Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1940, p. 5

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lr t pjuss vovn the acton free press thovlfldav flkiieuflcll hul mm neighborhood news intwtmlhtf ttenta concerning other centreo and communities in wmch many of our readerg arc interested limehouse frit nib and neluhbors oooln rathered il uie home of mr and mrs p shol- bmirm 1 isi friday nltfhl this time the lum red menta twine m rrl l und iks oladys packer whoac marrloye laki p an thin comlna saturday many wen tin um fill and lovely present re cti vt i ard in enjoyabln nodal time wan jipent uftcr u pnscntaunn refresh mpntiutrt n rved luid thru the floor wan cltured for jljimie with the llrht fantanilr mr and mn ilaker from tcutchlnnan kaiums nnd uie arrawsmlth family with mlv monmrrt swarkhamer over tin vveik end mr c w o ale v lid ted frlrnda in toronto ovir the week end oakville i irtllenunl ciirwin ontroin fica ol winnipeg who is home on leavi acled iui beet pion at thi oodfreypn rkitvin weddlnit in toronto on tuesday seaman dert reitan r cn ii who has been honu on leave for some tlmr has returned to his naval bane oakvllle rhurrhen were troweled with worshippers on sunday a the empire nl hi kiiib request joined in a duy of prayer fop peace and victory special innlnirtlon will bi given to oakvllle it war jruwibi to rinihle them to nt into our educational aynlem mr itennetli pnutir infornud the board of education tucwiav evening thai tiie leoclwr of cintrul srhool hud volun lured to hold special i las- at unix tmv h use record star nassagaweya mi a j mephedran of hrookvtlle iismtl nvvu mi prlduv k hi hll1 lit in in lit lu tilth for no mi umi i hi li ruined wiu foi u iiumbi r of yturn on t t hi auditor- of nuvinttiiwi yn town ship council hi wo a son or live lalt mr and mrs ah xuudi r mipltedran nun liiul b i u a llf i lemi n nidi nt tn n uimikuv i j u 1 hi funeral whit h wiet privuti uiu hi id on monday fnini hi liilt n sidi nri to nuahuuaweyii preiby i rian cnurrh cemeti ry whi n lnur ii in uas nuitli hi liavts to mourn t in low of a kind husbund and fwtlier lib vvlh und two duiikhti rs mrs arthur n ti t lui niiwunuwi yu und cuthi rlnt ut tiomt tin in n lived ouch huvi tin svnipiii in of t ik com m unit j in tin ir tlu itu du program and w rvlci was riven tti thi lhcnezcr united c hurt h i ust suntluv moniluu aniitv i rr m rvlrett wi n in id in th noamiiiuwi mi pn kbyte rlan church last mundiiv quilt a number of peopli fnmi sinter churehi i joined in thr services of worship with them quite n number of peopli fnun thin district look in the arton pair yester day pie ernest wilnon or the 2nd llth field ambulanre corpa of ouelph in ennip at thome valley london visited in uu home of a 1 wilnon hint sun day mr and mrs ollbert leader of flint mich returned hnnu on sunday sep tember uth after a two weeks vlall with ielntlven and frlcndn in thin din xriet milton a new hard surface road conncctlne oeom town and olm wllllnms will ix constructed tlk month mr mid mrn matt tilff and their dnilrhtur of cndlton havi tieen vlnltlnii relative here a h htmband clerk of trafoiar townnlrtp haji enllnted hia dulleji dur irir his ahnence will in ter formed by hobt rt iord a rtiiuky yotinit mnn follcltlnr some think t at on jtobtrt strut milton rterntly wfu anked whj he dtdn t kb to uork on a farm he answcrd that farmt rt would only nay o a day in the horvcnt meld and he would not work foe biich lou wnaea he nald he would n toner o to jail than worc for 3 a day tlmt fellow didn t llkt work chum plon georgetown ihi hniuu on charles striu bclonitlnt lo w