pjuue maai the acton free press ti1uiu1day october 3rd 1mb nolle ol blrtl uinllm j daalia littttua i ihla eolmo without barn la wmorlm notlci goe and ion pr lla aoltlonal for ptmlrr ikd elilott at hu late roaldowo moffat ontario on saturday bupmmbw mul 1m0 william oeorge elliott hiubana ol the late elkla pickett watson in orton on saturday sep tember mlh l0 o beloved husband of rebecca matthew nhlailbth year 3- n memoriam mcenndly in lovlno memory ol adear wife and mollyr mm davm mcenery who paiuied away october 2nd 1030 at tbut ods and enfos thl i newapaper week acroa can ada come tn nnd visit ui weve had over a week without rain and delightful warm autumn weather acton vuca hold the official opening or the present season tomor row nlflht ir j o uatthew i making alter- htlmu to the front of hi residence on bower aymue the jewish new year 1 observed from wednesday laat night until fri day thla week a number from here attended the flra at georgetown and milton lait week doth had plendld weather change in travel time table re to be made on sunday consult the new bus schedule after that date several more carload of machinery for the wool combing corporation now locating here arrived thl week we arc indebted to aircraftsman bwookhamer for a splendid nouvenlr view book of the training centre at fit thomas we cannot remember when the town hall looked better than it dots today palnunti ha made a marked improve ment yjuoa member who find their greatest recreation in the card room ore preparing or a comfortable oaon they have laid a new floor in the room canada homes limited are plan nine a new residential subdivision in anton this win be duouotod at u special meeting of council on friday a popl f rroni mr h h hlnton yesterday soys he ho arrived ul man ntnp depot no 2 in brandon man after a splendid trip out he reports the accommodation and meal as first rate and the boy in training a a swell bunch of clean cut fcllown next to being at the world scries which wan impossible for mr w j gould uiih year wiui receipt of a banc ball autographed by the member of the detroit tram it wan aent him by mr wm laird or wlndnor and 1 on view in th phw pbksii window uiis fttank haul on sunday september 32nd there poised away at her home in eramoaa one who held the esteem of all who knew her in the person of eleda wllnon wife of mr frank hall born at lot si concession naaaa pnweyo on may 20th ibm h apent her early life and girlhood day tn naa- itaffawcya and wu a member of eben church where she used her musical husband and f auy jd other abillue belna a member ol km choir and youn people organlaa tiona prior to iwr marriage on march 7th 1d23 he wan united in marriage to mr frank hall and took up rest- encc in eramoatv and became a valued member of the stone church eramoaa she bora her aufterlng durno a lln- berlna ulneaa with the greatet hope and patience eledfl leave to revere her memory her hiuband her daughter vera ged eleven and her oon rom aged eight her aged mother mr david wilson four brothem mr elwood wil son mr alfred wllaon mr uerwln wluon and mr harlan wllaon and l mra jaa 0lutertrook her only alater all of nasaagawtya th they blew up a oon a they hit september mth with aervlce at hor p home followed by service in hbenexcr united church the aervlce wo con ducted by her pastor rev f il law- son cuwuted by rev h ii klppon mra r s kuley aang and mra lamb officiated at the organ both church and sunday school room were filled with those who bathered to ahow their res pect and to brine their horn tribute which were carried by mr iuiel and wftnted to pte j mcceachie tells of air haiti in coastal town interesting sidelights on the war scndfl souvenirs home short trip to france nrul plate from wrecked domicr a true story of two famou london england cathedral canterbury cath edral 1 heavily protected ogatnat air raid many thoiuontln of nandbag belug f iiifl aaalnnt the edifice st pauls cathedral on the other hand n i t protected at all inntrad on it naa hive front d or i a printed prayer cx- prranlng faith in ood and praying to htm far the itafety of the cathedral i still in camp augut 10th i04o dftr mom and dad r reived two of your letter lant nltfiil an i junt returned from a trip to the coast a few of u were down there nrine the trench mortar and antl tank rifle and i aw more wcltement than m oonnan active service i have neen lnce i got here we really u r out of ffl r membrrn in the brltlni houne of common about 200 arc