplohivts tht new fncbirlt s will tast iround 17 ioo 000 9 hon j i ralston minliu r of dt art in an fv n worst plight 11 fftxkl ft net appro vtsd tho proposal that a m1 iiuuiv of tht m silll havt tht ir wlnui in nuht hands infantry batuillon be ralsetl in canada al the exptiific of the ntth orry about as it is it will bikt all 1 our miribw wheat to pay the taxin even at that i suppose we nre lucky becaiut from what i hear farmers f urtht r north ilmds oo iniiu ut canada and us n irivrm mulual drfrnrc sin vgivrimmil tin fh id one tloes wondt r inw mut h lontr r farmt rs can ro on workliir at n loss whin wt thrt thed u was with the itlt a of ihumk thi barn up iiknlu but so far partntr has onlv bi en nbli tt et thm in ids of mlxtd kraln in tlu i ini i rv tluu in si art tf t i 1 draw it it w mid 1 un in un li 1 uk in ihiltln in ut 1 ami ikiui thill mitinl houis si i t ns ll cot ktltl isi t his l i t hu i tucl t iii lit is up hi dll ii t n illspn 1 l tut sjnm salt i hop id tt is ill iom hit 1 uu ikiil i lllt- st 11 m slilllitl jills f annvp lomaio jlllcf 1 4 111 t loutat t lablt ivhtiih mill tasphn ipih 1 iwh md it it niaiimvs but d 1 not m i ot vnv sovvlv v out lull hour in 1 istnvt v l irtsss through a ctvim sum ixuuttmti iu pulp llun uiroukh a th 1 mi vt to umhi steds 1ui utithilis ttisl tbul m stud intl jius t d pitntv mlnutt in 1 lot in llu dav s will un l st t lit 11 ik tt s jit ht 1 1 1 t li u ls lilt u i kl 1 tl inui j 1 ild run in ml 1 1 1 vo 1 n ii n vl 11 tl iii 111 1 t mpliui 1 1 1 it llfl t milk is 1 l iuiu l 1 ills i llbl sy 11 m limit hi hit s will plusu 11 izuuon l tho milt k l u lilt iii 1 ll tllsp 1- lied luuoiaiil n in ft 1 ut ns f tht lit llttl uk ims 1 1 ll 1 mill i t uklit u lllsl li 1 nil 11 lluv n nk an 1 w hit w ui 1 i 1 1 in n t u munduik b hi r list ik ul si p sti ur iutl 11 i h moi im nam i in in tilt st 1 hiki i and uk tt ntkli ks uur llllllls it ls an t ul p r 1 1n id sa itik w ik u ui oi iii t is 1 ins ii 1 l t bt tt isi mvmiii ton oil ui mills iin nidi s t u in uuls f m noun k lht i hh in ikldmi niluj t li iracb r islit nl iliims bolw 1 11 canada and un l nibxl si itts for limit vi art was j 1 k itl n 1 eoiimit tt bius on attrusl i th lit whin putin minlslt i ma ki ult knu and pn suit nt 1 nuiklin d ii s m it nii 1 ed un 1 tnt un nl il odmiisi uik n tr ut mutual lit- i 11 t 1 ku unit i h lliul 1 it li 1 t 1 11b u tl b uikltt ll till ll tl watt baih 11 inn it dtsun iil 111 cock i ml 18 ript torn it s i 1 tit di fd tfli i cup t hoppod out ins 1 swi 1 1 kneu t ptt is 1 swtt t ittin ppt r j tabli sjhhuin salt j tabikxxms vineuar l cup suitar wash und 1 ut tonuitot s uk m in vs it und uu aivntuu must in lb nam s lattst war linn t i tt 1 in rtiitint mlnisttr t publu w rks has 1 it tilth miu an ordir for tht in bin vtai mot 1 than 1 mk thw uuui dittct nt nuuitlt s aio iimtt 111 th nitlv uu towns and mil im mut on ut lorn h r un hi s r uu rvtntitu uul ouu 1 paitt tf isttutli mirita lihhdfd b ol limps iu fort uu wjir aim vt nil iihm mantleit mi rt supphttl bv oi tniiinv ond i tlj ipitttl id ab mn atl hrtui n ls shipping