i bradley hon been torn down and wi understand that mr bradley is ptaimliui to erect two new hounen tin ita formi r tdu- miaa hetty onint daurhtcr of mr and mm w v onint and a ntudent at oeorwetown hlh srhool last year won included in the hai of whinirn of scholarship awards by unlvernlly colhke of the university of toronto to celebrate the bulldlnu or john mr matter h ni barn on iiia farm at lot tt ti nth uiil oeorm mack and his tmlfeli rn ht ul a m ry hiicrehiiful barn dantt last nlkht tin mimasler hirn whh burneti down duriiir n ntorm thln minimi r 1 a atlitk job of cir jwiiiillia wiir doni or hill maodonald last ihursrtuj driv ink ut thr fx on hit ni v qui n nia in th way hi wiia putsliik a workman pilnthik u wle the moil droip d the liurkf i and thi front if dill e ir ih eimit ii tirlrlrt irnin hi raid ballinafad mr und my llunry hllta and clill dren apenl uie weekend vuluim ut n honu of tlu fonnerb bnithtr mr and mn will lllltft tn toronto mn ntllu ktiitntr imt mr vni tohortlll tf oeonrouiwn ilnltwl on sun iiu a till hnnu of mrs sopor mr mulltu who has imn visltlnu nt tin honu nl her sutom mm irmiu and mri wiht lift on sunday for hi r honu in i holt lr m coli ami mivs lhu coti mr lolui cut mrs ciuwldi and mr erttl hlmrtm iihltwi hlruds u wuikhani mi and mm wejiley mnoalet were ittltorsin mondai at tlu hpnu ol mrs 0h i tin b pit mbt r nu ttuk i be woman s as oi latlon ol tin unlttd chunh wnis held ontuciwlay oflemoon stpulutkr l oth nt tin honu of mrs a starn t wuh the preldent mn v mieum in tle urtr tilt duottoiuil mirilti was luam bfmtt vannatti r and mrs snow church inudnwut and uwl ctomt t butineiw wrre dtacusaod and a hhnri roe mm mult red by mm kirk vih1 mrfr uiinaltir and mn snow at tin iloic of the me unit tin rid cnwi tea was hi id and a social tlmr i n ioi id thi september nit elms nf tlte muwtlnn olriu wtt held on wiklnetdai rvenina sipllmbrr uth at uie hime of noilne mckcihnk with u prwldent riu allen in the chairsthe irviildent hod oharilr of tlu divotlnnal fcenice ajuiutcd by tlorence and xfanmret blncjalr annie snow and mwtnierlte ksntner the tftpic birch oary tutna uktn by mmrgmret slnejalr and the watch tower by helen mwlean wtr tut dik b artiele on v3hrttlan blewaihb at the oloee wfreehmehti were nerval and m welal ume enjayed erin mrs william davulson hah mild hi r so at n farm iot 11 concihslon 11 ini 1 ownit up ui mr samuel uuirhtrti i mn addlt ivitm r of ltn aiui it t callfornlu i vlhltliik with mr ami mrs somm 1 nurni aid olhi r rilatlvts ruv j 1 ll slop mid mrs h4up rttunuhl lasl uitk ufttr ti ndliik mouth al tlulr siitnnu i honu ul hur llimton mlfvs anuu ct ok hav iuk at 1 1 pit l a iosuloii on tht ti achhir tuit of itu in vi sciiool at spruciklali li ft on ti s dav u uiki ovi r tn r duties dunk ciirmlchiu 1 of hulstiurk colli i on frli ndh in erin tin other duv douk is m ikliik prorrui lowsird rtcovt rv fol louliik a ioiir lllnihji mr j c dyer net lied iuwh roccntli that ttnbrt inkster had arrivnd wiftly at liverpool england last friday the voytuie wan rood and took utadoyn erin town ilnll won filled to capacity on wedneiday evenina of lant week when members of wolllnrlon county civil ouard from fenrua elom rock wood hulrburr and erin and burround uir dbitrlct attended a lecture on the dutiih of tin ruard by r s clark of ouelph d l mundell was in thv cliair advocate burlington annum tlu labht strti u to open ui hi tlu buildluff devllupnunt of tin town ls smith avuuil 4 construcuon of u i s 0110 honu won started thtn thb weik elrhtit n members or un dur line ton huiliu hs olrts ashoctatluii hi id tlulr flrit pnictlci on