already nerving with the color there ore 23 palm of brother in the wcitmlruiter do tleglmcnt of the had a beautiful trp and wore right in no man uuid l tlie excitement urted on our way down tut a w were entering a city the air raid lren went no our convoy stopped and our bune had rildlng roof no we watched the air raid from inside the ky was full of airplane and we i very exciting and we were all cheeiina jiut like a hockey match we aw he german come down in a ma of flame around- out in hi parachute but the oilier one tayed in we dldn t get very cloae to them but til bet they were an awful men when it wm all over we con tinued on our journey ltd we ure had a whale of a time going throueh the city the people were giving ua all aorta of tun to cat and cigarette the boy the place we went wa right on the roant only a nhort dlntance from france and every raid that come over went right over our head there were hun dred and hundred of them but the fun really started whep they were on their way bark belne chaned by the raf we saw all klndb of nshu and tot quite scared a runs were firing all round ua but they didnt drop any bomb near us they got rid of them all inland a oon as the british planes gtt aftir them they turn tall and run we saw ztzvimurt hap plane chasing regutrauon ceruncate team shovel qans they don t stand a 8 with were biting into a plot of land adjoining our boy and b lonrng about 100 every the bureau of staustlc building a the day they drop lot of bomb but don t flrt tep in conetructtng a special build do an awful lot of damag tng to house national registration card during the big raid some of our fl and personnel af the department of lows were out on the range and thty notional war service charged with brought down a oerrnan dornlir with tabulating the information inside o a bren gun it wan quite a big plant iiooed mr elwond hall and her nephew the pallbeartr were tier four broueer mr jamrn jbasterbrook and mr percy wll new building for registration staff service call sent while some eight million canadians were trudging to booth throughout force probably a record for canada an atlas of oreatcr germany 1 ad- vcrtincd by a large aermun publishing house and with it 1 offered a guarantee of a map of the next frontiers when ever the old ones are revised already there are 37 soldier wive who have been widowed in canada since thi present war started last september tc whom the canadian government 1 paying pension several of the women have been widowed through accident in the hcaf in training in canada any german who want to buy any thing in a bottle must take hi own cork to tlc store i tle moat around the tower of lou don has been divided into allottmente for the wardens and is being dug up to provide more food as part of a dig for victory campaign a soutlialli england coal merchant was fined 400 and cost for selling coal nt piice exceeding the scheduled lint price profiteering he was a foreigner there 1 a rnurclty of cloth in oer many rtsult a standard drcsn for women and girl l being introduced of a nimplc defllgn to save cloth- and mwlng cotton it will be mods only in black red and brown men are to lone moot of their suit pocket t kv pockcui in veotn only om hip iiocku in trouaern and probably but one in thi coat gertrude ludi thi identity of u south african business man who ha doimux two million cigarette to em pin troopft oversea and promises li send moxi ua long as his identity in not month the building will be finished and j and hud four machine guns nnd two the tank of classifying registration cards cannon there were two pilots in u rjritlsh medkul men clulm unit blue acton volunteer civil guard receives armbands and berets acton volunteer civil ouard has re colved for nwh mtmbir thl official arm band lsnuwi b tin provincial civilian dercnt i commlttrt i a it p special beret will also b worn otguilwtlon will contlmu u protied and drilling will roiimuui inch thursday rvenuig at h30 pm id s t will proceed according to mr jusuoc nnd both uirt wounded they were juht t c davln deputyminister or nntlonal boy about 17 we nurroundld tin war service i plane tried to get souvtnlra but they about seven hundred rlrls will be cm i put a guard on it hnwcvtr i nmnugid ployed to complete thl work during a to salvage the part i am inclosing period of three or fourth dr r h coat dominion statinuciiui j if we had a chnnn tn charge art eked thi thing fifty punching machines capable of tiny art surt putting