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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 3, 1940, p. 4

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rmmgar ootoww- inl j thb acton free press numi printing the mother olprogress celebrates its 500th anniversary th invention of printing from movable mi tat typa ta uueuud according to th best available tvldstuw with th mmi of johann autenbwa who uvd in the cltla of main andfitrasbours on tha rhln during ul ant lialf of u10 fifteenth century ouier fllaims for the credit of th invmtlan liava ji made such as that on behalf of louraoa janssoon oastar or harlem in the netherlands but for which- th avldanca eem in the moat nartranurtmu mode printing that u printing from symbol carved in wood block warn known and prarumd much earlier perluum a early a uia nlffhtli century in china movable type of porcelain wood and metal were used in china from 1041 on ward but knowledae of their use doea not seem to have inread beyond the orient tlie ohin too discovered how to make paper in tlie cmd century and knowledge or this proceaa wa car ried eastward at interval through uta centurlrs till it reached weatem europe about a umuaand yeara later ily the fifteenth century the europeans too were printing from wooden blooka laiye block on which a picture with a legend or perhap the word of much4ied mamisrrlpt were cut in hlh relief then inked and an impression taken on a alveet of vellum or paper a number of these aheel printed on one or both aide and rattened together wu called a block bonk block book were jiut continn into ue when suddenly dor a decade la but an instant of ume in tlie cultural liutory of man between 13 and ims oiuliiiiiitniilqleiii perfected a pro 4for mjlnalnllwdayutlera or rneurnia totte coutfebft com noaed tntoword prtnteavtlien tributed for further composition prior to live invention or rlntliw bonk had to bo written by hand por till laborlou leak acrlbe wrre enffnued by families bushtoss arm arhnnl nr court orflclal to own a bunk wr n mark of dlsllnrllon and there would 1m few hi milieu who would own more than one the ritiiratutn or children front tionka uitk exceedingly limited mince even the eiwentlal illn brtmnur and uny othrr uxu would imve to he writ ten hi hand the nwtfrrrtni of scholars had to tie copied and re copied with error rmplnu into evrry coj v m wn wait conwjrd by word or month or by written mearaiie and mrarllmw with hazard of travel it arrived aarulrd and late perlmiw too late tlie mormon volume of printed material which we iwm iihc in the urdurtry and rxtriu rdln ar ihiipttlloiu f every da ithould acarci 1 be taken for tinuitcl without n ttumiiht of how it has come to us tt in tin product of uie humtlve renins nitl imliimaklim industry of man or tlu mlnerulh tinibrr and mcr drrucd front our earth an aortimpllihnn ut of tt rehtthrh short t riod in the history of mankind it is our tnlirrltanrt to in rheruhed in further xprrtmrnuillun and development and in ue lo extend knowledge die perception of twmity and rnjmnirnt of the comfort of modern lire johann auntrnberu born about 1400 wm a member of a patrician family in mains connected with tlie metal work inn trade a fifjloua conflict with certain craft oil lid tlie trade union of thoae day drove the family from malum and in 1434 or earlier outenbenj wa worklnc in the nclshborlns ctly of stras bourg lie occupied himself with mech anlcal invention and from 14m onward he was preoccupied with their application to printing lie experlmrrited with metal of different kind of making type cut the metal pattern of type bodies with individual letter faces on the end from the pattern lie struck matrices anil constructed a mould in which to cast accurate reproductions of the type in lame quantities the prin ciple of the press had long been known and applied in thr making of wine and cheese then adapted to making impres sion from wood blocks now duntcn- berg further adapted tt to printing from movable metal type probably associ ated with auntenberg in some way was one andrew drttsehn in whose house tn strasbourg the pre wan erected and thv tool and equipment kept that live invention was regarded as potentially of great oommtrclal value la alvown by tlie fact that tlie processes were guarded carefully and by the further fact that on tlie death of drltaehn ida brothers