tlu honu guard rmh riuiri s lust rtnirsduy i leninr und al tluiurh it wius thi llnt turn that many uf the jlrls itnve ever llred a rifle they ntiitireel some creditable adores piac tlces wtl be held wockly at thi regular met ting of uu hirii iiihool hoard on monday evehlnt prlk cipiil halts woa knmuhl permiision by tin hoard to lengthen the school duy u taki care of war ncuwtlcs and furtlnr ptiy steal etlucnunn in rrades xi xii und xiii ui miet the wishes of the ex partnu nt tin dm w lit bt h nktn i ened to 4 jo on mondai s wednesdays und fridays i mr a nicholson was home from ottawa over uie week end he reports i that uw timber control board if w sith he is a memkyr and in charge of lumber purchases and dlstrlbuuon w ere at uie i pnvicnt time supplying lumber and mill- work to approximately 2 000 buildings across canada for the empire air train uig scheme and uie canadtan defmcr training centres gavotte same troublf thi trouble with you u the same ai with another patient of mine said the doctor he worried and got nervous dyspepsia he wo worrying himself to death about hl tailor bill vow he u cured nut how did you cure him oaked the patient tod him to slop orrylng and he done ut repllsd the doctor x know was the doleful orawer i know he hoi butrmhu tailor rockwood the many friend- ind atquainiunec of mrs james douglas were shocked la learn of per death on suli rdiy ut her home on main street the late mrs douglas was in her 77th yer and had not been enjoy lilp toad health previous to her death she leaves to mourn her ioaa threw horta jumcs of georgetown wllllnm of guclph and dai lcl of illlliburh ojid four daughters of tor onto hamilton and other points the funeral look place tuesday afternoon fiam h r late home with rev a i wilson olllclatlng ussthtrd by rev mr turner of hlllmiiiru lnti nm nt taklnn lilace in rue cemetery mimowi a inrtte number of moral wrcatlis borne by six boys lwn lcsuniony to the high tnteem li which mrs douglas avos held thi pullbeitrerh vierc messrs j a little a j ljltolt i red smith john llendt r on wm j oordtin and ermat cniu since the di uth of the late mr muur lee gardner of owin sound a coiij lc of uit ks ni mis oardner had bet n maylnn with tier tliter mrs g h me arthur and lai1 wednelay hiiftensii a iiiri heart attick from which she ral lied bul during wednesday evening slit suddenly xplred tin late mrs card ner i formi r mamli hagann a former rocku ood girl u as ft ell known and leaves to mourn her loss three brothi n rev george hogann of hector mlnne sola hugh of windsor ontario and james of california two sisters mrs fred meadows of windsor and mm g v mc art hur roclcwood also six sores nnd two daughters at owen imund the runeral took place lost saturday from her late home and the remains wt re interred in owen sound cemetery mr and mm o f mc arthur wire pre sent at tht funeral during the latur part of latt ww k mrs lome lin foot received word of tht death of lit r brother mr thompson of london ontario mrs unfoot left 1m medlntt ly for london and mr llnfool it fl cm sunday to attend the funeral which was held on monday previous to tht mnrrlagi of mr geo duy and miss grace gordler tiny win rccipli nt of handsome pnstns by the toiik regit hon of tin united church of vvhli h mr day is organist and tin fholr n hjiertlvi ly liny win prest ntetl with a l atht r t hair and walnut table mid u coiiplt f haiidhoirie pictures glieu li miss rvii richardson both mr dav und mlns oordtir nplhd illtlugly on bt itnlf of tin coiirn ritllon und choir mr win mtmubh und miss doris wul son n ic uddn sst s relative to pn i nta lions and