iitrtmts tht vliinili 0111 fourth if tin nt madi rnm irtlfliln silk out mritaxli firm ajoiu 1 imirtmf to tin ar miitim twiht tiimrmon niantles in liiv thtuv tlu had dont a vmr bt fort omit ihitaln mains uith the sniolltt antl thijjinrwl iiu null set nt niantus m tlu worltf i hurstlav i wml tti i iionln iikuin it to uu rmhhtllm b il lo k my i issi s h uikett lis inv tvis h im inn vlni tin a lot f iro ibli 1 ib v ii w 1 uu it unsti t ninth uu duur nnlrf h t tin 1 tt pt klu m likhllv 1 1111 t 1 lussi s foi 11 nllnk hi it is 11111 tin 1 tll ippolnlmnit it was 1 mi inikht win n i k i h in i rt 1 h itl k uu lo hit bul win n li h aid ii nun lnr i mini in aim ut llltv 11 t 11 ill s ill h i 11 111 1 hi usk si kutl whv whit w ill v 11 want 1 1 h mis f ji r isknl in s irpiis un s n 111 t- nf v 111 klt n l m u fti mn f in iuninv ih u 1 in t in m ilinti in lllm lh i ii iliipixil ti ud in tin it id this it 1 nm 1 ntiswi n d piiltu r nt 11 d m is 1 i i 1 in ill i st i uth tl ii n tarlli 1 upi netl 11 llu lx v illut i hu h 1 n luiu k shuiv n th alb rn in nil abt ul ii ylak i hint hi linn was iist il out inn 1 k l tin lit ul ki nut in iflluntls i 1 ku i f t i in hhik u un liatn i r it 1 nt i iut 1 ut t i llu iioims- rtsl llun i did twi m 11 r hinds and it t tin in n si ikaln on tin third r und ni 1 iurl ui lurlhtd iutaliut tho ttuikue i hi n lu sirukhttiuhl hrrst if hut only lo miikm 1 ikaln this mm in r lirfl just tlouhlisl in undi 1 tur i iol ht r uiihilihis md in iht mimibs sin wils lffavitflmtamraikbi tin s nnlj tunl chop un ptppem nnlv mw l t l v i j 1 sxbtiiihi of an inch lu it nuth is usid toiunttiii cilm olon tt pper itnd iut h bhietlirr noll for one hxlf hour in a oowrvd twt stnnn throutih a ctmrsi minute nnrwl sal in rtmllrm ar i nmml for nitirotot uirhtthtf the larsriit ilivtn inches lonit was ri nth produied for 11 muhuuuls and britain mippllt ikhthi true ttlis whk now johnnj said lh teacher can ou toll iio what a ltypocrltw u 1 y mua replied johnny ita a boy what comet to whool with a tmlle oil hu face no c11ancf summer hoardtrif pint chlckrn la an res will you give it to me parmer sonno ml id nell it to a miueum that chicken u a rooator ill iuii in nl muhfd liv llu u idus i ll t iw 1 uiittits in mlik tlu nottli in i tit f tin ttsiiin imiiisplit u ii m f tin joint stubnil nt issusl iltt 1 llu hist 11 tin 1 link r llous 11 1 pilmt mlnistti und uu ptcdd nl hat til iisst d uu mutu il probli ms i lift us m n luti ui to tin snft iv of t in id 1 antl tin inittd slntis it hus bt 1 11 tkrt tsl ih it 1 it riniiu 1 t 1 iut hi ird f di b n1 shall ht it ip it nt bv u two miintrlts hits in tin uu nl joint bt iird on dt fuii shall niniuint7 munedlnlt studlts iilitnu to si a land and air probli m llu ludint l rstuuit 1 and matt rial it will coiimdi r in tht hnuid st nst 1 lu dt fttu of t lu nort li luiu of t in wtsurn iltmispluri mid whit about vt h i iskt 1 i he ptrniniunt jt int boud ui dt must will 1 mslst of rour or iht mini w rch uu th unlil nt 11 was birs from at h tountrv moct of utem iinhlichtwt but i had quit a turn m fr in tin vulim it will niett shortlv