in 1430 brought suit to claim right in auntenberg outfit without aucoes it is one of the curious ironies of litstory that tlie records of tills trial founda tion stones lnlhe edifice of fame erect ed to one of oermanys national heroes ihujitd have been destroyed when the prujulan took atrahourg in 1r70 the inventor continued improving his uvrhnlnue and from time lo time through the 1440 produced a few print piece lreae were a latln grammar commonly called donatu a long poem and a calendar for the year 1448 only fragments tile odd page of theae early production have urvlved to the lire sent time towards tlie rnd of thl ex perimental period outenbenj cast a com plete new font of tyjie nut a il talents turned to mechanical rattier than financial achievement lie was obliged to pledge his poueulon for a loan or cah lo johann fust a man of capital in main whither ountenberg returned about 1 4411 with fust was unseated a young technician named peter schoef fer wholater became hi sonin law and partner fust and flchoeffer were commercially minded and with- the bene fit of outenbergs inventive genius they produced the find great monument to tlie invention of typography a dlble thl the outenberg or 43llne dlble wa printed in 133 large folio page of two column rarh and with 43 line ut tlie column tt bore no printer name nor date but tlie work wa completed ie ttme btire august 14511 and by thathtajl a rchneffer tied eated outouticrg othttfiha keeping hi equipment which hail loan cluteiu ru retained ida earlier tyio and from lltcse about 1410 wran printed another ilmle ifl line lo the pou i at sclmeflrr in the meantime hail pre tared an edition of the psalter the moil tieailtlful work it in said ever printed large iage of text in black and red with decorative capitals of in tr irate dn sign in three glowing colors and erfiet imiarcfuilon till bonk iwire the dule mm with the prluum name and trade murk tlielr mark of cronwd hhii ldn hun liecn perpetuntcxl mi tlie symbol of the international association of lrtnt ut llouie craftsmen lutenbeiv name new r nppi url itmin uny book printed rroin his tun it ml in died mi obneure lluure in 1408 lint tin brilliant uchh vomrnta nf typo itruphy in nutinequciit yearn have in en ihe inoht urallfybitf euloulum an in vmlor wxmld desire and now rive hundred venr later almost every coun ty in tlu world arrlnlmi irtm an nm it the ureitliwt modtrii item fit lots if iiuinklnd ii hun beii hlivutl that of all the world h in ir ntorn luo ttlaiul out rt uilnrntly in tin advance or lit rulun iind education t ul lam the invt ntor of poller china ad 10m and oulen hem tlie orhriuator of movable tyin 1440 prom mains printing npread into italy france and the netherlands in 1474 71 william cnxton an knulbvli merchant resident in the low countries learned how to print and produced in hi own english translation the first book ever printed tn bngllih recuyell of tlie hyatcrye of troye a popular classic tale or the fall of troy soon afterwards he relumed to england with printlngtvpe and net up shop near westminster abbey so the story of printing hi the skigllshipeaklng world begins with caxton the year after caxttui died columbus discovered a new continent across the atlantic ocean and tlie first governor there the viceroy of new spain had a sprinting press brought to mexico city about 13s the ttrst in america tlie next one cosne from england to new england in 1038 to be net up by stephen daye and his two sons at cambridge massachusetts under direc tion of harvard college just then open ing it doors daye s nrttt substantial work appeared in 1040 it wa a book most of us dont know hardu anyone not even the publisher tcnows how important a neuspapm is to a community the smallei thp village the more important the newspaper is in ft economic life its news editorials and feature stories focus the interest of surrounding territory on the villagem which the paper s published thts force and thoforcc of advertisement b local merchants build on cverwidcnirnj trade area this means more business a bigger main street more money for schools churches and homesabrggcr and better village a village with a newspaper is a village with a future the better the paper the brighter the future v are trying make tso nesnpafier the rest fessuile year help and butresuesw are astray appreciated the acton free press your