ri v p h ijiwsoii iih thi chalnmin for a brit f prokrum follow uik pn s ntatloius a siwlal l ime nnd rt l f rtshmi nu wen i njoyed on suturdui the wedding took plan i hi uu ijnlttd church tu fore a platform bunked with glndntl and autumn flowrrn i with mr gi raid cli nu ns playing wed ding music hit brldt i ntt red uu church with hi r rnttit r mv jism gordli r and look lu r plact hi r brldt nm ild bt ink miss margnrtl d mils and uu kroom s brothi r mr roy day of nrunlford as tmst man rt i p h utwson pumnr of tin contracting xirtlt s rformed uie ci ri niony messrs frisd dnv of hamll ton nnd jmrvt j hnvm of rock wood wire uslu n during tht slkiilng of lire register mr g cli mens played wecldinr music tin brltle looked vi ry becomlnr in her roven of white french chiffon over ittfteta her hiircrup iell held with a coninet of oranri blossoms and oarry uir a bouquet of pink brtarclift roses and bouvardla miss dennis was gown ed in dusky pink chiffon and carried a bouquet of hollywood roses and baby s breath following the wedding ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride s parents later in the evenlnp uie happy couple ich by motor on a trip to quitbec and on their return mr and mrs day will reside in rockwood the best wishes of a host of triends and ac qiiuintonceji follow them in their new sphere of life out sts at tht wedding were as fol lows mr and mrs c l momurchy of brampton john momurchy brampton mtss jean tyler of toronto mm j h tyler and jack tyler of orlllla dew on ti it r of windsor mrs e a wans brough mrs a o c smith of acton mr and mn h r wansbrough mr and mr h l wansbrough and mr gordon mckuy of toronto mr and mrs c clark of georgetown mrs eh n nls and mlsft dennis miss marlon diy mr george wlngate mv oirald climmens mr h buvni mr and mrs fred day of hamilton harvest festliol senlces were well attended at st john s church friduv iienliir and sunday afternoon at the friday evening service r v c j loot of st oeorge s church ouelph was uu preacher for the occasion and mem bers of st albuu s church acton assist ed tn the services tin interior of the church was transformed into a place of beauty and bore testimony to a honest of plenty sunday afternoon arch deacon scovil of st george s church ouelph addressed the congregation owing to anniversary sentces at uie stone churc on sun no s were held ba the jjnlted church here and on account of wet weather service at the presbyterian church were some what lessened mr and mn robert croft and family of toronto were up for the weekend mr wealey harris of toronto mss lovena richardson of kitch ener mr r craddock of hamilton ba also here for the day oordler weddlng iqulmolt lie september 7th ifmi dear mr pllla r on monday last i n ct ivi d ropy of it really chei i ws of tin lion an slipped which for y t nr actoh rwrr pnrnti for which ii ry rrati fut lo you ones spirit to net lit m town nearly t ipht wm kt li sine 1 lifl hoint hint has pod vt ry quickly the ron ls viry inunstliir i nolle id tin letter by hi rb dmn in tub tnrr prrss in whli h he ixprtnsed some of tht imshions used in thi ivivul ilfe whlth m 1 qillll ft 11 mil ht n w iuti i nnr inn boats 2 trawh rev dr archer wnllnce m a d jj of toronto who this sunday will pi inch at lin aiinlvi rsnrv st rvlri s of oli n wd lams united church this ls the klfuh aiinlvtrmiry ol tht church then in pulp aiul papor an i xpanded prog mm of n si arch in pulp int r and n oted ppoducls is pro vlited for in a nt n agnt mi nt eiili nd into by the fedi ral deirtmi nl of mines and renoiircevi wlui the can ullnn pulp and paw r aoclatloii and mcglli unl verstty