fr pwo das aftir this joint shibmtnt w tin with mt n 11 mils ismied ciiptam utor a hrtxteur oootl futhful old nh ns tlm a it c n and colont 1 h f o itson v horif or nitlnr mare as tvir wtire c win apihiinted naval attathe and burnt ss now thtn 1 n n mptv stall milium iittuchi niispiivih at wash- in tlu stablt ind imjiuii tin emptv t ill inrfton statuts pi rt h 1 mestime for uu i iim- matt thai lias worked with htm sluts tht wtr tlts that he mtsv lnr uu n isn t n sluidow f doubt unit sanu hbrht h hardlv um luti his rtii within a ihrlnd of four vt nrs tht mdwhitilu itt tukm niiltn nlir ir thmmuniu ill miuartic qubtc has rls 11 d anmnd inmilruikh uul whinnied in to tht dtimtt of n town anxl in thut thstr s brn f ajun llu dvelopment inw be n vutwrnntlnl farlartlc in the mlnli k t hnjli out this nnjlhihu but itl tt rntorv of nqxtbvieshrn ciifboc open h tjt r wnk our radio had to uo and ed up bv the nmrtrurtttui of the can- blowmirqi tube aprrontlj it is m me idlan national uruwovx b on tlu nw kind of tube and our frvici man branch line runntim from seiinjuwre la hodn t an in mock bo here vie are vol dor to noranda mined lnfalar with sunda com ins and no rarllo tic have a dally produotlon of t200 torm partner xayii my froodnnw the war tlhi mimi omml mt1 his qluk lfrfrlopmnt employ 740 men and require a lame pa roll ttie town in well equipped with nrcpjwory mxinlclral ervkii w tnod- nchool biitlduuij cluirchm banvi and ahopb mtaht be over and up wouldnt know anything about it at any rat i hope we won t ml hearmir anyurinff thot the ilrltlnh air force may do to littler and hu frlenda acton fair tuesday and wednesday 17 and 18 grand arena show tuesday kvkninf hah to 1100 pm tiikkk moi s wirilol t 11 ii momkm i i aiiikind toronto west end y m c a tumbling and acrobatic team and clowns clon urls y drill and vnoluitic ivimnbitioii hex smcomke willi his rnliom master of vrcnioiiics siixial staii ikhtini am whmii v iv s stim calf race new und novel feature ilifjli jumping horses potato haee on lloisehaek prfkimm ky acton n ekt iiam m uii second day features wednesday seplemher liilli w km slki if iutvdh ll i ml im knew m ttiknn of iiquttinj dilncl lir lir t i mrs mil lijien the 1 ur i edii res itrjori- llie taiisiiiil uk ii ii miint ikiitsi s i i iimi i 1111 i its ovi sl sllf kla s omul liiiirilliinlt mnklni i nlrlloqmm i nlcrtiiliur iiwlm iuim im iimtmomt oni i ss ilmilmln s itom l i races iiu us ol silli lasses iikslllllo omiirilllon in i lsi on i koi mis iutvni oi tiu snith vr iboimi ih i inl tut and million lerse unci liirrnie iilf lull llaltoti countv jersev cattle show n vdjsl 1011 ieature vcton on kiu 1ivni will si 11ll v ml sl l ikockvm splendid exhibits in hall and field 1 loud speuker nihf mn shtem in renn and round womlvs ivstltltk dimm lis lilslohimi lalllltll iii men on tctle senice with the lir force irm or vni mil le lilnulliyl lrh monster dance is tohn hill sktom nimit i uood thlfllkstwal llli mmjivai tdk linkst puk iholnds in pntaiuq write secrclnr tor complete information and prize i jut i l o johnston president c thetford sec treasurer