newspaper is more than a businessit is j community institution a certain of sale among- the puritan set tler in tlie colony of uassaehusriu nay tlie wlwle itook of psalines or as it is generally known the nay palm itook daye printed 700 copies or lids book and not more than a doaen are known today it is called the tftoat valuable book ever printed on paper daye uccessnr was samuel green and samuels grandson narthojemew brought a press to halifax in 17ftl ilartholemew associate john rtushnll carried on the work following tlie form nr sudden death and lnvame canada s flmt printer and tlie founder of it llrst newspaper urn halifax oasett bo far a can lie determined with any certainty there wa no prhillug nhiip in clibec nor nouyelle ptancn as it wn nailed during the prench regime on at least three ociastnii however re miemu were made if teron in autliorlty for the imtlvllege nf establishing a press jesuit missionaries in quebec applied for a prmttng press in la the slilplo ian in montreal made urn same request of the superior or liielr order in purl 1013 in 1740 m de la aallsnlonnlerr asked the minister of marine and col nnlea for the same privilege but hi re quest like the other was denied arter nouvclle prrtnce iwcome l he british colony of qitelec in 1703 two young printers employed in tlie on ire of william dtuuap nenjamtn lanklln hrotlierlnlaw in philadelphia ventur ed into quebec and announced tlie pub lloatlon of a weekly newsioier the quebec oasetle pftlillshed bi engludl and prench hi parallel columns apiiear ed first on june list 17b4 und contlnu ed wltlt but twi brier interruptions until ib74 remarkable record for a plonci r publishing rm llrown und ollmora pruitrnl many books in rnvllith or it uch bnllt lhiy printed all tin laws und uoutmlimw4iuln one of the nuwt inlernnthm of tntlrv llimn in a caniutliui eiiuoivof hit huunp act dated qim imv 1711 in tin mi an time montrnu hud gl lt urnl prinl r plnir mivtpti t who urrlvo ulo from philiuielphln in i77fi ami laiivt yui laur luiiiu bed tin montreal lnitu llw nrht rtnung tn in ilm r tun uda uan ul newurk now ntintm the l4vki when in w0 1 i it iiuimnt colonel john liiivii hlmi tin i l u tenant oovi rimr iut iq u m n h tun udlon units liny whom in hol brouuhl wltli him from quibic h tsimphli t one entitled tlie hpee h of ills ex 1 1 it ncy jotut oruves slmcoe and the other the acts of the iulsluture or tlipt r cvinola vvtri printed liy hoy cully in tin year i hi llrwt newnpaiier was i in tfpiur ciuiwlu clusette which am md on aptull lltui 170j i hi ttrnl pub llhlitnu hoiue in tlu niotlt ru m nm of tin word that i u oiunltlin whlth hhhiunih tin rttlt of puhllnhinu niauium rlput and mh up u nult oinuti lullon u dlntrlbulc them was probably tin hyi rutin prcwi whlih dt vi loped rnun l hi iirlnttng hitui whlih fi rlnn hyi r son founded to print thut tluil fiinidiin old mttlukllit painr ihi cliiiitiuii ouurdluti the flmt prens wi ut of onlurlo uui oiistructed at norway limine in mtuil tuba alilt one hundred yearn out of the most loenlou ever made janus cvali a mlsnlonary u tlie indians wanted a printing outfit to further his religious and educational work he couldn t import one for the hudnon day co which controlled the area declined to undertake it transportation bo he made what he required type of lead from tea boxes cast in wooden moulds which tie cut for the purpose ink from chimney soot for paper btroh- bark his press won the old fur press uird in the company s trading post ills type la very interesting for the face shows not letters of our alphabet but cree syllables which evans hlrtwelf in vented symboln by which he n presented the sounds of the cree dialect and in which he prtnted spelling odd hymn books for the indians local printing appeared on tlu west coast in 1018 when the runh for rold wan on pour newspapers were started in victoria within six months of which one the colon ut still appears the invention of modern printing machinery in a story irt itself which can not be tod here one rather astonishing fact is uint no nubatantlal channeji in the original mechanical operations were made during the first four hundred yiani after its invention the manufacture of prlntlnr machinery in comparatively recent in its hlnlorj it has now noclr- ed the stage of a lnrge scale industry ahd printing machines are known to be both as precise