under tht u rms of lb s agree ment uie canadian pulp and poer a soicatlnu undertakes to provide greatly increased supiiort for un- t xti nslon of ntudh s aimed at the improvement of production methods and uve reduction of mmufncluring oonts the first agret ment for such co opt rntlve activity was entered into twelve yeurs oro at which time tin aflfiottlfttltm erected a meclal n sum h building on n silt pmvlded by mcglll university tile doiiilnloii govirununt luin a vi ry di finite lull n st lu tla wilp and mpi r lndutry ns in itddltlon lo otiupvluk a it iidlur pint lu uu c unity xpnrt lr4idu uil lndiuliv piovitltft i niplny- mi nl for thousands of high skilled as vu 11 n- unskilled w kt rs iiluwlsi tht citiiatliitn pulp und papt r aswx lallon is fpll iiwun or tin ncesslly of n starch in ortlt r ui maintain and impnivt ihi iinluslrv h imvutmn in uu highly c uu m lilts imukius of uu w rid and liu manlfi shs tills tnu rt st by huluiuuitlnuy incn a ed appniprlatioiis for lht om ra lion of thi lulp and lam r inst itu li mcglll as will as otln r canadian unl vt cullies ilnds lhmugh tin pulp in l pupt r lndilstrii s a bnrvd llrld or i m ploynu nl for krutluutt s in i iiglnt t rlny cln nil trv und othi r n lautl sclt nces tli us tiie pulp and paper itislilute is an iiulsliintlink t xumpli or lht value of i irecun co opi ration between govern nu nl intlustn and educational insl ii u lions in i m ploying maurlal and hum ui nsourrt i udvanci the country s in tjiutrlul and social utlfare i thank y in unci again for t opl s if tnr purr iki s and i ni prttly mire all 11 tlu boys who bin in ruled in naval air or milltarv st rvii i nls t npprt clitu niiivtnif iuws or the honu town mr sliu in ly 1 fn i amohh ft n hirni ks hsqiilmall ik limmn l ht i stls 41 m as m iii- imhdivcl nmv fifhiino hoat4 it flit ting ciiufldind in uu future of thi purine coast flslu ries construction was mnrud m 103 new nslilnn crnfft in varlojis british columbia boat yartls during tin lbcn year 1030 40 tim new vmtas inclutlii 1 10 gill net bouts 37 trolling luialn 21 st iiiiiir ivxils 12 pack n 2 collet lor iwiats 1 lira j flnlilua boat i halibut tmntn nd ffwflfitotf aimjjay sfipl em11er i rod uahinic imat i ground tlrngrer 1 cannery si nice immii tue rnnltetl tn nln from 20 foot rii nit imnln to a lant no foot cannery service imat and as tin life hi ui re built nt various jmlnu uloim uie i oust imludluk victoria vnimiuvi r new wi stm luster ski t mi hit vestou nnru olhtr imtlltlts many if thi new irirt tiie o cur ton aifrord h uinuter an nn ni his ulllt r r mm t on vi n llonul lwtlt bmughl hi llsh fp in tin unit is if mi cdoiiultl ijiki wo in lost his bn l ii inml il din pair lu bnltttl a liok wltl a m mi 1 o tht wil h kni und tn ki ul u ilpplt ih- ponsi u ies uu medlut tl s i ikt and mw n n fuil land hive already bun inline lnd while t urrrn trt nt irlim cotnpli hon isiwtr pluntn installed in tin m w rish ua tn tits lutludetl bolli u is uitl dlisel i ngines ami mnm in hursi nir rntlnit ft mi i h i lo in h p uu luiti ihtllitt i i i hi bo f t i uu rv i h nit aiiuimohtlt i imlm ttui i i wi i s i tn umi f tlu mn this is ioto 1iiibch rujdav 1 1 im am sharing the world s work 12 pm tiie church school 7 00 pm if you like to slna you will enjiiy these gosiel songs- and the nuniiihi llulldlug for jt hovnh ijn wii4 iamh iivith t iiurlii ji k lfmicay havis flt i snaihan aih vtmv i ht liny n i uiuidlnn air pun i will hm nil irlyu iiiiinlm uf bin tls thn ugh out utintla to it nd man tilnii fret of rcai ni rolls 1 hi tiiitml bund in ottawa will pmvldi u tr lining s h for nil hands to iiinu h tuts