on tin preh handling about 000 card a dav will bt m nm m the any thiy an lotting used to classify eards after card have lhelr pmun i clim l he how tiny can been punched correiipondlng to each reg iep it up utratlon form nued they will be put i m u of un wfnt mu onb through six printer tabulator machinen i uw m aumnur rimiru u ttufl at the rate of 150 a minute finally uttuj tlunmud bllt tte lmd wlwll the cards go tiirough u nortlng machlni ten of which u 111 be uned difore this work m t under w tj how ivir a suift of trtrl is oub conn ting t hand cards from each constituency notification of trulniiik at pntnt muilt imlt bv regisu 1 ed mull to about tjinl men often muki tin btst air flgh ir pilots blue tyis fitquenuy indicating un lndopcndint comutlive type of per tonality they cairn to bi ublo to ol potcntlul fighter plt almoht halifax mb sunday september 22nd mr o a dllln editor and publisher alton rncx psrnn dear sir i thought i would be muting nil my friends nl the acton roll fair but one hour before i wan to catch my train all leave was cancelled so here i am yet nnd when i get leave now i don t know i im expecting to get n draft to a de troyir noon if my rcqiniit i granted but up hero they seem to be holding or to the n r a bo a of course that la what we really are naval rrncrves fill in where we are needod must i met verne wheeler at the y lost night hndn t seen him for over a week he gave me a couple of copies of tus fair pnrnn and was very interesting in the letters trom the hid in the casf i at home and oversea i see where pte j mcoeachle was adrift or 3 day of course he got in the rattle well jim if you ce thl letter and by trfe time you read it 1 11 bet you 11 have changed your idea about the three day holiday being worth the punishment just had to hesitate for a moment there are five nallors around my bunk in an nrugment on ontario and mari time province from ontario four of un from new brunirwlck ond p e i two one o d seaman and one o d tel the ontario of course won the argu rnent and why not with 4 to 27 i be lieve we have men here from every part of canada and we have name great old argument all in fun of course arc you mtill forwarding tux fxx prefl if no i have not been receiving it of late in fact i only received two coplen poftsibly they are ntlll getting them at my old nddrenn and they do not take very b c of n nn rar the pnpent are concerned so if you mall to tny new uddrenn i am sure they will come through o ic or check through main po and ec if they are reaching naval barrack or not i haven t run across fred turn r of the bcaf yt but if he taken a run down ui halifax h might contact me ut the y the sally ann salvation army or at exhibition o round bur rack i hope to ne nome of the third dm nion ludn whin thy move down h n an i bt by tin halifax pain r thnt they will be here well guens i will have to clone for now till earl vincent to drop mi a line nometlme your truly h v dron a b p s am i nt inning a pic tun of our band thi are vi ry good h v h v drxm a b seaman hjwcs sudacona no 2 co imo halifax nfl 0 ii j cadesky ortouiraut will in ih aoto oh 7 monday october 7th anyoriuufjvmg from kymtrain defective vision or headache y ihould not mix the opportunity of s consulung thl eyesight apeclaliit appointment my be made with mr a t browrv jorugtut v j consultation prix s offlre ileum lts am till 4 45 pm dsf with hhould be quite an interesting nouvinlr tm auy i move llic qulckiumt i tf ha n mnr wi would uue hb cyt lu rtad af mli km remembir riudlng ubout tin buitw of wuurloo being won on tin phiylng nelds or leton one day recuntly rtvin eton muaters lift to join tin poros i air ruld precautions in briuiin an costing trinnnduus sums aiart funi momj being spent directly by lh dully imicuuttd but we hud unit and unit to a d inn tin ptopu fair dates are announced for this ear abrrtmlr ociobtr lit 2nd arthur october 1st 2nd brampum ottotxr lt nd erin 1 hunksgmnt dn strtttmllu ocuibtr iaa 3rd wthklbrldgi ociobtr 11th 14ul y wa ol- tn ol itaormint 30 000 tungli mm ji iurt of ug smixixvled uu n will tie nonit hiac tlmi bt tutn n notification medical um mutton iuid tin not it i to niwrt i unu of reporting ll ho vi much lt a tlikit to uu con cert uked a uu at lit ticket win thret dollar wan tlie answer turning to hi i small son the lud exelaimi a did you hi ar t hat 1 he people art puvnig tlrret dollar utilecel now will ou pruitut hiirdtr on jour lolm luiri all lined on thi beuch uttunliw to