and a complicated as almost anj modern industrial machin ery but prior to illfll printing was large ly a hand crart there were rather crude power prensm for newspapers but all type had to be set by hand presses for the production of commercial wori developed in the second tprorter lf the nineteenth century the flmt rotary press appeared in america in 186 the linotype machine for casting and setting type was invented by ottmnr mergen- thaler in batttmore ims and nut into use the following yew- by ihenew york times the monotpvrnehhv also for type casting and setting was invent ed by tolbert lanston in washington 1897 prom the primitive large thread screw press operated by hand there was made a faster screw press then oper ating levers replacedhbacrew and iron frames replaced the wooden frame horse powerswas added to man power then mechanical power replaced the home stereotyping betfkn as early as the sunday school leason hijniiav octotuek eth it4f iukk and ilia tioiirei uoldjnn text it seemed good to me also o write that usui inkihlestkiiuw llw certainly con cerning the thing wherein thou wast intrualiil ijike i j 4 leason tent uikn i i 4aits 1 1 col 4 14 a 11m 4 11a exposition i first apiwuraure of luke ijlke 1 i 4 that the wtlter or thin uonmil und the writer of acts u the same u rnon is shown by comparing these vnruns with acu 1 i lliat the writer of tlie acta was tlie ompanlon of iniul umn hln litit jouruey to jerusalem and remained in touch with him diirlnu but two yenr liiiiruonment at cacsareu and wi nt wttli him bi i tome u evident from are fill rcadluu u tlie lm of at u enet tally acu jl a 0 13vj5t7 i 3 jb in 11 iln early pulher or tlie chun h uuna that tilts writer and companion of paul was ijike wli7 nowhere mentions hln own name but iuut three umiks in hln tplstlen sprakn of him cut 4 14 2 tim 4 ii pulln 24 iltn palhers ulso rectird uint paul was uun h inntniolor in the preparation of his gospel and gave it lit approval when finished home have onjectured thut lukn was one nf the lw disciples to wluim christ it jiearet on the wuy to emm sun luke 34 13 33 luke gonuu is written for thr oreek klenllle world and in the purest dlttlon of all the four gosmiln j ills aim wa to show jnmm to the world as the tum of iiiiin the pylriul or sinner the universal bavlotir ii uike writes another tn otlso ad i i i he former trnatlne in tlie o on pel of i like i ho subject of dm lonhl wus what jeniih beunn to do and lmch iii niihjei i or ihe hook or acts in what jenun continued to do anil teat h afl r hln unteusloii jiut ixiforr hln iuh ntislon yen the film iphvt cominunil until matt in i n 11u i tun i4 4r 41 it 40 43 nltiry n ctirdetl in hn ai in we rue how tin llolv hplrll uutpum lin mllivem i i urrv tin tn mil iii i like tin hi loved ihvnh lull 1 4 14 at a pliymi tun i n ut ilwi iln nil tin hrullnu jowi r of hit in at itivnli lun lb wrlttn and it canit lti pnrm in u 1 1 1 uun tiny nn lit wha uiiliiiiiu thul micro win ilmrurtn mill dot lorn of lhn law nlttlnii by whlih win ennu mil of vt ry town of oulhi t und ludeu und icruiuli in und tin powi r of lit lord utui pitflmit u hull them luko 17 hi ninkix nm f i minllur i mpli isli in i in llotk of atbi win it in it poi i pi it r n mini n in tin iioiim or conn hun latln 10 lit it h ill lti wlio flirwrilwr mtloiu in regtwd to paul psrsonsl af fair jid at the first lumpw mtm of mtiall import hut pauls comment upon various person are full nf practical ugtuuirftr us paul needed tim othy and timothy was to exert himself to get to him as quickly aa possihl iktmu is ivnui up for all mioceedlng age a a warning as one who had forsaken who- had forsaken his itnxt or duty out of love for till present wtirld tliere bad been a time when demos limd been a useful servant of the nrd and had joined with paul in his greetings in urn mint in colosse col 4 14 but the love of the world had uken hltu from lit poul of duty and icmas bos tninn down for the contempt of the retlturlen wliat a wuniliib to many ui day mark had mini been unfaithful and had lont his immiudu of opportunity in ttmpan lonshlp with inuil and llnrnaluui and luu led to a separation lietwtt n pull uiitl haniabus lartw id an 40 hut mark hud evidently rnmint d and inul in rn n stored hn hail been gtvrti a snoond t hulicn and wiw now useful ui iu il for the work of mlnlhlerlng the very work in whlrh he fulled