ilnady de st i veil high iirnli htlnilav sfplembrn j2nd 104 1 loeth annivfitsakv rtv ir art her wnllanr ma dd i if onto lion a tn harvest rhanknutilnii 7 on p in annliersarv wt extend to all our friends in lhn at ton nit n u rordlnl inv itutl in to wor si ip wllh us iimn this oecnslon llrrabjttrriun rnox church acton rf v ii u mennt- m a mtsbtw manse- willow 0tret pun womin iius u asti- ii lo ii wtik selllnu iam1ifx iiioii quaiiiv moijh i- twlct iiiculii hi lrlttl gum as luip- nlatlvis und t stubltslieil tllnitth fverv re out sm nik minify till houst hold and olltl nrlltltii rc every famiijcx tiihmii r is a illsllid i unl nun r work i or l ni rs r duy priillt tiy our ix mrlniti und you will such e no itlsk xt mirnliikh nssund to wurktrn iel l- lit lp vu wrlu at unci to miss ht oforot- 70 st f li mini aim monlreul und tw l ukiiln t auitht ilnll 1 ortlnr thlh odtllty t lu uuutllnn na llounl hallwnvs wlrli h strn this m c lion of uu liirtullnii moiyitalns niir ri jts intt iiilvs n m an h mi iir flslu i nun for lit upproprlnlt ihvur to tempi miphlsth nhd trout it iir hot wou1eo utue brother youll be an old maid lr you take the hut piece of cake little sister aed alx oh umte all right tve been one all mr ufe auction sale ktrlsthih jtrttvxattu- hoitsts impti ifts fttn iintsritiiu itr i tin tinderalgni d has rerelved instnic lions fnim roi mckioirv to hill by public aucuon at ttot 27 fifth une esquelng on no 7 highway on friday sfptfihiifr s7lh 1040 at one o clock sharp t standard timel horses boy mare clyde 10 years black horae general purpose 3 years boy mare 1 1 yearn with spring colt cattix jcmcy cow 5 yeara calf at foot jersey cow 4 years bred april i olh jersey cow 4 years bred april 10th jersey cow 4 yean bred april 20lh jersey cpu 2 years freshened in august jersey cow 2 years freshened in august tfcriey hetfcr bred july 10th ji rbey he ife r brrd july 14ur ji rse hetfir bred julv 20th jersey heifer bred august 1 1 ur 3 jernt y heifers a to 10 months 2 jernt y heifers 2 months registered jeney bull 2 years bred bv a buggs al tin sumt time and pluci unful lawliik fuuv accresilusd jerwys the prop rty of charli s mckeow u w ill be wild ret ji rsi y cow 2 yearn freshened in july re jiniv caw 1 yean iur ji rsi v cow 3 years registered jersty heiftr ttiese olw are all bred to a class a lull and thi proper breeding date will be givm on sale day pios rk yorkshire sow 12 mun bred aorksitm sow with 9 ptgs a weeks old orkshtrt sow bred 4 reg yorkshire sow 2 months lo pirs u wthkfl old 3 pits 2 months old ti fut hags llf not prevloush soldi ren yorkshire boar 10 months orad 10o bus rve ui bus wheat 1 o bus bartey iso bus oau quantity of red clover hay mow of mixed alfalfa hoy 1 acres mangels harness set of heavi team har ness ntw set of plough harness set of light harniss 3 collars fowl 3 geese and 1 oander 20 hens implements fordfcon tractor prvtt a wood vower 5 foot cut cock- hutt manure spreader pew tudhope- anderon wagon 13 ime masseyharris drill tasscy- harris hay loader 17 tooth new tqdhope anderson drog cul urn tor rt e bobsle phs scai ha rark a section harrows turnip drill i fanning mill buggy new scuftler wooden roller cockshutt plough quantity or inch pipe lutujei 3 tell pig feeders rope wheelbarrow 30 rod wire fence cement hog troughr i forks shovel chains other mall a furnrrure 2 quebec heaters 2 i cook stoves 108eca tryckeye- xncilba- tor 2 cream cans milk palls mastey- harrla ssparator chum butter bowl and print jars lamps lanterns oas kanip na ktmrve u toe farm has been seltl terms cosh fsank lpctcff aucluneer llume ourrie icerk yoii saw us at th