oovinimuil bunlnetui flrmti un cum bt mbh dmpping in frawi our puiu um ovr thin and you could hear tin thumps qulti distinctly it scims klntl if tami now that wt an back in camp it with ii rip 111 ulunh rtmtmbir and i niir wiw o iiin l lulu s hi my lift ik fori tin funny part of it is un y liuwnt tot tin liillhh ptoplt fright n til tiny trtiit an ulr ruld jut us a ui ttiht duuy occurrince of course- they are lurfccth mi ft in thiir nlr raid shilurs uul ha nothing to worry ubout i i dun l drink hitler will tn any in mm viiuoii nou wi urt beating thi panto till lila nlr forcl and the wtatlur will be i hanging shortly wi an having glorl pt lied ui provldi protection for thi ir worker tin dunlop rubbt r cotnp mj stlmatik the arp cost at io xr imployii u total of juhi ovi r i00 uoo for thin hrtn it is cohiiiik on at britain in ai h si 000000 u duy in mibstltutit u kttp t living from rising um mm h wauians ihsiatf ii two avmk iiali- million ahl uttiks montiill lu tin flmt mm mouuis of ilns ynir tht plane of uu lyunscanuda air ou weather now and are git ting usid ultra curried 31 ju poiuidn of mull u camp lift outsldi our unt now uccording to luut statistic sometimes tin re is u guitar iuid tlddlt playliuj tlurt ure a many ua 00 air mail utters nquurt diuux tuntn it sun maxts me pound but un oewpted uvirage is think of honu wi alio nave ball ganits itm nltht wi don t bothtr going into town much txctpt to go to a show fnrj in in gluagoa h kiiping line ii nd uu an on their httmnn r holidays 1 hud u uttir frmi urn it j lu t dn with u snap shot i umi tot sonu ilgar ttttt from un acton i ode i might im fitting somi nion leave lit a short wtillt wtll i huve just ubout run out of now and its gittlng mar unu for 00 x m io i this nu ana that from uie first of jiuuiun t ue tnd of july the 1 ca tronsporud marly ifloooooo u tiers an nn nigt of more titan 00 000 a month in july nloiu tin bihvtsi month in the iur hut s hts ton du j ihiundb of mail wm flown which works out to 3 ol 000 hltirs satisfaction guaranteed nt numlcrnte cotit epheadr0 eouhl sixclullnt ul st georges squakl phone 1520w gdi 1 111 no nl wsiaphih in tllr wahti- iiaskit not long ago u busliiins man wa suuidlng in thi lobby of thi loeol post oiriu say un lbiuiwil banner he noticed a man n move his mall from hi box uiul glum i thniugh it without tnklnvt half u look at a brightly colored tirtular in tossi il it unom ned into uie lurgi wunu biuski t wi an doubtful if hi i vi n kntw what comtminy wu m nd iiik him thi udvirtlslng anothtr 1 m ul busltuhs man nnlli ed un rt or thi brightly i olored ir ular uul tin two men got hiking ubout uu iltalr ihiy lintsllguted uu vuslc bun kit anl ri und w viral of thi i irculuis tin curi u purl of uu whol thlnv wan tint not out of th in had 1m t n um ned it cast nioniv t print thi m and it iost niomv in invstagt to mull uu m to thi iihui bokholdirn but t tlulr nusugi did not htrike licrm tin txid part if tht win li irunsacll in wis iht hut that un nun in uu ir san h through thi wasti busk 1 1 did nit find a mnglt niwipaptr not om draw vour own conclusions tun decks cleared for trainiiur plan tlturi t 111 ippn v i the uvirugt uofcth of passinier jiwir nev on tht iruns cnnadir air linen in julv wius m nillt s as compared with t j hive to lo on kiiard at wlfl mlliln junt und 5s1 mtlm in may np mime rrnt will i must close now and i hop my in thi ir parl unu pilot of the mrpiunc experitnee is a mteresung vvhrre u mv waiulertnr btv tonight trunscanada air line are assltln in reading a it was seeing i wondir mar or far lw wax ffrt dv njlna fttvrftft ubht well so long for now an onxlou pannt asks and odd i u u deinutimnt of munitions nnd rods of love imxltmtio wkasir and alt where a uitcar supplv from united states point i training centre in canada the commvnlt pauer picklivg up the pairs that record ute happening of the little tow ii around us one gain remw- rdinith in lift here arc set forth only thatuhich uplifts a commun- il the attlvhhs of uieuulnea men uie church it mi the huppy social gathering of the people uie rnarrlage births and deaths farmer ttem and all the uiou- sornd and one dally occurence t that mnke up the simple anna of the great common people who are really the foundation of thl broad country of our papyri l om jim rnote tlie mmvuiln mentioned in the lrttir ire on view in tin fnrx pur is utndow and are most interesting tht five franc note were used for a brief description of pte mcoeachle trip into 1 vu in