the first time alexaj h r lhe corrsmllli acu 1 0 33 irad nhewed laul much i vll but paul dlil not iwiilnr ulmut that he left him to the la in render ut liliu u tordlng to hln works of all paul n uimpunluun i mike neems to have immi thn uiiuit aluiful whnn nuri rn fumimik him isike rmnuluihl faith fill in lilt first thuptiii or thin epistle j pirn i i ft juiil writes i his thot kiuiwent thut all lhey whu h uitt in aula lie turned nwuy from me ii wan lherefort n mturu nlcuullon whli li in dencrllmd in j tim 4 llu only tuke in willi iiw- uun would leud tin lo tuilli ve that i ulte was a man of htionu loyal tlen whom the defer lit in of otlu r couul nol uftnt i donaiionh iii- 1 p hi ii- nth ii tl fohl lllioiiuli in niimonul ttuuii tuii ill hi olluwu aiiudii in iiinylng a luiuo h ir of hn i iilpln n mliiilill wttr miti 1 1 l 111111 btt hw in i liln umk hun tn i nautml by iloiiullunn fiooi piln lhvliiiujiiiiil lliiim wlihl ulmmlt ill mil mint lnliiiln v0 000 lioiu tut i ultm uivoiiy inul h ri on hiumit i llionriniin utul bin my unxliim in mniidiol the canadian war effort l weekly uevuw ef dvelammiila along tha llama front hepuwlmr mh i tlh heptenibsr loth 3dth i i hiiutlu lakrs over nix of the fifty ann ilrun over uifti dstnyers trunslor ml tti inul llrltain in return for urn irunc of ulr und naval bones i hey raise cuuuda n tit troye r nlrenuth o lhlrleen und will im ulven immi n of rlvirn om tuon in thilh the dullett hlutm and t uiiutlu j uiiotllun forms on atllvit nervlie imlh home mill nversi on army 111 mut nuvy 1141 air line j mm i duyltghl huvtuu iime hull llnlutly ixlfiidetl us w ir nit iiniire purioni lo nuvt rliv tru ily 4 i hi i luu the wri k i ndeil heftember llh munlllonn unit hupp y li purtmt nl uwiiidiht i jftl itinlnulji totulllnii v ftl 117 d huimi rlptloiih lo cunudu s net ond wur loon louiltthl s34j j4h 3o0 i hi y tntttihil the ohjetltvn hy 4j j4h 300 i oruoiiluiuon of air owlrt orwt uniioiiut ivl new orimtwlll operate alotiif lliun of uriny i atlet mrm in w hoou piiriuwi iu inltnml intyn of ftrieeu lo nlnti t n in tin itnyiil liinatlluii air mil 7 liinlli e w m mm lin hunkuu in wiiii ah al tnirt upimllited rt iilula iitlinhilntriittir fur llu wurtlint prlctn uml i rade lourd ii aland nl 1 1 onler innuetl ly tlu wur lion pi it on uiut i rude i lourd wvulnu liiiunt n ntjiu in i ertultl drsluiiutetl an un ul lh itrvt in of jumiury jiul 11411 kf fillvn on and ufttr oiuilur 1st 1011 u t oiuinlnnlon uihlnlid in luluiliilnlet nullonal lint nipoymt ul imuiuur r fhulimiui lr font ph hlroln formi r t hiilriiuili koyul coiiunlnnlini on ijjuiiiii hill piovliiijul u liillonn mi iiiim rn utitmil j lulloii httitturv inilmiinr immiii unit ijiiwi onmrnn t uniidii ainu m mllthtll hiiliuiaii itohilt min in ii i ui monili ul r drew iiuinti y i klimi r it klnn it n ul i tl m ilk you couldnt read this i lie aooth anniversary of the invatt- llnn of priitlliig by johanii tluteidierg in luilnu tilebraled diirlnu tlm pnvuilt yitur of 1040 btlinulaled by iiiq various trade unot latloiu ami ursphli arts uroiiw y prluilnu ban tmrtium us cotuiiuuiplao in our 1 1 vm un the rulug and telling of llu nun yit it i lay a iremcudniia rot in the llviw of vw ry one of un vou un uwuktiuil eut b morliuiu by ill uluim i lot k wild h undoilbtnilly ban muled dlul vou urine from lied anil in i him that were undoubtedly boiajht u i if it r uu nllmuloun of prlnlett utlvi rtlm nn nln vitur weekly tiewnpaper u ii inuiu itonnllilr liy lull lilii ffl n ul vtulloii of iirtulinu ihe lenul on your linukrunl till it mid thr hrund of loffen you drink wt rt uiuloiiblitlly itouulil twi i hum of iiifilln ullrlhtinntl li lliem in pi nihil utlvi ultuiiu if vim ik ti id inilli itile u nlreel tur u work yui llilnl i hi loiidiinliir u jiiliiutt lltket oi iriinnfi r and ii u more ltlun llxnly tluil ihe qp lljit of tur if you drive i i i woik wan determined by tin nlate nn ill n owl it in prlul liiiuulim what t haon thrre would lie in uny oftit n or fm tury if t very piet o or i ihtlug unrd in liuluntry und mun liu me were nutlttfnly lwkt ti away motl rm invi iillonn width we huvr ttitiwi to limik uwiu ha nect nnlllrn ihmilil nevnr miive iws iinir mi wldrly puhllt lutl nor no biuhly devrlupid had it not len fir lhe ntrvlie of tin printing prran lhn uml nf tujoylnu llitne invriiunns hun btin lounlunlly lowrrrd tttvoun pilnletl udverllnlnu