fair ask for a demonstration wcwill hill vrrane u dcinonstriitioi on our own farm norton motors rord sales and service phone 69 acton ont trials of speed ii i0 tkot or i ac e 22b trot or p vte baby show midway srutai binding contest an mnlillrik slem ulll be supplied lor the fair dn prrram hy rihh creiehton the jlfiuh pipe band wiu be in attendance vdmlwiion adults 35c children 15c free parking fair night dance music ry rdss creighton aid his variety dance rand in the gcmtrftelown arena v admthfllon xic danclnp flitt to 1j30 itl herbert r cleave president p w cleave treasurer iiank pctcll fiocntary hunlmv 1 1 110 a m ia ii pm bible clans 7 ml p m wttks noll liu ha i ht boo i n ht jilt m liilf ht rvlie prayt r mt t hi u hfitfmhfr 22tui 1040 1 he empin r christ the sabbath school and the fpiruieu uu sunday at lht mom at 7 4 p ul lit ihurndoyj always welcoms- stiiitini sliurrlf acton rv k o naxtfr rastr rtundav shifmilhl utl i 144 1 i hi ii in slim n ill- itj uiii chun lr ht hx i m ml ly 111 pm ii v p t w dlhmlav 7 10 pm i my mlllitf a welcome to all st u han n chi ik ii anyllnm itnlir lt vd h a itriki ma iimcmsl ttstimi antlnurd lllth hiiml iy alti r trinity l in i in ll tv t iiiiimuiilm i 1 lil im mtitlliun luul he rm i i i pm ciuntluy kttuiil mi0 pin 1vtllmhlk iiki seruili hi 1 in ii nidi i uf milt it m iiln it ml i li 1 i i i gi ui llurvt si mipi r sjn iiki i vl a i i hi im llumllliii ninetyixtirth annual georgetown fall fair unjtr auspices ebqucsinr agricultural society will be held cinicsia and thursday september 2526 fair day september 26 potato rvce itlnmnc race iiioii jump unclassifii d small advertisements airrllirrnrili uii irr lid healing s rl will tinier up lo i wortli aiiiikiibi wor u lc prr wul if aili i m- mil irr rnpanr llic adr turmrnl minimum i lit rue c ami ic i rr w rl a i lili nal or rat it wor j want ii iwo rtonrdt rn wanted apply mrs bandeiuion corner hrwk and main hu acton mir nai1 1930 ford coupe hot water heater und tu irtmter cheap for rah rox 3b free prkbs wantrj comfortable room with txiard for eld rly wiman by oclober ul convcn- t nceh apply iiox 32 kree prbbh work wantioon lakm h xjierii tired man wanti vv trk on furm bv mouth preferred 1iam1f icfarns co fttr pr vi oiticc vvath iiv hj1friv woman two ounfortulilt kunilnhed or unfur nlsht i itthims a lui convenient t n and l0uatke plutf llvileuen apply iiox 30 frit pltesa tun si ton ham- j floii an tjitule flix rotim ilrbjt with utturtnd frume luniim r kltctirn iiruact ftlurm ulntlowti i tc on good lot purk avenue apply c v lea1hehland solicitor ir f f ijarr executor 1 wiiitf wasiiinf slulli s rliuned sprayed and disinfect ed to pami bovtrnmtnt innptetion oet t ur eniimai on y mr next w hltewavhlnii job w nioimnoate jtt son ifi r r no 1 acton wamti o rrporter to send new of new build intfi hrei ntu buslnejues und business removali stationery and oaiaite sup piled intcreatlna irk for pure time write now tatinir qualification maclean iiuildino reportb ltd 34a adrlaldr street west toronto ont 1 rawijinil routt opfm oood nearby rawletuh route open industrious man tan earn better than average income complete line house hold necnuiltles established 0 yearn i permanent no experience needed write rawleitui fl no ul111ql montreal clkasuno auction hale farm stock implements feed th property of victor uocallum lot 56 fifth una west cmiwamiuy half mile south of terra cotuon tuaaday september mth at 100 pmbt 7 lyoraea vt head shorthorn and iiol- steln otvwa and hatfara u ut ckian- uty pyed tmijnnu term cosh fran ptttcii aiuruapaar s

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