the jungle when suddenl horde of ravages nwooptd down upon france 1 me i good heavens uhutevtr did vou do 0 fitriity in i stared at them till i was black in the face and the took me for one o their own tribe tiiii struggle etllf rlamdkrs raisf battalion a proposal that a netherlands infantry j battalion be raised trrenat at uio expense of the ketherland oovernment in london englakva haa been approved by the department of nauonal defence r rdeclareuitiorhie heart t impossible tn thl struggle i tee it s a great struggle between light and darkness whatever be uie detail bf controversy betwven contending na tion fundamentally utl fight u for the thing f the spirit not for material baire noffor trtp of urrttory cardinal lllniley archbuhop of weil- minster j 1 royal clirlplim comfortable thralra i kid vv tn mono y nmr and howl thry rr mr and mm again uilluim mrnu povtfli lov i love you again with friink mchtjfch pdmund lut alurday shows coptnuou tuesday to thi rsia when the daltons rode with randolph scott kny francis binnddnlevy cetjr uunlrart andy devine hhowa bslly at sis 7 0 8 ib v k i daylight saving time dt t k huvt m ii lijition f man k vn r h i diftnci und uu sttlgt st r tin triiliiing plan hut will o imm u linildv l 000 y mn canadian to ramp tu h month to in taught t i dunu nt ik of mo i rn mildli link until un nun urtltlthi 11 h irul lug n ni h uu l dtftlmiiltd tuiip and uci turntd ov r t ml iturv iiilnil l i of lh dtpurtmtut if natl nil d ft nn n in n nihility for irr u k nn nls in a with dtpurlment f nation il war si rvj i tin til st task to be lucku d 1 v t in dipurtnein is uu 1 1 iss iuiili n am in fimng of ill nklstr iluin card accord u v t ut triut r nun ind wi im n muglt u d main 1 hevlfrnrh in iu h rnttmuncv ind dlslt t nvtror- t t at hi 1 in tu biirdfi in each of eleven military il rl ts ind it pitnrt kdwurtu- iitlimri m cinlictlnil this tabulittin slnili in n htiwtm the ngi of 21 and 41 an it iblt to be callet to train d irin the llr t v n- lu d t of vatli mil war sirvlie will cull up tm nun bv iir uu siuttng w th ii 21 veir of utetn oitober partmrni of nntli nal defmre n reqtilrrmint kmwn thi se men will be medlrallv t xamlnecljis n r is p sible to their place of regutration all men in rutei irv ci or bt tu r wl 1 be coniilrierrd fit for trulnii g trnnpi r tafirn will bi7irnided free forthe men to attend nutdjeaj exfimlhfltion and id proceed to one of the 30 or ninre train ing centre it l expected jjiifrc will be eight calls wluitn a year i auu cm jletfu for the family and for the home i all popularly priced ii ibex flnnneletle blankcu lome eu o eq per pair jrjwif wooicot rivnkets several color fco oc each lito iris drekhks rises it its risitu and petsj rrpes w style 249 bupfr fifrvick yarn for service sock navy khaki grey daii make one pair sock 85c ba we have a goad assortment at cosmetics toiletries nauntuil brand at popular prices rath toweto at fine assortment 25c u 75c i pa clolha v i0- rlh cotton hose hfbtw 0 to 10 itiul value ptr pulr 15c curtain nete draperies larfe asurtmit to choose irem made up curtalnssne to is 30 pair by uie yard lon to sftc yard drajierlen 2se to 7ie yard hoys loni troilserh see the assortment 125 u 295 spfat ial onf lot hoys puujovkrs thl week 98c mens oxforivk several style qualuira 2 50 lo 5 m5 underwear rail weigh u lor men and roys krvrral styles itlsht price roys olf sckks otlon zur pair hni wool 3lr mir ovfualls 1 so to 2 25 wohk pants 1 25 to 2 25 work shirts ftc lo 1 25 work socks 25c lo 75c work hoots a quality tor tvry job ranro and lathrr solfw 275 525 fvery pair guaranteed in olir grocery deit a well antarled stork to meet your nerds at keasonahie imlll lus elliott bros phone 3h acton ont tms m m mmms mw mmmw titm with a 1941 westinghouse s radio direct from london bring a peace of mind that is priceless london not only picture what ii going on at the mo ment but innoculate every er with the aptrit and icrue character nt ic to day of every briton young and old thank to the canadian broadcasting cnrporatun tome bbc program ore rcbroadiaat in caqada hut to get the real tang of lon don in the war yoi muat puh the london hutton on your new westinghouse receiver o that you will hear london direct and miu none of the thritlinjt new- rait commentator antl dramatic personality who review the ever changing situation day and night model 667x other world wida model prltd at low a 33 jno r leishman phone 3 acton mill street 7fru qt m9re t westinghouse