lion dmrlojum for tlunu miirkeln utul uindr niunn produi wm ihmnllile ii ln ilimitilrul wlirther thorn would ih uuhiiniililkn tyirwrltern air plmiin nidlon or motion pit lurm in the pri nt ul uilviiiu ill nluh of tlirlr il vtiloji mitiil whli h wi know uxluy hiul ll not liitn for prlujlnu kvrry prattli ul in viiimin hun turn th pt inlent on pmiilllid in nihil iln uttnpllou nntl nilitenn ii in mum ntlinti thul diitlnu hie our m t i yi in 1140 wi nlmuld pay homage o lit u im im lhi invriiuir of prliillng mn iiiiki who hiivi in uikhid ii i ihiiiml kill tluh oln iu n 1nvhi1iii hun even tiuiili il i4ntxuu lot yni tt rt ml lliu ttluiilul it nluiplf lunk whlih fnw i4u nl ttrftir lliiyn tf jilllilllru not mm of polar dim i alll hn in illnu po hiiikuiu 1 1 ilk ni iti it in thin nil ft nm oiii lonut in i iiiiicv und f it im in r dlul i 111 noh in w it is lhul vhlui wild ulwl hi uli d t all i hln ui tin nunii wont unit by fmin wtun he hi ilttl tin womun vvho hud un innut of iiiihmi for twi ivi yt urn 1 1 liki 11 41 4h il in ivlduit thut puul lullnlid luce in hln comiiany when lhey met at troon acts hi 0 10 arter paul had re eclvrd the vision of the mun of mace- donlu who ankwl him come over and help un i uke records we endeavored to net into macedonia asauredly ifatht r livg that the lord had called us to preach hit donnel unto them this was paul s second missionary journey the use of the pronoun we for the find tliiu indicates that up to now i uke had not been with paul it is probable that paul with his infirmity round lhe medical skill of luke valu able so it was appropriate that he should refer to him as tlie beloved physician when he wrote to the colosslun chris tians an they were in phyryttla where luke ministered to his ail men tn i it wan in thin long and ultimate as- j doclatlmi with paul and undrr these special circumstances that luke icarus more fully lhe heating ministry of jesus he is the writer who records the naz- arcth declaration of jtsu fuiltc 4 ib 0 quoted by jenun from isaiah 11 1 liuc records the healing of lepers i uke i u3 13 17 110 the paralytic 15 it 2fl the man with the withered band 1 1 111 the centurions servant 1 2 10 the rulilng of the widows win i7 11 11 jul run daughter fl 40 fid the woman with an infirmity c 13 10- 17 the blind man or jericho 18 33- 43 and number lean general healing perhaps the most human and appealing of alt jesus parables in that of the good samaritan uho in depleted an binding wounds pouring in oil and wine and corlnjr for lhe mun who ml among thieves a beautiful portrait nf our lord luke 10 10 37 i iv luke companion of paul 2 tim 4 no i the context of this verse contains dlr- 1012 with david drucr and ithngruph- tng a process discovered by young aloln senefelder about ifloo photoengraving iftbo and modem hthograpmc pro cesses however are quite recent develop ments modem printing machinery tejj its own story the printing and publishing industry has so extended its servlco tn the com munity that tt oceupsessi place or prim- arv importance in the economic life or the country in canada in 1038 latest figures available u3jw3 printing publtah- tng and bonk bind inn plants represent ing an investment of- tlia 343 293 em ployed 37 450 men and women on a pv roll of isowmpsb with a gross value of production totalling 117 m2 74 carrolls campbells new pack tomato soup jml arrived i new prunes 80d0s 4 ibs 25 28c magic baking powder caah and lflo carry tin clirintiea angel cakes 20c chrutien chocolate rolls 20c dole pineapple juice n- 15c habitant pea squp 2 currant crum biscuits 15c hsrvvit cream biscuits 15c 4 29 cowans cocoa chocolate be coffee 1e stuffedolives aylmer catsup 14c 25e i 15c i u 45 2 tc 25c 2 sit 21c xiwl j 2soi ll 21 8 melarens of rlsmlltas peanut butter aylmer tomato juice fagln llrano lobster tin 15c 27c puffed wheat 6 shitriff luibtia jelly powtur or sweet mystery 3 q aylmer or clark pork and rean8 x 2 17 quick coauai quaker oats 1t special 1 sale nw ciit palmolive 1 super suds 18 cri8co 18 47 aylmer tomatoes arlmw n 3m ll h jar rubbers 5 1 yww k all for 19 g peas polifloor nj wax x949 a b co s s1lvo red tokay crapes 2 1 19c 27c swect jucy sunkbt oranges per dozen fvultand vcketable specials until saturday nifthl only frcflh white o celery hearts l 17c clean dry cooking onions 10 1 21c

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